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SATURDAY. YOUNGER/ajfc ' » Xw mother JMMIw w/ IB THOSE GRAY HAIRS! | 1 Killthe Dandruff Germs—Stop Hair Falling ) ■ Thousands of mothers are'looking younger.—Their gray hairs are gone. The natural B ■ color has come back, and with it a new growth of soft, glossy, luxuriant hair. Why should ■ ■ yoa i look old before your time, when y»« caa look years yoanger by using ■ ■ Dandruff Cured 1 ■ II H | Three ■ ■ ■ 1 II ■ aI 1 dandruff and left my * U J SW I ■ •“'P cleaD > whi <e and smooth. > g C roak » Rochester, N. T. W I It Is Positively'Guaranteed to Restore ■ ■ Faded and Gray Hair to Natural Color 1 B ilf other “so-called” Restorers have failed, don’t give up hope, butt give'WYETH’S B U SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY a trial. You run no risk. . not. exactly > g aa represented, your money will be refunded. a 1 PROFIT BY OTHERS* EXPERIENCE ■ 1 Gray Hair Restored Grew Hair on* a' Bald Head a ■ My Esljr was getting quite gray and falling Out rapidly for two*or three years my hair had been J ■ Snd I was troubled with a terrible itching of the scalp. falling out and getting quite thin until the top ■ g My head was full of dandruff, which fell upon my clothes of my head was entirely bald. About four ■ w and kept me continually brushing it off. While on a months ago I commenced using Sage and Sul- g * visit to Rochester I heard of your Sage and Sulphur phur. The first bottle seemed to do some good W * for the hair. I got a bottle and used it. A few appli- snd I kept using it regularly until now I have g * cations relieved the itching, my hair stopped fall- used four bottles. The whole top of my head B B ing out and gradually came back to its natural color. It is fairly covered and keeps coming in thicker. B ■ is now a nice dark brown color, soft, glossy and pliable. I shall keep on using it a while longer, a* I B ■ Several of my friends want to use it, and I want to notice a constant improvement. ■ 1 know sybat you will charge me for six bottles of it. „ I f MISS E. A. ROSS. BIEPHEN RACON B B Sharon, Mercer Co., Pa. Rochester, N. Y. * I 50c. and $l.OO a Bottle —At all Druggists 1 1 I! Your Druggist Does Not Keep It, Send Vs the Price in Stamps, and We Will ■ ■ Send You a Large Bottle, Express Prepaid 1 J Wyeth Chemical Company 74 STOgSLSS" ( For Sale and Recommended by W. C. Kalteyer, Druggist. NIGHT RIDER THREATS I CAUSE HIM ID MOVE ] Life In Kentucky City Is Too • Unpleasant and Judge De- ■ cides to Leave It. Associated Press. Eddyville. Ky., June 25.—Unwilling longer to undergo the unpleasantness which is made a part of his daily life In Eddyville. Judge W. L. Crumbaugh, I formerly county judge of Lyon county. 1 Wil remove from Kentucky to lis, 111. Judge Crumbaugh has been the/ . . . j 1 , CARNEGIE LIBRARY BUrkO ©Wwt, Bstwsan OmUs m© Wftl * * DWWIB, toes from 9 © a. I* 9:30 p. at DONATIONS QF BOOKS { APPRECIATED ALL PRIVILEGES FREE c /TX . out the flies. Isell everything \SK' • screens. E * U WA HOFHEINZ ( 504 E. Houston St.l <7l All Who Suffer With TUBERCULOSIS Can H Get a FREE EXAMINATION at the FRENCH WL LABORATORY, 221 St. Mary's Street, Up , m Stairs. . . ■ . -i SAN ANTONIO “THE BEST IS, AYE, THE CHEAPEST." I AVOID IMITATIONS OF AND SUBSTI TUTES FOR SAPOLIO I ’subject of bitter attack by the night [riders and x has been threatened with [death if he did not .case his efforts to convict th» mon who were guilty of I outrages in Lyon county. Judge ('ntmbangh, although an old man, says ho has no fear of the night riders or their sympathizers and would stay and face them if he thought they would carry out their threats. ButJt is nor pleasant for him to live in Eddy ville. where tiiere is such open hostility to him. CELEBRATE CONVERSION OF MICMAC INDIANS Associated Press. | Campbellton, N. 8.. June 25.- Many Iprelates, priests and lay members of the Roman Catholic church participated this Iweek at the little village of St. Anne de Rotigouche, near here, in celebration of the three hundredth anniversary of the conversion of Chief Memberton and twenty-one braves of the Micmic tribe of Indians. The Indians were baptized at Port Royal, N. S., on St. John rhe Baptist’s day. 1610, by Joseph h'lesche and shortly afterward the entire Mic ma<- tribe in eastern Canada embraced Christianity. St. Anne de Restigouche: is now the headquarters of the remnants j of the Micmacs. . j WOODWARD CARRIAGE CO. Vehicles Harness and Rubber Tires 213, 215. 217 St. Maty'* Street SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE ; HIGH PRIEST TO ; BE RE-INCARNATED I I c Buddhist Who Lost His Head tc • ; Be Restored to His Title and Former Wealth. Associated Press. > Pekin, June 25.—Tardy justice is to I be done to a Tibetan Hootookatoo, a i high priest of Buddhism who lost his , i head w hen he incurred the displeas- Jure of the since deposed Dalai Lama, ■ ■ the religious head of the Buddists, who i . fled from Lhassa last spring. He is to P be reincarnated and his titles and I j wealth restored. ■ This is ordered in an imperial edict I just issued by Prince Chun, the regent ■ - of China. ■I The process of reincarnation will be similar to that of a Palai Lama. In- 1 ' fonts of a certain blood displaying ■ I signs that they possess the same soul i j as did the deceased will be assembled j and their names written upon slabs i of wood and sealed. I These will be placed in a large urn of precious metal from which the high I Lama will draw by chance one of the ■ names. The identity of flic reincarnat , ed one will be greeted by the populace , w-ith shouts of joy. —— NOTICE. I — Neal, the left handed barber, has moved from the Crystal Barber Sho|>, |405 Main plaza. His friends and cus tomers will find him at the Royal Bar ber Shop, 214 1 2 East Houston street. r °R | First-Class Livery I Phones 2333 4 BILLY SHEEHAN ■ SALOON lH All the Leading Brands l h Price j 701 W. Commerce sit FREI' HUMMEET, 802-204 W. Commerce St Wall Paper, Painta, Olase, Ar- I tista ’ Materials- Pictures and Pie- I tore Framing. GIRL IS THROWN INTO RIVER BY HER ASSAILANT I Is Rescued By a Policeman ant Taken to a Hospital In a Critical Condition, I MADE PLUCKY RESISTANCE । Fought Man Who Assaulted He | and, Infuriated, He Pushes L Her Over Embankment. | Associated Prsss. Yonkers, N. Y., June 25.—Miss Min I nie Brown, a 15-year-old high school L girl, is in a Yonkers hospital suffering ' from shock and serious injuries received | last night when she was attacked neat her home by an unidentified Italian and I thrown over a diff into the Hudson river after a light against her assail | ant. Deputies are scouring the district . for the man. | Miss Brown, who is the daughter of i wealthy New Yorker, was the hostess at I a party given to a number of school [mates. Toward 11 o’clock when th. I party was o\er she accompanied sev era) of her guests to their street cat I two blocks away. On her return down | the lonely Hi.lson river boulevard she i was attacked by. the man. He graspe I | her am . quickly tying a handkerehiel . over her inou*h and started dragging hei | toward a dark pier. The girl struggled ami the Italian pulled out a knife, gash ) iug her lightly to enforce his threats. At this she ’drew back, lifted a stone ) fre.n the roadway and struck the fellow in the face. Infuriated, he clutched at her, picked her t p mud hurled her over the edge of the embankment into the | river below. Policemen heard her ■ screams from a corner two blocks away and hurried to the scene. She was puli ।ed out of the water and taken to the [hospital apparently in n critical condi lion, but this morning the hospital phv sieians thought she wonld recover. INSIRBCIOK ARRfSIED FOR WHITE SUHNG I Professor In Languages at the California University Is In dicted for Conspiracy, — Associated Press. San Francisco. Cal.. June 25.—Joseph Hidalgo, an instructor in languages at the University of California, has been indicted on a charge of conspiracy fl against public morals. He was arrest J ed in company with a woman with * j whom it is alleged he was discussing ‘ a plan to enter the white slave trade. | Hidalgo is the author of a book on o aerial navigation. He is a Guatemalan and formerly represented his country as cousul in Japan. electionTn* panama Members of Municipal Council to Be 0 Named Tomorrow—Assembly Next a Sunday, s , , Associated Press. Panama. June 25.—The election of b members of municipal a-ouncils will take o place tomorrow and on the Sunday fol o lowing July 3, members of the national d assembly will be ballotted for. The assembly elections are of unusual im t portance this year by reason of the fact t that the new assembly will choose a suc cessor to fill out the unfinished two e years of the term of the late President bbaldia. { Calos Mendoza, now acting president, I is a candidate for the position and the I opinion is general that he will he elect s ed. ' BOY HITS TORPEDO ’ AND IS KILLED.' Associated Press. Louisville, Ky., June 25.—“L00k, mother. I have got the torpedo.’’ said ■ little 7-year old Dallas McCollum, yes- | s terday afternoon to his mother, and ! before she could run to where he was ’ sitting in the yard he struck the rail road torpedo with a hammer and was killed. It is believed the boy got the torpedo from the pocket of an old jaek ! et of his father, who is a railroad con > ductor. TO BEGIN INQUIRY AFTER SEPTEMBER. I Associated Press. 1 Washington. June 25. —The sub-com ' mittee of the senate committee on priv ! ileges and eleetien which is to invest!- [’gate charges of bribery in connection [ [ with the electio mif Senator Lorimer. ■ - l of Illinois, have decided that it would be impracticable to begin the inquiry , 1 before Sept. 1. ♦ * BABY FALLS THREE STORIES. IS UNHURT Associated Press. St. Paul, Minn., .'line 25.— As Marcel i Mohr, one'and one halt years old. was I [sitting on a third-story window sill last > night her mother -aw her pitch ba k I [wnrd ami disappear into the street be-i lion. The mother lushed downstair® to | find the lifeless form, hut the little one | was sitting eomplaieotly on the ground only slightly bruised. | Save the Babies. INFANT MORTALITY is something frightfol. We can hardly realize that of all the children bom in civilized countries, twentytwo per cent,, or nearly | one-quarter, die before they reach one year; thirtyseven per cent., or more than one-third, before they are five, and one-half before they are fifteen! d We do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Castoria would save a ma jority of these precious lives. Neither do we hesitate to say that many of these infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcotic preparations. Drops, tinctures and soothing syrups sold for children’s complaints contain more or less opium, or E morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity they stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congestions, sickness, death. Castoria operates exactly the reverse, but you must see that it bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. Castoria causes the blood to circulate properly, opens the pores of the skin and allays fever. Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. "" ~ . A. F. Peeler, of St Louis, Mo., says: “I have prescribed your Castoria case ® av * always found It an efficient and speedy remedy." I lr l Frederick D. Rogers, of Chicago, 111., says: I have found Fletcher’i ■3J*® Casioria very useful in the cure of complaints of children. M Ksi?' ~ Dr. William C. Bloomer, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: In my practice I am ff’ ad to recommend your Castoria, knowing it is perfectly harmless an« I jkl U Dwl j always satisfactory. MmW.'i Dr. E. Down, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: "I have prescribed your Cas — toria In my practice for many years with great satisfaction to myself and i' SI ; ALCOHOL 3 PER beDeflt ‘° “ y , P atients " AXigelablfßtMnjinnlirAs Dr ‘ Edwar “ F of Brooklyn, N. T., says: "I have used your Ca* L toria in my own household with good re ults, and have advised several >r Eft}® the Stomachs aiwjLßtiwkrf patients to use It for its mild laxative effect and freedom from harm.” Dr- J- B. Elliott, of New York City, says: "Having during the past sit uraS years prescribed your Castoria for infantile stomach disorders, I most HBflyi heartily commend its use. The formula contains nothing deleterious HS” PromotesDigestionJClvetfU- to^ he elicate of , chlldr4n ” '* T' ness and fest Containsneittw Dr ’ C- G ’ Sprasue > °* O ma ha. Neb., says: "Your Castoria is an Idea! ' Msr T' Opium .Morphine norMiocral medicine for children, and I frequently prescribe It While Ido not advo- S ‘ KI 1 ' Not NARCOTIC. cate l^e indiscriminate use of proprietary medicines, yet Castoria is an exception for conditions which arise in the care of children.” ■Nfll'F'v Br. J. A. Parker, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castoria holds the , r esteem of the medical profession in a manner held by no other propria* e I ry P re P ara ti° n - It Is a sure and reliable medicine for infants and chib r ■KEO I jfKtM- | dren. In fact. It is the universal household remedy for infantile ailments.” ' plao ( Dr. H. F. Merrill, of Augusta, Me., says: "Castoria Is one of the vary Khri I finest and most remarkable remedies for Infants and children. In my i P ' VSSfrUnn- I opinion your Ca’toria has saved thousands from an early grave. I can . afeZiuetnedvforChnsfcj * UI ’ nlsll hundreds of testimonials from thia locality aa to Its efficiency i»S - Hon. Sour Slnmadi.Dtontoa Bnd merlts ” . msT^LosswSr 1 genuine CASTORIA ALWAYS I FacSh* Sitianut of I Sou* the Signature of _ HR? 5 The Kind You Have Always Bought Exact Copy of Wrapper. |n UgQ Oyer gQ TNI CINTtUR COMPANY, FT MUNRAV DTR<rY. NEW YORK OfTV. BURLEY SOCIETY IS FACTOR 111 ELECTION Democratic Voters In Ashlanr District of Kentucky Are Hold ing Primaries Today. Aaasciated Preas. Lexington, Ky., June 25.—Democrat!, voters of the south or the “Ashlaw [district” so-called because it was fo 1 several terms represented by Henr; Clay, whose old home, “Ashland,” i near this city, are in the thores of ; hot congressional primary today. The Hurley tobacco society is a lead ing factor in the conteat, that organi zation being in the line up in the op position to Congressman J. Campbel Cantrill of Georgetown and iji support of State Senator Claude M. Thoma' of Paris. The campaign has been short but ha. aroused much interest. The district is historic in that in ad dition to Henry Clay it has sent to th. ■ lower house of congress, among others Richard M. Johnson, John C. Brecken | ridge. James B. Beek. Joseph C. S. ■ Blackburn and W. C, P. Bleckenridge. I Congressman Cantrill, who is serving | his first term, is president of the Ken ■ tucky branch of the American Society of Equity. He has opposed the 1910 ■ pool of the Burley tobacco crop. 4th Of July cards at Dahrooge Post Card Co.. 315 Alamo plaza. 1 cent each. *."OU WILL BE INTERESTED IN HOME NEWS WHILE AWAY THIS SUMMER H VE THE I lOHT AND GAZETTE FOLLOW YOU. Lung Troubles Also nose and throat successful/ treated by the Bensonizer and all other approved methods. The Bensonizer 106 West Houston Street. 206-209 Book Building. YOB PURE ALTESIAJt ICE PHONE EITHER PHONE. 22 and 146 THE ARTESIAN KE CO. PRIQniUPR ATTEMPTS '<« , pd but Ins fingers and thumb were rniOUlMtn HI ICMriO rl , thhw _ h Md tfce hones in ca-h TO CUT OFF HIS HAND ™ k ।reason for lue act that he once Kilie*! a n an and had enioved no case of mind 11 A..0c1.t.d Press j gin ee the crime. ' Atlanta. Ga.. June 25. —Ln obedience ♦ »» to the scriptural injunction demrinding I Dr. G. E. Gwinn. 301-302 Hicks Bldg. “ithe cutting off of an offending hand or i •«» ■ ■ (foot, with e gafiney, a prisoner at the! READ THE LIGHT AND G/ZETTF Atlanta stockade attempted to sever his WHILE AT YO‘> "U 'MER HOMS right hand with an ax. He did not sac ! WE'LL SFND IT TO YOU. SAN ANTONIO LOAN & TRUST CO? or I (INCORPORATED WITHOUT BANKING PRIVILEGES) Acts as Trustee, Executor or Guardian WF PAV J. Qft 0N SAVING ■J — ACCOUNTS I‘l DIRECTORS GEO. W. BRACKENRIDGE, PRESIDENT. is Leroy G. Denman, Vice President. Edwin Chamberlain, Vice President M. E. Brackenridge. Dr. Ferd. Herff Sr. i- Mrs. Caroline Kampmann. Thos. B. Palfrey. e Mrs. E. A. Stribling. Chas. A. Zilker. s, WM. L. HERFF, SECRETARY AND TREASURER. ij > ■— R. __ « THE FIRST DAY OF JUNE MARKS THE BEGINNING OF v DRAUGHON'S GREAT SUMMER OFFER °i ■i i I IT IS UP TO YOU. 5 An sxesllont nppnrtnnity m>»n every you ng man and woman In Sonthwaat Terse । POSITIONP •ornr#»d. Ws could eatily puee 500 Student© by September lit. 9 START NOW Your tor?r begins the day you enter Your ©alary bo< n» the dir after yon <r*duota ■ If we fat’ r*t you © good position within 15 day* after you rradnaVv BACK GOES YOXfB MONEY Yon had jutt fare the meritabl© faet that a thorough knowledge of Bookkeap ing or Shorthand or Telegraphy or. better ©til!, all combined, is your only ehanoe Io quirklp I get a atrour tooth ed in the rommorcial world f :>RAU«HON 5 PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGES hare atartad mere than a bundrad r tboaond voting men and women on th- road to sucre©#. Lat u© start you. Hma to ret -nay it BIGHT MOW. DRAUGHON’S S COLLEGE , New Phone 2224. Old Phone IMS. Alnao Pinna Oronkwtt St . Sm Antonio Texas. GOOD ALBEIT UNE 6EO. B. TALIAFEIIO LUMBER BUS ZALMANZIO Prompt Albert Rir\e Delivery « » courteous Lvimber Co. Treatment BOTH PHONES 3132 1817 S. Presa St. Forßui'ding Purposes “Sunset Crossing" .TUNE 25. 1910. 3