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ELECTRIC PARK Open Every Night THIS WEEK’S VAUDEVILLE ATTRACTIONS. THREE MUSICAL COLES. MISS NELLIE STEEN Pnma Donna Soprano. MR. ARTHUR LEO. Some Dancer. EMMERSON AND MORRIS, Eccentric Comedian,. TWO PERFORMANCES EVERY NIGHT. Admlssior to Park, 10c. Star Theatre Vaudeville and Moving Pictures. Three Top Notch Acts Weekly. Admission, 10c; children. sc. Matiuee, 3:15; night. 7:30 on. S CHEUE RMEYER ....PARK.... EVERYTHING GOOD TO EAT AND DRINK ■ CONCERT By San Antonio Band Every Evening From Bto 11 o'Clock 1 HOT WELLS B OPEN AIR CAFE || Open Every Evening EH Special Musical Program by Prof. KM Rogers’ orchestra. VAUDEVILLE ACTS. Mt Cnisine and service unexcelled. M TAKE. HOT WELLSCAR. Base bals TEXAS LEAGUEiL ' TODAY s. A. BRONCHOS EHOUSTON Game Called 4:30 o’Clock. : .- — Tickets on sale at Morris Block & Co.. 519 Alamo Plaza BARGAINS! Closing out at cost. Entire stock of Buggies and Wagons. BOND-GEORGE HDWE. CO. Military Plaza. anouncements FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. The Light and Gazette is authorized to announce W* C. Linden for the office of District Attorney—subject to the democratic primaries July 23. FOR PURE ARTESIAN a Phare 11 I s IPhone 22 and 146. THE ARTESIAN ICE CO. Carload Lota a Specialty. CANCER CUBED BY , DR. T. C, BELL 106 W. Houston. Book Bldg. ELITE CAFE Corner Boledad and W Commerce etc. WM H. SALOE. Prop. High Grado Meats. Spring Lamb and Veal a Specialty. Youngblood Automobile Co. Wo have one of the most complete vulcan izing plants tn the Southareet. lor all kinds of tire repairs. All tire work called for and delivered free anywhere in the city. Jr. st phone ns. Youngblood Automobile Co. ibio 3. Press. Hot Wells Line. New Phone 459. TUESDAY, BIG THINGS ARE PREDICTED FOR SIN ANTONIO W. G. Crush, Katy's General Passenger Agent, Says More Hotels Are to Be Built. HOMESEEKERS LOOK HERE Alamo City Is Being Favorably Talked About All Over the North. KATY’S NEW TICKET OFFICE It Is Inspected By Mr, Crush, Who Orders All Modern Improvements Made. “I predict that within three years San Antonio will need a much larger hotel than any now constructed and will possibly be i’n line for three more of the same pattern as that of the St. An thony, Gunter and Monger hotels. Win ter tourists are coining this way in droves this year, and it is now up to the, people of the city to provide ample hotel facilities.”—W. G. Crush, gen eral passenger agent of the Missouri, Kansas 4 Texas railroad. Mr. Crush arrived in the city this morning for the purpose of looking after the improvements to be made in the city passenger and ticket office in this city and will leave for his head quarters at Dallas tonight. It is ex pected that when the local office is re fitted it will be one of the cosiest places in the entire south. The new counter, which is being made by a local cabinet maker, will be located on the east side of the office in the Gunter hotel build ing, and the old counter will be torn away. That space will be used for set tees to accommodate the patrons of the road. Other improvements will consist of new electric fans, a new ticket case, tile flooring and the office will be par titioned off for the freight and passen ger departments. Katy’s Homeseeker Business. Speaking of the business that the Katy expects to do this fall in home seeker and winter tourist traffic, Mr. Crush said: “At this time of the year the general offices at St. Louis and Dallas are busy in sending out literature of Texas to prospective winter tourists in all sec tions of the country. This will give the people who expect to seek a warmer climate during the cold months time iu which to make their selection and as this state gets in oq the ground floor, we expect to get the business. On a recent trip through the northern and eastern states. I was greatly surprised over the number of people who had al most a perfect knowledge of San An tonio and southwest Texas. I learned that this was brought about by the in creased hotel facilities and means that it, with the Publicity League of San Antonio, are doing wonders all over the country.” AUSTIN EXPECTS POLITICIANS SOON Leaders Expected Friday and Saturday to Get Ready for the Special Session. Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., July 12.—Interest is in creasing as the time draws near for the special legislature,' called by Governor Campbell to convene here July 19. Speaker John Marshall of Grayson conn ty is expected to arrive Friday night or Saturday morning, and Representative Clarance E. Gilmore of Van Zandt coun ty, chairman of the committee named to investigate prison affairs, is expected today. It is not believed that the ses sion will do anything having a bearing on the gubernatorial race. CABINET MEMBERS ARE AT BEVERLY Associated Press. Beverly, Mass., July 12. —The presi dent today divided his time between golf and politics. Department affairs at Washington and conditions in Alaska also came in for their share of consid eration. Senator Crane of Mississippi spent the day in Beverly and had an extend ed conference during the morning with Secretary Norton. He lunched with the president and talked with him after wards. Attorney General Wickersham and Secretary Nagel of the department of commerce and labor have appoint ments with the president this afternoon. MAGAZINE EXPLODES. । One Killed and Twenty Hurt in Bia, Explosion at Cabot. Pa. Associated Press. Pittsburg, Pa.. July 12.—The powder magazine at Cabot. Pa., exploded, ear ly today killing at least one person and injuring about twenty others. The magazine was the property of the Standard Plate Glass company, and contained loot) [rounds of dynamite and 5000 pounds of blasting powder. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE SOME SALOONS ARE OPERATING WITHOUT PERMIT Between thirty and fifty saloons in Bexar county are running today in tech nical violation of the state law, by a strict interpretation of hid, everyone could be closed tighter than a drum. They have no licenses. At 12:01 a. in. Monday the licenses of nearly 35p saloons in Bexar county expired for The year 1909-1910. Those who had taken out new licenses could continue to operate. Those who had no new licenses were technically bound to close. As many as forty saloons in Bexar county had no new licenses but they have continued to operate. , Ti e law requires that notice of appli cation for permits to do a malt or liquor business should be posted for ten nays at the court house door. This is to. enable any to enter protects against granting a license. By dilatoriness sqpie failed to file their applications in time to grant the licenses. Because of this, no licenses have yet been is sued. According to the ruling of the attor, ney general, made public several days ago, those who had not taken out the renewal were bound under the law to close until such time as the new permit was forthcoming. So far as reported, no saloon in this county has followed the opinion of the attorney general and in some quarters there is criticism dt ifeted at them for failure to do so. The critics say that the saloon men were re sponsible for the delay in getting theiT new licenses and they ought to be made to abide by the attorney general's ruling. County Clerk Frank R. Newton this morning stated that between thirty and fifty operated Monday and arc operat ing today without a license. When 12:01 o’clock Monday morning rolled around, ho says that those who had not reewiv ed their new permits, committed a tech nicai violation of the liquor law. This, however, was none the less real because it was technical, but he does not believe that adverse criticism will take the length of filing complaints charging violation of the liquor law. Saloon men—those who have not yet a new, license—were as numerous as bees around the county clerk’s office this morning. In many instances, the permit has been granted on the docket but the actual license slip has not been issue*!. Within two or three days, how ever, it is believed that all the licenses will be issued and that then there will be none in Bexar county even technic ally violating the liquor law. FDUR ARRESTS FOLLOW RAID Charged With Participating In Lynching at Newark in Ohio Last Friday; Columbus, Ohio, July 12.—Four men were arrested at Newark early today on information furnished by the gov ernor’s office and charged with par ticipating iu the riot Friday night. Those arrested were Weldon Kerr, Chas. Bagley, Ed Willis and Edward Shaller and they were locked in the city jail charged with complicity in the riot Friday night. The arrests arc being kept quiet in anticipation of the arrest of several other men who are under surveillance. The new chief of police, Charles Hinde), and the new police captain, Chas. Swank, were ar resting officers. Grand Opening—The Century Bowl ing alleys, July 15th, at Nacogdoches and Houston streets. RUNS SHORT OF COPIES OF THE ELECTION LAW A. B. Storey, chairman of the state democratic executive committee, re turned this morning from Lockhart, where he hail been- attending to some legal matters. He states that he has been besieged with requests from all county chairmen iu the state asking for copies of the Terrell election law. As he was out of copies, he advised all applicants to enclose a four-cent post age stamp to the attorney general at Austin, and they would receive a copy by return mail. DIABETES From late figures the 'hope of recov ery under the new emollient treatment seems to be about as follows: In people of sixty and over results are quite uniform, probably nine-tenths recovering. While at fifty and over a large majority of all cases yield to the treatment, below fifty and approaching forty the disease gets more stubborn, and between thirty and forty the per centage is not high—probably not much over half yielding. Under thirty the percentage is less and in children recoveries have been very few and most, of those were ob tained with the aid of skilled physicians forcing nutrition, with alkaline treat ment to prevent formation of acetones. The new emollient treatment is known as Fulton's Diabetic Compound. Fo l- sale at all drug stores. Druggists supplied by San Antonio Drug < 'o. We desire every patient to write us who is not noting the usual improve ment by the third week. Always state age. Literature mailed free. Jno. J. Fulton < 0.. 212 First St., San Fran cisco, Cal. Wo iuvito correspondence with physicians who have obstinate cases. CONSPIRACY IS DNEARTHED IN HAVANA Authorities Find That Plan Was on Foot to Destroy Foreigners' Property. SOUGHT COMPLICATIONS Associated Press. Havana. July 12. —The purpose of the conspiracy for which the mulatto, Col. Jorge Valera and his associates were arrested yesterday, was to com pel American intervention, • according to the government’s information. The secretary of the interior issued an official statement to the effect that it was learned some days ago conspir acy existed with the design of blow ing up the bridges and railways and the destruction of property of foreign ers. Au investigation resulted in the discovery that the suspects were in constant communication with a stock broker whose name is unknown to the government. A description of this man has been obtained and the police are making an active search for him. CITY NEWS Storey in Lockhart—A. B. Storey, state chairman of the democratic exec utive committee, is at Lockhart today attending to some legal matters. He is expected to return to the city today. Picnickers- KODAKS loaned FREE. Fox Studio, 209 Alamo plaza. Jewish Literary Club—A regular meeting of the Jewish Literary club will be held this evening at the club’s quarters in the T. O. O. F. building at 8:30 p. m. All members are requested to he present as there are several ques tions of importance to come up. Merchants notice —Ring 1182 for dis tributing circulars and sign tacking. Senator From Seguin—Senator F. C. Weinert of Seguin, is spending the day in the city, stopping at ,the Gunter hotel. He says he will be in his seat in the senate chamber at Austin when the special session of the legislature opens next Tuesday. Ring 187 for help or position. Dr. F. A. Piper. Osteopath, Gibbs Bldg Addition to Family—Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Webb are the proud parents of a fine baby boy born Friday afternoon. This is the second addition to the fam ily. Ring 187 for reliable messenger boys. Dr. Littrell moved to Conroy Bldg. Want to Hear About Us—Requests have been made f the Chamber of Commerce for descriptive and industrial articles of San Antonio by the Worces ter Magaz.'ne, of Worcester, Masy, and the Bankers' Mat' zine of New York. The request: will be granted and ’.he articles will be prepared bv George A. Schreiner, press agent of the Publicity league. B B B messenger boy gets there first Lotus Lodge Installs—Officers for the ensuing six months were installed by Lotus lodge No. 89, Knights of Pythias, the ceremonies being conducted b' Paul Frirsscn. deputy grand chancel lor, following which a supper was en joyed. T!" now officers are: M. E. Hay, chancellor commander; .Toe Bet teneort, vice chancellor; Fred Sherman, prelate: R. G. Thomas, master at arms; Will Riebe, outer guard; William Er bon, inner guard; Adolph Laesner, mas ter of the work. Ring 187 for reliable messenger boys Dixie S. C. shirtwaist dance Wednes lav. 13. Fest’s hall. Artzt. music. Will Advertise City — George W. Thomas, southwestern passenger repre sentative of the Chicago 4 Alton, und Ueveral other lines in the north and least, with headquarters at Dallas, was I in the city Monday afternoon and as ' sured the Publicity league that the lines I he was representing would get in lino ’this fall with the advertising of San I Antonio as the winter re rt of the south. He supplied Secretary Carring ton with letters to the general officers of the lines ho represents and asked hici to call on them while in the north. i Wanted—lnformation as to where- I about. of Thos. Slmrdlow, painter by I occupation. W. D. Clapp, 1905 Chap man street, Houston, Tex. On account of my mother’s funeral 1 Wednesday. July 13, my shop will be closed. A. Fuller. COTTON MEN TO SUE. Liverpool Firms Caught in Knight-Yan cey Failure Seek Lega’ Special Dirpatch. Liveqiool, July 12.—The directors of the cotton association decided to sup port financially any legal proceedings taken bv the members arising from the losses suffered by dealings with the Ala bama firm of Knight, Yancey & Co. A large number of Liverpool cotton firms suffered heavily early in May through having made payments on alleged false bills of lading received from America. The firm of Knight, Yancey & Co. went into bankruptcy and was charged with having drawn drafts on Liverpool and other foreign firms to the amount of several hundred thousand dollars. Sale Items at the Sample. This Week!! =Men’s Profits = The classy patent colt button and Blucher Oxfords. The best styles out. With the Goodyear welt soles, with the nifty dull calf tops. The correct shoe for the correct foot. $4 Values Elsewhere, Here $1.98 The cool, desirable Russia tan calf in the effective three-eyelet Pump Tie, the Goodyear welt soles are noticed in combination with the just now stylish military heel. $4 Values Elsewhere, Here $2.79 = Womes’s Savings - An instep strap Pump with the hand turned sole and the Cuban heel every one has been wanti' g and only half the women could find. The demand has been so incessant. The brilliance of the patent colt is emphasized by the small cut steel ornament. $4 Values Elsewhere, Here $1.89 The style-declaring golden brown Sailor Pump, made of the vici kid. hand turned sole, flexible leather, high-arched with the high Cuban heel. $4 Values Elsewhere, Here $2.49 uO LESS fY/LM PL& |(0 MORf $2 $3 TOR.& II 108- E COMMERCE ST. (GUARANTEE’S OLD STANDI [ CARLOS BEL IS IN SENATORIAL RACE TO STM Democratic Candidate Makes an Emphatic Statement of His Intentions. BOTH CANDIDATES TO RUN Julius Real Declines to With draw and Fight to a Finish Is the Ultimate Result. •'I have no intention of with-* drawing from the race for senator. I trust nothing will be said or done to mar the pleasant relations be tween Senator Real and mys>< In these words Canos Eee this morning unequivocally denied that he would retire from the race, thus bringing about a condition where in many could go into the prima ries to vote for Colquitt for gov ernor and then could vote in the general election for Senator Real. The situation has been brought about by a committee calling on Sena- I tor Keai at Kerrville last week to ask | him to withdraw from the race and I thus allow many of his supporters to ' enter the primaries, presumably to vote for Colquitt. The elimination of Senator Kcal would insure the election |of Bee. Contruiant Senator Heal retorted that the proper move would be tor Bee to withdraw. This, he asserted, . would allow everybody to go into the prrmaries and vote for Colquitt. Real not being a candidate in the primaries he could be voteil, for in the general । election without violating the pledge, , |as there would be no democratic nom inee for senator. But Carlos Bee this mornin gem : phatically denied any intention of get i ting out of the running. He said ho I was not a party to the movement •'which had been made to get Senator ' Real to withdraw, and that he had I known of it only through hearsay. He was not responsible for any such move- I ment. but he did stand responsible for ■ Lis own action in refusing to withi 11 draw. “I announced in good faith,’’ est, I Mr. Bee. “because I not only bel I could personally be of serv : ! the people, but alao, because I , ,oil- 1 believe that a democratic senat< water ' jbo of greater service than U « toft can senator, however worthy M wtrfer Discusses the Issues.f rubbed “The issues which will (3) »e -, the next legislature.” conti: w i dry • Boe. “are of great importance good. {people of our section. A repi ( senator in a membership of 31 would necessarily exercise only a negative in fluence. He could be excluded from all caucusses and conferences and his I vote would be the only influence ho would exert. A democratic senator would participate in all matters shap- j ing and influencing legislation. In : other words, the situation contem- | ' plates a negative representation by an I excellent gentleman, and an aggros- i I sive, affirmative representation by a member of the democratic party who i thinks, acts and believes with Lis peo ple and their best interests. I “Not only will prohibition be an im > portant issue, but the next legislature reapportions the state into now dis tricts. San Antonio and this district i will need especial .attention. I have no political ambition to gratify in the! j work of reapportiomnent and my efforts : 11 will be in behalf of San Antonio and I 'this senatorial district. “1 will speak at Boerne. Fredericks-: burg and other [daces this week urging a full attendance at the primaries. 1 ■ trust nothing will be said or done that: will mar the pleasant relations between Senator Real and myself. Certainly on my part I will continue to express my personal high regard for him at all times. No one more earnestly desires n large primary vote than I do. The' ' issues which are to be settled will bo । settled by the democratic party. I'nlcss jail voters participate in the primaries | on July 23 they will have no voice in | the result.” I Another Caucus Today. i At a meeting slated to be held this I afternoon the subject of Carlos Bee’s withdrawal from the race will be dis-j cussed. In view of his positive state I I ment made this morning, it enn havo no i | result. Mr. Bee declines with much ' ' vigor to let Senator Real have a re- j > ejection uncontested. i With this situation confronting both’ । ' republicans and democrats, the :ip|>ea> ~ ances (udieate that Real and Bee will . go to thA-.imst together. Last night F Senator Real, through his friends, al : lowed it to be that he would never consent to dray down. If any- 1 body was to withdraw. S*e said, it must ' be Hie democratic ean’didtfe. ’| This morning Carlos live put the ■ quietus on that proposition tuid the ' futility of attempting to geA either ' man out may cause the proposition to 1 i be dropped. Colquitt's candidacy will 1 ' cause many of the friends of Real t<» . ! go into the primaries and pledge them selves to vote for democratic nominees lull down the line. Conversely. Reaß*’ • cand'Kaey will cause many ardent Cp quittites to stay out ot the • in a ler to have the opporto«£ v ‘ of ■ election. Predicts lively time .1 AT SPECIAL SESSION beA • nd \ecording to C. K. Walters, a mem the mL O *” legislature from Gonzales, luUuJlLimiug social session of the law ' Be bodv will be a warm and live!' Gi “«*>,u start to finish. Mr. Walter' each otlon A. B. Storey, chairman •>’ brown democratic executive eom ‘o v“- v hiB table*poonß|iUUl. , , () each of thrt be would d 1 mix and । what would ‘ eateu. / . i u , r u woul'i Z but th»i 11,1 Steak agitation to ” u ‘ ' , . xte&k mar >v bile .mJ J“ s * 4 JLTY 12, 1910. as it remained in session. Mr. Walters states that he is not a candidate for re election this year, but will let others bear the burden and brunt of battle. During his three terms as a member of the legislature. Mr. Walters has accom plished muck good for his district. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A S TO R I A Grand Opening —The Century Bow ing alleys, July 15th, Nacogdoches and Houston streets. Alleys reserved for private bowling parties. Dr. ti tights, cyr, car, n<»<e unu throat. Offi*** mid infirmary, *O3 St. Mary’s. NOTICE AH depositors of the Woods National Bank who have not call ed for the sixth dividend or any previous ones are requested to • all and receipt for same before July 15. as the office will be clos ed. H. N. MORRIS. Receiver Woods National Bank. G“o. A Stdkon. John Riegel Jr. STILLSON-RIEGEL 333 East Commerce Street. Galvanized Iron and Copper Cornice. T Roofin’ and Gutters. General Sheet Metal Work, furnace Heating. Ne.v Phone 916. Old Phone 3137. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. ARCHER Official Photographer National RaU' way* of Mexlca Designing, liiusfrating Photographing IM Soledad St. VeramenU BMj rrs THE BEST LN TOWN TRY II The San Antonio Steam Laundry Co. IS I North St »«» *7® See us for Bargains Cady-Cotter Furniture Co. 327 E. Commerce St. 5