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12 ND DANGER ID THE RAILROADS Jordan Sees No Peril In Gov ernment Supervision—“ Will Help Them and Public." Asa elated Press. .New York, July 18.— “There Is no danger to the railroads in government supervision.’’ declared David Starr Jordan of Leland Jr., university in an interview published here today. “On the contrary,’’ he says, “gov ernment supervision will benefit both the railroads aud the public by con serving the interests of both. It is far better for a railroad like the Sou thern Pacific, for example, which trav erses many states, to be under the supervision of a strong, able interstate commerce commission than under the rule of the legislatures of maay states. The railroad question is to# big for the individual states to handle, there- Sore, the federal government has a right ■to step in and supervise. Any theory vf states rights that does not concede that the government must handle these corporations and questions which have sjrown too large for the states to han dle, is unsound. “In the west particularly in the mid dle west, there is a demand that the railroads be taken in hand by the government, but with the exception of a few radicals there are none who wish to give the railroads anything but a square deal. In the last analysis, the railroads are the creatures of the peo ple and owned by the people who can be depended upon to deal fairly with them. They are assured fair treat ment by the Interstate Commerce Com mission. Under the old system of hav ing the states attempt to regulate the railroads, it meant either that the rail roads owned the state which was bad for both, or that the railroads were harrassed by demagogues and oth ers. LAND SLIDE HIT TRAIN-ONE KILLED Associated Press. Hawesville. Ky., July 18.—The Louis- Henderson and St. Louis west bound I passenger train which left Louisville ' last night for St. Louis was wrecked by a landslide two miles from this city I early today. Fireman Beynolds was killed and several passengers sligthly ' shaken up. The landslide came just as ! the train was passing under a high ( bluff. The locomotive and baggage car । were swept from the track by the aval anche and carried 200 feet. Two pas senger coaehes were derailed but re mained upright. The two heavy Pull man ’s kept to the rails. mid JUMPS 40 FEIT OVER OlOff Turns Over Twice and Lands a Total Wreck —Candidate for Governor In Machine. Associated Press. Eureka, Cal., July 18.—Secretary of State Curry and three members of his party, who have been touring northern (California in the interest of Curry’s candidacy for the governorship had a marvelous escape from death late Fri day night when the big touring car in iwhich Curry and his party were riding skidded on a mountain road between Fort Bragg and Garberville, and plunged over a forty foot embankment. The car turned over twice in its decent tond landed on its wheels a total wreck. The injured: Charles Curry, both legs wrenched. Charles Bredhoff, San Francisco, fate put and one shoulder badly s-prained. Lew Norton, San Francisco, back and tip wrenched. GRAN LI6A MEXICANA INSTALLS NEW OFFICERS The newly elected officers of the Gran Liga Mexicana, the purpose of which is to bind together the Mexicans for mu tual protection and benefit, were install cd last night. The officers are: Jose G. Nieto, president; Thomas Tanguma, vice president; Alfonso F. Zaragoza, secretary; Thomas Hernandez, treas urer; Jose Esquival, assistant treasurer; Miguel G. Dena, Claudio Guerra, Pablo Guajardo, Trinidad Gomez and Pablo M. Fernandez, directors. Addresses were delivered by President Nieto, Secretary Zaragoza, Ignacio Loxana and Miguel O. Dena. Branches of the Gran Liga are to be established at New Braunfels, Seguin, Elmendorf and other places in south Texas. BABY’S FALL FATAL Belton Infant Bolls Out of Bed and Sustains Broken Neck. Special Dispatch. Belton, Tex., July 18.—The body of the infant son of Mrs. Chas. Fullwiler of Abilene was started for Abilene this morning where the burial will take place. Mrs. Fullwiler came to Belton several days ago to visit relatives and yesterday morning the child, who is nHbut one year old, was playing on the bed when he fell to the floor room, breaking bis neck. Thore are more than 34.000 members •f the American Medical association. MONDAY - , Listen a Minute! Mrs. Economist! ‘‘Roosevelt in Africa” “Roosevelt’s Hunting Trip in’Afri ca’’—the story of his life, the voy age from New York to Mombosa through the heart of Africa, etc. Ful ly illustrated. By Frederick Wil liam Ungar, celebrated lecturer and war correspondent. Pric- ff E ed tomorrow w Copk Book “The Twentieth Century Home Cook Book’’—a collection of practical rec ipes and suggestions, embracing every branch in the art of cookery, including special departments for sick-room, nursery, house- ff E hold economy, etc w Up to 10c Laces 3c One big sale table given over to these laees —several thousand yards of jhem in Point de Paris edges and insertions, cotton torchon edges and insertions and linen torchon lace edges and insertions. A Variety of patterns —values to 10c, Mon- 0 — day, yard wC Two Soap Snaps Cuticura and Packer’s Tar are about as widely known as any two toilet soaps on the market. They are sold everywhere at 25c the cake. For to morrow we propose to offer three cakes —Cuticura or Pack- ff er's Tar Soap —for DUC 10c Handkerchiefs 4c A special purchase by our Eastern buying organization — several hun dred dozen of these handkerchiefs, and they’re in just the styles women want for summer Sheer linon handkerchiefs with embroidered cor ners and hemstitched edge, yg 10c values tomorrow “Tw Handkerchiefs Just what milady wants for summer —white linon handkerchiefs! Plain styles, finished with hemstitched edge; fancy embroidered styles and some finished with lace edge. Yuu couldn’t begin to match these hand kerchiefs under sc. Choice 0 — tomorrow Ao C Wash Cloths Everyone know# AIR-CEL — you know, too, what a splendid wash doth it is—easily the best! And tomorrow in this After Inventory Sale we 're going to sell the genuine Air-Cel wash cloths at 3 l-3c each. Or. while they last, you 4 0 — can buy 3 for AvC Bath Towels Just one case of bath towels to ce closed out during this After Inven tory Sale at 4c. When they are gone, no more under 8c Good bleach ed bath tow-els, finished with fring ed ends. Splendid little towels in this sale, beginning tomor- — row, for “T C Roller Toweling 2yzc A SNAP—and a big SNAP, too! Bleached roller toweling for 21-2 c the yard—you never had a similar offering and may not soon again, so heed this bargain NOW. One case only in this After Inventory Cleaiv ance, not over ten yards to 0»/ a customer—yard Fruit of the Loom Another big bargain plum for to morrow—bleached “Fruit of the Loom” domestic for 813 c yard. “Fruit of the Loom” is known by every shopper as one of the best do mestics money can buy. And Tues day it will go at —12 4 yards for JL ■ 8c Ginghamssc Yard About half price for any of a big lot of dress ginghams, they" are in fancy styles and include broken checks plaids and stripes—just the thing for children s dresses. Bought off the bolt they cost 8c and 10c the vard lengths of from 4to 10 yards ff ’ tomorrow, yard vX C Parasols Good news for a host of San In tomo women—patrons who have been waiting word of White Parasols And they are here—and in goodly fro "' 75c to ' 3 j O, black from $1 to $4.50. The Joske Furniture Section Offers GOOD FURNITURE Cheao! 1 | *HE JOSKE FURNITURE SEC HON offers the most varied stock of good furniture in the city—furniture for every room in the house —fur- niture suitable for cottage or for mansion; at prices lower than are asked elsewhere for inferior goods And we have a deferred payment plan for those who wish to make partial payment at time of purchase. You may take advantage of it for the asking. Here are a few seasonable bargains : Joske Bed Davenport Frame made of solid oak; upholster ed in genuine Boston leather; guar anteed steel construction, with large clothes box underneath. When open makes full size bed. Regular $27 50 value. Joske's price 4 0 ©ff tomorrow JL ZJ - yg JOS K E'S THE BIG STORE FOR ONCE stop gathering pennies in a savings account. Let this Big After-Inventory Clear ance reap golden interest tor you—save 25c, 33c—yes, as high as 50c on the dollar expend ed—4c or 5c interest on a dollar in the bank .... Six days of the sale have gone. Don’t miss the next —tomorrow. It starts—the beginning of the end of this After-Inventory Clearance. Remember, you can buy such goods at clearance prices just once in a year. You must buy the goods some where. If you are wise you will come and buy while this After-Inventory Clearance gives you the merchandise at such little prices as are quoted on this page. Children’s 25c & 35c Socks for 15c A fortunate purchase by our Eastern office —three hundred dozen of these 4 av fancy Socks for less than half ] rice tomorrow. They 4 1 are in fancy top styles—a variety of designs in all I JL sizes, 4% to 8% —worth 25c to 35c, each JL Children’s 25c Hose 15c—Children's Women’s 20c Hose 13c—Women’s black lace hose, sizes sto 6 1-2 only, black gauze Hose, made with the double heels, soles and toes. 1 g double heel, sole and toe. Reg 1 O Regularly 25c, tomorrow, pair. JDC ularly 20c, tomorrow JDC Boys' 10c Hose 7c —Boys’ ribbed Women’s 50c Hose 35c —A lot of odd Hose, in sizes sto 9 1-2; absolutely lots and “broken lines” of 50c Hose, fast black—the best we had at including cotton, lace and em- Og 10c; tomorrow, pair / C broidered hose ODC Misses’ 25c Hose 15c —Misses’ fine Women’s 75c Hose 50c—Women’s ribbed Hose, in fast black with dou- lace Hose, embroidered ankle hose, ble heel, sole and toe. “Sec- 1 g plain lisle hose and silk boot g n onds,” of regular 25c hose.. IDC hose, with lisle top DUC 30,000 Yards of Embroidery in the After Inventory Clearance at *4 Price and Less It is a fresh, new lot —different styles and patterns, and includes everything you can bring to mind from embroideries in dainty baby widths to great wide Bouncings. Of course, there are edges, insertions and headings—quantities of them in entire matched sets. Another point— there’s not a piece of machine loom embroidery in the lot; most of the patterns look as though hand made productions. The designs are splendid—the comparative prices tell their own story of savings. AT W Au immense collection of Swiss and nain / C sook edges and insertions in widths of 2 to 5 inches and in dainty designs that match. Usual 15c value in this sale 7c yard. AT Swiss and nainsook edges and insertions, in patterns to match; match sets for in fants’ clothes and wider widths for undermuslins — some as wide as 7 inches. Values to 20c, all at 9c yard. AT 4 ff Edges, insertions and bendings of Swiss A C and nainsook, in dainty designs and styles for infants’ clothes; also in widths suitable for trimming undermuslins. 25c kind for 15c yard. gT The Joske store CLOSES Remember that EACH THURSDAY throughout the WJ Each Thursday at Ip. rn. heated period the store will close promptly at 1 o’clock Tub Fabrics: White and Colored 25c Homespun Silk 18c —A merceriz ed cotton dress material that closely resembles rough silk —in pink, light blue, rose, brown, tan, 4 0 — green and navy. Yard... A *z 35c Poplins 27c—Highly mercerized • all linen poplin, 27 inches wide, in light blue, pink, reseda, gray, wiste ria, old rose, gray, tan and brown. Usual 35c quality in this Clearance Sale, yard ■ U 15c Muslins 9c —All white muslin —a sheer white summer fabric—27 in ches wide, in plaid and satin striped styles. Regular loe muslins » tomorrow, yard w 12 l-2c Miisiins Bc—White muslins, full 27 inches wide, in checks of pin, medium and large size—a very popu lar material for undergar- 0 — nients. Yard ** 25c Wash Fabrics 18c — Novelty lawns, fancy batistes, fancy dimities and fancy organdies in floral designs and stripes on white 4 © grounds. 25c qualities, yd. AOlf To Make Room: Matting Clearance 15c Mattings 11c — Three tl'-nsand yards of China matting—s patterns—- green, red. blue and fancy combina tions. Regularly 15c, to- 4 4 — morrow, yard A 4 w# 25c Mattings 18c —Over eleven hun dred yards of heavy jointless China matting in a full assortment of pat terns and colors. Usual 4 Q 25c kind ftr, yard “ © U 30c Mattings 24c — Seamless extra weight China matting and Japanese linen warp matting in carpet designs. 30c quality laid on your floor for. yard Joske Library Table Of full quartered and polished oak, size of top 26x40 inches. Has large, roomy drawer, nicely trimmed. French legs with lower shelf. Finished in golden oak or early English. Spe- 0 /?< C cial tomorrow at SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE 60c and 75c Linens 49c —French dress linens in full 44-inch width —the sea son ’s most popular dress fabric —in rose, green, navy, apricot and light blue. Choice... 25c French Linen 18c —French linen, 42 inches wide —a real French linen finished dress materia —in light blue, pink, green. Copenhagen, 4 rose and wisteria. Yard. A W4w 40c Ramie Linen 28c —Ramie linen, full 36 inches wide —the linen dress fabric for coat and jacket suits —in a wide range of colors. 40c OOp quality, yard 50c Linen Batiste 39c —Plain colored linen batiste, full 36 inches wide— positively warranted all linen —in light blue, pink, rose, reseda and Co penhagen. 50c and 60c OCi z* quality, yard w 30c Pique 19c—Soft finished white pique that measures 27 inches wide— a quality usually sold at 30c, hut we include it in this Clear 4 ©t — ance Sale at A *z 40c Mattings 26c —Japanese mattings with figures inlaid on white, grounds. A very closely woven matting. Reg ularly 40c; laid on your floor for, yard fcOv 30c Matting 23c—Heavy, plain white China matting—noted for its dura bility and wear. Weighs 100 pounds to roll. 30c quality in the z* Clearance yard fcOU 50c Crex Matting 47c—Nearly 2000 yards of the famous Crex grass mat ting. full 36 inches wide, in green, red and blue; some with z* borders. 60c quality, yard *■ ■ U Joske LaWtl Settee Made of hardwood, painted with house paint, in green or red; strongly bolted, Made in 5 and 6-foot lengths. Special ” foot length for $4.20. 0 EE Special 5 foot length for.. 3'33 J O S K E’S AT 4 And this lot fairly teems with value! Swiss A wz and nainsook edges and insertions to match in Irish crochet, blind and cross-bar effects. Widths to 12 inches; 40c values for 19c yard. AT Swiss and nainsook edges and insertions to match; also a big collection of bands and appliques, in blind, eyelet and cross-barred effects, in widths of 4 to 12 inches. Values to 75c. AT OQ/* Another big lot and big values—Swiss and nainsook edges and insertions to match, in eyelet, blind, cross-bar and French embroidery effects. Values to $1.50 for 39c yard. THE BIG STORE 50’inch Damask in This Sale 19c Yd. • Only twenty-five pieces, and when they are gone you ’ll pay considera bly more for this .self-saine quality. Full bleached table damask, 50 inches wide, in several good patterns; in the Clearance Sale 19c a yard. Cream Damask—Full 72 inches wide, Bath Towels—Bleached bath towels, a weight and quality for 20x45 inches, good weight 4 4 — hard service—yard “T ■ bz double-thread towel at... AAw Linen Damask—Full bleached linen Bath Towels — Full bleached bath damask, 72 inches wide—a quality towels, 22x45 inches; well woven that will wear aud laun- E 0 with a short close nap. 4 W —• der well. Yard 22x4ff-inch towels for... . JL ■ C Napkins — Silver bleached damask Towels—Mercerized damask towels, napkins, all hemmed, 18x 24x40, in figured effects 4 — 18-inch size. Dozen CjJzC with hemstitched ends.... A C Towels—Hemmed huck tow-els, 18x36 Bed Spreads—Hemmed crocheted bed in., finished with red borders; — spreads in 10-4 size, single a splendid towel for w or three-quarter beds, at.. v Clearance of All Millinery at Half No exceptions—no reservations—or restrictions—all trimmed hats are offered at exactly half price. Styles and shapes include all the very latest conceits—trimmings embody all the popular effects. $75.00 Trimmed Hats now $37.50. $50.00 Trimmed Hats now $25.00. $35.00 Trimmed Hats now $17.50 $25.00 Trimmed Hats now $12.50. $20.00 Trimmed Hats now $lO.OO. $15.00 Trimmed Hats now $7.50. $12.50 Trimmed Hats now $6.25. $lO.OO Trimmed Hats now $5.00. $7.50 Trimmed Hats now $3.75. $5.00 Trimmed Hats now $2.50. And so on up and down the price scale—every trimmed hat in the house :s included at half price. Leta Pretty Indian Maid Show You Indian Shampoo On the Street Floor (Section U) a pretty little Indian maid in the full costume of her people is demonstrating the superiority of INDIAN SHAMPOO Indian Shampoo is a pure and healing wash for the scalp. When in tl'.e store tomorrow visit the demonstration and et these specialists prove the superiority of their preparations. Vith purchase of one 50c bottle of Indian Shampoo we will inelude FREE one 25c bottle of Indian Dan druff Remedy and one 15c bottle of Indian Shaving Balm. (Sect .on C—Street Floor)' White Glasgow Linen ® Summer White Glasgow linen—a pretty linen finished fabric for waists skirts or suits. It is full 36 inches wide and looks so much like a real linen that at a glance one is apt to be mistaken. 22c Quality 16c 20c Quality 14c 12c Quality 9c But we’ve only a limited quantity of each of the three qualities so the prudent shopper will be here early Monday. (Section D, Second Floor.) Joske Special Bed Has 2 inch posts, with fine 1-8 inch fillers, finished in Vernis Martin or white, made in 3-4 and full size, and the Joske price to- 4 4 -y f" morrow is A A ■ > J I ■ II ■ <K>aW DIOS. vO. J O S K E’S Preserving Time Brings Timely Offerings in Preserving Necessities The very things the housewife needs —actual necessities bear very special prices NOW. Order tomor row, while these savings rule! Economy Jars, pint size, 90c doz. Economy Jars, quart size, $l.lO doz. Economy Jars, half gallon size, $1.45. Mason Jars, quart size, 70c doz. Mason Jars, half gallon size, 90c. Fruit Jar Rubbers for 8c doz. 60c Preserving Kettles 45c —Preserv- ing kettles of blue and white enamel; hold 8 quarts. 60e value, tomorrow each “fr© C 30c Collanders 20c — (Hollanders of gray enamelware that sell usually at 30c, go on sale tomorrow at, each mVC Extension Strainers — For strainin fruits; will fit kettles of Iff different sizes. Each.... 10c Wood Spoons 6c—Spoons, 20 in ches long, made of hardwood, just what you want for preserv- 4* — ing days. 10c kind for C Princess Dresser Ha» large has with one , long drawer and two small , full swelled drawers; has ■ large heavy French plate J mirror; usual $l2 1 Joske’s clearance Q 4C price is only . . 7.43 JULY 18, 1910. 10c Lawns 5c a Yard Just another instance of the way prices have been cut in our determin ation to dear stock! Here are two cases of fancy colored lawns—many styles in dots, rings, small figures and floral designs. They are in 28- inch widths. Regularly 8e “■ and 10c, for, yard.......... oc Pepperell Sheeting One more mighty value for tomor row! Bleaciied Pepperell sheeting in full 10-4 width — everyone knows what Pepperrell is; you know, too, that on today’s market it is worth 34c, yet we propose to offer it in the After-Inventory Clearance 04* — at, yard mOC Tomorrow you i a buy twelve yards of bleached Lonsdale for $1! Every one knows Lonsdale by name and quality—it is full 36 inches wide and based on the present market should sell for 12c the yard. 4 Tomorrow 12 yards for. A ■ >4*4 $1 Fountain Pen 39c Clearing stock —and for quick sale w-e offer any of a big lot of fountain pens at 39c each. Here's an oppor tunity for the business man and for the student. Fountain pens — worth up to $1 for C A box of stationery—paper and en velopes —for 9c! And then the story is but half told —each sheet has “San Antonio” prettily embossed on it. Tomorrow in the After-Inventory Clearance these 25c boxes of 0 — stationery, each Ww Playing Cards Every card player knows “Steam boat” playing cards —you know, too, what good playing cards they are. So, for tomorrow we’ve named a spe cial price on “Steamboat” Cl Z* playing cards, a full pack for O ** 50c Napkins 29c Doz. Close to half valqp for any of this lot of hemmed napkins. They are in dice patterns, and are all hemmed ready for use. They are full bleach ed and are of good size. Only one case to be sold in this great After Inventory Clearance Sale z* at, dozen W 50c Sheets for 35c Good, stout sheets that measure full 72x90 inches, made with improved seam down the center, for 35c. Search San Antonio from end to end, brit you’ll find no such value outside this store. Sheets well worth 50c go in the great After Inventory O E z» Sale at V Two tons of pure Chocolates —two full tons just received! Pure, fresh sweets and all at very special prices: 60c Chocolates, tomorrow 33c. 60e Chocolate Chips, 33c pound 60c Chocolate Caramels, 33c pound 60e Burnt Almonds, 33c pound 25c Burut Peanuts, 15c pound 50c Jordan Almonds, 33c pound 35c Sugar Coated Almonds, 19c 35c Sugar Coated Filberts, 19c 50c Fig Jelly, 19c pound 50c Cocoanut Jelly. 19c pound 50c Jelly Stripes, 19c pound 25c G«m Drops, 15c pound Twenty sticks of Duerlcr’s Sugar Candy, 5c Ten sticks of Bunta’s pure Sugar Candy, 5c 25c Butter Tablets, 15c pound 25c Caehaons, 15c pound 25c Chicago Prides, 15c pound 25c Imperials, six kinds, 15c pound Hershey's Milk Chocolate, per cake, 4c Chocolate Creams, all flavors, 19c For the Toilet 16 o’ bottle Household Ammonia, 7c. 4 oz. bottle of Bay rum, 7c. 4 oz. bottle of Witch Hazel, 7c. Cake Vantine's f ndaiwood Soap. 7c. t uke Wild Kose Glycerine Soap, 7c. Box Crystalline Camphor for 7c. Cake Nopccr's Imported Bath Soap for 7c. Box of Face Powder for 7c. 2 oz. package J. & J. Absorbent Cot ton. 7c. Cake Hand Sapolio for 7c. 16 oz. bottle Pure Witch Haze), 15c. Joske China Closet Made pf oak, full quarter ed and polished: has triple strength bent glass sides and front, four adjusts Ide shelves and heavy rlaw feet. Well worth $2O. 15.00 THE BIG STORE Lonsdale Stationery Candies Golden oak Sideboard, made of sei v-t kiln dried oak; siae of base is 22x45 inches, with heavy French plate mirror: has two email and one large draw*, er with two large compart ments. Sold regularly for 11.75