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It A , COLQUin AIMED AI IS THEORY OF LEGISLATORS Sentiment Is Calling of Special Session at This Time Has an Ulterior Motive. TO SCARE COLQUITT MEN Argued That Campbell Means to Head Off Liquor Inter-# ests By Legislation. Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., July 20. —Speculation about Governor Campbell’s reasons for calling the legislature in special session just before the primary, seems to be crystalizing upon the theory that the governor wanted to scare the Colquitt army. This is explained . pin the assump tion that the gov rno- believed that the election or Colquitt had been already practically assured by the division of the pro vote among Poindexter, David son and Johnson. It is argued that it was Mr. Camp bell’s desire to spread the belief that Colquitt’s election, instead of putting a stop to prohibition progress in Texas, would result in immediate action to make the whole state dry. While the governor has kept his own counsels, still in the weeks that have passed a few persons have gained some inkling of his real intentions. The supposition most talked about by the legislators is that the governor call ed the special session for a date prior to the primary to make it appear to tho liquor interests that the el< .tion of Colquitt would mean quick retaliation, probably by provision for the calling of a constitutional convention to draft a new constitution for a dry Texas. This theory may be a poor one but it is significant that it seems to be talked of most by members of the senate and the house who are the governor’s best friends. Few persons seem to credit (he statement that a session of the legislature was called just prior to the primary in order to change the ins-r -ance laws. PROHIBITION MEANS A SLUMP, SAYS J. F. RYAN That prohibition will mean that many capitalists will refuse to invest money in Texas, is the opinion of J. F. Byan, chairman of the Colquitt Bexar County club, who returned yesterday from a trip to Chicago, Des Moines, Daven port and other towns in the north and northwest. He believes that if the antis win oiit that capital will come to Texas in large quantities and that the state will be built up accordingly. “There is much unrest among the capitalists 'of the north,’’ said Mr. Byan. “They are waiting to see what action Texas takes on the liquor ques tion. Moneyed men generally are inter ested in the political situation of Texas and are keenly appreciative of what will transpire if prohibition carries this year. It will mean that proposed invest ments will be called off and that Texas will have to depend on herself for de velopment. Money is tight now in the north and east, but I believe that the situation will be relieved by fall.” 60 PER CENT OF THE POPULATION OF THE U. S. live in rural districts remote from phy sicians or drug stores, and they are obliged to depend upon proprietary med icines to a very great extent. To the women in these homes such standard remedies as Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound come as a boon and a blessing. Records show that it has cured more women of those dread feminine ills than any other remedy. Fowler’s Pink Wafers A delightful laxative confection for the regu lation of the bowels. Tastes as Good as Candy. At all Drug Stores at 25c a box. WOODWARD - HUNTER COMPANY Corner S. Flores and Military Plaza. Buggies, Surreys, Carriages and Delivery ;.nd Farm Wagons. Fruit of All Kinds Wholesale and Retail. FRANK TALERICO Established 1888. 101 Military Plaza. Old Phone 78. New Phons 1868. Morales Transfer Co. Hauling and Storage PLACING SAPRS A SPECIALTY Wareheuss 8. A. P. Track. Old Phone 1M«. New Phone >l* GOULD CHILDREN FIGURE IN EXCITING AUTOMOBILE CHASE Helen and Dorothy Gould, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jay Gould, who were the central figures in an exciting automobile chase immediately following the wedding of Mrs. Helen Kelly Gould, the divorced wife of Frank Jay Gould to Balpb Hill Thomas, recently in New York. The ceremony over, the children were taken to a waiting taxicab by their nurse and Addison Miz ner and driven rapidly away. Detectives, in a touring car, followed, and after a long chase overtook the smaller car and transferred the children to the louring ear. It is said that the detectives took the children to the home of Miss Helen Gould, at Irvington-on-the Hudson. GRANO TRUNK IS UNABLE TO MOVE FREIGHT Passenger Schedules Fairly Well Maintained Despite Strike of Trainmen. MAY MEAN A GREAT LOSS Carloads of Perishable Freight on Sidings and No Pros pect of Moving Them. Associated Press. Montreal, July 20. —With the more important passenger schedules fairly well maintained, the pressing problem confronting the Grand Trunk railway lies in continued and apparent com plete paralysis of the freight traffic. Carloads of perishable freight aie standing on sidings far and near, and unless it is possible to begin to turn the wheels soon, the property loss will be large. Food supply and crop transpor tation are vitally involved, it is stated. The generally expressed opinion at many important points on the Grand Trunk is that the strikers will be able to continue the freight train hold-up two or three days longer at least. Conductors and yard men in the em ploy of the Wabash on tracks that road leases from the Grand Trunk between Niagara Falls, Ont., and Windsor, Ont., opposite Detroit, have gone out, and as a result the Wabash is having consid erable trouble in moving passenger trains over that division. No attempt is being made to touch freight. MEN ARE IMPORTED. Strike Breakers Pour Into New Eng land to Take Places of Grand Trunk Men. Qcston, Mass., July 20. —Strike breakers from all parts of the country continued to pour into New England today to take the places of conductors and trainmen on the Grand Trunk and Central Vermont railroads now out on strike for higher wages. NO DISORDER AT DETROIT. Detroit. Mich.. July 20. —The Grand Trunk strike developed no disorder or attempted disorder at Detroit ’-st night and today the employers and strikers seemed to settle down for a long drawn out struggle. No attempt is being made to move freight, but pas senger service continues with little interruption. Tor Brain Fag Take Hereford's Acid Phosphite Relieves tired nerves, brain fag and herd ache following mental strain, overwork or worry. “Children are poor men’s riches.”— Old proverb. HOUSE PASSES TWO BILLS ANB THENADJOURNS Both Measures Are for Prohi bition of Exhibition of Cer tain Moving Pictures. FIGHT PICTURES ARE HIT Legislators W a r t Copies of Evidence Taken Before Fire Rating Board at Hearing. Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., July 20. —At 11:30 o'clock today the house of representa tives adjourned until Monday morning, July 25, after passing two bills concern ing the exhibition of moving pictures and a couple of resolutions of minor importance but which are in line with the recommendations in the governor’s message. House bill No. 5 was introduced by ; Bowles, Gilmore, Terrell of Cherokee] and Spradley and is intended to pro hibit the exhibition of moving pictures lof the Jeffries-Johnson fight. It car-; ries a penalty of a fine of from $2OO to $5OO for violation. House Dill No. 0 jprohibits the exhibition of leud, las• icivious or immoral scenes in motion | pictures and carries the same penalty. । A resolution was also passed by the I house that all evidence taken before I the fire rating board at the recent hear I ing be printed as part of the house I journal and copies be placed upon the desk of each member of the legislature. A second resolution passed at the ses- I sion this morning directs the asylum committee to visit the insane asylum at Austin and report on the conditions found there far the care of negro in sane. A resolution was offered and tabled directing the chairman of all house committees to report and have placed on record all names of parties appear ing before their committees in the in terest of any legislation. CAVALRYMAN SLIPS AWAY. While engaged with other prisoners in loading a box car at the Aransas Pass freight depot Tuesday afternoon, George M. Menard, a member of Troop K, Third cavalry, awaiting trial on n charge of desertion, slipped awny from ! his companions and guard and made his j escape. The police were notified and a | search for the prisoner was made, but the man was not found, Making Lire Safer. Everywhere life is being made more safe through the work of Dr. King’s New Life Pills in constipation, bilious ness, dyspepsia, indigestion, liver trou bles, kidney diseases and bowel disor ders. They’ra easy, but sure, and per fectly build up the health. 25c at the | Bexar Drug Co. bA A AhilO i > i O LiUni A2k U UAtC 1 1 C J O S K E’S To Crowd a Day’s Business Into a Half, These Bargains for Thursday Shop in the Morning The Joske Store Closes Tomorrow at 1 o'clock Remember: Store closes each Thursday at 1 o'clock throughout the heated period. For Picnickers A crepe p: per table set —lunch doth 63x84 inches, dozen napkins, dozen doylies and 6 plates, a 4 complete picnic outfit for Aseptic Drinking Cups Collapsible aseptic drinking cups that can be carried in the vest pocket. Thursday six 10c Monogram Station’y Just what one wants for vacation days—and a box of Monogram sta tionery makes a splendid gift, also. For a Thursday morning bargain we offer a box of Hurd’s damask linen correspondence paper (24 sheets and 24 envelopes to match), each sheet stamped with your initial in any col or, except gold or silver, 33c $1 Silk Gloves 59c You know these silk gloves —know they are the best make—KAYSER’S —with the patent finger tip. These are in elbow length and are in all col ors —regularly $l. Thurs- CCJ X* day from Bto 1 o'clock.. Ww V Women’s Silk Hose Tomorrow morning from 8 till 1 we re going to sell women's pure silk hose for 98c the pair instead of $1.25. They are either all silk or silk with the lisle sole —black, white and col ors. regularly $1.25. To- QQ morrow from 8 till 1, pair U Cadet Hose 19c Joske's “Cadet” hose for women, misses, boys and girls —the stocking that's guaranteed to withstand the rough knocks of play days. Chil dren's “Cadet” arc made with linen knee, heel, sole and toe; women's sizes have linen heel, sole and toe. Regularly 25c, tomorrow 1 Q p from 8 till 1 for, pair.... XwV Ice Cream Freezers The “Shepherd Lightning” ice cream freezer makes smoothest and lightest cream; freezes quick est and runs easiest —and for to morrow from 8 til) 1 o’clock very special prices rule. 3 qt. freezer, regularly $2.50, for $2.19. 4 qt. freezer, regularly $2.75, for $2.43. Cups and Saucers—White enamel ed cups and saucers, usual 25c kind tomorrow from 8 4 Ap to 1 o'clock AVU Ice Cream One more Thursday morning special ice cream 20e quart! Pure and de licious; made in our own plant here in our store from pure Jersey cream direct from the “Sunshine” ranch. Take home a quart for lunch tomor row. Thursday from 8 till 1 o'clock, quart Candies 35c Marshmallows, Thursday from 8 till 1. lb. 15c. 25e Gum Drops, Thursday from 8 till 1. lb. 10c. 60e box Chocolates. Thursday from 8 till 1. lb. 29c. 25c Burnt Peanuts. Thursday from 8 till 1. lb. 15®- 50c Toasted Marshmallows tomor row for 25c lb. At the Fountain (— — Two sweet bar- , xx gains for to- 1 UC morrow morn- ing's shoppers for —one for the I thirsty, one for those with a sweet tooth. Limeade — Always 10c, Thurs day from 8 till 1 for sc. Robin Hood Sundae — A deli cious dish of ice cream, bananas and peaches, regular 10c dish; Thursday from 8 till 1 o’clock, sc. 10c Ribbons 7c One more Thursday morning bargain plum! Wash taffeta ribbons in black, white, lavender, pink, gray, green, red and brown—just the thought for hair ribbons. Our regu lar 10c quality Thursday W from 8 till 1 o'clock, yard... • V THE BIG STORE 25c to 35c Toilet Pre Pint of Violet Witch Hazel, 17c. Box Wadinold Talcum Powder for 17c. Box Piver's Talcum Powder, 17c. Box J. & J. Talcum Powder, 17c. Box Curtis San Talcum Powder, 17c. Four oz. bottle of Bay Bum. 17c. Bottle of Joske's Benzoine, 17c. Four oz. bottle of Listerine, 17c. Bottle of Carbona, 17c. Eight oz. bottle of Peroxide, 17c. Four oz. package J. & J. Cotton, 17c. Bottle of Danderine, 17c. Bottle Joske's Liquid Green Soap. 17c. Synol Soap, 17c. Bottle of Jergen's Benzoine and Almond Lotion, 17c. Bottle of Frostilla, 17c. Jar Epsey’s Cream, 17c. Jar El Primo Cream, 17c. Jar Peroxide Cream. 17c. Box of Buttermilk Soap. 17c. Box of V. de Larme Soap, 17c. Box 3 Cakes Dutch Sandalwood Soap, 17c. Pint of Pure Witch Hazel, 17c. Bottle of Rubifoam, 17c. Cake of Arniea Tooth Soap. 17c. Jar of Pasteurine Tooth Paste, 17c. Jar of Sanitol Tooth Paste, 17c. Jar of Sheffield’s Tooth Paste, 17c. Bottle of Lvon's Tooth Powder, 17c. Bottle of Sanitol Tooth Powder, 17c. Vegetable Dishes: Meat Dishes Basement for Thursday morning! But A giant value from the Eeonomy ' ~ (you must shop before 1 o’clock —the Values tn store’s Thursday closing hour —if you Values LU would avail yourself of this bargain, IDecorated1 Decorated vegetable dishes of Eng lish porcelain —vitrified; 7 inch size, _________ in oblong shape. . Meat dishes of vitrified English porcelain in 6 1-2 inch size; 12c and 15c dishes for 5c each. Vegetable Dishes—Of vitrified Eng- Tumblers—Colonial tumblers or gob lish iiorcelain. 3 1-2 inch size, regu- lets of best polished lead glass; regu larly 10c, Thursday from Bto larly $1 dozen, Thursday Ex* I o'clock for OU from Bto 1. each WV Art Squares: Save a Third The productions of four large mills combined in this Thurs day morning sale of Art Squares. Four distinct lots for you to select from. $4 Art Squares s2.9B—Hundreds of $6 Art Squares $3.98— A big assort special weaves of art squares and ment of art squares, 9xlo-6, in all druggets in 9x7-6, rugs worth $4. colors and a variety of patterns. 1 lie Thursday from 8 till 1 O QQ $6 k'”* l t<’ niorrow - Q QQ for X.ZJO 8 till 1, for OnOO $5 Art Squares s3.4B—Bale after $7 Art Squares s4.4B—Ait squares bale of these Persian. Oriental and for bed rooms and dining rooms, in floral art squares, 9x9 ft., regular 9x12 ft. size; red, tan^ and $5 values Thursday from O A O mixed effects. I liurs- A 8 till 1 for day, 8 till 1 ■fi’TQ Housekeeping Linens A quartet of strong values for the half-day Thursday, rhe store closes at i—so shop between 8 and i if you would avail yourself of these big bargains. 121-2 C Towels 10c—Bleached bath 25c Damask 19c—Full bleached table towels with fringed ends —splendid damask, 58 inches wide, in a variety weight and size; regular 12 12 tow o f patterns. Usual 25c quality on els Thursdav from 8 till 1. 4A* x* sale tomorrow from 8 till 4 each aUC ], yar d IwC 25c Towels 17c-Unbleaehed bath Wagh cloths 2 ful| case towels of extra heavy quality m — . , l-°x4s-inch size, fringed ends. On of hemmed bleached wash cloths sale Thursday from 8 till 4 - good weight ami size. To- Oj/.Q । eac l, */ U morrow from 8 till 1. each As /“ v 16 Yards of 8c Cambric for $l.OO Just another example of the way we ve cut prices in our de termination to crowd a full day's business into a half day. Soft finished Cambric, full 36 inches wide—a quality particularly de sirable for summer undermuslins.. \\ orth 8c the yard, but for Thursday morning from 8 till 1 it goes at sixteen yards for Si.oo. 12 Yards 10c Nainsook sl—Nainsook 6c Prints sc—Central Park shirting finished cambrie, 36 inches wide, prints —a splendid light colored cal very soft ami free from dressing. ito , regularly 6c; Thursday g — The regular 10c quality, 4 from 8 till 1, yard .’. QC 12 vards for A a W - 7c Domestic sc-Bleached domestic, 8c Lawns sc-lancy colored lawns full 36 inches wide—strong and dur- in full 28-inch width, organdies and able, worth 7c; Thursday E Dresden designs. Sc kind to E p from 8 till 1. yard OU morrow from 8 till l,yard... wU 12'zC Percales Thursday for 8c Garner's —the best in percales —Thursday from 8 till 1 o'clock, at Se the yard. They are full 36 inches wide and in neat light colored pat terns’. Usual 12 l-2c quality tomorrow morning 8c yard. J O S K E’S en’s $4 &,Oxfords & Pumps $2.95 And that headline means exactly what it purports—any pair of men's low Shoes and Pumps that formerly bore price marks of $4.00 and $4.50 are now $2.95. And there are all leathers and all the late lasts. A splendid opportunity, this! 54.00 and $4.50 low Shoes and Pumps $2.95 pair. $5 Footwear s3.4s—Our entire line Boys’ $3 Shoes sl.Bs—Boys’ low of men’s low shoes and pumps—all shoes of vici kid. gunmetal calf and leathers and all styles, A E Russia calf, $3 styles. 4 QE regularly $5, now. pair.. Tnursday, 8 till 1, pair.. “ nOO $6.00 and $6.50 Hanan Shoes for $4.35 All Hanan & Son low Shoes of patent kid, gun metal calf, tan Russia calf and vici kid, now $4.35 the pair. They are in all styles and all leathers—all this season's patterns formerly sold at $6.00 and $6.50. Choice $4.35 pair. arations 17c Bottle Peroxide Tooth Powder, 17c. Box Calox Talcum Powder, 17c. Box Squibb's Talcum Powder, 17c, Box Bico Talcu.n Powder, 17c. Jar Artesia Cream, 17c. Cake Artesia Soap, 17c. Jar Freckleater Face Powder, 17c. Cake Freckleater Soap, 17c. Jar Woodbury's Cream, 17c. Box Woodbury's Powder. 17c. Cake Woodbury’s Soap, 17c. Jar Sanitol Cream. 17c. Box Sanitol Face Powder, 17c. Cake Sanitol Soap. 17c. Can Sanitol Bath Powder, 17c. Cake Cuticnra Soap, 17c. Cake Packer’s Tar Soap, 17c. Cake Mennen’s Soap, 17c. Cake Pear's Glycerine Soap, 17c. Cake Juvenile Soap, 17c. Cake Juvenile Soap, 17c. Jar Lucillo et Cie Cream, 17c. Banda line. 17c. Crown Smelling Salts, 17c. Bottle Sanitol Tooth Wash. 17c. Bottle Sozodont Tooth Wash, 17c. Box Spiro Powder, 17c. Bottle Westphal’s Egg Shampoo, 17c. Allen's Foot Ease, 17c. Box Bico Bath Powder, 17c. Box Bellflor Bath Powder, 17c. Bottle Graves’ Tooth Powder. 17c. Bottle Spearmint Tooth Powder, 17c. Qxzyn Liquid Rouge, 17c. Oxzyn Dry Rouge, 17c. Box Dora Rice Powder, 17c. JULI 20, LOLO. ] THE BI G STORE Women’s Pumps Summer styles in pumps and Ox fords of white canvas finished Cuban heels and hand turned soles; usual $1.75 kind Thursday from 8 till 1 for $1.35 pair. $1.75 Sandals sl.3s—Women's one strap sandals with broad and me dium round toes for house wear. $1.75 sandals Thursday from 4 OE 8 till 1. pair A Children's Sandals—Misses’ and chil dren ’s tan grain barefoot sandals, with closed sides; sizes 5 to a for 40c; sizes 9 to 11 for 50c: sizes 12 to 2 for, pair.... C $3.50 Oxfords 31.95 —Broken lots of women’s tan calf and vi'ci kid pumps and patent kid Oxfords with welt and turn soles that were <4 $3.50 and $4; Thursday. X a w/ZJ $1 Pillow Covers 43c Bummer pillow covers—cool, pretty styles—such as would sell in the reg ular way at *l, Thursday from 8 till 1 o’clock 43c Some of uets in braided designs; others of white lawn with embroidered centers and hemstitched ruffles. Choice O tomorrow *■ w 75c Neckwear 59c Pretty bits of neck finery—little things that add so much to the charm of milady's costume! A big lot of these jabots and Dutch collars —some embellished with laces, others with embroidery—the usual 750 kind tomorrow from 8 EJQ till 1 o’clock WaJC Embroidery And it's corset cover embroidery— great wide patterns —for 23c the yard. Just, au example of the way we've cut prices in our determina tion to crowd a full day's business into a half day Thursday. Corset cover embroidery, worth O 40c, yard 10c Embroidery 5c Exactly half value for any of a big lot of dainty hand loom embroideries, including edges, insertions and head ings. And there are some generous widths in the lot —insertions 2 in ches wide. Any of the lot to- — morrow from 8 to 1, yard... WV Up to 10c Laces But only for Thursday from 8 till I o'clock —Friday these laces will cost you considerably more Here are linen torchon lace edges and inser tions in a variety of styles and pat terns —values to 10c to morrow. 8 to 1. yard mb /"C 75c All-Over for 43c ! A splendid bargain for Thursday morning shoppers—an immense lot of allover embroidered net lace at 43c the yard. The net is handsomely em broidered in small floral designs— cream, white or black. regularly 75c, yard Patent Leather Belts Ten styles in patent leather belts— any of them for 43c Thursday from 8 till 1 o’clock. They are in red or black, set off with gilt, red or black buckles —all widths and styles. Reg ular 50c and 75c until 1 o'clock tomorrow 25c Can Shinit 19c Use “Shinit” for cleaning and brightening bath tubs, tin, cop per, brass, iron, zine, glass, mar ble, porcelain, wood and all kiteh en utensils. 25c can of “Shinit” Thursday from 8 till 1 for 19c. 25c box Shinon Cream Silver Pol ish, 19c. 25c bottle Metal Polish for 19c. 3 boxes Gold Medal Tooth Picks for 10c. Elastic belt and shirtwaist extend er to effect the dip front waist, 7c. Sheet 100 belt pins, assorted, ail black, all white or black and white—sc. (Notion Dept., Street Floor.) Souvenir Post Cards Souvenir post cards with views in and around San Antonio, lithograph e«' in colors, and Thursday from 8 till 1 o’clock you can buy them cheaper than government postals! Tomorrow 15 of these souvenir post 4 cards (or “ —* 3