OCR Interpretation

San Antonio light and gazette. [volume] (San Antonio, Tex.) 1909-1911, July 20, 1910, LAST EDITION, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090238/1910-07-20/ed-1/seq-5/

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Board of Health Is Concerned
Over the Condition of the
San Antonio River.
Heavy and Continued Rains Is
Only Salvation for Stream
Scarcely Flowing.
Kain, good, heavy rain and continued
rains tn this aua adjoining sections, is
the only' means by which the condition
of the San Antonio river may be im
proved in the opinion of the local health
authorities. Never before in at least
two score of years has the water been so
low in the stream nor has the insani
tary condition presented a greater
menace to the public health. Yet the
city representatives, while deploring the
existing condition* express the opinion
that nothing may be done to relieve the
situation, except heavy and continuous
rains. • • i --
At the present time there is absolute
Jy no water fed to the stream from the
springs at the head of the river. There
is no flow between the aouree of the
San Antonio river and the intersectiqu
of Josephine street and residents along
the river are bitter in their denuncia
tion of the filthy condition that has re
sulted. From Josephine street south
and through the city the water now
flowing is furnished solely by the ar
tesian wells at the breweries and other
wells in that vicinity. But for this fact
the river would have no flow whatso
“The board of health has had this
matter under consideration for some
lime, but it seems there is nothing that
mar be done to improve the situation,’’
today said Dr. Barnitz, president of the
health department. “Nothing but rains
will relieve the present insanitary con
dition. The board has practically come
to this conclusion, but will continue to
look into the matter with a view of do
ing something that may put the stream
in a better ard more sanitary condi
‘•Dredging of the river has been sug
gested,’’ continued Dr. Barnitz; “but
this, in addition to proving a very ex
pensive proposition would afford little
or no relief. To dredge the river suc
cessfully the work would have to be
done all the way from tie head of the
stream entirely through the city.
Dredging, though, under present condi
tions. would be impracticable. It was
while constructing the bridge at the
north end of Navarro street to connect
with Romana street, that the piles
placed there sank of their own weight
into the mire for a depth of sixteen
feet. This condition exists practically
th? entire length of the stream and
shows clearly go to the expense
of dredging vouJd be useless. The only
hope for the improvement of the pres
enr condition all along the stream is
The board, however, will endeavor to
remedy the condition existing in the
river bed between Josephine street and
the head of the river. Since the flow
has stopped entirely between these
points, great, stagnant pools of water
remain and form bree-’ ng places for
mosquitoes. The odor, too. is said to be
dailv becoming more obnoxious. By the
use of oil and perhaps the draining of
the water from these places, relief may
be afforded until the flow is again re
Staten Island, Most Sparsely Settled
Borough of the City. Is the
. Heaviest Taxed.
New York. July 20.—The new rax
rate for New Y'ork city for the year
1910. as officially fixed by the board
of aidermen, shows an increase for all
five of the boroughs over 1909. The
budget is $163,128,270. which, less the
general fund of $32,030,989, is appor
tioned to be raised by taxation as fol
1910. 1909.
Manhattan and Bronx .. 1.757 1.G73
Kings (Brooklyn) ISU 1.678
Queens 1.810 1.725
Richmond (Staten Island) 1.875 1.775
Staten Island, the most sparsely set-
tled borough of the city, is thus rhe
heaviest taxed, although 68 per cent of
the total will be raised from Manhat
tan and the Bronx.
“dust Say”
It Means
Original and Genuine
The Food-drink for Ail Ages.
More healthful than Tea or Coffee.
Agrees with the weakest digestion.
Delicious, invigorating and nutritious.
Rich milk, malted grain, powder form.
4 quick lunch prepared in a minute
Take no substitute. Ask for HORLICK’S
Others are imitations
The Best 25c Coffee on Earth.
Try Our Elgin Creamery Butter.
Atlantic&Pacific Tea Co.
Mrs. Waldorf Astor Jr. (on the left;, > “aristocracy.” the duchess contending । “ Why, Consuelo, the Astors had stop
and the Duchess of Marlborou-h. Dur- the Vanderbilts occupied a higher cd skinning skunks for generations be
., , position on the social scale than the fore the Vanderbilts began collecting
3 gan a erm < n ea rnrj .v n _4n si,,. ,|i.| this in that nice, sweet ferry tolls.” thereby establishing the
don. Mrs. Astor and the duchess han , way which society folk adopt. Mrs. , precedence of the Astors over the Van- I
an animated discussion on the American | Astor, with equal sweetness, responded: । derbilts.
Southwest Teachers and Par
ents’ Congress to Aid In
Combatting Its Use.
Elects Officers and Outlines
Campaign—Pure Food a
Subject of Talk.
Plans are being formulated by rhe
Southwest Texas Teachers’ and Par
ents’ congress to co-operate with tho
school board to combat the use of to
bacco by the young. The pure food
committee of the congress is also pre
paring a bulletin setting forth the pure
food regulation. At a meeting of the
congress yesterday afternoon at the V.
W. C. A. building, Mrs. A. H. Cadwal
lader, first vice presideut. was elected
president, vice Mrs. Atlee B. Ayres, re
signed. The other two vice presidents
were moved up and Mrs. George Worley
was elected third vice president.
The June bulletins of the state board
of health were distributed at this meet
ing. These contained information con
corning typhoid scarlet fever and
smallpox, and also minute instructions
for fumigating a room. The suggestion
was made that these pamphlets' be dis
tributed to the principals of the various
schools, so that they may be ■Supplied to
families in which contagious uiseases
Pamphlets sent out by the legal com
mittee of the State Congress of Moth
ers were also distributed. These con
tain three laws pertaining to the child —
the child labor law, the law regarding
the sale of tobacco to children and tho
law regarding the sale of liquor to chil
dren. These are for free distribution,
aud during the coming season the con
gress expects to make a vigorous cam
paign along these lines.
Railroads Voluntarily Withhold Their
Enforcement Until November 1.
Associated Press.
Washington. D. C„ July 20.—The im
portant advance of freight rates recent
ly made by the railways in eastern
classification territory were suspended
voluntarily by the railroads until No
vember 1, next. This agreement was ,
made by" a committee representing the
carriers afid by Chairman Knapp of the
interstate commerce commission I
| Newcastle, Eng., July 20.—The strik>-
' imMemeut against the Northeastern rail '
L load strengthened steadily today. Ten '
thousand men quit work last night amt
every hour since, brought repoits of a
furthei increase of the strike. Regular j
- passenger trains are still being opciated
this afternoon with fair regularity but
the company is obliged to command the
services of station masters and clerks
in order to man the few local traius
able to move.
S The last and final dividend of the
Home Building and Loan issoeiation, in
liquidation, was m mo today by the
president of the company. Angus', Bil
am Jr. A dividend of 35.93 per cent
was paid to all stockholders and all the
e interests and affhirs of the company
._ were brought to a wind-up. This will
close out the company. The dividend
0 will amount to $17,977.62. The stock
'■ outstanding is $50,035.
i —————————
When Nature Hints About the Food.
c . i
11 hen there s no relish to any food'
|. and all that one eats doesn't seem to do I
. any good, then is the time to make a
i turn over in the diet, for that’s Na-'
' ture’s way of dropping a hint that the
s food isn’t the kind required.
f “For a number of years I followed
railroad work, much of it being office
T work of a trying nature. Meal times’
• were our busiest and eating too much •
and too quickly of food such as is com- ;
Imonly served in hotels and restaurants,
s i these together with the sedentary hab-l
i • its were not Jong in giving me dyspep- •
- I sia and stomach trouble which reduced]
- i my weight from 205 to 160 pounds.
> j “There was little relish in any food l
sjand none of it seemed to do me any j
good. It seemed the more 1 ate the,
• poorer I got and was always hungry .
before another meal, no matter how I
-1 much I had eaten.
-j “Then I commenced a fair trial of j
; ' Grape-Nuts food, and was surprised how
j' a small saucer of it would carry me|
-1 along, strong and with satisfied appe- ■
, I tite, until the next meal, with no sen
. ■ sations of hunger, weakness or distress [
. j as before.
“I have been following this diet now i
I for several months improvement J
I has been so great ail the others in my j
family have taken the use of Grape j
'Nuts with comple* satisfaction and;
' ! much improvement in health and brain j
1 power.
“American people undoubtedly eat I
hurriedly, have lots of worry, thus hin-•
I dering digestion and therefore need a]
J food that is predigested and concentrat-'
ed in nourishment.’’
Read “The Road to Wellville,” in:
| pkgs’; “There’s a Reason.”
i Ever read the above letter? A new
i one appears front time to time. They ,
1 are genuine, true and full of human in-
I terest j.
; New Well at Leon Springs Is
Completed to Furnish Pure
Water w the Soldiers.

Since the troops left Fort Sam Hous -j
ton Sunday morning very few orders |
have been issued, although some minor j
changes have been made. All the offi- j
jeers lave been kept hustling to gel |
lewything in readiness at Leon Springs
by the end of the month for the troops
".when they have finished the practice
J march of about 250 miles. Everything
Jis gradually being put in shape and the
j officers are confident they will suc
. eeed in finishing preparations by ’he
• time tho march is concluded, which Will
, jbe tho first of next month.
1 j The new well at Leon Springs lias
I been adjusted and water is now gush-
Jing forth at a great rate. This is one
'of the purest wells on the grounds and
jis the second drilled this year, making
J about the sixth now on the grounds.
IThe big deep well is yet under construe-
Iticn. A depth of 1700 feet has been
'reached apd the workmen are author
iized to drill to 2000 feet, and, if neces-
Isarv, it will be made 2500 feet. Colonel
(Clem. the chief quartermaster, this
, morning said the new well would be a
(god-send to the country around, filling
a long-felt want. While the six wells
I furnished a great deal of good water
Jthey are not quite sufficient for all
the neighborhood's consumption, to fur
'nish water tv stock and to the resi
: dents.
The troops that left the army post
'Sunday morning are today somewhere
•between Boerne and about
(thirty-five miles from San Antonio. In
(the opinion of officers at the post this
lis very good marching. They will ar
(rive at the maneuvering grounds near
'Leon Springs some time during the first
• part of August, possibly by the first
jdav of the month.
Orders granting a ten days’ leave of
(absence to Capt. H. S. Bishop, were re
ceived this morning. Captain Bishop is
now on the practice march and has been
j ordered to report fer duty at Leaven
worth. Kan., as soon as the march is
(concluded. His leave of absence will
• take effect at the end of the march.
• Col. 11. M. Andrews of Fort Sill,
jokia.. and Major Muir of Fort Clark,
•Texas, are visitors at the post this
week. Colonel Andrews is the guest
lof Col. John Clem, the chief quarter
imaster, and Major Muir is with Colonel
(French. Colonel Andrews and Major
Muir are to l>e two of the umpires for
•the maneuvers and will remain at Fort
(Sal* Houston until nltut the end of the
• month.
Orders were received this morning
• from Washington for Private John
(Starts of Troop K. Third cavalry, to
I proceed at once to the general reeruit
'ing barrack at Jefferson, Mo„ with view j
ito'|his being discharged because of dis-1
Open All Day Thursday
Saturday Half-Holiday: Close at 1 o’Clock
Our customers, by liberal buying Saturday mornings, have put the seal
of approval on our leadership in the week-end early closing movement.
If all of the business houses would close at one o’clock on Saturdays dur
ing July and August, and band concerts could be given afternoons and
and evenings on the parks and Plazas, it would make Saturday a great
holiday during those months—keep our own people at home and bring
a great many visitors to Beautiful San Antonio from nearby towns.
Just in Time for Vacation Preparations
A Big Clearance of Bathing Suits
We tell this afternoon of specials that give rare opportunity to fill the family’s every
need in bathing suits. Our lines afford every facility for the selection of bathing re
quisites for men and women, boys and girls. Fabrics used in our garments are those
whose textures have proved most adaptable to salt and fresh water ssrvice.
of Our
Suits fire
New De
signs Are
Shown This
$2.50 Bathing Suits $1.69
Women's navy blue and black Mohair Suits,
made with a full plaited skirt, the blouse in sailor
effect with white collar and cuffs finished with
soutache braid. $2.50 suits reduced to $1.69.
$6.95 Bathing Suits $4.95
Six different styles of Sicilian suits, in regu
lation waist and Princess. Some with square
neck, others with white pique collars, trimmed
with bias plaid bands, braid aqd large buttons.
Reduced to $4.95.
Other Styles at Like Reductions
Children's Bathing Suits in all sizes from 8
up to 14 years, at all prices from $1.75 to $3.50.
Men's two-piece Jersey Bathing Suits in navy
ing color. Sizes from 34 to 48.
Men's 50c Suits Reduced to 59c
Men's $1.50 Suits Reduced to $l.OO
Bovs’ navy blue trunks, sizes 24 to 36. regular price 25c.
reduced to 16c.
Boys' maroon and navy blue two-piece suits, reduced
from $1 to 59c.
Boys' navy blue two piece suits, regular price $1.50. re
duced to $l.
Wool and Rajah Coat Suits* Linen and Silk
Dresses. Costumes and Evening Gowns
All Go at Half the former Price
The importance of this sale to every woman will be appreciated. It means that you can pur
chase—practically at the beginning of the summer—a seasonable dress or suit at just one-half of
its former moderate price. We cannot describe these garments in detail —assortments are too
varied to admit this. Come expecting to find what you want in the way of style, trimming and
tailoring. It is here for you at about the price of the material.
All of Our Summer Wool Coat Suits Have Been Reduced Li/
AH of Our Summer Rajah Coat Suits Have Been Reduced ' ■ /
All of Our Summer Costumes Have Been Reduced A /
AH of Our Fancy Linen Summer Dresses Are Reduced /
All of Our Summer Silk Dresses Have Been Reduced / / X
All of Our Finest Evening Gowns Have Been Reduced ' /
Toilet Needs Sale Continues
Supplv vour needs for home or vacation use. Only well-known and meritorious articles arc
listed —each one guaranteed under the pure drug and food law. Sold at the lowest possible prices.
Face Creams
DcMiraele, 25c size 17c
DeMiracle, 50c size... A 29c
Pompeian Massage, 50c size 39c
Pompeian Massage. $1 size 89c
Hinda’ Honev and Almond, 50c
'. 40c
Ingram’s Milk Weed 50c
EK'aya Creme 50c
Kintho Cream 50c, SI
Sanitol, 25c size 19c
Artesia, 25c size 19c
Marvelous Cold Cream 25c, 50c
Woodbury’s, 25c size 19c
Sanitol, powder, liquid or paste..l9c
Sozodont, powder or liquid 19c
Dr. Graves’ Powder, 25c size 17c
Dr. Lyon's Powder, 25e size 19c
Colgate’s Dental Powder 15c
Societe Hygienique Powder, 75c
size 69c
Jewsbury & Brown's Oriental
Paste 50c
Euthymol Tooth Paste, 25c size. . 19c
Nail Preparations
Lustr ite Cuticle Softener, 25c
size 19c
Lustr ite Nail Enamel. 25e size 19c
Lustr ite Cuticle Ice, 25c size I9v
Lustr ite Cuticle Salve. 25c siz.e. .19c
Hudnut's Liquid Nail Enamel. . .50c
Dr. Parker Pray’s Nail Enamel. . 19c
Lustr ite Emery Boards, 1 d0z,..10c
Perfe< t Nail Ename' 10c
$5.00 Bathing Suits $3.50
\\ omen’s and misses’ navy and black mohair
and Sicilian Suits made in Princess style, with
square neck and panel front, trimmed with black
and white braid. Special at $3.50.
$7.50 Bathing Suits $5.39
A large selection of women's and misses’
Suits at $5.39. Some arc made in Co-Ed style
with solid color waist and checked plaited skirt,
tie and buttons. Others in sailor and Princess
( styles. Choice $5-39-
: Priced from $1.69 up to $12.50
Bathing Caps in plaids, polka dots and solid
colors, ranging in prices from 39c to 59c each.
y blue, maroon or gray, with borders of a contrast-
Men’s $l.OO Suits Reduced to 69c
Men’s $5.00 Suits Reduced to $2.19
Boys’ two-piecc navy blue 50c suits, sizes 30c, re
duced to 35c.
Boys’ athletic one-piece bathing suits, regular price 75c,
reduced to 49c.
Boys’ gray two-piece bathing suits, regular price $2.50,
reduced to $1.89.
Toilet Wa.ters
Roger & Gallet's Violet de Par
me. 85c and $1.39
Hudnut 's Violet Sec 75c, $1.40
Corylopsis of Japan, 50c 5ize....39c
Corylopsis of Japan, 75e 5ize....69c
Corylopsis of Japan, $1 size 89c
Pin'aud's Vegetal, 75c size 69c
Fiver's Vegetal, $1 size 85c
Talcum Powders
Jergen's Crushed Roses, 15c size. 10c
Corylopsis of Japan, 15c size....loc
Bradley's Woodland Violet 15c
< olgate’s Violet and Cashmere
Bouquet 15c
Lazeli’s Debutante 15c
.Lazell's Bocadia 25c
Rogers & Gillet’s Violet, 25c size. 19c
Hudnut’s Violet Sec 25c
Squibbs’ Carnation, 25c size 20c
Riveri’s Violet 23c
Face Powders
Corylopsis Rice. 23c size 15c
Rogers & G.’s Rice, 25c size 23c
Artesia Powder, 25e size 19c
Sanitol Powder. 23e size 19c
Woodbury’s Powder, 25c size... .19c
Pozz.oni’s Powder, 50c size 33c
Laßlaehe Powder. 50c size 35c
Lazell's Powder 50c
Hudnut's Powder 50c
Roger & G.’s Powder. 75c size...7lc
R. & G.’s Powder, $1 25 size. .. .$1.20
Pi ver's Azurea aud Le Trefle.. $l.OO
JULY 20, 1910.
Rich Color
tions and
of Work-,
and Finish
the W. & M.
Suits and
Hair Removers
DeMiracle, $1 size 69c
DeMiracie, $2 size $1.79
Dioxogen, 4 oz.. 25c size 17c
Lambert’s Listerine, 4 oz., 25c
siz.e 15c
Lambert's Listerine, 7 oz., 50c
size 39c
Lambert’s Listerine, 14 oz., $1
size 69c
Hair Tonics
Eau De Quinine, 50c size 40c
Eau De Quinine. $1 size 80c
Mrs. Masco'a Old English. $1
size 80c
Riker's Septone 75c
Westphal's Auxiliator. $1 size.. 89c
Bath Preparations
Bath-a-Bweet. 25c size 17c
Corylopsis Bath Powder 25c, 50c
Bradley’s Sea 5ait5....... 25c
Corylopsis Sea Salts, 50c
Violet Ammonia
Florida Water. 25c size
Florida Water. 75c size
Rouge and Pencils
Dorin’s Theater Rouge.. lOC, -Oc
Health Blwni Cloth. 23c size 20c
Roger x G-'s ' inaigre Rouge 20c
Rosaline. 25« «ize l»c
Roger 4 G.’s Eyebrow Pencils.. 15c

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