Newspaper Page Text
12 Your Want Ad Here MUST Pay™We Have the Circulation Classified Ads We take clarified alt ever prone or will tend messenger for them when re quired to do so. one insertion, per worn < * c Four consecutive insertions, per word * Seven consecutive insertions, per word 40 Ten consecutive insertions or more each Insertion, per word.... ■ • izc No ad received for less than 15c. Classified ads for the Bunday Light and Gazette will not be received after lu o'clock Saturday night. ETHIER PHONE 176 FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. Janita Hotel. Houston street. , FOUR-ROOM or 6 room house end lot for Mie by owner. Rear 8. P. depot. Apply 616 North Center. FOR SALE —8-room 3-story modern, as good as new. 2-story stable lot to front, fine flowers and shade trees, half block from Sap car liue. 129 Wickes street. $5.00 CASH And two dollars per week buys a choice 50- foot lot in Hyde Park. Not only the closest in but the prettiest and cheapest lots in the city, on easy terms. Every lot restricted. In 1-ood neighborhood, near good school, between two car lines, sidewalks and city water. No interest until paid for. No payments when sick. No taxes for one year. Better and safer than a bank account. Buy a lot now and get the benefit of the increase in value. T. H. C. HYDE. Room 5, St. James Hotel. FOR SALE —I have seven houses, will give choice at a sacrifice. Z»y Smith. New phone 2602. FOR SALE. 50 feet front on Avenue E. opposite post office. See San Antonio Loan A Trust Co. FOR SALE —616 North Center street. Two four-room houses, cheap, near S. P. de pot. by owner. Lots 50x95 each, adjoining. ON YOUR OWN TERMS The property known as 318 Powderhouse street, on Dreisa Hill, highest and coolest point in city—only 12 minutes to Josku s; house of five rooms, reception hall and bath; piped with gas for cooking and heating; electric lights, screens and awnings; thor oughly modern in every respect. Property has frontage of 132 feet, extending to corner; is 135 deep: 15-foot alley in rear. Lawn is set with 20 young fruit and shade trees. Built and maintained as a home. Can be bought under value. Call at 318 Powderhouse street or see Boo* at Joske's store. $250 CASH Balance monthly, 5 rooms, hall, bath, gas, sewer. electric lights, front and rear gal leries: screened. Cement walk and stable; block from car line. Price $2500. W. D. SYERB, Owner. O. P. 562. 427 Navarro St. N. P. 2570. $1250, $25 cash and $23 per moihh, will buy two 50 foot lots and a large house this side of Marlborough Place, half block from Hot Wells car line. The house is insured for $lOOO, and the lots across the atreet are held at $9OO each. Address 93G6 care Light and Gazette. FOR SALE—A very desirable corner lot on Avenue B and Fifth street. Call on F. Pasche, 705 Avenue B. * ANEW FIRM BUT OLD IN "I HE BUSINESS Will handle desirable real estate. We solicit a share of your business. First door east of Gunter hotel. Rpom 213 East Houston street. JOHN RICHEY & CO. TALK ABOUT SNAPS Six-room house, large barn, 3 lots 50x 110; house not new, but in good condi tion, two blocks from street car. This is certainly a snap for $2OOO. Only $lOO cash, and $l5 a month with 8 per cent interest. Information only from office. Call and see me about this. T. H. C. HYDE. Boom 5, St. James Hotel. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Improved property on a corner. A five room house, with pantry, bath room, 8-foot hall, sewer connection, and a big barn which has seven different apartments. This place has two lots and the house sets on the corner. FOR SALE CHEAP, or will take two vacant lots in part payment. These two lots supposed to be on a corner. Apply at 501 South Pine street. FOR SALE. BUSINESS SITE ONE BLOCK FROM SUNSET DEPOT. A SUITABLE PROPO SITION FOR APARTMENT HOUSE. See San Antonio Loan & Trust Co. "FREE HOMESTEADS from 40 to 160 acres land in Ala., Ark., Fla., La., and Misa GIVEN AWAY by UNITED STATES GOV ERNMENT to successful applicants. Send 36c for information and application form. yXIE HOME CO., Naranja. Fla. LET US SHOW YOU BONITO ADDITION Fine high lota on Zarzamora St. 340 to $lOO. $5 down. 66 a month. No Interest. No taxes until paid out. Call at offict. We take you out. J. K. McCOY & CO., Boom 201 Hicks Bldg JUST COMPLETED Splendid new 8-room 2 story residence, ' finely located cm Main Ave., modem con veniences. attractive interior finish. Corner lot 55x150. South and east front. Price $B5OO. $2500 eash. ’ W. D. SYERH, Owner. O. P. 562. 427 Navarro St. N. P. 2570. TAILORS— PANCOAST & KOHLER, 104 E. Commerce etreet, have some bargains in woolens to cloae. zULOUAIi FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. For Sale By Owner Oakland street property, fine location, large lot, 60x300, five-room cottage, all modern conveni ences ; very desirable neighborhood. - RING NEW PHONE 2080 THE LAST STRAW IN THE HIGH COST OF LIVING. Isn’t it terrible? Beastly disconcerting! Uncle Sam lias raised the tax on tobacco and cigarettes. The tax on package tobacco will be raised from 6 to 8 cents a pound, and cigarette boxes will be made to hold eight instead of ten, at the same price. REMOVAL NOTICE We brg to notify our many clients and friends that wb have moved our offices from 213% East Houston Street to 109 Avenue C (Hicks Building). We request you to call at our new quarters and inspect our facilities for handling your business. Distributers for the famous M ineral Wells Water. MISSION REALTY CO. 109 Ave. C. Phonez 3750, old. 1340, new. 76 ACRES Five miles of City Hall, very high and fine, worth $2OO per acre, lies on macadam road. Will take $125 per acre. HENRY LA CKS. Owner, 101 Mackay Building. 16 ACRES With good house, well and windmil), splendid water, 14 acres in cultivation. All as good land as you will find in the coast country. 1 1-4 miles of Beeville, where you can now see orange trees loaded with oranges. A big snap at $ll5 per acre. See us quick if you want this good thing. LACKS & KNIGHT, Owners, 101 Mackay Building. FOR SALE— Farms and Banchea CHOICE FARM LAND FOR SALE 2358 acres of fertile, smooth prairie land in Jackson County, near two railroads. Fine crops in every direction, 40 inches rainfall. Already subdivided in tracta. For prices, terms and plats, call on or write the owner, JOHN RICHEY 213 East Houston St., San Antonio, Texas. 640 Acres in Artesian Belt. Finest fruit and onion land. Flowing wa ter cheap. Close to railroad. Easy terms. Price $18,500. Will sell one-half. 10 per cent commission to agents. Artesia Wells Townsite 1600 lots for sale. Prices from $25 to $l5O each. Agents wanted to sell lots. Big com mission. JAS. ANDERSON. Owner. Corner Navarro and Crockett Streets. FOR SALE —Fruit, truck, poultry farm in Waring, 6 acres, 4-room house, barn, out buildings, 2 wells, 20,000-gallon rock tank, gasoline engine, 2% acres irrigable; 100 fruit trees. 2000 dewberries. $2500 cash. John Stribling, Waring. IRRIGATED LAND Artesian Gardens are located just out of the city on the Somerset Boulevard, in the big flowing well district. -Five acres of this land properly cultivated will enable you to put money in the bank every year. No crop failures. Water fur irrigation absolutely fre®/ Not far from San Fernando car line; fine soil, close tu school. $5O per acre cash, and $lO per month, no interest. Don’t you think it would pay yon to investigate this propo sition before buying. Wo will be glad to i show you at any time. ’ JACKSON & WALKER, 91 8 Mackay Bldg. a A i i u L 1 ari i Ai> u u az, c i I e FOR SALE— Farms and Ranches Continued. 131-4 ACRES This is very fine black land, nothing like it can be bought at the price I am offering thia for—sloo per acre for immediately sale. 5% miles of city hall. HENRY LACKS, Owner. 101 Mackay Bldg. FOR SALE— Furniture and Pianos. NEW and second-hand furniture bought, sold and exchanged. Eagle Furniture Co., 117- 119 Soledad street. New phone 288 FOR SALE—Elegant bedroom suite, five pieces. Wernicke bookcases, desk, table, 3 chairs (all mahogany), used few months only, refrigerator, dining and kitchen table, mat ting, linoleum, kitchen safe, gas stove. Apply 117 West Arsenal. GLASS icc box, two high show cases snd large coffee mill at the right price. 916 Commerce. FOR SALE—Elegant bedroom suite, five pieces, Wernicke bookcases, desk, table, 3 chairs (all mahogany), used few months cnly, refrigerates, dining and kitchen table, mat ting, linoleum, kitchen safe, gas stove. Apply 1119 South Alamo. FOR SALE— ~ Vehlclez usd Huneu. FOR SALE cheap. Double seated carriage; muit be sold at soms price; leaving city. 1118 Buena Vista. WE HAVE SEVERAL BUGGY AND WAG ON HORSES AND A LOT OF SECOND HAND BUGGIES FOB SALE. WALLACE BROS., SOUTH SIDE MILITABY FLAZa FOR SALE— Li w Stock and Pou. FOR SALE —A gentle, willing bay mare, worth $75 to anyone deairing a steady animal, $4O; leather top buggy $25; large express wagon $26. 614 Crosby street. FOR SALE—FINE fruit and truck land near Cotulla, Tex., a town lot in Tuna, on the I. A G. N.. railroad, with each 5-acre pur chase on easy terms. For information write F. R. ground floor. Gibbs building. FOR SALE —Cheap. Horse for light delivery wagon. 514 River avenue. FOR SALE —Buggy with top, harness and nice gentle bay mare, cheap. Ring 147. Call V. P. Gardner at Western Grocer Co. Best offer t«kcs the putfit. FOR SALE—Two good milch cows. Call at 1909 Durango street; must sell this week. FOR SALE—A fine herd of Jersey cows. These cows have been culled by the Scales and Babcock's list and are sold only be cause we must have money. Phone me or see the cows at Chas. Perrin’s ranch resi dence, Boerne, Tex. Will keep the cows if prospective buyers will notify me when they will come. R. E. Duke, Boerne, Texas. r'OR SALE— MisceUaDatrau FULL cord of atova wood, $5.60. 8. A Wood Co. Old phons 156. New phons 816. FULL CORD WOOD YARD Sell, the beet poet oak end aeaqulta wood, delivered in full card wegone. Phone. 1107. Frank Baulk. LADIES —Mr.. Blaek'i Compound B.gulator never fail.; pric. $2. 201 Bowie, San An- tonie, Tex. Cut thie out and keep name. FOR SAIE—On. B horzepower (aeoline en gine, one 5-inch centrifugal pump, two por table forge*. Fuller Machine Shope, 516 d. Alamo. FOB SALE—3 complete font, of 3-letter 8- point mute, 1 complete font of 2-letter 10- point mate for Mergenthaler, mats are in perfect condition, samples of printing from rame will be furniahed prospective buyers; were discarded by ue only to make change for 7-point mats. Bau Antonio Light and Ga cotta FINEST eating figs in Texas at 409 Haya street. Old phon. 2816. FOR SALE—Wrapping paper. Apply office Light and Gazette. SAND OR GRAVEL ( Clean sharp Colorado river sand 50 cents, f. o. b. Austin. Extra clean pit gravel, and screened, crushed and washed, gravel in all sizes. Write or phcjie 597 at our expense. AUSTIN SAND & GRAVEL CO. Austin, Texas. FOR SALE—Gas stove, sewing machine, wardrobe, bed room suite and household furniture. 1023 Howard street. FOR SALE—Blacksmith’s shop, good loca tion; big trade; must sell as I am leaving city. 9718, Light. CEMENT stone water trough, cheaper than wood, will last a lifetime. Cement blocks, sidewalks and curbing. Mission Cement Works, W. Roberts, proprietor, 304 Roose velt. POULTRY— And Egg* tor Hatching. WHITE Plymouth Rocks, thoroughbred and good layers; 12 hens $1.25 each; 6 cocks $1.50 to $4.00 each : cockerels $l.OO to $2.50 each; 220-egg Cyphers incubator $lB.OO. 818 Powderhouse street. Take S. P. depot car. FOR SALE— Automobiles. FOR SALE cheap. New Seldon automobile, baby tonneau; will lose $6OO. Apply G. A. Stowers Furniture Co. FOR RENT— Houses. FOR RENT—New house. Five rooms and hall. High location, eight minutes to car, city water. $l2 per month. Apply 1615 Ave nue B. FOR RENT—Cottage of six rooms, bath and ball. 1012 Avenue D. Apply 602 Ave nue B. FOR RENT—One five-room and one six room house. Zay Smith. New phone 2602. FOR RENT 213 East Houston street, large amount of floor space, display window. Allison-Richey Co. FOR RENT—6-room modern cottage, hall and bath, corner Klein and Market. $17.50. HUNNAM A WIGGINS. FOR RENT—Housekeeping rooms, one block tu two car lines. 418 West Elmira street. FOR RENT—Very desirable modern five room cottage, almost new. 206 Leigh St. Near Presa street. FOR RENT—Five room house. corner Pier sun avenue and Peach street. Apply 159 Piersun avenue. FOR RENT—New five room modern cottage, Hot Wells car. $15.00. 2311 N. Flores. FOR RENT—9O6 Carson street. Five room huuse. Inside newly papered and painted. Hot and cold water. Gas range. $22. FOR RENT—C room modern cottage, hall and bath, comer Klein and Mockert. $17.50. HUNNAM A WIGGINS. FOR KENT— Furnlahed Room*. Enjoy coni breeze. on our 750 feet gal leries and in our cool, clean, all outside rooms. Transients 50 cents each. AVENUE "C” HOTEL Four Blocks from Postoffice. FOR REST—One room furnished or unfur nished, close in; 305 Martin. 0. P. 3709, after 6 o'clock. COOL upstairs rooms, sleeping porch, new furniehinga, close in. Old phone 4407. FURNISHED rooms for light housekesping, 231 South Mesquite. New phone 1118 green. ROOMS -OR HOBSEKthPiNG FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished rooms fee light housekeeping and gas. 424 Ssnta Clara street. FURNISHED apartments two or three rooms. Housekeeping'. Lsurel Heights. New phene 272! blue. FOR 3ENT— Stores and Office*. FOR RENT. The beautiful new stoa-e building located at comer East Houston and Nacogdoches, size 40x60. This will be divided if parties wish only half. Price 8125 for all or $75 for corner and $5O for balance. CONROY A RICE, 224 W. Commerce St. HELP WANTED— WANTED—At once, 30 gentlemen and la* dies; $5 and $lO made daily. 404 East Commerce street. WANTED—Railway mail clerks,' San Anto nivi examination November 12. Preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 352 S, Roch ester, N. Y. ALL .kinds of help wanted. The White Star Service, -213 Main avenue. HELP WANTED— Female. WANTED—-Middle aged servant woman to act as nurse and general help for small family. Ring 3630 old phone. WANTED—Competent stenographer, with some knowledge of bookkeeping, can secure desirable position. References required. Ad dress P. O. box 796, city. WANTED—German housekeeper for widower. Call 910 Dallas. —— —■ ■ - GERMAN girl to do general house work ex cept washing. Call or address Mrs. Taylor, 205 Rische street, city. HELP WANTED— Mal*. WANTED —r MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. Apprenticeship saved by free work and careful instructions. These r.dvan tages given only by us. Few weeks com pletes. Tools given, board secured. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 716 W. Com merce street. WANTED—Man to do job work. 535 old phone. C. C. Gibbs. ALL around man wanted. New Ywk Star Dye Works. YOUNG man of neat appearance to assist at fountain. Jack, 514 East Houston. Experienced Shoe Salesmen. Apply lo ", R. Q. RILEY, TW Regent Shoe Store. WANTED— Situation—Mala l YOUNG man withes to learn the English language in exchange for work In private atnily. Address 6103. Light office. VANTED—Work at job painting by a good painter. Address 8752, care Light and Ga ietto. WANTED— MlsceUsneeo* WANTED —Diamonds, old cold and sil ver. Wm. N. Capurro, Jeweler. 502% East Houston street (upstairs/, room L FILMS developed, 10c a roil. Brownie prints 2%e each, up to 4x5. 8c each. Fox Studio. COINS wanted. Will pay cash for rare coins, old gold, silver and diamonds. Sunset B. b L. Co., 532 East Commerce. WANTED— Animals and Vehicles, HORSE and buggy wanted; board at stable. Light use by lady; buy later. 3268 new phone. WOULD like use of good gentle horse for 30 or 60 days. Best of treatment. 135 E. French place. Old phone 2694. SPECIAL NOTICES — WM. SCHMIDT. Manutwciunng Octlcian. 207% 8. Alatao; glasses fitted; lenses ground; oculists’ prescriptions filled; all work guaranteed. THE Busy Bee Restaurant will open Tues day, May 24th, at 408 Bowie street. E. H. Penn, proprietor. Lawn Mowers sold, repaired and sharpened. POTCHERNICK’S BRANCH. 125 Main Avenue. DR. S. L. POST, 210 Moore building. New phone 2076. Leave calls King's Drug Store, 514 E. Houston. MIXED paint $1.85 per gallon, now $1.50 per gallon at Bacon's, 212 East Houston street. SCHOOL of massaging, manicuring and hair dressing. 209 Ellworth street, Alamo Heights. WANTED—Five to 25 thousand acres in Southwest Texas. Be quick. J no. W. Flournoy, Crystal City, Tex. DAIRYMEN, take notice. Association meets Friday, July Bth, 8:30 p. m.. Trades Council hall, South Alamo street. Come all. Something important. Good music and re freshments. Jesse Yantis, president. THE American Salvation Army. This organi zation will furnish food, clothing or other necessities of life to the destitute of San Antonio after investigation of their needs. The work is supported by free will offer ings. Make all checks payable to Captain and Mrs. J. C. Hall, officers in charge, headquar ters 902 South Lareda street. WANTED —To take ladies, babies and chil dren to board. Children's board $1.50 per week. 127 Lamar street. TEXAS BICE CO. Can save you 25 per on rice, tea and coffee. All goods guaranteed. 605 W. Hous ton. Old phone 1212, new 3075. CLOCKS, watches and jewelry repaired, all work guaranteed. Alamo Loan Office, 236 East Houston. EASTERN School of Millinery will open its next class August Ist. All who register before then get the reduced rates. Get ready for the fall business. Lingerie hats made and trimmed for $1.50. 939 North Flores street. BUSI NESS CHANCES— G. W. EVANS, architect and builder. Homes built on essy payments. 127 Avenue C. YOUR opportunity to secure the best room ing and boarding proposition in the city. House full of San Antonio people. Establish ed and well equipped; references exchanged. For price and particulars, 9284. Light. FOR Sa£.E— Wrapping paper. Apply office Light end Gazette. GOOD paying restaurant for sale. Call 133 South Florea. FOK SALE —Meat market doing good busi ness. 827 East Commerce street. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— FOR sale or trade, one good gasoline auto mobile; am using steam care and can spare this machine. Clifton George, 203 Ave nue C. FOR sale or trade, ■ five-room houae, * 6- room house, a 7-room house and an 8- room house, new and desirably located on Alamo Heights, Clifton George. 203 Ave. C. FOR SALE—Wrapping paper. Apply office Light and Gazette. VACANT LOTS WANTED. As first payment on seven nice homes, on cash basis, and easy terms on balance. We have a nice assortment for you to pick from. They are new, modern and bargains. EMPIRE REALTY CO. Ground Floor Mackay Building. PERSONAL— HOME for ladle* neror, and during con finement. Good doctor* and uurae. In fanta adopted Confidential. P O. boa 274. WANTED. LARGE CLEAN SOFT COTTON RAGS. WILL PAY THREE CENTS PER POUND. APPLY PRESS ROOM, LIGHT AND GA ZETTE. TEXAS and Correspondence Bu reau. Eneloae 10c for particulara. 228 E. Commerce street. San Antonio. CITY UMBRELLA WORKS—Umbrellaa and parasols covered and repaired. Maffi h Co., 210 East Houston. MONEY TO LOAN— MONEY udvanced salaried people, lowest rates, business confidential. N. P. 2100. 216 Alamo Bank Bldg. MONEY loaned on all articles or value. Bar gains in unredeemed pledgee. Emerson A Co, pawnbrokers. 821 W. Commerce St. 6 FEB CENT MONEY Loaned on long time and small payment! to buy or build houses, buy farms, ranches or pay off mortgagee. or write AMERICAN REALTY LOAN CO. 416 Mackay Bldg. San Antonio. Tex. WANTED—Loan en stock in well establish ed state bank, amount $lOOO to $3OOO. 9831, Light. * LOST, FOUND, STREEP— ONE shepard brlndie dog, blaek collar brass knobs; finder will please return to 642 E. Commerce street and receive reward. LOST —Sorrel mare mule, branded U. 6; one ear split; reasonable reward. ReiuzD to San Antonio Wood Co., Sap depot* LOST—Between Jozies avenue and Josephine street, $lO in currency, $lO in silver and small purse; also express «s*rd and few post cards. Finder will please return to Flight and Gazette and receive liberal reward. LOST—A nickel plated auto jas generatin'. Phone Dean’s Tin Shop, 909” South Flores street, for reward. REPAIRING— 1 MOTOCYCLES and bicycles repaired; also 5 phonograph repairing. Guarantee Cycle Co. r 414 Navarro street. ... . , - . "it . —- ■ ■> । TYPEWRITERS— ——— C TYPEWRITERS, all makes, sold, rented and 1 repaired. Oliver agency. M. J. Hewitt, 110 J West Commerce. 1 SUMMER clearance salt of second-hand type- j writers, $lO and up. GEORGE POTCHER- NICK, Agency L. C. SMITH & BROS TYPE- J WRITER. | ■ ' ' < TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. ] Dealer in the famous light running L. C. < SMITH Si BROS.’ TYPEWRITER, ball bear ing throughout. GEO. POTCHERNICK. A BARGAIN—No. 6 Remington typewriter. 1 Rebuilt by an expert. Cheap for cash. L. ] G. Hall, 316 East Crockett street. New phone a 2585. MOVING AND STORAGE— STORAGE for furniture, pianos, buggies Separate stalls. 21.50 per month. Mov ing, packing shipping. L. W. Culver. 121 haunin. Phones 2130. HARRISON MOVING CO. Storage, packing, ahlpplng. New phons Sue. Kealdenca 107. GENERAL storage warehouse. Gas range, re frigerator and gasoline stove for sale. 232 South Flores street. CTOR AHP 1 have the best and largest OIURnUL warehouse in the city. Mov ing, parking, carpet cleaning. Henry C. Rips. Both phones. MISCELLANEOUS— IMPORTANTI—Every doctor in Texas not a ; member of the State Medical association, send address to box 597. Sau Antonio. SEED & POULTRY SUPPLIES FERD BTAFFEL. 319 East Commerce Hay and grain, garden and field seed. onultry auDDlfes Incubator® <nd brooders GENERAL REPAIRING— TRUNKS, safea, scales bought or repaired. Keys fitted; electroplating. 285 W. Coin merce. 41amo Safe Co. KEY AND LOCKSMITHS— BOTH PHONES—Blcyctea ou eaay pay ments, key and lock work; lawn mow ers aharpenafi. Emeraon. the Blcycla Doctor HOTELS & RESTAURANTS—; GEM HOTEL 1 Over 205 North Piasa street, second doo? south Alamo bank, new building and farm J ture, modern, transients solicited. New phone 1 2625. EDUCATIONAL— LOW summer rates. Draughon'a at San An tonio, the largest link of the greateat chain ■ of business colleges in the world. FREE * catalogue. SALES— — AUCTION SALE—Wednesday, July 27. 101 a. in., 3106 West Commerce street. High- i grade furniture, advertised in Sunday’s pa per. Sommer & Bray, auctioneers. dctil loxU. <> BAILBOAD iIME TABLE 4 » 4 Lk.9-3. I. A G. N. naw scßeduia, .ff.etlra 13:0 a. m.. January 80. 1010: Arrive— i No. 3 —From the North (:45pi No. 6—From tka North 6:45 an No. 7 —Local from Hearn, 10:00 an No. 9—Local from Palestine 10:45 ps No. 4—From Mexico 1:50 pn No. 12 —Local from Laredo (mixed) 0:00 m Depart— J No 4—For the North I:66ph No. t>— For the North ••••••••••• 0:00pa No. B—Local8 —Local for Paleatiue . . M .. 7:30 an No. lu —Expreea Special for Hearne 4:00 ea No. s—For5 —For Mexico 7:ooan No. lx —Local for Laredo' (mixed) 0:00 pt BANTE F£ (L * G. a. Depot.) Arrives— No. 7 —From the north 10:00 m No. 9—From the north 10:46 ni Depart— No. B—To the north 7:80 m No. 6—To the north 0:00 ni 0. a. • *. r. Arrive — Ko. I—From1 —From Houaton and eoast 7:00 pi No. B—From8 —From Houston and coast 7:00 an No. s—From eoaat towns 1:15 pi No. 44 —From Kerrville, ax. Bun.. 0:46 m No. 42 —From Kerrville, Hun. only 8:00 pi No. 146—From Kerville. ex. Bun.. 6:45 pm Desert — No. 2 —For Houston end eonet.. 8:36 am No. 4—For Houaton and coast.. B:3opat No. 6 —For coast towns 1:40 pi No. 48 —For Kerrville, ox. Bau.. 4:26pa No. 41—For Kerrville, Sun. only.. 8:35 eu No. 145 —For Kerrville, ex. Biui.. 7:l6an G„ H. * 8. A. (Mala Une.) Arrive — No. 9 —From the coat ... 7:Boata No. 2—From Del Rio 10:50 an No. 7 —From the eaat 4:00 pa No. 10—From Ei Paao ana went.. 7:3opa Depart— No. 9 —For El Paso and weds.... 0:00 ei No. I—For Del Rio •••■•••••••• 4:oopi No. 10 —For the eest 10:30 pi No. B—For the eest 11.00 ei G.. H. A a. A. (Victoria Division.i Departs— No. 305—Cuero, Victora. etc 8:00 an No. 306 —Cuero, Victoria, etc 7:6opn M., K. & T, (Union Station.) Arrive — No. 9 —Katy Limited 7:46 pa No. 235 —Kety kiyer 7:803 Arrive — No. 243 —Alamo Special from Hone- ton end Gelveston 6:80 an No. 241—Mail and Express 8:25 pa Depart— No. 10—Kety Limited .......... 10:00 sa No. 236—Kety Flyer 9:00 pn No. 242—Alamo Special for Hosston and Galveston 11:60 pa No. 244—Mail and Ernreaa ...... 7:loaa REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J. H. Kirkpr.trick to Henry Talmon. July 22, 1910, lots 3 to 7, block 9, south side Soldano street, San Fernando addition; $5OO. State of Texas to Robert V. Smith and Henry Feille Sr., July 21, 1910, 85.75 acres of land, survey 1387, about eighteen milea south of San Antonio. Parke R. Longworth to Lewis A. Eckraat. May 1, 1910, lots 1 and 8, bktck 39, lots 1 and 9, block 38, in Edgewood addition; $l7OO. Grace W. and A. D. Davis to Mrs. A Mannix, July 18, 1910, lot 12, new ciw block 3554, on Pierson avenue, Givens ad' dition; $550. William A. and Lydia Duft to Richard Hanley, September 10, 1909, lots 23 and 24 block 20, Kenwood addition; $lOO. J. C. Cox to Lillie Pauling, June 27, 1916 lot 6, block 1, in Hi Vue addition, south side Ada street: $240. Los Angeles Heights Improvement company to George W. Bolton, July 20. 1910, M 12, block 1, in Los Angeles Heights addition; $250. Larkin T. Smith to Rudolph Aue, July 23, 1910, 480 acres of land out of survey 384, about sixteen miles northwest of San Anto nice $l6BO. W. C. Carl to C. R. Southwell. July 22, 1910, lot 117, block 4, new city block 3228, Hillcrest addition; $4OO. Ferdinand Grote and wife to Henry J. Winckler and wife, .July 2, 1910, 10 acre! of lard out of survey 131, in name of G. Rodriguez, about six miles northeast of San Antuinio; $l5OO. T. N. Givens to C. H. Dean. July 25» 1910, lot 5, block 10. new city block 387, in Givens Terrace: $350. State of Texas to Larkin T. Smith. July 8. 1910, 480 acres of land known as thrrev fourths of section 384 b Tyler Tap Railway company certificate 325, on the waters of Leon Creek, about sixteen miles northwest of San Antonio. ' Rats destroy at least $73,000,000 worth of property in Great Britain an nually. A STRIKING SIMILARITY. There may be between our ice and that handled by other dealers, but ex perience will teach you it is not at pure. The ice you use should be as good as the water you drink. There fore, our ice is the ice for you. Cater especially to household trade. Carloads a specialty. SOUTHERN ICE COMPANY. Guenther Street. CARNEOIE LIBRARY BfatM Inb 9 a. m. to 9:31 a. •ORATIONS or BOOKS appreciated ALL PRIVILEGES gRUE BILLY SHEEHANI CUT RATE SALOON* 5 All the Lo»Rlst BrandB % PrlM 701 W. Commerce St Morales Transfer Co. Hauling and Storage PLACING SAFES A SPECIALTY WarahouM S. A. P. Track. Old Phona 1584. Naw Phone 814$.