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the Cracker Wf that )■] Brown JNk Slis3«! Pl Sodaefeg Why They’re Better 9 The choicest soft winter wheat is milled into flour by methods that retain the goodness, grain sweetness and nutriment. Q The flour so made is mixed into the dough by a recipe that is all our own, designed to produce the acme of cracker flavor and de liciousness. All is done by immaculately clean (and cleanly) ma chinery —hands are not used. 9 Only pure artesian water from our own deep wells is used. in white tile ovens to a crackly, crispy cracker that pleases in the “bite” almost as much as in the taste. Q Packed in packages that are proof againt dust, dirt, moisture — * anything that might make a good cracker less good. That’s why SODAETTES are supreme Soda Crackers If your grocer says he does not keep “The Crackers that Brown Makes” ask him to get them for you. If he is unwilling to trouble himself for your pleas ure and convenience, write us and we will see that you are supplied. And just remember —the factory where are made “The Crackers that Brown Makes” is not controlled by a trust —that’s why we say “Made in Texas for Texans’* BROWN CRACKER & CANDY COMPANY Dallas—Fort Worth—San Antonio BUILD IT THIS SUMMER Have it ready to occupy or rent in the early Fall. Vacant citv lots only produce tin cans and rubbish. If you haven't all or part of the money, consult us; maybe we can arrange it for you. Glad to see you at any time. 1 HILLYER, DEUTSCH-JARRATT CO. 1309 South Flores Street Both Phones 329 and 255 UNSON MEA T COMPANY Beef and Pork Packers lard Refiners and Otm/nunti Makara UNION STOCK YARDS San Antonio, - - Toxas ATTENTION CONTRACTORS We Are Prepared to Furnish FOR * THB Crushed Rock ALL KINDS In All Sizes—Any Quantity. VICINITY (Crystalized Limestone) BEE US ABOUT BUILDING YOUR CEMENT WALKS UNG and HUGHES Quarry Phone, New 7460. Our Stock of Pipe, Casing and Fittings is Complete. Send Us Your Orders. ij. A. MACHINE & SUPPLY CO. YOU WILL REALIZE THAT “THEY LIVE WELLWHO LIVE CLEANLY,” IFYOU USE SAPOLIO TUESDAY, Practical Plumbing I in all its branches is our special work. I Having a thorough knowledge of the modern practice or Plumbing - •• are fa miliar with the scientific and up-to date principles of the trade. We em ploy none but experienced help and use only the very best materials. Our work is careful and thorough and we do it promptly. We give thorough good work at very moderate prices. Southern Plumbing Company I W WIE 15 EXPECTED IN OKLAHOMA Interest In Primaries Today Centers on the Democratic Gubernatorial Race. STAN P » PATTERS OPPOSED It Is Conceded, However, That Congressmen Have a Good Chance for Renomination. Associated Press. Guthrie, Okla., Aug. 2. —In the state wide primaries in progress in Okla homa today, the greatest interest cen ters about the democratic gubernatorial race, the voting on the proposed “grandfather clause” constitutional amendment and the republican congres sional contests. A heavy vote is expect ed. In each of the first three congression al districts, the present incumbents, McGuire, Morgan and Creager, “stand patters” are opposed for renoniination by one or more candidates running on platforms more or less insurgent. It is conceded all three have good chances for renomination. In the fourth and fifth districts, which are heavily demo cratic, both Carter and Ferris, demo crats, it is conceded, will be renomin ated without opposition. Democratic candidates for governor are: Lee Cruee of Ardmore, a banker; Wm. R. Murray of Tishomingo, presi dent of the constitutional convention and speaker of the first legislature; Ross of Lawton, Okla., Governor Has kell’s bitterest enemy in the democratic party and a candidate on resubmission of an anti-prohibitiou amendment. The republican candidates for governor are: McNeal of Guthrie; Ferguson of Wat onga, and Fields and Jones of Okla homa City. Two women are candidates for state commissioner of charities and correc tions. Mrs. Kate Barnard, on the demo cratic ticket, seeks renomination and she is opposed by Mrs. Kate Biggers of Marlow, republican, who is president of the Woman's Suffrage association of Oklahoma. Tn every home where there is a baby there should also be a bottle of Me- I GEE’S BABY ELIXIR. It may be ] needed at any time to correct sour ' stomach, wind colic, diarrhoea or sum | mer complaint. It is a wholesome rem , edy, contains no opium, morphine or injurious drug of any kind. Price 25c i and 50e per bottle. Sold by the Bexar ! Drug Co. IS SLAP AT CURTISS. National Council of Aero Club De dares Meets Must Be Open to AU Aviators. Associated Press New York. Aug. ‘-’.—The national council of the Aero < lub of America, which met yesterday to consider the protest of Charles K. Hamilton against Glenn 11. Curtiss, announced tonight that a resolution had been passed deny ing the sanction of the club to any aviation meet not open to all qualified and licensed aviators. Although no mention is made of either Curtiss or Hamilton, the resolution is generally interpreted as a direct slap at Curtiss. RACE AGAINST TARIFF. Ships Bearing Wines Try to Reach U. S. Before Reciprocal Agree ments Terminate. New York. Aug. 2.—Laden with wines, Italian bitters and cordials,cher ries and port wines from the Iberian peninsula and gins from the Nether lands, seven steamships from ports of southern Europe are making all speed to arrive at this port before August 7. On that date reciprocal agreements with Italy. Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands will terminate and higher tariffs on their products go iuto effect. Italian importers roughly estimated the value of the wines and cordials now in transit at $1,000,000. on which the dutv will be between $200,000 and $300,000. TIZ-For Tender Feet A new, scientific medical toilet tablet which DRAWS OUT ALL INFLAMMATION AND SORENESS. This remarkable foot bath remedy is Superior to Powder, Plaster or Salve and is guaranteed to cure Corns, Cal louses. Bunions, Frostbites, Chilblains, Ingrowing Nails, Tired, Aching, Swol len, Nervous, Sweaty, Bad Smelling Feet. Smaller Shoes Can Be Worn by using TIZ, because it puts and keeps the feet in perfect condition. TIZ is for sale at all druggists, 25 cents per box or direct if you from Walter Luther Dodge & Co., Chicago. 11l SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE TEDDY JUNIOR WANTS TO DE PLAIN CITIZEN Is at Work Today In Salesroom of San Francisco Carpet and Rug Firm. WORKS LIKE OTHER MEN Reports In the Morning at 8:30 and Quits at 5:30 In ..the Evening. Associated Press. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 2. —Theo- dore Roosevelt Jr. is working today at the sales rooms of a carpet and rug company. He is just an ordinary em ploye and says he wants to be known as plain Theodore Roosevelt Jr., a citi zen. “I want to become a good citizen of California,” young Roosevelt said yes terday during his first day’s work since his marriage, as he looked up for a moment from a pile of new rugs over which he was bending. “I am working here the same as the rest of the men. I report for work at 8:30 in the morn ing aud quit at 5:30 p. in. The work is not new to me, as I put in two years in the company’s factory in the east. I want to be known as a San Francis can, in the carpet business for a liv ing.” Roosevelt resumed his work, and with three or four other young men en gaged in piling rugs, checking them and putting them away. Young Roose velt and his wife will remove in a few days to a modest two aud a half story house at 1910 Pacific avenue. San Marcos People Watch Develop ments in Commission Charter for San Antonio. Special Dispatch. San Marcos, Tex., Aug. 2. —The fight for commission government in San An tonio has awakened no little interest in this city. There are a number of ad -ocates of the commission plan iu San Marcos, many of whom were made into the most enthusiastic converts by the success of the plan in Galveston, Houston, and other cities. But it re mained for the tight in San Autonio to arouse interest in commission govern ment. San Antonio is far more close ly identified with the interests of San Marcos and the surrounding section and therefore accounts of its public affairs are given closer attention. Many of the best citizens of this city are advocates of the commission form fol towrs also and should it be adopted b” San Antonio and prove as beneficial is it has in the other cities where it has been given a trial, there is reasou to believe that there will be a strong sen timent in favor of its adoption in San Marcos. A CHEMIST'S OPINION ON SKIN DISEASES. The Bexar Drug Co., chemists and druggists, say that in all their scientific and business experience they have never found any remedy bo successful as ZE MO for the treatment of Eczema, Itch ing Skin Diseases, Dandruff, Pimples, Blackheads, and all diseases of the skin and scalp. He says that not only do its curative qualities make it popular, but also the fact that it is a clean, liquid remedy for external use. A wonderful improvement over the old, greasy salves am', lotions which are not only unpleas ant to use, but do uot destroy the germ life that cause the disease. ZEMO draws the ;erms to the surface aud Ue s'roys them, leaving the skin clear and healthy. Can be used freely on in fants. The 3exar Drug Co. will gladly] supply those who call with r free sam-, pie bottle of ZEMO and a booklet which i explains in simple language all about j Skin Diseases anil how to cure yourself] at home with ZEMO. SUMMER NORMAL CLOSES. Attendance at Blanco Was Small, But Teachers Are Satisfied With Progress. Special Dispatch. Blanco, Tex., Aug. 2.—The Blaneo summer normal has closed. Conductor Watkins’ report shows there were 36 in attendance, including a few who took the business course. The shortage in numbers was partly offset by a guarantee fund raised by the business men to pay the instructors in the nor mal, but several of the teachers said they were well pleased with the Blanco normal, being able to get more indivi 1- ual help in a small normal. Altogether there were seven counties represented by those attending here. 'At the close of the Blanco normal, examinations were held for those try ing for teachers’ certificates. Miss Carrie Harold. Miss Maye Edwards and Miss Villa Saunders took the first grade examination. Seven others took the second grade. Stockdale. Tex., Aug. 2.—The pro tracted meeting at the Church ot Christ closed yesterday with twelve ad ditions to the church by baptism and one bv membership. Elder Arceneaux, who did the preaching, left on the evening train for Lockhart to begin a series of meetings at that place. The Baptist meeting is progressing nicelv with eleven additions. Revs. T. V. Neal and W. B. Wooten, pastor of this place, are doing the preaching. H. E. Conn and A. L. Baker left to day for Fort Worth to attend the Farmers’ Union convention held at that place- INTERESTED IN FIGHT. STOCKDALE NOTES. The Greatest of Sales Started This Morning With the Big- J gest Crowds in the History of Our Store. fWyt flfi j The Way Everyone Bought J\MLI ■ L Proves That We’re Offering the Best I I M I Bargains in San Antonio, xi ■ IlKfl ■ hH 11 BUSII ■ I Don't Miss This I PHI ■ H Sale. Come and Avail Yourself of I I L-z Values That No Other Store Can Offer. I I Prices Are Positively So Low That It I ■ Will Pay You to Put in a Big Supply for ■ Next Season. DON’T PUT IT OFF. COME EARLY. Men’s Hats Panamas, Bangkok* and Split Braids $15.00 Panama hats for... $8.85 ] $lO.OO Panama hats f0r.... $6.85 $8.50 Panama hats for $5.85 $6.00 Panama hats for $3.85 $5.00 imp. Leghorn hats for $2.85 $6.00 imp. Bangkok hats for $3.25 $5.00 split braid straw hats $2.85 $4.00 split braid straw hats $2.35 $3.50 split braid straw hats $2.25 $2.50 split braid straw hats $1.43 Soft and Stiff Hats 100 dozen $2.50 soft hats.. $1.43 100 dozen $3.00 soft hats.. .$1.65 50 dozen $2.50 Derby hats. $1.43 50 dozen $3.00 Derby hats. $1.65 50c fancy hat bands 28c 25c fancy hat bands 18c Silk Neckwear 15c silk string ties, each 3c 25c silk shield bows, each lie 50c silk Windsors, solid colors.. 19c 25c Runchunda silk Windsors.. ,12c 25c all silk four-in-hands 10c' 25c silk reversible four-in-hands. 13c 35c silk four-in-hands, each 18c 50c four-in-hands, odd ties 29c 50c four-in-hands, each 33 l-3c 25c silk batwing ties, each 12c 50c silk batwing ties, each. .331-3cj Wash Ties 10c wash ties sc, 6 for 25' 12 l-2c wash ties 7c, 4 for 25< 15c wash ties 9c, 3 for 25' 25c panel wash ties.. -12 c, 3 for 30i 35c silk wash ties 15c, 3 for 40i SPECIAL—3OO dozen wash ties 3c each, 35c a dozen. Men’s Hose 10c black and fancy hose... .7c pair 4 pairs for 25c 15c black and fancy hose.... 9c paw 3 pairs for 25c. 15c white foot hose 9c pair 3 pairs for 25c. 20c black and fancy hose... 12c pair / 3 pairs for 35c. 25c fancy half hose 18c pair 3 pairs for 50c 50c fancy lisle hose 35c pair 3 pairs for 65c. 50c fancy lisle lace hose.... 35c pair 3 pairs for 81.00. 35c fancy silk lisle hose... ,21c pair 5 pairs for $l.OO. Suspenders 25c American Guyot suspenders. 15c 50c Guyot suspenders 38c 50c elastic Cantab ends 0n1y.... 32c 50c elastic kid ends at 29c 50c President suspenders 0n1y... 32c 1 : 50c vestless invisible suspenders.29c ■ 75c Knothe Bros.’s suspenders.. .43c : Aaron Frank Clothing Co. 509-511 East Houston Street THIS STORE is not connected with any other Store or Stores. We do strictly a cash business, will not charge or send goods on approval and during this sale no goods will be sent C. 0. D. unless a deposit has been made. BOTH CLAIM VICTORY. 1 ■ Regular Democrats and Independents in Tennessee Confident of Out- come. Associated Press. Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 2.—Chairman | Robertson of the regular democratic I state campaign committee and Chair . man Vertrees of the independent state i democratic committee, each gave out I forecasts on the result of the election to Benjamin and Sampeck Clothes $40.00 Benjamin and Sampeck Suits.. .$23.89 $35.00 Benjamin and Sampeck Suits... $20.89 $32.50 Benjamin and Sampeck Suits.. .818.89 ] $30.00 Benjamin and Sampeck Suits.. .817.89 $27.50 Benjamin and Sampeck Suits.. .$15.89 $25.00 Benjamin and Sampeck Suits. . $14.89 $22.50 Benjamin and Sampeck Suits.. .$12.89 $20.00 Benjamin and Sampeck Suits.. $11.89 High Standard and Other Makes OF WHICH THERE ARE SMALL LOTS. $12.50 Suits for less than half, now... S 6.20 $15.00 Suits for less than half, now... .$ 7.30 $16.50 Suits for less than half, now... .$ 8.20 $18.50 Suits for less than half, now... .$ 9.20 $20.00 Suits for less than half, now. .. 8 9.80 $22.50 Suits for less than half, now... .811.10 $25.00 Suits for less than half, now... .$12.30 $30.00 Suits for less than half, now... .$14.80 Look at These Trousers Values $3.50 Pants reduced to $2.29 $4.00 Pants reduced to $2.63 $4.50 Pants reduced to $2.96 $5.00 Pants reduced to $3.29 86.00 Pants reduced to 83.95 $6.50 Pants reduced to $4.28 $7.00 Pants reduced to $4.61] $7.50 Pants reduced to $4.94 i $B.OO Pants reduced to $5.27 $8.50 Pants reduced to $5.59 $9.00 Pants reduced to $5.93 1 $lO.OO Pants reduced to $6.591 Men’s Skirls PONGEE AND OUTING. 50c Shirts 35c each or three for $l.OO 75c Shirts 47c each or three for $1.35 $l.OO Shirts 68c each or three for $2.00 $1.25 Shirts 89c each or three for 82.5 C $1.50 shirts $1.09 each of three for S3.OC $1.75 Shirts $1.33 each or three for $3.5C $2.00 Shirts $1.33 each or three for $3.7f $2.50 Shirts $1.63 each or three for $4.75 $3.00 Shirts $2.29 each or three for $6.75 $3.50 Shirts $2.63 each or three for 87.50 Men’s Garters : 50c Boston Garters 29c] ] 25c Boston Garters 15c | :; 50c Paris Garters 29c! 25c Paris Garters 15c ' 25c Brighton Garters*. 10c I 25c Avondale Garters 15c i Men’s Underwear 35c check muslin...23c each, 45c a suit 50c check muslin.. 38c each, 75c a suit ] 50c India crepe.... 38c each, 75c a suit 75c check muslin 55c a garment 81 check muslin 73c a garment 75c Scriven’s elastic seam drawers.s3c 50c Pepp. jean elastic seam drawers.3Bc 50c nainsook elastic seam drawers..3Bc 81 Scriven’s nainsook elastic seam drawers 73c $1 balbriggan union suits 73c [ $1 Porosknit union suits 73c 81.25 Cooper’s spring needle bal briggan 83c | Overalls 15c painter's white overalls 58c fsc painter s white jumpers ..58c 51 blue overalls only 78c 51 blue Jumpers only 78c be held throughout this state next Thursday, last night. Chairman Robertson claims the regu lar democratic judiciary ticket will win by between fifteen aud twenty thou sand votes, while Vertrees says the in dependent ticket will sweep the state by forty thousand votes. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A AUGUST 2, 1010. Men’s Fine Shoes $6 Banister hand made Oxfords, gunmetal calf, vieis and tans. Reduced in this sale 4.29 85 S. & M. custom made Oxfords, patent leathers, gunmetals and tans. Reduced in O this sale to 84 Faultless 3-eyelet ties Oxfords, tans, patents gunmetals etc. All reduced in this sale 2.79 $4 Faultless custom made Ox fords vieis patents Bluchers and lace. Reduced in O g this sale to fcivw S 3 Faultless Oxfords 100 pairs odd sizes in patent leathers only. All reduced in this 4 F sale to 85 “Weber” Oxfords odd sizes and $4 lasts, gunmetals, vici kids, tans, ete. Reduced F in this sale to 4S i*rW S 3 Faultless shoes, gunmetals, tans, vieis and patent eolts. All reduced in this sale 2.29 Men’s Underwear 25c plain balbriggan. ..18c, 35c suit 25c Porosknit 18c, 35c suit 40c Money Comb 23c, 45c suit 50c Porosknit 38c, 75c suit 50c plain French rib.. .35c, 3 for $1 50c plain balbriggan.. .38c, 75c suit ! 50c Honey Comb 38c, 75c suit 175 c Sea Island cotton, ,55c garment i 75c imp. gauze lisle .. 55c garment 81 imp. French bal 83c garment $1 white lisle thread. . 83c garment 82 imp. lisle thread. . .81.33 garment 81 imp. drop stitch lisle.B3c garment i Men’s Handkerchiefs 5c hemst. hdks .. ,3c each, 35c doz. 8c hemst. hdks.... 4c each, 7 for 25c 12c hemst. hdks.. .7c each, 4 for 25c 12c col. bor, 7c each, 4 for 25c 15c all linen hdks 8c each, 7 for 50c 25c all sheer linen 18c, 3 for 50c 15c initial handkerchiefs . 6 for 50c Negligee Shirts WHITE AND COLORED, PLAIN AND PLEATED. 50c Shirts 35c, three for $l.OO 75c Shirts 47c, three for $1.35 Sl.OO Shirts 68c, three for $2.00 $1.25 Shirts 89c, three for $2.50 $1.50 Shirts $1.09, three f0r...53.00 $1.75 Shirts $1.23, three f0r...53.50 82.00 Shirts 81.33, three for... $3.75 $2.50 Shirts $1.63, three f0r...54.75 $3.00 Shirts $2.29, three for... $6.75 $3.50 Shirts $2.63, three f0r...57.50 Night Shirts & Pajamas 50c night shirts only 38c 75c night shirts only 55c 81.00 night shirts only 79c 81.25 pajamas now only 93c PERRY GOES ASHORE. —— Revenue Cutter Hits on Island iu Ber ing Sea and Is a Total Loss. Washington. I*. C.. Aug. 2.—Th® rev enue cutter Perry, one of the smallest । but oldest of the fleet of that service, ■ rau ashore on July -6 at -onki Point, on the east side of St. Paul island. U« ; of the Pribiioff group in the Bonn* i sea, and a total lact