Newspaper Page Text
WEDNESDAY, OJEIETY As in the words of a' tuneful bard, youth and pleasure met last, night to chase the hours with flying feet on f ne wide lawn of the home of Mr. a.i 1 Mrs. Otto Wahrmund, when Mus Jennie Wahrmund entertained a party of frionds, complimentary to Miss Fannie Ledbetter of Hallettsville. A profusion of Japanese .lanterns il luminated the lawn where the canvas for dancing was stretched, and the musicians were hidden by a screen of fragrant flowers. Punch was served from a blossom-dressed bowl set in a wistaria-hung bower. Mrs. Lou::- Sauei presided. Ab amusing contest furnished much entertainment for the evening, «nd the winners of the prizes were Mies Maude Campbell and Henry Paulus of Halletts ville, first prizes and Miss Margaret Burke, consolation. Mr. and Mrs. Wahrmund were assist ed in chaperoning the young people by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sauer,' Mrs. Jack Meusebach of Phelan. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Sommers, Mr. and Mrs. R. Barbeck, Mrs. Otto Muesebach and Mrs. Meuse bach of Mexico. Those present were: Misses Fannie Ledbetter of Hallettsville, Clara Gray, Maude Gray, Pearl Poyle, Maude Camp bell, Lockie Reed, Margaret Burke, Florence Funk, Dorothy Pagcnsteeher, Ella Hoecke, Ola Hoecke, Isabel Sartor, Clara Rossy, Paula Seeling, Clara See ling, Mamie Bergstrom, Dorothy Moon ey, Lueile Teagarden, Maidai Teagar den, Helen Bollons, Constance Dwyer, Ethol Holmgreen, Miss Virginia Baum berger, Miss Adelle Camp, Miss Margue rite Wood, Miss Ruth Newel, Miss Ot toe Wahrmund and Miss Julia Paulus. Messrs./Chas. Burke, John Breen, Ar thur Gray, Frankie Poyle, John O. Meusebach, Johnson, Schiebel of Wis consin, Louis Fink, Antonio Castanola. MISS FRIEDA ENGLEHARDT (Successor to Mrs. Chas. Devits) Ladles’ Hair Dresser and Wig Maker Shampooing Parlor. Manicuring and Face Massage. Scalp Treatment. Manufacturer of Hair Goods. Terrell Bldg. 212 Ave. D. New Phone 1003. E. L. FRANCOIS. Manager. 75be Imperial Millinery Shop. Mme. Powell. *>o2 E. Cem. Just at the bridge. THE SHOP OF EXCLUSIVENESS. The Wonder Millinery Mln Margaret Sammer, Prop. Chlo Walking end Dresi Hats 113 I*2 Ave. C SAN ANTONIO FURNITURE CO. We Beat, Buy, Sen and Exchange Furniture. 117 Mata Ave. to 110 N. Florea. Old Phone 1797. New Phone 270« Garden Stables BOARDING OF HORSES A SPECIALTY Night or Day—Best Service. — PHONES 212— Lung Troubles Also nose and throat successful/ treated by the Bensonizer and all other approved methods. The Bensonizer 106 West Houston Street. 206-209 Book Building. Keep out the flies, sell everything j i screens. E. L. | HOFHEINZ 604 E. Houston St. ( Ed Steves, Albert Sein, Louis Altman, Walter Steves, Chas. Boelhauwe, Henry Pauius, Teagarden, Bailey, Austin Eager, Tom Camp, M. Wernette, L. Kar ney, Adolf Reiman, Townsend Smith, Chas. Bass, Court Meusebaeh, Otto Koehler, Jr. and Felix Staffel. The American Woman's league will hold a regular meeting tomorrow even ing at 8 o’clock at the Y. M. C. A. hall. Mr. and Mrs. J. Flood Walker will give a box party for Houston-San An tonio Elks’ baseball game and have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Oscar 8. De wees and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Minor. Surrounded by a coterie of her youth ful friends Miss Edna Drisdale was mar ried yesterday evening to W. D. C. Jones of Gonzales, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Drisdale, 135 Augusta street. Rev. E. C. Routh performed the ceremony. The house, which was thrown en suite, was prettily decorated in palms and ferns, and the guests of honor were the members of the Philathea class of the First Baptist church of whieh the bride is a member. To the strains of Mendelssohn’s wed ding march, the bride and gToom enter ed the parlor together, preceded by Miss Mildred Orme and Miss Alice Drisdale, prettily gowned in white lingerie dresses, who acted as bridesmaids. The bride wore her handsome going awav gown of gray with accessories to match. Punch was served during the evening with Mrs. C. A. Lundeen presiding at the punch bowl. The bride’s book was in charge of Miss Stella Ellison. Among the out of town guests were: Dr. and Mrs. WT J. Hildebrand, J. W. Rainbolt, August Kliene, Mrs. T. C. Karnes of Gonzales and Mr?. Jones, Misses Leola and Lucy Davis and Mr. Davis of Belmont. Mr. and Mrs. Jones left last evening for Seattle, Washington and a two months' tour of the west. The Government Hill circle of the Travis Park Methodist church, will meet tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at tho residence of Mrs. M. E. Gerhard, 925 Carson street. . The ladies of the Riverside Park Bap tist ehureh will give an ice cream social tomorrow evening at tho residence of Mrs. J. D. Dickinson, 14? Arlington court. Dr. and Mrs. S. T- Lowry have re turned from a month's stay at Fort Dv vis. They report that they found the ideal summer resort: that the tempera ture was 68 and mountain climbing and auto riding wese the plc-sant pastimes of a delightful colony who are spending tho summer there. Among those well known in San Antonio were Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Robertson. Mrs. Winfield and Miss Louise Winfield. Mrs. Willo Hardy and Gus Hardy of Luling. Mr. .and Mrs. T. J. Finck of Tobin Hill make formal announcement of the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter. Betty, to Ray M. Mackey, to be solemnized Wednesday evening, Aug. 24, at 8 o clock at the Madison Square Presbyterian church. This announcement is accompanied with a great deal of interest as both young people have lived here a number of years, and have taken such an active interest in the affairs of the ehureh in which they are to be married. Mrs. John P. DeLesdeneir is enter taining today at her home, 205 West Craig Place, at an all day function. “A Trip to Europe,” an enjoyable contest, is to be played in the morning, and “five hundred” in the afternoon. An elegant dinner of several courses was served At noon. Mrs. O. F. Bordelon has returned from Kerrville. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Witt, who are spending the summer abroad, send greetings from Rome of a very delight ful visit there. Mrs. Witt was before her marriage Miss Gwynne Johnstone, daughter of Mrs. Alpha Johnstone of this city, and is well known by a large circle of friends. Mrs. Bartlett of Warren street has returned from a few weeks* stay in Kerrville. (GETZ Cockroach, Bed Bug, Ant and Rat Exterminators. Sold by druggists or sent prepaid cn receipt of price. Contracts taken by the year to com* pletelv exterminate Cockroaches, Bea Bugs. Rats and other vermin. Contracts we refer to: Menger Hotel, Hot Wells Hotel, Lone Star Brewery, Southwestern Insane Asylum, Bexar Ho tel, Dr. G..H. Moody’s Sanitarium, South ern Hotel, Mission Cafe, Two Brothers’ Bar. Saratoga Restaurant, Four Seasons Restaurant. Original Mexican Restaurant, Scholz’s Restaurant, Company A, Com pany B and a large number of private residences. Getz Cockroach and Ant Extermina tor: yellow label. 25c, 50c. 75c and up. Getz red label for Bed Bugs. Flies, Fleas, Moths, Chicken Lice. Mosqui toes and Garden Insects, 25c, 50c, $l.OO and up. Hussung’s Roach and Rat Paste, 25c and $l.OO. Getz Bat and Mouse Embalmer, 1 pound can. $2.00. General office and Salesrooms, 1137 and 1139 Pine St., St. Louis. Mo. W. D. HUS SUNG. Mfg. & Gen. Mgr. Mrs. Ross AV. Davis and family of Howard street have returned from a visit to Del Rio. Mrs. H. C. Matthews and family of McCulloch avenue have taken a cot tage at Corpus Christi and will spend August out of the city. Dr. Hosham of Kansas is spending a month in this city and will make it his home. Dr. Bringhurst is enjoying a fishing trip near the head of the Guadalupe river, above Kerrville. Mrs. A. Y. Walton and daughters of Tobin Hill have returned from an out ing near Kerrville. Dr. Eugene Provine has gone to Ed wards county. Cullens Henderson of Woodlawn ave nue left this morning for a visit to Galveston. Rev. J. D. Young, accompanied by Mrs. Young, has gone to Tarpon for a two weeks’ vacation. Mrs. G. Frasch and daughter, Mrs. Minnie Schilling, have returned after a ten days’ stay iiTTorpus Christi. Mrs. M. T. Karkowski of Houston is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. Goot, for a week. ‘ Miss Margaret A. Brown has just re turned to the city after a most de lightful two weeks’ visit to Browns ville, as the guest of Miss Marie Irene Vela at the Vela ranch. Before coming to San Antonio they took a cruise on the gulf, touching Corpus Christi and Mexican points. Mrs. W. R. King and son, Cresson, have returned from a visit to Alpine, Texas. At the home of Mrs. J. W. Woodson, 425 East Quincy street, a pleasant af ternoon was spent by a crowd of young people, who assembled in honor of Miss Gertrude Brunneman of Flatonia, who is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Woodson. Musie and games were indulged in un til a late hour. Refreshments were served. The following were present: Misses Pauline Cunyus, Bernice Dug gan, Nellie Falls, Maude Gresham, Co rine Tayloe, Clara Price, Majorte Will, Olive Furman, Margaret Fischer, Ger trude Eidlebach. Louise Randle of Gon zales, Hugh Brunnemann and August Phillips. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP Has bee.. _ ed for over FIFTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. Il SOOTHES the Cl’H V. SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PfIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and Is th > t remedy for DIARRHOEA. Sold oy D ug R lsts In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for “Mrs. Winslows Sootnlng Syrup.” and take no other kind. l«c. a botila. Dr. Hughes, eje, «..., !><.>, ,ind throat Office and infirmnrv. 403 St. Marv's. » ' Dr. Keeling. r»?ntist. 209 Aiama x iazs DELIGHTFUL BIRTHDAY PA. IS TENDERED MRS. ARTZT. A very delightful birthday party was tendered Mrs. Eugene Artzt Sunday evening at the home of Joe Obriotti, 108 Lopez street. Airs. Artzt had as her guests members of the T. N. Social club and the ladies’ auxiliary. Music, danc ing and games were the features of the evening’s entertainment. Musical solos were rendered by Miss Marie Apion and Louis Obriotti. Vocal quartet, composed of Jos. Obriotti, Eu gene Fecci, Jos. Barcelona and F. P. Chiado entertained the party with sev eral selections. Music was furnished by the Artzt orchestra. Refreshments were served in a most unique and pleasing manner. Those assisting Mrs. Artzt were Mrs. Ralph Marchiori and presid ing at the punch bowl were Mesdames Pauline Chiado. Miss Marie Apion and Miss Marie Michon. Among those present were Misses Marie Michon, Marie Apion, Josie Knaupp, Pauline Chiado. Annie Boeh ler, Minnie Kate Schuh, Marie Chiado, Mary Wrzeciono, Adeline Nigra, Maria Giovanazzi, Annie Nigra, Bertha Meyer, Mary and Rosie Sereno; Messrs. Marion Giovanazzi, Fred Boeh ler, B. Obriotti, Paul Chiado, Joseph Barcelona, Jos. Obriotti, Louis Obriot ti, F. P. Chiado, A. Bernasconi, Thos. Chiado, E. Fecci, F. Nigra, Ned Ob riotti, E. Mabritto and M. Hess; Mr. । and Mrs. Theo. Artzt, Mr. and Mrs. R. I Marchiori, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Schmidtt and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Artzt. DELIGHTFUL LAWN PARTY. । A scene of much gaiety was manifest ed in the event of a law party given I yesterday evening at the home of Mr. i and Mrs. Geo. W. Dietz, 1301 Zavala street, in honor of their nieces, Misses 1 Edna and Nell Carter of Huntington, I W. Va., who are spending their vacation I in Texas. The spacious lawn was magnificently adorned with electrical illumination and Japanese lanterns. Games of vari ous kinds were participated in, whieh were interspersed with musical selec tions by the Misses Carter, after whieh a four course ’ neheon was served to the following: Misses Lillie Craig, Leta Clark, Helen Koenig, Mary Hutche son, Nellie Green, Viola White, Lizzie Hutcheson, Gladys Charpentier, Annie Craig, Edna McNeil, Ethelyn Eaton, May Charpentier, Ida Koenig. Messrs. Clifford Thrailkill, Ross Eaton, Irvin M. Smith, Chas. Brient, John Scott, Geo. E. Williams. E. Markgraf, Chas. Hutche son, Earnest Jordan, Richard Craig, A. J. Eaton, Henr- H. Dietz, Irving M. Dietz and Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Wade. Wood is seasoned in France by elec tricity. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE If you need advice write to me. 1 want all the readers of The Light and Gazette to bring their troubles to me. All letters encloring stamped envelope will receive personal answer and al» communications will be held ia denco. MME. D ANJOU. Forsaken —Foolish little girl! Almv sixteen. You ought to bf playing wii dolls and studying your lessons instei of worrying because you haven’t beau. Be a little girl just as long : you can, and you'll be glad of it son day. Melissa—Dust dulls the .beautifi sheen that should always accompan silver hair, and yet dust shows moi where the hair is gray than at any otl er stage. Shampoos are apt to rob of its luster if too frequent, and n< oftener than once a month should whil hair be wet. The dry shampoo of coi meal is excellent to cleanse white hai but it must not be rubbed into tl scalp; only into the hair itself, and n lowed to remain all night. The me: IMPERIAL HAIR Iha REGENERATOR Acknowledged to be The Standard am Hair Coloring Ali M for GRAY or BLEACHED H. , W here and in Europe. It is dura r 1 Bl ble and natural, absolutely harm fl n'kail flees, and produces any shade I:4[ 1 pTs I from Black to the lightest Ash |. I iv Blonde. Baths or shampooing 1* 7 Lir ’ do not affect it: permits curl uM | 111 mg. Sample of your hair colored t and returned tree. Privacy as- 1j IM sl| sured correspondence. Solo manuf’rs and patentees. IMPERIAL CHEM. MF6. *• 23d St.. New York' For Sale by Bexar Drug Co. YOU CAN ’’.ESI EASY That your ice box is being filled with the purest ico if we cater to you; also that you get honest weight. Our ice is clean, bright, pure and more lasting than any other. Prompt deliveries as sured. Carloads a specialty. SOUTHERN ICE CO., Guenther Street. We Are Fast Emptying Cases and Shelves Soon All Summer Goods Will Be Gone Monday, the first day of this sale, we sold more than twice as much as we did on the first day of this sale last year. g Tuesday we more than tripled our sales of Tuesday of last year. Today, at an early hour, our store is crowded. Because we are selling so fast it is necessary that we advance the closing date of this sale from August Ist to August Bth. Join the crowd of wise shoppers at our store tomorrow. These prices must appeal to you and will empty our cases & shelves. WAIST CASES WILL BE CLEARED QUICKLY AT THESE HALF PRICES All $2 Shirt Waists reduced to / $l.OO All $3 Shirt Waists reduced to v $1.50 All $4 Shirt Waists reduced to $2.00 All $5 Shirt Waists reduced to , v $2.50 All $6 Shirt Waists reduced to $3.00 THESE PRICES WILL MAKE ROOM: Wash Skirts Go at these prices to make room All $3.50 Wash Skirts for $1.75 All $5.00 Wash Skirts for $2.50 All $6.50 Wash Skirts for $3.25 All $7.00 Wash Skirts for $3.75 All $lO Wash Skirts for $5.00 These Prices Will Make Room. House Dresses reduced to prices that will clear them quickly All $5.00 House Dresses are... 52.50 All $6.50 House Dresses are... 53.45 All $8.90 House Dresses are... 54.45 All $lO House Dresses are.... 55.00 All $12.50 House Dresses are.. 56.25 These Prices Will Make Room. LINGERIE DRESSES— LOOK AT THESE PRICES Lingerie dresses that were $7.50 and $6.90 are now reduced to 4.50 Lingerie dresses that were $7.90 and $8.90 are now reduced to ft only wiwV Lingerie dresses that were $12.50 and $l5 are now reduced to 7.90 Lingerie dresses that were $17.50 and $1.8.50 are now re- 4 (k/X duced to IV,VV Lingerie dresses that were $2O and $25 are now reduced to 13.90 - ' — ■ - - —— NOTE the new closing date as there will be no Slimmer goods here after MONDAY, AUGUST 7th THE WOMAN BEAUTIFUL WE CLOSE SATURDAYS AT 1 P. M.—STORE OPEN ALL DAY THURSDAY MILLINERY PRICES THAT CANNOT BE RESISTED— TABLES WILL SOON BE EMPTY $2O, $25 and $3O Model Hats \ $ 9.75 $3O, $35 and $4O Model Hats $14.75 $4O, $45 and $5O Model Hats $19.50 $2.50 Sailor Hats are reduced to 89c $3 and $3.50 Sailor Hats reduced to S 1.75 $4 Sailor Hats reduced to $ THESE PRICES WILL MAKE ROOM. The Linen Suit Case is badly needed All $lO.OO Linen Suits are....s 5.00 All $12.50 Linen Suits are....s 6.25 All $15.00 Linen Suits are... .$ 7.50 All $20.00 Linen Suits are... $lO.OO All $25.00 Linen Suits are... $12.50 These Prices Will Make Room. should be dusted through the hair, and a jar that has had talcum powder iu it is good for the purpose. In the morn ing brush with a short stroke to get all the meal out. Talcum is good for a dry shampoo,!provided a good quality is used. It may be left in over night and brushed out in the morning. Dust and dirt will come with it. 1 will mail you recipe for an excellent hair curling fluid. Alice —Eyebrows that meet over the j nose do not give a pleasant expression to the eyes. Electricity may be applied to kill the extra hairs, but constant plucking with small tweezers will in time kill the roots. Olive oil will not cause superfluous hair to grow on the face. Some women ' use the oil in place of water for cleans ing the skin. But I advise you to use the oil or a good cold cream for cleans ing only during the day, and soap ami water every unless the soap leaves a dry, harsh feeling, in whieh case substitute almond meal. The skin should receive a thorough washing onco a day at least. The application of cold water in the morning without any soap is refreshing, Mrs, B. E.—The plain cold cream cannot be excelled for general use. For the woman who must be exposed to sun and wind, dust and grime, it is invalu i able. Apply a generous amount when • you begin to dress and let it remain as ■ long as possible, then wipe off that | which shows and dust with a good rice j powder. At night wash carefully, rinse [thoroughly, and dry the face before ap 'plying culd cream, which should be al lowed to remain over night. Dash the face with cold water in the morning. There is no need for the orange flower skin food if the complexion is good and there are no wrinkles. SURPRISE PARTY. A surprise party was given Miss Frances Uuny last evening in honor of her eighteenth birthday. Refreshments were served on the lawn. All spent a very enjoyable evening. Those present I were: Misses Carrie Lockhart, Rose . Roesler, Agnes Binze, Frances Cuny, Alvine Booker. Edna and Ruth Ander son, Rosie Eilzen, Minna Heiligman/1 Pearl Banks, Ella Hoyt, Katie Dugan, | Ellen Roesler, Lena Cuny, Buckreese, i Stella, Marguerite, Catherine and Viola J Cuny, Mrs. Florian Cuny. Messrs. J. Teich, A. R. Sowell, Dob Sehaffer. Al- | from Koffman, Ernest Schooley, Henry [ Dugan, Fritz Beck, Eddie King, Charlie j Hoag, Jessie Koch, George Morin, Ed I Rohna, Vic Webber, Adolph Jonas, J. E. Marechal, Bobbie Jones, Walter Wagner, Willie Binz, Osear Gessbach, Lee Taylor and Tom Loyg. Silk Dresses Kimonos Scheduled to Al] $l5 Silk Dresses are $ 7.50 depart qu j ck l p All $2O Silk Dresses are..... .$lO.OO _. . „ $2 Kimonos are reduced t 0.... 95c All $25 Silk Dresses are $12.50 $3 Kimonos are reduced t0....51.45 All $3O Silk Dresses are $15.00 $4 Kimonos are reduced t0....51.95 All $35 Silk Dresses are $17.50 Kimonos are reduced t0....52.45 $6 Kimonos are reduced t0....52.95 These Prices Will Make Room. These Prices Will Make Room. LINEN DRESSES— THESE PRICES WILL MAKE ROOM A group of linen dresses that were priced at $8.50, $lO, F $12.50 and $l5, in colors and white, are A group of dresses that were formerly $17.50, $2O, $22.50 MJ and $25, in colors and white, are A group of dresses that were formerly $12.50, $l5, $17.50 X* and $2O, in colors and white, are now Linen dresses, just a few loft, that were $3O, $32.50. and M F A are all in one group, are priced r. •. ALL AROUJ'O THE T OME. ■, When baking bread a small paint or varnish brush saves the fingeis when pans are to he greased and the loaves brushed over with butter. In putting down a carpet it is an ex cellent plcn to slide a pair of rubbers over the shoes. The rubber enables the carpet to be drawn out and stretched by simpy walking or pushing the carpet with the feet from the center to the corners. Try several shades of silk together Sound peaceful sleep males Can’t you sleep at night ? Is your system iu such a wrecked condition that you can’t take advantage of nature’s greatest medicine —and the |l opportunity to rebuild the tissues torn down thru the day. Ip PaDst Extract / Bl and you should begin to take it now —and be consistent in its , Bl use —insomnia is one of the worst health destroyers there ■I * s ‘ Combining the body-building food values of rich E 1 barley malt with the soothing tonic qualities of the WiUiu t u P u ‘* n choicest hops, Pabst Extract induces ■MI peaceful refreshing sleep and assists nature A ' strong healthy bodies. I' AwL. Ik* United StatM Cenruwal vncifknlb cUuifiM ' 7 I f*k<t Extract aa an nrtida of madidan— "y / an alcoholic btwrM«- OrcUr a do ten bottles from Velvetone DANDRUFF ■■■■■■■■■■Mai PERFECTLY HARMLESS-ALL DRUGGISTS YOU WILL REALIZE THAT “THEY LIVE WELL WHO LIVE CLEANLY,” IF YOU USE SAPOLIO AHtfUST 3. 1910. Petticoats at Prices That Will Move Them Quickly Heatherbloom petticoats, in blue and pink only. Were $1.50, E reduced to Heatherbloom petticoats, in black, sky and pink. Were 4 $2.50, now <■> Silk petticoats that were $6.50, $7.50 and $8.50, in black only, are now in one needle when mending plaids or cheeks using colors to harmonize with the predominating tones of the ma terial. The mended part will scarcely show after it is pressed. Don't wear patched boots and run down heels with a $lO hat. \6iite clothes that have become yel low may be whitened, after washing them in the usual way, by soaking them overnight in clear water into whieh cream of tartar has been put—a tea spoonful to a quart of water. A few drops of lemon juice and a sprig of mint added to a glr s of iced tea makes a cooling and refreshing drink. 7