Newspaper Page Text
DESERTERS TELL Of CONDITIONS ABOARD OZARK Say Conditions on the Training Ship Are Unbearable and Members of Crew Desert. FOOD AND WATER ARE BAD Men Forced to Work All Day at Manual Labor and Are Given No Instructions. Auoclated Freia. Washington, Aug. 3.—Mutiny and de sertion on board the monitor Ozark among members of the District of Co lumbia naval militia has been reported here by members of the crew, who left the gunboat at Annapolis Bunday and walked to this city. Twelve of the na val militiamen deserted the Ozark sev eral days ago at Hampton Roads, after trouble ■with the officers. ' Members of the naval militia, who have returned here, asserted last night that conditions on the Ozark, on which the naval guard was taking its annual .cruise, were unbearable; that the food, water were bad; that the ship was unseaworthy, and that the men were forced to work at manual labor from mornin- until night without receiving any instructions or gun drills or naval practice. t Raymond Walker, a seaman’s appren tice, one of the men who deswted the Ozark, said that twenty-six of the men deserted Sunday after officers had an nounced that, owing to unseaworthy condition of the Ozark, target practice would be abandoned. Some of the men, he said, jumped into the water and swam ashore in spite of the efforts of the ship’s officers to restrain them. Others were arrested and placed in the brig. Troubles began over the food and water and many of the sailors were made sick by mouMy bread, he said. ROCKPORT RIPPLES. Special Dispatch. Rockport, Tex., Aug. 3. —Mr. and Ross Davis of Ban Antonio and Mrs. Davis’ brother, A. L. Coffey of Chi cago, left Sunday after a three weeks’ sojourn in Roekport. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Harwell are en tertaining Mrs. Harwell’s sisters, Mrs. Charles Guesson of Beeville and the Misses Ella Lutz and Pauline Flaig of San Antonio. E. R. Sumrow pud sou of Beeville, spent Sunday in the city and will re turn later with the entire family. Frank Holland, Jr., of Dallas, and a partv of Chicago friends, spent the week-end at the Oak Shore Chib house. The Into arrivals at the Morris house are: W. A. Woodward, Nashville, Tenn.; J. M. Mothershead, Fort Worth; B. Oibspn, W. L. Neely and wife, San Antonio; J. D. Mcßride, J. A. McCol lough, Aransas Pass; Paul Pellegoino, Jack Moselv, Stanley Copeland, Corpus Christi; T. H. Penae. Whitewright; J. R. Jack an I family, Fort Myers, Flor ida. A. F. Rees and family canid down from Beeville Sunday in a Studebaker- Flanders car, making the trip in five hours. Nearly an hour was spent at Aransas Pass. They have apartments at Beachhaven. Those in the party are: A. F. Rees, wife and children, Miss Emma Moser, Mrs. L. W. Rees and children and Miss Gladys Rees. Rockport chapter No. 479, O. E. S. held a Regular meeting Monday night at the Masonic hall. The worthy ma tron, Mrs. Bessie Bailey, being absent on account of illness, the associate ma tron, Miss Dorothea Taylor, presided. Miss Leona Hinckles of Keystone chapi Tfer. Fort Worth, and Mrs. Minnie Har well, Adah chapter. San Antonio, were present as visitors. SMITHVILLE PERSONALS. T Special Dispatch. Smithville, Tex., Aug. 3. —L. G. Pell has been promoted to shief dispatcher in the Katy offices here in the place of W. H. Harrigan, resigned. B. F. Elsey has been oppointed man ager of the Western Union telegraph office to succeed E. A. Elliott, who has a like position in Denison. F. L. Johnson of Beaumont, has ac cepted a position with the Katy here ■s dispatcher. Conductor Tabor of the Houston division, is laying off and on a trip to St. Pau), Minn., and other northern points. Engineer L. Mooney, who has the Katy Flyer run to Galveston, has tak-.n a thirty days’ leave of absence and with his wife is spending a month in Kansas. ' Ma»ter Mechanic F. T. Chase was in Austin this week on business connected his office. Basil Gresham has been promoted to night ticket agent. At Fountains & Elsewhere Ask for “HORLICK’S" The Original and Genuine MALTED MILK The Food-drink for All Ages. At restaurants, hotels, and fountains. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep it on your sideboard at home. Don’t travel without it. I quick lunch prepared in a minute. Jake no imitation. Just say “HORLICK’S.’ In No Combine or Trust WEDNESDAY, These Advertisements form a Directory of Reliable and Modern Business Concerns With Whom IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADE DIRECTORY Business OF !nterests*' ’ SAN ANTONIO SAS ANTONIO ABSTRACT CO. (Incorporated) 204-206 Washer Bldg. x J. E. Wells. Mgr. New Phone 168 Old Phone 196 ARCHITECTS. New Phone 1833 Moore Bldg., Room 524. ARTHUR J. HERRMANN Architect San Antonio. Texas. J. W. CHALMERS. ARCHITECT. All the latest ideas and styles. Office 538 Moore Bldg., San Antonio. J. FLOODWALKER H. A. REUTER Associated ARCHITECTS, Frost Bldg. Sanguine! & Sfaats Architects L. HARRINGTON, Manager Phones 61 CHAS. T. BOELHAUWE Architect. Office 317 Nolan St. San Antonio, Texaa. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. IV. E BROWN&SON Architects and Builders. Money to loan for building Office 202 Book Bldg. O. P. 1578. West Houston Street. San Antonio, Texas. Old phone 191. W. N. HAGY Architect and Builder. Irost Building. Sau Antonio, Texas. H. 0. JONES. Architect and Builder. Rouiu 8, Appman Building. —Both Phones— e. b. Lovin, Architect and builder. Would be pleased to snow you uy modern plana of elegant rear donees. Office 201 West Houston street. Old Phone 1167-4 r. ATTORNEY-AT-lAW. John 11. Clark u uu A. Bliss CLARK Si BLISS Attorney* at Law San Antonio, Office 241 W. Commerce St. Texas. Corner St. Mary's St. New Phone 3652. H. B. LEONARD Attorney and Counsellor 328 Washer Bldg. San Antonio, Tex. —— —a— — - — A. 0. BULLITT Attorney-at-Law. 204 MOORE BUILDING Old Phone 316. T. M. PASCHAL Attorney-at-Law. Room 312 Book Building. West Houston St. San Antonio, Texas. * - New Phone 2652. JOHN A. O’CONNOR Attorney-at-Law. 330 Washer Bldg. San Antonio, Texas. AUTO REPAIRS. NOTTINGHAM A FRIEDRICH Repairs of all descriptions on any auto. - Auto supplies of all kinds. Our work is our guarantee. 181 North Flores. New Phone 3123. Herman Kress, Proprietor. N. Phone 1062. A U<T O M O B I L E Repairing. Model Machine Shops. 202 8. Press St « RETURN TO NATIVE LAND More of Them Go Back to Jap an Than Come to the United States Now Claims Consul. Associated Press. Chicago, I>J., Aug. 3.—K. Yamasaki, Japanese consul in Chicago, made pub lic yesterday a statement prepared by Matsuzo Nagai, acting consul general for Japan in San Francisco, showing that for the last two and a half years Japanese have been returning £r6m the United States to their own country in greater numbers than they have been coming. According to the statement in 1908, the departures from Tfapan for the United States numbered 3826 and the arrivals in Japan from the United States 5493, making an excess of 1667 returning. For 1909 the figures given are 1913 departures from Japan and 4538 arrivals in that_country from the United States, making an excess of 2625 returning. For the first six months oi 1910 there are show 1371 departures from Japan and 1807 arriv als from the United States, an excess of 436 returning.' The statement quotes the last an nual report of the United States com missioner of immigration to show thst the exclusion of Japanese immigrants is being accomplished under the pres ent laws and regulations. Kyle, Tex., Aug. 3.—Kyle ginned her first bale of cotton of the season yes terday. The cotton was grown on W. L. Stephenson’s farm, north of town, and was ginned and bought by the Kyle Oil ano Gin company, the price paid being 15 cents. ABSTRACTS. FIRST COTTON GINNED. - SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE x AUTO REPAlRS—Continued. When your *uto is in TROUBLE. Call on A. G. MEISTER. 450 North Flores. New Phone S2lB. ASSAYEB. Jos. G. M. Braun. Ne* Phone 1226 blue and 1393. SAN ANTONIO ASSAY OFFICE Aud School of Scientific Prospecting. Assaying and Mine Examining. 108 Yturri St. San Antonio. Texaa. AWNINGS. TENTS, e AWNINGS Upholsterer and Mattress Maker. E. HOLLE 608 Market St. New Phone 918. bakery” BAILIE’S STEAM BAKERY. The best for Bread and Cakes. 121 Avenue C. 311 W. Houston, 1013 N. Flores. Your patronage solicited. BICYCLES. BEN L. MILLER CO. DAYTON BICYCLES Guaranteed Five Years. Auto tubes vulcanized. Expert repairing. 714 East Houston Street. N. P. 993. BLACKSMITHS. MARTIN WOLCKEN 915 South Florea. General blacksmithing and horseshoe work. Manufacturing, repair and general woodwork. Drop mo a card. / JOE GRAMER Wheelwright and Blacksmith. General repair work. Horseshoeing a specialty. Corner Lamar and Austin Streets. —New Phone 528— "blue prints w The Southern Blue Print Co. Frost Building. Old Phone 735. We make blue prints day or night in any quantity and guarantee satisfaction. CIVIL ENGINEERS. % BARTLETT & RANNEY Civil and Structural Engineera. Surveys, investigation, plans, specifications. Old Phono 2149. F Building, Travis St. aud Avenue O. P. T. NELSON Civil Engineer. 823 Mackay Building. San Antonio, Texas. CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS. ALEXANDER WALTON Civil Engineer snd Surveyor. Room 800 "Wsoher Building. Old Phone 2146. San Antonio, Texas. GEORGE Q. EHRENBORG, C. E. Civil Engineer, Surveyor. 518 Gibbs Building, San Antonio, Texas. Land surveys. Subdivisions of ranches and mapwork a specialty. COFFEE El MERITO COFFEE All Grocer,. DECHMAN COFFEE CO. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERb. BANSPACH BROS. Contractors and Builders. 217 Spofford Ave. N. P. 3073. POLICE FORCE GOES ON STRIKE Object to Doing Duty Seven Days a Week at Hack ensack, N. J, Associated Press. Hackensack, N. J., Aug. 3.—The en tire police force of the town of Gut tenburg, with the exception of tho chief, lias gone on strike. The men object to doing duty on Sunday unless they are granted some other day of the week off as compensation. The force consists of eight men. Mayor Ripper is not inclined to ne cede to their demand, which he says should be presented in the routine man ner and put before the town council for action. He has issued notice that if the strikers do not report for duty at once, he will suspend them and hire strike breakers to patrol the town. COASTING RACE FATAL. Boys’ Toy Auto Gets Beyond His Con trot and Hits Fender of Trolley Car. Associated Press. New York, Aug. 3.—A coasting race in toy automobiles down a steep hill in a residential section of upper New York resulted last night in the fatal injury of Vincent George, ten yea’s old. George's little automobile got be yond his control and swerved in front of,a trolley car, catling against the fender and hurling its occupant be neath the wheels. For Dyspepsia Take Horsford’s Acid Phosphate Relieves the continued sense of hunger, sick headache, nausea and sour stomach. Contractors and Builders—Continued. W. A. McARDLE Cotitractor and Builder. Plans and Specifications. 2825 .W. Houston St. Old Phone 2545._ SAM HEAP, contractor, carpenter and joiner, cabinet maker, stair builder and store fix tures a specialty; all repairs and alterations to property promtply attended to. 508 North Pecos. Old phone 3902. ALAMO PLANING MILL SCREENS Old Phone 1680. New Phone 1990 319 Nacodoches St. H. H. Knuth, Old Phone 2928. Geo. A. Moody, New Phone 8133. KNUTH & MOODY General Contractors. Special Attention to Job Work. AHR & LETZ Carpenters aud General Contractors. Our specialty Job Work and Screens. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 708 East Houston St. New Phone 1755. J. M. WAITS Plans furnished free and money loaned od your building at low rate of interest. 220 Mackay Building. DENTISTS. DR. H. M. HUNTER Dentist. Office 203 Alamo Plata. San Antonio, Texaa. DR. C. F. DUNLAP Dentist. 517 Moore Bldg. Old Phona 3037. DRAFTSMAN. M’illMMoowm MAPS-Pt«SP£CTIVES - lU.USTPATIOKS 312 /4oorl Bldg. ..OLD 1712 DRUGS. NOTICE. Anti Genuine is being used by poultry raisers all over the country and is giving grand result?. CUPPLIES DRUG CO., 323 W. Commerce St., San Antonio. ENGRAVERS. Mills Engraving Co KT DESIGNERS ENGRAVERS f GENERAL ILLUSTRATORS 1 I DAILY LIGHT BLDG. SAN ANTONIO TEXAS | FISH (Wholeiale), OYSTERS. A. JOWDY Wholesale Dealer FisU and Oysters. We keep only the best at all times. Your patronage solicited. Both Phones 509. FLORIST. Flora! Designs, Cut Flowers, Plants Old Phone 3156. New Phone 1906. Crockett & Bowie Streets. WALTER SCHUMANN Floral Designs and Bouquets made to order on notice. New Phene 1744. Old Phone 1324. 215 N. Hackberry. MRS CHAS. ALBRECHT, Cut Flowers and Plants, Floral Baskets, Bouquets and Designs made to order. Phoue 2392. 1238 E. Commerce 151 ALICE TO FOREGO “PILIS” C, Y. P, U. Societies Write Open Letters on Cigarettes to Mrs. Longworth. Fairbury, Neb., Aug. 3. —At a union meeting of the four Christian Youug People’s societies ot this town it was unanimously voted yesterday to write an open letter to Mrs. Nicholas Long worth, daughter of former President Roosevelt, asking her to forego cigar ettes, because of the evil influence it is bound to have on girls and boys in the country, according to their notion.. The four societies taking this action are the Epworth league, the Baptist Young People’s union and the Christian Endeavor societies of the Christian and Presbyterian churches. Don't Persecute your Bowels Cut out cathartic* aud They SM brutal —hanh—-mmecessary* * CARTER’S LIVER PILLS i \ Purely A<2 gently on the livw, * DT eliminate We. and soothe the delicateV । membrane <4 ■IW F D of the bowel. * g * ’ • J Care Cw- JERm V PI ULS. X Enfaxs* ‘ Silk BmlaAe ud IndirwSM. « million, know. Small Pill, Small Doae, Small Pric® Genuine munixu Signature FURNITURE, SECOND-HAND. New Phoue 3040. Se e WESTERN SUPPLY CO. New and second hand furniture b^ u Bbt, told and exchanged. Always have bargains. 206-8-10 S. Florea Street. HAIRDRESSING—MANICURING Hair dressing, manicuring and face massage. A full line of hair goods aud hair ornaments. PARISIAN MILLINERY. FRENCH SHOP. 215 Alamo Plaza. Old Phons 648. HATS. UN RENOVATING CO. 103 East Houston. Old Phone 3698. Old hats made new. Ladies' and gents' clothes cleaned, dyed and pressed. HORSESHQER. DAVE LOUGH Scientific Horseshoer. 802 Nacogdoches St. New Phone 780. HOTELS. BEXAR HOTEL The Travelers' Rssort Alfred Sanner, Proprietor. THE ALTHA Mrs. L. Day, Prop. Dining room iu connection. Room aud Board. 1320 24 Vs West Commerce SU THE ST. GEORGE High-class housekeeping apartments; also single rooms; open Apm Idlh; completely furnished; new and up-to date. Corner Ave nue E aud Seventh street. ICE CREAM MARKET. MM■■■■■ New Thune 690. Old i’houe 44b 2r. bAN AM ON IO ICE CKLAM EACIOKY J. L. Cuumugham, Manager. Manufacturers of purity ice cream. Now Market House. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED. Work guaranteed. Free delivery. Full line new mowers. Old ones taken iu exchange. Garden hose, sprinklers, grass shears, etc. becund hand gas stoves repaired aud sold. Lock and work. HULLINS. New 9UI, old phune BU7. 3UI E. Commerce. LIQUORS (Wholesale), CIGARS. HUGO, SCHMEiaZER CU. 013-015 West* Couuuierce St. Kosskam, Geistleya m Co. Whiskiea, Greeu River, bauerbacu s Imported Rhein Wines, upumo, Lawrence Bari ell. Walt aud lum Keene Cigars. LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. GARDEN STABLES Bearding of Horses a Specialty. Best Livery. New and Up to-date. 231-236 South Florea St. Both Phones 212 * LOANS. U. S. LOAN CO. 624 East Commerce St. Money loaned on Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and ail articles of value. Your Patrouage Solicited. MATTRESS FACTORY. ELECTRJO FELT MATTRESS FACTORY. Now is the time to have your mattress ren ovated, as we will be too busy after Sept. 1 for this class of work. J. W. KLECK, Prop., new phone 1178. 627-629 Soledad t. WOMEN BEAI MEN IN SCHOOL ELECTION Village Officers Snub Suffra gettes and Latter Secure Am ple Revenge In Campaign. Associated Press. Shoreham, N. Y., Aug. 3.—Women residents of the summer colony here, under the guidance of Mrs. Harriet Stanton Blatch, the suffrage leader, scored a triumph at the school clos tions last night. Angered because, as they claim, the village school officers snubbed them, the women held indig nation meetings and determined to de feat the men at the election. A sex war was fought to a finish, in which the men were completely over whelmed and routed. The women voted to increase the number of school trus tees from one to three and then pro ceeded to elect women to fill these of fices as well as those of clerk and treasurer. SAN MARCOS NOTES. Special Dispatch. San Marcos. Tex., Aug. 3.—A tele gram from Will Dailey of Kelvin, Aii zona, received here by Sam Watkins ,r esterdav afternoon, stated that Mr. Watkins’ son, Sam Jr., who is now lo cated in Kelvin, had been kicked by a. horse and badly hurt. The message stated that the injured man was bleed ing from the ears. He had been re moved to the hospital. t • A party of ten or more left here this afternoon for Epworth-by-the-Sea on the Epworth special run over the Katy. Included in the party were W. P. Ry lander. David Peel, John Montgomery. Mrs. C. L. Hopkins, and Misses Mae Turner, B. Malone, Julia Pritchett, MUSIC The San Antonio Conservatory of Music Herman J. Bal. president. Fall term com mence? Sept. 1. Catalogues mailed on application. 716 Ban Pedro Ave. Ban Antonio. Texas. PACKING HOUSES. UNION MEAT COMPANY Beef and pork packers, lard refiners and compound makers. Union Stockyards PAINTING. Painting, paperhanging, interipr decorations. Manufacturer nf I. X. L. roor paint. Roof re pairing a specialty. E. J. Womack, old phone 1004-1 ring. 826 Aransas avenue. PAINTING. F P. RANKIN, House painticar. kalsomininf, wall tinting. Work th, boat. 616 West Marshall St. Old Phone PHYSICIANb. GEO. R. BOWEN. M. D. Chronic Disease,. Homeopathic. Light and Vibrator. N. P. 1070. O P. 1317. Conroy Bldg. Room 314. ■ Dr. W. D. Hicks. Dr. Cha,. H. Edwards. SAN ANTONIO HOSPITAL Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. New Phone 530. Old Phone 3866. 408 Travis St. Near Avenue C. San Antonio, Taxes. Drs. R. H. and Nettie G. Gray Homeoapathic Physicians General practice chronic disease. Obstetrics and diseases of women. Both Phones 416 Hicks Bldg. 'osteopaths. A. G. Church, D. 0. Ellen H. Church, D. O. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. OBSTETRICS A SPECIALTY. Old Phone—Office 4250. Residence 3614. 301-302 Moore Bldg. PRINTING. £. J. JACKSON CO Printing of the higher grade. W* dont "Print Anything." Wo do only tho .ery best Printing; printing that will be a credit to Nour business. 402 East Commerce street. Now phone 542. GUESSAZ & FERLET CO. Expert printers. Largest snd most complete printing plant in San Antonio. Labels, fold ing boxes, booklets and anything in the print ing line. Both phonos 675. , PRODUCE, ETO. Residence Old Phone 2870. Office New Phone 2304. BAN ANTONIO PRODUCI CO. J. L. Worsham, Mgr. Wholesale dealers in poultry, eggs, butter. 418 W. Houston St. I PLASTERERS L. E. GREGORY, Contractor. Plain and Ornamental Plastering. 117 W. Houston. N. P. 1880. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE—3SI acres black and black sandy land 3Mi miles from the town of Kenedy, Karnes County, on the A. P. R. R., 85 acres in cultivation, two room house, well and windmill, about 300 acres tillable. Price $3O acre. Crews Realty Co., 50214 E. Houston St. CHILD’S DESIRE TO AID MOTHER BRINGS ABOUT A FATAL FIRE Little One Pours Kerosene Into Stove, Explosion Follows and She and Baby Brother Die In the Blaze Which Results. Hattie Johnson and Bessie Watkins. The firsfr straggling bales of the cot ton crop are beginning to come in but their number is still so small that ev try bale received is the occasion for curiosity. A few farmers eTaim that they will make a quarter of a bale to the acre without more rain, but the a» erage wohld not be over half of that yield. The young cotton will bear a good crop if rain comes within a rea sonable period. The old cotton is not past being revived. There seems to be no weevils, ami decks would be dear for the making of a fall crop. Moro than a billion dollars are in vested in church buildings in the United States. C C C DBWES OUT 0.0.0. MALARIAL POISONING Malaria is a systemic blood poison, a disease which gradually destroys the richness and nourishing elements of tho blood. When the malarial poison begins to absorb the rich, red corpuscles of the circulation we .eo pale, sallow complexions, and a general impairmen>of health. But Malaria means more than this, and as the blood becomes weaker from the poison, the appetite fails, digestion is disturbed, chills and slight fever are re. ouent, and in aggravated cases boils and eruptions, liver spots, ana even abscesses break out on the flesh. To sum it all up. Malaria means I oa poverty, and the only way to cure the trouble is to enrich and purity blood. Nothing is equal to S. S. S. as a blood purifier and it is specaiy adapted to the cure of malarial troubles, because it contains n n minerals, and while ridding the blood of the malarial poison,... b. ». - up the entire system bv its fine tonic effects. If you are suffer ng to malaria, begin the use of S. 3. S. at once, and by cleaning rid yourself of this wasting disease, Yrr advice free to aU THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA, AUGUST 3, 1910. RESTAURANTS. THE MERCHANTS’ CAFE, Under new management. W« serve the beat. Our coffee will get you to come again. Try our merchants' lunch, 25 cents. 107 West Houston street. New phone 1415. The Best Coffee in Town. Our Service la Excellent. If You Don’t Believe It, Just Drop Aroun4 Bob White Restaurant JOE REEVES, Prop. New Phone 2722. $26 Losoya Street. San Antonio, Texas RUBBER STAMPS. Armstrong SEALS AND STENCILS. 209 N. Press. New Phone 437. RUBBER TIRES. That is rubber, the only kind I use on bug gies. I am not compelled to buy on aecouut of having my nam* stamped on them. I pay more and get quality and the public gets the benefit. See me before going elsewhere. H. R. GEYER. Ave. D and Travis St. SALOON. GREEN IREK SALOON Where the Wuertzburger Beer flows. Gottlieb Zellweger. Prop. Corner South Alamo and Market Sts. SIDEWALK CONTRACTORS, lament Sidewalks our Special. O. P. 1057. W. I. FEGAN & COMPANY, Contractors. For Reinforced Concrete, Granitoid Street Paving aud Concrete Structural Work. Room 3UI Mackay Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. SIGNS. "" THE SCHULER CO. 102 West Commerce. N. P. 908. SIGNS STATIONERY & OFFICE SUPPLIES See ZOELLER fur your Typewriters, Uftice Supplies, Type writer rentals, repairs aud supplies for all machiia s. THE SMITH PREMIER SALES CO. A. C. ZOELLER. Mgr. New Phone 3212. 13d W. Commerce St. SUPPLIES AND FIXTURES. ED Manufacturer ot Texaa Pioneer Billiard Ta ble. and Supplies, Butcher Refrigerators, Fixtures and Supplies, American Lash Registers. ; I 802 E. Com. St. N. P. 955. TAILORS. < M. LOBERT The latest fabrics aud styles. Best quality r.t lowest prices. 208 South Alamo. New Phone 3144. V ETEKIJN AK-LLN S, Ssu Autunio Veterinary Hospital. DRS. HEARN A RHEA, Veterinarians. Ample facilities for the treatment aud care of hursea and dogs. Old Phoue 1073. New Phone 1234. Southeast corner of Carter-Mullaly Block. nS-kGAR. — Monogram Vinegar Th. Vinegar of Quality. Ask your Grocer. A trial will convince you. R. M. HUGHES B CO. WOOD AND COAL. SUNSET WOOD CO. I W. are headquarters for grain, hay. coak wood aud salt. Get our prices. New Phowa 81. Old Phone 81. Brown’s Wood Yard Sells best oak stove wood 85 75 Mesquite wood *5.00 Blacksmith coal for sale. Dlf#tch. , Fort Worth, Tex., Aug. 3.—Because 1 she wanted to help her tired, Busy | mother, little Gracie Reams, 8 years old, tried to build the supper fire in the t kitchen stove Tuesday at thrnoon. She । poured kerosene from a five gallon can i into the stove, the oil exploded, setting • fire to the house and burned the lit ' tie girl and Orital, the 4-yeaj--old broth i er, to death. Tho victims were the old {cst and the third child of E. J. Reams, j a workman at the packing house. The mother tried desperately to res icue the children and but for interfer- I euee by neighbors she would have i thrown herself into the flames. The I house was completely destroyed and tho [children burned beyond ail semblance to I human beings.