The Semi-Annual Glean- QAI E J
Sweep, Stock-Clearing dMLE ■
Sensational Bargain-Giving Affairs That Will Delight Saturday Shoppers
The Clean Sweep
in Staples Calls
You Tomorrow
12 l-2c Lawns—Organdies and cotton
voiles, in checks, stripes and floral pat
terns. A Clean Sweep snap, A .
tho yard © C
15c Suiting—Linen finish suiting, 34
inches wide, in all solid colors. A fine
wash fabric. Clean Sweep 10c
12 l-2c Chambray—Linen finish cham
bray, 27 inches wide, checks, plaids,
stripes and solid colors. Beautiful
summer suit. Clean Sweep 4 A —
price, the yard *UC
12 l-2c Cambric—Full yard, extra fine,
soft finish cambric muslin. Regular
12 l-2c value. Clean Sweep 4
price, the yard AW
Ginghams — Genuine “Amoskeag”
dress gingham, 27 inches wide, new
cheeks, stripes, plaids and solid colors.
A Clean Sweep bargain at, 4 A
the yard . £ '*•’ C
15c Madras—Superior quality of shirt
ing madras, 32 inches wide, in assort
ment of most desirable pat- 4 4 —
terns, 15c value X A v
Chambray—3o inches wide; extra fine
wearing quality, especially suitable for
summer dresses and early fall wear; a
20c valne. Cleau Sweep 4 —
price, the yard X 3 C
Clean Sweep Sale
Neckwear and
25c Jabots—Ties, stocks and lace col
lars, all very pretty, and the most styl
ish shown anywhere at 25c.
Take at X3C
50c Neckwear —Newest lace trimmed
jabots, pique vests and sailor collars,
with tie to match, in the A g _
Clean Sweep sale at wwC
20c Embroidery — Hamburg and cam
bric embroidery, edges and insertions,
31-2 to 9 inches wide. Fine assort
ment of patterns, selling at 12 L2c to
20c. Clean Sweep sale price, A _
the yard OC
50c and 35c Values—Very handsome
Swiss embroidery bands, with escappol
ed edges, 2to 4 inches wide. Regular
price 50c and 35c the yard. A
('lean Sweep price 35c and..
65c Flouncing—Another Cleau Sweep
sale bargain. Swiss embroidery flounc
ing, 27 inches wide. New eyelet and
shadow designs. Regular 65c value,
in this Clean Sweep sale at, /a a
the yard T’OC
White Goods Clean-up
“Linwcave”—Beautiful, sheer, linen
like lawn, 27 inches wide and 4 A
regulaj- 15c value, the yard. IUC
25c Poplins-Dainty, desirable white
and cream poplins, 27 inches 4 ya
wide Clean Sweep price...
The Last CallOn Women's Wear
s Tomorrow you can have
; choice of a lot of 1
> and $5 lingerie waists
' at the low 4* EQ
5 price 0f...
Our Sixth Saturday Night Bargain-Surprise
Begins Tomorrow Night at Seven o'Clock and Continues Till Ten o’Clock
10 p.m.
Ivory Soap —
Once more, and probably
the last time, we place this
celebrated poap on sale. 20
cases — 2000 regular 5c
cakes Saturday A
night, the cake.... OC
Vai Laces —
Here's a Saturday night
bargain sure to please, Ger
man and French Vais., 1-2
to 1 1-4 inches wide. Sells
at 6c to Bc. It’s 4 _
yours at, tho yard, "wG ,
Standard quality shirting
and dress calicoes, in light
and dark colorings, with
and without borders. Reg
ularly 7c the yard, g —
Saturday night ... wG
Women’s fine plain white
hemstitched handkerchiefs,
regular 10c quality. A Sat
urday night bargain A —
surprise v V
Toilet Paper—
Extra large rolls Sanitary
tissue toilet paper, selh at
10c. A Saturday night bar
gain surprise from _
7 to 10, the r 011... ■ C
15c Box-Borax—
The genuine 20-Mule Team
borax, the purest, strong
est and best. Full pound
boxes, 15c value. A Sat
urday night bar- A _
gain surprise vC
Every Suit and Dress Goes Out
at Half and Less
And they are the season’s most stylish garments—POSITIVELY THIS
• EARS MAKE—and the price you pay now does npt cover cost of mak
ing. . ou’ll appreciate the wonderful bargains in Lingerie Silk and Linen
L-resscs and Coat Suits, but you must come soon—they're going fast.
$7 Coat Suit
plain tailored style, medium length
coats, with cuffed sleeve and patch pock
et; paneled skirts, actual Q
$7 value. Sale price n■ X
£very Lingerie Dress, Sjlk Dress and Coat Suit at Half
$ 4.00 Dresses at $2.00.
8 6.00 Dresses at $3.00.
$lO.OO Dresses at $5.00.
$12.50 Dresses at $6.75.
$15.00 Dresses at $7.50.
Silk Dress — Mude of good
taffeta, in one-piece belted
model, with lace yoke and
paneled effect; QE
$l2 value at...
( These $3 white lawn
J waists are in charming
5 style and are sure to
< please you J
For this occasion we have prepared a spread of tempting bargains at irrestible prices—
prices that wipe away all profit and even go down deep into the cost of many things.
Its our way—we promised at the begining of these Saturday night sales—that every
offering would be an unusual bargain—and the growing interest proves we .have
abundantly made good. Be sure and take advantage of these bargains and come early.
Ine - piece lingerie house
dresses, very neat styles,
nicely made, a 4 Qk
$3 value for.. A iZv
One and two piece House
Kresses of good linene,
chumbrays and percales;
regular $3 value. QQ«
Clean Sweep at...
SAULWOLFSON ddygoodsco
10 p. m.
10c Lawns-
Nice, sheer figured lawns
and organdies, in an assort
ment of choice patterns,
regular 10c values. ' A Sat
urday night bar- g
gain surprise at...
10c Box Borax—
The genuine 20-Mule Team
powdered borax, strongest
and purest, half pound box
es, regular 10c seller. A
Saturday night bar- 4* —
gain surprise at... vU
A Saturday night bargain
surprise in women’s black
cotton hose, seamless and
stainless, regular 12 l-2c
value, from 7 to 10, *9
the pair ■ G
Women’s Vests—
Sleeveless summer vests,
taped and crocheted neck
and arms, lace trimmed
yoke. Regular 15c value.
A Saturday night A. »
bargain surprise... *4G
Women’s fine embroidered
and hemstitched handker
chiefs, a saving of a third
—lsc values in the Satur
day night bar- 4 A _
gain salo A V G
-25c Veiling—
A Saturday night bargain
surprise that’s worth while
—Tuxedo veiling in black
or white. Regular 25c the
yard value at, 4 A —
the yard X A C
$6 Dresses K KJr"
good linen finished linene. Has vyoke
of lace and elaborately braided; eqlors,
tan, blue, lavender and A
white. Choice
' $ 3.50 Coat Suits at $1.75.
$ 5.00 Coat Suits at $2.50.
$ 7.00 Coat Suits at $3.75.
i 810.00 Coat Suits at $5.00.
$15.00 Coat Suits at $7.50.
; Lace and Ribbon Dresses, in
I exquisite design, made of
! daintiest lace, dainty ribbon,
1 ornamented with rich ga
; lones; regular A A A
.$2O dresses at..
10 p.m.
Superior yard wide bleach
ed domestic, fine, soft fin
ish. A regular 10c muslin,
bleached afid finished by
the “Lonsdale” company.
Saturday night, the —
yard f G
15c Wash Goods—
Lawns, organdies and dot
ted Swisses, in a great
range of .desirable color
ings and patterns. Regu
lar 15c goods Saturday
night from 7 to 4 fk
10, the yard... XvC
15c Hose—
Children’s lightweight fast
color IXI ribbed hose, our
regular 15c quality, and an
extra good value at that.
Saturday night 4 4 —
bargain surprise X X G
25c Books—
Classics, fiction, biography,
travels, ote.; large, plain
print on good paper, beau
tifully bound andrillustrat
ed. Regular price 25c. A
Saturday night a 4 W —
bargain surprise X ■ G
Child’s good gingham and
chambray rompers, cut
full, made well and nicely
trimmed, regular 25c val
ues. This Sat- 4 A
urday night sale X wG
Lambert’s celebrated Lis
terine—tho reliable hohse
hoW antiseptic and.toilet
requisite. Largo 14 ounce
bottles, regular $1 value.
Saturday night 59c
Our Sixth Week-End QUiri
Bargain-Surprise wHLE ■
15s Texth-
Large size huek towels,
halt linen material, good
weight and with fancy fast
colored border; The regu
lar 15c value Sat- (Ek a
urday night for.;.
25c Matting—
Saturday night we will sell
best 25e quality China and
Japan matting, plain and
colors. A three-hour spe
cial at the low 4 © —
price of, yard., A©L
75c Belts—
Women’s elastic belts, in
various widths and colors,
with neat metal buckles,
the regular 50c and 75e
lines will be on sale Sat
urday night, 7 —
to 10, at fcwC
50c Doilies—
These handsome Batten
burg doilies were certainly
splendid value at 50c.
They are in a number of
styles and they all go on
sale Saturday —
night at A v C
Women’s Hose—
A real snap—lovely qual
ity silk lisle hose, lace
boot and embroidered
styles in all colors and
white, regular 50c values.
In the Saturday *|> jB
night sale W© C
Table Damask—
Silver bleached linen table
damask, GO inches wide,
good heavy quality, worth
65e the yard. On sale Sat
urday night., 7
to 10, at '■'M U
Saturday Specials from Great Clean Sweep Sale
of Men's and Boys' Wear
The banner bargain event that should attract men and sons of men as
no sale has ever done before. Every suit is marked for sacrifice—blues,
blacks and mohairs included. Every pair of pants; every boys’ suit and
scores of other items —shirts, underwear, hats, hosiery anduieckwear arc
on sale at the very LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR.
Two Extra Special Clean Sweep Suit Bargains
Men’s and young men’s $lO and $12.50 suits, good stuff, well made, but the lines are
AB M ■* incomplete, odds and ends, you might say, ■■ ■■
SK but nearly all sizes in the lot. The $lO
r a ■ BUlts are reduced to $4.55, and the ® ■ Kj * ■
suit* Ure rt^ f° r tl>e Oean Sweep
Boys’ 50c blouses and shirts,
Clean Sweep price '•
Boys’ 50c wash Knickerbocker
pants. Clean Sweep »t.......wQU
Child’s $1 sailor hats. A Clean QKp
Child’s $1.50 sailor hats. A 4 Oft
Clean Sweep at " ■ W
Boys’ #l.OO Wash Suits 79c.
Boys’ $1.50 Wash Suits $l.lO.
Boys’ $2.00 Wash Suits $1.45.
Boys’ $2.50 Wash Suits $1.75.
lOp m.
10 p.m.
Torchon Lace —
We sold a lot of these laces
last week—they are 1 1-4
to 31-2 inches wide, nice
new patterns, selling regu
larly at 6c and Bc. Buy
them again Satur- -w
day night at <5 C
Linen Lace—
“his is the snap that
brought 1 wise shopper back
three Saturday nights in
succession. . IVe place the
balance on sale tomorrow
night—they are fine, and
8c is the regular
price. The yard... “fr G
White Lawn—
Splendid sheer quality of
white lawn, 27 inches wide,
never sold for less than
8 l-3c the yard, but Satur
day night we’ll oean up
the lot nt the low E —
price of, the yard. wU
Women's f/esfs— *
Nice quality sleeveless
summer vests, crocheted
and taped neck and arms.
A better value than you
usually get at 10c, and
they’ll go mighty W _
fast at ■ C
Box Paper—
This is our special 10c box
of fine linen finish wrifing
paper and envelopes. It’s
the same as you ordinarily
pay 15c for elsewhere. A
Saturday night spe- O
cial at
25c Socks —
Child’s imported fancy
socks, cheeks, stripes,
plaids, etc., the regular 25b
quality, all sizes. A Sat
urday night 4 a
bargain surprise XwV
Men's 50c negligee shirts, blues,
tans and patterns *3 « C
“Scriven’s” 75c elastic seam E *3 r*
drawers. Clean Sweep at wiG
Men’s 25c Boston garters...... 17c
Men’s 50c leather garters 26c
Men’s 50c underwear, four standard
makes, all styles shirts or draw- O W —
ers, for O < C
$5.00 Panama Hats at $3.75.
$6.50 Panama Hats at $4.75.
$B.OO Panama Hats at $5.75.
(Buy that silk shirt to- I
morrow. This one is a
dandy, rich, .orisp; $3.50 s
was the
\ price, now. \
Prices That Will
Clear Out These
Linens Quickly
12 l-2c Toweling—Union toweling, 17
Indies wide, fancy fast color checks,
deduced for a Clean Sweep to —
billy • C
ISe Pillow Cases—Made of good qual
ity muslin, 42x36 and 45x30. 4 _
A I'ltnu Sweep at;::;:;:;:;
ISe Jewels — Large size unbleached
j’urkish bath towels, size 17x44, a reg
ular let lalue: Clean Sweep 4
Pillerr Cases—Size 42x36; made of best
Pepperell easing; Special ISe Value:
Reduced for the Clequ Bit cep 4 g —
salo to anly::::::::::::::r is <3 G
Tse Sheets—Size 91x90; made of good
heavy bleached sheeting; all .in one
pleed, hemmed ready fur hid: EE c
Clean Streep piled::::::::: C
$1.25 Spread — Full double bed size
bracketed bed spread; new patterns;
Regular $1;23 value; id thd jf*(Ft
Clean JSveep sale:::::::::: ®
Pre Sheets —Size 81x90; made a? best
Pepperell sheeting; torn; ironed and
hemmed, read/ fof use: A
Clean SWeen at:::::::;:::
$2 Spread—Full double bed size, fring
ed aud hemmed, crocheted bed spreads,
beautiful Marseilles pat ; 4 Bf?
terns, for > i;>>I;>I:I::: : A IWW
Clean-Sweep Specials in
Men's Furnishings
Handkerchiefs—Large white hemstitch
ed handkerchiefs, 0e values.
A Clean Sweep at..... 1.... C
Handkerchiefs — Regular 15c values,
large white hemstitched handkerchiefs.
Reduced lu the Clean Sweep Tl/,.**
sale to < 7«C
Men's Sox—Good seamless black and
tan sox, regular 15c values,
A clean-up at • 7"G
Men’s 25c white hemstitched handker
chiefs, splendid values. A 4 01/eA
Clean Sweep at
Suspenders—Regular 25c values, elas
tic or non-elastic style. In 4 A _
the Clean Sweep sale AOC
Half Hose—Plain colors and fancys, all
good styles and regulw 25c 4 A —
values. A clean-up at A C
50c Suspenders—The genuine world fa
mous “President” suspend- B
ers. A Clean Sweep at.....
Men's Shirts —Regular 500 values, sol
id colors and fancy patterns, well made
and perfect fitting. -A clean- —
up tomorrow, at *3 * **
Panama Cloth Underwear — Knee
length drawers; wing sleeve and slcF.e
less shirts. $1 garments ro- Egw
Men’s $1.50 pongee and Soisette shirts.
Reduced for a Clean Sweep 1.10
< Get a cool blue serge <.
S coat. They look neat J
S and wear well. Here’s ;
< a snap—ss O QE
< coat at ... $
AUGUST 8, 1910.
Exceeding Low Death Rate in
Midsummer According to
Health Board Figures.
Stork Plays Trick by Bringing
More Females; Who Out
number Lads 5
The July report of vital statistics
completed this morning by Secretary
Mueller of the board of iiealth shows a
death rate of 9.5 per thousand, a de
crease of 2.18 per thousand as compared
with the rate for the month of June.
The death rate for the month is ex
ceeding low for this season of the year
and much lower compared to tho cor
responding months for several years.
The total deaths for the month num
ber 119, while the births reported for
the month aggregate 175, an increase of
56 births over the deaths for July. The
total deaths given exclude deaths of
persons contracting disease elsewhere,
which number 47; stillborns, 10; exter
nal violence, 13; bodies shipped here,
numbers 7, and deaths occurring out
side of ,tho city limits, numbering 10.
The record of births show 161 white
children born as against 14 of neg9o
parentage. Of males there were 78 aud
females 91.
Indications are That Disturb
ances Centered 2000 Miles
From Washington.
Associated Press.
Washington, Aug. s.—Heavy earth
quake shocks were recorded on the seis
mograph at Georgetown university last
night, lasting for a period of 47 min
utes. The shocks began at 8:46 p. ni.
and continued until 9:33. They con
sisted of two ikaximum shocks and a
series of lesser disturbances. Indica
tions were that the center of the dis
turbances was about 2000 miles from
Special Dispatch.
Flatonia, Tex., Aug. s.—John Nach
linger has sold his bakery and grocery
business to Frank Schober of New Mex
ico, who will enlarge the business.
Jere W. Murphy of Temple, is hero
with friends.
The Baptists of this section are hold
ing a big association meeting at Ivy’s
school house, eight miles north of here.
Several of our citizens are in atend
E. A". Arnim is in Houston for a few
days’ stay.
Miss Budd of Waelder, left for home
Wednesday, after a week with friends
Hugh Brunnemann was in San Anto
nio this week.
The U. C. T.’s and the King Drug
company will cross bats" at Electric
park tomorrow afternoon at 4:30.
Saved From Awful Peril.
“I never felt so near my grave.’*
writes Lewis Chamblin, of Manchester,
Ohio, R. R. No. 3, “as when a frightful
eough and lui.g trouble pulled me down
to 115 pounds in spite of many reme
dies an.l the best doctors. And that I
am alive today is to Dr.
King’s New Discovery, which com
pletely eured me. Now I weigh 160
pounds and can work hard. It also
cured my four children of croup.” In
fallible for Coughs and lipids, it’s the
most certain remedy for LaGrippe,
Asthma, desperate iung trouble and all
bronchial affections, 50c and $l.OO. A
trial bottle free. Guaranteed by tho
Bexar Drug Co.
He had never fished before and his
rod was new and shining with re
splendent varnish. Faultlessly attired,
he was whipping a trout .tream
when, bv some odd chnnce, he got a
bite. Tne fisherman had hooked a
onc-pounder, from the way the lino
He wns not playing the fish at all.
With rod held Craight ahea? he was
slowly and steadily reeling him In.
How ho managed to hold the fish was
buvond mo.
Presently the fish was directly be-
Jov the end of the lod. Did he stopt
No —he kept on reeling the fish in,
and just as I reached the water’s
edge the .fish’s heal touched the tip.
The man even tried to pull him
through the ring.
Just then he saw me standing on
shore, waving mv arms. He turned
to me with a bewildered- look and
said, “What shall I do now?”
“ The only thing you enn do r.ow,” I
said, “is to climb up the pole after
| him.”—Forest and Stream.
Malaria Makes Pale Blood.
Tho Old Standard GROVE'S TASTE
LESS CHILL TONIC, drives out ma
laria and builds up the system. Fer
grown people and children, 50c.