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HAILEY ISSUE PRECIPITATED IN THE HOUSE Resolution Inviting Him to Ad dress Body Brings Forth Caustic Comment. NO ROLL CALL ON VOTE. Finally Decided to Inyite Him as Well as Unsuccessful Candidates foT Gov. Special Diapatch. Austin, Tex., Aug. 5. —The Bailey question almost precipitated a riot of words in the house this morning when Canales introduced a resolution invit ing the senator to address house Friday night, August 12, at 8:30, and Hamilton offered an amendment in cluding Cone Johnson in the fame in vitation. A motion to table the amend ment then prevailed. 62 to 47. Debate on the original resolution brought forth some caustic comment and a strong sentiment against giving Bailey the opportunity to "roast'” of the legislature developed. Terrell of Cherokee argued against the resolution and stated that tie was not in favor of injecting the Bailey ‘s sue into the present session, but was for peace. Bell of Cherokee was more emphatic and said it was almost an insult to ask Bailey to appear before the legislature. “He has used language in speaking of members of this house,” said Bell, "which if one member used to another would cause a fight.” Will Be Till He Dies. Hill of Denton spoke in favor of the resolution and said: "He is our United States senator, and, boys, you might as well reconcile yourselves, he will be until he dies. It is only proper we invite him.” On the vote, which was not by roll call, it was decided to invite Bailey and also to ask Cone Johnson to speak Au gust 15; R. V. Davidson. August 16; J. Martin Jones, August 17. and Poindex ter on a date convenient to him. Bailey’s topic will be "Modern De mocracy. ’ ’ TIFT COMMUTES OFFICER'S SENTENCE Captain Hand of Field Artillery Will Not be Dismissed From the Army. Associated Freis. Washington, Aug. s.—President Taft has commuted the sentence of a court martial that Capt. Daniel W. Hand, First field artillery, at San Francisco, be dismissed from the army without honor for drunkenness, violating a pledge of temperance and absence with out leave. Because of his previous excellent rec ord and gallant conduct with the Fif teenth Minnesota volunteers in the war with Spain, the president commuted the sentence to reduce Captain Hand to the bottom of the list of field artillery cap tains, where his name must remain five years, and that he be confined for one year to the limits of the military reser vation, wherever his battery may serve. BRUSH FIRES HAVE DEVASTATED FORESTS Associated Press. Washington, Aug. s.—The current year threatens to be one of the most disastrous to the national forests from fires in the history of th<f country be cause of the drouth conditions in the west. Secretary Wilson of the agricultural department, who is in the west on a tour of inspection of the forest re serves, has expressed a willingness, ac cording to reports to the forest serv ice, to incur a deficiency, if necessary, in the appropriations made by congress to fight the fires during the present year. The danger is especially acute in Western Montana and Northern Ida ho. District Forester Greely at Mis soula, in a report to the forest service, says that forty large fires on the re serves in that territory have been brought under control, but that ten to fifteen are still burning. BELIEVE THEY HAVE FOUND LOST TREASURE Detroit, Mich., Aug. s.—Believing they have a $400,000 treasure in their grasp, tnen are guarding night and day what is believed by them to be the wreck of the steamer Atlantic off Long Point in Lake Erie. The Atlantic was sunk in collision in 1852 by the steamer Ogdensburg and 150 lives were lost. Many were drowned in their berths. The wreck lies in 158 feet of water. Tn the hold it is believed divers will find two safes containing $400,000 in gold. The wreck of the Atlantic vas found virtually intact. No skeletons were found in the superficial examina tion. A. Coilman. plumber. 415 Main Ave. rKTDAY, N. Y. CHORUS GIRL DANCES 1235 MILES Miss Julia Mills, who has danced 1235 miles in two -years. Miss Mills is a chorus girl in a show on Broadway. Several years ago when she heard of a pedometer sho decided to get one and wear it and see how far she traveled. The pedometer is shown above her an kle in the above picture. TAXPAYER IN . CHICAGO GETS MONEY’S WORTH Comptroller Compiles Statis tics Showing This to be More Than True. TAXES LOW, SERVICE GOOD Average Family Pays $61.12 and Receives Service Cost ing $172.02 In Return. Associated Press. Chicago, 111., Aug. s.—ln support of his contention that a family can live in Chicago at a smaller public expense than in any other large city of Amer ica, City Comptroller Wilson yesterday issued many columns of figures, show ing that the average property owner in Chicago gets services costing more thin 300 per cent of the annual taxes paid by him. ' For his average property owner, he selected a man awning a $3OOO resi dence and having a wife and three chil dren. He estimated the real estate tax at $46.10 and the water tax at $7.65, a total of $53.75, adding a possible per sonal property tax of $7.37, giving a total of $61.12. For this he held the family would receive service costing $172.02, and if the county,.state and similar services be included Im estimat ed the total benefits at $195.25. In his basis for calculation Mr. Wil son considered the population of the citv as 2,500,000 and used the assessed valuation of the property and the total product from taxation as the basis for .fixing the tax rate at $4.61 per $lOO, upon which he reached the total of tax ation in his hypothetical case. His estimate of the-cost of services furnished was based on the property owners’ share in the various forms of governmental operation, itemized in part as follows: Police protection, $11.80; fire protection, $6; health pro tection, $1.10; removal of garbage, $2.85; cleaning and 'repairing streets, etc., $3.25; maintenance of house of correction, municipal courts, etc., $2.15; operation and improvements of water works, $10.10; public library, 70 cents; schools (each child $37.39), $112.17; benefit of parks nnfl boulevards, $9.25. WARMAN PRESIDENT. Montreal Man Chosen ss Head of the American Press Humorists’ Association. Montreal. Que., Aug. 5. —Cy Warman of Montreal was elected president of the American Press Humjirists’ associa tion at the annual convention in session | here. W. G. Lampton of the New York I Herald is vice president and Newton j Newkirk of the Boston Post secretary. *AN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE PATTERSON IS TURNED DOWN IN TENNESSEE Governor's Faction Is Badly Beaten In Primaries Held There Yesterday. INDEPENDENTS VICTORS. Chairman Robertson, Patter son Adherent, Admits De feat by 20,000 . Associated Press. Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 5. —While Chairman Robertson of the regular state democratic headquarters here, lias given out no statement today, leaders of his, the Patterson faction, practi cally admit the independent judiciary ticket carried the state by 25,000 ma jority. Chairman Vertrees, in an unofficial statement this morning, said he saw no reason for changing ttie forecast made several .lays ago of a majority of 40,- 090 in the state for th* independents. Other independent leaders place the vote as high as 50,000 votes. Returns from outlying counties are coming in slowly and it will be several days be fore the exact figures can be given. East Tennessee, the republican strong h.ld in Tennessee, proved the Water loo of the regular democracy. Advices from that section are that the republi cans stood almost to a man behind the independents. Carter county, a rock ribbed republican county and former home of Senator Taylor, rolled up a majority of 2000 for the independents. CHILO BIFF IRIS I WEIRD TALE Says Parents Sold Her to Man for ss.oo—lt happened at Gary, Ind. Associated Press. Chicago, lE., Aug. 5. —Mary Daviso. 13 years old, alleged child wife of Jamico Daviso, of Gary, Ind., who is iu jail in the steel city charged with slashing the girl's throat, told the po lice of Gary yesterday that her parents sold her to Daviso for $5OO. She said that after the sale she was bound with ropes until she consented to the trans action, but avers she took no part in the alleged marriage ceremony which is said to have been performed in Chicago. The girl says that Daviso and her par ents devised daily tortures for her and that finally she rnn away. The court at Gary ordered Daviso not to molest the girl and this, she avers, so angered him that he attacked her with a razor, inflicting the wound from which sho now suffers. CYCLDNE UPSETS -I SEW ENGLAND IM Houses Unroofed, Trees Blown Down and Wires Discon nected. Lawrence, Mass., Aug. s.—The city was the center of a small tornado last night and the need of cyclone cellar* wns badly felt by many of the resi dents, especially- those residing in the center of the city. Trees by the score were toppled over. Several houses were unroofed, windows were broken, elec trie and telephone wires blown down, and streets blocked with debris. The city was in almost total darkness until davbreak, and most of the electric ca. lines were tied up. One tree as it fell struck Charles Mahoney, a teamster, whd was driving by, inflicting probably fata 1 , injuries. The steeple of the Bap tist church was split at its base and left leaning in a precarious position. FREIGHT WRECK FATAL. Two Trainmen Killed, Another Report ed Dead and Two Others Are Missing. A’sociated Prc««. Scranton, Pa.. Aug, 5. —Two train men were killed, another is reported dead and two others are minsing as a result of a disastrous freight wreck to day on the Delaware, Lackawanna A Western railroad, -at Analomink, West Stroudsburg. OFFER $5OOO REWARD. Rawn Family Will Pay That Amount for Information Concerning I Murderers. Chicago. 111., Aug. s.—ln an effort to prove that Ira G. Rawn, president of the Monon railroad, was murdered and did not commit suicide, a reward of $5OOO has been offered by the Rawn estate for information leading to the arrest and conviction of his murderer or murderers. Mr. Rawn was found dead in his home in Winnetka on the morning of July 20. FREE WIRELESS TELEPHONE Demonstration daily at 336 Moore building. Cal) and see transmission of light, power and sound by wireless. Todo Sb Va Bigger Bargains to Make Saturday the Greatest Day of the Todo Se 1/a $1.50 Peter Pan Waists 59c There will be a rush for these Peter Pan Waists when the doors open tomorrow. The biggest value we have ever given. An another even hundred of those $6.50 to $lO Tub Dresses go on sale tomorrow at $1.49. starts when the doors open at 8:30. The last lot offered Wednesday was the talk of the town and it is certain that there will be a rush tomorrow for the second hundred. These are fine wash dresses in the newest one-piece styles. Materials are chambrays. Anderson ginghams, repps, madras and figured lawns. Some have lace yokes, lacssleeves: some are high neck, others Dutch necks: some are plaited in contrasting color piping, tailored traps, embroidery, pearl buttons and tabs. All have plaited skirts with deep hems. Not a dress in the entire lot which would not sell at $6.50 and the values run as high as $lO. $22.50 China Silk Dresses $9.98 Hand Some cream China Silk Dresses with tunic, trimmed with Persian bands, the most popular dress of the season. Some are collarless effects, others with Persian collars and tie. Our regu lar $22.50 dresses, which we created a sensation Q with in our recent sale at $l5. Now priced speci- wZ ally for Saturday in the big Todo Se Va at only .. $22.50 Wool Suits $9.95 AH our fancy woolen Coat Suits in serges, whale diagonalH and colors* newest models of the season, with values up to $22.50, are placed in one lot for this sale and the price re- 9.95 duced to 0n1y.... Dress Bargains to Make $7.50 Dresses $3.95 Beautiful 1-piece dresses in Chambray, gingham, percale and linen, light, dark and natural colors: one of the prettiest mod els of the season. Regu lar value $7.50. Special ly priced tomor- IQC row at $5 and $6 Long Silk Kimonos at $5.95 For tomorrow only all our fine Long Silk Kimonos go at this low price to make rapid selling in the Kimono Department. Beautiful Long Silk Kimonos in Japanese floral designs, beautifully made, all colors, regular $5 and $6 values. Choice of the lot at only $3.95. $1.50 Lawn and Challie Ki monos at 89c Handsome Lawn and Challie Kimo nos. exquisitely designed with shir- id a variety of beautiful designs, and one of the greatest Ki mono values we have ever offered. Regular values $1.50. For tomorrow vour choice or the entire lot while they last in the sale at only 89c. SEVEN DIE IN FLAMES Lose Lives In Early Morning Fire In New York Lodging House In Foreign Section.' Associated Press. New York, Aug. s.—Seven lives were lost early today in a fire which de stroyed a three-story lodging bou>o in the foreign section of Jamaica, Ij. 1. The blaze started in a hallway, the < nh* exit, and spread so rapidly that few of the inmates had an opportunity to es- , cape. The lodging house was occupied for the most part by poor workmen em- • ployed in the neighborhood. Tae own- Fresh new Peter Pan Waists in blue trimmed with white and white trimmed with blue; also some in solid white and not a waist Th the en tire lot worth less than $1.50. Included also are those $1.50 Middy Blouses which we have created a stir with during this week at 79c. but what are left go tomorrow with the Peter Pans at 59c. And as an additional big offering in this lot we include some $1.50 Lingerie Waists. You cannot fail to find a bargain in this big Saturday special offering, but we advise that you come early if you wish to find a place around this bargain table. Peter Pan Waists, F" A Middy Blouses, Lingerie Waists... ~ V 100 More $6.50 to $lO.OO Wash Dresses at $1.49 Tomorrow 100 of These Dresses Go at Only $1.49 Wool and Linen Suits at Next to Nothing Prices $4O Wool Suits at $14,85 All our fine white serge* and, checks, homespun* and mannish worsted ccat suits, showing the very latest effects, with values up to $4O, are kpeciallv priced for this $12.50 Dresses $4.89 $12.50 Fancy CoJored Dimity Dresses, hand somely trimmed with lace and ribbon, beautiful flora! designs, a beauti ful dregs for afternoon or evening wear, reduced for tomorrow to 4.59 only Tomorrow the big Todo Se Va presents offerings greater than the big bargains of the entire week. Everything goes. Besides the items adver tised herewith every item on sale during the week continues for tomor row and we intend to make this the greatest day of the sale if low prices will accomplish it. er, George Dunbeck, occupied apart ments with his family. He and his household escaped safely in their night clothes by climbing through the win dows to the street. The dead, five men and two women, were all foreigners. They were asleep at the time and were all suffocated by smoke as they lay in their beds. The property loss was not over $l5OO. HE SEES WAR DOGS. Japanese Historian Urges His Country to Prepare for Fight With the United States. Victoria, B. C., Aug. 5. —Japanese newspapers received here publish speeches by Takenokoshi Yosahuari, a noted Japanese historian, in which he savs 3 war between Japan and America is inevitable, and urged immediate ex pansion of Japanese armaments. He holds tht the collision will be pre cipitated when the lease of the South Manchurian railroad expires, when, he says, China will insist on the return of the railroad zone and America will sup port China. Open TUI IO o’Clock Saturday Night $65 Wool Suits at $29.75 All our most exclusive high grade coat suits in the richest materials, silk lined and hand-tail ored. Values up to $6O and $65. including im ported model#, in this sale reduced 7C to only I $8.95 Dresses $3.95 \ All our handsome $8.95 allover embroidery dress es in white with Vai. lace yokes and lace trimmed in new over dress effects, full flounce and one of the lending summer models of 7 QC 1910, tomorrow. . HI Standard Makes of $l.OO W. B. Corsets 79c $2.00 W. B. Corsets .i $l-69 so.vO W. B. Corsets $2.50 $3.50 W. B. Corsets I 82.95 $3.00 W. B. Reduso Corsets... .$2.50 $4.00 W. B. Reduso Corsets... .$3.40 $l.OO Warner Corsets 79c $1.50 Warner Corsets $1.29 $2.50 Warner Corsets $1.69 $3.00 Warner Corsets $2.50 $l.OO B. & J. Brassieres 79c $1.50 B. & J. Brassieres $1.15 50c B. & J. Brassieres 39c PMILBWMCO lists in Womens, air e. Houston sr. $1.50 Wash Skirts for 59c Another chapter added to the skirt department history during the Bie Todo Se Va for tomorrow only. Washable Linene Shirts at a price which has never been equalled for high grade skirts. These skirts are made the same as our highest priced skirts, hang perfectly, and every skirt in the lot is worth $1.50 and some more. The newest plaited models and button trim med effects are in this lot, colors are blue, tan and white, and a more stylish show ing of wash skirts was never made in any sale. There are about 200 or more skirts to be sold at this price Saturday. They may last throughout the day, but as fast as they are shown the bargain piles will melt away, and we doubt if they are here longer than noon. Washable Linene I" A / Skirts, White, 4 Blue and Tan.... * w Up to $8.50 Wool Skirts $9.39 We want to close out all Wool Skirts Saturday and so .this big special offering. In this lot are all our fancy wool skirts, values up to $8.95, beautiful colored Panamas and novelty stripes. Every skirt guaranteed perfect hanging and all the netv- IL est effects shown. You will never find such a skirt gk offering again. Your choice tomorrow at 0n1y.... A• ♦X $30.00 Linen Suits $9.98 A large number of our beat selling linen Suits, odds and ends of a high priced stock, lace trim* med and plain tailored effects. $l5. $2O, $25 and $BO Suits 9.98 reduced to only. . Rapid Selling Saturday $25.00 Dresses $12.39 Allover embroidery dresses, daisy patterns. Vai. lace trimmed, in the new tunic style, a new model only recently re* Cth d by us. regular $2O value. Specially priced for tor 12.39 morrow at Corsets Now Sacrificed $6.00 Mdme. Irene Corsets.... $3.95 $B.OO Mame. Irene Corsets.... $5.25 $9.50 Mdme. Irene Corsets. .. $6.35 $15.00 Mdme. Irene Corsets.. .$9.95 $6.00 Redfern Corsets $3.89 $lO.OO Redfern Corsets $5.95 50c Ruffles and Pads 39c 75c Ruffles and Pads 59c $l.OO Ruffles and Pads e 69c $2.50 Italian Silk Vests $1.95 $3.00 Italian Silk Vests $2.39 $lO.OO La Grccquo Corsets.... $5.00 $3.00 Nature Rival Bust Son PINS NEW 1001 SOPS Denounces Their Stupidity, Venality and Brutality After Court Session. Asm elated Pre,,. New York, Aug. s.—Mayor Gaynor’s; jsudden descent on the night court bore ; Iruit today in another characteristic de- Inundation of police stupidity, venality I and brutality. In part he let loose his indignation because of what he saw I last night as, follows: “Two-thirds of those brought iu last ! night were stupidly and needlessly ar- I rested, and one or two of them corrupt ly, to extort money, and I understand AUGUST 8, 1910.' Todo So Vo $25.00 Rep Suits $12.39 $25 rep Coat Suits in the new short and me dium length coats, new plaited fktrta; pinks, tans and white, in the handsomest spring ef foots. Choice of 10 SQ this lot at $lO.OO Dresses at $3.75 Your choice of al! our handsome lingerie dress es in Batistes. Mullsand sheer Lingerie Cloths, beautifully trimmed with fine lac*s, all new styles, regular values up to $lO, for to- 7 7C morrow at All $1.50 Tailored Waists Saturday $1.19 Our newest summer Tailored Waists in finest lawns, all new styles in the plain effects with linen collars and cuffs, dainty pearl buttons, go on sale tomorrow as an exceptional Sat urday offering, showing the $1.50 models in the Todo Va sale at onlv $1.19. Waists —Values up to $15.00, Saturday $2.69 Another Waist offering without par allel. A special lot of our finest Voile, MessaUne, Net, Lace and Lin gerie Waists in the newest styles of the season, al! exclusive models, with finest trimming. Regular val ues up to $l5. Your choice of the lot for tomorrow at only $2.69. .that proportion is the rule. | “One policeman brought in a boy j who threw a rubber ball on the street. I He'sliould have stopped him once. An- I other brought in a boy who danced on a building platform in the street. An other brought in two men who had been quarreling. Their dispute was perfect ly harmless. It was only necessary to stop them and tell them to go along. A London policeman would hardly have noticed them. One officer ar raigned a cook for stealing a cold chick en. Someone said that he stole it. That an officer may not arrest without a warrant for sueh a crime, unless he saw it committed, seemed to have never en- - tered his head. He looks too stupid 14 I understand it. There was no evidence of the lareenv.” , r t —-— ■ Won’t Need a Crutch. When Editor J. P- gasman of Cor inelius. N. C.. bruised his leg badly, it : started an ugly «>«• ointments proved , wor [ bl ‘** l * h Bucklcn’s Arnica Salve healed it thor oughly. Nothing is so prompt and »nr» for rivers. Boils. Burns, Bruises, Cuta, Corns. Sores. Pimples. Eczema or PUea ojc at Beier Drug C« 5 $20.00 Linen Suits $7.50 $2O linen Coat Suits in an assorted of new styles, all embodying the latest effects. All new * colors shown and one of the most remarkable of fering* in the 7 CZ) whole sale at ■ Black Lingeries $7.95 Tn the Black Lingerie Department we have grouped all our $12.00. M 3.50 and $l5 dresses in Hie lot, showing the newest styles of the sea son in the finest mate rials. Your choice to morrow of the lot 7.95