W the Cracker
K' that W
ML Brow n JR
State Officials and Hundreds
of Friends Follow the Body to I
< Its Last Resting Place.
Azaociated Press.
Austin. Tex., Aug. 9. —The funeral !
of Valter F. Colquitt, son of O. B. Col
quit t. who .lied Sunday evening, was |
held this morning from the family resi
dence at 1802 Lavaca street. Dr. V.
D. Bradfield of Dallas and Hr. V. A.
Godbey of Austin, conducting the serv-।
The following pallbearers werel
named: Active: J. D. Fit’zgfrald. V. A.'
Achilles, V. H. Krueger. F. W. Mur
ray, O. D. Hudnall and T. 11. Scott.
Honorary: R. R. Gaines, F. M. Wil
liams, .1. L. Peeler. W. 11. Folts, 11. A.
Vroe, C. P. Randolph. W. P. Anthony.'
J. M. Edwards, E. W. Ralev of Ter
Many floral offerings were sent from |
friends of the young boy as well as of '
the family. One of the largest was
from the old soldiers and others em
ployed in the state capitol.
The interment was at Oakwood ceme
tery and in the long procession to the
grave were many of the highest state
officials, besides hundreds of local :
friends and neighbors of the Colquitt
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 9.—S. S. Peters,
a veteran newspaper man and soldier,
died at his home in this city late yester
day. He was one of the escort that
rode with Geu. Sheridan on his famous
Winchester ride. He was Washington
correspondent for the Ohio State Jour
nal during the Hayes administration.
His last work was on the Omaha Bee.
y 7? c. 7P The of children is frequently
7/>7 7 followed by poor health for the
ya >7 mother. This supreme crisis of life
Q'ty finding her physical system unpre-
a op . pared for the demands of nature,
7/) A leaves her with weakened resistive
77 S * >9 777 k powers and sometimes chronic ail-
ments. This can be avoided if
Mother’s Friend, is used before the coming of baby, and the healthy woman can
remain a healthy mother. It is the only remedy that perfectly and thoroughly
prepares the system for healthy motherhood, and brings about a natural and
easy consummation of the term. Women who use Mother’s Friend are always
saved much suffering when the little one arrives, and recover more quickly, and
•with no ill effects, or chroijio troubles. Every expectant mother should safeguard
her health by using Motgef’s Friend, -jM *r X 7 / • f
thus preparing her physical condition y'A 7Tq yj 'A
for the hour of motherhood. This /A jr7 77 77k
medicine is for sale at drug stores, 97g
"Write for free book for expectant p
mothers. • -7y 7} 7 Sy)
Atlanta, Ga. r 9797gyjg
From one to twenty-horsepower in stock. You will Fave time and
money by calling on us. The most complete line of Chandelier and Elec
tric Supplies in the city, and our prices are right.
Personal attention given to all work.
Graham Collins 246 st
tagrtißMayy. bridge work specialized
0-* “ f 1110 V,le Domisc. is a specialist
Crown. Bridge and Plate Work
Yale dentists, 211 hicks building
Lucky Demonstration of Fire Fighting
Machine May Decide the Aus-
tin Council.
Special Dispatch.
Austin, Tex., Aug. 9.—As the result
of an opportune fire alarm in which its
efficiency was demonstrated yesterday,
the city council will probably buy a
$4200 automobile chemical engine,
which E. I. Winant has been demon
The alarm was turned in from near
Hyde Park, where .a trash heap was
burning and the auto engine ran from
Eighth to Thirtieth street, beating the
Austin truck, which is stationed only
four blocks from the scene of the fire.
Its speed was 50 miles an hour.
Winant had been here two da,vs dem
onstrating the engine, but first favor
ably impressed the council with his
lucky run.
If you sit in a cool draft when yon
are heated and get a stiff neck or
lame back, you will be looking for
something that will ease the pain. Fix
your mind on BALLARD'S SNOW
LINIMENT and don’t be talked out
of it because it is tha best pain reliev
ing liniment you cmi get anywhere.
Price 25c, 50c and Lsl.oo per bottle.
Sold by the Bexar Drug Co.
No buttonless shirts leave the Mission
City laundry. Try them. Phones 781.
Is Run Down By Automobile and As a
Consequence Both Legs Are
I , Paralyzed.
Austin, Tex., Aug. 9. —Leon Raminez,
I a Mexican working on Milton Morris’
place on the Cameron road, has
paralysis of both legs as a result of be
ing run over by an automobile near the
farm yesterday. The persons driving
' the auto kept on their way after knock-
I ing down and running over the Mexican
■ and their names have not been learned
by the police, who will investigate the
Practical Plumbing
in all its branches is our special work.
Having a thorough knowledge of the
modern practice ot Plumbing e are fa
miliar with the scientific and up-to
date principles of the trade. We em
ploy none but experienced help and use
only the very best materials. Our work
is careful and thorough and we do it
promptly. We give thorough good work
at very moderate prices.
Southern Plumbing
Motors for All
Man Held In Jail In Austin Mur
der Case Alleges He Was
Special Dispatch.
Austin, Tex., Aug. 9.—An echo from
the unsolved mystery of the murder
of Maggie Hander, last fall, came in
a suit tiled against George 8. Matthews,
sheriff of Travis county, in the Fifty
third district court late yesterday by
John J. Grubbs, claiming $ll,OOO dam
ages for false imprisonment. Grubbs
sues the sheriff on his bond, and the
s\iv>ties made defendants in tha suit
are' George W. Littlefield, C. O. Gil
bert and D. B. Matthews. J. L. Bro
die, county jailer, and J. D. Plumb,
formerly a deputy constable, are also
made party defendants.
Grubbs was arrested shortly after a
mutilated body found on the Cameron
road, five miles east of Austin, last
October, was identified as that of Mag
gie Hander, an adventuress. He is a
man 00 years old. One of the suspicious
circumstances that led to bis arrest was
that he is said to have claimed the
dead woman’s property the day after
she disappeared.
The old man was kept in jail until
the grand jury met on suspicion that
he had knowledge of the murder; and
the grand jury failing to indiet him,
Sheriff 1 Matthews and others working
on the case continued to hold Grubbs
from late in October to January, on
a charge of forgery. It is on this term
in prison that he sues alleging false
imprisonment. The killing of Maggie
Hander has never been cleared up.
Although Chief Laughlin and mem
bers of the police force #>re active in
keeping Grubbs in jail in the hope of
untangling the murder mystery, they
are not named as defendants in the suit,
because Grubbs was held under the or
ders of Sheriff Matthews.
Constipation is the starting point for
many serious diseases. To be healthy
keep' the bowels active and regular.
HERBINE will remove all accumula
tions in the bowels and put the sys
tem in prime condition. Price 50c.
Sold by the Bexar Drug Co.
Crazed By Heat He Jumps
Overboard From One Vessel
and Is Rescued By Another.
Associated Press.
Boston, Aug. 9. —The next time Syed
Mohammed wants a sea bath he will
take a sharp look at the ocean before he
jumps in. If he sees any sharks he
probably*will remain on dry Iqnd. Syed
is a Lascar sailor and he shipped »at
Calcutta on board the steamer Kabinga,
which has just reached this port. When
the vessel was passing through the Red
sea, Syed became crazed by the heat
and jumped overboard. No trace of the
Lascar could be found. Several hours
later the steamer Trafford Hall came
over the same course and spied a man
in the water. It was Syed and with
a long dirk in his hand, he was fight
ing a terrific duel with a 20-foot man
eating shark. A boat was lowered and
Syed was rescued.
New Yorker Wants the Machine or
Some One Connected With It
New York, Aug. 9. —Henry Yastow.
a New York produce merchant, asserts
that an automobile stole his gold watch
and chain, and he wants the machine
or somebody connected with it arrested.
Yesterday Stow was crossing an up
town street when a machine whizzed
by. He had a heavy bundle on his shoul
der and did not see the automobile un
til it was too late to get out of the
way. It just grazed him, without doing
him any serious injury. But a project
ing belt or screeiAtaught his watch and
chain and his $l5 gold time piece dis
appeared in the cloud of dust with the
<» <» ——
Chicago, Aug. 9. —John Gillis, a po
lieeman of Vancouver, B. C., who is to
| take part in the national all around
l championships at Marshall field next
Saturday, arrived yesterday and report
ed himself in fine condition. Gillis is
disappointed at Martin Sheridan’s fail
ure to enter, as it was reported in Van
couver that the eastern star would par-
I ticipate. Gillis is 6 feet 4 inches tall,
weighs 170 pounds and is 26 years old.
| He is the tallest athlete entered. In a
recent try-out through the ten events
I Gillis came within a few points of the
' iecord.
Kyle, Tex., Aug. 9. —The spreading
5 of the rails at a point on the Interna
j tional & Great Northern, about two
■ miles south of this place, caused the
i derailment of four cars of a northbound
freight train yesterday, in consequence
of which traffic was delayed several
Two cars of crude oil wore turned
over and lost, besides considerable dam-
I age to the derailed ears.
A ball game here yesterday after-
I noon between Kyle and Buda resulted
in a score of 1 to 0 in favor' of Kyle.
I The game was a very hard fought
’ one, the only score made being in the
last half of the ninth inning.
, ■ Batteries for Kyle. Meader and How
। ard; for Buda, Matthews and Rosen
• tritt. Donalson umpired.
Nance Gwyn, the Australian dancer (Mrs. Fabia Caffrey), divorcee and
heiress, mentioned by Mrs. Charles Gilpi] 111 of Philadelphia in her suit for
divorce. Lt was only recently learned that the Mrs. Caffrey and Nance
Gwyn were the same person. The disclosure was made through the supreme
court proceedings which Mrs. Gilpin has brought in New York to have the
witnesses who testified of Thomas McD. Caffrey in his divorce pro
ceedings, testify either in Philadelphia or New York for her.
Hi! Yi! Yi! Ye cowboys, cowpunch-1
ers, cowmen, denizens of the plains and
others who are seeking a wife who
would like to tie up with one of your
kind, here is one San Antonio girl who
is overly anxious to meet one of the ilk.
She gave her name as Miss Mary
Johanna and her address as general de
livery, San Antonio, Texas. Last Sat
urday Joseph Hardeman addressed a
letter to Dan Cupid, alias Postmaster
J. .1. Stevens, in which he said he was
a ranchman and a cowboy and that he
was seeking for some one who would
like to share a home on his ranch. He
was to all intents serious in his prop
osition and meant every word written
in his application. When Mr. Harde
man called at the postoffice this morn
ing he was handed a letter by Post
master Stevens from this young lady
who failed to describe herself hnd on
reading it he was heard to exclaim,
“Oh, you Johanna!” Well, at any rate,
she did not make an outrageous hit
with Mr. Hardeman and to show the
balance of the cowmen of Texas that
there was not one drop of jealous blood
in his steins Mr. Hardeman turned over
the letter to a reporter for the Light
and gazette in order that there might
Don’t Suffer
From Eczema
any other skin disease, because
will quickly and positively cure every I
one of these diseases, build up new tis-1
sue aud produce soft, healthy cuticle.
No matter of how long standing the
disease may be—nor how .aggravated
the eruptions —you will get IMME
by using Lenoir’s Eczema Remedy.
D. A. MAY, piano dealer, Selma, Ala., 1
has this to say of his experience:
“I have been entirely relieved of a
very troublesome ease of Eczema (by
your Remedy, and cordially recommend
it. ”
Just cleanse affected parts with tepid
water and tar or pure castile soap, dry
gently and apply the remedy. It con
tains no grease and will not stain the
skin or soil the clothing.
Prepared Only By
For sale by your druggists. At whole-1
sale by San Antonio Drug Co.
Australian Dancer and Heiress
Co-respondent in Suit for Divorce
Miss Mary Johanna Answers Joseph Hardeman's Letter
Which Was Sent to Dan Cupid Stevens.
possibly be another one of the plains
not half so hard to please and who
might want to take a chance with this
mysterious lady who signs herself Miss
Mary Johanna. Perhaps this girl, a
brunette or blonde, has plenty of
money, and then some, perhaps. “Oh,
you Johanna!” Now these are just
exactly the words that Johanna used in
her answer to the application to Mr.
“Well, Joseph! I must say you are
a queer sort of a cowboy if in fifteen
years of steady herding and rounding
np of the fair sex you haven’t suc
ceeded in roping and putting your ‘J.
11.’ brand on one of the ‘bunch.,’ What
is the matter, anyway, Joef It’s my
opinion that you have been rid;ng the
range in the wrong place. But I want
to tell you this, you are right not to
have cast your rope at any of these
young heifers without faults. They
won’t do. Take it from me, Joe, there
is something wrong with the breed.
They are not thoroughbred ‘white,
faces’ if they don’t get fussy and
nervous, stampede and raise the devil
once in a while. Especially in Texas
down by the Rio Grande. Suppbse
some starlit night ‘ln the Good Old
Summer Time,’ you are sitting beside
your pick of the ‘bunch’ doing ‘The
Air Was Heavy and the Night Was
Hot’ stunt and a Texas norther in the
I shape of another dark-eyed beauty,
sleek, and trim, groomed to her dainty
hoofs, comes ‘blowing’ into camp,
I looks you over, decides you’ll do and
I rubs her prefty nose (figuratively
speaking) against your coatsleeve ap
provingly. Now, honestly, Joseph,
wouldn’t you rather your Lasca would
stick a knife between your ribs when
you return the invader's caress than to
look pleasant over it? You know you
“Joseph, you are looking for a thor
oughbred and you don’t realize that’s
what’s the matter with you. Now.
ginger up. Get out your best som
brero, put on all your ‘glad’ cowboy
‘scenery,’ take the best lasso in the
outfit. Mount you trusty steed and
sally forth. Ride the range carefully
for the next thirty days, keeping a]
sharp lookout. Your thoroughbred will .
show up on a ridge somewhere, some l
evening between you and the coni I
ing sunset of life. When -he does, ‘rope’
her. If yon are the kind of a fellow
that I think you are, the ‘branding’
won’t taks long after that.
“P. B.—l like cowboys myself.”
Special Dispatch.
Weimar, Tex., Aug. 9.—Walter
Klockmann and Miss Annie Caldwell I
were quietly married here Sunday |
night, only a few relatives and friends
being present. The wedding took place
at Dr. Cook’s home here. It was quite
a surprise to their many friends. The
groom is a son of R. Klockmann of this
place, who is a retired merchant, and
Walter himself is in the hardware busi
ness. The groom is well known here and
has many friends. They will be at
home at the StrittJnatter residence af
ter Aug. 10.
If You
Have Any
about Terrell Hot Well water actually curing such
diseases as Rheumatism, Gout, Bright’s Disease,
Diabetes, Stomach and Liver troubles, Constipa
tion, Blood and Skin diseases, we invite you to go
out and talk to the people who are being cured.
They are coming to SAN JOSE from afar and
near. The wonderful radium water—with its magic
curative power—is known all -ver America. Those'
who have tried it, with one voice, praise i j virtues.
W. M. Davis of L’valde was here eight years
ago. used the water and was cured of a bad case
of rheumatism. He could not raise bis arm above
his waist. He went away well. He is back .it
SAN JOSE now, taking a rest and using the water
for a general toning up of the system. Ask him.
He’s out there. He’ll tell you it cures rheumatism.
TERRELL HOT WELL is the only one of
its kind in the world. There is one in Yellowstone
National Park which has radium, but it has not
with it the peculiar combination of medicinal prop
erties of the TERRELL HOT WELL water.
This wonderful radio-active water of TER
RELL HOT WELL is one of the things that is
making SAN JOSE “go.” People know that this
model little town, just out of San Antonio, is bound
to grow; they know that it will make them money.
Lots arc now only $300.00, $lO.OO down, $lO.OO
Terrell Co.
General Sales Manager
Will Visit Washington Some
Time In November to Fill a
Number of Dates.
Associated Press.
Washington, Aug. 9.—The Duke of
Abruzzi will make another visit to
Washington and the date, according to
advices received by the members of
the Italian embassy, is set for some time
in November. He will not come incog
nito, and according to the data on file
in the ministry of marine at Rome, the
reason of his visit is due to “Lectures
Already Promised About His Highness’
Ascent of the Himalayan Mountains.”
The duke is now under the jurisdic
tion of the minister of marine, he be
ing in charge of the naval arsenal at
will save the dyspeptic from many
days of misery, and enable him to eat
whatever he wishes. They prevent
cause the food to assimilate and nour
ish the body, give keen appetite,
and solid muscle. Elegantly sugar
coated. —
Take No Substitute.
Morales Transfer Co.
Hauling and Storage
Warehouse S. A. P. Track*
Old Phone 15M. New Phone >l«t.
BUftet Mraet, Between Oadae
Frees BUsste.
If 9 a. bl t« 9:39 p. *
w« BuiL Buy. 8«U
117 Main t<> lie w. Pi.nw,
Old Phra. 1797. N.w Phon. »I 0
AUGUST 9, 1910. ''
down, $lO.OO
Venice. It was his duties as director
of the arsenal that prevented his com
ing last spring as the embassy had
been notified to expect him.
The of absence will be formal
ly set for a period of four weeks. Un
der ordinary circumstances, this would
permit his stay in the United States
one week. As he has accepted engage
ments in New York, Boston and Phila
delphia, and the capital, it is not con
sidered likely that he will remain in
this city more than three days.
A. Collman. plumber. 415 Main Ave.
' We are —and have been FOR
quarters in San Antonio for
Mail orders solicited. We can
please you. Give us a trial
Holland’s Tea Store
1 229 West Commerce St
•09-904 W. Commere* St
Wan Paper, Painta, Glass, Af»
tote’ Materials. Pietares sad Pie
tars Fraadag.
Boarding Horses a Specialty.
Airy stalls, best service, excellent care
to all horses in our charge.
Livery and hacks, gentle drivers and
stylish carriages.
121-125 North Flores. Both Phones 498.
Thos. H. Abbott
Successor to Aug. Llmbnrger.
Will save you 50 per cent on each gal
lon of whiskey or wine or box of cigan
yon buy from him.
Metropolitan Bar
Corner Main Plaza and W. Commerce St.
Both Phones.
Closing out at cost Entire stock of
Buggies and Wagons.
Military Plaza.