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WEDNESDAY, INVENTOR IS ■H BIG AIH MACHINE Immense Aeroplane Will Carry 300 Pounds and Fly 500 Miles Without a Stop. ABOUT 1500 LBS WEIGHS He Claims to Have Made the First “Heavier-Than-Ari" Machine Flown. Special Dispatch. Rochester, if. Y., Aug. 31. —A large airship is being constructed in this city by John F. Cooley of New York. The inventor believes it will carry 2000 to 3000 pounds besides his own weight, and will fly 500 miles without stop ping. The airship is 80 feet long and weighs about 1500 pounds. The lines of the body of the ship are torpedo shape. Canvas covers the body com pletely, even enveloping the- engines and the seats of the operators. The forward and main sails are made of a special waterproof silk, there being about 1400 feet of it. The sails are stretched above and perpen dicular to the three sections of the ship. The shape of the car and the po sition of the sails are expected to elim inate resistance to the wind. Spruce of the lightest weight forms the frame work of the ship. It will be equipped with two light Elbridge engines having a total horsepower of 120, and will have two specially adapt ed propellers. A small model of the ship was re leased on a string one afternoon re cently in the meadows at South Park, and its behavior as it soared upward indicated that the big ship will be any thing but a disappointment. When in terviewed about his ship Mr. Cooley said: “ For the past 22 years I have been studying and preparing for the task which is now almost completed in the shed. “Fifteen years ago I had a ship in the air in this city, flying from the Scottsville road across the Geneseo river into a- elump of trees in Genesee Valley park, where the ship was dam aged.' Many defects in the first ma chine were noticeable, and since that time I have been busy correcting them. And, by the way, to my knowledge that flight of fifteen years ago was the first of its kind in the world’s his tory. “Officials of New York City offer ed me every inducement to finish my work on Governor’s island, but I camo to this city last September on account of the excellence of the airship en gines made here. “My craft is a true airship, greatly differing from the flying machines of Curtiss and others, in that it follows the laws of nature and does not re quire balancing. All the weight is be low the center of gravity, below the sails, and, therefore, the aeroplane can not upset. Comparing the flying ma chine type of aeroplane to a motocy cle, this aeroplane would bear compar ison to the automobile. It is the first machine in which the operators are en tirely enclosed.’’ The Cooley airship is to be entered in several speed contests after its ini tial flight from the Genesee Valley park meadows. Early in October Mr. Cooley intends to take part in the New York to St. Louis contests. He also contemplates an attempt to cross the ocean to England. Mr. Cooley says he will enter the contest for the $15,000 Gould prize, which goes to the owner of the most perfect and practical heavier-than-air machine designed and operated in this country and equipped with two or more complete power plants (separate motors and propellers) so connected that cither power plant may be oper ated independently or that they may be operated together. The inventor is backed by the Cooley Aerial Naviga tion company. EIKU AUTOMOBILE CO. 427 MAIN AVENUE Agents for JACKSON Old Phone 1888 We Are Ready to Wire for lighting, communicating or heating in youi home, office, store or factory. We are experts in electrical line, and understand how to get and give the best results for the least outlay. Let us do your electrical work, ar repairs, and you will have no cause for com plaint about the work or the charge for it. Complete satisfaction given. J. D. CONNELLY, 218 E. Commerce SU These -Advertisements form a Directory of Reliable and Modern Business Concerns With Whom IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADE DIRECTORY Business OF 222 Interests SAN ANTONIO ABSTRACTS. SAN ANTONIO ABSTRACT CO. (Incorporated) 204-206 Washer Bldg. J E. Wells. »gr. New Phone 168. Old Phoce 196 ARCHITECTS. New Phone 1833 Moore Bldg., Room 524. ARTHUR J. HERRMANN Architect San Antonio. Texas. J. W. CHALMERS. ARCHITECT. All the latest Ideas and atylsa. Office 538 Moore Bldg., San Antonio. J. FLOOD WALKER H. A. REUTER Associated ARCHITECTS, Frost Bldg. Sanguind & Sfaats Architects L HARRINGTON, Manager Phones 61 CHAS. T. BOELHAUWE Architect. Office 817 Notan St. San Antonio, Texaa. ERNEST P. BEHLES ARCHITECT Book Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, IV. F. BROWN &SON Architects and Builders. Money to loin for building purposes. Office 202 Book Bldg. Q. p. 1578. West Houston Street. San Antonio, Texas. Old phone 191. W. N. HAGY Architect aud Builder.' Frost Building. San Antonio, Texas. H. 0. JONES. Architect and Builder. * Room 8, Appman Building. —Both Phones— G. W. EVANS Architect and Builder. Homes built on easy payments. 127 Avenue O. Architects’ and Engineers’ Supplies. BLUE PRINTS MULTIGRAPH LETTERS TEXAS BLUE PRINT AND SUPPLY CO. Saur Bldg. Crockett and Alamo Plaxa. ATTORNEY-AT-lAW. John H. Clark - t Uou A. Bin. CLARK & BLISS Attorneya at Law San Antonio. Office 241 W. Commerce St. Texaa. Corner St. Mary a St. New Phone 2653. H. B. LEONARD Attorney and Counsellor 828 Washer Bldg. San Antonio, Tex. ALEX C. BULLITT Attorney-at-Law. 204 MOORE BUILDING Old Phone 316. T. M. PASCHAL Attorney-at-Law. Room 312 Book Building. Weat Houston St. San Antonio, Texaa. New Phons 2653. JOHN A. O’CONNOR Attorney-at-Law. 330 Washer Bldg. San Antonio, Texaa. CHICAGO WINS AND CLINCHES PENNANT Cubs Again Hand Jolt to Phillies While New York Defeats Pittsburg; Pirates Now Out. Chicago, 111., Aug. 31.—With four substitutes on the field Chicago yester day won the final game with Philadel phia. This victory, coupled with the third straight defeat of Pittsburg, practically clinches the National league pennant for Chance's team. Score — R- H. E. Chicago 000 i)00 03*—3 6 0 Philadelphia . . .000 000 001—1 7 2 Batteries: Brown and IHing; Stack and Jacklitsch. Cincinnati, 6-2; Boston, 2-1. Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 31.—Cincin nati won both games of a double-hea.l er yesterday. The scoreg; First game — R. H. E. Boston 000 011 000—2 9 1 Cincinnati . ...020 000 04*—fl 10 0 Batteries: Frock and Rariden; Buggs, Gaspar and Clarke. Second game — R. H. E. Boston • 000 000 010—1 6 1 Cincinnati . ...000 002 00* 2 —2 5 0 Batteries: Broom and Rariden; Fowler’s Pink Wafers A delightful laxative confection for the regu lation of the bowels. Tastes as Good as Candy. At all Drug Stores at 25c a box. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE AUTO REPAIRS. NOTTINGHAM & FRIEDRICH Repan-e of all descriptions on any auto. Auto supplies of all kinds. Our work is our guarantee. 131 North Flores. New Pbpne 3123. When your auto is in TROUBLE. Catt on A. G. MEISTER. 450 North Flores. New Phons 3218. ABSAYER. Jos. G. M. Braun. New Phone 1226 blue and 1393. SAN ANTONIO ASSAY OFFICE And School of Scientific Prospecting. Assaying and Mine Examining. 108 Yturri St. San Antonio. Texaa. BAKERY. BAILIE'S STEAM BAKERY. Tbo best for Bread and Cakes. 121 Avenue C. 311 W. Houston, 1013 N. Flores. Your patronage solicited. BEAUTY CULTURE. BEAUTY CULTURE. Ladies wishing to take a thorough course BEAUTY CULTURE Ring up old phone 4425. f Classes morning and evening. . TTTmiller co. DAYTON BICYCLES Guaranteed Five Yeara. Auto tubes vulcanised. Expert repairing. 715 East Houston Street. N. P. 993. BLACKSMITHS. MARTIN WOLCXEN 915 South Flores. General blacksmithing and horeeahoe work. Manufacturing, repajr and general woodwork. Drop me a card. Rubber tires put on at the old price, for the next 60 days, rubber has advanced in price H. R. GEYER, Avenue D and Travis Street. BLUE PRINTS The Southern Blue Print Co. Frost Building. Old Phone 735. We make blue prints dsy or night in any quantity and guarantee satisfaction. CIVIL ENGINUEBS. ~ •P. T. NELSON Civil Engineer. 323 Budding San Antonio, Texas. CIVIL ENGINEERS t SURVEYORS. ALEXANDER WALTON Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Room 800 Washer Building. Old Phone 2146. San Antonio, Texaa. GEORGE G. EIIRENBORG, 0. E. Civil Engineer, Surveyor. 518 Gibba Budding, San Antonio. Texaa. -Land surveys. Subdivisions of ranches and mapwork a specialty. Suggs and Clarke. New York, 5; Pittsburg, 2. Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 31.—New York won yesterday by taking advantage of errors and batting at the proper times. Score— ■>* R. H. E. Pittsburg 100 100 000—2 12 2 New York 010 000 202—5 10 0 Batteries: Adams and Gibson; Mat thewson and Meyers and Schlei. St. Louis, 14; Brooklyn, 3. St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 3L —St. Louis easily defeated Brooklyn yesterday in the last game of the series: Score— R. H. E. St. Louis 016 111 04*—14 18 2 Brooklyn 000 000 012— 3 10 0 Batteries: Lush mid Bresnahan and Phelps; Dessau, Barger and Erwin and McElveen. INDUSTRY TO RESUME. Last Visible Remembrance of Johns town Flood to Be Wiped Out By Re sumption of Work In Mill. Associated Press. . Pittsburg, Aug. 31. —It developed in steel circles yesterday that one of the industries wiped out by the Johns town flood of 1888 was to be resumed at once. The intelligence came about through the placing of contracts for the j construction of new mills on the Site! of those destroyed by the flood and 1 which has since been about the only sear caused by the waters that is visi ble. The Cambria iron works will resume the manufacture of wire, which it once shipped far and wide over the coun try. Sgince the partial destruction of its I plants the company has developed along ' lines of heavier tonnage. By force of I necessity to meet increasing demand for; steel in other finished lines, the com pany allowed the old wire mill to re main a memory of the “days before the flood.” Alamo Auditing Company, rooms 412-13 Gibbs building. Does your house need beautifying! See Herweck, the paperhanger. Phone 516. 124 Garza street. Dr. Keeling, Dentist, zvy Alamo Plaza COFFEE Ei MERITO COFFEE All Grocers. DECUMAN COFFEE CO. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. BANSPACH BROS. Contractors and Builders. 217 Spofford Avs. N. P. 3073. W. A. McARDLE v Ccaitractor and Builder. Plans and Specifications. 2825 W. Houston St. Old Phone 2548. SAM HEAP, contractor, carpenter and, joiner, cabinet maker, stair builder and store fix* hires a specialty; all repair* and alteration* to property promtply attended to. 508 North Peco*. Old phone 8902. ALAMO PLANING MILL SCREENS Old Phone 1680. New Phone 1990 319 Nacodoehes st. H. H. Knuth, Old Phons 2938. Geo. A. Moody, New Phon* 8133. KNUTH & MOODY General Contractors. Special Attention to Job Work. AHR & LETZ Carpenters and General Contractors. Our aperialty Job Work and Screens. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 708 East Houston St. New I’houe 1755. DENTISTS. DR. C. F. DUNLAP Deutiet. St 7 Moore Bld.;. Old Phom 8037. DRAFTSMAN. (vTiLLM.MoOXAX MAPS - PEPSPLCTIVIS - IUUMPATIO/IS 312 Aloore, Bldg. OLD PHO/Nt 1712 DRUGS. NOTICE. Anti-Germine is being used by poultry raisers nil over the country and is giving grand results. OUPPLIEB .DRUG CO , 323 W. Commerce St., San Antonio. ENGRAVERS. Mills Engraving Co DESIGNERS ENGRAVERS f GENERAL ILLUSTRATORS | Daily light Bldc sam Antonio. Texas FISH (Wholesale), OYSTERS, a. JOWDY Wholetale Dealer Fiah and Oysters. We keep only the best at all times. Your patronage solicited. Both Phones 509. PELICANS WIN OUT IN THIRTEENTH INNING Lindsay Drives Jackson Across Plate With Winning Run in Contest With Atlanta. New Orleans, La., Aug. 31. —Through thirteen innings the New Orleans and Atlanta teams played sensational ball yesterday, the home club finally win ning. 3 to 2, a single by Lindsay scor ing Jackson from second. Score — R- H. E. Atlanta ..090 020 000 000 o—2 9 4 N. Orleans 100 000 100 000 I—3 8 1 Batteries: Johns, Fisher and Smith; Maxwell and LaFitte. Mobile, 1-3; Nashville, 0-1. Mobile, Ala., Aug. 31. —Mobile yes terday took two games from Nashville. Better pitching and better fielding did the work. The scores: First game— R- H. E. Nashville 000 000 o—o 2 0 Mobile 000 001 •—1 7 1 | Batteries: Perdue and Erloff; Bit- Irolff and Dunn. Second game — R- H. E. Nashville 001 000 o—l0 —1 6 2 Mobile 003 000 ‘—3 fl 0 Batteries: VieOahn and Erloff; Chappelle and Dunn. Chattanooga, 5; Montgomery, 0. Montgomery, Ala.. Aug. 31. —Thomas allowed fewer hits than Moore yester day, but his support was not as good and Chattanooga won. Score — R- H. E. Chattanooga . ..000 013 001 —5 8 1 Montgomery . . . 000 000 000 —0 9 2 Batteries: Moore and Higgins; Thomas and Hart. Memphis. 10; Birmingham, 0. Birmingham, Ala.. Aug. 31.—Mem phis defeated Birmingham yesterday, 10 to 0. In one inning the visitors on eight hits, several errors and morn dumb plays, scored eight runs. After having been interrupted twice on ac- FLORIST. Flora! Designs, Cut Flowers, Plants CHRIS HAUSER JR. K Old Phone 3156. New Phone 1906 404 K. Crockett St. MRS. CHAS. ALBRECHT. Crockett A Bowl, Streets. , Out Flowers dud Plants. Floral Baskets. Bouquets and Designs made to order. Old Phone 2303. 1238 E. Comxnerc* FURNITURE, SECONDHAND. 1 ' " * New Phone 3040. ; ■ See WESTERN SUPPLY CO. New and second hand furniture bought, aold * and exchanged. Always have bargains. 206-8-10 S Flores Street. H AIRDRESSIN 3—MANICURING Hair dressing, manicuring and face massage. A full line of hair gnods and hair ornaments PARISIAN MILLINERY. FRENCH SHOP 215 Alamo Plaza. Old Phone 648. HORSESHOED. - DAVE LOUGH Scientific Horaeahoer. 303 Nacogdocbes St. New Phone 780. HOTELS. BEXAR HOTEL The Travelers' Resort Alfred Sanner. Proprietor. ICE CREAM MARKET.' Purity Ice Cream The best. A trial will more than convince you. Manufactured by SAN ANTONIO ICE CREAM FACTORY. I New Market House. Both Phones. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED. Work guaranteed. Freo f delivery. Full line! new mowers. Old ones taken in exchange. 1 Garden bote, sprinklers, grass shears, etc. ' Second band gas stoves repaired and suld. i Lock and key work. HOLLINS. New 901, old | phone 307. 801 E. Commerce. LIQUORS (Wholesale), CIGARS. HUGO, SCHMKUTZKR & CO. ‘ 613-615 West Commerce St. Rosskam, Geistleys A Co. Whiskies, Green River, Bauerbach's Imported KUeiu Wines, Uptimo, Lawreuce Barrett, Watt and Tom Keene Cigars. LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLER GARDEN STABLES B-irding of Horses a Specialty. Best Livery. New and Up-to-date. 331-236 South Flores St. Both Phones 313 LOANS. U. S. LOAN CO. 624 East Commerce St. Money loaned on Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and all articles of value. Your Patrouage Solicited. MONEY DOANED. HOTELS. Money furnished to build you a home Plans free. Now »s lie time. J. M. WAITS General Contractor. 213 Mackay Building. RACING IN N. ?. ENDS WITH FUTURITY TODAY Associated Tress. ' . Saratoga, X. Y., Aug. 31.—With thi running today of the twenty-second an nual Futurity, worth nearly $lO,OOO to the winner, the richest stake to be do eided in America, racing in the state of New York will come to a close two and a half months earlier than usual. The new anti-betting laws which take effect, tomorrow caused not only the earlier closing of the season but the shifting of the Futurity from Sheeps head Bay, where it has always beoS run since it was inaugurated in 1888, to the Saratoga course. One of the largest crowds that ever witnessed a race in the northern part of the state is expected to be present. count of the rain the game was called at the end of the seventh inning on ac count of darkness. darkness. Score — R- H- E. Memphis 000 800 2 —lo 12 1 Birmingham . ...000 000 0 — 0 3 3 Stockdale, Bauer and Rvan: Allen and McGraw. " " 11 ♦* ♦ COTTON STATES LEAGUE. At Hattiesburg: First game, Green wood. 6; Hattiesburg, 1 (seven in nings). Second game: Greenwood, 2; Hattiesburg, 3 (seven innings). At Jackson: Jackson, 7; Toledo, 4. At Vicksburg: Vicksburg Yazoo Citv, off day. If you sit in a*A>ol draft when job are heated and get a stiff neck or lame back*, you will be looking for something that will ease the pain. F|x your mind on BALLARD’S SNOV* LINIMENT and don’t be talked Alt of it because it is the best pain reliev ing liniment you can get anywhere. Price 25c, 50c and $l.OO per bottle. Sold by the Drug Co. Dr. tiuglics, eye, ear, ni'«e and throat Office and infirmary. 403 St. Mary’a. Dr. C. F. Dur,lap, Dentist, Moore Bld. MUSIC The San Antonio Conservatory of Music Herman J. Bal, president. Fall term com mence? Sept. 1. Catalogues mailed on application. 716 San Pedro Ave. San Antonio. Texas. OSTEOPATHS. A. G. Church, D. O. Ellen H. Church, D. O. OSTEOPATHIC IHYSICIANB. OBSTETRICS A SPECIALTY. Old Phone—Office 4250. Residence 3614. 301-802 Moore Bldg. OVERALLS. American Overalls The best by tesU Ask your dealer. Manufactured by AMERICAN OVERALL CO. 206 West Commerce St. PACKING HOUSES. UNION MEAT COMPANY Beef and pork packers, lard refiners and compound makers. / Union Stockyards. PAINTING. Painting, paperhanging, interior decorations. Manufacturer of I, X. L. roof paint. Roof re pairing a specialty. E. J. Womack, old phone 1004 1 ring. 326 Aransas avenue. FAINTING. F. P. RANKIN. House painting, kalsomining, wall tinting. Work Ibe best. 616 West Marshall St. Old Phone 1790. PHYSICIANS. GEO. It. BOWEN, M. D. Chronic Disease.. Homeopathic. Light and Vibrator. N. P. 1070. 0. P. 1317. Conroy Bldg Room 314. Dr. W. D. Hicks. Dr. Chas. H. Edwards. SAN ANTONIO HOSPITAL ! Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. New Phone 530. Old Phone 3866. 408 Travis St. Near Avenue C. Hau Antonio, Texas. Drs. R. H. and Nettie G. Gray Homeoapathic Physicians - General practice chronic disease. Obstetrics and diseasea of women. Both Phones 416 Hicks Bldg. PRINTING. E. J. JACKSON CO Printing of the higher grade. W* dont "Print Anything." Me do only the .ery best Printing; printing that will be a credit to your busiuess. 4U3 East Commerce street. New phone 543. GUESSAZ & FERLET CO. Expert printers. Largest and most complete printing plant in San Antonio. Labels, fold ing boxes, booklets and anything in the print ing line. Both phonos 675. PRODUCE, ETO. ~ Kesidence Old Phone 2870. Office New Phone 2304. SAN ANTONIO PRODUCE CO. J. L. Worsham, Mgr. Wholesale dealers in poultry, eggs, butter. 418 W. Houston St. PLASTERERS L. E. GREGORY. Contractor. Plain Ornamental Plastering. 117 W. Houston. N. P. 1880. BIG REDUCTION SALE oil Gurney Refrigerators We need room for storing heating stores for the winter. It will pay to take a look. SCHULTZE Stove & Hardware Co. 105 W. Commerce St. GOOD • ALBMT SINK CEO. 5. TAU4FEMO LUMBER BUS Prompt Albert Rine Delivery * « Courteous Lumbal VO, Treatment ✓ BOTH PHONES 3132 [ 1817 S. Presa St. For Building ana laras ) Purposes “Sunset Crossing AUGUST 31 r 1010. REAL ESTATE. FOR SAKE—3SI acres black and black sandy land miles from the town of Kenedy, Karnes County, on the A. P. R. K., 85 acres in cultivation, two room house, well and windmill, about 300 acrea tillable. Price <3O acre. Crews Realty Co.. 502 E. Houston St. RESTAURANTS. THE MERCHANTS CAFE THE BEST 25-CENT MEAL AND THE BEST COFFEE IN THE CITY. Your "Patronage Solicited. 107 West Houston. N. P. 1415. The Best Coffee in Town. Our Service Is Excellent. If You Don't Believe It, Just Drop Around. Bob White Restaurant JOE REEVES. Prop. New Phone 2723. 226 Losoya Street. San Antonio, Texaa. RUBBER STAMPS. SEALS AND STENCILS. 209 N. Presa. New Phone 437. SALOON. GREEN TREE SALOON Where the Wuertxburger Beer f.owa. Gottlieb Zellweger. Prop. Corner South Alamo and Market Sta. SIDEWALK CONTRACTORS. Cement Sidewalks our Special. O. P. 1057. W. I. FEGAN & COMPANY, Contractors. For Reinforced Concrete. Granitoid Street Paving and Concrete Structural Work. Room 301 Maekay Bldg.. San Antonio, Tex. SIGNS. A THE SCHULER CO. 103 West Commerce. N. P. ®o*. SIGNS OFFICE SUPPLIES—TYPEWRITERS. See ZOELLER for your Typewriters, Office Supplies, Type writer rentals, repairs aud supplier tor all machines. THE SMITH PREMIER SALES CO. New Phone 3213. 130 W. Commerce St. SUPPLIES AND FIXTURES. ED FBIEDBICH Manufacturer of Texaa Pioneer Billiard Ta bles and Supplies, Butcher Refrigerators, Fixtures and Supplies, American Cash Registers. 802 E. Com. St. N. F. 955. VINEGAR. Monogram Vinegar The Vinegar of Quality. Ask your Grocer. A trial will convince you. R M. HUGHES A CO. WOOD AND COAL. SUNSET WOOD CO. We are headquarters for grain, hag. coal, wood aud salt. Get our price,. New Phone 81. Old Phone 8L Brown's Wood Yard Sells best oak stove wood, per cord... .*5.50 Chunks, per cord ~..$5.00 Blacksmith cq>l at coat.