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2 WEDNESDAY, Wolfson's Beginning Month Specials We usher in the month with an array of special values that should be exceedingly attractive to the prudent, purse-wise shopper. While the items mentioned are special, they are only indications of the everyday advantages this store offers. You can always be sure of your savings at Wolfson’s. Save On Best Housekeeping Linens Towels —A good buck towel, size 19x 38, hemmed with fancy fast color red border. Rqgularly 12 l-2c. 4 — Tomorrow at * vC Pillow Cases—This 42x36 hemstitch ed pillow case is made of best linen finish casing and sells regularly at 18c. Special tumor- 13c Bath Towels—Large size. 21x42. This turkisu bath towel is made of double thread terry cloith with wide fancy red border, 35c OO 4* value. Special at ...,... fcwC Sheets—This full size 81x90 hemmed sheet is made of one solid piece of sttrong bleached sheeting and the price is 75c. Special to morrow at , Ofc C Napkins—Mercerized damask nap kins in nice range of patterns. Size 16x16, ready hemmed, $1 value. Special at O C Bedspread—Beautiful, full size. Mar seilles pattern crochetted spreads, hemmed. Regular $1.25 ftg « value at vuC < $l5 and $12.50 Linen Coat Suits and Lingerie Dresses Three garments for the usual price of one—is the way we are going to clear out all remaining summer suits and dresses. There is a just a few in this lot, the best selling garments at $12.50 and $15.00. The styles are good, embody- ing many feat- (J it ures that will be seen in next seasons’s gar- " ments, the price is only Men’s Best Shoes The new fall styles in men's shoes and oxfords are in, and they're dan dies. All leathers; all lasts; and the best makes ever sold at St.GO, or , OiUU r . Matters Line Up for Merry Theater War In This City Manager Weis Returns From New York and Seems Unworried By Outlook—Klaw and Erlanger Close for Beethoven Hall. With the return home yesterday of Sidney H. Weis, manager of the Grand Opera house, and the announcement last Bight that Klaw & Erlanger had closed b contract for the use of Beethoven hall during the coming season, matters shaped up finally for what promises to be the merriest theatrical war ever waged in San Antonio. Manager Weis, however, denies there will be any war, at least on his side. He says the Grand will run as usual, with ns many shows and really better ones Iron Brew— els one of the purest and most healthful drinks in the world. The strengthening properties of vegetable tonics are blended with aromatics that make it peculiarly piquant and pleasant. These vegetable and aromatic properties are combined with pure sugar syrup. Yon need have no fear of getting a saccharine preparation when the “Duerler” name or trade mark is on the crown or label of the bottle. Don't alivw any dealer to substitute—demand “Duerler’3” and see that you get it. G. A. Duerler Mfg. Co. Bottlers of Pars. Mon-AlcotoMc Bere.-igee. ’ One thousand people in San Antonio suffer with sore throat —some a tubercular condition. Go to 221 St. Mary’s Street Wk and be examined; also see demonstration of the hot vapor treatment that is soothing to sore throat. All of this free Of charge. -AJI french laboratory 7 St. Mary's Street. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS SA’A ANTONIO If you come tomorrow you’ll have the greatest chanee of the season to save on suits and dresses. It's the day we’ve set apart for the final slaughter of all summer garments—and prices are made to move them quick. Styles are the latest —pretty much the same as will be worn the coming season—you’ll be more than safe in buyingth'em. Lingerie Dresses Made of imported lingerie cloth in the season’s latest one-piece short-waisted mod els. Elegantly trimmed with dainty lace and embroidery. Styles that sold fc /X A at $6.50 will now _Z Ra JC go at X O SAUL WOLFSON DRYGOODSCO WE CLOSE ALL DAY NEXT MONDAY, SEPTEMBER STH, LABOR DAY ' 1 than former years. He emphasized the । fact that the Theater Owners’ associa tion was not making a war on Klaw & j Erlanger, but merely had established ■ forever the “open door” policy, which ; means that the attractions cf every pro- I duber will be welcome. Mr. Weis seems not be worried by the I announcement that Klaw & Erlanger will | put in a theater here. He believes the I firm has too good a business sense to I w-age such a war, when there would be | so little to gain. Their attractions are SUITS THAT ARE SAFE TO SAVE ON SLOP Coat Suits at SL9B You must get one —the material in the eoat or skirt is worth more than the price. Women’s suits, made of good linene in plain tailored styles. Coats are 30 and 40-inch, with cuffs, pockets and notched collars. The skirts are plain plaited. They sold at $7, but the 4 ZX Q price tomorrow is marked down I for quick sale to JL • / welcome in all the theaters over the country, and a war couljl bring them nothing but revenge. This revenge would be costly, very costly indeed, and the firm’s reputation for sagacity would argue against them going into such a big deal for revenge alone. On the other hand, the Klaw & Er langer forces have refused to book their shows over the regular circuits and it is known positively that they have closed contracts for houses not only in San An tonio but in many other cities in the country. The firm, however, has not as yet announced its uoliey in the offi cial organ, the New York Morning Tele graph. and it would appear from the general air of secrecy surrounding their movements that there is something big up their sleeves. It is even rumored on excellent grounds, that agents for the firm are busy all over the country buying up sites in desirable localities for new the aters and by the time the 1911-12 season rolls around the syndicate will again be in control of a chain of theaters that will cover the United States. Judging by what can be learned, the plans this season seem to be merely the establishment of a circuit from New York to San Francisco, through the south and back again through the north west. In fact, while their list of at tractions seem to be a large one, in real ity tere are not enough to hold down the theaters in the big cities and book much of a circuit outside. At any rate, matters theatrical from a local standpoint are in an extremely healthy condition. Even if Klaw & Er langer do not come in, which it seems certain they will, Manager Weis has booked a list of attractions which prom iscs to be far ahead of any ever shown at the Grand. “I am perfectly satisfied with the situation,” said Mr. Weis. “I have, 1 think, the greatest line of attractions that has been shown at the'Grand dur ing any season in its history. Even if a firm did come in here with the best stars in its forces they would be main ly those who have been seen here, while the big shows to be seen at the Grand are mostly new ones. “The report that we are waging a war on Klaw & Erlanger is a mistake — we are simply breaking away from the old regime, which forced us to book ev ery show that went into our houses through Klaw & Erlanger. Now any show can come in our houses, even the so-called trust shows. “I will add, however, that if the Klaw & Erlanger forces were to apply now they would find few dates open.” In the meantime a representative of Klaw & Erlanger is expected in San An tonio tomorrow, and it is stated that the contract for the use of Beethoven hall by that firm has been definitely closed. Anyway, things are shaping up for one lively theatrical season in San An — — Unfamiliar Language. “Oh, you kiddo!” exclaimed the lit tle Boston boy. “Is that some Hungarian you have picked up. Waldo!” inquired Mrs. Baikbay. “I have noticed you playing with a little foreign boy of W- ” SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE associated Press. Washington, Aug. 31.—Another effort to revive investigation of the Fidelity National bank failure in Cincinnati twenty-three years ago, is about to be made by Chicago men, headed by A. W. Green, a broker. The comptroller of the currency wound up the bank’s af fairs about two years ago when the last dividend was allowed. The Fidelity failure, the most gigan tie of its time, was related to a specu lation in Chicago wheat in which the bank was ruined and its viee president, E. L. Harper, was sentenced to ten years in a penitentiary. The Chicago brokerage house of Irwn, Green & Co., of which A. W. Green w’as then a mem ber, had been handling Harper’s trades. Just before the bank closed on June 27, hanks all over the country received SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE—To dem onstrate the value of Peruna in all ca tarrhal troubles we will send you a sum pie bottle absolutely free by mail If in need of advice write our Medi cal Department, stating your case fully. Our physician in charge will send you advice free, together with literature containing common sense rules for health, which you cannot afford to be without. , Linen Dresses Undoubtedly the greatest bar gain ever offered. One piece dresses, made of linene, crash and linen. The season’s best styles that sold regularly at $6.50 and $7.50 fc ZX to go oplow cost of making at... m/ • / Chicagoans Would Revive Inquiry Into Failure of Fidelity Nat'L Bank Hot Weather Breeds Dyspepsl li! mswam - fifell jRERUNA fefPYSPEPSIA STOMACH j The merit and success of Peruna is so well known to the public that our readers are advised to send for sample bottle. Address the Peruna Company, Columbus, Ohio. Don’t forget to men tion you read this generous offer in. the Light and Gazette, San Antonio, Texas. Save On Hosiery and Handkerchiefs Women’s —Good black cotton hose nicely finished 10c quality. W On sale tomorrow at ■ W Children’s —Good school hose, Ixl elastic ribbed, color black, all sizes. Regularly 15c. Special Ilf* tomorrow ■ • V Women's—Fancy lisle hosiery, some of the season’s best selling patterns at $l.OO and $1.26, ou spe- 68 cial sale tomorrow at .... Women’s—Best Italian silk hose, every thread pure silk and fast dye, all colors. Regular $1.25 value, at VwV Children's —Splendid quality cam bric handkerchiefs with neat colored botders. A number of new E—, styles, tomorrow at O w Women’s —Linen lawn handkerchiefs with embroidered initials, a splendid quality that usually 4 O//9X* sells at 20c. Tomorrow *•'/•** Women’s—Very fine linen handker chiefs, hand embroidered in new ef fects. The best .all linen OEx» handkerchiefs ever sold atfcOC $22.50 and $2O Linen Coat Suits and Lingerie Dresses Tomorrow —We make the last cut on summer coat suits and dresses and these prices must surely move out every garment before night fall. The styles are the “best,” the materials and making ab solutely per- Q Q feet, and they marked below actual B B SSSSSSS cost ef bare ma- terials, get one. > New Fall Footwear We’re showing the newest in wo men s one and two strap pumps, and 3 and 4 eyelet Gibson ties. Very stylish footwear in all fc E/X leathers, $3.50, $3 and., AiUU ed mysterious circulars advising the withdrawal of all funds from the F.- dt ,y. A run 0,1 bank followed and after $200,000 of drafts had been protested in New York, a national bank examiner took charge. With the bank ek sed, a corner in wheat, which Harper with heading,,was broken. . * be Chicago men, who wanted inves tigation, claim to have information that the circulars were put out by a rival brokerage house which made great profits in the break in the market. These Chicago men are looking into the federal laws to see if they can start a prosecution if they have the evidence. Their cases may be presented to the governor after they have finished their investigations. LAWYER’S WORK AND WAGE That Is'Subject of Interesting Paper Read Before American Bar Asso ciation Today. Associated Press. Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 31.—“ D evelopment of the Honorarium.” was t’ne subject of an interesting address at this morning's session of the American Bar association by Col. W. A. Hender son of Washington, chief counsel for the Southern railway. The paper was ’ what the colonel designated as a “dis- ’ sertation on the work and wages of a lawyer ’ ’ and in whiclt he discussed in , a learned and cultured manner the sub- i ject in all its phases. The discussion of 1 this paper was followed by the reading , of reports of the committee on griev ances and taxation and a report from the comparative law bureau. The sec tion of legal education of which Wm. ! Hart of Louisiana, is chairman, also met today and opened with Judge Hart’s annual address, followed by a report of the committee on standard rules for ad mission to the bar, read by Lucien Alex ander of Pennsylvania. The Idea! Mr. Condy-Sension—l suppose you know the object of my call, sir. To be brief, I want to marry your daugh ter— Mr. Newly Rich—Eh? What? I’m surprised that you should think of such a thing. The idea! Mr. Condy-Sension—Nonsense! You are prejudiced against the girl! She’s all right. Chance to Save. “Here’s a windfall! I was buste-i vesterdav, and here comes a legacy of $500!” ’ “Good! Now you can pay your debts. ’ ’ “Debts? Say, this is the first chanee I’ve ever had to save up for a rainy day. Do you think I haven’t got any ideJh of economy?” Thomas Jumps Into Job >ls Bis Man of Two States M. F. Thomas, who has been promoted tWfr Onager at San Antonio of the Southwestern Telegraph and Telephon e company, to special agent of Arkansas and Texas. Telephone Company Promotes San Antonie Manager Who Began Looking Out for Himself as a Child. M. F. Thomas, who has been manager and division superintendent of the Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone company in San Antonio for years, has been notified of his promotion to the position of special agent of Arkansas and Texas, with headquarters at Dal las, effective September 1. Owing to his extensive and valuable experience gained by having been in the service of the company, the higher officials feel he can be of more assistance to the com pany as special agent. Mr. Thoms s is probably one of the > no -•denhone men in Arkansas and Texas. He is a self-made man, hav ing been left an orphan when four years old. He commenced public life at twelve as messenger at a telegraph office. Quickly picking up telegraphy, he soon found employment with railroad com panies, holding various positions with credit. He entered the telephone field about February, 1879, having assisted in building the first exchange at Lit tle Hock, Ark., of what is now the Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone company. He has been connected with this company ever since, having served over thirty years. Mr. Thomas feels proud to eall San Antonio his home, having spent more than seventeen years as a citizen of this place, and w-hile he does not claim all the credit, he can say that the first property purchased by the company, the first building erected and the first un derground system of wires placed by the company was at San Antonio, and he has lived to see the growth of the /im, Energy And A Keen Exhilaration RESULT FROM A BATH WITH HAND | SAPOLIO I In hot weather it revives your energies and stimulates l he skin to healthy action. "The Bath Refreshing” All Grocers and Druggists ' fOUNGBLOOD AUTOMOBILE CO. Several second hand rars on hand. A splen [idly equipped shop in the hands of compe* ent mechanics for repairing and rebuilding, live us a trial. fOUNGBLOOD AUTOMOBILE CO. 4545 S. Press St. New Phone 459. Furnish Your House OK BAST TATMBKTS. Hendricks 4 Fenstermaker Furniture 4 Hoose Furnishers JEUS FOB LESS. 113 ul lit Main Avenue. CLEANING MEN’S CLOTHES Is no short, on-the-surface process with us. THIS IS OUR WAY:- Dusted before and after cleaning. Cleaned by the most scientific methods. SSSS Deodorized. Pressed right. Delivered at once. E. Y. WHITE DYEING & CLEANING CO. 113 Ave C. Both Phones AUGUST 31, 1910. San Antonio exchange from 604 subb scribers in 1893 to 6000 at the present time, making it necessary to erect a new six-story building which will be completed within the next two months. This building is erected on the site where stood Mr. Thomas ’ home for six teen years. Nr. Thomas will leave within the next few days to take up the duties of his new position. James Albery, the dramatist, was de scending the steps -of <iis club, when a stranger addressed him thus: "I beg your pardon, but is there a gentle man in this club with one eye of the name of Xr-f” Albery answered tha question at once by another: “Stop a moment. What’s the name of his oth er eye?” Nursing Mothers and Malaria. The Old Standard GROVE’S TASTE LESS CHILL TONIC, drives out ma laria and builds up the system. For grown people and children. 50c. PRESC RI PTIONS Will be carefully compounded if brought to us. king & McClintock, 614 E. Houston St. Phones 3541. ORRNEBIE LIBRARY Milkll MBBSt, Between oMtaa Fuse Btraetn. •kb In* I a. *• t» ». Bk ♦ ALL PRIVILEGES FREE J. F. WELCH Practical Photographer. Kodak fwibhing and commercial pho tography a specialty. Full line of fresh supplies on hand at all times. Dreiss Drug Store, 119 Alamo plaza, San Antonio, Texas. Mail orders solicited. TEXAS RICE CO. 3% lbs. fancy head rice for 25c. 5 lbs choice rice for 25c. 5Vs 15s. choice Jap rice for 25c. 7 lbs. choice broken rice for 25c. 100 lbs. choice broken rice for 12.50. Teas ~40 cents a pound up. Coffee 15 cents pound up. All goods guaranteed. Your patronage solicited. N. T. 3075. O. T. 1212. . Fischer's Drug Stere GIBBS BUILDING. Best drugstore service In the city. Headquarters San Antonio Nurses’ Association. Calls taken for phy sicians or nurses any hour, day or night Wo have six quick delivery messenirera. Open all nlaht Both ohonee 224.