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WEDNESDAY, BOOS EVELTWILL OEDIGATE JOHN BROWN PARK Arrives at Ossawatomie, Kan sas, and Is Greeted In True Martial Style. GUEST OF GOV. STUBBS. Next Stop Will be at Law rence Where He Will Visit Insurgent Chief Executive Auociated Pre**. Ossawatomie, Kan.. Aug. 31. —Theo- dore Roosevelt, the American “pence envoy,’’ came in from the west this viorning to dedicate as “John Brown Park,’’ the battlefield of Ossawatomie. Roosevelt was greeted in true martial style, cavalry from Fort Riley, Kan., a military band from Fort Leavenworth, a company of state troops and hundreds of G. aZr. men and veterans of the Spanish war, taking part in the day's program. Following the six hours spent here amid the scenes of the early struggles of the anti-slavery league, the ex-presi dent with his party is,scheduled to con tinue bis trip going next to Lawrence, as the guest of Governor Stubbs. Roosevelt’s train arrived at Ossa watomie at 9:30 over the Missouri Pa cific from Pueblo. At the station he was met by troops E and H, Fifteenth cav alry, which marched eighty-seven miles from Fort Riley to act as his escort. He was conducted first to the Masonic temple where a reception was held. From there the program provided for a journey in automobiles to John Brown’s old cabin, situated a mile and a half northwest of the town. Then luncheon was had at the state hospital for the insane. Will Review Parade. The afternoon exercises will begin with a parade which will be reviewed by Roosevelt. The parade will pass the monument erected to “Captain Jno. Brown,’’ in the little park a few blocks north of the business district and de dicated in 1877. After a brief stop at the monument, the parade will continue to the battlefield, two blocks farther on. There, following introductory re marks by Cora Deputy, president of the board of trustees, and named By the legislature to be manager of the park, and by Governor Stubbs, Colonel Roose velt will deliver the address dedicating the grounds as a state park. Five survivors of the battle of Ossawatomie will be present. They are: William Caine of Winona, Minn., aged 74; Lulle Parsons of Salina, Kan., 77; Robert Shearer of lola, Kan., 78; D. Collins of Santa Monica. Cal., 84, and E. Bridgeman, 76 years old of Madison, Wis. Immediately after the exercises have been concluded the party will return to the station and the start for Law rence, Kan., will be made about 4 o ’clock. BRADY WINS IN IDAHO Race for Congress Is So Close That No Accurate Statement Is Possible Now. A»-oclated Pre**. Boise, Idaho, Aug. 31.—Indications this morning are that Brady, republi can, was nominated for governor by About 2500 majority at yesterday’s primaries. The race for congress is so close between Hamar and French, re publicans, that no accurate statement is possible at this time. It developed that in this city many democrats voted for O’Neill, republican, for governor, and the plan was carried out over the state, thus cutting down Brady’s ma jority and possibly beating Hawley, democrat, for governor and nominating Rice. MOTHER’S “NOTIONS’’ Good for Young People to Follow. “My little grandson often comes up to show me how large the muscles of his arms are. “He was a delicate child, but has de veloped into a strong, healthy boy and Postum has been the principal factor. “I was induced to give him the Pos tnm because of my own experience with it. “I am sixty years old, and have been a victim of nervous dyspepsia for many years. Have tried all sorts of med icines and had treatment from many physicians, but no permanent relief came. I believe nervous dyspeptics suf fer more than other sick people, as they are affected as well as physically. “I used to read the Postum adver tisements in our paper. At first I gave but little attention to them, thinking it was a fraud like so many I had tried, but finally something in one of the ad vertisements made me conclude to try it. “I was very particular to have it pre pared strictly according to directions, and used good, rich cream. It was very nice indeed, and about bedtime I said to the members of the family that I be lieved I felt better. One of them laughed and said, ‘That’s another of mother’s notions,’ but the notion has not left me yet. “I continued to improve right along after leaving off coffee and taking Pos tum. and now after three years’ use I feel so well that lam almost young again. I know Postum was the cause of the change in my health and I can not say Too much in its favor. I wish I could pursuade all nervous people to use Read “The Road to Wellville,” found in packages. “There’s a Reason.” Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human in terest ENGLISH PUBLISHER NOW IN AMERICA Lord Northeliffe, the famous London publisher, who has recently arrived in the United States, and who is very posi tive in his views that there will be no war between the United States and any other nation in the present genera tion. The big publisher will visit Can ada especially near Newfoundland, where his paper mills are located. The nobleman declared that the United States, in his opinion, had made a huge mistake when it purchased the Philip pines as an Asiatic possession was not necessary. LOCAL PRESS CLUB TO ENTERTAIN WRITERS Representatives of Newspa pers and Periodicals En Route to Mexico. Representatives of American newspa pers and periodicals to the number of about fifty, bound for the City of Mex ico to attend the centennial festivities, will arrive in San Antonio on a special train at 9 o’clock a. m., September 10, and during their stop of three hours here they will be the guests of the San Antonio Press Club at an informal re ception at the club rooms and an auto mobile ride over the city. J. Hampton Sullivan, president of the Press club, received formal notification last evening that the writers would make a stop at San Antonio and he im mediately took steps to arrange a suit able reception. The party will be met at the depot by a committee and taken to the International club, the freedom of which has been extended the visitors. After refreshments and rest there an automobile ride over the city will be enjoyed. It is expected that a number of wri ters will join the party here and go with it to the City of Mexico where elaborate arrangements have been made for their entertainment and reception. The trip was arranged by Paul Hud son, owner of the Mexican Herald, who is now in New York city. The party will be the guests of the National Cen tennial Commission of Mexico. The itinerary is as follows: Leave St. Louis September 8; leave San Anto nio, September 10; Guanajuato, Sep tember 12; City of Mexico, September 13-18; Cuernavaca, September 19-20; Puebla, September 21; Orizaba. Septem ber 22; Coatzacoalcos, September 23; Salina Cruz, September 24; City of Mixico, September 27; San Antonio, September 29; St. Louis, September 30. WORTHLEY ENTERTAINS AT AN AL FRESCO DINNER O. D. Worthley was host at a happily planned and merry dinner at Springer’s garden on River avenue last evening. The table was spread #n an island near Brackenridge park. In the woods were five negro quartets, nearby, but screen ed by the foliage and music was con stant during the evening, ranging from old-time negro melodies to the late “rag times,” which were joined in by the entire party. Jack Foster added largely to the program by singing sev eral solos that made a hit on Broad way last season. Mendel Marks toasted the host, ending his remarks with the positive, heart-felt assertion: “The drouth has at last been broken.” The menu was an unusually elaborate piece of work, containing some appre ciated, mirth-bringing remarks on the characteristics of several of the guests. About 9 o’clock the party boarded their autos and returned to the city, saying they could never forget the enjoyable time given them by their good friend and host, “Crip.” Among Mr. Worthley's guests last night were Edwin Goldsmith. Leslie Chenomoth, Ralph H. Hugo. Chas. J. Chabot, Pinkey Rummel, W. Cross, G. E. Bauer, Ogden Wilson, W. F. Milner, W. B. Raymond, E. Scholter. H. Hun ter. E. A. Seideman, Zollie Campbell, 8. L. Woods. M. Marks, J. M. Dwyer, Ed. Dwyer Jr., Jack Foster, J. B. Zeller, E. Clide, B. Hevenor, H. W. Meyer. pHI WILLO » WA«O J ©IPWJW SEIPTOOEI FHIRST t r Pl IE INITIAL SALE of our new Retail Store will be the SHOPPING EVENT of the week, and | celebrating our opening, we inaugurate a GET-ACQUAINTED SALE, in which we will demonstrate t that it will PAY YOU to come in and get to KNOW US. J and the thrifty housewife will appceciate the opportunity offered by the New Crockery Store .... The quan * tities are large but they will go fast at the low prices quoted. We invite your attendance at our Opening. A PRETTY SOUVENIR FOR EVERY LADY VISITOR +< | ©©m’£ Pfcs Tb@s® 3 Mg ©ay <My i 2 WE WON’T BE STRANGERS LONG WHEN YOU SEE THEM * V - - — - ■ - - - ■ •* ♦ Cake plates, Salads and = j Comports • ' « $ Magnificent assortment of bright colors and £ neat designs. £ 50c values that will enable us to get acquainted • £ in a hurry— * Get-Acquainted Sale Price * CUT GLASS Tte State Lh@ The stamp of elegance and quality. You will never regret “getting acquainted’’ with the Clarke “Cut.” Ware Three special tables of stylish and wonderful Japanese craftsmanship. This ware is renowned for delicacy of design and rich decorations. MM’Brac This department will be a surprise and lasting enjoyment to the lover of fine art. £ The white elephant, Chinese dragon and other £ works of art, especially imported for £ our opening. — rD S £ 9 “SWIMMED AROUN WIF DUCKS AN’ KISSED ONE SQUARE IN THE MOUF" That's What Four-Year-Old Edwin House Said When He Was Found, a Little Runaway- The Cause of Great Excitement in An Alarmed Neighborhood. “An’ then I went over to San Pedro park, an’ I had a bathing suit, an’ I put it on, an’ Jumped in the lake an’ swimmed aroun’ wif the ducks, an’ I kissed one of the ducks right square in the mouf.” This flight of imagery was indulged in by little Edwin House, barely 4 years old, who was discovered last night calmly taking in the attractions of Electric park all by himsWf. He denied emphatically that he was lost, saying he knew “where he was at” and that he was perfectly capable of taking care of himself. He'said he knew the way home and was going there “directly. A telephone message to the police station brought out the fact that a eall had been in there for the youngster for several hours, that the mother of the tot was distracted and the entire neighborhood bad been aroused. According to the little fellow s story, which was told with an air of assurance that was worthy of a grown up he had left home at 3 o’clock to go to the SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE Wiag Ac<m«LL®<sl Us Mom Swmg Manny ©©fare ■ N®wto® 9 WsSter ft Wagsw o©°' ball game, but “had got there too late.” He started his long hot, dusty walk at 3 o'clock and said he arrived at the park about 6. his journey being of three hours duration. His home is on Fannin street, at the end of St. Marv’s. When asked how he knew the Danger From Rats No One Can Afford to Allow These Pests to Live. A single rut will sometimes do more than tei dollars damage In your home or store in a night And the rat is never single, but raises large tami lies to destroy property snd endanger health At the first sign of rats, drive them out of th< house to die. with Stearns' Electric Kat not Roach Paste. Guaranteed to absolutely ex terminate them or your money back. Also sun death to cockroaches and other vermin. Stearns' Electric Paste Is sold hr druggists o> sent express prepaid on receipt of price. 1 ox. boi Kc. IS ox. box Si Of. Stearns’ Electric Pasto Do.. Chicago. lU. Sugars, Comports. Creams, Nappies, Jugs, Bonbons. Vases. Eac. Dinner Sets Make Us Friends J A 56-piece set in two decorations, either flower design of delicate tint or white and gold; a magnificent value at $6.50 — $ Get-Acquainted Sale Price $4.29 £ A 102-piece set (English semi-porcelain ware), including soup tureen, es pecially for this opening sale. Tasty shades, and delicate tints in greens 4 and blues. A big bargain at $15 — . Get-Acquainted Sale Price $10.39 Also many beautiful patterns of open stock dinnerware. Fire Finished Press Glass of Wonderful Beauty Get-Acquainted Sale Price J way, he said: “Aw, I have been out here lots of times. I just went down to the Gunter hotel an’ then followed the street car. Little Edwin was the guest of the manager of the park until the distract ed parents could be notified of their son's whereabouts. Mr. House, who is a salesman at Stowers’ telephoned and stated he could not leave the distracted mother, but would send out and get the little truant. . In the meantime Edwin was having the time of his life. Escorted by the manager himself, followed by a long retinue of ice cream boys, and content edly munching an ice cream cone, he took in the park. When told it was time to go home, he said: “Oh, no. I’m goin’ t see the show now.” Saved From Awful Peril. "I never felt bo near my grave.” writes Lewis Chamblin, of Blanchester, Ohio, R. R. No. 3, ‘‘as when a frightful cough and Jur.g trouble pulled me down to 115 pounds in spite of many reme dies and the best doctors. And that 1 1 am alive today is due solely to Dr. , I King’s New Discovery, which com J pletely cured w». Now I weigh 160 । i pounds and can work hard. It also ; ! cured my four children of eroup. In ! fallible for Coughs and Colds, it’s the ' most certain remedy for LaGrippe, , I Asthma, desperate iung trouble and ail I bronchial affections, 50c and $l.OO. A i trial bottle free. Guaranteed by the I Bexar Drug Ce Remarkable Getting-Acquainted Values. Opening Day Only. Toilet Set Special JfegWft A Splendid Offer Get acquainted with this 12-piecc Blue Chamber Set. Regular $3.50 value. JV Get-Acquainted Sale Price NfcW W®® Our wall cabinet of copper and nickel ware contains the latest creations in chafing dishes, tankards, smoking sets, wine coolers, pudding dishes, and many other useful novelties. We have the largest and most exclusive line of House Furnishing Goods in the state, and can furnish your home complete from the smallest article, so indispensable in the kitchen or dining room, to the largest and finest stove or range, refrigerator or ice box. SUPERB STOVES AND RANGES HEATERS ALASKA AND TIcCRAY REFRIGERATORS Stand for quality, service and value. MANY HOMESEEKERS ARE COMING NEXT WEEK Three special trains carrying home seekers from Illinois, lowa, Ohio. Kan sas and Missouri are, scheduled to ar rive in Sac Antonio September 8. Two cars with bomescckers from Canada on board will be attached to one of the trains These will be the first Cana dian homeseekers to come to San An tonio and if they are satisfied with con ditions down here it is likely 10,00 b Canadians will follow ihem. Washington, Aug. 31.—Official ad vices received here by Salvator Cas trillo, representative of the Estrada Large Fruit Bowls. Half Gallon Jugs. 10-inch Vases. 8-inch Nappies. 10-inch Footed Bowls. 50c and 75c values. ♦ Get-Acquainted Sale Price REPORTS ARE RIDICULOUS. POULTER pARPET pLEANING PO. U KEEPS U KARPETS U KLEAN V 409 CONROY BUILDING. OLD PHONE 1535 We Sell LATEST IMPROVED Hand-Power and Electric VACUUM CLEANERS CALL AT OFFICE OR PHONE 1555 FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION AUGUST 31. 1910. Press Glass Special Get Acquainted government of Nicaragua, contradict the reports sent out from San Juan del Sur of Madriz forces holding parts of the country and of invading force# crossing the frontier from Costa Rica. “The reports are ridiculous,’’ said Dr. Castrillo last night. When Editor J. P. Sossman. of Cor nelius, N. C., bruised his leg badly, it started an ugly sore. Many salves and ointments proved worthless. Thea Bucklen’s Arnica Salve healed it thor oughly. Nothing is so prompt and sur# for Ulcers, Boils, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Sores, Pimples, Eczema or Piles 25c at Bexar Drug Co. No buttonless shirt# leave the Citv laundrv. Trv them. <Bl. Sweet Toned Chines lor Dinner Tine Won’t Nee& a Crutch. 3