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4 WEDNESDAY, WE ANNOUNCE TOMORROW, SEPTEMBER Ist THE OPENING OF OUR EXCLUSIVE Walk-Over Boot Shop FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN With the latest and most complete line of Fall Footwear ever shown in San An/onio High Shoes Oxfords Tumps Write for Fall Style Booklet SLEEPING BOY DIVES OUT WINDOW Diving headlong from the second story gallery to the ground fifteen feet below and yet living; in fact, escaping without a broken bone, is what hap pened to Ralph Nelson, the 9-year-old son of Mrs. Elizabeth Nelson, 934 South New Braunfels avenue, at an early hour Tuesday morning. It was while the boy s p o CASH/ k;- • Bi You>ll bo ,ntereBted ‘ It Will Appear tn Friday's light & tUllfe ® 9 $3.50 TO $5.00 Shoes for Ladies are shoes within a class of their own. They are mannish shoes for women. The styles are exclusive, giving a genteelness about the foot that no other shoes do. Here are shown only a few of our great assortment of new fall styles. We invitayou to come in and look them over or pass ny our show windows, where they are now displayed. Our salespeople are ever ready to show you through. The most courteous treatment guaranteed. j The WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP FRANK BROS. COMMERCE STREET was in a somnambulistic state and I dreaming that he was diving into a! bathing pool, that he made the wild!' leap. Falling squarely into a very thick 1 cluster of rose bushes is what saved the! life of the lad. The boy had been sleeping on a cot | on the front second s*ory gallery, his j cot being within a few’ feet of the| couch occupied by his mother. Mrs. Nel- j son w?s aroused fr ji her slumber by । the boy calling her from below. She! found him entangled in the rose vines I and it was with difficulty he was ex-; tracted. Beyond being scratched about I the face and body, the lad was none the I worse for his experience. Ralph does not remember having left j $3.50 TO $5.00 iis bed. lie says that just befo.e he vas suddenly brought to life by his :ontact with the thorny bushes, he was n a dream with himself standing on a ligh cliff and making a dive into a treat pool of water below. There is no luestion about him making the famous live, he had pictured in his dream, >ut instead of striking the cool and efreshing water he had seen so vividly n his sleep, he fell into the brush, rhe thickness of the vines and the fact hat the body fell squarely into them s all that saved the lad from perhaps 'atal injury. : Turkish is the softest toned of mod “rn languages. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE much ran IN BUILDING DURING AUGUST Total Greater Than During July—September Will Go Ahead of Both, RUSH TO ASSESS PROPERTY Last Day Sees Scores in Line Death Rate for Month Low ( But Fire Loss Increases, Showing a very material increase over the record for the previous month, the close of August, according to the records on file in the office of City Building Inspector Leo M. J. Dielmann, show 275 permits -issued for improve ments in this city, representing a valua tion of $209,551. The cost of improve ments during the preceding month ag gregated $189,000. With the closing of the summer sea son, Inspector Dielmann reports that much activity is being manifested in building in San Antonio and that the month of September promises to break a few rccoras for the year. Many plans for new and modern business structures and handsome dwellings, he says, are being finished and permits would in all likelihood be taken out during the next thirty days. The month of A igust was the first month since the creation of the building in spector’s office that this department has been open all day. This new feature is said to have assisted in swelling the total receipts for the month. City Assesor Busy. Hundreds of property Owners filled the office of City Assessor Shiner at the city hall every hour during the forenoon and an equally big rush is ex pected this afternoon. This is the last day for the rendition of property, and, as is the custom, scores of real estate owners wait until the last moment. The rendition of property has been under way during the last three months, but the last day found the greatest rush. Following today, all property not ren dered will be placed upon the unren dered rolls of the city. Assessor Shiner and his force of deputies were taxed to the limit today and worked on through the noon hour working in re lays. Beginning tomorrow the asses sor’s force will begin the preparation of the tax receipts and the considera tion of unrendered property. The board of equalization will begin its work within the next sixty days. It is expected that about seven thou sand property owners will have assessed their property when the office closes at 5 o’clock this afternoon. The rolls in the office show over sixteen thou sand individual assessments. The num ber of persons rendering their property, however, shows an increase as compared with previous years. The increase in renditions, the assessor says, is large ly due to the building now going on in the city and that contemplated. The sale of real estate, he says, is extreme ly lively and has much to do with the healthy showing made in the rendition of property. Death Bate Very Low. The death rate for San Antonio for the month A August will be low-, ac cording to statistics on file in the health office. The general Jiealth of the com munity during the last thirty-one days has been excellent and the city has never been freer from contagious dis eases of all kinds. At the present time the records of the office show not a contagious disease repprted in the city. At noon today one hundred and nine ty-two burial certificates had been is sued. This represents deaths occurring outside of the city limits and those bod ies shipped here from other cities for interment and those dying here. When the secretary has calculated the actual deaths among those dying in this city, the local death rate is expected to show a verv decided decrease. Statistics also show that while the grim reaper has not been so very ac tive, the stork has been leading a de cidedly strenuous life and during the thirty-one days just passed has visited no less than la>3 homes in the Alamo City. The record, is not com plete, as many physicians and midwifes are negligent in reporting births in which they are in attendance and the total number will not be known until about a week hence. Fire Loss Is Larger. Because of the fire which demolished two blocks in the warehouse district a week ago, the fire loss for the month will be considerably larger than the average monthlv loss during the year by reason of fires. The loss resulting from this fire will aggregate $90,000. Aside from the warehouse district fire, the loss otherwise sustained was exceedingly small and will not reach $15,000. Practically three-fourths of the damage sustained by fire during August was covered by insurance. The total number of alarms turned in will reach 18, of which number four turned out as false. For eleven days, between Aug. 5 and Aug. 16, not a fire occun *d and not even a false alarm was sent in. The first consignment of the paraphei nalia ordered for the improvement of the fire alarm system reached the city vesterday afternoon, in the shape of four pedestals, which will be used for locating fire alarm boxes in connection with the underground circuit. The bal ance of the fire alarm equipment is ex pected to reach here the latter part of this month. Cupid Victor Over Divorce. Cupid won out handsomely in the fight with the divorce evil during the month of August, there being 108 mar riage licenses issued as against ,12 divorce suits filed in the district courts. The number of marriage licenses for the month is small as compared to the usual run, there being usually all the way from 130 to 150 during months. Similarly, the number of divorce suits filed is also small, be- BUT ONE CAN BE THE BEST To say that anything is the BFST, is making a mighty big claim for it, but that is what we claim and prove about our vehicles. Point by point—quality for quality—price con sidered, they cannot be equaled elsewhere. Have a look through our stock and let us prove it to you. SURRIES PHAETONS TOP BUGGIES RUNABOUTS AND RANCH BUGGIES WOODWARD CARRIAGE COMPANY BOTH PHONES 213-217 ST. MARY’S ST. DR AUG HON'S COLLEGE BANK d “"‘ “ San Antonio, Texas Pay to. In Tuition to apply on a 936.00 NIGHT Scholarship or payment in full for one month night school. Void after Sep tember 7th. Authorized by JNO. F. DRAUGHON. President. cause the courts are in vacation. Of the divorce suits, eleven were filed at one clip this morning by L. W. Greenley, the negro attorney. These are all in the Thirty-seventh district court, and are as follows: Archie Washington vs. Effie Washington; E. McCampbell vs. Minnie McCampbell; James A. Johnson vs. Nii a A. Johnson; Beulah Taylor vs. Richan. Taylor; Cabe Burks vs. Cornelius Burks; Rosa Dair vs Isaac Dair; Birdie Harvey vs. Will Har vey; Certie Wright vs. Josh Wright; Will Smith vs. Venus "Smith; Dora Lamkins vs. Louis Lamkins, and Nettie Tavlor vs. J. M. Taylor. Personal Mention Dr. C. R. Goldman of Mexico, who vis. ited relatives here the past week, haa gone to Galveston. John Beard has returned to Eagle Lake after a visit to his mother, Mrs. Ed Rand. Cant. Earnest Peck, who has been visiting Mr and Mrs. George Stuemke, left today for Fort Leavenworth, Kan sis. J Crowell Hall, formerly of San An tonio, but now of Houston, will arrive Saturday to visit his mother and sister, Miss Marv G. Hall on Oakland street. J W Thornton, after spending the week here with relatives, has returned to Matehuala, Mex. Fish, flies and caterpillars may be frozen solid and still retain life. SKIN TROUBLES? Science Has Provided a Wonderful New Treatment, Zelmos, Which Prom ises permanent Belief. Science has at last given us a logical and effective remedy for skin diseases. Zel mos, the new preparation, is a salve which is readily absorbed by the skin and leaves no objectionable truce of any kind. Zelmoa is marvelous in allaying irritation and Hell ing. while the worst cases of Eczema. Psoria sis, Pimples, Barber’s Itch, etc., disappear as if by magic from the use of this wonder ful remedy. It gives almost instant relief from Sunburn, Chafing and Prickly Heat. In connection with Zelmos Salve there have been prepared Zelmos Tablets, for internal use These tablets contain the most effec tive blood purifying agents, in combination with well known mild -egtable laxatives in most minute quantities. This internal remedy sets fully in harmony with Zelmoa Salve for external use, and the result is a most effec tive remedy for all skin diseases. Zelmos can be purchased from Adolpn Dreiss or any drnggist: price 25 cents per box or $1 per large jar. Zelm-tn Tablets. 50c per box of fifty tablets. Sample of Zel mos Salve will bo sent free on request by Eagle Laboratories, Maibridge Building, Now York. \ THE POINT We wish to make dear is that our ice is made from ’distilled water. You buy ice to keep the ice box at a constant cold temperature. This result is not possible unless the iee is clean, solid and clear, as otherwise it will melt away quickly. Order of us and get what you ought to have. Carload lots a specialty. SOUTHERN ICE CO. Guenther Street THE BEARER FIFTEEN AND ST. MARY’S HALL EP,sc r^^s HOOL SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS. 31st Yea.r Begins September 20. 1910. For CedaJoguo or Any Information. Addraas 25TH YEAR. SAN ANTONIO ACADEMY. 25TH YEAR. Home School for Boys. Opposite San Psdro Springe. Scholarship. Culture. Character. Graduatea recognised by Texas university and leading universities in the country. Strong faculty. Good library, laboratory and liter ary saciety. Rapid progress possible because of limited enrollment. Spacious campus. FootVall, tennis, basket ball, baseball. Unusual opportunities for Spanish, German and French. For catalogue address: Principal S. A. Ahadomy, San Antonio. Tex. Old Phone 3981. New Phone 60. San Antonio Female College. WEST END, CITY. On West End street car line. Old telephone 1174. Opening recital 9:30 a. m. Wednesday, Sept. 7. Boarding pupils come Tuesday. Sept. 6. Room for only a few more boarding pupils. Day pupila from the city desired. Call up 1174 and get .par ticulars. ST. BASIL'S COLLEGE WACO, TEXAS. A SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS. Everything that stands for intellectual development, thorough discipline and moral formation is offered our students. Courses:—Classical. English, Scientific, Mathematical, Commercial. A preparatory department for Minfins. The Elocutionary powers of the stu dents aro carefully cultivated. In German. Spanish and French the greatest attention is given to conversation. Steam heat, Electric lights, Natatorium, Hand ball alleys. Tennia court. Gymnasium. Athletic field of 22 Acres. For Catalogue and particulars address BEV. M. J. KYAN, C. S. B„ President BONN-AVON boardimo and day SCHO<>L -■ r V VIIIV An ideal union of home and school life. Beautiful surroundings and beneficial influences. Fire-proof building and all modern school equipment. Thorough methods. College, preparatory and all special courses. Excellent advantages in music and art. For illustrated circular, address SECRETARY, BONN-AVON SCHOOL. Old Phone 55, 126 Oakland St., San Antonio, Texas. THE THOMAS SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Boarding and Day School of limited numbers located in ane of the beet residence sec tions of the city. Large and comfortable buildings especially designed for the school. Fac ulty of ten first class teachers trained in the best schools and colleges of America and Fu rope. Special facilities in Spanish, German, French, Music, Art, Elocution. Shorthand, Typewriting and Bookkeeping. Special primary and preparatory denartment under one of the beat teachers in the state. Old phone 291. For catalogue address THE THOMAS SCHOOL. 927 S. Alamo St.. San Antonio, Texas. PE! Thore A NG til U|USA The School That Oets Results and Positions for Its Graduates Worth While. 25 years uninterrupted success. , Gives far superior training in Business, Stenographic, Eng lish and Spanish courses. Approved systems (not experiments). Capable teachers. Perfect equipment. Excellent discipline. Select patronage. Successful graduates. Reasonable .and unit.rm •T.tes make it the BEST SCHOOL to attend. Writ o now for handsome free data, logue. Fa ! term opens September 1. Address SHAFER & DOWNEY, Pronrtetors ' ALAMO CITY COMMERCIAL AND BUSINESS COLLEGE 126 Main Ave.. After Sept. 1-15, 305-6-7 E. Houston St.. SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS. or order $ is-oo Educational. KEV. A. W. BURROUGHS. Prln. Sita Military Acadektm j"A Ex tie U.S.Bar Departmeat Commandaat a U.S. Army Officer, Third successive year winners of championship competitive drill Csll San Antonio International Fair. Only military school in Texas whose graduates are admitted to State University without examination. trough work. Small classes. Individual attention. Athletics and outdoor sports New buildings next year. Boys from homes of refinement onty desired. Prepares for College. Government Academies or Business Illustrat'd Catalog amt an UWtn IS McD CRAWFORD. M. A . Principal. Box jj San Antonio Texas N ANTONIO. TEXASWU AUGUST 31, 1910. BUSINESS WAGONS CITY AND LUMBER GEARS HARNESS RUBBER TIRES Avgust 25 ollars Satisfaction Guaranteed We offer dental work superior to any'in the city at half price. 22kt. gold crown*. $4.00; elleer fiHifai. 50c: gold filling*, tig. plates, $3.00, $5.00 $7.50. ■ National Painless Dentists 314 West Commerce St. Orer Four Seasons 1910 CASHIERS.