A Great Sale of Crockery and House Furnishings
An Event That Shall Mark a New Standard in Value-Giving—Begins Tomorrow
$1.25 Food Choppers for 78c
It’s the “Universal”—the best
made. Chops all kinds of vege
tables, also raw or cooked meats.
At the prices we quote, you
can’t afford to be without one.
0 size, $1 value, now 69c
1 size, $1.25 value, now 78c
2 size, $1.50 value, now $1.25
Glass Berry Bowls 33c
An 8 - ineb berry
bowl that is an
excellent imitation
ot cut glass. The
illustration gives
you a good idea of
the value. Sale
price is
only .. OWV
Fruit Press
Or potato riter, a necessity in every well
regulated kitehen. The kind that sells
everywhere for 30c. Special A
sale price » “ **
$l.OO Bowl and Pitcher 48c
$1.25 Bath Sprays 89c
price of these sprays has always jp A
been $1.25. Sale price 09 C
Colonial Water Bottles 10c
These water bottles are the regular quart
ize in the favorite colonial shape. We
know you’ll say they are well worth the
regular price of 25c each. Spe- 4 A —
cial sale price XUG
30c Gray Enam. Cuspidor 19c
ar^e ’ Colored Jardinieres 25c
& dandy lot of large size jardinieres—9,
10 and 12 inches—in richly blended col
ors ’. Assorted shapes and sizes, from
which to make your selec-
tion and these jardinieres Of
beauty to any
wjffllK roor P- Your unrestricted J — g
WM l|Oiw choice now at only
osrisf d
Brass Wash
for 27c
“The Brass King”—
a good, solid brass
wash board with
heavy wood frame. A
serviceable and sub
stantial board. Us
ually sells at 40c.
The sale g*
price is... " ■ **
Large fancy
shaped bowl
and pitcher,
like illustra
tion, roll edge
bowl. A $1
value. Sale
A good length bath
spray, with metal and
rubber spray bulb,
made to fit any size
faucet. The regular
Cuspidor made of gray
enamel that usually sells
at 30c. It’s another il
lustration of the Econ
omy Basement 4 A —
bargains—at. X9C
Not quite half price
for fine looking jar
dinieres and pedes
tals. Jardinieres have
a splendid blend of
rich colors, are the
10-inch size and have
pedestals to match.
Stand 24 inches high.
A large size. The
$3 value 1.19
A sale so broad in its scope that it includes everything in this Economy Basement —everything from a paring knife to a kitchen range;
everything from a butter chip to a full dinner set; everything from a lawn mower to a sewing machine. And it will be a sale that will
demonstrate the Joske Store’s power to undersell. But why shouldn’t thia Big Store undersell? Maintaining, as it does, the largest
buying organization in the South, purchasing in carload lots direct from potteries and makers all over the world, importing direct —
with no middleman’s protit —these are advantages that place this store in a position to underbuy and, as surely as the Joske store
underbuys, it undersells. This page, large as it is, carries but a brief message of the magnitude of this sale —the store’s display win
dows give only a mere hint of the possibilities within. You must come —visit the Economy Basement —if you would properly judge
of the manifold opportunities this sale holds for you. Be here early tomorrow morning and get first chance at these great bargains.
56-Piece Cottage
Dinner Set
This Sale
Think of being able to obtain a complete dinner
set for $3.98! The illustration tells a better story
than we could give you in print, and yet the pic
ture doesn’t do this set full justice. It is a 56-
piece dinner set, known as the “Cottage” set.
There are plenty of pieces for a family of six per
sons, and every dish is a useful one. It is made of
semi-porcelain, and each piece is trimmed in gold,
giving it a handsome effect. It
is a full $6.00 value and well
worth that price. Joske’s price
now is, the set ————
$l.OO Celery Trays 39c
One lot of fancy celery trays, splendid assort
ment of decorations and shapes. They regu
larly sell at 75c to $l. Special sale 39c
price xr vw
Can Openers ni
at Only 4c UI
Just like the cut —a good can opener 'A
with a good steel blade. A house
hold necessity. Special sale 4c A
price “w 3/
Salt and Pepper Shakers 4c
Salt and pepper shakers in imitation cut glass
with celluloid tops. Special sale price, y|
each ...... "wC
Salad Bowls 10c
Large 25c Thermometer 17c
Keep up with the weather these hot days
by having one of these large sized Japaned
thermometers handy. Usually 4 _
sell for 25c, worth more. Now. X / C
Slop Jars
Plain white,
fancy emboss
ed, slop jars,
with side han
dles and wire
bails. A $1.25
jar. The sale
$2.50 Chocolate Set $1.39
Neatly decorated Japanese china chocolate
set—6 cups and saucers and chocolate pot.
The set is a beauty and well worth $2.50.
The special sale price for the 4
sot is X aO9
45c Sauce Pans 28c
These are 8-inch sal
ad or berry bowls,
with floral and lace
decorations, gold
borders. 4 A _
Sale price. “
A handy kitchen utensil.
Gray enamel sauce pan
with long handle and
close fitting lid.
6 quarts, 45c value, 28c.
8 quarts, 55c value, 38c.
Jos&e Bros. Co.
at $3.98
__ 30c Galvanized
/\ Pails Priced 19c
1 jf Heavy galvanized pail with
| • uTUS strong bail. A 14-quart size
v fill that usually se N s a t 30c. The
bm ’y Joske price now is
75c Alarm Clock 63c
A 24hour alarm clock, nickel plated and will
give good service. The special
sale price is Vwv
25c Butcher Knives 17c
Butcher knife with steel blade, well riveted
into a cocobolo handle. Joske’s 4 0/*
sale price X ■ v
Sad Irons
Tomorrow 25c
Fine polished sad irons, one
solid piece and 6 • pound
size. Extra val-' OE
ue at 25 C
25 Per Cent Discount on Refrigerators
We handle the famous “White Mountain” Refrigerator—the chest with the
chill in it. We know of none better made and have had a big sale on them
this season. Only a few left and they go at 25 per cent discount. That means
$20.50 Refrigerators at $15.38. $29.50 Refrigerators at $22.12.
$2375 Refrigerators at $17.80. $30.00 Refrigerators at $22.50.
$25.00 Refrigerators at $18.75. $31.50 Refrigerators at $23.62.
$27.00 Refrigerators at $20.25. $53.00 Refrigerators at $39.75.
Coffee pots of gray
enamel. The 4-quart
size that usually sells
28 c
Iron Handles
Tomorrow 5c
Smoothly finished iron handles
to fit Mrs. Potts’ sad |— —
irons. Sale price *4 v
made of china
j/nicely trimmed in colors
I and have figures shapec
!to represent cows 01
' bears. Sale 4 A _
price X D C
Clothes Drying Rack at 15c
Something that can be used around every
house, especially where room is limited. A
folding towel or clothes rack with 24 feet
of hanging *paro in this sale 15c
Tea or Coffee Strainers for 5c
Gray enamel tea or cof
fee strainer and made to
fit on cup. Handy and
lasting. Worth (—
10c. Sale price..
10c Scrub Brushes 7c
A good substantial brush solid hardwood
back and four rows of Tampico bris- W —
ties. Sale price w*
25c Teapot Stand 19c
Blue and white china teapot stands, with
nickel plated rim; 6inch size. Sale 4 Q/«
price X W w.
$1.50 Jardiniere
Now 48c
One-third regular price for
jardinieres that are beauties
and perfect in every way.
Beautiful brown colors with
floral decorations on one side.
You will want one of these
sure when you see them. They
are made of Utopian art ware,
and well worth the regular
price of $1.50. Jos- M4b
ke’s special price A
in this sale is each, !■
Sad Irons
Tomorrow 93c
Mrs. Potts’ nickel plated
sad irons; 3 irons, handle
and stand com- A A
plete for
Pitchers or hall boy jugi
in plain white, solidly
made and will stanc
hard use. Others as!
15c. Joske’s 4 /*
price is X W
100-Piece Semi-Porce-
lain Dinner Set, worth
$lO.OO, for $6.75
Here is a full 100-piece dinner set that is an exr
ceptionally good value. It is made of semi-porce
lain, and each piece is nicely decorated with a
border of gold, which makes the set very attrac
tive. There are sufficient pieces to nicely serve 12
persons—enough for almost any dinner you
might serve. It is a good $lO ■■
value, and that is the regular K Bb
price. The special Joske price ■ |U
now is ——
A full showing of better dinner sets in French
China, German, semi-porcelain and English, at
the set $9.00 to $125.00
Tea Pots 28c
Tea pots of first qual
ity gray enamel. The
1 quart. O Q/»
.ize. Spec i: WV
Enameled spoons 5c
Gray enamel spoons 10 and 14 inches long.
They are the regular 10c and 12c val- f— —
ues. Sale price wC
Egg Beaters
XT Tomorrow 6c
The illustration best describes this
was double egg beater. It’s handy and
■ useful. At the price it would pay
JR to buy one now whether you need
/w< a new one or not. The sale E/«
l((J/J price is, each yO w
$3.00 Toilet Set $1.98
A 5-piece toilet set, consisting of large
bowl and pitcher, chamber, soap dish and
drinking mug; 4 different floral designs.
Regular price $3. Special sale 4 QQ
price X avO
Oat Meal Sets 29c
Oatmeal or bread and milk
sets, made of German china,
n 5 handsomely decorated with
ft : . 4 sprays or flowers and tint-
ed in colors. 50c A —
va l ues for
$l3 Dinner
Sets $8.98
A 100-piece semi-porcelain dinner set,
floral border decoration, latest shapes.
Enough dishes to serve 12 A
persons OawO
$l.OO Slop
Jars 50c
Large slop jars
or combinets
like cut. They’re
fancy embossed,
plain white, com
plete with cover
and wire bail. A
good one dollar
50 c
for .. **
$1 Bath Set 63c
A complete bath room set, consisting of
towel bar, soap dish, tooth brush holder
and tumbler holder on solid 4* A _
white back. Special sale price..
60c Doz. Tumblers, Each 4c—Thin blown
tumblers of polished flint glass; usually
60c dozen lots; speciaal sale price, _
each —r C
Covered Chamber Tomorrow
for 25c
Made of semi
porcelain, large
size, complete
with covers.
Others ask 60e.
Joske’s price
$1.50 Cake Set at Only 89c
Cake or ice cream, set of 7 pieces in all
made of German china, richly decorated.
An attractive set for any table. Regu-.
lar price $1.50. Special sale QQ
price ©9 C
AUGUST 31, 1910.
Jardiniere and
. Pedestal To
morrow 25c
A 6-inch jardiniere in a splendid
blend of colors with a pedestal to
match. The two stand 11 inches
high. Very useful in any home
and easy to handle.
The two pieces
Have a Stein? 6c
Well-shaped steins in a
blend of dark brown col
ors. They’re just the
thing for cold drinks of
any kind these hot days.
Specially priced _
at, each w
Enamel Drinking Cups 10c
Regular 15c and 25c white enamel drinking
cups, a nice white finish both inside and
outside. Fine to take on eamping trips,
picnics, as well as to use around 4 —
home. Special sale price, each..&w/C
It’s just what you
want to read or
sew by. It gives
a soft light—this
nickle plated lamp
chimney and clear
'omplete with
white shade, cen
ter draft burner.
A $2.25 value
X 1.69
Large 40c Cuspidors 25c
These large
size cuspi
dors are
made of por
celain and
neatly dec
orated, 40c
values for
Sponge Rack 12c
Sponge racks maae
of heavy nickle
plated wire with an
attachment for
hanging on the bath
tub rim. Buy one
now, 4
each ...
$1 Family Scales 89c
A family scale with slanting white enamel
dial, Japan finished; gives correct weight
up to 24 pounds. A regular $1 QQ
value. Special sale price w w
Tubs 52c
Heavy galvanized
iron tub, large size.
A 75c g*
value WM
Join Joske’s Stove Club or
Joske Sewing Machine Club
It’s the easy way to obtain a stove or
sewing machine or bo< h.- Just ask one of
the clerks in Economy basement to tell
you how to start and get him to show yon
the machines and stoves. They’re goods
that we can recommend and you'll hardly
notice the outlay of money.
Stoves and Sewing Machines on dis
play in the Economy Basement.
Just Ask the Clerk !
An attrac
tive dish
made of the
p olished
glass, in col
onial de
signs. A 15c
value for
Tea Set 39c
Handsomely decorated German china
tea set. Three pieces—tea pot. sugar
and creamer. A 75c set OCI
specially priced at wW w
Colonial Glass
Dish for 9c