Newspaper Page Text
“four Want Ad Here MUST Pay---We Have the Circulation Classified Ads We take classified eda over phone or will send messenger for them when required to do so. Oue insertion, per word 1c Tour consecutive insertions, per word.... 3c Seven consecutive insertions, per word.. 4c len consecutive insertions or more, each insertion, per word Vic No ad*received for leas than 15 c. Classi fied adrs for the Sunday Light and Gazette will not be received after 10 o’clock batm*- •ay night EITHER PHONE 176 FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE luiiN M. BOLTON— RMI alon Claim A<ent- Notary jrubUc BL 'am ex Hotel. Hous ton x treat FOB SALB. A most desirable property at the northeast Eier of Fifth street and Avenue B; 75 feet t on Fifth street; 140 feet on Avenue B. one fine 4 room stone house on Avenue b with bath, toilet, electric bghu, gas, etc., >nd a guod o room house on Filth street, also having bath, toilet, electric lights and gas. bpleudid location for business establishment or apartment house. For tex ma apply to F. PageUp, Administrator. 705 Avenue B. FOR SALE —Lot on corner Warwick and Kent, Marlborough Place, faciug southeast. New phone 1947. THIS TWO-STORY SOLID BRICK. 8-room two-story svlid brick with aton© trimmings, fine finish, strictly modern. Beau tifully shaded lot, best uf plumblug and in terior finish. Location unsurpassed. A gre.t bargain; must be sold. Price seven thousand. Owner, care Daily Light and Gazette. $2750 BUYS a REAL HOME, built January this year; 5 rooms, reception ball, bath room complete with porcelain fixtures, store room papered and shelved, front gallery, back gallery screened for sleeping porch. All new and up-to-date. Chicken yard and house. Lo cated Government Hill, 1 % blocks from best car service in the city. For sale by owner, bee W. M. Carter, care Modern Ice Machine L’o., Frost building. SIX beautiful building sites east Tobin Hill. Two lots in Missionl'ield below value. Teu- Yoom house close in. ideal boarding and room ing place. Old phone 1234. LADIES. Don't become discouraged, I have the home you are looking for with terms; make one Bnore effort and I will prove it to you at my expense and your convenience. G. 8. THOMPSON. 408 Moore Building. O. P. 4647. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: When I have a piece of property (any kind j or size) and want to unload I turn it over | tu G. 8. Thompson, 408 Moore building, apd . before I realize what has happened am called i on to get up abstract, deeds, etc. That is 4 what makes me say what I do about this real estate man. One trial is convincing truth. FOR IRRIGATED ACRES See Tonkin, 211 Gibbs Bldg. FOR SALE—Cheap. Modern home, close in. A. A. Gray & Co. NICE modern bungalow, four rooms, will sell | furniture with house. See me. 8. A. Scott, 220 Mackay Bldg. For Sale—Something Good. 330x130 feet-, fronting the San Antonio river in rear of Fair Grounds, with new three room house, all fenced, fronts the road, about four blocks from Hot Wells cur line, about 30 large bearing pecan trees, fine soil. This ' will make a dandy chicken ranch. Fine out- . let for/the chicks; shade and water. See us at once'about this. Price $2500, % cash, bal- I ance on time, 8 per cent. WM. C. LOTT, SON & CO. 108 Avenue C. FOR Sale- farms AND RANCHES Beautiful home sites, tue high class sub division, commanding a splendid view of the city and surrounding country, an elevati'n of 812 feet. For prices see SAN ANTONIO LOAN & TRUST CO. ~BUYTHE BEST LANDS Where the rainfall it ample, soil is fertile; no brush or stunes; splendid crops, healthful climate; pure water near the surface. Artetiau wells; near two good lailroads. What move du you want for $27.5u per acre! Good terms. Write or call ou the uwder for plats. JOHN RICHEY it CO. 213 E. Houston St. ‘ TacresT Three blocks from car, best pecan bottom land, all ready for the plow; every foot can be irrigated from San Antonio river; has about $l2OO worth improvements, land with out improvements worth $5OO an acre; will sell for $3500. J. B. Mosby, 236 Moore Bldg. 75 GALLONS PER MINUTE? Now flowing ou this 80 acres on public road, three miles from Nixon, 50 miles cast of city on Gulf Shore railway, 43 acres in cultivation, new 4-room house, deep loam on a clay sub-soil. A gem at $4O per acre. Terms. In the rain belt; matchless at the* price. Call and see photo of the well. Par rigin Way Land Co., 416-418 Frost building. 50 OK 100 acres artesian land, one uf the finest tracts near San Antonio; will make terms very easy. 8. A. Scott. 220 Mackay building. FOR SALE— VEHICLES AND HARNESS FOR SALE—Three-year old horse and run about. New phone 1812. Will call and •how same. FOR BALE—Elegant buggy, phaeton, little used; half price. 314 West Carolina St. FOR Sale- live STOCK AND PETS FOR SALE —Several create colored Jersey cowl, young and gentle. Weal Hous ton street. FOR SALE —Fine Jersey bull calf B month, old, cheap. Inquire Sunday at old ottrich farm. South Presa street. FOR SALE —Two-year-old nurse in fine con dition; cheep. 310 Nevada street. TWO good milch cows, Jersey, well bred. Sell them right. F. A. Cocke. FOR SALE—Gentle bay horse. 15 bands high, rider and driver. Apply 117 West Arsenal street. GOOD gentle horse, light wpring wagen, with fringed parasol, harness, all for $45. 205 Vanje street. FOR SALE— FURNNITURE AND PIANOS NEW and second-hand furniture bought, aold and exchanged. Eagle Furniture Co., 11« 11W Soledad street. New ohone 2M $4OO PIANO, uprght, excellent condition: lesving city; will take $l5O. 213 Hun- Hock avenue. New phone 2714 greeu. WEDNESDAY, FOR SALE- MISCELLANEOUS 7uLL cord' WOOD YARb , ’ Selle only the beat post oak and wood, delivered in full cord wagons. Phone* 1107. Frank Basalt. FOK SALE —One 8 horsepower gMoline eu fine, one 5-inch centrifugal pump, two pur ( table torgea. Fuller Machine Shops, 516 J. J Alamo. FOR BALE—3 complete fonta of 2 letter 8- poin: mate. 1 complete font of 2 letter lu ooint mats for Mergenthuler, mats are iu perfect condition, samples of printing from same will be furnished pruspectiv* buyers, were discarded by us ouly to make change for 7 poiul mats. San Antonio Lignt and Gazette. HENRY S WOOD YARD CO. sells pustoak wood at lowest price. Old phone 229. New 1103. PALMS —We have several large palms for sale from eight to twenty-five feet high; can transplant same with safety if purchaser so desires. Friemuth K Whall. Old phone 4052. HORSE, buggy and harness, S6U; will sell all or separate. Inquire Nayfach Grocery Co., 812 South Presa. t ■ I 1 OR SALE —Well paying dairy. Address No. 2888, Light and Gazette. । DROPIIEAD Singer sewing machine, $12.50; ssu camera $22.50. Rave coins bought, sold and exchanged. 532 East Commerce. BL'GGY tires, all standard brands. $l3, $l4, $l6, $lB per set. Standard Cycle Co. FOR SALE —Good horse, phaeton and sew ing machine, wegou, bargain. 423 Augusta. FOR SALE—At a bargain. Encyclopedia Americana, 16 volumes, new. Apply A. B. C.. Light office. I FOR SALE—Butter dairy. 25 Jersey cows and dairy place. Opposite steel plant, South ' Presa. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— TRADE? HOUSTON HOME •Will trade elegant 10 room residence in Houston for San Antonio property or land. This is no cheap trap built to sell but a handsome home on one of the principal resi dence streets of Houston, is modern in every respect and almost new. The owner has moved to San Antonio and will offer good in ducementa in a trade. J. B. Mosby, 236 Moore building. FOR RENT— Unfurnished Rooms ROOM DIRECTORY. If you want your rooms and houses rented promptly and permanently, list them with us. 109 Avenue C. MISSION REALTY CO. New Phone 1340. Old Phone 3750. ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING NINE rooms furnished house for sale and house for rent. 820 Avenue C FOR RENT —Lone woman wishes to rent pait of her home furnished for light housekeep ing: no children; no sick. 727 Colorado ave nue, West End. MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms, three blocks north Gunter hotel. 103 Fan nin and St. Mary’s streets. TWO unfurnished rooms with bath, $8 n month. 319 Stieren street, between Adams and Mission streets. ROOM and board: good home cooking; two blocks from poxtoffies. New phone 2452. 316 Nacogdoches. FOR SALE- AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE cheap. New Seldon automobile, baby tonneau; will lose $6OO. Apply G. A. Htowera Furniture 00. HIGH wheel automobile like new, solid tirea,- seats four people, at a great bargain. Chas. Townsend, police department,' city halt FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. NEW TWO STORY RESIDENCE Eight rooms, hall and bathrocm with toilet up and downstairs; 125 feet of gallery; speaking tube, clothes chute, fine mantel, elegant electric fixtures, beam ceiling, hot and cold water, Solar heater, garage, laundry room and servants’ room; two ’argo Jots, near street car and five large colleges and public school. This is a bargain at $5500, 1-3 cash. STOTTS 127 Ave. C. There’s a Reason OogyxlghU ltl< W th N«* Task Bvautov JmmJ Qoww SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE FOR RENT— HOUSES FOR RENT. 6-room modern cottage at 319 Lexing ton avenue $20.00 5-room modern cottage at 323 Lake View avenue 18.00 5-room cottage, nicely furnished, 120 Mulberry avenue 35.00 THOB. F. HART. Old Phone 706. 414 Mackay Bldg. FOR RENT —Nice furnished fiat, 3 rooms; screened, sleeping pirch, cool and airy; price $25. 314 West Carolina street. HANDSOME 5 room cottage, thoroughly mod era, including instantaneous heater, porce lain bathtub, beautifully furnished. Price soo per month. A beauty in every respect. O. C. Bosbyshell, 502% East Houston. New phone 665. THREE rooms cheap at 225 Helena street. Old coupl-o preferred. Apply on premises or 226. FOR RENT. Two-story building, 14 rooms, halls, li brary, reception hall and large galleries, woodshed and servant's quarters iu rear of building. San Antonio Loan & Trust Co. FOR RENT —A cottage, four rooms and bath; newly furnished; four blocks from poatof fice. Apply 51U Seventh street or phone 3253 new. FOR RENT —A modern flat furnished, from three to five rooms at 126 Mason street. New phone 1511. FOK RENT—One 10-room house on car line. 1225 North Flores * street. Price $35. G. W. Maltbberger. WILL KENT reasonable, house of 6 rooms with barn; close in. Apply No. 108 Ne vada street. FIVE ROOM cottage, 535 Helena St. $l2. In quire 717 hast (Jumnerce street. FOK RENT—At once. Five-room cottage with gas and water connections. Bath room. Close in. Saves car fare. 'Moderate terms. Inquire at No. 908 West Commerce street. Sun Pedro Drug Store. New piione No. 269. , Old phone No. 158-2 r. FOR RENT— - FURNISHED ROOMS ■ — NICE furnished room for one or two gentle men. 418 West Elmira street. ROOM DIRECTORY” The best rooms in the city—single, double and housekeeping, with and without boaid; also furnished and unfurnished houses. We do not charge anything for suiting you in price, location, etc. Do not waste time look ing tor a pla’e, see us. MISSION REALTY CO. IU9 Avenue C. N. Phone 1340. O. Phone 3750. FOR RENT —Nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping, upstairs and downstairs; also our nicely furnished rock home residence with two story stable, auto house and large yard. All close in, 603 South Flores street. NICELY furnished double or single rooms, convenient to business district. 337 Gar den street. FOR RENT- STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT—Two rooms suitable for a small business. 610 East Crockett street. wanted— Rooms and Board BOARD WANTED—Business man with wife and child three years old, wants board in private family, must have two or three con necting rooms with or near bath. We won’t argue about the price if you have what w» are looking for. Address 2000 Light & Garett. office. WANTED— ANIMALS AND VEHICLES FOR SALE OIL TRADE—One span medium size mules, wagon and harness, also one Ford four cylinder runabout car in good con dition. 205 Buckingham avenue, 2648 green. Dew PbuM. HELP WANTED— FEMALE WANTED—Young lady ushers for the Royal, not over .sixteen years old. Season opens September 25. Applicants call Royal Tuesday, Wednesday, 10 to 12 a. m. Ask for Mr. Spen cer. Steady position and competent salary. WANTED —At once middle aged experienced chambermaid. Hotel Maverick. WANTED —Two girls to work in store. Sis ters preferred. Palace of Sweets. WANTED-Colored cook, 120 E. Myrtle St. Small family, no children. EXPERIENCED solicitors. Hoyle Ac Karick Clo. Co., 221% E. Houston St. WANTED —A laundress at once. 909 San Pedro avenue. WANTED—Cook at 515 South Flores street. Old phone 945-Jr. HELP WANTED— MALE WANTED—High class, experienced salesman to sell city lots and close in acreage. A man that will davote his exclusive tune to our proposition can easily make $lOOO.OO monthly. 1 will furnish leads to the man who shows ability. Don’t apply unless you are a mau of good address. See Alfred U. Jackson, sales manager J. A. Ulepton Realty, 103 W. Houston St. WANTED—A good pnuter, especially good typesetter. Address Kerr County Index, Kerrville, Texas. WANTED—AbIe budied men for th 4 U. 8. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35. Must be native born or Lave first pa pers.. Mouthly pay $l5 to sb9. Additional compensation possible. Foud, clothing, quar ters and medical attendance free. After L'O years service can retire with 75 per cent of pay aud allowances. Service ou board ship and ashore iu all parts of the world. Apply at U. 8. Marine Corps Recruiting Office, L’ustoffice building, Sau Antuuio, Texas. FOR difficult alterations, cleaning and press iug, see True Fit Tailors, IU9 8. Alamo street. New phone 669. WANTED—A fust-class photographer, mod ern gallery to rent, UuuO population, no opposition. Apply tu H. B. Vinson, Uvalde, Texas. Box 543. WANTED—Men to learn barber trade. De mand greater than supply. Will equip yuu for your uwn shop or steudy position iu lew weeks. Can earn expenses. Don’t delay. Par ticulars free. Moler Barber College, 716 W. Commerce street. WANTED—At once two boys with bicycles. Call at R. Becker, 323 E. Crockett St. STENOGRAPHER —Experienced, accustomed to heavy dictation; none but first-class po sition considered. Address 3005, Light aud Gazette. WANTED—Experienced counter man. Second cuuk. R. E. Lee Restaurant. HELP WANTED— 50 ladies and gentlemen, $5 and $lO daily, easy made. 404 E. Commerce. WANTED—Fifteen girls to work in paper box factory. Also three boys to learn trnde. Also two men. Apply to R. L. Burnett Co., 815 Esst Commerce street. Hours 8 to 10 a. m. WANTED —Boys and girls. G. A. Ducrler Mfg. Co., 222 W. Commerce St. HELP WANTED— AGENTS WANTED —A good live man to enter the real estate business. A chance for good man with small capital. City properties, (aims and ranches. Address room eight, 209 Alamo plaza. LADIES or gents, several good articles for fairs; no risk. Samples. 15 cents. Particu lars foi stamp. F. Putt, 21 Ann street, New York. WANTED— MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—Diamonds, old sold and sIL set. Wm. N. Capurro, Jeweler. 502% East Houston street room 1. FILMS developed, 10c a roil. Brownie prints 2He ••ch. up to 4x5. 3e each. Fox Studio. WANTED—A party who will build 10,000 square feet of sidewalk for me and accept choice real estate in payment for the work. 1 will .furnish the material. Address P. O. box 851, San Antonio, Texas. RARE coins wanted, will pay cash for old gold, silver and diamonds. L. Racuson, 507 East Commerce. AUCTION SALES— FOR SALE—Very cheay, at 221 Slocum place, two double beds. mattress and spring, mirror, art square, matting, pictures, gas range, wood range and other household goods. Sale closes Friday. AUCTION SALE—Thursday. September 22. 10 a. m., 226 Devine street. High grade furniture, consisting of glass front wardrobe; dressers, iron bed, springs, mattress, ma hog any china closet, heavy brass bed, davenport, quarter oak buffet, extension table, chairs, rockers, art square, rugs, carpets, sideboard, range. Come and see. Sommer & Bray, auctioneers. AUCTION SALE —Saturday. September 24, 10 a. m.. 308 South Center street. Heavy sideboard with double mirror, dresser, iron bed*, springs, mattress, extension table, two large pear glares, rockers, two refrigerators, center table, sanitary couch, chairs, cook stove, etc. New phone 1307. Sommer & Bray, auctioneers. LOST, FOUND, STRAYED— ~ LOST—A large brown Mexican bag on San Pedro car between Woodlawn and San Ped ro spring*. $l5 reward if returned to 1919 San Pedro avenue. LOST —Brown leather purse containing gold watch with initials R. C. M. Finder will be suitably rewarded if returned to owner at 821 Mason street. Old phone 2678. STOLEN from in front of St. Mary’s College, Cornell bicycle, No. 7222 K. Return to Potchernick's Branch for reward. No quea tions. STRAYED —One white bulldog, black spot over right eye. If found returned to 117 Cactus street for reward. SEED & POULTRY SUPPLIES FUND BTAFFEL. 3l» East Commerce Hay and grain, garden and tWa seed oomtrr vnmliev tnr nLat"" .nd b- HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS gem hotel ' ' ~ Over 205 North Praia street, second dosr south Alamo bank, new building and furni tore, modero, transients •elicited. New Dhene M3* — ' MONEY TO LOAN— ‘ MONEY advanced salaried people, lowest rates, business confidential. N. P. 2100. 216 Alamo Bank Bldg. । MONEY loaned on all articles or value. Bar gains io unredeemed pledges. Emerson & Co, pawnbroker*. 321 W Commerce 8t MONEY TO LOAN on anything valuable. Bar gains in mud ••med pledges. Jewelry and watches repaired. Alamo Loan O/i'ire, 236 East Houston. MONEY to loan on diamonds, watches, suit cases, musical instruments, guns and all ar ticles of value. 8. B. Muy, 104 West Heus ton street. $lOO WILL make $3OO in one year in “Lida Valley.’’ Investigate. Suite No. 23-24 Hicks building. SPECIAL NOTICES— - WM. SCHMIDT. Mxrm*<r.unng OotlcUn >07% 8. AUlij, g:arei fitted, lenses ground; oculists’ prescriptions filled; all wont guaranteed. SCHOOL ox massaging manicuring and hair dressing. 209 Eliworth sUeeU Alamo Heights. LADIES—Mrs. Biack’s Compound Regulator never fails; price $2. 201 Bowie, Sun An tonio, Texas. UNDER the supervision of a graduate trained nurse a school has been estab ' lished enabling ladies to learn massaging in | all its branches and manicuring and hair dressing. Old phone 442 b; classes mornings and evenings. INVENTORS—Write me your wants. Relia ble and uld established service. Nu charge fur honest opinion as to value of your in vention. JOHN M. SPELLMAN & COM PANY, Saner Building, Dallas Texas. CONTRACTORS and builders, ring ud now phone 2651; will call and figure your tin work; full weight tin $5 and up per square; tin shingles $6 and up per square; guttering 10 cents and up per Zoot. C. H. Weyrich Sheet Metal Works. 306 Idaho street. EASTERN School of Millinery. Letters from pupHs eveiy day hodiing good positions, and in business for themselves, thanking Mrs. Ellis, thair instructress, for knowledgu gained at this school, making them independent. 939 North Flores. THE MILLIONAIRE and the man who earns his daily bread by the sweat of h : s brow obtain the same court eous treatment at our store. We will again sell for CASH FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY 17% pounds granulated sugar $l.OO. 7 cans 2-Jb. D. If. tomatoes .50. %-gal. fancy table syrup .20. 3 cans Indiana fancy peas .25. 3-lb. pie peaches .09. 20 lbs. fancy Jap rice $l.OO. 3 cans Van Camp’s hominy .24. Armour breakfast bacon, Tb. .25. 100 lbs. bran, the sack $1.35. JOO lbs. chops, the sack $1.50. Hay 35 to 50 cents per bale. JESSE R. JOYNER. NEW PHONE 3172. 421 PLUM ST. DR. 8. L. POST, 219 Moore building. N'w phone 2076. Leave calls King's Drug Store, 514 East Houston. SUITS to order that fit for less price. Clean ing. pressing. 717 East Commerce. O. P. 3439. GOLD-FILLED watch, $6, thin model; ex pired loan; $l2 value. 8. B. -May, 104 West Houston St. BUSINESS FOR SALE—Wrapping paper. Apply office Light and Gazette. TO let any one have a well improved place on Monterey SU Part cash, balance on time. Call on John McClane, or Dr. H., at Banner saluun. SCARCITY oFFEED * ~ As there is a scarcity of feed, 1 will off ?r for a short time at old prices the best qual ity of DRY MALT the best milk producer, uver 20 years in use; those having tried it will attest to its m-rits. SAUER-KRAUT, just made, that delicious kind, that makes you ask for more. BARBED and plain wire, nails, and al l kinds of fencing. Get my prices and Jou will be agreeably surprised. ' THEO MAGOTT. 814 East Commerce. Both Phones. CONTRACTORS and builders, ring up 2651, will call and figure your tin work, full weight tin 35 and up per square, tin shin gits $6 and up per square, guttering 10c and up per square toot. C. H. Weynch Sheet Metal Works, 306 Idaho street. TEXAS RICE CO . 3% lbs. fancy head rice for 25c. 3 lbs choice rice for 25c. 6 1 /, lbs. choice Jap rice for 25c. 7 lbs. choice broken rice for 25c. 100 lbs. choice broken rice for 52.30. Teas 10 cents a pound up. Coffee 15 cents pound up. All goods guaranteed. cur patronage solicited. N. P. 3075. O. P, 1212. PERSONAL— HOME for ladies before and during confine ment. Good doctors and nurse. Infants adopted. Confidential. P. O. box 274. WANTED. LARGE CLEAN SOFT COTTON RAGS WILL PAY THREE CENTS PER POUND. APPLY PRESS EOOM. LIGHT AND GA SETTS. CITY UMBRELLA WORKS—Umbrellas and parasols covered and repaired. Maffi A Co., 210 East Houston. TEXAS Matrimonial and Correspondence Bu reau. Enclose 10c for particulars. 228 E. Commerce street, San Antonio. MRS. DR. NORTON, specialist diseasea and irregularities of women. 6iu West Laurel. MRS. E. KUHLMAN teaches apiritulat'on. 1209 West Houston street. DISEASE IS DEATH Carr a Sun Cure cures diseases. Ask the people. 441 8. Alamo. MADAM ANITA, psychologist. Room 1, 214 Avenue E. opposite postoffice. TYPEWRITERS— TYPEWRITERS, al.’ makes, sold, rented and repaired. Oliver agency. M. J. Hewitt, 110 Womt Co mm eras. GENERAL REPAIRING— - MOTOCYCLES and bicycles repaired; also phonograph repairing. Guarantee Cycle Co. 414 Navarro street. TAiLCRS— PANCOAST * KOHLER. Tailors. Our new wooleue «« how .rriviug lot 11110 uih MISCELLANEOUS— IMPORTANT!—Every doctor *n Texas not a member of the State Medical association, •end t° Rxn Antonio. MOVING AND STORAGE— STORAGE for furniture, pianos. bu«le« Separate stalls. $1.50 per month. Mov mg, packing snipping. L. W. Culver. 11l .•anmn. phones 2110. HARRISON MOVING CC. Storage packing, shipping. New phone Cue. Residence 107 GENES IL storace warehouse. Gas range, re frigerator and gasoline stove for sale. 332 R.'Uth Florea street. , OTnOAfiE I have Ihe best and largest O I UriHUL warehouse in the city. Mov ing, packing, carpet eleaning. Henry C. Hips Both phones. KEY AND LOCKSMITHS— BOTH PHONES—Bicycles on easy pay ments; key and lock work; lawn mow ers sharpened. Emerson, the Bicycle Doctor UNDERTAKERS—' SLOAN & HAGY Undertakers. AMBULANCE SERVICE. BOTH PHONES 104. | . ■■■ — ■■! ■— — , ,| , | PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER— A FIRST’CLASS public stenographic office is located at 213 East Houston street. Old phone 697. DETECTIVEAGENCIES— _ । DLPREE & PL JO, room 506, Alamo Nat’l Bank Bldg. New phone 514. All corre spondence strictly confidential. # O # # # # RAILROAD TIME TABLE. W * W W V W : « c 5 /r -»F I. A G. N. Arrive — No. 3 —From the north 6:45 pm No. s—From the uorth 6:45 am No. 7—Local from Hearne 10:0Uam Nu. 9 —Local irum Palestine 10:45 piu No. 4 —From Mexico 1:50 pm No. 13 —Local frum Laredo (mixed.) 6:OU am Depart— No. 4 —For the north 1:55 pm No. 6—For the north 8:00 pm Nu. B—Local8 —Local for Palestine 7:3Uam No. 10 —Express special for Hearne 4:oUum No. s—For Mexico 7:00 am No. 11—Local tor Laredo (mixed) 9:00 pm SANTE PE (I. & G. N. Depot.) Arrive— No. 7 —From the north 10:00 am Nu. 9 —Frum the north 10:45 pm Depart— No. B—To the north 7:30 am Nc. 6 —To the north 8:00 pm S. A. & A. P. Arrive — No. I—From1 —From Houston and coast.. 7:oopm No. 3—From Houston and coast.. 6:20 am No. s—From coast towns.... $.. 1:15 pm No. 44 —From Kerrville, ex. Sun.. 9:3V am No. 42 —Frum Kerviile, Sun. only 8:00 pm Nu. 146 —Fruiu Kerrville, ex. Suu.. 6;3U pm Depart— Nu. 2—For Jlouston and coast.. B:3oam Nu. 4 —For lloustun and coast.. 9:2opm No. 6 —For coast towns 2:lopm Nu. 43—For Kerrville, ex. Suu.. 4:45 pm Nu. 41 —Fur Kerrville. Suu. only.. B:4Uam Nu. 145 —Fur Kerrville, «a. Suu.. 7:iUam G., H. & S. A. (Main Line.) Arrive— No. 9 —From the east 7:35 am No. 2 —Frum Del Riu 10:50 am No. 7—From the east 6:00 pm No. 10 —From El l’asu and west.. 7:3u pm Depart— No. V —For El Paso and west.... 9:ooam No. I—For1 —For Del Rio 4:00 pm No. IU —For the east 10:30 pm No. B—For8 —For the east 11:00 am G., H. & S. A. (Victoria Division.) Depart— No. 3Us—Cuero, Victoria, etc 8:00 am No. 306 —Cuero, Victoria, etc 7:50 pm M., K. A T. (Union Station.) Arrive — No. 9 —Katy Limited 7:45 pm No. 235—Katy Flyer 7:30 am No. 243 —Alamo Special from Hous tou aud Galveston.... 6:3Uam No. 241—Mail and Express 3:25 pm Depart— Nu 10—Katy Limited 10:00 am No. 2J6--Katy Flyer 9:Vopm No. 242 —Alamo Special for Hous- ton and Galveston .... 11:50 pm No. 244 —Mail and Express 7:10 am REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. A. M. Overall and J. Tom Williams to Suledad Veteneur. lot 8. block 4, new city block 2209, on Lea! street, Gardendale; $450. 8. G. and Maggie McWhorter to R. T. Pruitt. 4UO acres in LaSalle county: $4BOO. J. Vanlandingnam and A. McCawley to George M. Ferrel, lot 24. new city block 924. old city lot 112: $l. W. L and Mary Thompson to John Peats, bts 3 and 12, block A, on north side of Gibbs street; $250. A. M. Overall and J. Tom Williams to Andrew Hanson, lois 5 and 25. block 2, new city block 2184, on Ruiz street, Gardendale addition; $lO. 8. G. McWhorter to Louise E. Reynolds, lots 5 und 6, block 6, Lynnwood addition; $lO. Claude V. Birkhead to William L. Schles inger, part of lots 2 and 3, now city block 1744: $1945. R. T. and Addie Pruitt to 8. G. McWhor ter, lot 14, block 3, new city block 2552, on north side of Johnson sticet: $l5OO. Charles Peterson and A. M. Avant to John Brauchle, west one-half of 200 acres of L. W. Gates survey; $5OO. J. and Carrie C. Harding to Mrs. J. J. Irwin, lot 12, block 2, on Murrell street; $1212.50. J. C. H. and S. E. McKnight to Hillyer- ! Deutsch-Jarratt Co., tract 3, subdivision of lots 19 and 20, on Hackberry street city I block 488; $l5OO. R. W. and Frederica Schalies to John Branz. lot 25, being 1.45 acres of R. T. Hig 1 ginbotham survey 29: $3OOO. Terre!! Well Co., by J. D. Oppenheimer, to I Mami- F. Hogue, lot 8, block 102, San Jose; ; $3OO. R. A. and Mamie F. Hogue to L. B. Haines, lot 8, block 102. town of San Jose; $1750. Highland Improvement Co . by L. P. Peck, to E. Gullberg. lots 26 to 28, block 12, new city block 3280, Highland Park addition; $1325. Alvin Huth to Roque Garcia, lot 42 feet on north side of El Paso street. 92.5 feet on San Marcos street and 42 feet on south side of Division street; $l5O. Jamrs L. Lytle to John B. and Miss Mary Stout, lot 1, block 5, Melrose addition; $275. G. O. Cozart to Julia Crume, lot 7 and north one-half of lot 8, new city block 938, on the southwest side of Wickes street; $l5OO. Hall P. Street to William Vn*ate, lots 1 and 2. block 4. Halliday addition: $650. C. M. Posey to G. O. Cozart, lot 7 and the north one half of lot 8, new city block 938, southwest side of Wickes street: $ll5O. G. O. Cozart to Julia Crume, lot 15. block 13, new city block 3226, Hillcrest addition; $l2OO. Theo Arm orchestra. Both nhones. SEPTEMBER 21, 1910. CHARTER OF CITY THAT Will BE UP FOR RATIFICATION Bulky Document to Be Voted On at Election in Near Future. ITS PROVISIONS IN FULL Public May Know the Light Will Publish It In Full. The charter providing for commission government for San Antonio, passed by the legislature, is now ready for rati fication by the voters at an election, to .be held in the near future. So that all 'its provisions will be understood fully the Light and Gazette, beginning Mon day, August 29, is publishing verbatim from day to day, the charter, in its en- Itirety, each day a portion of its bulky document. Section 156. The annual assessment mad* upon property within said city for taxes due said city shal! be a special lien upon said property, and all property, both real and personal, belonging to any delinquent tax payer. shall be liable to seizure and sale for the payment of all taxes, interest, penalties and costs due said city by such delinquency, and such property may b? sold for the pay ment of taxes, interest, p’enalties and costs due the city by such delinquent, under such regulations as the legislature moy have pro vided. or may hereafter provide for the col lection of state and county taxes, or as may be provided by the commissioners or under a decree of court. Section 157. The city may bring suit in any court of competent jurisdiction in any action at common law for the recovery of any taxes due said city, with interest, pen alties aud costs due thereon, and for the foreclosure of the tax lien upon such prop erty. but this remedy shall be cumulative of all other remedies. Section 158. All taxes delinquent for ten years before any suit is filed to collect the same shall be barred by limitation; provid ed. that this section shall not affect judg ments already rendered, nor suits pending when this act takes effect nor the validity of tax titles heretofore made. Section 159. This act shall be deemed a public act and may be read in evidence with out pleading proof, and judicial notice shall be taken thereof in all courts and places. But no genera! law hereafter passed by the legislature of the state of Texas, nor any general law of said state now in force shall be held io repeal or affect any power here* in granted, or which is* hereby vested in said city or its commissioners, unless by the express terms of such law the same be de clared applicable to cities incorporated by special charter. Section 160. The commissioners shall have j to require all telephone telegraph, wa | ter and gas and electric companies and al! public service corporations enjoying fran j chides from the city, to extend their lines, i mains, pipes, wires and syst- ma where the public service demands it and on failure to comply with the city’s ordinances requiring such extensions to forfeit their franchises and to refuse further permits for the laying of pipe, setting of pules and laying ‘and stretching of wire and building sfeet rail ways on any uf the streets of the city of | San Antonio until such ordinance may be complied with. Th. commissioners shall have power to prescribe the office hours of all city officials and to fix the hourarof labor of all city employes and their compensation. Section 161. The hoard of commissioners may adupt civil gei-vict regulations for f e employes of the fire and police department of c*tv of San Antonio, and may pro vide for the passing of examination by any or all of the employes of said d.’nartmcnts. Section 162. The special act of the Twen ty-eighth legislature of the state of Texas, chapter 44. entitled “An act to incorporate the city of San Antonio and to repeal an act of the legislature of the state of Texas, approved August 1,;, 1879. entitled An act to incorporate the city of San Antonio and grant a n-w charter to said city,’ and to repeal an act entitled ‘An act to incorporate i the_ city of San Antonio, approved July 17. ! 18.>6.’ and an art entitled ‘An a”t to amend • the act to incorporate the city of Han An tonio,’ approved February 11, 1860, and also to r peal all acts amendatory of said act (approved August 13. 1870. and declaring an i emergency.’ and the amendments thereof I passed by the Thirtieth legislature, chapter | .0, approved April 13, 1907. and all other ■ amendments thereof and law, in conflict i herewith are hereby repealed Section 163. All rules, regulations and or dnances of the city which shall be in force hrrl" tßkes not In conflict herewith, -hall remain in full force and ef- I feet, until amended, altered or repealed. And all officers of the city of San Antonio at the time this act takes effect shall remain In office until the mayor and commissioners Hi re m provided for are elected and have qnalintd under this act, and until sueh time the officers of this city in office when this act takes effect shall exercise the rights and I duties in the manner prescribed by the pres ent charter. r Setion 16L Whereas, there has been a rapTd growth in the population in the eitv .t”. .1 ,0 n and its , development so that the present charter of the city ot ban Antonio is wholly insufficient and un | suited for the existing conditions of this city ami there is an immediate necessity for en ! lureed powers for the proper government of : said city, therefore there is an imperative i public necessity and emergency requiring the suspen .ion of the constitutional rule which I provides that bills shall be read on three several days. It is. therefore, hereby enacted । that said rule shall be and is hereby sus I pended and this oct shall take effect and he I m force from and after its passace. subject j however, to Ihc result of the election her,- * inaftor provided for. = After A Hot Day Revive Your Energiei ■ Y BATHING WITH HAND SAPOLIO It cleanses the pores, removes dead skin, invigorates the entire body and leaves you delightfully cool and refreshed. All Grocers and Druggists CARNEGIE LIBRARY Market Street, Between Casino and Presa Streets. Open from 9 a. m. to 9:30 p. m DONATIONS OF BOOKS APPRECIATED ALL PRIVILEGES FREE