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2 WEDNESDAY Dainty Fail Footwear ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■WO’UMM ■■■■■■■■■■ ? : 1 WE ARE showing complete lines of the new est styles in women’s Fall shoes. And if you'll take the trouble to look, you'll find that our prices are considerably lower than other stores ask for similar styles and qualities. The new short vamps are / the smartest thing this season—we show many styles in / 1 j black and colored leathers. Our Shoes Give Satisfactory Service f WOMEN’S Fine patent kid, | WOMEN'S Patent colt and I ' serge or mat top, button shoe. vici kid shoes. Blueher and — Made on latest short vamp button styles, newest st- ; iH C»A last. Hnglish welt soles. A lasts and toes. Goodyear welt gif very smart g fX fX soles. A classy walking boot. /W 111 I shoe. Moder- I* 11 Good a aloe at.. ■• W ately priced WOMEN'S New short vainp WOMEN'S Newest style WOMEN’S New button and lace shoes shoe, made of soft patent kid button and lace shoes." Made of p atent kid and new tan leathers. All. in button style with serge or of patent colt, vici kid or tans. . .. . . . . dull kid tops. Hand turned Hand turned soles and new soles. A very 4 fl Cuban heels. Tn P and hand turned soles. In A dress'", servicea- ft Illi all widths and sizes and widths. On ■■■[ ble shoe at ■•W sizes. Priced... kJ • V sale tomorrow at K# • W 1 _____________________________ - $2.00 Marseilles Bed Spreads £ Fancy Stenciled A Special Value Tomorrow at J Scrim: 25c Value £ y C Full size Marseilles spread with pink fringe. Good weight Curtains and Curfainina and elegant new patterns. The regular $2 value on 4 IS C ’ special sale tomorrow A aWw $3.25 two-toned lace curtains; a num- Towels —19x38 hemmed huck Pillow Cases — Size 42x36, hem- ber of the new etiects; the (Q towels, with fancy red border, nied, made of heavy linen finish pair A regular 12 l-2c val- Q _ casing. Regular 15c 4 4 — SL"S Nottingham lace curtains; a greM ue at vC value for 11C many new things to select 4 /IQ Towels — .Extra size 22x44 Pillow Cases—Size 42x46, hem- from; the pi ir A 1“0 buck towels, linen finish, fan- stitched, and made of finest full $1 Nottingham lace curtains, elegant cy red border; 20c 4O _ bleached casing; reg- 4 patterns at the price; the values at A«3C ular 18c value I<3C pair Towels—lnitial fringed Turk- Sheets — Full 81x90 hemmed 45c colonial nets, beautifrrh- *> g _ ish towels, size 18x36. full sheets, made of strong full bleach- stately designs; yard <3*2 w bleached and extra 4g _ ed linen finish sheet- 25c colonial nets, prettier aud better heavy. 20c values. Aww ing; 65c value than others show at 35c; 4 _ Towels—Extra size 22x44 dou- Sheets —Extra length, size 81x99, now AwG ble thread Turkish towels, full made of best Pepperell sheeting, 15c printed scrim, splendid, inexpensive bleached and heavy OO _ torn, hemmed and iron- A — curtaining, handsome de- 4A _ Regular 30c value. bwv ed; 90c values at ■ C signl; the yard Au C SAUL WOLFSON moosca MAIN PLAZA “Outfitters to the Entire Family” v MAIN PLAZA Romance Culminates In Auto Wedding at Park Bride Crosses Sea and Is Wedded to Sweetheart of Child hood Days Under Mossgrown Oaks —Will Spend Their Honeymoon In the Wilds of Mexico, A romance of true love which the breadth of the Atlantic but served to make more true, had its culmination yesterday afternoon in an autmobile wedding in the shade of the moss-grown oaks at Brack enridge park, when, with the gold en light of the late afternoon sun filtering down upon them. Joe Shone of San Antonio find Miss Molly Taylor of England, were mar ried in a touring car at 4:15 o’clock by Rev. Jas. Drummond. । Beneath the great trees of the for Harlandale I f PROMISES—Some people make light of them— we do not. Every promise made regarding Har landale has been more than fulfilled, and now wc are making more promises that will likewise be more than fulfilled. “ ACTUAL DEVELOPMENT of Harlandale has . been rapid during the past few weeks—it will be I far more so during the next few. , J Buyers of Harlandale lots at present prices tyill reap the profits of the natural advance sure to fol low this development LET US SHOW YOU J HARLANDALE TODAY Lots $lOO and Up SK ash Buys a Lo! I Monthly Pays For it -No I merest, NoTaxes — H. J. BENSON Grand Opera House Bldg, II New Phone 2476 Crockett Street Side || 01 d Phone 2476 < est that is yet a park, whose branches, | draped with trailing gray moss stretch led over them like arms of a priest in benediction and amidst surroundings as ; solemn and beautiful as the marriage i ceremony of Any church, this couple plighted their troth. From -foreign lands they came; the bride from old England, and the groom from the land of theTnango and the bouganvilla. By appointment they met in San Antonio to consummate the vows plighted in childhood days as they i strolled over the greens of merry old SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE I England ’neath the hawthorn and the ( hedge rose. । The groom, who for the past sixteen years has made his home in San An ' tonio, is the owner of a number of | well drilling machines, and is at pres ent filling a large contract with Armen |dia Brothers, nf Monterey, Mexico. The bride, who crossed the sea to keep the (tryst, arrived in San Antonio yesterday morning from New Bedford, Mass., at 10 o'clock, accompanied by Miss Eliza Frazier. As soon as arrangements could be made the wedding party, consisting of the bride and groom. Miss Frazier, who acted as bridesmaid, two friends of the groom, Frank Nelson, who acted as groomsman, and Will Davidson and the minister. Rev. Mr. Drummond, drove out in an auto to Brackenridge park. ( where in one of the most beautiful (spots, the marriage ceremony was per formed. * Mr. and Jlrs. Shone left today for Mexico. After an extended tour through Mexico, visiting all the principal cities, they will go to'the city of Sierra Mo jada. Coahuila. Leaving the railroad there they will journey two hundred miles into the heart of the mountains •and will spend their honeymoon amidst surroundings as wild and beautiful as those that delighted the heart of the Virginian and his bride. When the-contract is. finished, Mr. and Mrs, Shone will return to San An tonio to make their home. Pale Delicate Women and Girls. The old standard Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic drives out malaria and builds up the system. For grown peo ple and children. 50c. CHICAGO TAILORS 10 MIE HEW UNIFORMS Contract for New Suits for Po licemen Is Given to a Windy City Firm. The contract for the Ml and winter uniforms for the San Antonio police de partment has been awarded by the coun cil police committee to A. L. Singer & Co., merchant tailors of Chicago, 111. The contract price per suit is $l6, de livered. The new uniforms will be of blue uniform cloth and will be ready for use not later than November 1. E. J. Venopal, representing the Sin ger Tailors, is in the city and this morning began the work of measuring up the police for their new suits. “The Singer people are going to lose money on the contract with the city of San Antonio this time, because the'men on the force here are the biggest men I have ever seen,” said Mr. Venopal after he had taken the measurements of about two dozen men. Swelling - , of the flesh caused by in flammatio i, cold, fractures of the bone, toothach<, neuralgia or rheumatism can be relieved bv applying BALLARD’S SNOW LINIMENT. It should be well rubbed in over the part affected. It’s great healing and penetrating power eases he pain, reduces swelling and re stores natural conditions. Price 25c, 50c »ad $l.OO per bottle. Sold by the Bexar Drug Co. P P, Will Ml WAGE INCREASE Agreement Said to Have Been Reached at Houston This Evening. Special Dispatch. Houston, Tex., Sept. 21.—1 t is un derstood from an unofficial but reli able source this afternoon that the Southern Pacific will grant the request of its carmen for an increase of a cent and a half per hour and five dollars montblv increase for men on a straight wage basis. Representatives of each side are in conference today and while nothing has been given out for publication, the be lief is freely expressed that all trou bles will soon be settled. The men are still at work pending the adjustment of the differences. Mrs. Seffel Loses Thanksgiving Dinner B. S. Seffel of 132 North street, will buy two more Thanksgiving turkeys. The ones he had were purloined last night, along with several very fine chickens. Mr. Seffel heard a racket about 10:30 o’clock in the back yard and ran out, shoeless and almost clothingless. The marauders had left little except noise in their wake. Two very fine turkeys, fattening for the Thanlfcgiving festa. board, had disappeared. Some dozen or more chickens went with them. That’s all there was to it. NAP ON STREET CAR TRACK PROVES FATAL Special Dispatch. Port Arthur, Tex., Sept. 21.—With the skull crushed, the body of August Burk, who operates a boat on Taylor’s bayou, was found here this morning. Local authorities believe he went to sleeu. on a street car track and was struHc during the night. ASKS CHIEF QUESTIONS British Consular Officer Would Gain Infcynation Regarding San An tonio Police. Chief of Poliee Van Riper this morn ing received a communication from S. W. Barnev, British vice-Consul at Gal veston. Tex., asking for certain inform ation for his government, which has to do with the police department,. The chief is requested to, inform the writer whether the usual police force on duty "here is sufficient to maintain order at all polling places during an election. To this the chief will reply in the affirmative. Consul Barney also desires to know on what basis the po lice are appointed and by whom. To the former the answer will be the num ber of inhabitants control and to the latter question that the police are ap pointed by the mayor and council. ENTERED into rest. A. J. Draper, died in San AnEon’o July 19, 1910, after a lingering illness which he bore with patience and resig nation. Mr. Draper was the son of Mrs. C. N. Pope, of Atlanta, Texas, aud was born in that town on April 26 1880. I He left there young in life and after ! living in Helena, Ark., Memphis. Tenn., and Shreveport, La., came to San An tonio and entered the employment of G. A. Stowers, where he remained until liis last illness forced him to give up work. He was married in Memphis, Tenn., ‘Sept. 6, 1906, to Mrs. Bessie Hamilton, (daughter of Betty and C. B. Neal, vf C'ominto, Ark. | Mr. Draper was a gentle, kind and ’courteous man, and at home or at work made friends with those whom he as sociated. He early professed Christian ity and at the time of his death was n member M>f the Travis Park Metho- Idist church of San Antonio, Texas. I To the devoted wife, who remains to mourn his early death, he was a i loving and considerate husband. To Ihis little step-son, a tender and judie | ious father, and to his employers, an efficient and conscientious laborer and (to his many friends a genial and true I friend. “Thou are gone to the grave* But we will not deplore thee Tho’ sorrow and darkness Encompass the tomb, For the Saviour has passed Thro’ its portals before thee And the lamp of his love Be thv guide thro’ the gloom.” A FRIEND. BUILDING PERMITS. W. Doehnert. 1 room addition, south side Lavaca etrest; $l5O. ... E. F. Wurabach. 4-room house, south side i (levers street; $BOO. W. F Wright, gallery addition, south side ' Lopes street: $75. "R. M. Smith, two sheds, west side Meer- j Scheldt street; $75. L. Hernandez. 1-room and gallery, south si dcGuadalupt street; $lOO. I. & G. N. R. R. Co., repairs, north side West Commerce street; $4OO. Mrs. .1. W. Campbell, shed, north side East , Commerce $6O. Mrs. L. E. Foutel, repairs, west side Bra zos street; $lO. Patricio Carrillo, repairs, south side Del gado street: $lO. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Barrett. 4 room house, south side Arciniega street: $2OOO. Lorencio Reyns, move house to north side Hidalgo street. E. F. Walton, 5-room house south side of Tommins street; $l,OOO. G. B. Marotta, move house, to south s ; de of Lopez street. B. Sundfield, repairs, north side of Grand I avenue; $5. Maximino Juarez, 1-room house, east side DeWitt avenue; $6O. Antam-io Juarez, more house to east side of Hun Felipe street. C. C. Flores, 3 room house, north side of Gieusdo street. EIGHT BARGAINS Wc have several shop-worn pianos and player-pianos which we will sell this week less than cost. Every one of these instruments is in perfect condition mechanically. The only defect, if it can be considered such, is a scratch or two on the case which can hardly be seen. Ihese pianos and player-pianos sell regularly by dealers throughout the country at prices ranging from $7OO to $BOO. They must-be sold this week to make room for our new shipments. Three player-pianos in fine Spanish Mahogany cases which regularly sell for Q $7OO, go on sale tomorrow at ■ U One player-piano of standard make in fine mahogany case, fully guaranteed by both the manu facturer and this firm. This instrument is regularly %old throughout the coun- 5 try for $B5O, and goes on sale tomorrow at. ■ 9 One widely advertised piano in fine Mission case— the instrument you want for a bunga low. Its tonal qualities are absolutely perfect and is strongly guaranteed by the maker. This instrument regularly sells for $650, but goes on sale tomorrow morning $345 Two pianos in fine artistic mahogany cases which we have used in our salesroom for demon strating purposes. This make of instrument is daily used by the world's artists for concert and recital work. They sell everywhere for $650, but go on sale to- t morrow morning at <P\J sJ One second-hand piano which will make a splenid practice instrument, the purchase price of which we will allow on a new piano within one year, will be sold tomorrow dP for just 69 Everyone of These Instruments Must Be Sold This Week We will ship these pianos anywhere on approval and refund the purchase price if you are not entirely satisfied. A small cash payment and easy monthly payments thereafter will secure any of the above bargains. COME DOWN TO THE STORE TOMORROW AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE. Wray Bros. Piano Co. “ The House of Quality ’* O. V. WRAY. 217 p o,d Phone 259 Manager xi/ iL. nousion oireei New Phone 904 TARIFF ALL RIGHT SAYS UNCLE JOE lii Accepting 20th Nomination He Declares Against Revision. Associated Press. Danville, 111., Sept. 21.—Speaker Jo seph G. Cannon in accepting his twen tieth nomination for Congress today, said the present tariff needed no de fense and declared that agitation for its revision is dangerous to the welfare of the country. The speaker is still a determined standpatter. THIRTY REPORTED KILLED IN WRECK Associated Press. Fort Wayne. Ind., Sept. 21.—Thirty persons were killed in a collision be tween the southbound limited and north bound loeal ears on the Fort Wayne and Bluffton, a branch of the Wabash Valley traction line at Kingsland, Ind., eighteen miles south of Fort Wayne. According to a report received here, many persons were injured, some of them it is believed, fatally. MORTUARY JONES—Miss Ella Jones, 35 years old, died at the city hospital at 4:30 o’clock this morning of tuberculosis. The funeral will be held at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning from the chapel of the Zizik tlndertaking company. STOVER — Mrs. Anna Stover. 42 years old, who had been an inmate of the Southwestern Insane asylum two months, died at that institution yester day and the body will be taken to Fordtran, Tex., tomorrow morning for interment. Fatty degeneration of the heart is the cause assigned for death. » *' —— TAKE A HINT. Do you own mixing, pay for poison ~only, “Rough on Rats,’’’ a powder, then you get results, for Roaches, Ants, Mice, Rats, etc. 15c, 25e, 75c. See direc tions how’ to use in outbuildings. Fire in Wood Box -Fire starting in a wood box in the kitchen of a house at 2008 North New Braunfels avenue, occupied by Mary Anderson, a negress, did $l5 damage at 9 o'clock this morn ing. The house is owned by John Mil ler. SHE’S CHAMPION WOMAN FLIER THIS IS MLLE. DETRIEUX. TO E FRENCH WOMAN WHO MADE A FINE FLIGHT FROM BLANKENBA RGH TO BRUGS AND BLACK WITH A PASSENGER. SHE FLEW HIGHE R AND LONGER THAN ANY OTHEB AIR WOMAN, THUS ESTABLISHIN G A NEW RECORD. Gexeral Washington had just crossed the Delaware and was about to land. “Just a moment, please,” he said. “Before this thing proceeds further I want to inform yon that I will expect 53.7 per cent of the receipts from the fight pictures.” After some further haggling over the royalties, the fight went on. The city of London plans to build a monument to the memory of King Ed ward VII. VELVETOHE FAR QAI F King McClintock. W. C. Weitchel Co. W. C. Burnt & Co. run uHLL Paul Mueller. Dreist. F. A. Houck. SEPTEMBER 21, 1910. Bunk —That boy of mine is certainly । a wonder of a piano player. Why, he can play with his toes. Chunk—How old is he! Bunk—Fifteen. Chunk—Then he isn't so remarkable. T have a boy at home only a year obi i who can play with his toes. The population of Japan is so dense ( that every acreage tract of 40 eulti ■ vated acres supports 142 persons, be sides seven horses and other live stock.