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WEDNESDAY, 8 M SO THE pIOPIE MAT KNOW! Before Palm Heights was placed on the market with such re markable success, in vestors were sought to buy lots for invest ment, the value being in future increase, hi other words, realty was hung on the rep utation of San Antonio as a field for invest ment. But we have changed on that. We said: “Hang the future value. Let's give the people their money’s worth now, today.” This plan has been’so successful that we predict it will be fol lowed in the future in every big proposi tion to be placed on the market. Buyers ought not to be charged for future values. We are going to give full value for every dollar received, now, today, and let you have all the pro* fits from the increase that is bound to follow. <J Palm Heights is a solid, substantial pro position. We are of fering you a large homesite, cement sidewalks, complete water works system with fire protection, macadamized boule vards, telephone and electric light service, fifteen - minute car service, parks, foun tains and public squares, all for $250 and up, on easy, monthly payments. The “future value” and “best buy”end of the game we throw in for nothing. We are selling you that which you can see. <1 Palm Heights De velopment Company. 412-413 Gibbs Build ing, San Antonio, Tex. The best liked sleeves for the after noon dress are short ones with long undersleeves of lace. Furnish Your House OH BAST VAnoMM. Hendricks 4 Fen»!erm»ker Furniture 4 Home Furnishers ■MXB EOS UM. ne Md rte hub /wm* LADIES GARMENTS-MENS SUITS DYEINGy A CLEANING CO. 113 Ave C • bqth phones BILLY SHEEHAN 0 CUT RATE SALOON O All LaMlnf Breed* % PrfM I 701 W. Commerce St Miss Betty Mstthews, society editor. Office both phones 1359. Home phone 2801 old. sHss Cstheriee Joseph, assistant Miss Marv Downes, whose marriage to John Carl Bodenmiller will occur to morrow evening at 7 o’clock at St. Mary’s church, will entertain her brid al party informally at dinner this even ing at her home on Cevallos street. The attendants are: Misses Louise Walsh. Louise Marshall, Jean Brim and Blanche Watzlavziek; Messrs. Alfred Campbell, W. Stein, Arthur Lockwood, and Wm. Van Hoogenhuyze. The ladies section of the San Antonio Turn Verien will entertain with their monthly card party Thursday after noon, September 30, at 3:30 o’clock. Little Miss Marvel Rinehold selectee an afternoon trolley ride for the en tertainment of a number of friends in celebration of her birthday on yester day afternoon. The ride was to Hot Wells, where refreshing ices were serv ed. Misses Etta Lehmann and Miss Peel chaperoned the young company who were: Misses Norma Zelmeyer. Eleanor Hume, Lois Dauchey, Helen Millinger. Alberta Irish, Florence Zingraft, Mar ion Scott, Bonnie and Bessie Swearin gen, Eleanor and Ruth Delfuse, Carol Dice, Carrie Dauchey. Lueile and Mar vel Rinehold; W’alter Rice. Sharer Hite. Bert Zilmeyer, Harvey Millinger, Ger ald Armsworthy, Roger Gray, Frank Lehmann, Earnest Lee and Frank Scott. The Parish Aid Society of the Laurel Heights Mission of St. Mark’s parish will hold a meeting at 10:30 o'clock to morrow morning with Mrs. Clarence Jones, 101 East Locust street. Mrs. W. T. Woodhull will make a talk on the Passion play, which she has just seen on her recent trip to Europe. At the Loya] Temperance Legion con test held Sunday afternoon at the South Alamo Methodist church, the medal in the seven contestants was awarded to Ruth Nance. The recita tions were interspersed with musical numbers. Mrs. A. R. Byrd and Mrs. Owen, rep resenting the Woman's Christian Tem perance Union of San Antonio, will at tend the state convention of the union I n Yellow Label | |] kills Cock roaches and U Ants. L RED LABEL kills IBed Bugs, Moths, Flies. Fleas. Chick en Lice. Mosqui toes and Garden 7 Insects. L Non - Poisonous L—l ALL Druggists BARGAINS! Owing Mt at eon. Entire (tock of BM(>M Md WlfOM. BOND-GEORGE HDWE. CO. Military PUua. SAN ANTONIO FURNITURE CO. BeaL Boa and its mu ma » us ». rim* Old Mom ITS? Mom 1708 The Wonder Illllnery Mtc* Margwat Sammw, Prat. CMo Walklae aad Draw Mata 115 1-2 Avs. C 15be Imperial Millinery Shop. Mme. Powell. 'O2 E Com. Just at the bridge. THE SHOP OF EXCLUSIVENESS. Morales Transfer Co. Hauling and Storage FLAOINO SAFBS A SPECIALTY Werehouto S. A. P Tree*. OH Pheno 1884. New Phone W». i to be held in Waco, beginning Sep- I tember 27. । A very important meeting of the Wo- I man ’s Christian Temperance Union will be held at 4 o'clock tomorrow after neon with Mrs. Mattie Cox on Hous ton street. Final arrangements for the convention wiil be made at this meet ing and a request is made by Mw, Byrd, the president, for a full attend ance. Mrs. Edward Trueheart has purchased 1 the home of Mrs. E. C. Kullak, 115 1 Mistletoe avenue, and will take pos- I session of it the latter part of the ! month. Miss Elizabeth Boyle has gone to Se guin to visit relatives. Miss Ruth Hendricks has returned to Austin after a visit to Mrs. Wm. H. Davis on Mistletoe avenue. Miss Minnie Allensworth will return this week from Charlottesville, N. C., where she spent the summer with her sister, Mrs. Darden. Mrs. W. H. Richardson and daughter, Miss Gussie Richardson, mother and sister of Mrs. Wm. Kelly of Woodlawn avenue, will arrive the first part of October from Brooklyn, N. Y., to spend the winter here. Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Coleman of Main avenue have returned from a visit to Brownsville. Mrs. Eva T. Braugh is spending a short while with her daughter, Miss Vega Brough, who has been very ill at Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore. Mrs. Joseph H. Byrd of 8. Louis, and Mrs. Edward Howard of Jackson. Mo., are the guests of Mrs. A. R. Byrd, 503 Guenther street, for a visit of sev eral weeks. The literary and music committee meeting of Fannin School mother's club will be held Friday at 4:30 o’clock at the home of Mrs. C. L. Pape, 933 Burnett street. Plans for the coming season will be made. There will be a meeting of the Par ish Aid of Laurel Heights Mission of St. Mark’s Episcopal church tomorrow morning at 10:30 at the home of Mrs. Clarence Jones, 101 East Locust. The Woman’s Home Mission society of the Government Hill M. E. church will hold a literary and social meeting at the home of Mrs. W. M. Carter, 1118 Mason street. Thursday afternoon at 3:30. The following program will be given: Devotions, Mrs. Groseclose; topics, “Our Cuban Schools,” Mrs. S. A. Clark; vocal solo, “Be of Good Cheer, Thy Master Watches O'er Thee,” Mrs. W. J. Craig; bulletin, Mrs. Carter; music, Mrs. W. E. Mitchell. All the ladies of the church are cordially invited to at tend. Mrs. C. G. Ellis and pretty little Olive Graves Ellis arrive Friday from a most delighted sojourn in Asheville, N. C. The Home Mission society of the Prospect Hill Methodist ehurch will meet tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock at the tent. Mrs. Smithy Graves and daughter, Miss Armine Riely, are now in New York City. Miss Riely leaves in a day or two for Vassar, while Mrs. Graves will remain in New York for a month or two. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Adams will again occupy their Beacon Hill home, which has been very artistically improved, about Oct. 1. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Stanling returned this morning from a most pleasant nine weeks’ visit in Indiana and Illinois. Miss Hannah McClain of Lavernia is the guest of the week of Mrs. H. Luke of the Portland Flats. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Berry and Miss A WISE WOMAN fwlll try and preserve her beauty A floe bead of hair is one of the highest charms. The Imperial Hair Regenerator restores Gray Hair to its natural color or mused Bleached Hair ••ny deaired shade. It la abso lutely harmless; when anplied cannot be detected; unaffected by Baths and permits curling. Sample of hair colored and re turned free. Correspondence confidential. Sole manufacturers & patentees mmiALCNEM. MPG. CO.. us W. Jjdst .toew For Sale by Bexar Drug Co. We are—and have been FOR MORE THAN 30 YEARS—head quarters in San Antonio for TEAS AUD COFfEES Mail orders solicited. We can please you. Give us ■ trial. Holland’s Tea Store 229 West Commerce St. MISS FRIEDA ENGLEHARDT (Successor to Mri. Chae. Dorits) Ladles' Hair Dresser and Wig Maker Shampooing Parlor. Manicuring and Face Massage. Scalp Treatment. Manufacturer of Bair Goods. Terrell B’dg. 212 Ave. D. New Phone 1003. v >’RANOOTS. Manager SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE LETTERS TO MY SON Delicate, Whimsical, Spiritual Idyls of Motherhood—The Self-Interpretations of a Woman's Soul, Addressed to Her Unborn Man-Child, by a Woman Whose Name is Withheld, (Extracts from the book entitled “Letters to My Son,” published and copyrighted, 1910, by Houghton-Mifflin Co., Boston, Mass. ) Little son, these letters are for you, so that if I should not live to see you grow up, if I should have to leave you before ever your eyes could look at me, or your voice cry to me, you should know how much I had loved you and longed for you, and you would be able to come to them for the comfort I would have given to you if I had lived. Oh. little thing, if your mammy has to leave you, and by any chances gets to heaven, they won’t want her there very long! She ’ll always be leaning out of a top-story window, trying to catch sight of her baby as he goes out for his walk, or else forgetting to lo her singing while she worrries about his gaiters being long enough, or his vests warm enough. Heaven and earth will have changed places then, and I shall be on the wrong side. But I shall have had yon all ths beautiful time you were coming. God bless you, little precious. It was not for some time that I could make up my mind to tell Oliver—that is your father, little son —about your Olive Berry leave Saturday for Wash ington, D. C., where they will reside in the future. Miss Emelie Berry leaves Saturday also, but will make an extend ed visit in California before joining her parents in Washington. The Ladies’ Aid society of River side Baptist church will entertain with an ice Cream social Friday evening at 8 o’clock at the residence of Mrs. D. F. 5 oungblood on South Presa street. An entertaining musical program has been arranged for the evening. The Ladies’ Aid society of the River side Baptist church will hold its regular weekly meeting tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Fetch mer on Wharton street. All members are requested to be present, as plans for the coming year will be made. Mrs. J. H. Johnson will entertain Thursday, Sept. 22, from 2:30 to 5 p. m., with a linen shower in honor of Miss Mona Mae Gillett, whose marriage to J. C. Brown will take place on the 28th of this month. Health Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Color and Beauty, is not a dye. Send 2c for books •'•The Care of the Hair and Skin •’ Philo Hay Spec Co. Newark. N.J..U.S A REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTBS •1 and 50c. bottles, at dragglsta For Sale and Recommended by BEXAR DRUG CO. SEAMLESS WAIST OF PERSIAN SIL Dominant in fashions this season is the craze for oriental colorings and de signs. Hats are trimmed or wholly made of the Persian silks, and scarfs, waists and even entire, gowns of this material are seen at all smart functions on mo dish women. Not often is there a style which the home needle women can follow s 0 easi ly as that of the seamless waist shbwn in the illustration. With a good-fitting pattern, the silk material, a bit of satin matching the predominating color' in the silk, and a few button molds, al most any girl can copy this charming little design. ON A DISCOVERY. PREFACE. coming. After seven years it seemed too good to be true. After I had chosen the gown that I knew he liked me in best. I went to my own little room to lie down. That room was just papered with pictures of your father, my precious. * * • The one in the shell I call the little bath, Oliver, beloved, because he hasn’t a stitch on. Don’t you ever, if I am not there to protect you, let any one take you in a shell, no matter how beautiful your legs are! • b • “Oliver, I went up to see the doc tor,” I said quickly. He turned round sharply in his chair. “There’s nothing wrong, surely! Why didn’t you tell me! What is it!” “No. there is nothing wrong. I went to see him to make sure of something before I told you. I didn’t want you to be disappointed.” He sprang up out of his chair. “It is not ” I nodded quickly. “Yes; he said I was right; it is true.” He stood quite still, his arms down by his sides. “O Margie!” he said at last. And the tea was like ink when we came to drink it. My little son, if you could have seen your father’s face and heard his voice as he said “Oh, Margie!” you would never hesitate to go to him with all your troubles, great and small. RETURNS FROM MAINE. Judge Seeligson Is About Fifteen Pounds Heavier and Has a Healthy Tan. Judge Arthur W. Seeligson of the Fifty-seventh district court, with his family, returned last night from a six weeks’ summer trip to Moosehead lake in Maine. The judge returns with about fifteen pounds additional weight, saying that he had no trouble accumu lating avordupois in the pine forests of the northernmost state. A healthy tan also evinces that the ozone up there must be at least as good as that served in San Antonio. “We had a most enjoyable time,” said Judge Seeligson. “The weather was fine all the time and we took all sorts of exploration trips into the wilds. My family enjoyed the trip fully as much as I did, and they arc enthused. But I guess that we are all glad to get back to San Antbnio, of which I heard much praise while in the north.” ROOSEVELT IS SELECTED. Associated Press. Mineola, N. Y., Sept. 21.—Theodore Roosevelt was selected to head the Nassau county delegation to the Re publican state convention and Con gressman Cocks end Robert Seaman, an close friends, elected delegates in the primaries yesterday. ENTERTAINS CLUB. Miss Annie Marshall entertained the B. G. club Sunday afternoon at her | home on Callaghan avenue in a most | charming manner. A very attractive ! program was rendered and an ice course ; was served during the evening. Those present were Mrs. Marshall, Misses Blanche Waddington, Lena Janke, Pau- I line Nelnis. Louise Nelms, Elma Fer gerson, Roanna Williams, Marie Goel, Cecile Kuppers, Gertie and Annie Mar shall. Misses Nelms will entertain the club Oct. 2. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Batholomae an nounce the engagement and approach ing marriage of their daughter, Freida Elizabeth, to Judge C. L. Gordon of Jasper. The wedding to take place in December. Jet for buttons is not quite as popu lar as last year. CONVINCING PROOF Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound What is the use of procrastinating in the face of such evidence as the following letters represent? If you are a sick woman or know one who is, what sensible reason have you for not giving Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound a trial ? For 30 years we have been publishing such testimonial letters as these —thousands of them —they are genuine and honest, too, every one of them. Mrs. S. J. Barber says: “IthinkLydiaF. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound is the best medi cine in the world for women—and I feel it my duty to let others know the good it has done for me. I Three years ago Nl had a tumor N which the doctor j said would have to be removed by an operation or I could not live more than a year, or two, at most. 1 wrote Mrs. Pink ham, at Lynn, Mass., for advice, and took 14 bottles of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and to day the tumor is gone and I am a perfectly well woman. I hope my testimonial will be of benefit to oth ers.”—Mrs. S. J. Barber, Scott, N. Y. Mrs. E. F. Hayes says: 1 11 'AUJ! 1 1 1 AL* took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. To-day I am a well woman, the tumor was expelled and my whole system strengthened. I advise all women who are afflicted with tumors or female troubles to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.” — Mrs. E. F. Hayes, 1890 Washington St., Boston, Mass. For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable ( Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to its credit. PMnLiK* Mrs. Pinkham Invites all sick women I HUv to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health free of charge. 1 Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynu, Mass. SEPTEMBER 21, 1910. Clementine—The formula for Aus-' trian bleach is as follows: One ounce of strained honey, one teaspoonful of fresh lemon juice, six drops of oil of bitter almonds, whites of two eggs and enough fine oatmeal to make a spread able paste. This is merely a neck bleach and must not be applied to the face. Theatrical skin food makes a splendid bust developer and cau also be used with good effect on thin anns. Jessie—This bandoline will make your hair temporarily curly, but if used constantly will cause the hair structure to deteriorate: Moisten the hair with this mixture and put on kid curlers at night. Ugliness—Don’t be discouraged. Yon can be as pretty as heart could desire if you wish. Try washing your oily hair every nine or ten days and once a day give it a sun bath. This will cause your locks to become elastic and fluffy. As you loug so for wavy tresses, why not begin putting your hair up on big kid curlers at night! These curlers will not break or split the hair and really pro duce an awfully pretty wave. Summer Resorter—The rough, scaly skin you complain of can easily be made soft and smooth. It only requires a little time and patience. In the first place, be particular to dry your face thoroughly after bathing it. Most wom en content themselves with a super ficial rub, but this is a great beauty error and causes the skin to grow red and rough. Always friction the face with a perfectly dry towel until every bit of moisture has disappeared. An other thing, if your skin is so delicate that the mildest soap proves irritating, use a beauty pad. They are not hard to make and are great beautifiers of the complexion, rapidly softening and whit ening the skin. Such a pad is made by making tiny cheesecloth bags about 4 by 4 and filling them half full with rolled oats. When ready to bathe the face, hold one of these beauty pads in the water until a milky substance be gins to ooze forth, then use it as you would an ordinary washcloth, occasion ally dipping pad in the hot water. You will always have ugly nails if you per sist in biting them. Why not try t< break yourself of this habit! If you will coat your nails with quinine I am positive you will be quickly cured oi this nibbling habit. KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES WORKING ON MUSICAL PROGRAM. The committee of the San Antonia Tent No. 46, Kights of the Maccabees, are working hard to make the publie entertainment, which takes place at Odd Fellows hall on the evening of tomor row, a sucoess. Word was received from Sir Knight J. B. Sawtell, state com mander, -that he will bo present on this occasion. Badges to several past com manders will be presented and musical and literary program will be rendered. OF THE VIRTUE OF Mrs. George May says: table Compound, and the pain soon disappeared. 1 continued its use and am now in perfect health. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has been a God-send to me as I believe I should have been in mv grave if it had not been for Mrs. Pinkham’s advice and Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.” —Mrs. George May, 86 4th Ave, Paterson, N.J. Mrs. W. K. Housh says: T n w a ka a n “I was under the doctor’s treat ment for a fibroid tumor. I suffered with pain, sore ness, bloating, and could not walk or stand on my feet any length of time. I wrote to Mrs. Pinkham for ad vice, followed her directions and Because your case is a difficult one. doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer with out giving Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg etable Compound a trial. It surely has cured many cases of female ills, such as inflammation, ulceration,dis placements. fibroid tumors, irregu larities,periodic pains, backache,etc. ™WOMAN BEAUTIFUL Tragacanth 3-4 ounce Rose water 1 pint Oil of almonds 1-2 dram S"No one knows Swhat I have suf afered from fe male troubles, neuralgia pains, and backache. My doctor said ii he could not give sme anything to cure it. Through the advice of a friend I began to use Lydia E. JPinkham's Vege- have been I completely cured I of a severe fe | male trouble by | Lydia E. Pink- I ham's Vegetable s Compound, and 1 want to recom- I mend it to all suf | fering women. ” S -Mrs. W. K. । Housh, 7 East. ■ view Ave., Cin Bcinnati, Ohio. puua is a