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The Escape from Worry Give us a winding road, a sky full of white floating clouds, a river and a bridge over which to rumble, a lake, blue and inviting, among green hills, an hour's run to dinner, and the sense of power and control at the wheel of a Rambler— M and we will have no thought of business cares. ■ With j tut. *\ ~x new I t there is added to the pleasure of touring the satisfaction of freedom from the worries of the road. The great economy and efficiency of this car is due to Q such exclusive Rambler features as the offset crank- phaft, straight-line .drive, new expanding clutch and w Rambler Spare Wheel. 0 Rambler Automobiles, $l,BOO to $2,500. S d ward Carriage T Y 213 to 217 St. Mary’s St., E $ San Antonio, Texas N S ’ G t Automobiles Tires and Tubes R ...... - Q * We Charge Pres-to-lite Tanks D G , C H . AGENTS FOR L T ' I • fDLVMBVS • ? ? T T * WOODWARD CARRIAGE CO. * K £j S BOTH PHONES 262 213*217 ST. MARY’S STREET S OLD COMPANY GETS BRIDGE FRANCHISE Travis County Commissioners Grant It Right to Cross New Bridge. Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., Sept. 21.—The commis sioners’ court of Travis county yester day afternoon granted the Austin Elec tric Railway company permission to use the tracks ’ across the new bridge to South Austin and as the matter stands two companies are enfranchised to eross the bridge. Both companies are apparently ready to carry out their plans, and while there is a possibility that both will put their lines into operation, it is more likely that some compromise will be effected whereby only one company will really PIMPLES “I tried all kinds of blood remedies which failed to do me any good, but 1 have found the right thing at last. My face was full of pimples and black-heads. After taking Cascareta they all left. I am continuing the use of them and recom mending them to my friends. I feel fine when I rise in the morning. Hope to have a chance to recommend Caacarets." Vied C. Witten, 76 Elm St., Newark, N.J. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe. 10c. 2Se. 50c. Never told in bulk. The genu ine tablet stamped CC C. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. *22 INSERT THE BLADE X THE WONDERFUL MACHINE DOE! THE BEST. Double edf'd Blades, per dee. . 3Se Single-edged Blade,, per dos 25c Mell order, promptly attended to if ac companied by price and return stamp, THE BIG CUTLERY STOKE. DAUL MUELLER 104 W. Commerce St. ** FEED HUMMEBT, 20* 204 W. Commerce St Wall Paper, Paiata, Glapa, A*> tiata’ Materials. Platores aad Pte tare Framing. Garden Stables BOARDING OF HORSES A SPECIALTY Night er Day—Best Service. —PHONES 212— WEDNESDAY, operate the line. The old company officials state that they will begin work within a very short time and will have the line in operation very soon. The dilatory tac itics adopted by the new company aud their extreme deliberation in availing themselves of their franchise rights caused the action to be taken and there is little doubt that, between the two, the South Austin line will soon be a reality. Special Dispatch. । Austin, Tex., Sept. 21.—F. C. Smith was awarded damages in the sum of $1750 for damages to his son. Elmer iSmith, from the Calcasieu Lumber com pany, in the district court yesterday. i Railroad Commissioner Colquitt leaves Saturday for Chicago to attend a meet [ing of the legislative committee of the railroad commissioners of the various states. < 1 It is reported that the local legisla- Itors* Messrs. Robertson ami* Schluter, will introduce a bill in the next legis llture for a state court building on the old temporary capitol grounds, to cost $250,000. A bill of similar import was introduced in the thirty-first session but died on the calendar. Yesterday was the last day allowed property owners to file their protests with the board of equalization. E. M. Scarbrough, the well known merchant, said that if his valuation were not .low ered, the taxes would amount to nearly fifty per cent of the revenue on his buildings. Republican Nominee in New Jersey Se cures Clause in Document. Associated Press. Trenton, N. J., Sept. 21.—After a decisive victory in the framing of the republican state platform, which will contain a specific declaration for rate making power, Vivian M. Lewis was nominated for governor on the first bal lot at the state convention late yester day afternoon. His nomination was expected, but his ability to force the making of a pro gressive platform was doubted until Lie friends won out in committee. The convention endorsed the tarriff and commended the Taft administra tion. as well as applauding ex-President Roosevelt. FUNERAL OF H. O. RAGSDALE IS HELD AT SAN MARCOS. ! Special Dispatch. v San Mateos, Tex.. Sept. M.—The funeral of Henry Clay Ragsdale, who died yesterday morning at the home of his parents, J. C. Ragsdale and wife, was held'today, the interment being in the city cepietery. Henry Ragsdale was born in 1889 and was reared in this ' vicinity. He was a member of the Mod ern Woodman, who had charge of the j funeral. His death resulted from com i plications following a spell of typhoid , fever. C." W. Maxwell and son have pur ’ chased a half interest in H. K. Shield’s I Concrete company. Young Maxwell win I take an active part in the business. AUSTIN LOCALS WINS PLATFORM FIGHT SAN ANTONIO LiGHT AND GAZETTb Will ARRANGE FOB CONVENTION Third State Meeting of Texas Builders' Exchanges Will Be Held In November. Arrangements for the twelfth annual convention of the Texas Association of Builders’ Exchanges, which is to be held in San Antonio the second week in November, will be made at a meet ing of the local builders’ exchange, which will be held tomorrow afternoon at 5:30 o’clock. This will be the third time the Texas Builders’ Exchange has held its convention in San Antonio and efforts will be made to give the dele gates a most roval time. *The officers of the state association are: James S. Skirving, San Antonio, president; Frank Hanson, Dallas, vice president; H. C. Opperman, GaUeston, secretary-treasurer; J. H. Dixon, Cle burne, sergeant-at-arms. The committdc on finance is composed of D. C. Aft- Cord. Dallas; Fred Hartel, Galveston; M. C. Osborn, Cleburne. On the mem bership committee are H. C. Oppermann, Galveston; Jacob Wagner, San Antonio, And Alex Watson, Dallas. The investigating committee is com posed of H. J. Emmins, Dallas; W. Illingsworth, Dallas; N. V. Dittlinger, New Braunfels; Francis Fischer, Aus tin; E. J. Zimmerman, Cleburne, and Frank Hanson, Dallas. , J. IL Wagner is president of the local exchange and John Sutcliffe is sec retary. LOCKHART SCHOOLS FULL Attendance Is Very Large at Beginning of Term. Special Dispatch. Lockhart, Tex., Sept. 21.—Prof. Mas sey, superintendent of city schools, re ports the attendance this term laryjr than ever before and in addition to the expected country scholars the number has practically reached the five hundred mark. This year the schools are again well supplied with instructors. The buildings are in excellent condition and grounds beautiful. A contract has been let for additional fire escapes and the material is on the ground. BIG CATTLE DEAL IS MADE AT FLORESVILLE Floresville, Tex.. Sept. 21. —-G. A. Monkhouse, a stockman of this place, has purchased from Wiley & Johnson 400 head of three year-old steers for a consideration approximating $BOOO. The steers are being received today at the Dewees ranch in this county, and will be removed to the Lbwis ranch in Atas cosa and McMullen counties. Foley’s Kidney Pills What They Will Do for Men and Women in Failing Health The kidneys are the strainers of the blood. Diseased kidneys fail to elim inate the poisonous waste matter as it passes through them, and it re-en ters the circulation, and .. psets the whole system. It is an insidious trou- ble, as the change is gradual at first, but if neglected, it is likely to make rapid progress. Headache, back. ache, specks be fore the eyes, irreg ular heart action, exhaustion, rheum atism and urinary irregularities are all signs of trouble that must not bo disregarded. Foley s Kidney, Pills strengthen thekidneys.and correct irregularities. They ar® healing and antiseptic, and as sist nature to restore your health. They will purify your blood, and restore lost vitality and vigor. - Commence taking them today, and you will feel better in a very short time. Foley’s Kidney Pills do not contain any harmful drugs and will cure kidney and bladder disorders that have refused to yield to other treatment, and if taken in time will prevent the development of Bright's Disease or Diabetes. You cannot b« well, feel well or look well if your kidneys are deranged. See that you get the genuine Foley’p Kidney Pills. SOLD AND RECO*’ , ” T MOED BY BEXAR DRUG CO [a HOME and An (One Mile from San Antonio) ■ w • ■ Mjb la 1 W An ,Acre I Lady Lake I Gardens ssSsgM Hl I g Will provide you with an income sufficient to cut down your living expenses; R i» sufficient to clothe the children and your children will have room enough for that healthy ■ H exercise so necessary to the growth and health of the child. n I Suburban Irrigated Farms I I Water Free Forever I H Act quickly. Don’t wait. You will be glad to pay twenty-five per cent more in a few B H months. Call at my office Sunday or week days and I will gladly show you over the property, g Ma{e Me that i @ Willyou E P See ALFRED C. JACKSON, Sales Manager || I J. A. CLOPTON. Realty - | Old Phone 615 New Phone 806 S HART TO BE OPPOSED IN AUSTIN ELECTION Police Commissioner May Not| Be Able to Come Back In City Fight. Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., Sept. 21.—1 n spite of the fact that the next city election is over six months distant, interest is al ready being manifested and considera ble quiet discussion is being heard. It is not likely that Mayor Wooldridge, if he stands for re-election, will have any terious opposition, but some of the com missioners will not fare so well in this respect. The police commissioner, J. M. Hart, is understood to be in line for some determined opposition and may be given a hard race. Some of the other commis sioners are rather expecting opponents and the personnel of the commission may be changed in one or more partic ulars. YOAKUM~*BRIEFS. Special Dispatch. > Yoakum, Tex., Sept. 21.—Wesley Cudd; an old-time Yoakum boy, who was recently badly hurt in Victoria by coming in contact with a live electric wire, came up Monday to visit the homefolks. He is slowly recovering. Work commenced this morning break ing dirt for the foundation for the new creamery building to be erected and oc cupied by a San Antonio company. For the stomach and bowel disorders of babies McGEE’S BABY ELIXIR is a remedy of genuine merit. It acts quickly, is pure, wholesome and pleas ant to take. Price 25c and 50 per bot tle. Sold by the Bexar Drug Co. ♦«-•> SUTHERLAND SPRINGS NEWS. Special Dispatch. w Sutherland Springs, Tex., Sept. 21.— The Commercial club which was to have met last night did not do so on account of a misunderstanding as to the date of the meeting. The Galveston, Harrisburg & San An tonio railroad has a work train and a large force of laborers at work building a dirt platform, near the new depot. An increased amount of freight busi ness is the cause of this improvement. <»» CHORAL SOCIETY REORGANIZES. Special Dispatch. Lockhart. Sept. 21. —The Lockhnrt Choral society reorganized last night with a good enrollment. Miss Ethel Lawrence was again elected director of the society. Yellow complexion, pimples and dis figuring blemishes on the face or body can be gotten rid of by doctoring the liver, which is torpid. lIERBINE is a powerful liver correctant. It purifies the svstem, stimulates the vital organs and puts the body in fine, vigorous con dition. Price 50e. Sold by the Bexar Drug Co. Does yonr house need beautifying! See Hcrweck, the paperhanger. Phone 516. 124 Garza street- - - -I—. POTTER SHALL BE DRY SAYS ATTORHEY GENERAL Reiterates Opinion In Face of Which Amarillo Saloon Men Were Given Licenses. Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., Sept. 21.—1 n an em phatic ruling issued last night, the at torney general's department holds that Potter county is still dry, because the election held on August 27 was not a [valid one. On Monday, however, County (Judge Jeter of Potter county granted a saloon permit to an applicant, regard less of the ruling that had previously [been made by the comptroller. The 'county clerk wasu’t fully satisfied about the legality of the permit and wired the attorney general for instruc tions. The attorney general replied in part as follows: 1 , “We have held that the commission ers' court had no right to order a new 'local option election while the contest lease was still pending in the appellate Icourt. and that the election recently held was invalid. If that holding was correct, you should issue no license. We see no reason to recede from the posi tion taken.” And so, until another election can be ordered and held, and the battle thresh (cd out all over again, Potter county will be as dry as ever. HURT IN RUNAWAY. Seguin Baby Unhurt While Parents Ar< Seriously Injured in Accident. Special Dispatch. Seguin, Tex., Sept. 21.—While Mr. and Mrs. Gus Zunker, with their little child, were driving up Austin street yesterday their horse became frightened at an automobile and ran away, throw ing the occupants out. Mr. and Mrs. Zunker both received internal injuries and were also consid erably bruised. Medical attention was at once given and the physicians state that they will recover unless further complications develop. The child was uninjured. BOND ISSUE CARRIED. Flatonia Votes $12,500 for New School Building. Special Dispatch. Flatonia. Tex.. Sept. 21—In the city election here today to issue $12,500 bonds for the erection of a new public school building, the bond issue carried 77 to 12. The contract for the build ing will be let and work is to begin in the near future. CLINGERMAN-dLARK. Special Dispatch. Karnes City. Tex., Sept. 21. —D. O. Clingerman, an attorney of this city, was married to Miss Stella Clark of Runge Monday. Miss Clark was a lead er in local society. Mr, Clingerman has been practicing law here for several ’ years. They were married in San An . tonio, and left for Mexico on a wedding tripu MH CONCERT IS L LARGELY ATTENDED f Opening Day at Baptist Acade my Is Closed With Music and Recitations. Special Dispatch. San Martos, Tex., Sept. 21.—The an nual faculty concert of the schools and expression of the Baptist academy was given yesterday evening in the academy auditorium to an audience of pupils and town people. The concert closed the formal opening day. Among those participating were Prof. B. "M. Sims, director of music; Prof. A. 8. Hiester, director of the band and the orchestra, and Miss Gertrude Gante voort, recently returned from her studies at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. The academy band and the orchestra assisted in the copcert. . ~ TOURS COAST COUNTRY. Special Dispatch. Victoria. Tex., Sept. 21.—Leon Lucke is on a tour of the coast country in the interest of his developmeiit work and spent yesterday in this city, the guest of C. S. E. Holland. Mr. Lucke will deliver an address along the coast in the principal towns and cities between New Orleans and Brownsville. He will continue his work until the convention of the league is held in Beaumont in October. RAIN AT VICTORIA. Special Dispatch. Victoria, Tex., Sept. 21. —A heavy rain and thunderstorm visited Vic toria this morning, the rain continuing the greater part of the day. The'down pour of rain was (heavy. Aok your doctor. U ILb Your V system needs toning 1 There is hardly any one who does not need a yA got*!, invigorating tonic now and then—not only to W get back to strength and vigorous health, but to preserve |H I the life of the vitality we have. A # Pabst Extract > K[ is nature's best gift to mankind. Being composed of the body huildingpropertiesofrich.barleymaltandthegreattonwg qualities of choicest hops, it furnishes the veryelements WHK needed to insure health. It is a perfect predigested food in liquid form, easily assimilated and .A. ‘"lm rapidly transformed into strong tissues and rich » red hlood. baited State.Gorpraavat .txcifiealb daadiM W 7 _i PaWExttacta*aa.rtid.«f aedioM— _ . '_ yf J •• al.A»lit Order a dozen Mtlu from ■ WBk your kcal drugget. . /«»» a/on A long Pakot. SEPTEMBER 21, li»10. CANDIDATES HOE SUNE ) VIEWS EXCEPT ON LIQUOR - Terrell Says Staie-wide Prohi bition Is Farce and Houston Declares It Main Issue. Special Dispatch. •' Paris, Tex., Sept. 21. —In a joint de ' [bate here last night, A. J. Houston, pro ’. hibition candidate for governor, declar s ed prohibition the paramount issue and 11 J. O. Terrell, republican nominee, as tserted that it was a mere incident and • I that state-wide prohibition is a farce. The candidates discovered that they * l held similar views on all :übjects but ’ i this. r Terrell declared he favored local ’ option and wanted laws that would pro -8 mote manufacturing enterprises. While he advocated a protective tariff and again referred with sarcasm to demo cratic doctrines, his position on nearly all questions discussed is much like that i of the democratic candidate. j | Houston drew a picture of the evils 1 of the liquor traffic and declared for J state-wide prohobition. declaring that 3 prohibition is the all-important question I in Texas. I s NEW BANK BUILDING. « 11 i Special Dispatch. ’ Del Rio. Tex., Sept. 21.—The founda tion for the new Del Rio National bank building, on Main street, was laid this morning. This is to be a two-story stone building and very. expensively fitted. San Antonio parties have the r contract for the work. H. H. Haley, proprietor of the Dixie ’ theater, sold it last week to Mr. Shultze -1 of Austin. This theater was founded I by A. D. Baker of San Antonio.