EMa,ny Chances For Wonderful Savings In the
th End Sade q/ Floor Coverings and Draperies
W E ave f° r mont^s been securing from the best man- I E VERY woman interested in a home already founded or in one pros
* * ufacturers in all the foreign markets and in this pective, is invited and should see this grand array
• country —especially for this great W. &. M. event —an of the worlds richest, rarest and most artistie product
assemblage of thefinest, most practical, useful and deco- ions for that greatest of American institutions —The *
jyS rative home necessities and luxuries. These we have Home. Domestic economists will find keen interest t
oim secured in large quantities, under most favorable condit- in the many savings effected in all the lines from the
ions, at prices enabling us to present in this sale special smallest to the most important items. It will be to E»|j| j
om values of great attractiveness. the interest of every woman to attend this sale. 5 SBjL Ka
GUAR - ANTEED ECONOMIES g Worth While Saving, Size Means Much
In the Sale of Axminster and Tapestry Rugs
We Offer an Unprecedented Variety of New Patterns
a.t Much Less than the Regular Low W. a M. Prices
The savings average more than twenty per cent throughout the sale. The basis for comparison is afforded by
the regular prices at which we sell the same goods throughout the rest of the year.
Notably is the great variety of new patterns in both classes of rugs—especially selected by us and frequently
exclusive with W. & M.
Among the rugs newly shown you will find tomorrow over a score of patterns and colorings especially suitable
for living rooms and drawing rooms. These are in shades of rich browns, blues, greens, grays and reds with de
lightful combinations at a wide range of prices at which the following gives some idea :
Regular $25.00 Axminster Rugs gxi2-foot size in the month end sale reduced to $19.85
Regular $27.50 Axminster Rugs gxi2-foot size, in the month end sale reduced to $22.50
Regular $30.00 Axminster Rugs gxi2-foot size, in the month end sale reduced to $24.50
Regular sig.sO Velvet Rugs gxi2-foot size, in the mond end sale reduced to $15.75
Regular $16.50 Tapestry Rugs gxi2-foot size, in the month end sale reduced to si3.gs
Regular $20.00 Tapestry Rugs gxi2-foot size, in the month end sale reduced to $16.75
Remarkably Low Prices on
Rag Kugs
A clean-up of old Homestead Rag Rugs, marked down an average of
twenty-five per cent for a quick sale. If the general public knew these rugs
as we do there would not be one rug left by tomorrow night.
$1.25 Old Homestead Rugs 24x36 inches in the month end sale for 85c
$1.75 Old Homestead Rugs 30x60 inches, in the month end sale for $1.25
$2.50 Old Homestead Rugs 36x72 inches, in the month end sale for $1.75
$4.00 Old Homestead Rugs 48x84 inches, in the month end sale for s2.gs
$7.50 Old Homestead Rugs 6xg feet, in the month end sale for $5.00
$14.50 Old Homestead Rugs gxi2 feet, in the month end sale for $11.50
Save on Couch Covers
Bagdad and oriental figured Tapestry and figured
Monks Cloth Couch Covers at savings that average
one-third, all of them are 50 inches wide and 3 yards
long. These few instances tell of the many savings you
will find when you come tomorrow.
$1.75 Bagdad and Oriental Couch Covers, now $1.25
$2.50 Bagdad and Oriental Couch Covers, now $1.75
$3.50 Bagdad and Oriental Couch Covers, now $2.50
$4.75 Tapestry Couch Covers. Special $3.50
$6.50 Figured Monks Cloth Couch Covers, now $4.75
After-Supper Sale No. 138
Next Saturday Night
From 7 to 10 o’Clock
Not only to own a handsomely bound
Bible, as most people do, but to study
i; as well.
That sentiment, as expressed last
night by Rev. J. D. Young, sets forth
ihe object of the series of neighbor
hood rallies being held under the aus
pices of the Laymen’s Federation. The
first one was held last night at the
Central Christian church and the second
will be held tonight at the West End
Methodist church. The principal speak
ers of the evening will be C. C. Todd,
H. A. Hoisington and J. M. Allardyce.
The co-operation of all church goers in
that district has been promised, and an
interesting meeting is anticipated.
The federation was much encouraged
by the enthusiastic service held last
night at the Central Christian church,
and by the registration for Bible study
already received. C. C. Todd, chairman
of the federation, presided at the ser
vice. Special music was rendered by
Satisfaction Guaranteed
We °ff® r dental tuperior to any in
the city at half price. 22kt. gold crowns,
$4.00; silver fillings. 50c; gold fillings.
M■ ■ 11"11 LU I pistil. $3.00. $5.00, $7.50.
National Painless Dentists
T J / J j 314 4 West Commerce St
Over Four Seasons Restaurant
the Central Christian church choir. Dr.
J. C. Cassity led the Scripture reading,
and Rev. Hugh McLellan, pastor of the
church, offered prayer.
C. C. Todd briefly outlined the Bible
campaign which is being carried on. H.
A. Hoisington spoke of the plans which
had been outlined for the work and
commended its value. Dr. M. J. Bliem
i spoke on the need for evangelistic ser
j vices and the importance of Bible
j study.
Rev. J. D. Young, pastor of the
I Laurel Heights Methodist church, de-
I dared that the handsomely bound
। Bibles to be found in every home
j should be used.
Do you own mixing, pay for poison
only, “Rough on Rats,’’ a powder,
then yon get results, for Roaches, Ants,
Mice, Rats, etc. 15c, 25c. 75c. See direc
tions how to use in outbuildings.
Low Priced Portieres
In Bagdad and Roman striped, plain and brocaded
rep Portiers we have many beautiful patterns to select
$3.00 Roman and Bagdad striped Portiers. 45 inches wide,
3 yards long $2.35
$3.50 Roman and Bagdad striped Portiers. 50 inches wide,
3 yards long, $2.85
$5.00 Plain rep Portiers, with tapestry borders, 50 inches
wide. 3 yards long. $3.75
$5.75 Brocaded rep Portiers, with tapestry border, 50
inches wide, 3 yards long, $4.50
Said Donald Stubbs Accident
ally Shot Himself In Cleve
land Office.
Special Dispatch.
Ashland, 0., Sept. 28.—John C.
Stubbs, traffic director of the Harri "
man lines, arrived here today with thej
body of his only son, Donald P. Stubbs, j
who died in Cleveland, 0.. from a bul |
let wound. Pneumonia, which followed,
the shooting, was the direct cause of I
death, which occurred at Lakeside, j
Cleveland. The interment is to be made j
in this city, the birth place of the elder'
Stubbs. The young widow is prostrated I
over the death of her husband.
Stubbs insisted in his rational mo-;
ments that the shooting was accidental.।
Last Saturday he reeled from his office I
and called out to an elevator boy:
“I need help, I've shot myself.’’ I
For Brain Fag
Take Horsford’s Acid Phosphate
Relieves tired nerves, brain fag and head- j
ache following mental strain, overwork or J
A. Collman, plumber. 416 Main Ave.!
Linoleum at Special Prices
These Linoleums are all new, perfect, from the best foreign and Ameri
can factories. Whatever your requirements in Linoleum, you may gratify
it and your economic sense here.
60c Printed Linoleums, in the month end sale a square yard for 50c
65c Printed Linoleums, in the month end sale a square yard for 55c , r
70c Printed Linoleums, in the month end sale a square yard for 60c
75c Printed Linoleums, in the month end sale a square yard for 65c
80c Printed Linoleums, in the month end sale a square yard for 70c
goc Printed Linoleums, in the month end sale a square yard for 80c
$1.65 Inlaid Linoleums, in the month end sale a square yard for $1.35
$1.75 Inlaid Linoleums. -in the month end sale a square yard for $1.45
Chenile Rope Portieres
There is much good fortune in store if you need tljem
at this particular time. There are twelve different pat
terns and colors to make selections from, all of them arc
full eight feet long. The $5.75 and $6.50 qualities have
tapestry bands.
$5.00 Chenile Rope Portiers are now marked $3.75
$6.00 Chenile Rope Portiers are now marked $4.75
$7.50 Chenile Rope Portiers are now marked $5.75
$B.OO Chenile Rope Portiers are now marked $6.50
Opens $1,000,000 Dairy Farm
at Lexington—Horses are
Shipped Away.
Lexington, Ky., Sept. 28. —The mil
lion dollar dairy farm of James B.
Haggin, multi-millionaire horseman
and miner, was formally opened today
at Elmendorff farm, near this city. The
entry of the dairy business at the Hag
gin farm marks the passing of his
great horses, as the master of Elmen
dorff will in the future supply pure
food to *the babies of this section of
Kill Off Cockroaches
Easy Way to Get Rid ol These
Repulsive Bugs.
Nearly every home has the cockroach, and
unless exterminated he increases at a rapid rate.
A t the first sign of a roach, put Stearns’ Electric
Rat and Roach Paste in the sinks and on the
shelves at night, and in the morning you can
sweep up a panful of dead cockroaches.
Stearns' Electric paste is also guaranteed to
kill of! rats, mice or other vermin, driving them
out of the bouse to die.
Stearns’ Electric Paste is sold by druggists or
sent erpreaa prepaid on receipt of price. 3 oz. box
25c. 16 oz. box 41.00.
Stearns' Electric Paste Co.. Chicago, 111.
Lace Curtains at Unusual Savings Tomorrow
You Could Buy the Curtains for Every Room
In the House and Save on Each Pair
Not one pair of curtains in these lots was "made to a price.'’ or made for sale purposes. It is exactly the same
superior merchandise that we sell throughout the entire year at the prices its real worth deserves.
Look around your home and see what you need in curtains. Then come to W. & M. and buy—with savings of
course-—but with the assurance of something better than the saving and that is the guarantee of first quality.
75c Nottingham Curtains, 3 yards long. 40 inches wide, in the month end sale reduced to 55c
85c Nottingham Curtains, 3 yards long. 42 inches wide, in the month end sale reduced to 65c
$l.OO Nottingham Curtains, 3 yards long, 45 inches wide, in the month end sale reduced to 75c
$1.25 Nottingham Curtains, 3 yards long, 45 inches wide, in the month end sale reduced to gsc
We have a number of patterns that can be used a single curtain to a window, none of them are less than 50
inches wide. We make these interesting reductions because the lots are too small to be taken into our regular stock.
85c Lace Curtains in the month end sale for 65c $1.25 Lace Curtains in the month end sale for gsc
$l.OO Lace Curtains in the month end sale for 75c $2.00 Lace Curtains in the month end sale for $1.40
Kentucky rather than race his horses
on the American turf.
Many of his horses have been ship
ped to Buenos Ayres, South America,
to his ranch there. The state medical
officers have been invited to attend a
banquet at Elmendorff tonight.
When the bowels feel uncomfortable
and you miss the exhilarating feeling
that always follows a copious morning
operation, a dose of HERBINE will set
yo; right in a couple of hours. If taken
at bedtime you get its beneficial effect
after breakfast next day. Price 50c.
Sold by the Bexar Drug Co.
Congressman John N. Garner of the'
fifteenth district, after a rest of a few
lays in the city, left last night for i
Seguin, where he is today conferring
vith State Senator Weinert and Jos. I
1. Dibrell, former state senator, both!
f whom are assisting Mr. Garner in his
ampaign for re-election against Noah'
Allen, republican. Efforts are to be;
nade by Mr. Garner to swing Guada-<
upe county into the democratic col
Mr. Garner intends to speak at all'
important points in his district and,
will go into Mr. Allen's home county,
Cameron, and make several speeches. |
Unusual Values in China
Attractive economics for the thrifty housewife in white and fancy China
Mattings—just at the time when the home must be brightened up for the
fall and winter. They arc all fresh new goods—our own importations.
’S from! 11 mi « n— wm
15b' White and Fancy China Matting, in the month end sale a yard i2%c
20c White and Fancy China Matting, in the month end sale a yard 16c
25c White and Fancy China Matting, in the month end sale a yard ige
30c White and Fancy China Matting, in the month end sale a yard 24c
35c White and Fancy China Matting, in the month end sale a yard 28c
40c White and Fancy China Matting, in the month end sale a yard 31c
Y. M. C .A. Holds Open House For
Students and Young Business
The formal opening of the boys’
room at the Y. M. C. A. was held yes
terday afternoon from 3 to 6:30 o'clock
for the high school and the business
college boys and from 7 to 9:30 o’clock
the young business men met in the
boys’ room. The time was passed in
games and social amusements and light
refreshments were served.
Tiie opening for the juniors will be
held this afternoon from 4 to 6 o’clock,
when all boys from 12 to 15 are invited
to attend. Tomorrow afternoon tlio
boys of Garden academy will be enter
tain from 4 to 6 o’clock. G. S. Ches
sum is in charge of this work and has
prepared many interesting features for
the entertainment of the boys ox’ the
Schober Beer
THE Beer sold on its merit's. No* in any com
bine. On draught or in bottles.
Schober Ice 4 Brewing Co.
Old Phone 1758 New Phone 1565
8.00 Band Portieres 6.50
Wc are showing a novelty in Band Portiers for
double doors. They are made of stamped velour in
red, green and brown and variously different patterns.
The price of these portiers does not give a proper idea
of their worth. To introduce them and for a quick sale
we have priced them at much less than our usual
profit, $6.50 instead of $B.OO.
A complete line of silk and cotton Por
tier loops to match all Portiers.
After-Supper Sale No. 138
Next Saturday Night
From 7 to 10 o’Clock
I city who wish to enjoy the privilege*
of the association during the coming
The boys’ room has been recently
overhauled and many improvements
made. Linoleum, rugs and art squares
have been laid in the games room and
the reception room and office. Th<
rooms have been furnished with leather
upholstered mission chairs, and screens
and pictures have been added to the
furnishings of the rooms, which liavo
been deeorated with a post card friMOx
An Awful Eruption
of a volcano excites brief interest, and
your interest in skin eruptions will be
as short, if you use Bucklin's Arniea
Salve, their quickest cure. Even the
worst boils, ulcers or fever sores are
soon healed by it. Best for Burns. Cuts,
Bruises, Sore Lips. Chapped Hands,
Chilblains and Piles. It gives instant
relief. 25c at the Bexar Drug Co.