WEDNESDAY A IS M a m The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been tn use for over 80 years, has \orne the signature of „/} --r and has been made under his t sonal supervision since its infancy* Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good’’ are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ▼Mr -e»’*wa»SV. FT OBUMKAY ST»«T. RgY VCRR CrTT. BARBER FINED FOR WORKING ON SUNDAY After being out for 30 minutes yes terday a jury in Justice Umseheid’s eourt found a verdict of guilty against J. N. Cole for violation of the Sunday law by working in a barber shop on Sunday, July 17, this year. A penalty of $lO and costs was assessed, but the defendant's counsel took an appeal to the countv court. Three witnesses, E. E. Burns, S. E. Born and E. M. Day, testified that they went to the barber sharp on Sunday, the day mentioned, and were shaved. They were sure that it was a Sunday, E. M. Socket IfcuMety! I AT SODA FOUNTAINS OR ELSEWHERE ‘ Get the < Original HORLICK’S MALTED MILK au TheFoodDrinkforAllAges i MCH MIX, WALT MAIN EXTRACT, IN POWDER Not in any Milk Trust HflnsUt on “HORLICK’S" Take a«ck*Ae homa Morales Transfer Co. Hauling and Storage PLACING 3APRS A SPECIALTY Warehouse S. A. P. Track. Old Phone 1584. New Phone 2149. Furnish Your House OX EASY PAYMENTS. Hendricks 4 Fenstermaker FarnUure & House Furnishers SELLS FOB LESS. US and lie Main Avenna. LADIES GARMENTS - MENS SUITS DYEINgQa CLEANING CO., H 3 Ave C - both: phones • 0 Thia enables many to take a Business coarse who cop Id not possibly attend by day. Gome of our most successful grad nates now holding responsible positions began by attending at night while other wise employed during the day. Draughon’s bX College Alamo Plaza and Crockett St. fl ALAMO CITY COMMERCIAL and BUSINESS COLLEGE OPENS Monday evening. September 5. The customary one month discount allowed all atu dints taking a full night term scholarship. Not three, hut four evenings earh week. Spe cial training in commercial, stenographic, penmsn’hip. and English branches, SCHOOL special September term just opening glim ft DOWJTEY, Proprietora, How Located Kunkel Building. After September, 905, 397, 309 East Houston Street. Day making the statement that he had gone there to get evidence in behalf oi the barbers’ union. The defense bad Dr. Barnitz to testify that daily shar ing was a necessity for some men, an! W. C. Bruce, manager of the Menge l- , I stated that some of his guests would not enter the dining room unless theg were shaved. The case was submitted without ar gument. County Attorney Tom J. New ton and Will A. Morriss, counsel for the barbers’ union, appeared in behalf of the state, while J. F. Onion and W. N. Camp represented the defendant. Tn every home where there are chil dren there should be a bottle of WHITE’S CBEAM VERMIFUGE. It destroys worms and acts as a tonic in the debilitated system. Price 25c per ' bottle. Sold by the Bexar Drug Co. JESSIE MORRISON PAROLEL Governor of Kansas Gives Woman Who Killed Mrs. Olin Castle Chance. i Associated Press. I Topeka, Kans., Sept. 28.—Miss Jessie Morrison, who has been serving a 23- iyear prison Sentence for killing Mrs. Jbl in Castle at Eldorado, Kans., on June ill. 1900. was paroled yesterday by Gov ernor Stubbs. ! Miss Morrison and Miss Clara Wiley ihad both received attentions from Olin [Castle and a jealous rivalry grew up I between them. Castle married Clara Wi ley. i On June 11, 1900, neighbors heard a ifight going on in the Castle cottage. Miss Morrison was found holding a ra zor and standing over her rival, whose throat was cut. Miss .Morrison said she fought in self-defense. Mrs. Castle made la dying statement declaring Miss Mos •rison attacked her. i At the first trial the jury disagreed, at the second trial Miss Morrison was [convicted and sentenced to five years [imprisonment and at the third trial she was again convicted and given a twen rtv-five vear sentence. The Army of Constipation I* Growing Smaller Every Day. CARTER’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are |\ they permanently McCarter - ? cure Mil ■ IV ER I too. we | Fl LLS them lor mIMhB Bilieos- .==> •ess, ladigastias, Sick Headacht, Sallow Ska. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PUCE Genuine muuu« Signature BARGAINS! Closing ent at cost Entire stock of Bungle, and Wagons. BOND-GEORGE HOWE. CO. Military Plaza SAN ANTONIO FURNITURE CO. Wo Rent, Roll and Exchange Puxnltare. 117 Main In to 110 W. Florea Old P%ono 1797. Naw Phone 3798 SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE IMPROVEMENTS . ARE PLANNED IN BURNED DISTRICT Estimated $lOO,OOO Will Be Spent In Rebuilding In Warehouse Part of City. A NEW FACTORY PLANNED Said That R. M. Hughes & Co. of Louisville Will Build a Vinegar Plant. One hundred thousand dollars is a conservative estimate of the value of buildings which have been planned hnd are contemplated for San Antonio's warehouse district on South Medina street, which was recently swept by fire. All the buildings, which are to take the place of the old wooden structures which were destroyed, are to be of brick and concrete and are to be modern in every way, and actual work of construction on a number of them is to he under way by Oct. 20. Plans in many instances have been drawn and accepted and contracts for the work of erecting the buildings are to be let short ly. Not only warehouses will be erected, but factories are to be built. Two vine gar factories have been one to be erected by R. M. Hughes S Co. of Louisville, Ky.. and Jhe other by the Price-Booker Manufacturing com pany of San Antonio. The plant of the Hughes company is to be located on a lot 365 feet long, ex tending from Medina to Frio streets. This factory will be buift of reinforced concrete and is to be the largest of its kind in Texas. San Antonio is regarded as being the best vinegar market in the southwest, from here shipments being made to points in "lexico, Okla homa and Arkansas. Mr. Hughes is ex pected to arrive in San Antonio next week to take up the work of having plans prepared for his factory. The Hughes company is recognized as one of the largest vinegar manufacturing con cerns in Kentucky. The cost of the im provement is to be $5300. All of these improvements have been planned on the agreement made by the city and the water company that a 12- inch water main is to be laid on Medina street, giving adequate water supply to the district in case of fire. At the time of the recent fire the water main was so small that the supply of water to stop the blaze un |BMMFcks had been burned over, "x is also expected to macada mize Medina street. The Price-Booker Manufacturing company’s vinegar factory is to be erected in the rear of their present pickle factory, 621 San Luis street. The material used will be brick and the cost will be about $15,000. The business of the Price-Booker company has grown so large that it is necessary that it have a vinegar factory of its own. Two Large Warehouses. Pruitt and Lamb, commission and produce merchants, are to erect the largest brick warehouse in San Antonio, and Mr. Pruitt will also erect a large warehouse and brick material is to be used. Each warehouse will cost at least $15,000. The Pruitt and Lamb buildings will have dimensions of 112 feet on Medina street and 150 feet on San Luis street. It will have a basement through out the length and width of the build ing and in the southern end will be installed an up-to-date and complete refrigerating plant, this alone to cost a snug sum of money. The Pruitt warehouse will stand 125 feet on Medina street and 140 feet on San Fernando street. Plans for both buildings have been prepared and work is to begin not later than Oct. 20. Pruitt and Lamb on a lot purchased from Dalkowitz Bros, yesterday, front ing 120 feet on South Frio street and extending 165 feet to San Luis street, will erect a large barn for the accom modation of their stock and where will be housed their many wagons used in delivering produce. The barn will be built of galvanized iron. The price paid for the property is being withheld, but Mr. Lamb admits that it was twice the sum for which the property was offered for sale a year ago. Work on the barn is to begin within the next ten days. The John Deere Plow company is also to erect a warehouse and has been granted a permit from the city. The location is on the south side of San Luis street in the warehouse district. BALDWIN, WITH ONE HAND, FIGHTS DRAW. Spe-ial Dispatch. Boston, Mass., Sept. M.—Matty Bald win, of this eity, fought with one hand against Battling Hurley of New Jer sey in the main bout of twelve rounds at the Armory Athletic club tonight. Matty went the contest with a bad left hand andthen hurt it again in the second round so that it was useless all through the contest. The bout vas a draw. CHICAGO PLAYEPSS WILL BARNSTORM. Special Diapatch. Chicago, BL, Sept. 28. —Under the leadership of. Mordecai Brown, a num ber of the Cub players plan to play the role of barnstormers after the world’s title series, the doughty Mor decai having arranged tentative dates for the tour. According to the present plan, the team will open in Cnicago October 28, against the Felix Colts and will meet a number of other semi-pro fessional aggregations before again in vading the prairie regions. Says Criminals Cant Beat Finger Print Method Associated Tres,. Chicago. 111., Sept. 28. —Capt. Mi chael P. Evans, in charge of the. bu reau of identification, testified yester day at the coroner’s inquisition into the murder of Clarence D. Hiller, chief clerk in the Rock Island railroad of fice, that the finger print method of identifying criminals is infallible and that Thomas Jennings, a negro held by the police, is the burglar who shot the railroad man after a struggle in his home. On the testimony of Captain Evans and Mrs. Caroline Fellows, who identified Jennings the second time as the burglar at whom she fired two shots three weeks ago when she discovered him in her room, Jennings was held to the grand jury on a charge of murder. CAIL BANKERS’ TRAIN “CROESUS SPECIAL" Associated Press. • Chicago, 111., Sept. 28. —In the costly special train which leaves Chicago to day bound for the annual convention at Los Angeles of the American Bank ers’ association, are 167 bankers repre senting a combined capital so huge that the train already has won the ap pellation of “Croesus Special.” On board with a group of eastern bankers are a number of “neighboring state” financiers, who have come to Chicago for the express purpose of taking the special and a\>arty of local representa tives. Of the 165 more than fifty are presidents. Two special “de luxe” trains left Chicago yesterday for Los Angeles. CHINESE PRINCE ' OUTSHINES SULTAN Washington, Sept. 28. —The Sultan of Sulu played second fiddle to Prince Tsai Hsun of China, who yesterday was among the capital’s distinguished guests. But while the latter was being received by the president and members of the cabinet, the sujtan was content to enjoy himself under tne guidance of Col. Hugh Scott, U. 8. A., and to bide his time until he meets President Taft (tomorrow. The Sultan visits the Wash lington monument, took a street car [ride, it being his special desire to ride [on a ‘‘.street train.” and visited many [public buildings. The Sultan said be preferred tire street cars to automobiles. LONG ACQUAINTANCE. —will you give this note to Miss May de Sylphington, the—aw— pretty little blonde creature with the violet eyes, don’t you know, who dances in the ballet?” “That’ll be all right, guv-ner. 1 ought to know her; I’m her sbn.” Foley’s Kidney Pills WTiat They Will Do for Men and Women in Failing Health The kidneys are the strainers of the blood. Diseased kidneys fail to elim. k inate the poisonous waste matter as it passes through them, and it re-en ters the circulation, and upsets the whole system. It is an insidious trou- ble, as the change is gradual at first, but if neglected, it is likely to make rapid progress. Headache, back ache, “specks” be fore the eyes, irreg ular heart action, exhaustion, rheum atism and urinary irregularities are all signs of trouble that must not be disregarded. Foley’s Kidney Pills strengthen thekidneys.and correct irregularities. They are healing and antiseptic, and as sist nature to restore your health. They will purify your blood, and restore lost vitality and vigor. Commence taking them today, and you will feel better in a very short time. Foley’s Kidney Pills do not contain any harmful drugs and will cure kidney and bladder disorders that have refused to yield to other treatment, and if taken in time will prevent the development of Bright’s Disease or Diabetes. You cannot b< well, feel well er look well if your kidneys are deranged. See that you get the genuine Foley'? Kidney Pills. SOLD AND RECO''" r hJOEO BY BEXAR DRUG CO DO NOT WANT BOYS TO ATTEND MEETING Only Leaders of Boy Scouts Who Expect to*Take Active Part Will Be There. The meeting which is called for next Monday night at 8 o’clock at the Y. M. C. A. building by G. S. Chessum, director of the boys’ department, is for the leaders of the boy scouts, and not for boys, as was erroneously stated by the morning press. This is in the na ture of a conference for those who ex pect to take an active interest in the movement, and not for the bdys them selves. Mr. Chessum states positively that boys will not be admitted to the meeting', as no plans have been made to take care of them. Mr. Chessum will present the differ ent features of the boy scouts work, from the handbook of woodcraft, scout ing and life craft prepared by Ernest Thompson Seton, in which is incorpor ated Gen. Sir Robert Baden-Powell’s “Scouting For Boys.” HAMMERSTEIN TO IE Il EIGUSHNM Special Dispatch. London, Sept. 28. —Oscar Hammer stein is to become an English manager and make his home in London. He ad mitted today upon his arrival here that his intention is to remain. It is likely that he will make his residence in the fashionable Grosvenor square district. In addition to making his home here. Mr. Hammerstein is to build a grand opera house. He will superintend the actual construction of a house to cost a million and a half dollars on the King's Way site. The property to be taken over formally in a few days and the ground for the new building is to be broken in a few weeks. The house will be rushed to comple tion as rapidly as possible. That he may be on the spot constantly during the course of its erection it is the wish of the man who has built so many the atres in New York. He expects t>. make his bow to a London audience early next autumn. FOLLOWERS OF ZELAYA FIGHT FATAL DUEL Special Dispatch. San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 28. —The steamer Saa Juan, which arrived in this port frbm Costa Rica, brings news of a fatal battle which was fought on September 10, between General Toledo and General Vascos, followers of for mer President Zelaya. These men ex changed shots at 20 paces and both fell at the first shot, mortally wound ed. General Vascos died within a few minutes. General Toledo, with a jag ged hole in his side, was removed to a hospital, where no hope is held out for his recovery. Generals Toledo and Vascos were members of the party of prominent military officers and civilians who re cently fled from Managua, the Nica raguan capital, after Madriz, the pres ident, and taking steamer at Corinio, proceeded to Atnapala, Honduras, to es cape the revenge of the army of Es trada. Discouraged and desperate, General Vascos quarreled with General Toledo, finally accusing him of treason and treachery in losing the last battle for the government. General Toledo, furi ous over the accusation, started to make a personal assault upon Vascos, but was restrained by friends of both men. He insisted, however, upon re senting the insult with the result that a duel was arranged to be fought out at San Jose. “Cap' Lockwood is Some Fisherman Associated Press. Long Branch, N. J., Sept. 28.—Ont of the biggest catches of the fishing season here is credited to Capt. Hiram Lockwood and the little crew of his fishing smack “Dinah.” The boat yes terday brought in four fish which tip ped the scales at an average of 1000 pounds each. The catch included three sharks and a horse mackerel. OLD NEWSPAPER MAN DIES FROM A FALL. Associated Press. Syracuse. N. Y. t Sept. 28.—Charles K. Wright, a one-time newspaper man, widely known throughout the country, is dead at his home as the result of a fall sustained six weeks ago. Mr. Wright in 1872 was made sport ing editor of the Syracuse Courier and was the first sporting editor ever em ployed by any newspaper in the United States. He went into politics a few years later, retiring from his political connections in .1882 to become chief of police, an office which he held for twenty years. He retired in 1905. Saved a Soldier's Life. Facing death from shot and shell in ♦he civil war was more agreeable to J. A. Stone, of Kemp, Tex., than facing it from what doctors said was consump tion. “I contracted a stubborn cold,” he writes, “that developed a cough that I stuck to me in spite of all remedies for years. My weight ran down to 130 [pounds. Then I began to use Dr. King’s i New Discovery, which completely cured me. 1 now weigh 178 pounds.” For Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Asthma, Hem orrhage, Hoarseness, Croup, Whooping Cough and lung trouble, it’s supreme. 150 c, $l.OO. Trial bottle free. Guaran teed by the Bexar Drug Co. Haiiandale STREET CAR— Pardon us for repeating part of a recent advertisement in again calling atten tion to the fact that the Harlandale electric car line will be in regular operation by next Sunday and that this means positively hundreds of people visiting Harlaqdale out of curiosity, most of whom are sure to buy Harlandale lots when they see for themselves the location, enor mous amount of improvement work under way and the many other advantages that make Har landale by far the finest addition in or near San Antonio. Then note the prices and terms. It will pay you to select Harlandale lots now before the street cars start running on their regu lar 15-minute schedule —no cTiange of cars— through line—Harlandale to Alamo Plaza—sc fare. « |_et Us Show You Harlandale Today Lots $lOO and Up SiZ Cash Buys a Lot || Monthly Pays For It * No Interest, NoTaxes H. J. BENSON Grand Opera House Bldg. II New Phone 2476 Crockett Street Side Old Phone 2476 SUES RAILROAD AS YET UNBUILT Suit asking for the appointment of a receiver for the Texas Southern rail way was filed in the Thirty-seventh district court yesterday by J. L. Wen ber, a civil engineer of San Antonio, who says that he was employed to sur vey and run lines and that he and his crew of men have a sum of $939.65 coming to them while the road is in solvent. Judge Dwyer set the hearing for Saturday morning, October 1. Plaintiff claims that on August 25, 1910, he was authorized to survey a revte between Pleasanton and Poteet, in Atascosa county, the Texas Southern then being in a formative condition, continued until September S, when the charter of the company was issued. However, he claims that the stock has not been paid in and that there is no money with which to pay him and his men, to whom he says he is personally responsible. Hg wants the receiver appointed to collect the stock indebtedness and pay such claims as are legitimate. The defendants named inelude Hotel Flanders 133-137 West 47th St., N. Y. CITY, 200 feet east of Broadway. A modern fire-proof hotel, in the heart of the theater, club and hotel district; convenient to all car line* An exceptional orches tra. Very moderate rates. Book let on request. H. R. Shares. Prop. HOTEL r ST. DENISr » BROADWAY AND 11TH STREET € NEW YORK CITY. I Within Easy Access of Every Point of ■ Interest. Half Block from Wauainakcr’w, ■ 3 minutes' walk of Shopping District. ■ NOTED FOR: Excellence of Cuisine. Coup £j fortuble Appointments. Courteous Sen’. $ ice and Homelike ROOMS $l.OO FER DAY AND UP 1 EUROPEAN PLAN, 3 Table d’Hote Breakfast 50c. N WM.TAYLORASON.Inc. H ALSO ”< HOTEL MARTINIQUE, EL Hroadmy .ml 83rJ Street. SZk? Gunter i r or the Southwest EUROPEAN FLAN si.sO AND UP 350 ROOMS -i- 225 WITH BATH Largest and most commodious rotunda In the South. In addition to ala cartt service we specialise LUNCHEON, 12 to 2 p. m., 50 cents. ? ABLE D’HOTE DINNER. 6 to 8 p. m„ $l.OO I '•-chestre! Concerts. THE GUNTER HOTEL COMPANY SAN ANTONIO may i l l e SEPTEMBER 28, 1918. George W. Nock of San Antonio as general manager, F. T. Parks, N. 11. Lyon, and E. R. Frezer of Bexar coun ty; F. R. Remington, G. R. Nix, J. W. Hunt and H. G. Martin, all of Atas cosa; and F. H. Burmeister of McMul len. For the stomach and bowel disorders of babies McGEE’S BABY ELIXIR is a remedy of genuine merit. It acts quickly, is pure, wholesome and pleas ant to take. Price 25c and 50 per bot tle. Sold by the Bexar Drug Co. Dr. J. C. Casslty. Stomach diseases. 219 Moore building. INSERT THE BLADE THE WOHDERFUL MACHIMB DOES THE BEST. Double-edged Blades, per doz. . 36c Single-edged Blades, per doz . 26c Mail orders promptly attended to if ac companied by price and return stamps THE BIG CUTLERY STOBE. ’ PAUL MUELLER 104 W. Commerce St. *■ St. Anthony ABSOLUTELY FIREPROJF SAN ANTONIO’S NEWEST AND FINEST HOTEL MODERN IN EVEBY DETAIL. Ko Better or More Complete Hotel of tta Size (430 rooms) in America Überally Conducted on tba EUROPEAN PLAN Special Attention Paid ta Commercial Men. F. M. SWEARINGEN A SON. Managing Director* r Hotel Savoy I One hundred rooms, all modern equipment, entirely new. Reasona ble rates. European plan. All Cart Past. 122 W. Houston