That’s where our reputation is worth something to you, and us. All floor coverings sold and represented only as they should be. You don't have to know quality, you get a square deal here—always. Mail I *YOUR ORDERS. ' -THEY WILL RECEIVE OURZ PROMPT i ATTENTION Anxious to Get Education Little Joe Tamayo Attends School and Works at Night “Half our knowledge we must , snatch, not take,’’ declared the cynic, Alexander Pope. Particular-, ly is this true of little Joe Tamayo, of 430 Austin street, son of Matias • G. Tamayo. During the day he at tends the public schools and from 5 to 12 o'clock he works as a mes senger for the Western Union Tele graph company. A native of Brownsville, Texas, lit tle Joe has only lived in San Antonio four years. When be came to San An tonio at the age of 8, he could not speak English. He entered Milam school on Government Hill, and so close has been bis application that contrary to t-e usual history of foreign-speaking chil dren, ho has passed every time and now is in the high fourth grade at the De Zavala school on Austin street, to which he has been transferred this term. Little Joe’s father is an oil clerk at the Southern Pacific roundhouse, and works at night. He has a large family to support, three boys, of whom Joe Is the eldest and three little girls. Since j last January, Utt?) Joe has been help- | UNION MEA T COMPANY ana rurn racaan Utnl Rafiatn and Oant/totrnd Makara UNION STOCK YANOS San Antonio, -' • Texan As For Schober Beer THE Beer sold on its merits. No" in any com bine. On draught or in bottles. Schober Ice 4 Brewing Co. Old Phone 1738 New Phone 1363 FRIDAY, Keputatiorv Counts in This! You can’t tell much about car pets and rugs by their appear ance. You have to depend on the trade mark and the hon esty of the man who sells them to you. Sewing Machines We are agents for the New Home Ruby and Domestic machines, and our guarantee goes with them. Cash Or time. Nqw machines from $l5 up. Ma chines (all makes) rented $2 per month. Second hand machines, all makes and styles, in first-class condition and guaranteed for 3 years by us. $5 up. This Elegant Chifforobe , Finished in oak, complete in every detail. Worth $25. Our special at 19.65 One same as cut, in beautiful birdseye maple. Worth $3O, for 22.50 Office Desks Roller top, flat top, typewriter and fileing desks. We have a large stock and can save you money. Look us over. SS: I The Household Furniture Co. I -SF ing his father to supplement his meagre salary for the support of the family. Since the first of the year he has been working at night as messenger for the Western Union. He worked during the entire vacation, and is continuing his work since school opened. Always neat and clean with a bright face, and eyes that sparkle with intelli gence, and a pleasing little personality, little Joe lias made himself a great fa vorite, not only with those with whom he comes in contact at the telegraph office, but with those to whom he regu larly or frequently delivers messages. Joe is always polite, and has a bright reply for who address him. He Is an Apt Pupil. Joe is regular in his attendance at school, and is an apt pupil, easily hold ing his own with children who have their full quota of rest and sleep. As soon as school is over he hurries home, and spends bis time until 5 o’clock in studying his lessons. In this task he is assisted by his father, who is at home during the day time. When 5 o’clock arrives he is at the PAN ANTONaO LIGHT AND GAZETTE g 214-216 West Commerce Street i What Others Advertise—We Sell For Less j We Pay the Freight On Purchases of $lO.OO Or Over This telescope davenport, solid oak frame, upholstered in Spanish leath er. An actual $4O OA F? A value, for AOiDV Dining Table Table same as cut, non-dividing pedes tal, solid oak top, 8 foot extension, elaw feet, a beauty for $4O. Our special price 29.50 —Photo by Cones. JOE TAMAYO, Little Mexican American who Is striv ing hard for an education. " telegraph office ready to carry to all parts of the city those messages which come flashing along the wires from dis tant parts of the land. When asked if he wasn’t sometimes afraid to.go to all parts of the city at night by himself, he replied sometimes he did get scared. Oftentimes he was sent a long distance out on the car lines, and sometimes he had to walk three or four blocks in the