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14 LODGE NOTES Conducted by Miss Irene Gates, Both Phones 1764 ROYAL NEIGHBOR LODGE CELEBRATES ANNIVERSARY, Sunflower Camp No. 4545, Royal Neighbors of America held their regu lar meeting Wednesday afternoon but only urgent business was taken up on - • -f its being the fourth anni- versary of the camp, and also birth day of Mrs. Nellie Massey. Grand hon ors and sincere good wishes of the camp were extended to Mrs. Massey on the occasion. Mrs. Mabel Hawk, chairman of the committee for the day, asked everyone present to contribute to the program, which all did. The open ing address by Mrs. Loretta Ramsey was encouraging to the members. The address of welcome by Mrs. Mabel Hawk in which she gave a history of the Sunflower camp since organization, was interesting. Mrs. Stella Vodrie told of many rea sons why she was proud to be a mem ber of the Royal Neighbors of Amer ica; Mrs. Ramsey, Mrs. Hawk, Mrs. Phillips, Emma Milber, Mrs. Bricker, Mrs. McKinley, Mrs. McDonald and Henry Vodrie paid many high tributes to the order. Miss Dorothy Whittaker contributed Mveral selections on the piano. Two readings by Mrs. Anna Hart added to the pleasure of the afternoon. At the close of the meeting an ice course was eerved. The.committee who made the after noon a sucres* was composed of Mrs. Mabel Hawk. Hattie Calley and Bertha Altherhal. K.&L.OFH. TO GIVE DANCE. A dance and entertainment will be given at the Modern Woodmen ot America hall on North Flores street, Tuesday evening, October 11, by the John Bosshardt lodge No. 2223 Knights aud Ladies’ of Honor. It will undoubt- Jy be one of the greatest events of the reason, as do pains have been spared bv the committee to make the affair a success. Their report at the meet ing of the lodge Tuesday night was most interesting. Dancing, readings, vocal and ’"strumental selections and’ refreshments will form the program, a special feature being the distribution of prizes offered to the ladies for sell ing the largest numb-- of tickets. A cordial invitation is extended to all members of the order and their friends to attend. The meeting was unusuallv well at tended by the members of'the lodge and visitors from the other lodges. Mirth and good humor predominated, and it can be safely said that all who were in attendance will not miss the next meeting. HOLD A PRACTICE DRILL. A special meeting of the guards of the San Antonio Hive No. 3, Ladies of the Miaccabees of the World was held at the Woodmen of the World hall on Commerce street Friday afternoon at 3 o clock for practice in the initiatory work of the order as there are a large number of candidates for initiation at the regular review of the hive to be held Monday afternoon. The drill practice was conducted under the per sonal instruction of the captain, Mrs. Agnes Robitzsch, who has devoted much of her time to the work and as a result the guards of the San Antonio hive are one of the best drilled teams in the state and present their work with accuracy. The ladies of the hive who have a place in the guards are as follows: Agues Guckian, Loretta Ramsey, Alice Lowe, Mattie Phillipps, Gussie Serna, Melba Forbes, Lettie Hopper, Lizzie Rowland, Bertha Wen deroth, Babe Fullington, Erna Graves and Dorothy Taylor. HAS SEVERAL APPLICATIONS. At the regular weekly meeting of the Alamo Lodge No. 422, Fraternal Brotherhood held at the Red Men’s hall On Soledad street seven new applica tions for membership were received and investigating committees were appoint ed to act upon them. One candidate was duly initiated into the mysteries of the degree and several applications were balloted upon and the applicants elected to membership by initiation. A large amount of important business was presented and transacted, President A. F. Barrett presiding over the meeting. Several very interesting speeches were made under the good of the order by different officers and members of the lodge and the reports of the commit tees were all received and accepted as $3 RECIPE FREE! To Cure Sick Women Women suffering from any female weak ness know that specialists in women’s dis eases charge high fees, usually from three to five dollars, for writing an ordinary pre scription. The free offer of Dr. Bertha C. Day, the able Woman Specialist of Fort Wayne, Indiana, is therefore all the more remarkable and commendable, as it is made out of the goodness of her heart, to help her •ister women and without asking or expect ing in return for her gifts any payment ex cept their gratitude and her own conscious ness of having put her superior talents to a noble use. This proficient doctor and womanly wo- ■ man. wife and mother has successfully treat ed. in the privacy of their own homes, thous ands of women suffering from leucorrhoea, or whitish discharges, nervousness, ulcera tion. displacement or falling of the womb, profuse, scanty or painful periods, uterine or ovariau troubles, change of life and the other diseases aud weaknesses so common to her sex. Her cures have been made t.irough the compounding of pure, wholesome drugs into effective formulas that go straight to the seat of the remove its cause and allay the pain in head and back, the bear ing down sensations, hot flashes, weariness and despondency that indicate female wvak rtexs and body troubles. Any sick woman who writes to Dr. Day describing her troubles will receive FREE a prescription suited to her cure. This recipe will be sent in plain, sealed envelop*' by pre paid mail without cost, obligation or charge of nny kind. Address Dr, Bertha C. Day, 544 Day Building, Fort Wayne, Indiana, oUxXUAk, • News of the Fraternal Societies During Past > Week and Forecast ' of Coming Events. was the report of the district deputy, which shows a large increase in the membership of the order during the past few months and some excellent work being done by the various lodges in his district, which includes the Ala mo lodge and which is far in the lead of all the others. CAPTAIN URQUHART IS ILL. On account of the absence of Cap tain W. S. Urquhart due to illness and the absence of the noble grand, there was no degree work done by the Mon roe Lodge No. 424, Independent Order of Odd Fellows at their regular weekly meeting held at the I. O. O. F. hall on Crockett street Wednesday night al though there were several eligible can didates present. The degree work of the lodge will be conferred at the meeting next Wednesday. One new member was elected to membership by transfer card, transferring from the Odd Fellows lodge at Nome, Alaska. A report was received from the com mittee who were appointed to receive Deputy Gland Sire C. A. Keller upon his return to San Antonio on Tuesday Morning. Other reports were also re ceived and approved by the lodge. HOLD A SOCIAL MEETING. The regular monthly social meeting of the Grinnell lodge No. 61, Royal Achates was held Tuesday night at the Woodmen of the World hall on Com merce street with an unusually large attendance among which were several visitors who were warmly welcomed by the president in the name of the Grin nell lodge. A brief business session was held during which the obligation of the order was given to one candi date, the regular initiatory work being omitted on account of the social enter tainment to follow the meeting and two applications for membership by initia tion wer presented and investigating committees appointed to act upon them. At the close of the business meeting an program consisting of several instrumental and vocal selec tions. followed by dancing and serving of refreshments, was rendered much to the enjoyment of the officers and mem bers of the lodge and their guests. NEW CAMP M. W. A. AT DOSS. W. C. McDonald, district deputy of Bexar Camp No. 12034, Modern Wood men of America, made a very interest ing report at the meeting of the camp held Monday night at the M. W. A. hall on North Flores street of the new camp that he organized at Doss, Gillespie county, last week. Mr. McDonald says that all of the members seemed very en thusiastic over the work of the order and that the future prospects of the new camp were very favorable indeed. There were twenty-five charter mem bers for the camp, which now makes six camps in the county. Mr. McDonald was assisted in organizing the camp at Doss by Assistant Deputy C. F. Hol ' brook. MACCABEES CONFER FIRST DEGREE. At the regular review of Alamo Hive No. 22, ladies of the Maccabees of the World, held at the Knights of Pythias hall on Market street Monday after noon, the first degree of the lady Mac cabees svas conferred on Mrs. Daisy Hyslop. Mrs. Fannie M. Ripley sent in her resignation as deputy, giving as her reason, insufficient time to attend to the duties of the office and a successor was appointed in her place by Mrs. Laura B. Hart, state commander of the L. O. T. M. Among the ladies of San Antonio Hive No. 7 who were present, was Mrs. Josephine Stevens, lady commander, and several of the other officers and members who were warmly welcomed by the ladies of Alamo Hive. K. & L. OF H. WILL GIVE DANCE. Arrangements are being made by a committee conlposed of L. W. Long, Rush McCullough and Misses Elsie In grum and Woods of the John Bosshardt Lodge No. 2223, Knights and Ladies of Honor, for a dance and entertainment to be given by the lodge Am Tuesday night. Oct. 11, at the Modern Wood men of America hall on North Flores street. An excellent program is being arranged for the occasion and every ef fort made for every one attending to have a most delightful time. A most cordial invitation is extended to all members of John Bosshardt lodge and of the order and their friends. DEGREE TEAM DO FIRST WORK OF THE SEASON. At the regular meeting of the Myrtle Grove No. 1. Woodmen Circle, held at the Woodmen of the World hall on Commerce street Monday night, the first work of the degree team of the grove this season was done. The team has had quife a long vacation and has now taken up its work with much interest and enthusiasm. A practice drill was held by it last week. The honors of perfected Woodcraft were conferred upon three candidates nd several new applications for mein bership by initiation were received and committees appointed to act upon them. Several were balloted upon and the ap plicants elected to membership in Myr tle Grove No. 1, by initiation. A motion was made and defeated to discontinue the social night meetings of the grove and from now on as here tofore the grove will hold a social night meeting on the last Monday night of each month, in addition to the two af ternoon meetings. A committee composed of Mrs. Hogan. Mrs. Minnie Lee Martin and Mrs. Naylor was appointed by Guardian Ray Toomey to confer with the com mittees of the different groves and camps of the city to make arrangements for W. O. W. day at the fair and to arrange for quarters at the fair grounds and preparations that it will be neces sary to make. Following the close of the meeting re freshments of ice cream and cake were served to all of the officers and mem bers of the grove and their many guests in the banquet hall adjoining the lodge rooms. A social hour was spent and an invitation extended to all by the guard ian to again attend the meetings of Mvrtle Grove. K. & L. OF H. LODGE WILL GIVE FESTIVAL Concordia Lodge No. 1793 of the Or der of the Knights and Ladies of Hon or had one of the largest attendances ever witnessed at their last meeting. The meeting was called to order by Pro tector Chas. A. Jenke, and when the roll call of the officers sounded, the re sponse thereto proved that none were abient, furthermore proving that near ly every member of the lodge was pres ent, and much interest and enthusiasm was evinced by all. It has long been a question of how to get all members to attend a regular meeting, and at the previous mcetiug, as shown by the minutes, a member of this lodge 'volunteered to invite each and all sisters and brothers thereto be longing, his device proving a success; thus the large crowd. Not only tne members of Concordia lodge attended, but also a number from Bosshardt lodge and others participated in the meeting. After the regular order of business had been attended to, there were four candidates in waiting to be initiated, being the two Misses Berg, Miss Haack and Mrs. Champ. After these members had been initiated, several addresses were made by the members of the lodge and the visiting sisters and brothers. The main feature being decided upon at this meeting was to give a festival during the winter season in the form ot a Dutch ball in which many characters representing the settlers of Texas some centuries ago will take part. The out line of this festival was given by one of the members of Concordia lodge and it was unanimously voted that such a festival be given, and every member Couched to endeavor to make'this effort B success. Immediately thereupon a com mittee was appointed to make arrange ments and find a suitable hall and ar range all details. The committee that was appointed to nake preliminary arrangements is: Messrs. D. A. Meyer, Herman Haack, John Belohlarek and Andrew Mach, >liss Hila Haack, Airs. M. Racowviz, Hrs- A. Streit and Mrs. A. K. Crystel es. * M. W. A. HAVE DRILL. Instead of the regular business meet ing of Bexar Camp No. 1204 being held Monday night at their new. hall on N. Flores street, practice work in the ini tiatory work of the camp was-taken up under the personal instruction of Cap tain \ odrie. Some little time was spent in drilling so as to perfect all members of the team in the work as 'they will have a great deal of work ahead of them this winter, initiating the large number of candidates who will join the camp. For the meeting to be held Monday night there is a large class of candi dates for adoption and Captain Vodrie expressed the opinion that his team is now competent to initiate with credit all new applicants for membership in the camp. Besides the number of candi dates for adoption at the meeting Mon day night there will be a large amount of important business presented for transaction as none was given attention at the meeting last Monday night. All members of the Modern Woodmen of America are most cordially invited to attend. • SAN ANTONIO HIVE TO HOLD REVIEW. The regular review of the San An tonio Hive No. 3, Ladies of the Macca bees of the World, will be held at the Woodmen of the World hall on Com merce street Monday aftrnoon at 3 o’clock and a large amount of im portant business will be presented for transaction in addition to the initia tion of several candidates. A practice drill was held by the hive on Friday afternoon so as to be in first class order for the initiatory work Monday after noon. A most cordial invitation is ex tended to all lady Maccabees to attend and especially to the members and of ficers of the San Antonio Hive No. 3. REBEKAH LODGE HAS MANY VISITORS. A largely attended meeting was held by Miriam Rebekah Lodge No. 24, In dependent Order of Odd Fellows at the I. O. O. F. hall on Crockett street Mon day night, at which several visitors of Alamo Lodge No. 335, I. O. O. F., were welcomed, among whom were the noble grand, Mrs. Pearl Smith. Several out of town visitors were also welcomed and among them Mr. and Mrs. Rown of Special $5 Recipe For Any Ailment-FREE Liberal Offer of Successful Specialist. Dr. James W. Kidd, the eminent special ist in Chronic Diseases, whose original ays tem of homo treatment by mail has proved : an almost worldwide success, authorizes us - to publish his offer tn send free to the sick 1 and ailing the valuable recipes he has so < successfully applied in his years of practice, » to the cure of patients suffering from Rheu matism, Catarrh, Piles, Constipation, Female ’ Troubles, Skin and Nervous Diseases, Weak Lungs, Heart, Stomach, Liver. Kidney and i Bladder Troubles and other chronic diseases. . In a recent interview Dr. Kidd said: “I ny long and successful record of cures proves my fitness for the work started 1 so many years ago. 1 can say without ! boasting that J have probably cured more ■ hopeless sufferers from chronic ailments than an) other living physician. My success is en tirely due to the formulas I have compound- J <•<l and kept on file in my office until I now • believe I have a recipe for the cure of almost J every chronic ailment. “It is the wish of my passing years that , these successful prescriptions bo placed in the 1 hands of suffering humanity—the source from I’ which my success has come. You can say to J sick people that to all who write me in con- h fide nee describing their trouble I will send I, postpaid and free of charge a selected pre- I scription for the cure of their particular ail- P mvnt.** 1 Here is an opportunity to secure free a prescription for your trouble, for which other specialist.* would probably charge five or ten ] dollars, by simply writing and describing ■ your case to Dr. James W. Kidd, 744 Kidd Bldg., Fort Wayne, Il di ana. I aa is ah Niu LiUh I ai\U uaztllt Whitehall, 111., who made very inter esting speeches under the good of the order and complimented the noble grand of the degree team for the excel 'lent manner in which she discharged the duties of her office. Mrs. Rown said that she had seen the Rebekah degree conferred in lodges in many parts of the United States, but had never seen it conferred in so capable a manner as by Miriam Lodge No. 24. The de gree as conferred upon two candidates, Misses E. Genevieva Costaken and Le ietia Edgerton. Several new applications for mem bership by initiation were received and committees appointed to act upon them by the noble grajd and three applica tions for membership were balloted up on and the applicants elected to mem bership by initiation. ODD FELLOWS WELCOME GRAND SIRE KELLER Instead of the regular business meet ing being held by San Antonio lodge No. 11, Independent Order of Odd Fel lows, at their hall on Crockett street Tuesday night, a joint open meeting was held by all the branches of the order in the city in the form of a re ception and banqtfet in honor of tlie re turn of C. A. Keller, who was elected to the office of deputy grand sire at the recent meeting of the sovereign grand lodge of the I. O. O. F. at Atlanta, Ga. The office of deputy grand sire is next to the highest in Odd Fellowship in the world and is quite an honor for the Id eal lodges of the order, who can now boast of three high officers, as Marcus W. Davis was elected to the office of grand warden at the meeting of the grand lodge held at Austin a few months ago, and Charles Sauer as grand scribe of the encampment. Committees appointed by the differ ent lodges met Mr. Keller at the depot upon his arrival Tuesday morping and he was the guest of honor at the re ception in the evening. On the com mittee for the Alamo Rebekah lodge No. 335, was Mrs. Pearl Smith, noble grand; Mrs. Meyers, Mrs. Ripps, Mrs. Underwood Smith. Miss Annie Urqu hart, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Maude Jennings, and on the com mittee for the Miriam Rebekah lodge No. 24, was Mrs. Lorena Welsch, Mrs. Minnie Heiligman, Mrs. Myron Pearce, Mrs. P. C. Blanke Mrs. G. E. Knauff, Miss Pharr, Miss Mary Reynolds, Mrs. Emma Balcom and Mrs. Augusta Cov ington. The meeting was opened and presid ed over by Grand Scribe Charles Sauer, the address of welcome and congratu lations in behalf of San Antonio lodge No. 11 was made by J. Ira Kercheville, noble grand of that lodge, and the ad dress of welcome and presentation of : flowers in the name of Miriam Re bekah lodge No. 24 and Alamo Rebekah lodge No. 335 by Mrs. P. C. Blanke. A . response to all congratulations and speeches was made by Mr. Keller. Sev eral very interesting numbers by the ' orchestra and vocal solos by Miss Del-|' la Fletcher Sauer added to the pleas- i ure of the evening. Following the!] close of the program a banquet was, j served by the ladies of the Rebekah , lodges. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF RED MEN HONORS CHIEFS At the regular monthly social council meeting of Natchez tribe No. 2, Im proved Order of Red Men, held at the wigwam on Soledad street Thursday night, the guests of honor were Joseph Ryan Sr., Chris. P. Stafford, Z. Bone and Charles M. Barnes. Brothers Ryan and Stafford have just returned from the grand council of the I. O. R. M. of the United States, held at Toledo, Ohio, where both received appointments, Mr. Ryan on the widows’ and orphans’ committee for a term of four years, and Mr. Stafford on the mileage and per diem committee for a term of two years. They both made very interest ing speeches, reporting the business transactions of the meeting and social affairs. The Red Men of Texas are well represented in the grand council and have the honor of having George B. Griggs of Dallas, Tex., elected to the highest office in the order, great inco honee, and two of the members of Natchez tribe appointed on committees of the great council. Texas being the largest state in the union, naturally leads in redmanship in the United States, as the reports made at the great council meeting showed. Z. Bone has returned to the city after an absence of several years and was most cordially welcomed by the entire tribe, as was Brother C. M. Barnes, both of whom are of the oldest chiefs in Natchez tribe. Another chief who was heartily welcomed was Ste phen Gould, who has met with the tribe but few times during the past few moons on account of serious illness. An interesting program consisting of long talks and vocal and instrumental selections was carried out and a most delightful time enjoyed by all the braves and chiefs who were present. Refreshments of corn and venison were served and the evening pronounced a decided success bv everyone. ORGANIZER OF L. O. 0. M. DIES. News was received by the San Anto nio Lodge No. 222 Loyal Order or Moose, and announced at the regular meeting held Thursday night of the death of H. O. Skinner, Wednesday at Temple, Texas. Mr. Skinner spent much of his time in San Antonio when organ izing the local lodge here, and had among its members many warm friends who regret deeply to hear of his death. His is the second death in the L. O. O. M. in the state. The body will be shipped to Indianapolis, his old home, for interment. f. • 3 ort from the building committed was received at the meeting to tne effect that all of the new furniture for their hall, including lodge rooms, buffet, pool and billiard rooms, was here and* that the building would be ready for oc cu|>ancy within a couple of weeks. A committee has been appointed to make arrangements for a big reception to be given by the lodge on the opening night of their new hall. Acting on the com mittee are M, G. Riebe, F, L. Hehnert, Dr. Douglas Largen, G. W, Bennett and Arthur Beek. The date for the opening has not been definitely fixed but will be announced later. i Oue member, G, B. Gerino, was re- A DELIGHTFUL OUTING ■ * ♦ ✓ TAKE A RIDE TODAY ON THE NEW CAR LINE TO HARLANDALE DOUBLE TRUCK CftAS ALL THE WAY YOU WILL BE WELL REPAID . z / by taking a ride to Harlandale. The scenery is beautiful. An ideal spot for an outing. Plenty of cars to take the trip in comfort. Through Service from Alamo Plaza and Houston Street ported sick by the relief committee, and those reported at previous meeting as much improved. The lease of the lodge on the Eagles’ hall having expired and their new hall being not quite ready for occupancy, the next few meetings of the lodge wilt be held in another hall, announcement to be made later. WESATCHIE CAMP TO MEET. A large attendance is desired at the meeting of the Wesatchie Camp No. 39 Woodmen of the World, to be held at the Forest hall on Commerce street, Tuesday night, as a report will be made by the committee which was appointed to confer with the committees of the other camps of the city in making ar irangements for Woodmen of the World day at the fair. The committees met [Wednesday night and will most likely have a most interesting report to make. Several eligible candidates will also be t resent for initiation and other routine lusiness of importance presented. Alf members of the Woodmen of the World ere cordially invited to attend. L. 0. T. M. WILL GIVE DANCE. The San Antonio Hive No. 3, Ladies’ of the Maccabees of the World have made arrangements for a dance to be given at Harmony hall on Thursday, October 20. The music will be fur nished by Theo. Artzt’s orchestra, and every effort made to insure!* a pleasant time to all. A full report of the com mittee of which Mrs. Agnes Robitzsch is chairman and assisted by the ladies of her guards, will be made at the regular review to be held Monday afternoon. Mrs. Rowland, deputy state command er, will be a guest and being the social review of the month, refreshments will be served. All Lady Maccabees are cordially invited to attend. W. O. W. TO MEET. The regular monthly social meeting of the Commercial £amp No. 41, Wood men of the World, will be held at the Forest hall on Commerce street Mon day night and a large attendance is desired and a cordial invitatioi is ex tended to all members of the Woodmen of the World. There are a large num ber of new applications to be presented and several to be acted upon and others for initiation. The committee making arrangements with the committees of the other tyimps of the city for the fair program will also make a report of the progress they have made since the last meeting of the camp. W. 0. W. COMMITTEES MEET. A meeting of the committees of tht> various camps of the Woodmen of the World was held at the forest hall on Commerce street Wednesday night to make arrangements for the W. O. W. day at the fair. Upon vote it was de cided to have W. O. W. day on San Antonio day and to have a parade in the morning and a brief program at the fair grounds. The program will be com posed of several addresses by members of the order and other interesting num bers. If a desirable location can be secured the W. O. W. will erect a log cabin similar to the one they had sev eral years ago, for quarters, and will have it for the future. The progress made by the committees will be report ed te the various camps before further action in the matter is taken. The Woodmen Circle will also have a part in the arrangements and on the pro gram, but their report has not as yet been submitted. Worse Than Bullets. Bullets have often caused less suffer ing to soldiers than the eczema Harriman, Burlington, Me., got in the army, and suffered with forty years. “But Buckleu's Arnica Salve cured me when all else failed,” he writes. Great est healer for Sores, Uleers, Boils, Burns, Cuts. Wounds, Bruises and Piles. 25c at the Bexar Drug Co. The government is advertising for a good master mechanic to send to the enworth, Kan, Also a xylotomist —bap- “One of your houses has just fallen pen to be one?—to send to the woods, HIGH SCHOOL NOTES On Tuesday of last week the first weekly assemblage was held in the au ditorium. After having sung a few pa triotic songs, the pupils were addressed by Prof. W. D. Williams. He -«alled attention to the fact that the enroll ment had already passed the seven hundred mark, and said that he was confident that last year’s record would be beaten. After a few words by Miss Elizabeth Morey, head of the history department, the pupils adjourned to their rooms. The boys of the football team are preparing to give an entertainment Oc tober 5, in order that new football suits may be procured. Prof. O. A. Pfeiffer has charge of the program which prom ises to be an excellent one. The game played with Marshall street caused all the pupils to gather in the auditorium and organized a Rooters’ club. Joe L. Hill Jr., was elected lead er, with Miss Kathaleen Lukin as as sistant. These two expect to organize the student body of the High school into the best club the school has Among the visitors of the past week were Miss Rebecca of Dallas, Mil ton Leindheim, ’O6, Miss Olga Heuer mann ’lO, and Stanley A. Pearce ’lO. The Hayne Debating club held its first regular meeting Friday, Septem ber 23. There was no literary program, but business was transacted. A com mittee of John Bickett, Andrew O’Mal ley and John Hough were appointed to reopen the auxiliary Hayne known as the Demosthenes Debating club, at the Brackenridge Eighth grade school. Those named as debaters to serve in two weeks are Sidney Brooks and Clar ence Maule on the affirmative with Eu gene Lewis and Ernest Pifes on the negative side. The question is: “Re solved, That all trusts and combina tions intended to monopolize industries should be prohibited.” All permanent committees were appointed, and several $5OO REWARD Will be paid for any cue of Syphilis, Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Stricture or Blood PolMnlng WHICH MY REMEDIES CANNOT CURE A Young, old, middle aged, single or married men and all who suffer from the ejects of LOST MANHOOD, Norvous Debility, Unnatural Losses, Failing Memory, should call on me today. This offer is backed by $75,000.00 worth of real estate owned by me ia Houston, Texas. SCIENTIFIC M p AB WEAK AND CURES FOR IW EL IM DISEASED GIOUB BLOOD POISON AND NERVO-SFXT’AT Hydrocele, Piles. Fistula, Ecrema, Scrofula, Catarrh, BUdder mid Kidney affections. and all allied diseases of a etubborn nature, whi-h reeiat the treatment of the ord.nary doctor. Remember, gobd health ia your workinc capital Dia ease is never at a standstill I give each of my patients mv personal attention TO THOBF WHO BEGIN TREATMENT WITHIN THENEXT FEVtDAYS MT FEE FOR A PERMANENT CURE WILL BE LESS THAN HALF THE AMOL NT CHARGED BY OTHER SPECIALISTS. amvlnt FREE !—Consultation and Examination—FßEE ! Call or write for information before taking t real menu as you will find nv eha*... lower and treatment quicker and better than elsewhere ■ ’ * Z eh ‘ rs '‘ DR. E. A. HOLLAND Offices «91-2 Hicks Bnildtne, corner Ave. C and Houaton St San Autuat. w— Hours 9to 6:30. Sundays ia.m, to 13,’ Te* UCIUUXIK 2, IUIO. names were brought up as applicants for membership. Emmet Isom wm critic of the meeting. The first regular meeting of the Ci ceronian Literary society was held Fri day, September 23. An impromptu de bate was held on the subject, Re solved, That a literary society is more beneficial than a football team. Lynn Beely and John Classen affirmed that it was, while Albert Didzun and Ralph Baird defended the negative. The judges, Harold Le Compte Kearney and William Duval decided in favor of the negative. Joe McDonald was critic of the evening. The High School Tennis club organ ized last week and the following offi cers were elected: Otto B. Krezdorn, president; Herbert J. Daugherty, sec retary and treasurer; Homer McCurdy, reporter. The club is doing fine work and in a short time they will be playing match games with the other fast teams of this city and surrounding towns. The Shakespeare club held its first meeting of the term Tuesday afternoon. Names for membership were presented. The selecting of a play was referred to a committee composed of Miss Gertrude Dowden and Miss Kathaleen Lukin, and will be selected with a view to the Shakespearian plays listed at the Grand opera house. Miss Marjorie Hicke pre sided. When your food does not digest well and you feel “blue.” tired and discour aged, you should use a little HERBINE at bedtimf. It opens the bowels, puri fies the system and restores a fine feel ing of health and energy. Price 50c. Sold by the Bexar Drug Co. “I would like that man Brown it he didn’t always laugh at his own jokes.” <f He doesn’t laugh at his own jokes. He merely laughs at you fellows who are foolish enough to listen to them.” Underwear is sold by the pound in some parts of Italy. The working power of an able-bodied man is about one-tenth that of a )iorse. Come to in confidence. Lot me demon strate to you free of charge the wonderful rejn renating powers of my newly discovered dtreet methods, the efficiency of which has been proved to hundreds of cured and grateful patients. I have such confidence in my ability to cure that I extend to yon my unparalleled offer. You Don’t Pay if I Don’t Cure. I AM THE ONLY SPECIALIST WHO HAS SUFFICIENT CONFIDENCE IN HIS ABILITY TO GIVE A WRITTEN LEGAL GUARANTEE TO CUKE. WEAKNESS Are you reaping the penalty of neglected youthful sins’ Have dissipation, pri«‘ rate and blood diseases ravaged your system and undermined your already weakened vitality I Haa weakneas developed into organic disease! are prematurely old and not the man yon should be. Xwake to your true condition. 1 can restore you to perfect health, with physical, men* tai and vital powers complete. I hoe been treating Chronic, Nervous, Blood and Spec'al Diseases for many years, and thous ands of cured men, who cano to me weak, broken down and discouraged, will gladly testify to my success, skill and honesty in the practice o/ my specialty. T cure to stay cured, VARICOCELE STRICTURE, PROSTATIS RUPTURE. CONTA*