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18 “What’s My Betty Doing This Minute?’’ By Nell Brinkley If she's still on her vacation, it’s easy to guess what she's doing. Wednesday seems to be the favorite day of the week for important wed dings of well known San Antonians That evening at 8 o'clock has been chosen by Miss Louise Morgan, daugh ter of Major and Mrs. George Morgan, and Ensign Charles Churchill Slayton, of the united States navy, as tneir wedding day. The marriage will oe -a military wedding, solemnized at St. Paul church. The attendants will in clude Mrs. Ralph N. Hayden, matron of honor. Misses Kathleen Jones and Edith Morgan, bridesmaids, little Misses Dorothy Morgan and Barbara Ripley, ribbon bearers, Lieut, J. A. Ben jamin, best man, Lieutenants Hayden, Comly, Bobert Goetz, John B. Johnsen ushers. Miss Nell Pryor entertained yester day afternoon with a prettily appoint ed “500” party at her home on Augus ta street. The guests included Misses Dorothy Austin, Claudia Bachal, time lie Chapman, Ruth Lipscomb, Ariine Badger, Jessie Clark, Elizabeth Cassin Bomona Bookwaiter of Austin, Joseph ine Wbodhull, Agnes Burroughs, Nelly McCbrinick, Vinnie Caldwell, Lydia Moore, Anna Bess Moore, Maud Hughes, Vida Vick, Helen Gunther, Esther Har die, Mary Buth Kerr, Mamie Storey, [ Terry Marley, Clara Byrd, Clara Grey, Dorothea Guenther, Lucile Hunter, Annette Schmidt, Dorothy Matthews, Mary Lou Campbell, Fenita McMillan, i Nathlie Bliss, Lu Peta James, Blanche and Margaret McKendrell Luke, Helen Bounds, Dorothy Cherry, Martha Brown, Edith Gholson, Edith Simpson, Bessie Austin, Vone Davidson, Marguerite* Guinn, Marie Schaeffer, Ida Day of Lu ling, Mattie Lawrence of Luling, Buth Newel, Milley Giles and Beatrice Giles. Lieutenant Benjamin will entertain at dinner Monday evening in honor of Miss Louie Morgan at the St. Anthony. BUSY WE ARE ALWAYS BUSY Our customers keep us so, not only bringing their, work, but sending others. This is our reference—our SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP, CLEANLINESS. Buch you will find in our CLEANING, DYEING, PRESSING. A. H. Wefing (The Archambault Co.) 525 San Pedro Avenue. Old Phone 1377-lr. New Phone 2106. We have no branch store. a» SUNDAY, UUa Betty Matthews society editor. Office :h phones 1359. Home phone 3801 oIL Miss Catheriwa Joseph, assistant Covers will be laid for Miss Louie Mor gan, Ensign Charles Churchill Slayton, Mayor and Mrs. George Morgan, Cap tain and Mrs. Clarence .1. Jones, Lieut. [ ! and Mrs. Ralph Hayden, Lieut, anti j Mrs. Harold B. Johnson, Miss Kath [ leen Lieutenants George G. I Comly, Robeet Goetz, John B. Johnson i and the host. — Mrs. Lane Taylor of 324 West. Mag nolia entertains informally at “500” Tuesday afternoon in honor of Miss ; Mary Buth Kerr, the guest if Miss Es- I ther Hardie. Miss Louise Sloan of 401 East Locust entertains ou the afternoon of Oc*. 12 with a linen shower in honor of Miss Ethel Correvon. , Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kaltcyer will entertain at a very elaborate Tues day dinner as a compliment to her house guests and her sister, Miss Clara Stieren and Arthur Bendt Haisen, who will be married Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kalteyer’s house guests will be Senator and Mrs. Jos. Faust, Miss Mellitta Faust, Mr. i and Mrs. Walter Faust, Mr. and Mrs. Fanno Faust and Master Junior Faust of New Braunfels. The additional din ner guests will be Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stieren, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Stieren of Kansas City and Miss Stieren. The : table decorations will be white and green. Mr. and Mrs. George Powell are now located at 415 Pecan street. Mrs. A. G. Seamands will entertain I with a miscellaneous shower, Tuesday I afternoon, October 11, from 4 to ti [o’clock, in honor of Miss Ethel Cor revon, whose marriage to Ernest Kerr I has been announced for October 18. Miss Louise Sloan has returned from ? la two-weeks’ visit to Mexico City. Mrs. Oscar Jannash of 1427 avenue D has returned from a six weeks’ visit to points in Arkansas and Texas, ' and has as her guest her sister, Miss Mary Dell. Miss Edna Barton, a very popular girl of Fort Worth, Texas, returned home yesterday. She was the guest of Miss Vanlandingham. Mrs. D. A. Meyer announces the en- i gagement and approaching marriage of I her daughter, Mundina, to J. P. Boleyn. I The wedding will take place Thursday evening at 8 o’clock at the home of , the bride, 701 Zarzamora street. Mrs. Maud Newman of Dallas, Tex., ' who has been visiting W. A. Newman J [ of this city, has gone to Corpus Chnßti, i Mrs. J. H. Hager and daughter, Etta, | 1 of 622 Wyoftiing street, who hav« been : I spending the last six months in Berlin, | I will arrive home about October 15. . The members of the First Prcsby teria* church will give a reception to I the Rev. Arthur G. Jones and wife in I the ladies’ parlor of the chureh, Tues | day evening, October 4. AU members I of the church and congregation are cor dially invited. There will be musie. land delicious refreshments served. No invitations will be issued except from the pulpit and in the press. The fol lowing officers of the church aud their wives will be on the reception commit- Hee: Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Hieks, Mr. and | Putting up her hair in curlers for the dance with you tonight? Mrs. J. W. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Craig, Dr. and Mrs. J. 8. Lankford, Professor and Mrs. W. W. llmdurant, Professor and Mrs. A. R. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs, R. B. Hadden, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jarrett, J. D. Evenshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Yale Hieks, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Culver, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Allardyce, Ml’. Mid MrS. Charles Judy, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jones, O. V. Luke and mother, Rob ert Harris and mother, John Means and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Richardson. The reception given at the Masonic temple last evening by the San Antonio chapter No. 3 of the Eastern Star was one of the largest and most elaborate । of its kind. It was well attended by the Masons, members of the Adah [chapter No. 49, visiting Masons and their wives. The temple was prettily arranged with cut flowers, pink regina corona and pins in every eozy corner and nook and punch was dispensed from an effectively decorated bowl by the I following: Mesdames T. C. Blanks, SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND OAZETTE Perhaps—oh, a jealous thought!—she': lunchin’ with another fellow. Wolffs’ Closes Tuesday— Shop Tomorrow New Silk Waists, $3.75 A waist manufacturer is sometimes like the small boy who bites off more than he can chew; in other words, he makes up a few more waists than his customers have ordered. Today there are nearly a hundred of these waists at $3.75 each. All are new and this year's styles in black or col- Charles Peterson, L. Voight and Miss Mamie Russi. The reception commit tee consisted of the following: Mes i dames Peterson, Herman Homer, Hen ry Bodrie, Anthony Smith, A. R, Beal, Henry Limberger, Titus Eldridge, Ben no Keyton, F. M. Shaw, Ji H. Kirk patrick, Marens Davis, Malone Dug gan, Charles Titus, A C, McDaniel, W. H. Bull, Charles Van Cleve, Willie Shir ley, L. L. Poore, D. Harris, J. A. Har ris and Miss Mamie Russi. The fol lowing excellent program was rendered. Instrumental solo by Miss Bernice Ken dall; vocal solo by R. Lodovic; recita tion by Miss Blanche Smith, vocal solo by Mrs. Oscar Dewees, violin solo by Mr. Wallace, vocal solo by Mrs. Croft, recitation by Miss Blanke, vocal sdlo by J. K. Harris, instrumental solo by Miss Kendall, vocal solo by Miss Blanke, recitation by Miss Claudia Smith, vocal solo by Miss Mary Car- P — | Mrs. J. A. Pryor will receive inform ally Tuesday afternoon at her home on “After all, there’s no Millinery Like Wolffs’,” said a clever shopper. Handsome Evening Gowns are beautiful at Wolffs’ Whether you wish to pay $2O or $5O or $9O be sure that the selection offered at Wolffs’ will please you. There are so many deft, artistic touches, so muqh that is new, that pages & pages of description would not con vey to you as much as one glance at the gowns them* selves. Every color & nearly every material. ored messaline or taffeta. Only one or two of a kind. A fine batiste waist, open in front, with imitation band embroidery in white & black, $1.75. A new shipment of those popular pure linen waists with plain tucked fronts at $1.50. And a pretty new blouse of white challis with brown, navy, reseda, green or black figures. Tuckt, with high collar Ac silk bow. Price $5.50. She may be absorbing soda—just absorb ing it in silent delight. Augusta street, from 4 to 6 o’clock, complimentary to her house guests, Misses Ida Day and Mattie Lawrence of Luling. Miss Forest Richardson is the guest of Miss Christi Moore for a few days. Announcement is made of the mar riage of Miss Erlinda Steubing to A. Higginbotham, to take place on next Wednesday, October 5, at the home of the bride-elect on Goliad street. The Woman’s Home Mission society of the Laurel Heights Methodist church will meet at 4 o’clock tomorrow after- I noon with Mrs. J. D. Young, 314 Mag nolia avenue. A social hour will follow the business session. Misses Elsie Jameson. Dulcie Hagner,. Beatrice Jameson, Ralph McKenzie, Katharine Ramstetter, Ruth Finck, Nep pie Stone, Deana Ladon, and Mary Smartt compose the membership of a new club organized yesterday after- “Shapes are shapes, and trimmings are trimmings, but nobody seems to combine the two with the sarpe result as Wolffs’,” she continued. There are hundreds of women in San Antonio who have found that to be true in and out of season. Women who never wore Wolff hats not only bought them now, but have sent various friends to buy also. ’ Coats are $lO at W olf fs’-worth $ 15 These are long loose flowing coats with splendid tailored lines that enhance the value of any figure. The material is a soft warm cloth, smooth finished and good looking. The coats are half lined. Black only. That’s why they are $lO instead of $l5. Other coats are $13.50, $l5, $16.50 and up. Especially handsome are the novelties at $2O and up. Or powdering her nose—a powdered nose rests a girl wonderfully. This season Wolffs 1 hats are $5, $7.50, $lO, $12.50 & up gradually to sso.' Why don't you tvear a Wolff hat this season? noon and which had its first meeting Saturday afternoon with Miss Deana Ladon on Main avenue. The meetings will be held twice a month at the dif ferent homes, and games and numerous other social diversions will be the pro gram. Forty-two was played at the meeting yesterday, and was much en joyed. An ice cream social was given by the Philathea class of the Utica Presby terian church. The attendance was very good, and the evening was an en joyable one. The young ladies who have charge of the piano fund managed the entertainment and made it a success. Mrs. Bell Dilgarde, Mrs. A. R. Byrd, and Mrs. Owen have returned from Waco where they attended the Wo man ’s Christian Temperance union con vention. These ladies report much good work done at the convention. Mrs. J. H. B|rd of St. Louis and Women’s Tailored Suits Two of the styles just down from the receiving room are such wonderfully good examples of tailor-mades at $16.50 and $49.50 that they shall have this advertisement all to themselves. Either style would make an admirable suit for Winter—on account of their weight. i That at $16.50 is of heavy cheviots in blue, wistaria and black, the coat half-fitting, the skirt plain at the sides and pleated front and back, and the whole very simple. That at $59.50 is of lustrous broadcloth in black and a beauti ful quiet blue and a number of other shades and the satin revered coat has all the touches that delight the woman fastidious as to details, even dowj to sleeve protectors and the inside pocket frills which a custom tailor indulges in. Both richly messaline lined and a keen critic of clothes would expect to pay distinctly more than the prices we ask. OCTOBER 2, 1910. Best of all— perhapa sho'! writing bullo-e-e love letter to you. Mrs. Edward Howard of Jackson, Mo., who have been visiting Mrs. A. R. Byrd on Guenther street, have returned to their respective homes. Miss Cornelia Cox has returned from a delightful visit to Mexico. Mrs. J. Kendrick Collins of Alamo Heights, has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Harris in Dallas. Mrs. L. J. Hamilton and daughter, Miss Lettie of Essex street, have re turned from a tify to Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. L. F. Webb of Lewis street, who has been very ill at a lotal infirmary is somewhat improved. j ■ M. L. Hibbard will leave Thursday for Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Chamberlain re turned Thursday from Mexico, where