they have been for the last month at
tending the centennial festivities. In
cidentally they made several side trips
to various cities, including Cuernavaca.
Mrs. Chamberlain is now at Mrs. To
bin’s, 511 St. Mary’s, until she re
opens their home, about November 1,
having closed the house for the sum
Miss Lulu Lombard returned to
Eagle Pass today after a visit to Mrs.
8. P. Brundage, whose marriage she
came to attend.
Mrs. B. R. Abernathy of Madison
street will leave the early part of Oc
tober for Hampton, Va., to visit her
daughter and will also visit relatives
in Tennessee before • returning.
Norman Bodet has re entered the A.
and M. college at Bryan as a sopho
Mrs. Percy Caldwell of Magnolia
avenue, who has been very ill, is im
Miss Kate Feurelle, who visited th®
Misses Bodet some time since, is
spending a few days as their guest,
en route from Austin to New Orleans,
where she will join her family and sail
for Panama, where they will reside.
•4 ' 1 '
Miss Eleanor Brackenridge did not
accompany her father on his return
home from South America, but has
gone to New York, where she is visit
ing relatives.
Mrs. E. B. Luter and two children,
of Kyle, who have been the guests of
Mrs. J. W. Combs of Alamo Heights,
have returned home.
Miss Vida Vick has returned home
after a pleasant visit with relatives in
Houston. /
Miss Edna Lee Rummers of St. Louis,
who has been visiting in the city for
the past two months, left yesterday for
Mississippi, where she will attend a
college. \
Miss Elsie Frederick has returned
from a three and a half months’ stay
in Kansas City, St. Louis, Englewood
and Barn-, Mo.
t ’
Miss Erna Donop entertained the
members of the I. D. C. club at her
home, 1203 Garden street, Friday aft*
ernoon. The spacious rooms were
thrown en suite, the prevailing color
in the reception hall was red and
green, while the parlor was artistically
decorated with ferns and cut flowers.
After the conclusion of the games the
guests repaired to the dining room,
where the prevailing colors were pink
and green, while the table was elabor
ately trimmed with flowers correspond
ing to this color scheme. A delicious
salad and ice course was served. Dur
ing the afternoon musical selections
were rendered by Misses Erna Donop
and Felicitas Sievers.
The prize w-inners of the afternoon
were as follows: The first prize re
sulted in a tie between Misses Donop
and Icke, Miss Icke being the winner.
The second prize was also a tie, Misses
Jud and Weimer having to draw, Miss
Weimer being the lucky one. Miss
Schmidt won the consolation and Miss
Meiers the booby.
The following guests enjoyed Miss
Donop's hospitality: Misses Josie
Icke, Florence Icke, Alma Jud, Esther
Newton. Nellie Casey, Edna Meier,
Adele Schmidt, Felicitas Sievers and
Leslie Weimer. Mrs. E. Schunke was
1 the guest of honor. October 15 the
club be entertained by the Misses
Icke at their home on South street.
See the Diaz Sisters’ orchestra for
Jyour dances and entertainments. New
'phone 2887 blue.
Mrs. S. J. Baggett, 414 West Wood
lawn, will take a limited number of
pupils in piano, voice and sight singing.
Miss Eleanor V. Joseph has resumed
her classes in vocal music, and will be
in her studio Tuesdays and Fridays at
1251-2 West Commerce street.
Dr. Sara F. Herdman, osteopath.
Bldg. Phones res. N.P. 3055 blue.
Alamo Special No. 171
Mantel Folding Beds
A close-out special you never saw the like of.
These beds are all full size—with fine spring
and best all round construction. Every detail
is strictly 0. K. and the values will surprise you.
Alamo Furniture Co.
121-123 Main Ave. 118-120 N. Flores St.
A Dollar a Week Will Furnish A Happy Home For You.
Miss Bodien Martin, one of San Antonio's most attractive and talented
college girls. Miss Martin left Thursda y to continue her studies at Wellesley
college. She will also continue her w ork in expression, which she began with
Miss Fay Nickerson and will take up v oice culture under Edward White.
a wwm uw
Opportunely with the opening of
club life in San Antonio comes the fol
lowing letter from Mrs. 8. J. Wright,
president of the State Federation of
Woman's Clubs:
“Open letter to Texas club women:
“Greetings and hearty well wishes
for the incoming club year! Our
thoughts as a federation are now turn
ed toward the place of our next meet
ing, of the coming together of earnest,
intelligent women from all over the
state, responding to the call for the
hearty fraternal hand-clasp, for inter
change of ideas, and for means of
fresh inspiration.
“The coming annual meeting of our
Texas Federation of Women’s Clubs
will be held in San Antonio, Novem
ber 29. to December 2, inclusive. This
change of date w-as necessitated by tho
fact that San Antonio’s hotels could
not accommodate us before the latter
part of November. However, the
above dates w-ill be equally convenient
ones, Thanksgiving being over, and
Christmas preparations not yet becom
ing imperative.
“The St. Anthony hotel has been
selected as official headquarters, the
day sessions to be held in a hall of the
hotel, which will seat over five hun
“The proceedings of this meeting
wjll be of unusual interest, several new
features having already been arranged:
The conference of club presidents, pre
sided over by one of our most promi
nent club women; the council of home
and school clubs, and mothers’ clubs,
to which *ll such clubs, whether fed
erated or unfederated, are urged to
send representation; the reports from
Similar to Cut
Slightly Used
—Photo by Cones.
city federations; the child nature ses
sion; these are but indications of the
special features to be brought out
through the efforts of our program
committee, who were net idle during
the summer months. The speakers for
the convention-will include several of
national reputation.
| “We desire to express our apprecia
tion at this writing, of the applies
tions for membership which are still
being received. Let all clubs desiring
admission into our federation, at the
San Antonio meeting, send in applica
tion at once to the Club Extension
Chairman, Mrs. John M. Key, Brenham,
Texas, accompanying same with dues,
$3.25, which serve as initiation fee. All
clubs having made such application are
requested to send delegates to the com
ing meeting.
“All clubs should remit dues for
1910-11, not later than November 1, to
NOTICE—We do not carry patterns
In stock, but forward orders to the pat
tern makers. who mail them direct to
yrr "nnal!? about 10 days are roauired
One of the new designs in underwear
,s shown here. It is especially pretty
worn under a thin one piece dress. An
■dging of beading and a band of insertion
ire the only trimmings. The flounce is
•nade of pink and white lawn embroid
ery and pink ribbon is used for the
This pattern is cut in three sizes. 32,
36 and 40 bust measure. Size 36 requires
4% yards of 36 inch material. Price 91
pattern 477 is 10 cents.
No. 477.
Fill out blank and send to Patten
Department of this newspaper. ,
r-STYLE 536—i
PRicmso I
'Royat Worcejter Cornet j .for Sale in San Antonio by
Mrs. R. J. Thomas, treasurer T. F. W.
C., Honey Grove, Tex.
“An open letter to club presidents
will be sent out within the next Iwo
weeks, relative to our San Antonio
meeting, outlining more speciflically
our program, and naming its partici
“The club women of the hostess city
.are actively arranging fof the success
of our meeting with them. Let each
one of us feel that these preparations
are being made for our individual
club and its members, and determine
not only to send a delegate and as
many club guests as possible, but to
make our personal interest and en
thusiasm be contagious.
“Yours for a successful club year,
and for a large and responsive attend
ance at San Antonio. Fraternally,
“Pres. T. F. W. C.”
Much interest centers in the coming
to San Antonio of Miss Estelle Pad
dock, national secretary of the Y. W.
C. A. in China, who ia traveling in
the United States in the interest of her
work. Mise Paddock has recently been
in Fort Worth and Dallas, and El Paso,
and reports from there say that to hear
her talks on the condition of women ia
China is a privilege, since she has op
portunities of doing work in' China and
of entering the government schools
which are closed to missionaries.
Friday evening at 7 o’clock Miss
Paddock sill be given a banquet at th'e
Y. M. C. A. by the business women
of the association, and at this time
she will talk to ths women on “The
Women of China.’’ This will be tol-
Our Workaday Spirit
By Cynthia Grey.
Multitudes of women look upon work
as an unavoidable drudgery—a dis
i agreeable necessity for providing a
J means of livelihood. Sometimes they
say, “Oh, what I could do if I had
money enough to be idle and take life
as easily as Mrs. Blank does.’’ They
fret about the difference in the life of
the rich Mrs. Blank and their own, nev
er realizing in their blindness that Mrs.
Blank really works just as hard as they
do —although in a differnt way.
Many Mrs. Blanks work from morn
ing until midnight (n the effort to get
all pleasure possible out of the dav.
I They go to their beds weary —not of
I well-doing, but because they’re dis
satisfied; their day of selfish labor has
i left them jaded and unrecompensed—
! they know not why.
i The woman who works, if she will but
I look. upon her vocation in an enthus
iastic, whole hearted way, may be sure
that at the close of her day. while she
is probably more tired physically tliao
Mrs. Blank, she is mentally far better
off than her moneyed neighbor.
EST YLE 573—1
Price ’2.00 i
TTERE are six of the most popular corset models of
the season. Wherever they are seen and worn, they ■
meet with instant favor. This is not unusual, for every
woman is quick to recognize that which assures her a
stylish, graceful figure, true corset comfort and abso
lutely perfect fit ROYAL WORCESTER Corsets are
Sold by Leading Dealers from. ‘1 to ’3
and may be had in either batiste or coutiL Batiste is the
ideal fabric for summer wear. But whatever material it
is cut from, every ROYAL WORCESTER is scientific
ally designed to beautify and improve the type of figure
for which it is intended. Innumerable styles to select
from. Ask your corsetiere for ROYAL WORCESTER.
Royal Worcester Corset Co. BON 05
186 Market Street, CHICAGO ADJUST'D Comb. *3 .nd *5
y , I"’ n •
lowed by an informal reception which
will be open to all.
Sunday evening at. 8 o'clock Miss
Paddock will speak at the Travis Park
Methodist church, and will probably
speak morning and afternoon, though
arrangements for this have not been
Monday afternoon Miss Paddock will
speak to the women of the city, but
the time and place have not yet been
The San Antonio Congress of Moth
ers has issued a neat and attractive
year book for the coining year. In the
beginning of the book is the Mothers’
congress creed and the following are
the officers: Honorary president and
founder, Miss M. Eleanor Brackenridge;
president, Mrs. A. H. Cadwallader; first
vice president, Mrs. G. B. Peyton; sec
ond vice president, Mrs. Willis John
son; third vice president, Mrs. George
Worley; recording secretary, Mrs. Har
vey L. Steele; corresponding secreary,
Mrs. Ross W. Davis; treasurer, Mrs. f.
M. Dechman.
The committees are as follows: Edu
cational, Mrs. G. B. Peyton, chairman;
Mrs. J. T. M. Williams, Miss Louise
Wasson, Mrs. Mary W. Boatty, Miss
Caro Franklin, Mrs. A. E. Hilton, Mrs.
W. 0. Ross.
Membership committee: Mrs. Wiilis
Johnson, chairman; Mrs. Marshall Me-
Ilhenny, Mrs. Ella Richmond, Mro J.
P. Benkendorfer, Mrs. S. F. Reach.
Finance committee: Mrs. George Wor
ley, chairman; Mrs. James Vanlanding
ham, Mrs. Sol Dalkowitz, Mrs. R. A.
Legislative committee: Miss M.
An Editorial for Women.
If she only wills it, her work is an
elevating, educative process—the results
of which could come in no other pos
sible way. The spur of necessity com
pels her, when she looks at things right
ly, to develop the best that is in her.
Stamina, nobility and womanliness arc -
brought to maturity in her nature by
the necessity of labor.
But—she cannot make a real suc
cess in life when she wastes time in
envy of Mrs. Blank, and in grumbling
all the while because she must do this I
drudgery or that. Grumbling is a con- |
fession of weakness, and is demoraliz
ing, hence none of us can afford to
form a habit of doing things in a half- '
hearted, grudging manner.
We should go ahead in the spirit of |
conquerors, and so get the lesson and f
power out of the fight that comes only '
to the conqueror. We must take pride
in doing our work well —we must keep ;
our standards up and our ideals high
to earn our own self-respect—for that
means to us contentment and happiness
far beyond the dreams of the grumbler.
Eleanor Brackenridge, Mrs. D. C. Boling
er, Mrs. E. A. Stribling, Mrs. G. 8.
McFarland, Mrs. Marion Reese, Mrs.
C. A. Goeth, Mrs. W. R. Parker,
Congress extension: Mrs. George T.
Howard, chairman; committee, officers
of the club.
Pure food committee: Mrs. J. A.
Daugherty, chairman; Miss Emma Pi
rie, Mrs. L. M. Lewis, Mrs. 8. 8. Crewe,
Mrs. James Hopper, Mrs. C. 8. Austin,
Mrs. A. C. McDaniel, Mrs. George Wor
ley, rMs. T. M. Dechman, Mrs. T. D.
Anderson, Mrs. W. F. Miller, Mrs. E.
8. Maury, Mrs. R. G. Callahan, Mrs.
Chas. W. Ling.
Mutual benefit committee: Mrs. John
A. Williamson, chairman; Mrs. Van T.
Teel, Mrs. A. Duval, Mrs. Sam Daiko
witz, Mrs. James Anderson.
Printing committee: Mrs. M. B. Fen
wick, chairman; Mrs. J. D.
Mrs. D. B. Howland.
Mothers’ club program and magazine
committee: Mrs. F. W. McAllister,
chairman; Mrs. L. E. Wolfe, Mrs. A.
Social committee: Mrs. W. W. Wall
ing, chairman; Mrs. Atlee B. Ayres,
Mrs. F. M. Hicks, Mrs. J. J. Stevens.
Mrs. Wood White. Mrs. Harvey L.
Steele, Mrs. J. M. Olivarri, Mrs. George
Cummins, Airs. Charles G. Taylor, Mrs
J. M. Steinfeldt, Mrs. Ross Davis.
Outlook committee: Mrs. A. C. Mc-
Daniels, chairman; Mrs. Wm. Ellis
Every suit that the merchant
tailor makes is like the portrait
artist's product —for you and you
only. He frigets every outline
and amalgamates every physical
peculiarity into the garment
which he makes to fit for
You and
You Only
This is the reason of our success.
We study our customers' wants.
J. M. Nevelow
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailors.
123 Avenue 0.
Both Phones.
OCTOBER 2 r 1910.
STYLE 643—1
Price ’2.50 I
Smith, Mrs. Ecklekamp, Mrs. B. MaeK
ensen, Mrs. Richard Vandcrstratten,
Mrs. Marshall Freeborn, Mrs. Walter
Correvon, Mrs. J. R. Aydlett.
Our Reading club'will hold its open
ing meeting Monday afternoon at the
Woman's club house. This club wit
study Holland during the coming year,
and following the president's address
by Mrs. J. E. Lockwood, the national
hymn of Holland will be sun, and a
poem entitled “The Charaterization of
Holland,’’ will be read. Miss Ruth
Muir will read a sketch of “Holland.’’
The first meeting of the Tuesday
Musical Club Auxiliary chorus will bs
held Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock
at the Woman's club house.
The Womars's club will hold an open
chib session Wednesday afternoon at
3:30 o’clock at the club house, the
business session will be followed by the
president’s address given by Mrs. Mil
ton J. Bliem, and there willl also be a
All the latest things in hair goods. Ous
spoclal departments: Hair Dressing. Mar
cel Waving. Scalp Treatment, Manicur
ing Shampooing, Facial Massage. Hall
Coloring. Send tor catalogue.
MME. CHAMBERS. 120 Alamo Plsxs.
New Phene 10i« Old Phone 1119.
Ids Hagerty-Snell associate teacher of
New York National Opera Co., 135 Taylor
Street. New phone 946.
The Wonder Millinery
Mist Margaret Samaer, Pro*.
Chia Walking tad Drees Hate
m b 2 Av*. c
Braces —Supporters Fitted
Noa Spears Company
Cor. Crock,« 6 Loseys SU
Hsu to match your gowns or street
138-138 W ConuMres St.