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It leads in size and beauty. It leads with the biggest stock of housefumishings. It leads in variety of selection, the cheap, the medium and the biggest grades manufactured. Aft gft Faocy dresser, In either aZi3U birdseye maple or ma bgany, full swell front, 24x30 French tirror. 10 per cent discount for cash males the price 20.25 /* \ft Solid oak extension table, OmU golden finish, has five legs, exteis 6 feet. 10 per cent g yj off nfces titoxash price... OeT'W Feight Prepaid a all Orders of $O.OO or over THS CHURCH HAS REMARKABLE GROWTH IN ONLY TWO YEARS Fm Meeting at Private House South Side Christian Church Becomes a Thriving Con gregation and Builds a Model Structure. The history of the South Side Chile an church began on the 20th day of lay, 1909, in the home of J. C. Bell n Mabin street. Its beginning was 1 meeting conducted by Rev. R. T. Wheeler with fourteen people present. The need for a church in that com munity was evident and a discussion of the matter ended in the decision to form a permanent organizaiton. For some time meetings were held by Mr. Bell at his home until the establishment of a temporary place of worship in a tent on Kansas City boulevard. The work continued to grow and the next move was the organization of a Sunday school. This also was organized in the We have just received a fresh shipment of LOWNEY’S Bon Bons and Chocolates. We are exclusive agents of this line for San Antonio and will receive their fresh candy in weekly shipments. king & McClintock Prescription Druggists. 514 E. Houston St. From one to twenty-horsepower In stock. Yon will save time and noney by calling on ns. The most complete line of Chandeliers and Eleo ' trie Supplies in the eity, and our prices are right. Personal attention given to al! work. raham 4 Collins 246 St SUNDAYs ft Library table, solid oak, iSU golden finish, top 30 in ches by 42 inches, has drawer and large square legs. 10 per cent off for cash makes the g O g price UsOO A superb showing of library tables on tenth floor. Cor. Main and W. Houston St. home of Mr. Bell, twenty-five people constituting the charter list of the school. On Sept. 9. 1909, Rev. L. H. Har board came to this work with his fami ly and among the first important steps taken was the forming of a Ladies’ Aid society, which organization has had an important place in the development of the work ever since. They have car ried out almost impossible things by their loyalty and sacrifice. On Sept. 21, 1909, church properly officered and organized in all its work members and officers totaling twenty members and officers totalling twenty four. The next important step in the Motors for All Purposes See San Anto nio and the sur rounding coun try from dow er’s roof. The view Is magni ficent. Elevator to lOth floor. $50.00 p DINING ROOM S U ITES, side board. serving ta ble, china closet and round exten sion table; early English finish;iO% discount j|E fin makes it 40iUU Clowßr'sWhileFurniturePalace THE LEADING FURNITURE STORE Every article is marked in plain figures—this is the time price. If you pay cash you get 10% discount Twenty rooms on third and fourth floors tastily and elaborately fur nished. Furniture, Rugs and Drap eries In perfect harmony. Rugs, Carpets and Draperies DISPLAY ROOM—Sth FLOOR IQft "er yard for best quality Axmin sOU ster carpet, oriental and floral patterns, with borders to match. The 10 per cent discount for cash makes the 4 CO price A aWdC Iftft P«r yard for Brussels carpets, ■ W small oriental patterns with stairs to match. 10 per cent discount for ftft Glower Installment Co. ■ church's history was a tent meeting held by Rev. Mr. Harboard in October. | This effort resulted in the gaining of seventen new members bringing the roll up to forty-one. The same month a young people's society of Christian Endeavor was organized with an en rollment of eighteen. This society is active and stands near to the top among the Endeavor societies of the whole city. Soon after this a tent was pur chased by the ladies of the church and evangelistic services were held. It ■ was at this time that the state evangel-; ist of Texas, Mr. Boggess came to San Antonio, and under his guidance the plans were carried out which have re sulted in the erection of the present building. The new church building is a com fortable and pretty structure placed on the back part of an excellent lot. The cost of the building was something over $2OOO. On the first of June Mr. j Harboard was installed as the regular pastor. He preaches for the congrega-| tion every Sunday both morning and night and his work is splendidly effect tive. Many are being added to the con gregation and the work is growing in his hands. There have been seventy six added to the church since its or ganization, ana an excellent spirit of fellowship and progress prevails. The Young People’s society holds the ban ner among the unions of the city. The ladies aid is also a banner organization. DOG MANGE QUICKLY CURED By using the great internal rempdy— Ross ’ Mange Pills. They kill the mange germ quickly by acting through the blood —yet they are absolutely non poisonous. Money refunded if not cured. Price 50c per box. Ross’ Germ Lotion —a wonderful antiseptic for the kennel, the stable and poultry yard. 50c per bottle. Ross ’ Antiseptic Dog Soap, 25c—keeps hair and skin healthy. Ross’ Vermifuge never fails, 50c. Sold in San Antonio by the Southern Drug Co., 130 Military plash; H. L. Wagner, A. Dreiss, McElroy’y Drug Store. Mail us your order, . -AN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE For a couch, a single bed, a double bed and for gen eral utility, a sanitary couch has no equal. Clower’s price 10 FEB CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH. 4.00 5.00 6.00 I Rev. McDowell sf the West End Pres byterian church returned a few days ago from Jacksonville, Texas, where he w-ent to attend the meeting of the synod. Next year fhe synod will meet in San Antonio . Miss Mary Schaeffer of Virginia ave nue was married on Thursday night at her home to Edward MeKiusie. Many good wishes follow the young couple who are very popular at the West End. I Prof. Wesley Peacock and wife en tertained Mrs. Iglehart at the school with a prettily appointed luncheon on Wednesday. Mrs. Iglehart addressed the (pupils in the afternoon on “The Boy I Captive of Meir.” The eighth floor is used exclusively for displaying all the different styles and grades of Floor Coverings and Window Draperies. Here you will find the best values ever offered, on payments or io per cent discount from the plain figure price if you pay cash. lEft to r Nottingham ftE ftft for 9x12 Ax ’ ■3U curtains, 50 inches ft 3■ W minster rugs, wide, 3 yards long. 10 per Patterns. 10 per cent _ ’ ' ““ off makes the ftft Eft cent off for cash - ft E cash price ... 22.3 U makes the price.. * aW*J 6 ftft for 5 ■ foot rope portieres with 4 tapestry bands in each. 10 per cent off makes Aft the cash price... wi"TV E ft P er yard 48 ■ inch wvC ecru madras, im ported quality, very pretty de signs. 10 per cent discount for cash makes the A E price a 43 C During this year they have expended I more than $275. The church has now a clear field and a splendid outlook. It is a ward of the Centra! Christian church of San An tonio and the feeling which exists be tween the congregations is of the best. Capt. Bogardus Again Hits the Bull's Eye. This world famous rifle shot, who holds the championship record of 100 pigeons in 100 consecutive shots, is liv ing at Lincoln, Hl. Recently interview ed, he says: “I suffered a long time with kidney and bladder trouble and used several well known kidney medi cines, all of which gave me no relief until I started taking Foley Kidney Pills. Before I used Foley Kidney Pills I had severe backaches and pains in my kidneys with suppression and a eloudy voiding. On arising in the morning I would get dull headaches. Now I have taken three bottles of Foley Kidney Pills and feel 100 per eent better. I am never bothered with my kidneys or bladder and again feel like my own self.” Bexar Drug Co. 170 buttonless shirts leave the Mission City laundry. Try them. Phones 781. WEST END SOCIAL NOTES 7CK Solid oak ■WV dressers, three drawers, large base, highly polished, French mirror, beveled edge. Ten per cent dis coun t makes the cash ft QQ price UIUO 4 W Eft for 9x12 tap * ■ »3U estry rugs, in oriental and floral patterns. 10 per cent discount for cash makes the sell- 4 E T E ing price .... A 3 ■ / 3 OE ft ft for Wilton UViVV rugs, size 9x12. New oriental patterns in soft shades of brown, red and blue. 10 per cent discount for cash makes the sell- My| ing price .... Oftn*+U NEWS NOIES FROM PROSPECT Hill Roy Taylor of South Finto street has gone to Waco to enter Baylor Univers ity. Last year he attended the San An tonio High School where he graduated in June. Charles R. Haile left the latter part of the week for College Station to re sume his studies at the Agricultural and Mechanical College. Miss Louise Polk, who has been for eome time in the City of Mexico the guest of her out, Mrs. Polk-Magill, has returned home. Enroute home she visited Monterey and was the guest of Mrs. Daniel Healy, formerly of Prospect Hill. Miss Clara Gray of Monterey street has returned from Mexico where' she has been making a prolonged stay. Francis J. Kearful, who recently re’ turned from Mexico, is now in Okla homa City on legal business connected with the Indian fraud cases. Mrs. H. J. Robinson, who moved from the hill to the San Juan road below the Hot Wells, was on the hill Wednesday and spent the day amVr.g her old friends and neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Appleby, who hava been in Mexico in the interests of the Epworth League work, have returned to their homo on West Houston street There was a quiet wedding on Pros pect Hill Tuesday night when John Pitman and Miss Olive King were mar ried at the home of the bride ou West Commerce street. Rev. Z. V. Liles of the Methodist church performed the cere mony, and the happy eouple left for n two weeks’ visit to relatives of the groom. Mrs. S. S. Crewe of Buena Vista street, Worthy Matron of the Eastern Star, will attend the state meeting of that order which will be held in Aus tin next week. । Miss Statha Elliot of GuadalajaisL Mexico, is with her aunt. Miss Miume Lee Johnston again this year and will attend the San Antonio high school and finish her course of study in this city. 1 The younger set of Prospect Bill gave an evening picnic at San Pedro springs Friday night. It took one car to accom modate the merry-makers. A luncheon was served and a delightful evening en joyed. Frank Young of Kansas City, who has been visiting his sisters on Prospect Hill, has returned to his home. The N. B. Holden’s of West Com merce street will move next week to their new home in Alamosa. "IT BEATS ALL.” This is quoted from a letter of M, Stockwell, Hannibal, Mo. ‘‘l recently used Foley’s Honey and Tar for the first time. To say I am pleased does not half express my feelings. It beats all the remedies I ever used. I con tracted a bad cold and was threatened with pneumonia. The first doses gave 'great relief and one bottle completely cured me.” Contains no opiates. Bex ar Drug Co. It leads in quantity of goods. It leads with the lowest prices. It leads in giving you most goods for the least money. It leads with the most liberal credit plan on earth. 18.00 2.lnch posts, five large fillers in head and foot. Satin or bright finish. 10% discount makes the cash Ift ftft price I Oa£U 3 4 E Iron bod, like illustra- ■ A 3 tion; large, heavy posts and top tubing, strong fillers, full size, in different colors. 10 per cent discount for cash makes ft Q/1 the price ftaOHr Dining room furniture, complete suites. The fin est creations of the best factories in the country. Solid mahogany, quarter sawed golden oak and quarter sawed oak in early English. Visit our ninth floor. Cor. Main and W. Houston St. THREE GENERATIONS OF FAMOUS PLAYERS. In the theatrical world the name of Drew stands for hereditary talent — not one of the direct line or any of its off-shoots by marriage having failed to establish his or her right to the name or connection with it. The elder John Drew was generally conceded to be the greatest Irish comedian that ever lived. The famous Mrs. Drew is remembered with love and veneration by all the atregoers, and was unquestionable the greatest cemedienne of her time. The characters of “Mrs. Malaprop” and the “Widow Warren” she made her own, and took them with her, when death claimed her. The present John Drew is acknowl edged to be one of the best light com edians this country has produced, and Georgie Drew Barrymore was destined to be as popular when a sudden ill ness terminated her promising career. However, sho left a trio of children, who have all been tremendously suc- Comfort, Texas Altitude 1700 feet. delightful climate than Oolaradck Low Excursion Ra Ha on Sap R. R. Faust Hotel Solid roek boUdin*. Cbnl, mmtorubu reams. Only tirat-elnM jUero in tears. Excellent Table Board No consumptives taken. Write for information and prirea. Morales Transfer Co. Haoftcg and Storage MAOtHO OAF«a A MROtAkTV WaeakouM AAR. Tract*. OM Mtctta IMA Naw «NS. 75he Gunter or ne joirmwesr EUROPEAN FLAN $1.50 AND VF 350 ROOMS -t- -t- 225 VITH BATH Largest and most eoremodlous rotunda tn the South. Im aMitiea to •1» cam rerviee we apeclaliac LUNCHEON. 19 to 9 p. M. BO cent*. TABLE D'HOTE DINNER, • to 9 >. to. U M L Orchestral Concerts. THS OUNTHB HOTEL OOMYANT SAN ANTONIO — KERRVILLE OCTOBER 2, 1010. 4 Eft Q’**rt«r sawed oak XOs3v chiffonier, golden fin ish, serpentine front, has four long drawers and two short drawers and French mirror. 10 per cent discount for cash makes the J < ft Eft Dining table like 11- AMas3v lustration, solid oak, golden finish, extends 6 feet. 10 per cent off for cash makes the price AX a*3 Freight Prepaid on all Orders of $lO.OO or over | cessful, Ethel, Lionel and John Barry more. Then there is Sidney Drew, who for years has been accepted as this country’s most versatile comedian, not only in this country, but in Australia. South Africa and England. The last aspirant to hold up the Drew name is S. Rankin Drew, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew. Mrs. Drew being the daunghter of those fine aotora, Mr. and Mrs. McKee Rankin, and the last aspirant ef the Drews has the ad vantage of added inheritance from the maternal side and will no doubt live up to the traditions of this great family of actors. St. Anthony ABSOLUTELY FUEHtOJf SAN ANTONIO'S NEWEST AND fINEST HOTEL MODKBN IN EVUY DBTAII. Ke Better ar More Oaaptato Betel «t IU Bin (430 rooms) is amertes UtorakY COiMinetMt a* Ito EUROPEAN PLAN toeefa) Attsntte* Part ts Cf llrltl Me*. r. M. SITEAXINGXK a M>X Managing DuaaMra. r Hotel Savoy One hundred rooisw, all equipment, entirely new, Reanona b)e rats*. Furopeaa plan. All Cara Pan. 122 W. Houston 7