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u SHOULD Classified Ads We tak. classified ads over phone «r will •end messenger for them when required to do SO. Ono insertion, per word Ie Four consecutive insertions, per word.... 3c Seven consecutive insertions, per word.. 4c Ten consecutive insertions or more, each insertion, per w0rd............. •••W Mo ad received for less than 15c. Classi fied adrs for the Sunday Light and Gazette will not bo received after 10 o'clock Satur day night. EITHER PHONE 176 FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. JOHN H. BOLTON—HohI F *“‘ •ton Claim Agent- Notary PubllA Ml Jima Hotel Houston sUMt. FOB SALE —Cheep. Modern home, close in. A. A. Gray 4 Co. $5.00 CASH And two dollars per week buys a cholco 60- fool lot in Hyde Park. Not only the closest in but the prettiest and cheapest lots in the city, on easy terms. Every lot restricted, in good neighborhood, near good school, between twc car lines, sidewalks and city water. No interest until paid for. No payments '™ Q sick. No taxes ior one year. Belter and saier Uian a bank account. Buy a lot now and get Mu benefit of the increuse in value. T. H. C. HYDE. Boom 5, St. James Hotel. BY OWNEB. For sale- Five biocxs from Joske'a stol on corner North and Matagorda streets. Two large lots 110x150 to alley. Three houses, outhouses and Lam on these lots. Houses are separated by fences and each a good rental proposition. Will always rent well, pac ing at least 10 per cent interest on IM investment. Wish to sell collectively. Call* at 882 North street for particulars. AVENUE E CORNER LOT. 140 feet on Avenue E at $lOO per foot. bAN ANTONIO LOAN A TRUST CO. 50 ft. adjoining Knob Hill >350 4 corner lots Witte Terrace at ...1550 3 inside lots Witte Terrace at . .>425 W. A. McDUFFEE, St. James Hotel. Buys a 9-room modern house, colonial front, close in. This is m a select neighborhood, good barn, outhouses, lawn and shade trees; in fact, n beautiful home for little money. HUNNAM A WIGGINS, 307-308 Moore Bldg. BUY TEN ACRES and have a suburban home —located 5 1-2 miles from city hall; all good land. >2OO per acre cash will buy it. Address owner 4371, Light and Gazette and I will call on you. BARGAIN —Ideal home, nearly new; 8-room house with 2 bathrooms, big roof garden with plenty gallery, io fine condition, big sta ble and wash house, nice lawn with shade trees, good neighborhood. $2OOO cash, bal ance easy terms, 6 per cent interest. 1310 buuth Press street. $lOOO BELOW COST $lOOO A strictly up-to-date 5-room modern cot tage, on car line, extra good plumbing, elec trie lights and well finished throughout, good barn, garage, lawn and shade trees; must be sold. Let us show it to you, then make an offer. HUNNAM & WIGGINS, 307-309 Moore Bldg. W. A. McDUFFEE, St. James Hotel. Investments—Real Estate. Member San Antonio Real Estate Exchange. A SPLENDID BUILDING SITE. IC9 1-2 foot front, S. E. corner of block on PROSPECT HILL. For price and terms call on owner. JOHN RICHEY. 213 E. Houston St. FOR SALE—At a bargain, on account of owner leaving city, a beautiful Laurel Heights home, two-story, seven-room, recep tion hall, bath and thoroughly modern and complete; good location; lot 100x140: San Pedro car line 150 feet from door. Apply to S. E. Gantt, 219 East Houston street. $1.25 Pet Acte 6400 acres of land in Brewster v county; alternate sections. If sold at once goes for >1.25 per acre cash. WM. C. LOTT. SON & CO., 108 Avenue C. A GREAT BARGAIN IN WEST END Two story, frame residence of six rooms, hall, double gallery; lot 75x149; city wa ter, electric lights, nice peach orchard, gar den, etc. If this property is sold at once it goes for $lBOO. 4t is really worth $2BOO. If jou want a nice hom** in West End, see us about ihia. Near two fine schools and church. WM. C. LOTT, SON & CO., Exclusive Agents. Old Phone 1164. 108 Ave. C. New Phone 702. BARGAIN IN WAREHOUSE SITE. Situated on Sap spur two blocks from the freight depot, corner, 50x175; $l6OO im provement. Price $2850; terms $B5O cash, balance lung time. Ur 50x6U feet, including s4ou improvements. $lB5O. M. Burnett, owner, Kampmann building. FOR SALE—New 5 room cottage, modern; hall, bath, front porch, electric lights, etc. On good macadamized street. One block from school, two blocks from car. Price $1550, ’/a cash, balance in 5 years, or $250 cash, bal ance $25 per month and interest. J. B. Mos by, 236 Moore building. ]■ OR SALE —One six-room, one four-room house, on Olive street, near car line; will consider trade. Owner, 825 Starr street. 100 HOUSES FOR SALE. $lOO and up for first payment balance satisfactory terms. Kindly allow m* to show you what I have before buying. I will be appreciated. G. 8. THOMPSON, 408 Moore Bldg. Old Phone 4647. WILL SWAP $13,000 worth good S. A. income property for clorfl in acreage with improvements. THE SECURITY TITLE & GUARANTY CO. 201 E. Houston St. Old Phone 3330. FOR SALE—Three rooms and hall, cost $373; will sell for $75. Corner Avenue A and Twelfth street. SACRIFICED —Must sell 8-room new house, $5OOO, % cash, % time; might acc pt other properly as part payment. Owner P. O. box 212. FOR SALE OR RENT—Nine-room residence, 728 San Pedro avenue, newly papered and painted, all modern conveniences, large sta ble. garage, servant’s rooms, etc. R. 11. Ward, room 402, Kampmann building. REALTY AGENTS. My property' listed with you is now off kbc market. * H. A. Donaldson. ADVERTISE HERE ST FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. "IT’S JUST LIKE HOME’’ 160 acres 2M miles from Nixon, 50 miles east of San Antonio, on Gulf Shore Ry. All level, black sandy mesquite valley. 100 acres in cultivation; fine FLOWING WELL only 300 feet deep: surface well: cistern. Good 7-room house, ceiled, weather boarded and painted: 2-story barn, tool and buggy house. Nice yard, shrubbery, etc. IT'S JUST LIKE HOME.” Price $45 per acre, good terms. PARRIGIN-WAY LAND CO.. Frost Building. CLOSE IN HOME, CHEAP. Well built, comfortable 6-room cottag*; good location, large lot, modern conveniences. Owner wants tn sell quick. Price for a few days $3500. This place is worth $4 500. See us at once. I. N. GROESBEF.CK * CO . 203 Moore Bldg. Old Phono 72. EASYTERMS Beautiful three-room cottage. Rath, pan tries. on car line. Built for a home. Large lot. Built less than a year. Price $O5O. ANDREWS & HARDING. 216 Moore Bldg. COTTAGE HOME Beautiful cottage home, 5 rooms, bath, large corner lot, 1 block of car, nice out houses. Our price $l4OO. Terms. ANDREUS & HARDING. 216 Mcore Bldg. Rix lots and two houses on Dallas street, close in, pay 8 per cent as it stands; will double the price asked in two rears. WATKINS REALTY CO. Old Phone 4653. 211 215 Gunter Bldg. GOLDIAD STREET LOT. Walking distance. All conveniences. Near Sunset depot. J. L. STROHM, Mackay Building. Trade Sidewalk for Homesite. I want quite a lot of sidewalk built and having more property than cash will offer it in exchange for the walk built for me. Or I will pay part cash. Address P. O. box A HOME FOR RENT RECEIPTS You are paying $20.00 a month or more rent. You can buy a lot from us and get a home built, and your monthly payments for YOUR OWN HOME will be very little more than your rent is now We are ready to show you the lot and explain more fully. If you are interested come and see us. ALAMO HEIGHTS SALES COMPANY. 203 Avenue O. IRRIGATED GARDENS At city limits, easy terms A. E TONKIN. 211 Gibbs building Mornadale At Terminus S. Flores Car Line Farther est Lot 2 Ptocks of Car Lots $l5O and up; $5.00 Down and $5.00 a Month No Interest; No Taxes ANDREWS & HARDING 216 Moore Building Autos to Property Phone No, 4085 INVESTMENT SAIN AINIO IN IO LIU Hi AINU OAZuTTE FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE SOMETHING GOOD f have a choice lot in the choicest addi tion to San Antonio that I will sell at n bargain, having bought more lots than I find I am r.ble to carry. Will see that you get same terms and payments I have. ‘ The lots arcund mine have advanced already in price. Give me a lift and at the same time find a 'rargain. Address P. O. Box 727. HOME FOR SALE $lOO.OO cash, balance in five years, will buy a beautiful five-room house with bath; entirely new and has never been occupied. Located in one of San Antonio’s most desir able residence places, where every city con sentence is available. 100 feet from car lins with 15 minute through service. Address P. O. box 796. city. FOUR ROOMS—New; bath. gas. light, near River avenue street car, only $lB5O. Many other home bargains, all prices, beautiful shady Brackenridge Place, Montclair and other lot bargains. DICKINSON 1 CO. Loading Realty Sellers. 313 Navarro Street, near Commerce. $lOO CASH, balance monthly buys four-room cottage, bath, electricity, shed. Jones ave nue, $lBOO. William Schutz, Riverside Bldg. 1 WANT a piano as first or part payment on a lot. Might trade even. Address P. O. box 727. ALMOST GIVEN TO YOU. Of course, you know I can’t give you a lot outright, but I can give you a chance to se lect one and put a dwelling on it and pay for it instead of paying that everlasting rent. This is a good proposition most anywhere, but in the place I will offer you it is an extra good one. You will surely either call for me at 203 Avenue C or tell me over oid phone No. 1765 or new phone 2934 to call on you and have me explain in detail my plan. GEO. 11. KING. SEVENTEEN room rooming house for sale; full of roomers; reason for selling; leav ing city. 425 Soledad street. FOR SALE—By owner. A handsome home, very close in. three blocks east of Joske’s. Largo lot, has a modern high built stone cot tag** of six rooms and bath, al! modern con veniences: two-story barn, lovely shrubbery and shade trees, south front. Price $6500, one half cash, balance to suit. 119 Lafitte street. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. A BARGAIN. Fine six room house, all modern conveni ences, corner 100x157. Fine lawn and shade trees. CENTRAL REALTY CO. 817 Navarro Street. A BARGAIN HOME W<6 have a client desiring to sell his beau tiful home in ALAMO HEIGHTS because, on account of sickness in his family, he is not ahle to use the upstairs. He must have a cottage. Here 'is yoar chance to secure at a bar gain one of the prettiest and most conveni ently arranged homes in the city, located on a beautiful lot with oak trees all around. Think of it—a stucco house, hardwood floors, imported wall paper, mirrored doors and all such beauties and conveniences as one of the best architects in San Antonio can arrange for his own home comfort and convenience. All to be secured now at a sac rifice price. CLIFTON GEORGE. 203 Avenue C. CHEAP LOTS Think of it! $5O lots inside the city limits of San Antonio. Have city water, 2 blocks vf street car. Are joined on one side by Highland Park, on the other by Pasadena Heights. Get them on terms of $5 per month from STREET REALTY CO. Near P. O. Both Phones. CLOSE IN ACREAGE. 17 acres, good two-story house, barns, well of fine water, wind mill and tank; all cleared and cul tivated. This is fine soil and a choice piece for sub-division. Price $ll,OOO, and terms. STONE-TBICE & IUDOLPH. 225 St. Mary's St. Both Phones. WAREHOUSE SITE. On Sap R. R., 100x150, with three good houses. Cheap for cash. Come and see me about this. L. WUESTE. Member S. A. R. E. Exchange. 213 Frost Building. Njw phone 3092 Old phone 4513 A SACRIFICE A five-room modern bungalow, screened and between two car lines; all furnished; house for rent; furniture for salo; parlor furnished in very handsome weathered oak; dining room in golden oak; one bedroom golden oak with brass bed; one in toned mahogany, metal bed. Kitchen furnished complete in every detail; also very rare selection of Indian and Jap anese curios; will sell at a sacrifice for quick turn. BEATTIE & DECKER, Old 2636. 403 Moore Bldg. New 1061. WAREHOUSE SITE. 110 foot front 130 feet deep on S. P. R. R. with spur on land. Fully $l2OO worth of improvements on property; ground alone worth $l5OO. Price for all, SI7IJ; half cash. Don't fail to investi gate this. BAKER & HOWARD, Exclusive Agents. a P. 569. N. P. 1007. 511 Navarro St. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE FOR A FINE INVESTMENT. This consists of an addition already plat ted, surveyed, staked out in lots and street graded through it; 92 lots, all nice high ones except about 6 or 8. This addition can be bought for less money than the price of un improved acreage that lies farther out. Terms on part. Call at our office, 201 Hicks build ing. J. K. McCoy & Co.. Exclusive Agents. A HOME High up on the hill, with beautiful yard and ideal surroundings, on one of the best car lines in city, five rooms, circle porch, all modern and convenient. It's worth the money. Ring old phone 4653. WATKINS REALTY CO., 211-215 Gunter Bldg. HAVE A BUYER For small cottage. Pric* must be cheap. Pay ments hk” rent. Answer quick. Oeck, 818 Gunter building. HOTEL SEEKERS For sale, the DAVIS HOTEL, at Devine, about 25 miles south of San Antonio, on the 1. & G. N. R. R.. known as “The Drummers’ Home.’’ Has 10 rooms and bath and is com pletely furnished and doing a splendid busi ness. Reasons for telling, owner in ill health and mu»t retire, if you arc looking for some thing good in the hotel line, you should in vestigate this. L WUESTE. 213 FroM Bldg. O. P. 4513. N. P. 3092. WE WANT PROPERTY We list property today and sell it tomorrow, providing you really want to sell. Bring a good model ate sized cot tage to be sold on small payments, and sec it go. Price it right and give us protection on the .sale, and wp will burn up some printers’ ink selling it. C. S. FOWLER & BRO. Frost Bldg. Seo B. D. Hatcher, Manager City Dept, TWO Al rooming or boarding houses, well filled, for sale. Price $6OO and $350 each. The best of reasons for selling. Do not de lay; these will not bp on the market long at this price. Come and look at them. WINDSOR REALTY COMPANY, 402 Moore Building. Old Phone 2636. New Phone 1061. FOR SALE— POULTRY AND EGGS FOR HATCHING FOR SALE—Cheap. Five pairs of thorough bred homing pigeons. Address No. 4857, Light and Gazette. ! FOK SALE— MISCELLANEOUS ''full cord wood yard' Sella ouly the beat puat uaK and mvequlte aoud, delivered ad full cord waguoa. ?houc> 11U7. Frank Baa a la. FOR SALE —One 8 horsepower gaaotina en gine* one o-inch oentrnugai pump, two pur table 1 urge a. Fuller Machine bkvpa, 516 d. Alamo. FOR SALE—3 complete rente of 3-letter 8- point mate. 1 complete font of Zletter 10 point mata for Mergeuchalur, nmts are in perfect condition, aawples of printing from oume will be furnished prospective buyers, were discarded by us only to make cßauge ior 7 point mats. dan Antonio Ligut and uuzeite. GULF SHORE WUUD CO. Full cord mes quite stevo wood $4.75. Old phone 156. New 316. CUT-RATE LUMBER—Save $lOO per car on building materials; direct from mills to contractors and consumers anywhere; send bills for delivered prices. Independent Lum ber and Supply Co., Moore Bldg. HAY HAY HAY Choice prairie hay. I have 20 cars now on Southern Pacific tracks. You will find me all day on S. P. tracks.* J. H. Covington. HAVE your shirts made to measure by John son, tho shirt maker, 216 East Commerce street. SHIRTS that art* shirts are the kind of shirts that Johnson, the shirt maker, makes. Location 216 East Commerce street. SHIRTS that are shirts are the kind of shirts that Johnson, the shirt maker, makiu. Lo cation 216 East Commerce street. FOR SALE—Bakery and confectionery. Will invoice about $lOOO, will sell for $6OO if sold at once. This is a snap. Call corner Garden and Alamo Sts. FOR SALE —Gasoline engine. Call at Mueller Bros., corner South and Santa Clara. HAY HAY HAY Choice prairie hay. I have 10 cars now on International & Great Northern tracks. You will find me all day on 1. & G. N. tracks. H. A. Trost. BUGGY tires, all brands. $l3, $l4, $l6, $lB per set. Standard Cycle Co., 238 S. Alamo. DO NOT WAIT for tho cold weather, it w’ill be hero when least expected; be comfort able by buying your stove from us. We have all kinds at prices that will please you. Jack W. Neal, 227-229 South Flores. COME now and select your fall furnishings and shoes before the cold weather and avoid the rush. The Crosset Shoe Store, 203 West Houston street. FOR SALE—By owner. A good restaurant in splendid location. Address 3346, Light and Gazette. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— FOR sale or trade, equity in 2 nice houses, land, automobile or cash. Ring old phone 4223. FORTY ACRES of the best land in the Low er Rio Grande Valley on one of the main line canals; will trade for nice cottage and give or take cash difference. 11. M. THOMP SON. 219 East Houston street. EXCHANGE—For a good horse—one lot in Sunny Slope addition. Light and Gazette. TO TRADE For San Antonio improved property, 240 acr's improved farm in Taylor Co., 100 acres in cultivation, entire farm good rich agricultural land, good well, two houses and outbuildings. This is a splendid farm, and cheap at $40.00 per acre. Will take San Antonio property as part or all payment. GLOVER FORSYTHE CO., Gibbs Building. TRADE. Will exchange an automobile practically as good as new, for a good two-story residence in a desirable portion of city and pay dif ference in price of residence in cash. W. C. Robards, 322 Washer building. Old phono 2238. FOR sale or trade, 5 room modern cottage (new), complete bath fixtures, 2 story barn, large lot. south front, for land near Mission or McAllen. Texas; would consider town property in either place. 4812, Light and Gazette. BRUSH runabout to trade. What have you? Address box 1076, city. FOR SALE— FURNNfTURE AND PIANOB NEW and second-hand furniture bought, sold and exchanged. Eagle Furniture Co., 117 119 Soledad street. N“w ohone 288 BOARDING house, nicely furnished, with 20 regular hoarders. Will take $6OO for the lease and furniture. This is an extra go«»d deal for sone one. Inveatigato for yourself. WINDSOR REALTY COMPANY, 402 Moore Bldg. N. P. 1061. ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING FOR KENT—Two large conecting house keeping rooms, modern, conveniences, close in. with gas stuve, 1034 Ave. D. HANDSOME suite downstairs, servant's room and garage; no sick, Yio children. 40J Madison street. NEATLY furnished rooms for light house keeping, free gas, close in. 321 E. Nueva street. TWO or three upstairs furnished light house keeping rooms, close in; gas, electric light, bath, private family; reasonable. 117 Arse nal street. Old phone 2656. No sick, no chil dren. FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping, every thing furnished — gas, lights, hot and cold water; bath. 420 St. Mary’s. NICELY’ furnished rooms; also rooms for light housekeeping; modern conveniences; close in. 240 Garden street. FOR RENT— Unfurnished Rooms ROOM DIRECTORY. If you want your rooms and houses rented promptly and permanently, list them with us. 109 Avenue O. MISSION REALTY CO. New Phone 1340. Old Phone 3750. SEED & POULTRY SUPPLIES FEED STAFFED. Si» E»«t Commerce. Hay and xratn. cardan end field seed ooaltnr euDDllee. incubator* and brooder* FOR RENT— FURNISHED BOOMS roonTdirectory. The best rooms in the city—single, double and housekeeping, with and without boaid; also furnished and unfurnished houses. We do not charge anything for suiting you in price, location, etc. Do nut waste time look ing lor a place, see us. MISSION REALTY CO. IU9 Avenue O. N. Phone 1340. O. Phone 8750. FURNISHED rooms on car line; everything new; modern conveniences; private family. 939 South Alamo. LA CASA—New house, newly furnished. Steam heat, private bath. Single rooms with hot and cold water. Excellent meals. Mra. Shumway, 820 Avenue D . TWO furnished rooms ior light housekeeping with private family, one block car line. 911 North Laredo. FOR RENT—One or two furnished rooms; one with grate; privilege of bath. Apply to 1103 North Olive street. NICELY furnished room with couple, no chil dren; no sick; reasonable. 715 Baltimore avenue, two blocks from Madison Square. Choice neighborhood. FOR RENT—To gentleman only, lovely suite upstairs front rooms, lavatory serosa hall from bath, private brick house, close to St. Anthony and Gunter hotel. Address 310, Light and Gazette. ROOMS FOR RENT —Nicely furnished rooms for two gentlemen in private family of two; all conveniences, one block from River avenue car line. Will give breakfast if desired. Reference asked. Address P. O. Box 922, city. NICELY furnished rooms with or without board; close iu; between two car lines. 507 South Presa. NICE furnished rooms from $1.50 to $2.50 a week. A very nice locution. Old phone. 720 Wyoming street. FOR RENT—Newly furnished room, close in. 132 City street. FOR RENT- STORES AND OFFICES DESK ROOM FOR RENT—Ground floor, next Gunter hotel. John Richey & Co. FOR RENT—Warehouse, one block from Houston street. Apply 209 Moore building. THREE LARGE OFFICES Second floor Central Trust Building. Build ing fireproof; rooms steam heated. Elevator service. Apply THE TEXAS SURETY & INSURANCE CO. Central Trust Building. ROOMS AND BOARD— HOTEL JEFFERSON, 442 Soledad. Rooms with board at reasonable rates; two blocks from Houston street. ROOM and board. Good home cooking, two blocks from postoffice. New phune 2452. 316 Nacogdoches. NICHOLS RANCH Fine winter resort. Comfort, Texas. Locat ed fifty miles northwest of San Antonio. Ele vation fifteen hundred feet. Well sheltered by the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, buildings are modern. Table supplied with the best the market and farm affords. Fine flowing wells furnish the best of water. Horseback riding, liuntirg, fishing and other pleasant diversions. For rates write to T. W. Evans, Comfort, Texas. FOR RENT— HOUSES FOR RENT—Si* reams, La’\ bath, barn; plumbing and wiring, close to car, $15.00. Zay Smith. New phone 2002. foYrent—fornTture - House furnishing goods, stoves, bedding, rugs, etc., to furnish your vacant roums or your house from kitchen to parlor. Max Kaiotkin. Old phone 449; new phone 614; new quarters 316 West Commerce street. FIVE blocks from Goggan's, 11 rooms, two baths, cement walks, attractive yard, ou car, $9O per mouth. Cali 213 Frost Bldg. 3092 new. FIVE-ROOM house, close to car, 215 East Theo street, $12.00. Zay Smith, new phune 2602. AN EIGHT-ROOM, two story modern house, separate entrance ior two families, 101 Klein street, inquire 2319 S. Flores, only $lB.OO. FOK KENT-—3 room house, large bath room, $l2. Apply 914 Van Ness street. EOK RENT—Furnished cottage for the win ter, very convenient. 1012 Howard street. FOR RENT’—One six-room house with hall; barn and stable. 701 Indiana street, near Her ft' school, $lB. One four-room house, 235 Barrera street, two blocks from Mission Gar den, $l6. VERY MODERATE RENT. Large two story residence, directly on car line, suitable for ruomera; also light house keeping purposes. 133 West Magnolia avenue. Inquire on premises or see San Antonio Loan & Trust Co. FOR RENT—Modern cottage. $14.00, ga«. lights, sewers, bath. Screened, 320 Devine street. Inquire Mafarh Grocery, S. Presa St. FOR SALE— ,i , AUTOMOBILES NEW PHONE 929 NEW CARS IN LIVERY; calls answered day or night; CAREFUL DRIVERS. We make a specialty of buying and selling second-hand automobiles; STORAGE; cars washed and polished; VULCANIZING, repairing, etc. PARRIGIN AUTO CU., Cor. Houston and Soledad. FOR SALE—Cheap. Curtis motocycle. In quire 1317 South Laredo street. F/lf Five passenger, two-cylinder lUi Ramoier gasoline automobile, overhauled, in good condition. High wheel Columbus Motor buggy. One Four-passenger Electric, newly painted, in good condition. One two-passenger White Steamer Car. Newly painted and overhauled. Woodward Carriage Co. > • • YOUNGBLOOD AUTOMOBILE CO. Our Tire Repair Plam is one of the most complete in the Southwest. Our work is good, our prices are right. Give us a trial. Work called for and delivered free any where in the city. YOUNGBLOOD AUTOMOBILE CO. New Phone 459. EDUCATIONAL— DO YOU WANT A JOB? If it it a practical education you want and a goud position when you finish, there's no place liko Draughon’s, Alamo Plaza and Crockett St., San Antonio* Texas. OCTOBER 18, 1910. PHONE 176 AND ASK for THE “WANT AD MAN’’ WANTED— SITUATION—MALE. ' COMPETENT snare and trap drummer open for engagement. 621 Burnet street, city. FIRST-CLASS male stenographer open for engagement; eight years’ experience, high est references. Box 4733, Light and Gazette. YOUNG man with employment wants change* inside work preferred, outside work accept ed; good references. 4872, Light and Ga zette. HELP WANTED— FEMALE WANTED—Experienced pressers; good pay and steady employment. Now Ycrk Staff Dye Works, 208 North Pres* street. WANTED—rFour good pressers on ladies* clothes, good wages to pressers who knuv/ their business. E. Y. White Dyeing and Clean ing Co. WANTED—Experienced German girl for general housework; no washing. Apply 715 South Presa street. DO YOU WANT A JOB? If it is a practical education you want and a good position when you finish, there's no place like Draughon’s, Alamo Plaza and Crockett St., San Antonio, Texas. WANTED—Servant girl to do general house work for family ot two at 921 San Pedro avenue. WANTED—A chambermaid at 707 Ave. C| HELP WANTED— MALE ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. fl. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35; must be native born or have first pa pers. Monthly pay $l5 to $69. Additional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quar ters and medical attendance free. After 30 years service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at U. 8. Marine Corps Recruiting Office, sec ond flour Pustoffice building, San Antonio* Texas. 500 MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted ai unce for Electric Railway Motormen and Con ductors; $6O to $lOO a month; nu experience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike. Write immediately for application blank, enclosing stamp. Address 3726. care of Light. WANTED—High-class, experienced salesmaa to sell city lots and close in acreage. A man that will devote his exclusive time to our proposition cun easily make SIOOO.UO monthly. I will furnish leads to the maa who shows ability. Don’t apply unless you are a man of good address. See Alfred C. Jackson, sales manager J. A. Clopton Realty* 102 W. Houston Sk High class company already incorporated under laws of Texas. Strung board ol direc tors. Stock guaranteed by land within limits of San Antonio. Best selling proposition in the south. Address 4692, Light and Gazette. DO YOU WANT A JOB? If it is a practical education you want and a good position when you finish, there'* no place like Draughon’s, Alamo Plaza and Crockett St., San Antonio, Texas. • WANTED—IO first class painters at once. Apply Fred Hummert. WANTED—Delivery boy with wheel. Pay $5 per week. Herff A Wilding. 110 Ave. C. WANTED—Someone to take contract to grub 20 acres in city. Wm. F. Schutz, River side building. WANTED—At once, 1620 Main avenue, bright, honest colored boy, who knows how to milk and wait on table. HELP WANTED— RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED—Aver age salary $llOO. Examinations in San An tonio November 12; 2UUO appointments every yetr. Common education sufficient. No “lay off.-.’’ Every second week off duty at full salary. Free preparation. Send name immedi ately. Franklin institute. Dept. 407 U, Roch ester. N. Y. WANTED quick, ladies and gentlemen, city or travel, big money easily made. Cali 404 East Commerce street. ALL round good farmer with plenty of help wants to rent 75 to 100 acres of good bot tom land with good house on the halves. Ad dress J. T. White, Devine, Texas. WANTED— MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—Diamonds, old <old and sil ver. Wm. N. Capurru, Jeweler. 502 East Houston street ('jpe’airs/. room 1. RARE coins waited, will pay cash for old gold, silver and diamonds. L. Racuson, 507 East Commerce. FARMS wanttd. I have a largo list of pros pective laud buyers wanting all kinds ot land. A bona fide list. Try 100 fur $1 and sell land. W. Summerhayes, Tama, lowa. WANTED—To build your new house, movs ° ld 0,1C ’ ICVeI ° r rcpair ’ 01d WAN i’ED— ANIMALS AND VEHICLES * FOR SALE OR TRADE—One span medium aixe mulea, wagon and harness, also ons curd four cylinder runabout car in good con dition, 205 Buckingham avenue, 2648 green, new phone. WANTED—A good young mule iu exchange for two lots in Sunny Slope addition. Call at Light and Gazette office. WANTED- HOUSES WANTED—By family of 4 adults, modern cottage of 5 rooubs. preferably on Tobin Hill. Will lease for a year. Address A. Light and Gazette. FOR RENT— FOR KE^T—live acres of land suitable for dairy or chicken ranch. Four-room house and outhouses, $l5 jfer month. Old phona WANTED— m Rooms andAoard Y\ ANTED Rooms by couple and young men. Price st be moderate. Onlv places dose in towMor immediately outside POR SALE-’ VEHICLES HARNESS HIGH-GBADI. ed s for sale cheap. Ap- 3 .? tx Ut l es s,ree ’- N»»«rro'» Blacksmith Shop* SECOND hand F wa*ons and buggies. Me hayo theii r | g h, prj( . e . nd th buy ' J » ck W. Neal, U 27-229 South FlSlrl WANTED—STOCK SALESMEN. Fanns aiid Ranches