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16 AMUSEMENTS. GRAND S TONIGHT The Greatest of Colored Musical Comedies THE SMART SET With SALEM TUTT WHITNEY Prices—2sc. 60c, 75c, SI.OO WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19 20. MATINEE THURSDAY. KELLEY and FITZGERALD Present the Merriest of Musical Comedies, Honeymoon Trail LOUIS KELSO. ARLINE BOLLING and FRED WYCKOFF. PRICES —Matinee. 25c, 50c, 75c, SI. Night, 25c, 50c, 75c, »1, $1.50. s R Greater g OY A L Old Phone 4646. ThrM 7-Kiawaskian Shows * Gre4t Sllveno & Cd. Daily ALLMON * NEVINS o a and BARNES & BARNES ' ' ISABELL HOWARD Royal Orchestra. Prinae Matinee 10c and 20c riIUUS Night 10c, 20c and 30c THE STAR 3—STAR ACTS—3 3—MOTION PICTURES—3 ANY SEAT ANYWHERE 10c. CHILDREN sc. MATINEE AT 2:46. NIGHT FROM 7:30 ON. SAN ANTONIO International FAIR OPENS NOVEMBER sth Closes Nov. 20th, 1910 [ADIES QARMENTS - MENS SUITS dyeing(j& cleaning co. H 3 Ave C. • both phones Riverside Nursery j TRY MY WORK AND PRICES i : JUST PHONE NEW 2536—0LD 2415 5 BEXAR HOTEL STORE. GARDEN STABLES FOR HIGH CLASS LIVERY Night or Day—Best Service. PHONES 212 BARGAINS! Closing out at eoat Entire stock of Buggies and Wagoia. BOND*GEORGE HOWE. CO. Military Plata. THE SAN ANTONIO LOAN & TRUST CO. tIMOORPOBATED WITHOUT BANKING PRIVILEGES) Acts as Trustee, Executor or Guardian ss 4,38 I".™ DIRECTORS GEO. W. BRACKENRIDGE, PRESIDENT. Leroy G. Denman, Vice President. Edwin Chamberlain, Vice President ‘ M. E. Brackenridge. Dr. Ferd. Herff Sr. Mrs. Caroline Kampmann. Thon. B. Palfrey. Mrs. E. A. Stribling. Chas. A. Zilker. . WM. L. HERFF, SECRETARY AND TREASURER. PETRICH-SAUR’S QUALITY LUMBER MAKES BUILDING PROFITABLE It is the clearest-grained and will take paint evener than most lumber; & it is the soundest and the most uniformly-graded to be bought. PETRICH-SAUR LUMBER CO. Phones 3030 Chestnut & Lamar Sts, TUESDAY, EIGHTY-THREE LUCKLESS ONES ARE ARRESTED Largest Class in Years Assem bles Before Judge Buckley In the Police Court. ARE MOSTLY VAGRANTS Raids 'Are Made on Idle Ones and Number of “Fair Vis itors” Are Taken In. ipation of the International fair and a wholesale arrest of “chronic specta tors” in the police court room. Thirty-eight arrests were made by police Monday afternoon before 5 o’clock. The record last night was forty-five. While three-fourths of the persons before the court were charged with vagrancy, there were charges of fighting in public places, disturbance of the peace, drunks and violations of the traffic ordinance, all tending to swell the docket, which took three hours to dispose of. Fines ranged from $1 to $25 and aggregated a total of $420. V The raids made by the detectives, who were assisted by several patrol men last night, were confined to sa loons, where it is said a certain class of negroes congregate regularly who have no visible means of support. In these cases fines of $lO were assessed in each case. During the afternoon yesterday persons drifting into this city just before the opening of the fair were picked up by the police and sent to jail for twenty-five days, this being sufficient to hold them until after the exposition. Those who were caught in the police drag-net yesterday morning in the police court room and who could not give a satisfactory account of themselves were sent back to jail. In several instances fines of $lO were imposed, but sentence suspended pro viding they go back to work and not loiter in the police court room. It was announced at police head quarters that from now until the close of the fair the police will be active in taking into custody suspicious persons found within the city limits who have no visible means of support. Alimony Is Allowed —Judge Arthur Seeligson at noon today allowed $3 a week alimony in the case of Dona ciano Davila vs. Juana Davila, pend ing the settlement of the suit for di vorce. Davila is a local Mexican mer chant. DANDRUFF AND ITCHING SCALP YIELD TO THIS TREATMENT Why experiment trying to drive the dandruff germ from underneath the skin with greasy lotions or fancy hair dressing when the Bexar Drug Co. will guarantee ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP to entirely rid the scalp of the germ life that causes the trouble. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP can be ob tained in any city or town in America and are recognized as the best and most economical treatment for all af fections of the skin or scalp whether on infant or grown person. One shampoo with ZEMO SOAP and an application, of ZEMO will stop itching and cleanse the scalp of dandruff and scurf. We invite you to try ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP and if not entirely sat isfied we will refund your money. Eighty - three prisoners faced Judge Buckley in the police court the largest number to be ar raigned in this court in ope day in several years. The heavy docket was the result of raids made by Detectives Stowe an ds Co o k last night on several resorts on Austin street, the arrest of idle persons flocking to San Antonio in antic- Hand Caught in Machine —Frank Foskett. an employe of the Alamo Iron Works, sustained a painful in jury Monday afternoon at that plant by having his hand caught in a ma chine. The hand was so badly lacer ated that it required seventeen stitches to close up the wounds. His condition is not considered serious. White Rose Grove 823 W. C.. will give a cobweb and dance at Muth’s Tuesday. October 18| Admission 15 cents. Artzt's music. Author of Election Daw Here— Judge A. W. Terrell of Austin, author of the Terrell election law and for many years one of the leading politi cians of the state, came over from Austin yesterday in an auto, accom panied by his daughter. Mrs. Lillie Rector, Ernest Nalle and J. S. James. The party registered at the St. An thony hotel and spent three or four hours in the city, returning therf to Austin. Leather Workers' dance Saturday, October 22, Turner hall. Kronberg’s orchestra. Admission 50c. Dr. F. A. Piper. Osteopath, Gibbs Bldg Lyon Leaves for Dallas —Col. Cecil A. Lyon, state chairman of the re publican executive committee, left yesterday for Dallas with Mrs. Lyon. They have been in San Antonio sev eral days, and will take in the Dallas fair. After that Colonel Lyon will accompany J. O. Terrell on a cam paign tour, returning to San Antonio some time next week. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE Advantageous and Opportune—Pvirchase Yovir Fall Needs Now. There Never Was a Better Opportunity to Economize Thstn in Dalkowitz Bros.’ Stupendous Removal Sade It is important and decidedly to your interest that you investigate the manner in which we are sacrificing this large consignment of fall goods purchased for our new store. It is postively reckless the way we are disposing of everything. Note the prices, then come and see the values. Women’s Tailored Suits arid Dresses—Great Bargains $12.50 and $l5 women's tailored suits, beautifully made, silk lined, some are plain tailored, others are trimmed in braid, buttons and fHf XX XX velvet. The new fall styles and shades. Your choice in the f stupendous Hemoval Sale-at * • zlz $16.50. $lB and $2O women’s tailored suits of excellent material through out. elegantly made, plain tailored and trimmed with 4 XX XX braid and buttons. The new fall styles, in all the want- 111 9C ed shades. Your choice AXX* X XX $22.50 and $25 women’s tailored suits, very fine material throughout, plain tailored and trimmed, very smart new fall styles in a 4 XX XX variety of choice materials, in all wanted shades. Your I A xJ 9x choice at A "■ • 7 U $27.50 and $3O women's tailored suits, the season's newest styles in the very best material, plain tailored and trimmed, very 4 XX XX smart looking. All the wanted shades are represented. I X xJ 9k Your choice at A < • X \J Great Millinery Reductions in the Stupendous Removal Sale $3.50 Women’s Dress Hats at $l.OB $5.00 Women's Beaver Hats at $ 3.18 $4.00 Women's Dress Hats at $3.48 $6.00 Women's Beaver Hats at $ 3.98 $6.00 and $7.00 Women's Dress Hats at $4.98 $B.OO and $O.OO Beaver Hats at $ 5.08 $B.OO. $9.00 and $lO.OO Dress Hats at $5.98 1 I-inch Willow Plumes, triple knotted. $6 and $7 values $ 1.98 $3.50 Women's Tailored Hats at $2.18 16-inch Willow Plumes, triple knotted. $8 to $lO values $ 6.98 $4.00 Women’s Tailored Hats at $2.08 20-inch Willow Plumes, triple knotted, regular $l5 values $10.98 $5.00 Women's Tailored Hats at $3.98 21-ineli Willow Plumes, triple knotted. $lB values, for $11.98 $4.00 Women's Beaver Hats at. L $2.08 26-inch Willow Plumes, triple knotted. $25 values, for $16.98 DALKOWITZ BROS. CITY NEWS Lady Maccabeae Dance. Harmony Hall, Thursday. October 20. Artzt mu sic. Admission 25 cents. Will Show Its Work —The press bu reau of the Publicity league, to show the public what it is doing to boost San Antonio, will soon place large press-board cards in show windows containing clippings from various papers to which data concerning San WRETCHED STOMACH Kid it of Gas, Sourness and Fcrmenta- tion in Five Minutes Willi Mi- o-na Stomach Tablets. The Bexar Drug Co. Sells Them and Guarantees Them. You eat food to keep yourself alive. When you put food into a healthy stomach it is the duty of that stomach to extract from the food all of its nu tritious matter. This nutritious matter is passed along to the blood, and in turn is car ried to and supplies life to every part of the body. If your stomach is upset it does not extract enough nourishment to sup ply the wants of the body, and nat urally disease develops wherever the body Is weakest. Stomach trouble or indigestion causes dizziness, biliousness, nervous ness, weak eyes, sick headaches, sleep lessness, nightmare. waterbrash, belching of sour food, foul breath, de spondency, constipation and even loss of energy and memory. For any stomach trouble, no mat ter how bad. the Bexar Drug. Co. sells and guarantees Misn-na Stomach Tab lets to give quick relief and permanent cure, or money back. A large box costs but 50 cents at the Bexar Drug Co. and druggists everywhere. They are small and eas ily swallowed, and used regularly will surely cure indigestion. Bright, new fall suits and dresses at a great sating. You'll marvel and wonder how we can sell them at such low prices. But we are determined to dispose of them. They're yours at these prices. Come early and get them Antonio has been sent. In this way it is believed that the public will be made more familiar with the work ings of the bureau than if a mere re pont was made. The aim is to show what other cities are hearing about San Antonio. Hello. Lecointc Stables, send me one of those nice Moyers. Dixie Social Club dance, Wednes day, 19. Fest hall. Artzt music. Divorces Are Sought—Divorce suits were filed as follows yesterday in the district courts: In the Fifty-seventh. Maria Rodriguez de Cassiano vs. Cleto Cassiano and Matilda Gafford vs. Jas. C. Cafford; in the Thirty-seventh, Ella Rippstein vs. Edward Rippsteln and Felix Quiroz vs. Tules C. de Quiroz. Kohr's dance. Beethoven hall, Thursday night. Diaz Sisters. All in vited. Charlton Temple No. J —Charlton Temple No. 1, Pythian Sisters, will tender tonight at castle hall, corner of Market and Navarro streets, a pro gram consisting of some of the best talent in the city. After the musical entertainment is over refreshments, consisting of ice cream and cake, will be served. Masquerade Ball at Smith’s hall Saturday. Lines Are Not Merged—That the Morgan and the Mallory lines have se cured control of the Texas City Steam ship company was denied yesterday by J. R. Rowland, general manager of the Texas City company. He said that the three companies had merely entered into an agreement whereby rates would be protected. "However,” said Mr. Rowland, “shippers recognize the fact that the New York-Texas rates are now much lower than they were when only the Mallory and the Morgan lines were operating. The Texas City Steamship company forced these rates down and have continued to do so. We now are operating five big l steamers and can handle all the business tendered." Asks Citation for Contempt—Alleg ing that the plaintiff disobeyed the orders of the court by taking the child out of Bexar county, Willie O’Briant has filed a motion in the Fifty-seventh district court asking that R. R. O’Briant bo punished for contempt of court. The child in the case is named Nancy. Nuisance Is Charged—Charges of maintaining a nuisance, based on the alleged unsanitary condition of the lake at the “chute the chutes” attraction at the Electric park were filed against John Ruwe in the cor poration court today. The defendant denied his present affiliation with the chutes company, furnished the court the names of the officers of the com pany and those of the Electric park. Mr. Ruwe testified that the contract between the parties provided that the Electric park company must keep the lake in condition. The case was post poned until October 15. Kuns Out of Wagon—A horse at tached to a delivery wagon belonging to the Morgan City Fish Market be came frightened while on North Flores street near San Pedro springs at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon ।nd ran away. The animal became separated from the rig and ran through the city, stopping in the sta ble at the market. P. Conely, driver, was fined one dollar in the police court today for forgetting to tie the animal. Visit New Viaduct—Mayor Cal laghan and Superintendent Anderson of the G. H. & S. A. Railway com pany visited the viaduct on Hays street this forenoon. The viaduct Is $l2 and $l5 women’s dresses, in serge, cashmere and batiste, some are plain tailored, others are beautifully trimmed, new fail XX XX XX styles, all the wanted shades for fall. Your choice while 9k xA9K they last in the stupendous Removal Sale at W $lB and $25 silk and messaline dresses, some plain tailored, others elab orately trimmed in rich lace and inserting, all the new 4 XX fall shades. Your choice while they last in the stupen- I J X*9K dous Removal Sale at A AV S J XX $12.50 and $lB foulard, messaline and silk dresses, many are.plaln tail ored. while others arc beautifully trimmed in lace and in- XX XX serting. Your choice while they last in the stupendous Re- 9K xA9K moval Sale at / w $2O and $25 white net, silk and messaline ribbon and lace dresses suita ble for evening and wedding gowns. Your choice while 4 A XX XX they last in the stupendous Removal Sale at the redue- I ft kJ 91 ed price of A / xA now nearing completion. The mayor after his return to the city hall sal# that the work was progressing satis factorily and that the new structure would be opened to traffic in the near future. Case Is Dismissed —The suit of the Southern Banana Company vs. the G. C. & S. F. railroad, was dismissed this morning in the Fifty-seventh district court. Suit for Divorce —Cynthia North vs. T. W. North is the style of a suit for divorce entered today in the Thirty seventh district court. Remove Disabilities—Suit for the removal of the disabilities of minority was filed in the Forty-fifth district court this morning by Lloyd Newton Nash. Good speakers and good music at I opening of Commission Government! campaign at Beethoven Hall tonight.! You are needed there. SfNATOR REM Kill WORRYIHG, BE SAIS Senator Julius Real arrived In the city this morning to spend several days in Bexar county in behalf of his candidacy for re-election to the state senate. Speaking of his candidacy Senator Real said: "While 1 will make a number of speeches in the county at different points, I am more than confident of victory and am losing no sleep on the matter. I understand that Carlos Bee claims that he is certain of being elected. Mr. Bee made the same pre diction prior to the election winding up the campaign in which he made the race against James L. Slayden for congress, and we all know the resuits Trial Package Free HnWlljiW Instant Relief. I’crniancnt Cure —Trial Package Mailed Free to All in Plain Wrapper. Many eases of piles have been cured by a trial package of Pyramid Pile Cure without further treatment. When it proves its value to you, get more from your druggist at 50 cents a box. and be sure you get what you ask for. Simply send your name and ad dress to the Pyramid Drug Company, 270 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich., for a free trial package in plain wrap per. ■ . L of that election, which were so dis astrous for Mr. Bee." When questioned as to what he thought of the Cecil Lyon interview which appeared in Sunday's paper. Senator Real said that he believed there are enough fair-minded men among the saloon keepers to prevent any direct fight being made against him by the saloon interests. “I am not promising, nor did I ever promise to specially represent any particular interest,” said the senator. "I believe it is the duty of your sen ator to stand ready at any time to cast his vote for the best interests of the majority, and in the defense of right and justice. I will not believe that the saloon proprietors are in any way different from any other class of citizens in this matter. I am of the opinion that all they want is a square Harlandale I OUR OFFER TO BUILD HOMES ON CASH PAYMENTS OF ONLY $5O EACH IS SURE TO BUILD HAR LANDALE UP RAPIDLY, WHICH HEANS LARGE, QUICK PROFITS FOR ALL PURCHASERS OF HAR LANDALE LOTS AT PRESENT PRICES. REMEMBER THIS FACT, AND ALSO, IN CASE YOU CARE ANYTHING ABOUT A HOME, RE HEMBER THAT THE $5O IS FULL FIRST PAYMENT ON BOTH HOUSE AND LOTS AND THAT BALANCE OF PAYMENTS ARE EASIER THAN RENT. SEE US TODAY. Lots $lOO and Up S SCasb Buys a Lot VMonthly 'Pays For It —~Nq Interest, NoT axes— — H. J. BENSON I Grand Opera House Bldg. II New Phone 2476 Crockett Street Side II 01 d Phone 2476 OCTOBER 18, 1910. Women’s Misses’ Footwear Bargains The stupendous Removal Sale of footwear for women and children is by far the greatest in point of value-giving ever offered. On every pair you can realize an enormous saving. You cannot afford to pass up these real bargains: Women's vici high and low shoes, patent tip, button or lace —regular $1.50 and $1.75 values all go on sale in the stupendous 4 4 Removal Sale at JliAv 8.98 Women’s vici high and low shoes —button or lace. They are regular $2 and $2.25 values, but in the stu pendous Removal Sale 4 /I Q they will go at Xs"tO Misses’ and children's vici and box calf shoes, black and tan. sizes 12 % to 2. Regular $2 and $2.25 values are priced in the stu- 4 OQ pendous Removal Sale X iXv 500 pairs of women’s vici, pat ent and suede shoes, kid, cloth, velvet and cravenette tops, black and tan, lace or button, our reg ular $4 and $4.50 values, priced in the rtudenpous 4 QQ Removal Sale at... X deal and no discrimination against them. “I am not worrying about any loss of support. In fact, I believe that the vote for me this election will be even heavier than that recorded in -1908. 1 think that the people of thia district realize that I represented them all to the best of my ability and that my mistakes were all honest mis takes.” Hood's Sarsaparilla ensures good digestion nnd strength to the vital organs. Insist upoi Hood's. Doubters come to Beethoven Hal tonight, and see the Commission Gov ernment Campaign for San Antoni open. A. Collman, plumber, 41G Main ave.