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“I’d Give the World for Hair Like Yours” HOW cten have you admired and envied beiitiful hair ? How often have you crpbed out your own scanty locks and wised that you could improve them. And K>W you can have your wish for Woodtary’s Hair and Scalp Treatment has AT IAST been prepared for home use. So unpeople still think a visit to the Insti tute is necessary. DON’T MAKE THIS MISTAKE. NOW you can get this treat meit at your druggist’s to be used right in yoir own home. WOODBURY’S COMBINATION HAIR AND SCALP TREATMENT * the treatment prepared by the famous iVoodbury specialists and is backed up by 11 most half a century of experience. Yet Woodbury’s costs no more than a bottle of ordinary, common hair tonic. Woodbury's Combination Treat f a* ment instantly removes dandruff, (7 J speedily overcomes all scalp dis orders and makes the hair grow when all other preparations fail. You don’t have to wait for months and months either. Permanent results im mediately follow the use of Woodbury’s. Don't wait. Don’t waste your time. Don't risk your hair. Get Woodbury's combina tion treatment to-day. Ask your druggist. ALL SIZES * 25c. 50c. $l.OO ED. C. JUNGKIND KATHER DIED ON SHIP AND BROTHER WANTS FARE BACK Unusual Demand for Rebate Is Hade By Des Moines Man. Associated Preus. , . New York, Oct w lB. —An unusiul do fnand for the refundins of morey for an unfinished steamship trij has been made upon the Fabre Ine, by Joseph Kather of Des Moines lowa. The request for a rebate is n<t made Upon his own transportation, Jut that CLIFTON, 2$ in. high BEDORD, 2 j in. high Arrow Kotch COLLARS Sit snugly to the nek, the tops meet in front and thee is ample space for the cravat. 15c.. 2 for 25c. Cluett. eabody &Co Maker* WftOJOHLER) Are Handle the Guaranteed i “SHAIXAMAXON ” j | Cloth, as wll as a large assortment j lof importe fabrics. Give them a j I call. ? MO4 EA>T COMMERCE ST J Lose No Time Plac* your order now be foreit is too late for your Wood £22 Coal Phone 419 MSSION ll Cwt CO. FOR ANYTHING IN Paints or Hardware Call or Phone S. J. Van Raub 1305 W. Commercp Street. phone 361. Old phone. 989 4. Fresh PnECEC Ever Y Roasted UUlittDay Reinhard & Co. Toasting Plant and Store 215 Narp S 1 BKING YOUR Boots and Shoes To be rcpiired. and coupons to get youri discount to LUCOHES3 BOOT AND SHOE FACTORY; 309 West Commerce. y P. 583.—This ad is good a? a coupon. ( TUESDAY, । of his brother. Carl, who accompanied I | him to Naples from this city in Sep-1 itember. The brother, described as a I wealthy contractor of Des Moines, died | when the Roma was fifty hours out of port and was buried at sea. Joseph Kather on returning to New York this week, wrote to the steamship officials, declaring that his dead brother had not had a square deal, having died before the steam ship had carried him two days. Ue requests therefore, that five sixths of the price of his brother's transporta tion be refunded, the dead brother having enjoyed but two days of the twelve days trip to Naples. FUNERAL OF MRS. HONE MRSD*I Associated Press. Middletown. R. 1., Oct. 18. —The fu neral of Mrs. Julia Ward Howe will he held Thursday at 2 p. m. from the church of the Disciples, Boston. The body will be taken to Boston in a spe cial car from Newport, on that morn ing. Burial will be in the family lot in Mount Auburn cemetery, Cam bridge. The list of pallbearers made public includes live grandsons and three grandsons-in-law. The grandsons are John Richards, Perry Hall Richards, John Howe Hall. Henry Marion Hal! and Samuel Prescott Hall. The oth ers are Rev. Hugh Birkhead, Charles Wiggin and Carlton Shaw. Wwh~T| Try this food and you wifi find it the best breakfast food ever eaten. It's most nutritious, being made from Wheat, Rice, Oats and Barley. Ask your Grocer. Take ■ TmUy At the Woodward Vichy Sani tarium and cure yourself of rheumatism, diabetes, dropsy, indigestion, cystitis, dyspepsia, biliousness and all other disor ders of the alimentary or intes tinal tracts. Every aid to the proper treat ment of these diseases, coupled with the strong medicinal prop erties of the far-famed Wood ward Vichy can be found here. Reservations can be made and rates secured from targas C©= “ Why Dora,you have tn-ise as mneh hair as you had. What haze you done for it?” "Didn't you know Tve been using Woodbury's Hair Tanis? It has done wonders for nty hair.” Distributor for San Antonio 509 Frost Building. DEPARTMENT IS READY FOR COTTON STANDARD GRADES Associated Press. Washington. D. C„ Oct. IS.—The department of agriculture has an nounced that it is prepared to supply the nine official grades of white American cotton recently promulgated by the secretary of agriculture. The grades will be furnished for $35 a set, the cost of their preparation, as required by law. The sale is begun in accordance with the recommendation of the committee of experts upon whose advice the grades were estab lished, that they be issued for gen eral use during the crop season of 1910-11. The official grades are elaborately prepared and the integrity of each type is attested by a fully sized photo graph secured in the box cover and bearing the signature of the secretary and the seal of the department of agriculture. The permanency of the standard is to be secured by the pre servation of 25 sets in vaccum to be opened as occasion may demand for purposes of comparison. Numerous letters approving the of ficial grades have been received from prominent American cotton interests. Prominent members of foreign ex changes who have seen the types, have also' expressed themselves in terms of high commendation. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CAST O R I A NATIONAL CONFERENCE TO STUDY CURRENCY Associated Press New York. Oct. IS.—The Academy of Political Science in this city has called a national conference to study the currency problem. The confer ence will meet at Columbia university on November 11 and 12. The mem bers of the national monetary com mission, with Senator Aldrich as chairman, will be guests at some of the meetings, and Senator Aldrich plans to make an important statement concerning the work and progress of the monetarj - commission. This will be the first statement of importance made since that contained in his ad dress before the Economic club ‘n New York a year ago. The governors of several states and the leading chambers of commerce and commer cial bodies throughout the country are appointing delegates to the con ference. CAMPBELL WILL SPEAK AT GONZALES Austin. Tex., Oct. 18.—It is an nounced today Governor Campbell will go to Gonzales Friday where he will speak at the unveiling of a $lO,OOO monument erected by the state of Texas to the first defenders of fhe Texas border from Mexican invasion. DIABETES From late figures the hope of recovery under the new emollient treatment seems to be about as follows: In people of sixty and over result* are quite uniform, probably nine-tenths recovering. While at fifty and over a large majority of all case* yield to the treatment, below fifty and approaching forty the disease gets more stubborn, and between thirty and forty the per centage is not high —probably not much over half yielding. Under thirty the percentage is less and in children recoveries have been very few and most of those were ob tained with the aid of skilled physi cians forcing nutrition with alkaline treatment to prevent formation of ace tones. The new emollient treatment is known as Fulton's Diabetic Compound. For sale at al! drug stores. Druggists supplied by San Antonio Drug Co. We desire everp patient to write us who is not noting the usual improve ment by the third week. Always state age. Literature mailed free. Jno. J. Fulton Co., 212 First St., San Fran cisco, Cal. We invite correspondence with physicians who have obstinate cases. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE SIMP IS FARM . POPULATION OF THREE STATES Illinois, Indiana and Ohio Will Show Decrease—Wealth of Farmers Is the Reason. MANY BOYS GOING WEST Associated Press Washington, Oct. 18.—The census of the state of Illinois, announcement of which is expected in two or three weeks, will show a decrease in the rural population, according to the predictions of the census officials, who likewise anticipate a falling off in the rural population of Indiana and Ohio and possibly other middle western states, from which the returns will come in their alphabetical order. The Michigan census, which was given out in advance of the other states, on ac count of election laws which would be affected, showed a marked falling off in many of the counties. More recently the decreased showing in Missouri excited much comment. Reasons given for the decrease in the rural sections of Illinois, the show ing of which is in prospect, are: Improvements in farm machinery. Wealth of farmers, who, with their large holdings, don't care to divide them into small farms and who are sending their boys to the west to take up new land in the less settled re gions. The natural “city drift." about which so much has been said, also is an element, but the experts think the true explanation lies in a combination of the reasons given above. It is pointed out that all the land in Illinois, especially now. is occupied The improved farm machinery en ables the farm to be worked without so much manual help as formerly. The farmers, seeing the land all ’iken up. do not want to break up their big holdings, as they would have to if they kept their boys near home. They are looking ahead to a greater value of the larger estates. Of course, the urban increase will make the state, as a whole, show sub stantial growth. Capt. Bogardus Again Hits the Bull's Eye. This world famous rifle shot, who holds the championship record of 100 pigeons in 100 consecutive shots, is liv ing at Lincoln, 111. Recently interview ed. he says: “I suffered a long time with kidney and bladder trouble and used several well known kidney medi cines, all of which gave me no relief until I started taking Foley Kidney Pills. Before I used Foley Kidney Pills I had severe backaches and pains in my kidneys with suppression aud a cloudy voiding. On arising in the morning I would get dull headaches. Now I have lire- ho'iles of Folev Kidncv Pills and feel 100 per cent better. I am never bothered with my kidneys or bladder and again feel like my own self.” Bexar Drug Co. AIKEN. WELL KNOWN ACTOR. IS DEAD Associated Press. New York. Oct. 18.—Frank Eugene Aiken, a well known actor, is dead at his home here, at the age of 75 years. He was born in Boston and first ap peared on the stage under the man agement of his uncle, George H. Wy att. He later became leading man at Mrs. John Drew's Arch Street thea ter. Philadelphia, and prior to the Chicago tire of 1871. was manager of Woods' museum and Hooley's thea ter In that city. Aiken scored a great success as the Earl in "Little Lord Fauntleroy." and “Puddenhcad Wilson." He was last seen in "Beethoven," at the New the ater here last year. Good results always follow the use of Foley Kidney Pills. They contain just the ingredients necessary to tone, strengthen and regulate the kidneys nnd bladder, and to cure backache. Bexar Drug Co. Dr. ■ Hughes, eye, ear, nose and throat. Office and infirmary, 403 St. Mary's. ♦♦♦— Machinists of Iron Mountain Deliver Ultimatum to General Manager. Assnrintcd T’ress. Little Rock. Ark., Oct. 18, —The strike of the machinists of the Iron Mountain railroad, which has been in progress since May 2. took on a se rious aspect tonight, when it was an nounced that an ultimatum had been delivered to General Manager A. W. Sullivan, giving him until nqon to day to accede to their demands of .1 nine-hour day. Unless their demands are met. the press committee of the striking or ganization gave out. the boilermakers, blacksmiths and tinners and allied trades will go out on strike. This will affect 4000 men employed at the local shops and at the shops at Sedalia. Mo. "Eeos Del Centenario" Telling of Mexican Celebration Will Be .Mailed to I’rcsident. “Ecos del Centenario.” or. in Eng lish. "Echoes of the Centennial.” is the title of a yearly publication detail ing the observing of the Sept. 16 cele bration in San Antonio, made more glorious this year because of the fact that it was the 100th anniversary or the independence of Mexico. It is an eight-page paper containing an ac count of the celebration at Central park, together with much other mat ter of general interests to Mexicans and a copy will be sent to President Diaz. . The general manager of the paper is E. Flores Mendez and the editor-in chief is E. D. Brooks. Photos of Presi dent Diaz. Mexican Consul Enrique Ornelas, Miss Kosa Aldaco anu others decorate the pages. Speeches, poetical w’ritings and general news of the cele bration cqmbine, with the pictures, to give the publication a very interesting appearance. Inasmuch as it is pub lished but once a year, this being soon after the independence day celebra tions. all efforts are directed to mak ing it attractive in every manner. STRIKE IS SERIOUS SEND COPY TO DIAZ Extraordinary Event First Local Demonstration of the Won derful American Electrelle Player Piano. Can be Installed in Any Upright Piano att Small Cost. AT LAST a perfect and H simply constructed । player piano that can be ' ,0 built right in your present piano. Distinctive Points | Exectric motive power with T French noiseless motor—no tootpedals, no pneumatics. Plays the standard music o'i pnoGin.:’.-. I p ,a y ers - I I ■, Individual expression and I interpretation obtained bv e the marvelous “flexible , rail” and the expression j levers. See the All-Week Window Display and Demonstration t o L Electrelle as Built and Operated in Our Famous Goggan Holder and Expression Levers Which Dis« . appear Frona Sight Under I Key Bed When Not ln U se ’ If you are considering the purchase of a player Piano, now or in the future, you will find it very much to your interest to investigate and compare the different makesand styles now in our stock. You will find here such standard instruments as The Angelus, Apollo, Electrelle, Ellwood, Harmonist, Boudoir, etc., at prices ranging from $350 to $lO5O. LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS Your Old Piano Taken in Exchange Thos. Goggin & Bros. Establi shed 1866 Houston and Navarro San Antonio, Texas JEWS WILL FORM PROTECTIVE BUREAU Associated Press. Chicago. 111.. Oct. 18.—The move ment to establish a protection bureau which will have a staff of detectives, lawyers and other workers to prose cute eases of persecution brought to their notice, is the result of the mur der of Morris Lipschultz. a peddler, who was attacked and fatally injured । by three negroes last Friday. It is I said the negroes had received infor mation that Llpschultz carried a for- | tune about him. but on searching his I clothes they found only $7. Prominent Jews of the city will at- | Just the Juice of (fir Sun-Ripened Sugar Cane W No one but the manufacturers know what goes into ■ some “pure cane syrups.” Some are more pure, some are ; decidedly less so. To our best knowledge there is only one 1k ' absolutely pure cane syrup sold to-day, and that is V*, • A Velva \ \ Breakfast Syrup 1 ~ ’ The little people on the plantations who go out into the cane -7 ’ h fields and break off pieces of sugar cane to chew do not get such " pure juice as Velva. We clarify I', — the pure juice and send it to you ■ t ’ n individual, sanitary cans. J HEr Your grocer keeps Velva if AN f y , k ee P s best. \ v f Pi hick & Ford. Ira Oh z 1 a m J tend a mass meeting today as speak ers. and delegations from practically every Jewish congregation in Chicago will be present. Leaders of the move l ment predict there will be an attend ance of 5000 at the meeting. reis wasTssassinaed Report That Leader in Portuguese Re bellion killed Himself Without Foundation. Associated Press. Lisbon, Oct. 18.-—That Admiral Cambido Reis, the revolutionary chief. I was assassinated, is now practically I confirmed. Admiral Reis was one of the leaders in the recent rising, which I ended in the proclamation of the Por i tuguese republic. Owing to a failure ;in the signals for a general move i ment against the monarchy, so the OCTOBER 18. 1010. - original account of the admiral's y death reported. Reis committed sui o cfde. but during the last few days - rumors have been current that he was - the victim of an assassin s bullet. Five men have been arrested on the charge of being concerned in , his death. • If In hurry phone 123 for autos. John D.'s Solitary Hare. A Tarrytown neighbor of John D. Rockefeller who raises Belgian hares . Sent a pair to the oil king with his ; compliments. Mr. Rockefeller ac knowledged the courtesy as follows: v “You are to be congratulated. They f were very fine. 1 have tried every i thing to raise something in that line - myself, but the best I can boast of e Is one lone Roman sentinel standing - guard over an absolutely barren pla -0 teau." —New York World.