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j NO MATTER THEY BRING ; [ THEY MUST BE SOLD IN NEXT FEW DAYS I [ Tha't’s what we have decided on in reference to all odd , [ pieces left from our Auction Sale. r We can t move them to our new store-'in the Gunter r Building. Every piece of goods shown there will be new. ’ V The wise buyer-j-the buyer who appreciates bargains—can I I come here expecting to get them—we will not refuse any | 3 reasonable offer. Come tomorrow. | I E. HERTZBERG JEWELRY CO. I 329 W. Commerce St. J Store for Rent, Fixtures for Sole . SAILORS HILI BE FEASTED Britons Will Return Hospitality Shown Them at the Hudson- Fulton Celebration, Associated Press. New York. Oct. 24.—Naval officers at the Brooklyn navy yard have learn ed that the British sailors who were royally entertained by the American crews during the Hudson-Eulton cele bration last year, are preparing to re turn that hospitality with interest on the forthcoming visit of the battle ships under Admiral Schroeder to England. This will be the first time At Fountains & Elsewhere Ask for "HORLICK’S" The Original and Genuine MALTED MILK The Feed-drink fer All Ages. At restaurants, hotels, and fountains. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep it on your sideboard at home. Don’t travel without it I quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no imitation. Just say "HORLICK’S ” HOTEL *ST. DENISr BROADWAY AND !ITH STREET NEW YORK CITY. Within ,Eisy Accra of Every Polut of luterv.t. Half Block from Wauanakcr'a, 3 uiinules* walk of Shopping District. , , NOTED FOB: Excellence of Culslau. Cow furtutle Appointments. Courteous Sere. -4 lee nod Homelike Surrouidfnye. ROOMS $l.OO PER DAY AND UP EUROPEAN PLAN. ' Table d’Hote Breakfast 50c. WM.TAYLOR4tSON,Inc. ALSO HOTEL MARTINKIVB, Uroadway »nd JUnJ Street. J Bt. Anthony ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF SAN ANTONIO’S NEWEST AND FINEST HOTEL MODERN IN EVERY DETAIL. Ko Better or More Complete Hotel nt Ite Size <430 rooms) io America Liberally Conducted on the EUROPEAN PLAN Spacial Attention Paid te Commercial Man. F. M. SWEARINGEN ft SON. Managing Directors. Gunter The Leadin s Hotei _of_j7ie_Soufinvesi_' EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 AND UP 550 ROOMS -:- 225 WITH BATH Largest and most commodious rotunda in the South. In addition to ala carts service we specialize LUNCHEON, 12 to 2 p. m., 60 cents. TABLE D'HOTE DINNER, 6 to 8 p. m., 81.00 i Orchestral Concerts. THE GUNTER HOTEL COMPANY The Meridian Life Insurance Company, with ils non-participating policy that participates, of * fers the best policy possible for profits of the par _J® ticipating class of life insurance policies. V Q* Let me tell you all about it. W*. D. E. B. WAGQENER, state Agent V StS-SSS Moors Building. Su Antonio, Tena, MUNDAX, Snooze on Duty Cost Cop Loss of $lOO Watch Associated Press. Newark, N. J., Oct. 24—The thirty members ot the police force of Cran ford, N. J„ are looking for a'daring thief who slipped into police head quarters late Saturday night and stole a $lOO gold watch from the pocket ot Sergeant Halsted, while the sergeant was snoozing at his post of duty. No clue to the identity ot the intruder has been discovered. in many years that an American fleet has visited British shores. It will afford the first view of an American built dreadnaught Europe ever has had. Sixteen battleships will go on the cruise in addition to the fleet auxiliar ies. All will visit both British and French ports. The fleet will remain in European waters about six weeks and will return to American waters early next year. The Connecticut, North Dakota. Delaware, South Carolina, Louisiana, Kansas and New Hamp shire will be on British waters during the Christmas holidays and the Min nesota, Idaho, Mississippi, Vermont, Georgia, Nebraska and the Rhode Isl and in French waters. ROCK ISLAND HAS INCREASED EARNINGS, Associated Press. • Chicago, 111., Oct. 24.—Total operat ing revenues of the Chicago, Rock Isl and & Pacific railway in the fiscal year ended June 30, as shown in the report just made public, were $66,- 230,000, an increase of $5,031,000 over the amount in the preceding*ycar. The operating expenses increased $5,555,- 000. however, to a total of $48,069,- 000, leaving the net earnings from op eration $18,151,000,* a decrease of $520,000. The taxes and other charges Increased so as to leave only $15,- 497,000 total income, a decrease of $1,114,000. After the payment of interests and rentals, the balance available for divi dends was $4,747,000, a decrease of $1,418,000. The amount figures 6.3 per cent on the $75,000,000 of stock. Tne company paid dividends of 5 per cent and carried $10,004 to surplus account for the year. Does your house need beautifying? See Herwick, the paperhanger. Phone 516. 124 Garza street. If tn hurry phone 123 for autos. Hotel Flanders 133-137 West 47th St., N. Y. CITY, 890 feet east of Broadway. » A modern tire-proof hotel, in the hear| of the theater, club and hotel district: convenient to all car lines. An exceptional orches tra. Very moderate rates. Book let on request. H. R. Shares, Prop. n Hotel Savoy One hundred rooms, all modern equipment, entirely new. Reasona ble rates. European plan. All Cars Pass. 122 W. Houston SAN ANIONIO LIGHT AND UAZETTb UNVEIL HOOD . MONUMENT AI AUSTIN OCT. 26 Third Monument to Confeder ate Heroes In Capital Grounds Will Soon Be Dedicated, BRIGADES WILL MEET Organization of Veterans Will Be Further Perfected at Their Coming Reunion. — Special Dispatch. Austin. Tex., Oct. 24.—The monu ment to Hood's Tcxaa Brigade, which stands just east of the capitol, will be unveiled with fitting ceremony Thurs day morning at 10 o'clock. The occa sion will be the thirty-ninth annual reunion of Hood's Texas Brigade, which takes place here October 2b and 27. Invitations are being issued by the Albert Sidney Johnston chap •vr. United Daughters of the Con federacy, and the citizens ot Austin. Three hundred are expected to at tend the reunion and the event will be of equal importance to the unveil ing of the monument to Terry’s Texas Rangers two years ago. This is the third monument to the heroes of the Confederacy erected on the capitol grounds. The first is a large monument at the south en trance, dedicated to the “Lost Cause.” The monument erected by Terry’s Texas Rangers was dedicated in the summer of 1907 at a cost of $20,000, and is said to be the finest niece of equestrian statuary in the south. The monument to Hood’s Brigade will cost about $lO,OOO. It is sixteen feet square at the base, stands 44 feet high and is surmounted by the figure of a private soldier 9 feet high. Following is the monument com mittee: Capt. F. B. Chilton, chair man, Fourth Texas; Gen. William R. Hamby, treasurer. Fourth Texas; Capt. W. T. Hilt, Fifth Texas; rapt. W. H. Gaston. First Texas; Major George W. Littlefield. Terry Texas Rangers; Hon. John H. Kirby, Hous •en, Tex.; Governor Thomas M. Campbell, Austin; Hon. John G. Wil lacy, Corpus Christi. The meetings of the first day of the reunion will be held in the senate chamber and the dedication will take place on the grounds about the mon ument. Officers will be elected at the re union here. The present officers of *he brigade are: Gen. William R. Hamby. Fourth Texas, president: Capt. V. T. Hill, Fifth Texas, vief •-resident: Col. R. J. Harding. First Texas, vice president; Capt. A. C. Jones, Third Arkansas, vice presi dent; Capt. E. K. Gore, Fifth Texas, secretary. Wednesday morning will be devot ed to the enrollment of the members and their descendants. The organiza tion will be called to order by the president at 10 o'clock. Mrs. W. T. Wroe will deliver the address of wel come in behalf of Albert Sidney T ohnston chapter. U. D. C. This will be followed by an address of welcome by Major Joseph D. Sayers, ex-gov "rnor of Texas. The responses will be made by Major A. G. Clopton. First Texas, and Major Charles Hume, Fifth Texas. The following will be the program for the afternoon: ’:3O p. m., October 26—Reading letters and telegrams; report of standing committees; unfinished bus iness; recitation. "Hood’s Texas Bri gade.” bv Miss Decca Lamar West of Waco; The Last Roll Call; memorial address, Capt. W. E. Barry, Fourth Texas. 4:30 p. m.—Visit the Confederate Home. ’ p. m., October 26 —Music; ad dress, “The Women of the Confed eracy,” Miss Katie Daffan. past pres 'dent Texas Division. U. D. C.; prom enade concert of southern melodies, under the auspices of the Albert Sid ney Johnston chapter, U. D. C. BABY STRANGLED IN -A SUIT CASE Special DiinateK Philadelphia. Pa., Oct. 24.—Stran gled and locked In a suit case to die, a baby, apparently only a day old, was found last night behind a door ’-ading to the train shed at Broao street station. The child died six hours later in the Humane hospital, whe slayer of the child is thought to have been its mother, and the brutal ly of the crime is such that Captain Souder believes she must have been insane. The police have a descrip *’on of a woman believed to he the mother and are making a search for her. LABEL IMITATION STONES. Jewelers of Gotham Would End De ception of This Kind. Press. New York. Oct. 24.—Wholesale jew elers are organizing a campaign against the sale of synthetic rubies and sapphires under names that are said to be deceptive. It is proposed for instance, that the law shall re quire that imitation riiWs shall be called rubinet and artificial sapphires sannhirite. The plan of having distinctive names for the natural and artificial product was endorsed at an Interna tional tewelrs' convention held lately in Berlin. The Demon of the Air is the germ of La Grippe, that, breathed in, brings suffering to thousands. Its after effects are weakness, nervousness, lack of appetite, energy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys. The greatelt need then is Electric Bitters, the splendid tonie, blood purifier and regulator of Stomach, Liver and Kid neys. Thousands have proved that they wonderfully strengthen the nerves, build up the system and restore health and good spirits after an attack of Grip. If suffering, try them. Only 50e. Per fect satisfaction guaranteed by ths Bexar Drug Co. Phone 123 for automobiles. Cal> rates. SENTIMENT HOT RULING TRAIT Of JOHN DEE, JR. Leases Birthplace to*a Booze Cure Institute and the Old Neighbors Are Aroused. MOTHER LOVED OLD HOUSE Special Dispel eh Cleveland. Ohio. Oct. 24.—Indigna tion has arisen following the an nouncement that the old John D. Rockefeller homestead, the Center of one of Cleveland’s exclusive neigh borhoods. has been leased as an in stitute for the cure of alcoholism. Millionaires who have their homes near the Rockefeller home express •hemselves as surprised at the action of Mr. Rockefeller in leasing the old, place. It was generally believed In Cleve •and that the old home would never be leased or sold, owing to its value in the eyes of Mrs. Rockefeller, who has always manifested the deepest in ‘.rest in the old green house where her children were born and where her husband began his climb to fame by the Standard Oil route. ”or years it has been closed, al *hough the grounds have been kept up. About a year ago it was turned over to John D. Jr., and he received several offers to lease it. *fter investigating the company that now holds it, he finally granted s. five-year lease. TIGEpUNf ON BOARD LINER IS FULLOFTHRILLS Associated Press. New York, Oct. 24.—The crew of the Liner Minnewaska, in from Lon don today. haff a thrilling yarn to tell of a tiger hunt which took place on board the ship on her last eastward passage. The Minnewaska carried part of a menagerie on her lower deck forward. Among the animals was a fine Bengal tiger. Members of the crew noticed that the tiger was in a had temper. Frequently he hurled himself against the bars with a viol ence that made the sailors uneasy. All, went well, however, until the Saturday after the liner sailed, when shortly after 5 o'clock in the morning, it was discovered that the tfcer had escaped from his cage, The crew, who were washing down the decks, hastened to points of sofety forward and aloft. Passengers, awakened by roaring from the lower decks, buried themselves in their berths. The animal keepers staff was hurriedly assembled and armed with guns, revolvers and iron bars to recap ture the beast before he did any dam- After searching the dimly lighted lower deck for some minutes, the keepers discovered the tiger by the glare of his eyes in a stall back of the sacred Indian cow. A great gash was in the cows neck and the tiger was lapping the blood from the wound. Blank cartridges were fired in the tiger s face and it was driven back into, its cage, but before the keepers could fasten the doors, the tiger dashed out again, hurling the men in all direc tions. After much maneuvering by the keepers, who fired many blank cartridges, the animal was again driven back into its cage and the door made. fast. $75,000 in Bonds Kicked About by Schoolboys Assoeiited Press. New York, Oct. 24.—The police of an uptown station have in their possession a parcel of bonds worth about $75,000. which was picked up yesterdav by a patrolman, after it had been kicked two or three blocks by a squad of school boy football play ers. , „ , One bov gave the parcel a final kick which sent it under the stairs leading to a subway station. There the policeman found it. The bundle was addressed in pencil on the manila wrapper: ' „ "Don A. Dodge. 5 onkers, N. i. The Yonkers police were notified, but were unable to locate the own er. A man of the name given, they said, lived in Yonkers a year or two ago. but had moved away, leaving his whereabouts unknown. FOB OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP Has be®». w.-ed tor over FIFTY YEAH by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for Ihelr CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES Uw CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. Sold uy Druggists in every part ot tne world Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Byrup." aud take no other kind, rtc a bottle. SANITARIUM DIRECTORS One Will Be issued By National Tuberculosis Directors. Associated Press. New York, Oct. 24.—The National Association for the Study of Tuber culosis is about to issue a directory containing lists of all sanitariums en gaged in the war against consumption. A summary of what has been done by the various state legislatures and the county and municipal governing bod ies is included in the book, which will be the most complete report of the anti-tuberculosls. campaign that has ever been published in this country. The first tuberculosis directory, pub lished fn 1964, listed 133 sanitariums and hospitals, 32 special dispensaries and 39 anti-tuberculosis organizations. The new directory shows that there are now over 400 sanitariums and hospitals, more than 300 special tuber culosis dispensaries and 450 anti tuberculosis'associations and commis sons. Since 1904 the increase in the. number of agencies fighting consump- 1 tion is nearly 500 per cent vv nat Have 9 You to Trade! FRANK ALLEN The Real Estate Man “ HOW 10 SME IS PREACHEH’S IKK Rev. Addison Moore Advises His Bible Class on Mat ters Financial. ♦ ~~~~~ Associated Press. New York, Oct. 24.—The members of the Rockefeller Bible class of '.he Fifth Avenue Baptist church were' warned yesterday that if they spent 1 more than one-fifth ot their incomes i for rent they were guilty of impro. i-. dence. The young men were advised to di vi.hstheii total earnings as follow e •wC-fifth part for shelter; one-fifth part for food; one-fifth part for cloth ing, recreation and self-improvement: one-fifth for emergency, such as doe-| tors bills, drugs, etc., and the remain- i ing one-fifth should be set aside tor profitable investments. The speaker was Rev. Addison Moore, leader of the class. A member of the class interrupted . the leader to ask: “How about a man with a small I salary and five or six children to j keep? Do yqu think he can live up) to those figures? Do you think hei has any chance to lay aside one-fifth I of his income for profitable invest- i ments?” . "There are exceptions to every rule. , of course," replied Dr. Moore. When you travel, it’s the service you are seek ing. You want a through train, one with first-class equip ment, a quick schedule and no changes enroute. You want the maximum of comfort at the minimum cost. T/ieri —if it’s a trip to St. Louis, Chicago, Kansai’s City or bevond, go via the M. K. & T. Ry. Two splendid fast trains, The Katy ZZiy’z? The Katy Lhnitcil \ provide a thoroughly enjoy able trip from start to finish. Just say to the ticket jjHwJH, ; scent: "I want to go by THE KATY." and Insist upon getting vhat you ask lor. D 2 'o When your policies expire phone W. K. EWING <S CO. Insurance ™p“i%2 8 ’ Frost Building REMOVAL GROSS & NEWTON Fire Insurance Rooms 328-330 Gunter Office Building. Both Phones 1988. SPECIAL Fancy Decorated Tea Pots 65c va n l o \’ es 55c Schultze Stove & Hardware Co. 105 W. Commerce St. PRESC Rf PTiQNS Will be carefully comp.’Ußded if brought to us. KING is NcCLINTOCK, 614 E. Houston Sff. Phones 3541. ■NIMI . I ■■ ffl TEXAS STATE RIB ■ DALLAS M & I §10.30 Trip §10.30 .* On Sale Oct. 14th to 29th I® NThe Dining Car Route I i t 0 S*- • I i ;!! U ■ 1 City Office 401 E. Houston SI. Phones 425 | i J. U. Bell, A. P. &T. A. G. M. Bynum, P. &T. A. I ® ROUTED (The Clean Route.) Best, service to Chicago, Cincinnati, Wash ington, New York. Through sleeper daily to 11 ‘ Chicago; leaves n a. in. Oil burning loceffnotives. Electric lighted sleepers and dining cars. Electric block signals. Sutherland springs and return 50 cts. Thursdays and Sundays; 8 a. in. train daily. <O7 EAST HOUSTON STREET. THE BEST TR/HN S. A. &A. P. I “DAVY CROCKETT” TO HOUSTON Leaves S. A. & A. P. Depot pm Standard Pullman to Houston. Tourist Pullman to Corpus . Christi. Tickets aud berths front SPRINGALD. Phones 571, or at Station. Morales Transfer Co. Hauling and Storage PLACING SAFES A SPECIALTY Warehouse S. A. P. Track. Old Phone 1584- New Phene 3149, j SAN ANTONIO FURNITURE CO. We Beat, Buy, Sell and Exnhango Furniture. 11T Mein nre. to Ho w. Ficre*. OM Phone 1797. New Phone 970 d 1 - . 1 I j S I m * « 4? BAILROAD TIME TABLE. 4? 4$ 4$ # # -I? « & S? * # # # * #. * * L & G. hi. Arrive — j. 3—Hom the north 6:45 pm >. s—From5 —From the north 6;4SMI i. 7—Local from Hearne lutuuam y—Lucal from FaicHiue. .... 10pm j. 4—From Me.xico 1.30 pm j. Ij —Local xruiu (uuxedl otuuam Depari— j. 4—l-4sr the north 1:65 pm j. 6—For the north.. pm M., K. & T. (Umon Art te— a. y—Katy Limited 7:45 pm .2’s—K*ty Flyer 7:3oam ». 243—Alamo Special from Hous- ton aud Galveatoa.... 6.30 am OCTOBER 24. 1910. irffil I $10.30 I I DALIAS and RETURN I iF Account TEXAS STATE FAIR K On Sale Daily to October 39. yi Please phone or call at 101 'H cst Commerce Street for 11 further particulars and sleep i| ing car reservations. ■ S E. H. DALLAS. D. P. A. 8 Old 144 —Phones—165 New I <e. 241 —Mail and Express....... 3:25 pm Depart— -lU—Katy Limited 10:00axn 236 —Katy Flyer 9:00 pm -4-— AUwj special for Hous* tvu aud Galv«atou... .11:50 pm <0.344 —Maxi aud Express 7 ;10am io. S —Local lor Puieoime . 7:30 am \o. 1U —hxpxcss special lur Hearne 4:uuam »o. s—b5 —b ur Alexico 1 7.00 am io.ll — Lulul tor Laredo kuuxed) W :VV pm SANTE FE (I. & G. N. DapoL) Arrive — tu. i —From the north 10:00am »u. o—i rum the north. 10;45 pul Depart— io. b —io the north 7:3oam —xo tue norm pm S. A. i A. P. Arrive — •io. I—From1 —From Houston aud 7:oopm *»o. 3—From Houston aud cva«t.. 6;«oam xo. s—hroux5 —hroux coast tywna 1:15 pm So. 44 —From Kerrtihe, ax. bau.. du am ho. 43—From Kandla, huu. only ?:uUpm 146 —From u. Sun.. o:3upm Depari— Sa. «—For Houston and coast., b:3oam So. 4 —Fur Houston aud coast.. V:2Upus So. 6—For coasi towns 3:10 pm So. 43 —Fur Kerrville, ex. tinnday 4.45 pm Su. 41—iur Kerrville Sun. only.. 6'4vam Su. 145—For Kerrville, ex. Sanday 7.15 am E. It S. A. (Main Llu«.) Arrive — So. V —i'rom the east 7:35 am So. 2—Esem De» Kio 10.50 am Sj. 7 — nuu tue iast u UU pm So. IV—From El Faao aud weal.* 7:40 pm Depart— So. V—For El Pa»o aud weal.... 9:ooam So. I—For Del Ihu 4.00 pm S-.. lu —I ur the ...lU;3opm So. 9—For tbs cast 11:00 aw Gm H. & a. (Victoria Divtsioa.) V rtoria. etc 0 00 sa 3lu— Vueru. Victoria. «•.•••• 1