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14 REFUSED 10 GIVE UP CASH FOR A THRONE Vlrs. James R. Smith Respect fully Declines Dazzling Of fer of the Braganzas. WAS ASKED FOR $1,000,000 Oom Miguel's Family Thought She Would Pay to Make Daughter a Queen. London. Oct. 24.—Incidental men tion was made during the progress of the Portuguese revolution to the pos sible recrudescence of the claims of the pretender to the throne of Portu gal. and to the bearing this might have on the fortunes of his daughter in-law. who was Miss Anita Stewart. The true story, however, has not been It constitutes the only whimsical feature of the overthrow of King Manuel’s rickety throne, save perhaps that other of the revolutionary lead ers sending off the dethroned mon arch and family on the royal yacht, and then taking back the vessel on the grounds that it was republican property, and was only lent to the king for the purpose of getting rid >f him. ... Dom Miguel in Spotlight. It was while this instance of gift making was going on that Dom Mi guel struggled to the limelight. He made a stupendous fuss in London and Vienna for a day or two. and it til resulted in calling on the Bragan tas for a family council on the Aus t -i- frontier. This so-called "fam ily council" is always one of the des perate performances of the Braganza following. In this particular case it was decided that, in view of the pre tender's renunciation of rights. Anita Stewart's husband could easily be put on the vacant throne of Portugal, if $1 OOO.OfIO was placed in the hands of’the Braganza family as sinews of war. The entire family voted with unswerving loyalty for Don Manuel, and then suggested that the princess’ mother, Mrs. James Henry Smith, should, under the circumstances, give this $1,000,000. and promptly tele graphed her of her golden opportuni ty. Her answer was received with a shock, for, strangely enough, she re fused absolutely to contribute to her daughter's elevation to a queenship, and thus another Braganza dream was shattered. Queen Mother Ambitious. Private letters from Copenhagen give a bewildering account of Queen Alexandra's moods and actions. The queen mother is becoming more and more restless and difficult to please, and it is prophesied in court circles here that those she has chosen as members of her household will have an extremely difficult task. Her plans are changed from day to day, but it is fairly certain that she will cut her Danish visit very short, and it would surprise nobody to see her back in London next week. Alexandra in tends to keep up great state at Marl borough house next season. Her ap pointment of a mistress of the robes in the person of the haughty Duchess of Buccleuch has aroused much criti cism, as the office is totally unneces sary. King George has humored his mother in every way. and Queen Mary has been patient beyond bounds, but everyone connected with th e court foresees great friction when the court mourning is bver. for there is every reason to believe Queen Alexandra intends next year to outshine with her own court that of George and Mary. Harlandale r ANNOUNCEMENT < ..j • (> f Sun lay 1 ■ ' iff v ' he V ’z . , to take advantage m our oner;.M?.burW7liomc - -re n-ttv '.-.-u’-erT .of »ahr!Q't-tht‘*ri'.nnl" V FOR ONLY A FEW DAYS LONGER WILL OUR OFFER BE OPEN TO BUILD YOU A COMFORTABLE HOME WITH EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE AND GIVE YOU IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ON PAYMENT OF ONLY $5O- TOTAL ON BOTH HOUSE AND LOTS. Lots $lOO and Up — S JXCash Buys a Lot WMonthly Pays For It -—No InterestiNoTaxes— H. J. BENSON Grand Opera House Bldg. II New Phone 2476 Crockett Street Side l| 5 0Td-Phone 2476 MONDAY, PREACHER WHO ANSWERS FATHER VAUGHAN CHARGE The Rev. Dr. Charles F. Aked, one I of the leading Baptist - pastors in New- York. who in his sermon at the Fifth Avenue Baptist church answered Father Vaughan's contention that Protestantism is decaying and Cath olicity is rapidly growing. Dr. Aked stated that the "really marvelous thing about the Catholic religion is that it has done so badly.” Father Vaughan stated that there were 12,- 000.000 Catholics in the United States in 1900. Dr. Aked pointed out that this number included children not more than nine years old. while the census of the Protestant congregation included only persons who are old enough to decide for themselves upon the religion that they will follow. Dr. Aked stated that Father Vaughan's assertion that the Catholics equaled in number the Baptists and Metho dists combined would not hold good were the latter denomination to in clude those of their flock too young to voice their opinion in theological matters. FOUND DEAD IN BED. Special Dispatch. Corpus Christi. Tex., Oct. 24.—Hen ry James of Lampasas, was found dead in bed at the Stoner hotel here this morning. The cause of his death has not yet been determined, but it is believed he died from heart failure. Oh. papa. George has strung hum self up in the parlor because I re fused. him!” “What, didn't T -tell you I didn't want that saphead hanging around the house?” SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE O S K E’S A Sale of Housekeeping Linens —Splendid Napkins. Napkins always in stock to match all the Joske Damasks—ranging from the 76c quality to that at 12.50 a yard One case of full-bleached Napkins, all hem med. ready for uee. The A case of full-bleached dice Napkins, all hemmed ready for uSe—just the Napkin for restaurant service. The ft f* —. dozen WMV One lot of silver bleached German linen Napkins, hemmed ready for use. Fine for home and boardinghouse QQ* use. The dozen OvC Silver bleached, strictly all-linen Nap kins. hemmed ready for use. A Napkin that will wear and launder 4 4 ft well. Sale price, dozen .... AtJv Full-bleached, strictly all-linen Napkin, full 3-4 size, made for wear. 4 ft of nice, fine damask. The doz. A 18-fnch mercerized full-bleached Nap kins in assorted patterns—a Napkin that will launder and wear well. ftftaa The dozen ■ < C 22x22-lnch mercerized full bleached Napkins—one of the best makes and a new line of patterns for 4 4 ft your choosing. Dozen AoA 9 One lot of silver-bleached Napkins, In extra good quality; full dinner size and a variety of patterns from which to chooao . No better make for wear ing and laundering. The 4 OQ dozen & Sheets and Pillow Cases Reduced 81x90 Double Sheets—A splendid linen finish sheet of good quality, all in one piece, with neat plain hem, 2% yards wide and "LVi yards long. Cheap at 75c each. Dozen $B. 81x90 Ironclad Sheets —An extra heavy seamless sheet, of good strength and quality. Cannot be equaled for wear, 2% yards wide and 2*4 yards long. Worth 85c. Dozen $8.59. 72x90 Seamed Sheet-—A good quality bed sheet, w-ith latest im proved seam in center, neat plain hem, full 2 yards wide and 2% yards long. Regular 50c value. Special at dozen $5. 81x90 Pepperell Sheets —Well-known as to high quality and sat isfaction assured, full 214 yards wide and 2 % yards long, nicely hem stitched. Regular 90c value. Special at a dozen $9.40. 42x38 and 15x36 Pillow Canes-—A splendid soft finish pillow case, good quality of material and will wear well, both sizes, have neat hem finish. Worth 15c. Special at a dozen $1.35. Extra Strong Pillow Cases —Good, serviceable pillow cases, made of nice soft material, in both sizes—42x36 and 45x36 and neat plain hems. Cheap at 18c. Special price dozen $1.65. 30c Bleached Pepperell 27c—The famous Pepperell Sheeting in the bleached cloth, full 214 yards wide and worth 30c. Special price the yard 27c. 12 Yards Nainsook Cambric $1 —An extra soft finish nainsook cambric of good quality, a full yard wide and worth 10c. Special price 12 yards for $l. 16 Yards Bleached Domestic SI—A good soft bleached domestic that is a full yard wide and worth Bc. 16 yards for $l. Floor Coverings Now at Big Reductions In putting the hotel, boarding house or home in order for the visitors that are to come you'll probably find the need of a new carpet —a rug—or other floor covering. This sale, then, is timely—allowing you to save on needed purchases. 85c Brussels Carpets 68c Many beautiful patterns in Brussels Carpets, patterns suitable for bedrooms, sitting-rooms, halls and stairs. These Carpets are 27 inches wide and sell regularly at 7 5c and ftft — 85c a yard. Sale price, a yard .... “W $7 Art Squares $5.85 Many new patterns in these all wool Ingrain Art Squares that regularly sell at $7.00 each. They are 3x2 1-2 yards in size. During this sale at E ft P only $6. Art Squares $4.45 Granite Art Squares, 9x12, for drawing-rooms, bedrooms or halls. Worth $6 /IC Sale price Brussels Rug 13.75 The famous Firthcliff Brussels Rugs, parlor size—9xl2, made of good 9-wire Brussels, with one seam itr center. A splendid value at $l7. 4 ft ft E Sale price only .. Awa ■ Notions 4c 2 balls best Darning Cotton, in black, white and colors, 4c. 1 Darner, assorted colors, 4c. 1 book English Dress Pins. 4c. 1 card of three 12-in<h Hat Pins, 4c. DIVORCES IT OLD ASSOUAN Were Easy to Get In Ancient Jewish Community Says a Jewish Professor, London. Oct. 24.—1 n the course ot an address to the Manchester Egyp tian association Prof. Flinders Petrie [gave some interesting particulars of j the Jewish settlement at Assouan, of which remains have been discovered. The community here was accustom ed to ah enormous amount of litiga tion. as the nature ot the land trans fer agreement showed. Divorce could | be obtained by either husband or wife | merely by standing up and proclaim ing divorce in the congregation. If a man married a second wife he was ’fined 200 shekels, or two and a half THE BIG STORE A Joske sale of housekeeping linens is significant. It is an opportunity for hotel managers, restaurant and boarding house keepers as well as private families, to buy table linens, toweling, bed spreads arid the like, at decided reductions. Combined with it is a sale of floor cover ings, homefurnishings, comforters and blankets — all offered at prices lower than you would expect to pay for such dependable goods. Make your preparations now for the International Fair and the coming crowds. Come here early tomorrow morning and profit by this extraordinary sale. Table Cloths— The very broadest assortment of the nicest Une of Cloths, with Napkins to match, ever shown. They can be had in plain, scalloped, hemstitched and hand-em broidered styles. Here is a good Cloth—a 72x72 plain linen Cloth, with three rows of drawnwork and a wide hemstitched hem all 4 around. Sale price An all-linen hemstitched Set, Cloth 64x 80. of good quality, with 5-8 Napkins to match. Sale price, the ft set 3i09 An all-linen scalloped damask Cloth. 72x 72, round shape, splendid quality, in • new patterns. Sale price ftaWW Double satin damask. The Cloth is round in shape, 72 inches in diameter and nicely scalloped and 21-lnch Napkins. Beautiful patterns from which to se- 4 4 OCh lect. Sale price, the set ;... ■ ■ $l.OO Velvet Carpets 89c Hall and Stair Carpets of mottled velvet, with red predominating. Just the thing for hotel halls—also in churches and offi ces. Carpets that regularly sell QQa for $1 the yard. Sale price, a 3.50 Art Squares 2.85 A splendid assortment of Gran ite Ingrain Art Squares, with beautiful medallion and Persian centers; size 3x2 1-2 yards. $3.50 values, in this sale ft ft g for only AiOO $lO Art Squares $7.85 All-wool Ingrain Art Squares, extra weight, very durable qual ity, size 3 1-2x3 yards Worth $lO. Sale price 7.85 $25 Smith Axmin. $l9 Smith Axminister Rugs, in an entire new line of patterns and colorings, including {loral and Oriental designs. Size 9x12, and worth $25. Sale 4 ft ftft price only .... Joske Bids. Co. times the amount of the marriage dowry. Describing the excavations carried out at Memphis and Meydum, Profes sor Petrie said the pyramid of Mefern at Meydum dated from about 4600 B. C. The tombs near the pyramids were examined. One of them, almost the biggest in Egypt, was built ot mason's chips from the construction of the pyramid. It we nd that the tomb had never had an external opening at all. It had been built up after the burial. The chamber was roofed with beams of stone weighing 40 tons each. In side the tomb was found a granite sarcophagus—the oldest sarcophagus known. It weighed 8 1-2 tons, and the lid 3 1-2 tons. The tomb had been plundered some years after Its erection, probably by the people who built it. Almost ev erything of value had been removed. The greater part of the body remain ed. It was of one of the very highest nobles tn the land. The body had been totally unfleshed before the burial, and the bones had been sev ered, with the exception of the verte brae, and wrapped separately in linen. Among the most Interesting discov eries at Memphis were several thin wooden . labels bearing Aramais in- J O S K E'S Comforts and Blankets Lowered Nice soft white cotton comforts covered with sllkoline, in flora! designs, light and dark colors, $1.25. Good heavy cotton comforts, large size, covered with silkoline, in floral and Persian designs, stitched and tacked. Sale price $1.75.* Extra white cotton comforts, with choice of silkoline or sateen covering, in Oriental and floral designs, stitched or knitted, with bor ders and plain centers. Price $2.50. Wool health comforts, covered with French sateen, in many flor al patterns, size 72x84. $4.50. White or gray blankets, extra heavy, 11-4 size, with colored bor ders and lock stitched edges. Sale price $1.50. White or gray 11-4 blankets that look like wool and feci like wool but they're made of sanitary cotton, have colored borders and bound edges. $2. Nice soft plaid blankets, 11-4 size, in blue and white, pink and white, tan and gray, black and white, taped edges. $2.50. Extra heavy wool blankets, whites, grays and reds, with colored borders; also plaids, bound and lockstitched edges, full 11-4 sizes. $5. Gray and white wool mixed blankets, 11-4 size, with taped edges and colored borders. $3.50. Fancy plaid blankets, 11-4 size, extra heavy and warm, they look like wool, but are made of sanitary cotton, in all fancy colors. $3.50. A broad showing of fine blankets of better grades ranging in price from $8 to $25. Art Squares $3 45 Many pleasing patterns in these dark, medium and light colored Granite Ingrain Art Squares. Size. 3 yards square. Usually sell at $4.50. Sale ft /f g price OeftO $l5 Art Square $11.85 These are the Wool Fiber Art Squares, size 9x12; conventional designs in rich tones of browns and ivory combinations. They will wear like iron. Regularly $l5. Sale price 11.85 Crex Rugs S 3.00 Rugs, 6x9. 94.10 9 7.50 Rugs, Bxlo, 6.40 $lO.OO Rugs, 9x12, $7.90 scriptions, which had been attached to parcels sent to the palace from Syria, and a seal depicting a man coming out of the mouth of a sea monster on to dry land —the earliest known representation of the idea. It dated from the reign of King Amasis. COTTON VURES. H *• B Beer. New Orleans: “South firm, but borers scarce; weather favorable." l.°Kan 8' Bryan. New York: "Mr. Porter think. <600.000 will cover Texae. Oklahoma and Arkansas yield. Cotton la a purchase af’er the census report is out of the way." T * M„ New Orleans: “Our traveler wires from Charlotte: Northern and central Georgia nod Alabama show interrupited im provrmmt in Piedmont section: large crop practically assured; perfect weather the la.»t thirty days added largely to yield in Allan tics. Vnpickad cotton opening rspidiy snd normally weather conditions for picking per fect, and taple good." H. & C.. New Orleans: “Favorable weath er, improved crop accounts, increased esti mates. anticipation full census causing liqui dation." Japan is increasing its production of raw silk at the rate of about 20.- 000 bales a year. * Snow White Linens The Joske stock of Linens is most complete. The most fastidious, as well as the ordinary, tastes can be pleased. These Items jive an Idea of the broad rahge of materials and prices: Full-bleached Damasks, 60 inches wide and of good quality at, the 4 Oft yard A 9 C 64-inch full-bleached mercerized Damask that looks, launders and wears OQp like linen. Sale price, the yard .. 09 w 70-inch full-bleached, all-linen Damask in assorted patterns. It has the Joske guaran tee of being "all linen,” so it must ft be. Sale price, yard . "Tvv 72-inch full-bleached Damask, in a splen did weight and a broad assortment EO ft of patterns. Sale price, yard .. w 72-inch full-bleached, double satin Damask, extra weight and a cloth made for wear and service. Sale price, yard w $1.35 Axminster Carpets $1.21 Axministers in very pfetty floral and Oriental patterns on beautifully shaded grounds of tan, green, red and blue, with elaborate bor ders to match. You can have these made into rugs or whole carpets. Regularly 4 ft 4 $1.35 the yard. In this sale, yard A ■ A $5 Art Squares $3.95 Granite Ingrain Art Squares, size 3x3 1-2 yards. They’re just the thing for spare rooms or any temporary quarters. Usually $5 Sale price now ft ft F only Wi9O Small Size Rugs 91.25 Carpet Rugs, fringed. 69c 92.00 Velvet Rugs, 27x34, 91.40 91.75 Velvet Rugs. 27x54. 91.19 91.50 Axminister Rugs, 85c 94.00 Axminister Rugs, 93.20 Matting Extras 15c China Malting, yard, lie 30c China Matting, heavy, 24c. 22c China Matting. 18c. 28c White China Matting, 23c SECRETARIES Will MEET DURING FAIR President Grasso Says at That Time Mutual Insurance Com pany Will Be Formed. Adolph Grasso, president of the Secretaries A-ssociatlun of the Retail Merchants’ association, returned at noon from Dallas where he has been attending the convention of the secre taries' association. "There was a very representative attendance," said Mr. Grasso, “and we had some very lively sessions. The board of directors met In Dallas dur ing our convention and made arrange ments to put a merchants' mutual tire insurance company In operation In Texas. The final work In connection with the promotion of this company will be done at a meeting of the state b -ini of directors held In San An tonio during the fa* THE BIG STORE OCTOBER 24, 1910. •Towels—Every Size- Towels in all the different sizes wanted, from the small individual or guest towel to the large size, embroidered towel. Small hemmed barber s Towel, sale price, each ... OV2C Hemmed Huck Towels, with red bor ders—a good, clean, soft towel; ft _ sale price, each ■ C One ease of linen huck Towels, with either red or white borders, size ft 17x32; sale price, each C Linen huck Towels, 18x36 in size, of good weight and made to stand lots of wear and laundering; sale price, 4 4 — each A A U Extra large Towels, 21x42 inches in size, with red borders—good ab- 4 — sorbent towel; sale price .... AA C Extra weight linen huck Towels, with red or white borders, 20x38 inches in size— •none better made for wear; 4 ft — sale price, each A ■ C Unbleached bath Towels, with fringed ends and red borders, of good 4 4 — weight and size; each A A C Full-bleached huck Toweling—f/wft a good absorbent one. Yard.. All-linen bleached Toweling. 18 inches wide, with red borders and of — a good weight. The yard 9 C Fringed Bed Spreads Bed Spreads. 11-4 size, fringed and cut corners, for iron or brass beds; good weight and assorted pat- 4 OCk terns. Sale price, each .... Aaw9 One case of 12-4 Bed Spreads, with cut corners and fringed; of extra good weight and quality, Marseilles pat- 4 £5 CM ternse. S ale price A eDZz Hemmed Marseilles Bed Spreads—all new patterns and good quali- 4 QQ ty—full 11-4 size. Sale price A lOv Full size Marseilles and satin Spreads, fringed or fringed and cut ft corners; assorted patterns .. —Hemmed Bed Spreads The greatest variety of Bed Spreads will be found here at the Joske Store —every size from the small size to the largest Colonial bed. For single beds we have a nice hemmed crochet Bed Spread, 3-4 size, £5O a at each WW V One case of hemmed crochet Bed Spreads in 11-4 size—a good full size ftft Spread. Sale price A lot of 11-4 hemmed crochet Bed Spreads, full size and good weight in an assortment of patterns. 4 4ft Each Ab Av —Scarfs—Center Pieces- — Center Pieces—An assortment of Cen ter Pieces,, in hemstitched and drawn work. Choice at the Big Ca ft Store in this sale C Plain Scarfs —One lot of plain Scarfs, hemstitched, with three rows of drawn work; size 18x54 inches. Choice ftft Centers and Scarfs—Centers measure 30 inches and Scarfs are 18-54 inches in size—an assortment of these —scalloped, hemstitched and embroidered. Choice at ...'. . ft ■ U 75c Handkerchiefs for 59c Fully 25 different designs in handsome embroidered Handkerchiefs, made of the famous "Sunspun” linen, a guarantee of quality. It would be a good plan to buy a supply now for the holidays. These are 75c values, but they go tomorrow gft for w5rC Hallowe’en Novelties Almost every imaginable novelty and favor for Hallowe’en is here. There are pumpkins, lanterns, cups and saucers, airships, skeletons dressed as ghosts, witches, fancy figures, stick pins and many others, all especially made for use on Hallowe'en. You’ll find them mod e tly priced. (Section D—Street Floor) Silk Hose 98c Pair Here is a splendid value in Silk Hose. It is the celebrated "Onyx” make, in blacks and colors. Have lisle soles, heels and toes. Hose that are well worth $1.25, tomorrow, the ftft pair t.. 90 C The resolutions passed at the meet ing were as follows: Opposing foreign mail order houses and encouraging the patronizing of home merchants. Thanks expressed to merchants of Fort Worth and Dallas for courtesies extended. Opposing passage of parcels post bill by the United States congress. Inviting co-operation of commercial secretaries in organizing small towns where the population is insufficient t<> support independent commercial clubs or retail merchants’ associa tions. Opposing tax on oleomargarine and adiocating the passage of the "Burle son bill” providing for the repeal of the ten cents per pound tax. WHERE ARE THE SNOWS OF YESTERDAY?” Where Is Admiral Dewey? Where la Admiral Sibley? Rudyard KlplHg? Henri' Gassaway Davis? Zelaya? Cas tro? Chas Wnrren Fairbanks? Kuro patkin? flonl de l'astellane? Carrie Nation N"gi? Abdul Hamid? Bll>y Nunpdny? J»* J Jrlfrles? Oh. vhere Is wmia Whltla? Ilube Waddell? Wm. Treiers Ji rue— ’ Wkeae » Joa B. Forake _ O S K E’S