Newspaper Page Text
POLL TAXES ISSUED FOR WARD ONE VOTERS TO DATE In the table below is an alphabeUcal arrangement of the poll tax re jeipts, so far issued, qualifying voters in the First ward, as shown by the records of the county tax collector, John Bitter. The certificates of exemp tion are included. This ward may be described as between the San Antonio river on one side, and South Laredo street, Parral street and the Frio city road, or the International & Great Northern tracks, on the other side, and extending in length from West Commerce street to the southerp limits of the city. It has four precincts, beginning at West Commerce street with No. 1, and" then numbering in succession to No. 4, which is the one in cluding the outskirts. It remains to explain that in the fifth column the table shows whether the voter has qualified by paying poll tax cr by obtaining an exemption certificate. For instance “P. 5" means poll tax receipt No. 5, and “X. 12" means exemption certificate No. 12. The poll tax receipts and the exemp tion certificates are separately numbered j n each voting precinct, but the table also shows which precinct the voter is in. Persons who desire to communicate with The Light and Gazette regard ing any of the statements made by 'O| crs who qualify' may write to the poll tax editor. Light and Gazette, and if desired the information received will be held confidential. No person has a right to qualify' as a voter unless he is a citizen of the United States or j las declared his Intention to be come a citizen six months before election. Supposed fraud in obtaining poll tax receipts or exemption ceriifi ca t es will be carefully’ investigated. it is required by law that a voter s h a ll pay his own poll tax and apply in person for his receipt. To loan or give money to a voter to pav poll tax is a felony punishable p rlson sentence, of course. The table shows the age the applicant gives, together with the length of his residence in Texas, in Bexar % un ty and in the city of San Antonio as stated by him. In succeeding issues The Light and Oazette will present a similar tabula tion of poll tax receipts issued in the, olhe r wards, together with a separate tabulation of the previous day's issue of rece j p t s an d certificates. Follow ing is the table referred to: FIRST WAED Name—Address — Xo. of No. of —Yrs. Res. in Ase Free. Paper State. Co. City Andreas, K.. 128 Simpson ‘ 35 3 p. 5 28 _ 28 28 Arty. A. R., H 9 Theo avenue e G 3 4 X. 12 17 ” 15 15 Arrispe. T„ 1602 South Laredo ’//’ 4- 2 P 4 24 24 24 Bachman. J., 301 East Cevallos 37 2 P. 8 15 15 15 Bain. W. R, 105 Apache , . 2l 3 X. 3 20 Barrera, F„ 229 Dolorosa . 67 1 X. 3 65 65 65 Beadle. W. T„ 131 Theo avenue , / 44 p. 7 44 15 2 Benitez. 1.. 406 South Laredo . / 23 j p, 14 28 28 28 Birdwell. C„ 814 Baylor 33 4 p. 20 33 14 14 Black. J. M-. 118 Ralph 63 4 X. 8 30 20 20 Bodeamiller. .1. C„ 410 West Cevallos 24 3 P. 13 4 4 4 Bowman. .1. T A.. 3409 South Hores , 53 4 p 23 29 29 29 Brown. S. 1600 South Flares 68 3 X. 1 68 24 24 Bundren, J. W., R. F. D. No. 7, box No. 73 4 X. 10 35 35 35 Burckhardt. J 8., 104 Baylor / g 4 4 X. 3 61 1 4 Butfield. C. J- 331 Regent . 66 4 x. 2 33 11 14 Cohn. R.. 501 South Flores , 53 1 p. 16 38 38 38 Campos. Juan. 820 South Laredo ’.... 21 2 X. 9 20 7 Cary. T. N.. 15 Yoakum /? 65 2 X. 6 39 20 15 Casanova, M.. 615 Cevallos.. 25 2 P. 9 25 25 25 Cisneros. M. C., 129 La Paloma . , 44 P. 7 4 4 22 22 Coll’ns. F. F., R. F. D. No. 4 X. 14 65 30 30 Cordova. K„ 425 Furnish avenue 3 p 3 p y 20 3 CrawHrd. C. K.. 406 East Arsenal , 56 2 p 10 56 56 56 Cuellar, J.. 216 Baylor , / 30 4 p. 26 22 2 2 Darrington, C. W., 110 Fest... 53 3 p. 12 52 11 II DeWitt. B. J.. 201 DeWitt, j 52 4 P. 5 52 52 52 Dreyfus. M.. South Fpres .... 67 1 X. 10 30 30 30 Dukes. J.. 032 Lovers’ Lane .... 47 3 p 14 47 47 47 Dunn. Jean. 533 South Flores tee 72 1 X. 6 10 10 10 Drum, IL H.. 40! Military plaza 5l 7 X. 1 25 25 25 Eatman. R. J.. 301 Lachappelle ~.. G 2 3 x. 2 38 19 19 Ems. T. T.. 504 DuloroM . ... 39 1 p. ,5 29 112 112 Esqueda. E., 706 South Laredo t 27 1 P. 19 18 17 17 Esqueda. L. 105 La Paloma , 25 1 P. 13 18 18 18 Flores. E., 121 Ripford , ... 49 4 p. 23 49 49 49 Gifford. A. W., Southern hotel .... 53 j p. 22 35 2 2 Giraud. F. M.. 317 South Flores .... j p 1 GO go 60 Gittingor. A. J.. 42 Probandt 4 P. 1 29 29 29 Gondouze, H. M„ 238 Keller ••••,... 22 3 P. 10 22 22 5 Gonzales. A., 310 Knox ~.’. 72 4 X. 6 72 72 72 Goodrich, L. L„ 405 West Johnson .... 6G 2 X. 13 38 38 38 Gonzales, 1.. 130 La Paloma 49 1 P. 8 30 30 30 Gray. E„ 251 Theo avenue ~.. 37 4 P. 3 15 2 2 Groesbeeek. J. N., 138 Dwyer avenue t t GO j p j 7 go go 60 Grover. J. M., 211 East Cevallos... .... 49 2 P. 1 49 15 15 Guerra, C., 28 Guadalupe ...’ 59 2 p. 5 59 59 59 Gutierrez. G. M., South Laredo .. 47 1 p. 10 47 47 26 Gutierrez. M., 134 La Paloma 21 1 X. 12 8 8 8 Hardie. E. H., 11l Kipp ... 03 3 p. G 23 23 23 Harrison, J. R.. West Commerce....... 1 X. 9 28 t 3 Henderson. J. C., 116 Cass ../ 37 4 p 14 37 5 5 Herrera. R.. 806. Nogalitos •../ 51 4 P. 10 51 51 16 Hillje, E. E.. 407 Dwyer avenue e 2 g 7 p 3 09 19 9 Holland, J. W., West Theo avenue ..* 66 4 X. 13 51 6 6 Keller. J.. 132 Lachappelle G 3 3 x. 5 6:: 40 40! Kelley. P.. 19 Lachappelle .. / 74 3 X. 6 35 4 I Kenney, E., 1518 South Laredo . 22 3 P. 1 22 22 22 Kuppers. R., 210 Rische. ..* 34 2 P. 11 3 1 3t 34 Kuykendall. V., 115 Ralph 22 4 p 22 22 Lamin. J.. 202 Lubbock ’ 51 4 p' G 51 35 331 Loeloff, G., 432. Fest 3G 3 3 28 28 • 28 A.. 912 South Laredo... ... 2 j 0 x.' 11 20 20 1 Lujan. P.. 408 East Arsenal..'. G 9 2 X. 2 69 57 30 I Luthringer, P.. 315 Helena avenue . 31 3 p 31 31 31 i Mandry*. L.. 222 Cevallos 31 3 p. 2 31 31 31 ' Martin. J. 3.. 4130 Corpus Christi r0ad....... r,G 4 p’ o 56 35 35 Mnta. B. 0.. La Paloma 45 1 p. 32 18 18. McCormick. J. A.. 408 Dwyer g 4 1 X. 7 64 18 18 j McMayus. J., 1021 South Flores 54 2 p 2 22 22 ’ 22 McWhorter, S. G.. 225 West Johnson 42 2 P. 7 *5 6 *6 Medran, A., 406 South Laredo c»7 1 X. 4 53 s:’, 58 ' Meyer. Alber*. 432 South Laredo 71 1 X. 5 60 GO 60 Milford. W. 8.. Sun street r,5 1 11 54 G 6 , Miller, W. «L. 625 Lubbock .. 4 X. 4 57 1 11 Mueller. J. I’.. 702 South'Flores 51 2 X. 1 41 41 41 | Mumme. T. E.. 132 East CevaHes 47 3 p 7 4- 22 21 | Munsey. A.* S.. 104 East Dittman 39 4 p < 39 39 "y । NeeL. J. M.. 10Q5 South Flores g 7 2 X. 7 39 j Nessler. J., 20G2 South Flores so 3 X. 4 54 54 54 • Parral. J.. 101 South Laredo 2 2 1 P. 20 22 22 22 ' Perez A.. 108 La Paloma •_»! 1 X. 13 21 21 21 ' Pcrsifcr. L.. 6 Collins Gardens 22 4 P. 13 19 ]9 IP ' Priest. W. R„ 822 Baylor ~.. 07 4 X. 1 63 40 Quintana, G.. 313 South Flores 40 j p' G 42 12 42 Rambie. J. F.. 301, Occidental 49 4 p. 17 40 s Ramirez, L., Bank street 36 4 21 36 36 36 Rangel, c.. 408 South Laredo g<> j X. 11 3 5 :':t 33! R«vna, F.. 408 South Laredo 34 1 P. 18 2 I 24 24 Riker, B. C„ 15 Frasch 02 2 X. 10 ”5 ”2 ”2 Ripps. M. T.. 1617 South San Marcos 5) 4 P. 11 51 51 51 Rivas, K., 123 Big Foot 39 4 p jl 39 39 39 Rodriguez, A.. 730 South Laredo 33 1 p 9 27 27 27 Rodriguez. 0., 121 La Paloma ~ .. 45 1 p 1 j 16 I Rosenman, N„ 216 East Arsenal 28 2 P. 6 18 16 16 Rout led are. E.. 112 Woodward place 39 1 P. * 2 28 28 28 Salazar. L.. 18 South Laredo 70 1 x s 70 10 10 Salazar, N.. 102 Gitdalupc 2 X. 1 30 30 20 Santos. C. dr la. Mitchell street 43 4 p. 8 4? 43 43 Segovia. P 108 La Paloma 62 1 ?<. 14 16 16 16 1 Serna. A J.. 226 West Cevallos 3H 3 P. 8 36 36 36 , Serna. S. F„ 225 West Cevallos 70 2 X. 8 70 60 4 I Shook. J. R.. 321 Dwyer go 1 X. 2 51 to 10 | Single »;u W V.. 3305 South Flores 35 4 P. 12 25 11 11 Smallwood. W.. 215 Nosjalitos .. 56 3 P. t 51 5 1 54 Solu. M.. 309 South Flores 10 1 p. 4 1 j G G Terrazas. F . 111 Rinford 58 4 P. 9 58 58 58 Tobar. M,. 109 South Flores 61 1 X. 15 2-t 2? 23 Tonkin. A. E.. 222 E. Dittmnn 17 I P. 19 4 1 1 Trevino. A.. 1502 South Laredo 66 2 X. 3 32 23 23 Van Houten. C. E.. Sr.. 228 East Theo 65 4 X. 9 16 2 2 ViHastrico. \.. 3310 South Flores 49 1 P. 27 39 36 A illar-'jl. J.. Th l'alnma ".7 1 p. 21 57 36 36 Walling. W. W.. 726 West Commerce 50 1 P. 15 28 26 WPdman. O. T.. 121 Klein 34 4 P. 16 34 1.7 n W'lliams. A. C.. 128 Elsie avenue 59 4 X. 15 59 17 17 Whhoff. C. 201 Forest avenue 63 4 X. 5 40 40 40 i Wulf. L.. 1135 Lubbock 58 4 P. 18 34 34 34 All votes to date in ward 2 will be published tomorrow. TWO ARRESTS IN DISAPPEARANCE CASE Special Diep.-tcb. Coleman. Tex.. Oct. 28.—J. W. Hunter and W. If. Hunter were ar- Ti sted today in connection with the disappearance of Joe Toland, a weal thy ranchmstn. who is believed to have been murdered while driving from i' 'lnnan to his ranch. Several new searching parties were organized to ■ to hunt for the' body ana the river is being dragged. Don’t Persecute your Bowels Cut out cattartics end £ ircatra. They u? hr.itd —h*nh—unnec«<ry. 1 ry CARTERS LIVER PILLS I \ Purdy vegetable. Art 7? elitnieate b CARTERS! I odic the delicate HQ IT TLE lIVER Core Caa- ■ pills. 1-Sieaa* _ k ata«, o Sick Haadaeha tad UdifaatiM, m mAaoa kaow. Small Pill, SmaU Dow. Smail Price Genuine must tear Signature FRIDAY, STEAMSHIP LINE TO COMPETE WITH RAILROADS Associated Press. Now Orleans. La., Oct. 28.—Plans for the organization of a steamship line which, it is said, will compete with transcontinental railroads, were presented to the commercial bodies of New Orleans today by Bernard Baket of New York. Baker is president of the national conservation commission. He declared the proposed company will be capitalized at $10,000,000 and operate 10,000-ton vessels. COLQUITT AT CONGRESS Industrial and Development Meeting Opens at Fort Worth Today. — Special Dispatch. Fort Worth. Tex., Oct. 28. —Gover- I nor-elect Colquitt, John H. Kirby of I Houston, and other notables arrived ' here today to attend the Industrial and Development congress. The ses- ! sions will open in the Byers opera ' house at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon.. The delegates will discuss plans for the greater development of Texas. This is one of the closing events in! Fort Worth's census Celebration. KILLED IN FALL FROM ROOF. ! Special Dispatch. Chickasha. Okla.. Oct. 28.— Harry I Wright, aged 24 years, was instantlv killed here today when he fell from I the loof of a three-story building on I Main street. He was painting the I roof when his . foot slipped. He I alighted upon his head. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT ANT GAZETTE T O S K E’S These Savings for the Week=End The Joske Fountain 10c Limeade sc. 10c Merry Widow Kiss Sundae 5c 60c Chocolates 33c. Saturday we will place on sale 500 boxes of Bunte’s pure hand-dipped chocolate candy, regularly sold at 60c the pound, at 33c. This candy is fresh and clean and Is put up in one, two and five-pound boxes. Saturday, pound <3*3 v Other Sweets. 50c pound Chocolate Covered Chips 25c. 50c pound Chocolate Covered Caramels 25c. 50c pound Assorted Chocolate Creams 25c. 25c pound Assorted Wrapped Kisses 15c. The Mouth and Teeth: A Sale Rubifoam Mouth Wash 10c. Sanitol Mouth Wash 10c and 39c. Meade & Baker’s Carbolic Mouth Wash 25c. Colgate’s Liquid Dentifrice 25c. Glyco-Thymoline Mouth Wash 25c and 50c. Listerine Mouth Wash 19c. 39c and 69c. Sozudont Mouth Wash 19c and 69c. Pasteurine Mouth Wash 89c. Sozodont Powder or Paste 19c. Sanitol Powder or Paste 19c. Colgate's Powder 15c and 25c. Colgate’s Dental Cream 20c. Denticura Tooth Paste 19c. Pebecco Tooth Paste 50c. Sheffield's Tooth Paste 10c. Women's $3.50 Black Kid Shoes $3.0? on must come tomorrow—Saturday—for this special sale on shoes. It is for that day only. \ on have the opportunity to buy a woman’s regular $3.50 pair of shoes for $3.05. Thet are patent kid shoes, button style, with /Y black cloth tops, plain toe. welt sole, short vamps and' Cuban heel. Saturday, the pair Dig misses’ patent pony jolt shoes, but- Women's gunmetal calf shoes, button \q~ \ ton "•**’ mat kid top- welt sole and style with short vamp, welt soles, high g, X ,ow Cuban heels. The pair GtHl arch. Cuban heels. Fine for LArt Saturday street wear. Pair OaW UW : GIA Women's evening slippers, made of Woman's black satin pumps, with black castor with two straps and large square tailored ribbon bow, have jet beaded vamps, light turn plain toe and high Cuban heel. For soles and Cuban heels. A street wear. Saturday, Palr a pair OaW Women's button boots, with black suede vamps, black cravenette cloth top, plain high toe, slant top and close edge welt sole. A pair for H's W Children's school shoes, made of best dongola kid. Blucher lace or button style, with flexible soles. Sizes B’4 to IL $1.25; A KtfY Raizes 1114 to 2 JLb <3 V 9-1 Brown sheeting. 25c Value. 20c 81x90 and 15x36 Pillow Cases—A —A good quality of unbleached splendid soft finish pillow case, sheeting, with a nice, smooth finish good quality of material and will — a good, strong cloth and well wear well, both sizes, have neat worth 25c yard. Satur- hem finish. Worth 15c. 4 day at Kz Special at. dozen. . 12 Yards Nainsook Cambric $1 — 72x90 Scmncd Sheet—A good qual- An extra soft finish nainsook cam- ity bed sheet, with latest improved brie of good quality, a full yard seam in center, neat, plain hem. wide and worth 10c. A Fully a 50c value. g Saturday 12 yards for. A ■krwZ Special at. dozen Saturday: A 3= Pair Hosiery Sale Saturday will be the day to buy sell ladies' and children's hose in siderably lower than you ordinari this opportunity, so be sure to la 3 Pair I.allies' Hose 25c. At 25c wc offer three pair of ladles' black hose of good quality. They I are seamless and guaranteed stain- I less. Un sale tomorrow *5 C ' at 3 pah lor X L 3 Pair Ladies' "Cadets" 69c. Ex cry lady knows the "Cadet" hose —-guaranteed on a money - back I basis. They have linen heels, solos t and toes. This is a splendid value. > Cm sale tomorrow at 3 — i pair for 3 Pair Children's Hose 69c. An odd lot of "Onyx” hose, worth 1 up to 35c the pair. Ribbed hose, 1 extra spliced, hard twisted linen 1 h els and toes. Great values, these. t On sale tomorrow 3 pair 69c t 3 Pair Ladies' Hose 93c. The famous "Onyx" hose, made of J real Maco cotton, with spliced sole f and double heels and toes, very s elastic. On special sal< 071 J tomorrow 3 pair for. . .. n Saturday: Splendid New N ec k wea r Another big lot of the very newest effects in neckwear will be placed on sale tomorrow. Consists of new jabots, stocks, Dutch collars, linen collars with jabots attached, and others. They are made of Venetian laces, Irish crochet laces, Valenciennes laces, Persian silks and com binations of Persians and laces. Many of these pieces will favorably compare with those that you pay $1 for elsewhere. Your 50c choice Saturday at Hair Puffers Take advantage of the demon stration of the new sanitary hair puffer, waver, curler and pompa dour. Of interest to every woman. (Section C—Street Floor.) THE BIG STORE Handkerchief Special A Saturday bargain in handker chiefs. This special lot includes handkerchiefs of sheer linen, with real Irish hand embroidery; pure linen, with imitation Armenian lace edge; pure linen, hand embroidered and imitation open work corners; pure linen, with 1-8 inch hem and dainty, imitation hand embroidery, and all linen handkerchiefs, hem stitched and Dongal hand worked embroidery in the four corners. The lot would be cheap at 25c A — each. Saturday, each... JL 3 C (Section D—Street Floor.) "Phoenix” mufflers for ladies, knit mufflers in all colors and af ford excellent protection for cool W’eather. 25c and 50c. (Section D —Street Floor.) (Toilet Goods Section—Street Floor.) Calox Tooth Powder 25c. Hudnut's Dentaline Powder or Paste 25c. Peroxide Tooth Powder 19c. Vantine’s Oriental Tooth Paste or Powder 25c. Bradley's Woodland Violet Tooth Powder 20c. Dr. E. L. Graves’ Tooth Powder 19e. Spearmint Tooth Powder 25c. Arnica Tooth Soap 19c. Gosnell’s Cherry Tooth Paste 50c. Jewsbury and Brown’s Oriental Tooth Paste 50c. Euthymol Tooth Paste 19c. Peroxide 12c and 19c. Dioxogen 21c, 43c and 69e. hosiery. W e have arranged to three-pair lots at prices con ly pay. It is seldom you have <c advantage of it. 3 Pair Children’s Hose 25c. Jcdfum weight ribbed hose, in Hack only, for boys and girls. They lave double heels, toes and soles. A :ood hose for school. : pair for 3 Pair Children's Hose 39c. i good hose for misses and boys in lacks and tans, and light, medium nd heavy weights. Made to give ood service. Tomor- — on 3 pair for.. S’ V 3 Pair Children's "Cadets'* 69c. 'here’s nothing like "Cadet" hose or boys and girls and seldom a rice so low. They have linen eels, toes and soles and guaran •cd to give satisfactory wear. On il- tomorrow — Satur- £sCfc rduy—3 pair for C 3 Pair Ladies’ Hose 5i.39. nother extra good "buy.” (Adies' >ur-thread lisle hose, xvith strong x-thread heels, soles and toes, xtra line quality. To- A lorrow 3 pair for. ... A Jbste Bios. Co. Ladies’ Mufflers Women’s dongola kid one-strap sandals, with hand sewed turn soles and opera or common A sense toe. Pair JL ■4b Women's felt slippers, the “comfy” kind, with quilted insoles, in colors of red. pink, blue and brown, as well as black with ribbofi trim mings to mutch. The 1.50 J O S K E’S ? ■■■ Sacrifice Sale of Springfield Carbines 4 Made at U. S. Armory and So Stamped ■ ( Cost Government $lB Each ■ Uncle Sam is a liberal buyer. Sometimes he buys more for his army than its actual needs re- ■ quire. At such times the government holds a sacrifice army sale in order to dispose of the over- fl supply and the man or firm ready to pay cash for these various army supplies is the one who I gets the benefits of the government bargain sales. ■ Recently we were so fortunate as to buy up an immense quantity of army carbines from the ■ United States War Department at a price that docs not begin to cover their cost of manufacture, I and we now offer them to the general public at prices which represent only our cost xvith one ■ small profit added for our trouble, so as to dispose of them at once and get quick action. While it is true that Uncle Sam is a liberal buyer, he is at the same time a very careful and judicious buyer. He buys nothing but the very best; he exacts QUALITY, and in the stupendous Bl quantities he deals with he gets lowest prices possible. Therefore you may depend upon it that the guns told of below are of the very highest quality and intrinsically worth many times the price we ask. We suggest that it would be a wise policy for you to buy the guns we herewith offer in dozen quantities or more, even though you are not now in need of them —save or dispose of them to friends and acquaintances at a big profit. fl $25 Springfield Carbine 98c BB The only reason that we were able to buy them so that we could sell them at this price Is because the government adopted a different style of carbine for cavalry service. The breech- Mkß loading mechanism is the same as the Springfield rifles, and they shoot the same size cartridge. Full length from butt to muzzle, 41 inches, weight about 8 pounds. Equipped with adjustable long range sight and sectional ramrod in the stock. These fine guns are a rare bargain at only 98c each. The illustration on the left gives a good idea of the gun. ■ UU||M|T|A|l ■ can supply all the ammunition —bullet cartridges, 20 in MMmUnll lUNi box, 65c; shot cartridges. 20 in box. 75c. Mail Orrlprc in >our ma " ordcra now that you may b< " P rc P ared I’ldll VrrUCr> when game presents itselt Remit in postoffleo or express money order, bank draft or registered currency and make remittance to Joske Bros. Co., San Antonio, Texas. Women's button boots of black satin, custom grades, plain high toe and arch Cuban heel. For dress occasions. Saturday, a pair OAKJ Misses' dress shoes, high Neapoli tan cut, with red or black kid top and welt soles. Sizes 11 (4 to 2, 98.50; sizes 8(4 to 11. $3; sizes 6 to 8 Hot Drinks —Sandxviches Hot coffee, hot chocolate and all hot drinks in season now serxed. With these you may also have nice, fresh sandwiches. Stop for a lunch while doing your shopping—-many are tak ing advantage of the opportu nity. Great! Say Boys $3.95 Here’s a suit that is a great value. It is made up in all the new fall patterns in / /Jr a broad selection of good, serviceable c °hjrs, such as browns & grays. The suit ChL w l‘ as a d° u hlc-breastcdcoatand not only one, but two pair of Knicker trousers. Most stores would ask $5 for th is suit. The price W _ at ie J os^e store onl y Good Suits at $2.50 ' ou should si < xx hat good boys’ suits can bo purchased for only sSFj I 82.50. They are suits that not only look good, but will give good service. They are made with double breasted coats and g a rSiHr r ’TvLJd Knicker trousers. At the Joske Boys' Store for Better Suits at $5 * Jußt iy These suits are snappy double breasted models, xvith one pair of ■'•wSe 10' SJtfs *’. Knickers —roomy and comfortable. They are made of fancy xvovlens B ,W* and wool serges in blue. Nicely tailored suits, good looking, sturdy in /- • ’ Sir Vx Ek wearing qualities. A very popular suit with the boys and g /Y/Y / i t thc price is only W —Boys’ Overcoats—Some Cravenetted-. j ’.’ ” i .... ij. jTh,, cooler days’are coming when your boy xvlll need an overcoat i 'A' ls lor reefer. Buy now while the selection is large. We mention I f 4 bovs* school overcoats in dark gray and brown mixtures at $3.50, F I $L $3 and $7.59. Cravenetted overcoats for boys at $7.50 and $lO. - <IT. x■■ -Ca j Children's overcoats and reefers in a beautiful line of very pretty v II shades of grays, browns, blues and reds—s 3 to 87.50. Coat sweaters for boys in all wool. Another big lot of boys’ Knickers The boys find here every needed colors ol gray, cardinal, navy blue - ()e They are the roomy, thing: beautiful neckwear. 25c{ and brown, as well as comfortable, good looking kind, leather belts 25c and 30c: gloves, whites, at $l. 1.50 and ma d e o f sturdy fabrics. Well made 25c to $1.50; mufflers. 25c and 50c; Coat sweaters of cotton; also in all the way through, and worth suspenders. 25c; shirts. 73c and $1; pretty shades of grays gZV — regularly 75c. The Joske _ capes, 25c and 35c: hat- QQ and blues, at 25c and.. price is only wW $l. *1.50 and BIG STORE TH E Haliowe’en°-October 31st. Hallowe’en’s coming- -and the Joske Store is abundantly ready— every now Ity and favor tor Hallowe’en is here —brought to you from the best makers of Europe and America. You who have planned a party for the 31st will find in the Joske Store display many very suitable favors and novelties. Grotesque Faces. Pumpkin Heads. Jack-o-Lanterns. Black Cats. Fancy Heads. Airships. False Faces. Grotesque Heads. Witches. Hallowe'en Favors. Many at 5c each. From that price up. Good Books at 49c Saturday “Lot Me Feel Your Pulse.” O. "The Younger Set." R. Cham- Henry. bers. “Beloved Vagabond.” TV. J. "Red Rock,” Thomas Nelson Loeke. Page. “The Barrier." Rex Beach. "The Weaver." Gilbert Parker. “The Shepherd of the Hills," 11. “The Lure of the Mask,” Mc- Wright. Grath. "Nancy Stair." E. Lanb. "Hans Brinker,” Mary Mapes ' St. Elmo," Augusta Evans Wil- Dodge. son. “Treasure Island.” R. L. St even - "At the Mercy of Liberius,” Au- son. < gusta Evans Wilson. “Prince Otto,” R. L. Stevenson. The Fighting Chance,” R. "Little Shepherd of Kingdom Chambers. Come,” F. Fox. OCTOBER 28, 1910. J O S K E’S Doran Pins A demonstration of the new Do ran pins—guaranteed i»ot to break and will not catch on the hair or the finest fabric. t Main Aisle—Street Floor.) 11