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Classified Ads PERSONAL— _ HOME for ladies before and during confine moot. Good doctors and nurse. Infants adopted. Confidential. P. O. box 274. WANTED. LARGK CLEAN SOFT COTTON RAGS WILL PAY THREE CENTS PER POUND ▲PPJiY PRESS ROOM. LIGHT AND GA SETTE. TEXAS Matrimonial and Correspondence Bu reau. Enclose 10c for particulars. 228 BL Commercu street, San Antonio. MBS. DR. NORTON, soecialist diseases and irregularities of women. 610 West. Laurel. BARBER supplies, cutlery grinding and saw filing. 210 East Houston street. Maffi Barber Supply Co. MADAM ANITA. Psychologist. 214 Avenue E, room 1. opposite pcstoffiee. MRS. L. WHITE, manufacturer all kinds hu man hiiir goods. Combings made into the latest and most artistic styles. New phone 2723 blue. 117 Live Oak. JOSEPH J. SWEENEY, Lawyer and notary. Abstracts examined; well equipped collec tion department. 502% East Houston. FOR adoption, fine pretty, healthy baby 3 weeks old. No. 5576, Light and Gazette. AUCTION SALES— PUBLIC AUCTION. Notice is hereby given that I will sell nt public auction* at the L & G. N. Freight Depot, in the City of Sun Antonio, Tex., t>e tween the hours of 10:00 and 11:00 a. m. on Ihe 22d day of November, 1910, the follow ing described property, which has been on hand at this station unclaimed and refused tor a period oi more than 90 days, to-wit; Ore carload hay, NYCH 9085 b, shipped by N. P. T. from Rosenberg, Tex., covered by way bill IG-1, July Ist, consigned to shipper s order notify C. W. Silliman. W. L. HOLDER, Agent for Thomas J. Freeman, Receiver I. 1 G. N. R. R. Co., San Antonio, Texas, Oc tober 22, 1910. , BUSINESS CHANCES— FOR SALE —Wrapping paper. Apply office Light and Gazette. TO let any one Lave a well improved place on Monterey St. Part cash, balance ou time. Call on John McClane, or Dr. H., at Banner saloon. FOR SALE—Stock of groceries and fixtures at invoice. Moss, 1318 San Pedro Ave. ROOMING HOUSE—CIose in, fresh modern, ten rooms. Rent only $45. Furnishings $325. AU cash. Apply 213 Frost building. WHEN you want guod work done on your hat send it to 12$ Main plaza. Sweetzer, hatter. A BOTTLER wanted in each town for the exclusive agency for IRON BREW. Good money made. For particulars address now. Maas & Waldenstein Extract Co., 100 Wil liam Street, New York. THEO. H. BANKS, painting, paperhanging; reasonable; best material. 222 Howard Street. NOTICE We have client who will build to suit ten ant. Desirable location on Alamo street, suit able for hotel or apartment house. Prelimi nary sketches may be* seen at office of BEHLES & BOELHAUWE. Architects. Book Bldg. New Phone 3283. ALBERT’S CIGAR STORE, Main plaza, for bait* arc miii Other inteiots requiring my attention; splendid chance to acquire a well established business. Particulars ou applica tion. , JSHIRTS made to order by Johnson, the shirt maker, fit and wear well; prices from $1.50 up. 216 East Commerce street. The rapidly increasing demands for best standard goods direct from our factory to J users (business men, farmers, schools and practically everybody! requires opening a distributing office in every good county. To acceptable resident manager ue allow $lOO to $l5O monthly salary and commissions, also office and other expenses; s4vo to $l2OO cash required lo curry stock filling imme diate orders; position permanent; references required. Liberty Manufacturing Association, 830 West Huron IBt., Chicago. MONEY TO LOAN— ~~~ MONEY advanced salaried people, lowest rales, business confidential. N. P. 21UU. 210 Alamo Bank Bldg. MONEY loaned on all articles or value. Bar gains in unredeemed pledge*. Emerson « Co, pawnbrokers. 321 W. OiAiaeroa St. CONFIDENTIAL loans. All business strictly privste. uION REALTY Ai LOAN CO., 620 Markel street. N . P. 990. MONEY LOANED on city property, farms and ranches. Prompt service and best at tcntion gtveu. F. J. Einck, 118 South Ais mu meet. MONEY to loan on furniture and household goods. T. C. Chandler, room 6, 118 East Houston street. I HAVE MONEY to loan you on Alamo Heights lots that you purchase through me and 1 will accept payments monthly or on any reasonable terms. Clifton George, 203 Avenue C. MONEY loaned in small amount. New phone 2971, old 2899. MOVING AND SmAGE— oTuKAGE 7ur turi.liure3tla'ioa. bugcia. Separate etalls. $1.60 per mouth. Mor / lug, pucKlng snipping. L. W. Culver. U, Fannin. Phone* *l»a. HARRISON NOVWO ca Storage packing, shipping. N.* phon, toy. Residence 107. GENERAL Btor.ce warehouse. Gas re frieerator and gasoline itove for sale. 23i Reuth Flors, street. CTHPARF 1 *“’• ,he b* l * » n <l largest OlUlinUU warehouse in the city. Mor Ing, packing, carpet eleaning. Henry C. Bins Both phone, # KEY AND LOCKSMITHS— BOTH PHONKS- -Bicycles on eany pay merits; key and look work; lawn .now »rs aharpenad Emerson, the BicyvJ Doctor MISCELLANEOUS— IMPORTANT! —Every doctor ‘n Texas not » ■•robe* of the State Medical association •end tF* 4» * ’O7 9«r. Antonio. EDUCATIONAL— ~ * YOU V/ANT .C JOB? If it is a practical education you want and a guod position when you fiuish, there'4 no place ’like Draughon’s, Alamo Plaza and St.» Ban Antonio, Texas. 4 FRIDAY, Classified Ads LOST, FOUND, STRAYED— LOST —A red Irish Better dog. Finder re turn to 421 Guenther street and get re nerd. LOST —A chance to buy any one of more than 1200 Alamo Heights lots at first hand, for we have sold that many and we advise that you get busy and get one of the remainder, lor they won't last long. Buy from Clifton George, 203 Avenue C. LOST or strayed, cue bay two-year-old horse, no brand; white right hind foot; white star on forehead. Finder return to corner o£ Vera Crus and Trinity. Reward. LOST—Watch, chain and eagle charm, year of 47. For liberal reward return to 201 Alamo plaza. No questions asked. LOST—Ladies' gold watch "A" engraved on outer case. Ada on inside of case. Re ward if returned to 131 San Pedro avenue, old phone 675. $5.00 REWARD for brown Jersey milch cow. Strayed Irom home, 436 Murphy avenue, West End. L. N\ Scofield. Old phone 4&6-lr. LOST—Miama bicycle, No. 12664, red frame, 22 inch wheels, front name plate missiug. Reward lor its return to E. G. Seng, Merer ick-W»rke Litho. Co. LOST—Bunch of cash register keys on chain and belt hook. Return to National Cash Register office and receive reward. lIS' Mackay bnilding, ground floor, Navarro St. C. L. Vernon. LOST —A Scotch collie pup; liberal reward if returned to Earnest Barbeno, 403 Lake view avenue, corner Pecos. LOST—Nickel plated centennial watch with fob, in Carnegie library. Child’s photo in case. Reward. .S. Scott, 2819 West Hous ton street. blcycles— RELIANCE CYCLE CO., 604 West Houston St. Bicycle repairing. Second hand wheels $7 to ?13. / sewTng machines rented H. T. REUTERM ANN, practical machinist, 28 years with tne Singer Mig. Co. Sells, rents and repairing done, st 11U Casino at. SPEC.AL NOTICES— AM. LLriaikDl, Man lecturing UDtkcUu Alaxao, glawea fit tod, lense* guund, ocuUmu pzwacnplluua lUled, <l. awi n guarauteed. oCHOOL or inassagutg manicuring and hair dressing. 2UV Eh wurth auevt, heigntt. REGISTERED relief, cures blood diseases, rheumatism, ataxia, syphilis; references, mastuge treatments at koine- New phone 2ow red. ANY KIND of hat cleaned, trimmed and blocked lor slJWtUuumc, the Hailer, SUJ Navarro. EASTERN Millinery Training School, the school that gives references from the be»t banks and commercial agencies. Hats made and remodeled. 939 Norm Fiores. 1 FURNISH wall paper and paper your room for $3. Address postoffice boa 248. JOHNSON, the shirt maker, is located at 216 East Commerce street. Shirts made to or der al ready made prices. \ MIEDLER & CO., the new place. Watchmak ers and jewelers. 330 E. Commerce .St. NOTICE —To our friends and customers: Mrs. Mary Fest having bought out B. F. Johnson's interest in the firm of Fest & z Johnson Model Gin, the lirm is now changed to Fest Ginning Co. Under the new manage men t we solicit your patronage. FEST GINNING CO. LADIES’ Aid Society Circle No. 3 of South Side Baptist church will give a social Fri day night, October 28, ut the residence of Mrs. Bledsoe in Gladstone addition. Con veyances will meet everybody at car line. Mexican supper and Dutch lunch will be served. Everybody invited. DR. C. L. GOODENOUGH, veterinary sur geon, horses, cattle, dugs scientifically treated. Old phone 2491. ATTENTION, owners, contractors and build ers, for Burrowos’ Rustless screen. Cham berlain Metal Weather Strip and Inside Blinds. Cull old phone 293, new 3210. L. 11. McDaniels, 607 Garden street. EXTRAORDINARY SALE. Misses’ and children’s hate, latest styles; they must go, so we will sell them from $1 up, that are worth as much again as we ask for them. La Mode Millinery, 801 East Com merce. TAiLCRS— PANCOAST & KOHLER. Tailors. Our new fall woolens are now arriving for 1910 and 1911. TYPEWRITERS— TYPEWRITERS, all makes, sold, rented and repaired. Oliver agency. M. J. Hewitt. 11k »st Cn rani area. LIVESTOCK MARKETS Special Dispatch. • v EAST ST. LOUIS. 111., Oct. 28.—Cattle 2090; market steady. Native b»*ef steers $6.00(g8.00; cows and heifers $3.50 fdT7.OO; stackers and feeders Texas steers $4.00(g) 7.00; cows and heifers calves in carload lots $6.00@ 8.00. Hogs: Receipts 4500; market 5 to 10 cents fewer. Mixed and butchers $8.85(5 9.10; good to heavy rough 8.25; light $8.9U(g9.10. Bulk pigs $8.50@9.00. Sheep: Receipts 2000; market slow. Sheep and muttons $3.50@4.25; lambs $5.50@6.75. KANSAS CITY. Special Dispatch. « KANSAS CITY, Mo., Oct. 28.—Cattle: Receipts 3000; market steady. Steers $4.00 @7.25: cows and heifers Stock ers and feeders calves $4.00@ 8.0<;. . Hogs: Receipts 2500; market 10 to 25 cents lower; heavies $8.00@8.45; miliums $8 lights Sheep: Receipts 5200; market steady. Wethers $4.20; ewes $4; lambs $6.60. CHICAGO. * Special Dispatch. CHICAGO, 111.. Oct. 28.—Hogs: Receipts 15,000. market strong. Mixed and butchers good heavy rough heavy $7.70@8.10: Ught pigs $7 90@8.70; bulk Cattle: Receipts 2000; market steady. Beeves $4.70 cows and heifers $2.25 @6.40; stockers and feeders $4.15@6.75; Texans $4.40@5.50; calves sB.oo@ 10.25. Sheep: Receipts 13,000; market steady. Native and western $2.75@4.25; lambs $4.50 ft 7 JOO. Vaccine virus is rendered absolute ly pure by radium emanations, ac cording to an Italian scientist. Or again, someone might invito Secretary Ballinger to take a horse back ridu on an acronlan- ST. LOUIS. HATTA II What the Great Crop of HAAAIIAff" The Money Market, the ■ TTI IT MilS RI the South Is Doing In Stock Market, All Mar* I I H | I L « I SI I I I lIV the Financia} and In * HItI II II II r hets. Controlling Quo- I fl I I I I* liill I I 111 dustrial in | 111 11 II II || tatioas are Found in ||O I UU I I Uli this Year of Short Yield I I IUUUUL the Light and bazette UH I I LL * NORTHERN CABBAGE . 25 CENTS LOWER Texas Vegetables Here in Classy Varieties—Eggs and Poultry are Active, The fruit and refetable markets this morning were Well supplied with voth out side and home grown produce. A war of Cali fornia tomatoes came in yesterday morning and by night they had been entirely taken up by retailers. Tho shipment was of su perior quality, as has been all the fruits and vegetables shipped from California this Mason. It is raid that tho consumption of lettuce, celery and tomatoes in San Antonio during the fair 5 s about twice as great as it is at other times. The same is'true of apples and oranges and bananas and grapes. Local wholesale dealers are placing their orders for large quantities of tho best fruits obtainable in r adincss for the expected big trade. Poultry receipts for tho early trade have been good, the quality full desirable and movement active. A fair demand for poultry is had daily. Even with the advance of fifty cents a case on Texas guaranteed eggs, the market receipts are not heavy enough to meet the dt-mand. Kansas eggs are twenty five cents higher than they v»ere last week. The city is only light supplied with oys ters and fresh water fish. Sea fish are scarce and the shipments fitful. Ono.o or twice a week jobbers receive big shipments of them andi then they get no more for a day or so. The new crop seeded raisins in clusters and layers and new currants are now begin ning to come in. It is expected that the new crop of dates will be on the market about November 10. - Texas vegetables are here this morning in quite classy quantities and the demand and movement is inclined to be active. Tomatoos, beans, apples, peppers and okra ar« among the consignment. Granulated sueac is quiet th»g morning and is quoted at per hundredweight. This is a decline of about 30 cents under last week. Northern vaTbage lias Reclined 25 cents per hundredweight. This is caused by the sharp competition of the southern grown product. Tho now crop of Mexican chili beanc is now on tho market, quoted at thirty cents a pound. Bulk prices on pickles aro quoted this morning at an advance of about sixty cents a barrel. Pruitt Commission Co. reports the receipt of a car of bananas, apples and potatoes. PRODUCE QUOTATIONS. (The quotations given below are wholesale pricej to the trade and are corrected daily.) VEGETABLES. POTATOES- *...0 42.15. CALIFORNIA BURBANK—SI.BS 2.10. SUEKT PurAnn* Par cwt„ White $2; California Pearls $1.90. f.bu r't.n.Al —urate. RHUBARB —6c puunda. ASPARAGUS—SS crate. > TOMATCfcS —Texas, 4 basket crates 75@ 90c. California, per box $1.25. Arkansan, 4 basket crates 75c. CAUI4Ir<4VM PEAS—2S 35c peck. PEPPERS—Hot, 40c per basket. Green, 75c per basket. CABBAGE—Per 100 lbs. $2.50. ONIONS—Texas Crystal Wax, S2.CO per cwt. Texas Bermuda $2.75 $3. Bulk Wax. $2.50. CUCUMBERS—9Oc $1 1-3 bushel box. UKKa —iexas, uoo per bushel box. SQUASH—6Oc 2-3 bushel box. CHILE PETINE—Per pound, 60c. BEANS— Flat wax. 75c per crato. CABBAGE—Per 100 lbs. $2.25 2.50. SAUR KRAUT—S-gallon keg $l.lO. Half barm >3 CELERY—Dusen stalks. 75c. FRUITS. APPLES—4 Tr. bpiize„oerg, fancy, $2.25; 4 Tr. Bellflower, fancy, $1.85; 4 Tr. Red Pearmain, $1.75; Tr. Red Pearmaiu. $l.BO Colorado Jonathans $2.25. Beu Davis AGUAGATES—75c Mexican basket. BANANAS—S3.SO per cwt. ORANGES —Valencia $4.25. LIMES —Small basket asc, large $1.75, PEACHES —California. $l. Utah, $l. LEMONS—Choice $7.00. - GRAPE FRUIT—SS.7S $6 bex. PINEAPPLE—S 3.3 35 crat?, PLUMS —Colorado $2. PEARS—California, Block, $1.10; Tokay, GRATES—BIack $1.25 crate. Whit/ $1.50. QUINCES —$2.50 per crate. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Price to shipper less com miss ion 8. BUTTER —Creamery, per lb. 32c; country butter 22c. CHEESE —Fancy cream 18%c; fancy brick 20c; American Swiss 24c; ‘ imported Swisa, 31c; Liwburger 20c; Badger State 19c. POULTRY—Broilers. fryers, $44i>4.75: bens dozen. EGGS —Country, per dozen, 22@30e. Price to retailer: navies, $5. Mexican $5 50. DRIED FRUITS. Price to retailer: PRUNES —California, 40-50 s 9*4c lb. 50- 60s b%c; «0-70 s B%c. PEACHES —In 2«» lb. boxes, standard 8c; choice 9Vic; fancy 10Ue. DATES—Hallowi, bulk. 7c lb; package. THe lb APRICOTS —Standard 140 g choice 14 U ; extra choice 16c; fancy 15 Uc. RAISINS —Louse Muscatels. 2 crown 6c; 3 crown 6 4 crown 7c; London layer®, 2 crown $1.66; 3 crown $1.80; 4 crown $2; ounce packages Bc. APPLES-*-Calfornia evaporated 10c. PEARS —Evaporated halves 11 Uc. FIGS —Bulk 25 in b>>x Se. packages 75c. HIDES. Delivered prices pant shipper: Heavy dry flint butchers 13c: light dry flint butchers 11; dry felleu. Free from mud lie; green salted, over 35 pounds. fr*e of salt 8; light salted, under 35 pounds, free of salt, 7c; bulls, stags and damaged one third less; dry flint goat priino 12c; dry flint goat damaged 6c; wild hog. large. 25c; small, hnlf price; coon, fox, wolf, wildcat aud co jo i e 20c; civet cate 30c; opossums 15c. BtllSWAX—Per lb. 35c. TALLOW—Per lb. 4c The camel caravans of the desert may disappear when the Frenchman, General Brun, inaugurates his airship service across the Sahara. Again, they may not. Prosperity note from Kansas: “It takes only four bushel of alfalfa seed to buy a new tire for the auto.’’ The Shelley-Loring Undertaking Co. Both Phones 971. Carriage an' /mbulance service. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE CHILE STEJOY M QggWß SIRONG Receipts Light, But Quality Shown Pleases Buyers and Market is Smooth. Yard Receipt*. Today. Week ago. Month ago Cattle .... ....134 7 25 Calves 54 51 135 Hogs 23 59 72 Receipts at Other Markets. Cattle. Ilogs. Sheep. । Chicago 15.000 2,00 g 13,000 I Omaha 2,800 1.300 12.000 | Kansas City... 2,500 3,000 4,000 Top Prices. Today. Week ago. Month ago Cows ~.. >...53.25 $3.60 $3.35 Calvos $4.00 $3.75 $4.00 Hogs $8.50 $B.OO $7.25 Market Features. Today—Receipts of medium grade bring fancy prices. Week ago—Light receipts makes day’s market ’’one man” affair. Month ago—Fairly good run on cattle to day. Market active ou classy stuff. UNION STOCK YARDS, Oct. 28.—The market here today came fully in line with tht week’s light receipts, tU» noon count bringing to light only 366 head. Almost ev ery branch of the trade came in for a little something as follows: One hundred and thir ty-four cattle, 54 cahseo, 156 horses and 23 hogs. The quality show while nothing ex traordinary, was very g< od and the market was fully steady to higher. Quotations were of a sufficient height to cause a very good feeling to ensue through the entire day and salesmen as well as buy ero were ver, satisfied with the tone and «sy movement of Ae market. Moat of the arrivals up to. the noon hour came in by rail as follows; Cattle —One car Poth to this market, one car Floresville to this market, one car Karne* City to Fort Worth, privi leged San Antonio, and one car Kerrville to this market. The classiest receipts of the market were scored on a car of full desirable cows ahd calves which were billed from Poth t-o Fort Worth, but owing to some misunderstanding in the billing they were put on this market. The quality of the stock was extra choice and baynrn took thaw abhut when* thaj wa* placed at very fancy quotations. The rest of the arrivals were very medium grades but the outlet was in prime condition and these went with the classiest to patronize the weigher at an early hour. Cows and Heifers. The cow market represented about the haavlMt end of the receipt list and the mar ket was fully steady. Buyers on the early trade were anxious for classy offerings and while this supply can hardly be classed that high, buyers seemed satisfied and bought IO such an extent M to dimmish :h< supply to very low figures by the noon hour. The day’s top was $3.25 and this also can lie quoted as the bulk price, for the sales book shows the majority of the sales of the forenoon to be registered at this amount. Calves and Yearlings. The calf market came very near scoring a blank on the receipt list, the only thing sav ing from this undesirable mark was 54 head. They came in ono lot, rather late for the ! early trade, from Floresville, and were in good condition. They went to one bujer soon after arrival and are entered iu the sales account at $l. Hogs and Shesp. The porker trade this morning fell a little below the ueuai standard in quality as well as quantity of offerings. Only 28 bead were received in the noon count and these topped $8.50 and bulked close aruuud the $8 mark. The hog market also was a one-man affair, fur the forenoon sales were weighed to one buyer. About four load are left tu be dis posed of in the afternoon trade. The local market on live stock yesterday was a “hummer’’ as far as it went. Calves topped $5 and cows the $4 mark. The only thing that could be kicked about was tho quantity, for the quality was all that could be asked. Some sales taken from the books of com mission men at the close of yesterday’s trad ing at the local stock yards: I Av. Wt. Price. Wadenpohl & More, Marfa— -33 cows 722 $3.50 A. D. Gabrysch, Falls City— -1 cow 860 3.50 23 calves 300 4.00 1 bull 1130 2.85 2 bulls 780 2.60 J. A. Champion, Mercedes- 27 cows 720 3.25 J. W« Hampton, Bexar County— -1 cuw» 1080 4.00 3 cows 685 2.25 3 calves 245 4.25 1 cow 870 3.50 2 calves 160 5.00 2 bulls 1030 2.85 M. C. Wisljert, Kames City- 10 cows 863 3.50 1 bull 950 2.50 A. Anderson, Atascosa— -10 heifers 471 3.50 An exchange save that E. L. Whitsett, representing the Whitsett estate, has sold to W. A. Blackwell Jr. of Cuero tho Whitsett ranch in Atascosa and Live Oak counties. The ranch constated of 10.000 acres and the consideration was $lOO,OOO. This is on? of the latest land deals made in that section in many years. Yesterday E. F. Huth of Yoakum sold to J. W. Hobson of Del Rio a 700-acre ranch a few miles south for $l5 an acre. About three years ago Mr. Huth bought this same ranch for less than $7 an acre. Cattle markets all over the country were generally steady on light supplies yesterday. This is a great improvement over that of the day before. Kansas City was steady to 10 cents higher, Bt. Louis ateady to lower and Chicago steady. B. A. Davy, a well known cattleman of Kerrville, is in the c’ty on business with the Cattlemen's Exchange. L. Webb, cattle and horse raiser of Rock Springs, is on the local yards today. v D. C. Richard, ranchman of Alpine, is in No Breakdowns-No Delays > i $ or evef y ® erv ’ c€ t* l ** * Pump Jack can be : our “DUPLEX” will be found superior ' to od**”- I* I l *’ constructional building hat is necessary for efficient operation. - Write for catalogue D and quotations. ALAHO IRON WORKS Everything in Iron. San Antonio, Texas. STOCK YARDS TALK. AMERICAN COUON DECLINES JI BALE On Frost Report Market Opens Higher, But Heavy Realiz ing Causes Sagging Off. After a strong opening on reports (ri frost in nearly every section of tho belt? th® mar ket turned weak on profit-taking, assisted by fresh selling due tu disappointment that the reaultant damage was no greater. Cables were only 2 to 3 point higher at the opening, but upon receipt of the frost news stiffened up 8 to 10 points, only to decline in about the same proportion, when it was seen that the American market did not take tho weather news seriously, and the <h #lB barely steady, Ite 2 points net advance. Spots were 7 points higher on sales of 7000 bales. Tho opening on this side was 6 to 7 points above last night’s close, but realizing sales caused a sagging off of about a dollar per halo all along the list, some positions selling down an extreme 22 points from the highest but at this level support was in evidence and a slaw rally set in which wiped out 10. points of the. decline. The market at 11 o’clock stood about 8 points lower than yesterday's final sales. At noon snow was rejwrted at Nashville, Memphis and Jackson, Tenn., and as the forecast for tonight indicated freezing tem peratures to the coMt, prices ruled steadier, regaining much of the early loss, and during the afternoon bobbed up through last night's closing bids. The market had the appearance, however, uf being pushed up against its will and met with realizing sales all tho way up, which, however, tends to make it a mure evenly bait anted affair. , There was a little selling toward the close which was 3 to 4 points net decline on the day. The spot markets are steady and un changed. Liverpool in the morning is due about 2 points higher. The movement figures were bullish. Re oeipts at the ports were 51.761 bales against 75.596 last year, so far this week 386,103 against 418.864 last year and since Eepteiu ber 1. 2,502,839 against 2.825,372 last sea son. The amount in sight is as follows: 1910 1909 Net overland 10,410 33.137 Into sight 565,254 RTS,S3I Since Sept. 1 3,357,113 The - strength of the above figures is best shown by the fact that the amount into sight this week la 78.000 bales less than last week —at a time of the season when the move* ui'nt should increase rather than fall off. Sptaaers takings were 321,000 bales for the week against 999,000 last year, which haves the visible supply of American cotton 862,Q00 bales less than last year. RECEIPTS AT UNITED STATES PORTS. Today. Last Year. Galveston 17,583 16.801 New Orleans 4,987 10.810 Mobile 1.378 1205 Savannah A 9.483 11,687. I Charleston 3,104 2566 W<lmin<ton 8/439 9413 Norfolk 3,W2 5374 Baltimore 6,211 3119 Boston .L 11 12 Newport News 483 Brunswick 502 14,921 Other ports 1,125 3639 Total 51,761 75,596 Last yenr 76,596 < * Difference ' 23,835 LEADING SPOT MARKETS. Today Yesterday Sales Liverpool, steady ...7.76 7.69 7,000 Galveston, steady ..14% 14% 1,500 New Orleans, steady 14’4 14% 3,880 New York, quiet. .14.75 14.75 4,400 Houston? quiet 14% 14% 1,470 LIVERPOOL. Yes- Open. High. Low Close, terday Oct. Nov. 7.58 7.66 7.57 7.57 7.55 Jar.-Feb. 7.51 760 7.50% 7.50% 7.49 Meh -Apr. 7.52% 7.61 7.51% 7.51% 7.60% Barely steady. NEW YORK. Yes- ' Open. High. Low Close, terday Oct 14.60 14.60 14.38 14.45-48 14.58 Dee 14.59 14.59 14.4849 14.52 Meh 14.52 14.55 14.33 14 45 47 14.59 Steady. NEW ORLEANS. Yes- Open. High. Low Close, terday Oct 14.39 14.42 14.39 14.28 14.32 Dee 14.29 14.33 14.17 14.25-26 14.29 Meh 14.50 14.52 14.35 14.46-47 14.50 Steady. the city for a few days. He is stopping at tho Bexar hotel. On a rather light supply the Fort Worth live stock market yesterday showed great improvement over tho rest of the week. The demand for classy stock was good and quo । tations recovered some of Wednesday’s I losses. Beef steers were lightly represented. I Stockers and feeders rahged on the quota I tion list from $4.80 to $4 10. Cows topped ' $3.80 in rar lots and calves the $6 mark. Some sales: Av. Wt. Price. B. F. and W. A. Thompson, Weatherford— -25 feeders 103 R $4.75 21 steeYs 890 4.25 J. W. Le/fel, Bryson— -13 heifers 755 3.85 G. E. McNeill, Casa Blanca— -19 cows . 872 3.50 । 23 calves 190 5.00 J. W. Higginbotham. Stanton— -24 cows 813 3.50, 57 calves .*•• 215 4.50. 101 calves 164 6.00 C Downie, Sanderson— -44 calves 146 4.25; 83 calves 222 3.25 . 30 cows 711 3.10 A. Hamilton, Cycero— -60 calves 242 3.40 51 cows 788 3.15 J. Q. Davis, San Angelo— ' 44 cows 654 3.10 IS cows 653 2.00 H. Pochgle, Stanton— -24 steers 951 4.55 RAILROAD STOCKS GENERALLY HIGHER Steel Market Active on Sub stantial Gains —American Stocks in London Rise. Special Dispatch. • NEW YORK, Oct. 28.—Subnantial frac tional gains over yesterday'sk close were scored in almost every standard railroad and industrial share at the opening of tha mar- I Wall street today. The market, tinder the leadership of Union Pacific and St. Paul, both of which were quoting a gain of % at th* opening, was strong with trading exceeding!}’ brisk. After the first twenty Binntee of trading a recession set in but the early gains were not materially affected. Steel continued strong and began moving upward a tew min utes liter the opening. Within 10 minutes this stock had touched 79%, a gain of % point ovtr the close. American storks were strong in London, quoting gains of from % to % iu almost ewery stock. On the curb trading was quiet with prices firm. Alter a niiday reaction the stock market developed a firmer tone this afternoon with Union Pacific and Smelters leading the up turn. Trading, howler, was almost wholly professional. The following are the closing quotations of the New York Stock Exchange today, as fur nished by the Orthwein Mutchette Co., 1006 Baltimore avenue. Kansas City, Mo. Amalgamated Copper 69% American Sugar 119% American Smelting common 81 i Atchison common 104% Atchison preferred 102 % Brooklyn Rapid Transit 77% Colorado Soutltem 60% Colorado Fuel and Iron 34 % C., M. and St. Paul common 125% Denver and Rio Grande comm< n 32% Eric* common v 29% I riseo seconds ... 11% Great Northern .. 127% Illinois Central 132% Interborough common ..., . 22% Kansas City Southern common 32% Louisville and Nashville 145% Missouri Pacific . 54 % Mexican Central 38% Missouri. Kansas & Texas common. ... 35 Not thorn Pacific 119% National Load common 391, New York Central 11T% Pennsylvania ...... 132 % Rock Island common h Rock Island preferred (ip 1 Republic Steel and Iron 34% I Rending /. 153% I Southern Railway 25% Southern Pacific 119 Texas Pacific 28 Union Pacific * 174% United States St-v! common 79% United States Steel preferred 119% Wabash 18% . COTTCN REGION BULLETIN. Fw the 24 hours endin; nt 8 » m.. 73111 time, Friday. October 28. 1910. District Averages. — , Max. Mio. Kain. »ilniiiiittnn. X. <’ 78 48 .10 Charleston, S. C 78 SO .on w raata, Ua 78 11 ."o Savannah, Ga. . 84 "0 . Atlanta, Ga 72 38 .40 Montgomery, Ala TO 4 1 :>n Mobile. Ala 71 h* Meihphia, Tenn by 34 .40 .Virltabnrg, Miss T 2 :;8 New Orleans, La 78 '4ll ,:>« Little Reck. Ark 64 1 Houston. Tei <>B to .00 Oklahoma City, Okla 58 30 .00 Remarks. The weather in the belt is fair except rain along the south Atlantic coast. The temperature is below normal. Killing frost in the Oklahoma district with temperatures from 27 to. 33 degress. Rainfall is reported from many places in the Savannah (Oh.) district. ALLEN BUELL. Local Forecaster Weather Bureau. COTTON VfiRES. H. A C., New Orleans: ’’Selling because onlv light frost so far in middle belt but severe frost indicated tonight. Central states good buying oil dips.” Gibert 4- Clay, New Orleans: "Corjill re Groos & Co.; Eat. 1854 iLnincorporateJ' fl Commercial Banking, Foreign Exchange mfl wk Hifh Grade Mortgage Loans Made For Clients JJJJ ■ 1 : -L ■■ — - - — ~ ‘ in town withsav '4. J k ■ ings department under * state supervision. We Pay 4% Compounding Quarterly. WEST TEXAS BANK & TRUST COMPANY MONEY TO LEND Large Ranch Loans a Specialty E. B. Chandler, 102 Crockett Street Alamo National B ank SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS Capital and Surplus, $600,000,00 Safe, Gonservative. Accommodating Poth Fire and Burglar Proof Vaults in Fire Proof Building K. M. HubatXXh w. V>. COKLIEK. J. H. HAXUX President Vtce President 0*»U«. STATE BANK AND TRUST CO. Iho nnseeured and no-interent rearing deposit, in this bank are p.-otnntnd by tho Depositors’ Guaranty Fund of the State of Texatu CAPITAL $lOO,OOO *• OCTOBER 28, 1910. GRAIN MARKET EASY ON FOREIGN SHIPMENTS Special Dispatch. CHICAGO, 111., Oct. 28.—Bearish foreign news, easy cables and largest northwestern shipments caused an easy market ia wheat at the opening with prices lower. May sold st 99% @99 to 99 %c and Decern* ber 93%@92%c. Liverpool was unchanged to %d lower. cables that the firmness in America was offset by continued favorable weather and crop advices frum Ar gentine. Corn started % (§) % c lower on the enor mens Argentine shipments, which amounted to virtually 5.000,000 bushels. The fine weather over the bolt also had a great d»*ai to do with the easy tone. May sold at 49(a/% to %c and December 46% %to %c. Oats opened a shade easier with the other grains. Tradn was light and confined prin cipally to professional*. May sold Mt 34 % %c ind December 31%@% to %c. Provisions were steady to a shade firmer with pressure less than expected. The lighter run of bogs was a factor. January products ranged: Pork $17.00@ 17.02; lard $10.17; ribs $9.02. CHICAGO. 111., Oct. 28.—Profit taking by shorts and playing for a rally by local bulls held wheat steady for a while this morning but the market weakened under fairly steady • offerings by commission houses and eleva tor interests. The Jneal crowd also unloaded, causing a heavy dose. There were net de cPnes of 1 cent in December and May and %c in July. Final prices were also %c low er for the day. There was little demand in ; rash wheat. Liverpool was %@ld lower for {futures, while spots were unchanged to %d । lower. | Corn closed better. Some of the big shorts were buyers. The country was onl ya moderate seller of its cash. Liverpool was off % to Id. Oats were %c higher. The strength was on buying by commission houses. Shorts also were heavy buyers. Provisions were higher all around. The market was active. Shorts and investors wet* in the market as buyers while offerings were tightly neld, save on hard spots. ('ash sales: Fifty thousand bushels of wheat. 160.000 bushels of corn and 165.00 C bushels of oats. CHICAGO GRAIN RECEIPTS CHICAGO. 111.. Oct. 28.—Receipts were as follows, car lots: Cars. Grade. Last year ' Wheat 25 4 43 ] Com 248 63 138 I Outs 122 43 150 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Open High Low Close Wheat— Dec 93% 93% 92% 92% May 99% 99% 98% 98% Cdrn— Dec 46 46% 46 46% I May 49 49% 48% 49% Oats— I IWc 31% 31% 31% 31% May 34% 34% 34% 34% KANSAS CITY CASH ORADL K \NSAS CITY. Mo.. Oct. 28.—Cash quo । taUntix todav in led as follows: Wheat: No. 2 red. No. 2 hard ' 91 (a 97c. Corn: No. 2 mix*d. No. 2‘ white. 48@%A. ' a Oats: Mb. 2'mixed, 30* %c. No. 2 white 31%@$3c. ST. LOUTS CASH GRAIN. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Ort. 28.—Cash quota . (io»»s todux ruled a* follows: Wheal: No. 2 red. 98%c@51.01. No. 1 hard. 93c(.« $1 00. Corn: N«». 2 mixed. 48%ift49c. No. 3 white 48 % f« 49c. Oats- No. 2 mixed 31^32c. No. 2 whito 32 % Qr 33c. Previrions. »• Oj>ev High Low CTose Jan 17.00 17.15 16.95 17.05 I Lard-> lan 10.17 10.27 10.15 10.1 T Ri* - - Jan 9.02 9.12 8.97 9.07 COTTON SEED OIL. NEW YORK. Oct. 28.—Cotton seed oi! quotati >ns today ruled as follows: Open Close. Oct 67.20 ft 7.40 57.26(.» 7.35 $7.29ft7.30 Dec $7.35ft 7.36 $7.34ft: 7.35 purta Georgia as a whole shows steady im provements and adds, crop Atlantic state* practically made.” Moyse A- Holmes. New Orleans: “Our es timate of crop is 11,770,000.” PRUITT COMMISSION CO. THE PEOPLE WITH THB GOODS. JUBT ARRIVED—First car of California almonds and English walnuts, 1 ear Califor nia tomatoes,.2 cars grapes, 2 cars fancy ap ples, 1 car cabbage. 1 car, bananas, 2 cars of Colorado potatoes.