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. We bought another lot of Mesh , A Rags and Safety Razors to give free fl to our patrons. The calls were so / 1 many that the last lot didn't last / 1 very long. Tomorrow we will give V I / I ■■ to every lady / I f patron a beautl- f * ■ A ful sliver mesh "w J I LIIB ■■ bag. To «very > I Bp I UI KA gentleman pa- 1 I t ■ I■■ Fa tron an "Elver I I H I U U Readv" Safety J | ■ ■ "" Razor Outfit. OK@5SO\ We charge nothing extra for f / N-’''Y -Si credit Our most liberal credit X j J system makes it easy for anyone X. t 0 tvear good clothes without the f outlay of cash Credit prices the wsSrennS&r same as rash prices. Come In and make us prove it. t Tomorrow’s Specials! 2Sr Ladies’ very fine French 11/ I \ serge. Broadcloth and \k \ fancy worsted model Suits. I> U fagy* The late effects in Coat \ j Er , and Skirt Every new A ] shade. These Suits are actual 122 values and sell y J for this price at other fcgj | I sr- ci e OwM Ol . <h 4 F w, » *•» a r «- Il M. I H rar >25 Sult j g|j I g | value tomorrow 1 . F “ and on credit, 1 4fl too. This suit is hand tail- I j~U ored throughout with cuff I M or straight bottom trousers and a strictly classy coat Take a look at It • Ladles’ Coats—Waists—Skirts —Millinery — Shoes — Petticoats — Men's Shoes —Hats—Top Coats and Overcoats oa credit. All Alterations Free. Salurdaj EAST HOUSiuN STRtET P. M CULIIVATE BATS 10 KILL MOSQUITO Following a research extending over a year. Dr. Charles A. R. Campbell, read an interesting paper Thursday night, at a meeting of the Bexar Coun ty Medical association. "The Eradica tion of Mosquitoes by the Cultivation of Bats. Their Natural Enemies." In addition to the membership of the so ciety and visiting physicians attending the meeting, there were a number of ladies present and the lecture which was illustrated by lantern slides se cured by Dr. Campbell, made the sub ject all the more interesting and in structive. Dr. Campbell contended that the mosquito was responsible for yellow, malarial and thousands of kindred dis eases and the human body was the prey Tor the poison of this deadly in sect. He also pointed out that the bat. according to his researches, was the only living animal that is immune from the sting of the mosquito and according to his investigations showed that fully 90 per cent of its food con sisted of mosquitoes. The contention of Dr. Campbell was, that the bat should be cultivated. Following the reading of the paper the society adopted a resolution en dorsing the work of Dr. Campbell. BIEBER CONFERS WITH MORSE. Special Dispntch. Washington. D. C., Oct. 28.—Sidney Bieber, republican national committee man from the District of Columbia, has returned from Atlanta, Ga., where he had a long conference with C. W. Morse, who is now serving time In the federal prison there. While Mr. Bieber would not discuss his trip, it is said that he went to At lanta at the instigation of President Taft and his visit presages an early release for the imprisoned banker. “■ "I ♦ • ♦ ■- The quiver in a girl’s voice is often used to draw a beau. WISE WORDS A Physician on Food. A physician, of Portland, Oregon, has views about food. He says: "I have always believed that the duty of the physician does not cease with treating the sick, but that we owe it to humanity to teach them how to protect their health, especially by hvgienic and dietetic law’s. ’ “With such a feeling as to my duty T take great pleasure in saying to the public that in my own experience and also from personal observation I have found no food to equal Grape-Nuts, and that I find there is almost no lim it to the great benefit this food will bring when used in all cases of sick ness and convalescence. “It is my experience that no phy sical condition forbids the use of Grape-Nuts. To persons In health there is nothing so nourishing and ac ceptable to the stomach, especially at breakfast, to start the machinery of the human system on the day’s work. “In cases of indigestion I know that e complete breakfast can be made of Grape-Nuts and cream and I think It is not advisable to overload the stom ach nt the morning meal. I also know ♦he great value of Grape-Nuts when the stomach Is too weak to digest oth ?r food. “This is written after an experi ence of more than 20 years, treating nil manner of chronic and acute dis eases, and the letter Is written volun tarily on my part without any request for It.” Read the little book. "The Road to Wellvine.” in pkgs. "There's a Rea- Evcry read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They ore gc-niine. true, and full of human Interest. • FRIDAY, EXAMINATIONS FOR , SCHOLARSHIPS END Twelve Rhodes Applicants Turn in Papers After Two Days' Grind. Austin. Oct. 28.—The examin ations being held here for the appoint | ment of Rhodes scholars from this state concluded here yesterday. There were twelve applicants for the honors and the papers will be turned over to the authorities at Oxford university. The candidates were: W. E. Hawkins of Fort Worth, from the Polytechnic college: E. P. Wood ruff of Santa Ana, from Baylor uni versity; Walter E. Long of Sherman, from Austin college; E. T. Adams of Waco, from Baylor university; Clyde Eggleton of Sherman, from Austin college; Z. T. Armstrong of Garland, from the University of Texas, and Joseph Mayer of Georgetown, from Southwestern universift'. for purification finds voice In pimples, boils, sallow complexion, a jaundiced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin—all signs of liver trouble. But Dr. King’s New Life Pills make rich, red blood, give clear skin, rosy cheeks, fine complexion, health. Try them. 25e at the Bexar Drug Co. MANY STUDENTS ADDED Canvass Among Institutions Employ ing Young People Brings Pupils to Niglit School. The canvass that has been made among the different institutions em ploying young people has been so suc cessful that 250 pupils have been en rolled in the night school and a new teacher will be asked for in the school. Wednesday night M. L. Roark, prin cipal of the school, spoke to the em ployes of Kaufman & Co., and before the close of the week will speak be fore the employes of the Park labora tory and the A. B. Frank overall fac tory. Next week he purposes to speak to the employes of the Jenner candy factory, the Bee candy factory, the Biesenbach candy factory and the R. L. Burnett box factory. There.has been a large increase in the attendance of young girls since Mrs. Alpha Johnston has been placed in charge of that department. It is the plan of the school authorities to keep the department for boys and girls as nearly separate as possible. They are even dismissed separately. HALLOWE'EN FROLIC. One Including All the Old Fashioned Games Is Planned for Y. M. C. A. Boys. The Hallowe’en celebration of the ; Young Men’s Christian association will : be held Saturday night at 7:30 o’clock. ' The program arranged by the captains of the automobile teams, includes ap ple-eating contests, ducking for ap ples. a pie-eating contest, a rooster fight and the donkey contest. The prizes will be in miles for the auto mobile race. ■ The captains of the automobile teams will be in charge of tl.e festivi ties. and George S. Chessum, director of the boys’ department will preside as master of ceremonies. He will also present the Boy Scout movement to the boys, and those taking part in the festivities will be given an opportunity to join. More than 200 invitations have been issued and the occasion promises to be one filled with fun and frolic. Sir John Crichton-Browne. noted English physician, predicts the time 1 when there will be fish farms in the sea just as we now have stock farms । on land | The Call of the Blood SAN ANTONIO LIGHT afW QaZETTR DIPLOMAT FROM NETHERLANDS VISITS CITY John Jonkheer Loudon, accredited minister to the United States and Mexico, from the Netherlands, arrived in the city at o'clock this after noon from Mexico, wnero ne has been spending the past few weeks in the interest of Dutch capital invested in that country. Mr. Loudon arrived over the International & Great North ern and will leave over the Southern Pacific tonight at 10:30 o'clock for his headquarters at Washington. Advices were received in the city Thursday from Thornwall Fay, vice president and general manager of the Southern Pacific, at Houston, requesting ’he local passenger officials to meet the distinguished visitor at the depot on his arrival and extend every courtesy during his stay in the city. He is traveling in a drawing room section of a Pullman sleeper. Mr. Loudon was born at the Hague, in Holland. In 1866. He is the son of John Junkheer Loudon, who was former governor general of the Neth erland Indies. Mr. Loudon entered the Netherlands diplomatic service in 1891, and was appointed minister plenipotentiary to Japan in 1905. He served for a period of three years in that position and on October 13, 190 -’, he was appointed In the same capacity to the United States and Mexico. ANOTHER SAN ANTONIO ENTERPRISE We are growing accustomed to the rush of civic improvements and the majestic sweep of the city’s commerce, but we do not as yet fully realize, perhaps, how much it means to San Antonio, to have the census bureau set its official seal upon her as the metropolis of Texas. One result of this distinction is that great enter prisese from abroad will center here. A striking evidence of the dawning of this new era of progress may be found in the fact that a great oil cor poration has recently selected San An tonio as the scene of its financial operations. The Consolidated company, with an authorized capital stock of >1,000,009, has taken a suite of rooms in the Washer building and is rapidly per fecting arrangements to place a large allotment of its stock before the in vestment public. This company was organized pri marily for the purpose of purchas- I ing producing oil wells and developing its own valuable holdings of oil land lin the famous Mid-Continent district, I after which it is the intention of the | management to extend operations into the other proven oil fields west of the | Mississippi. There is no greater wealth-produc ' ing factor in the west than the oil in dustry. It has yielded and will con tinue to yield large profits. Con solidated company plans to have its I share of the good things to come. The management could not well be I in better hands for the officers of the company are all well known, expert j enced and successful oil producers They have an intimate, practical I knowledge of the oil fields of < >kla homa, Texas and Louisiana. T. H. Bass, the president of Consolidated company is the man who brought in the famous Bass well at Jennings. La., while Frank C. Chesley, the vice pres- I ident of the company, has the distinc tion of having discovered the world renowned Glenn pool tn Oklahoma. With such men as these at the helm. ■ Consolidated company confidently looks forward to a prosperous career. SUES TO GET BACK 4-LEGGED ROOSTER New Bedford. Oct. 29. —On account lof a four-legged roosted Alfred Dion i has brought suit by which he hopes ,to recover from Joseph Charon of i Central Falls $4OO and the bird. Mr. ’ Dion raised the rooster, and Mr. Cheron offered to pay Mr. Dion $7 a I week for the rent of the rooster to I exhibit at the Brockton fair last year, i Mr. Charon agreeing, according to the plaintiff, to return the bird : n t fo' weeks. But Charon never came oack. nor did the rooster, and Mr. Dion was told that the rooster had died. New Bedford people, however, who went to the Brockton fair this year canto back with tales of a four-legged rooster that was being exhibited tor compensation at the fair, and Mr. Dion had reason to believe that the quadruped was his. DIABETES It was not easy for us to believe that Diabetes is curable, but the first caso we catne in personal touch with was as tonishingly convincing. We were considering the purchase of Fulton's Compounds and were looking for cases to try them out on. One of otupqiumber knew Charles A. Newton, the Yardntaster of the 8. P. R. R. Co. at Sacramento —a very worthy man. He also knew that Newton had Diabetes and was in a hospital in the Capitol City, and that Ms recovery seemed im possible when he last heard from him. A letter was written kn Newton that. Fulton claimed his Diabetes Compound cured Diabetes and that we wanted to know from OUR friends if this was so. and that if he (Newton) would taka it that we would send him a supply of it. Newton replied to the effect that some four or five months before we wrote him he had heard about the com pound, had taken it, that the sugar was nearly out and he was almost well. His complete recovery followed, and he told an St P. Engineer who had Diabetes and he recovered. We also saw Gen. Theo. Reichert of San Francisco go on this treatment and get a complete recovery after physi cians had declared that the case was hopeless. Gen. Reichert is a 33rd de gree Mason and is one of San Fran cisco’s most widely and favorably known citizens. We have seen hundreds recover since and there is no longer any question about Diabetes in people of middle age and over being curable. For free literature, address John J. Fulton Co., 212 First St.. San Francis co. Cal. Fnlton’s Diabetes Compound for sale at all drug stores Druggists supplied by San Antonio Drug Co. THIS SALE—TOMORROW NIGHT MEANS BIG MONEY SAVED TO YOU You should make it a point to be there. The last Saturday night sale of the month will eclipse all past records for value-giving. We are anxious to make this the biggest day of the month and .prices are made that should double the business of any previous Saturday night. Selling Begins at 7-Continues to 10 A partial list of the bargains is mentioned below —to buy here tomorrow night means the clip ping of dollars from the cost of your every day needs. Come early and take full advantage of these big bonafide reductions. None of these Items on Sale Before 7 o’Clock—Positively no Phone Orders Filled Domet Flannel— j" " _ Fancy Shoe Bag— The regular price of this IvOty Soap— Children S nOSC 12 2C rlllOW Case Just the thing for the bed unbleached Domet flannel No article of domestic Try to-match this hose at You’ll save more than a room—these fancy shoe is 7c. It s gifod weight and UBe is more widely 15c alu i you’ll soon dis- third on these pillow bags or wall pockets. Made heavy fleeced on both known than “Ivory" ti v cases Saturday night. of heavy fancy cretonne in sides. On sale Saturday soap-it’s the standard COVer n ual ‘t } . iney sjzp 42x3g made of varlo us colors. Substan- night from 7 to 10 of excellence by which ari ’ h ,acl< . made of select- good full bleached mus- tlally made and neatly fin- o'clock. the yard.. H"C all other family soaps ed yarns. Ixl and 2xl rib- lin. neatly hemmed. ished. Regular price 25c. . are judged. We’ve an- b,’, and we sell them reg- Regular 12Hc value. Get one Satur- 10c Outings— other lot of 2000 cakes ularly at 15c. All sizes on On sale tomorrow night day night at... *■ ** A good, heavy quality fan- for Saturday sslf Saturday 1 1 from ■ tolo 41 UH 11-srte ev outing flanel, regular night's selling. night at *XC odock at re- Catch-All Bags — , . , ~ . 5c size . duced price of 10c value, is on sale Sat- ‘'Pa/Ui’c” Snan— ———— —— Bt at the art counter Sat urday night at Bc. Comse . rdinKr b JUafi urday night at 7 o’clock in checks, stripes, plaids WO/ncn S rIOSC j AlBt swapping dollars IJC IaICUM f o r this very special bar- and solid colors, especial- If vou know value yon n f or 50c pieces to sell this , tal „ um DOW d Pr Kain. Catch-all bags made ly suitable for night be pleased with the qual- genuine “Packer’s’’ Tar A good talcum powder is crctonne gowns, pajamas, etc. Get jty of t hose black cotton | Soap at so low a price. I an indispensable toilet hoop top and cord hanger, it tomorrow night O « hose'. They are full fash- You* know the soap and need. This is Wolfson's Well made and neat, at. the yard Ow ioned, deep quarter top, you also know that it sells Special toilet talcum pow- Marked 25c, but placed on L high spliced heels and toes at 25c the cake every- dec, as good as there is sale for three 4 O 12 1-2 c Ginghams — and elegant finish. The where. Come here for it made, cans, deli- hours at AO v Wo have a big lot of short dye is absolutely fast and Saturday night 4 4-a cately perfumed. Regu- pieces of genuine “Red they are best at l a rly 15c. on sale CottOhSUltingS— Seal” dress ginghams. 35c value, at. Saturday night at. O V a s pl endid material fo, S;7rLn V the Checks’ Hand Bags - lUc Collars 15c Handkerchiefs I making house , resses, pattern in me tot cnecKs, a T))js sp ,, clal jtem will j e . children's school dresses, stripes and plaids, also sol- We sacrificed profits light sixty women, for Handkerchief bargains are etc. Is 28 inches wide and id colors. Lengths are 10 mightily to give you this there are just that many always acceptable—this is j s shown in dark checks to 20 yards and the regu- handsome bag at 43c: ()f (b „ si , d a t nty embroider- one of the best offers of and stripes. The regular lar price is 12 lie. Buy They are absolutely new, turn()Vers for sale Sat- recent weeks. Women's price of this suiting is 15c what you want Saturday new in shape and make. urday night. There's a all linen initial handker- the yard. You may buy it night from .to 4 /V p Large black grain number of styles, all of chiefs. Excellent value at tomorrow night 4 10 O'clock at. AW bags, silk Moire lined, eov- them neat Wnd pretty and the regular price of 15c. t 11C n .• ered frame and double , bl . lir | cc f or voul . m _ on sale tumor- 0 Bniliantine Strap handles. They look c ho«co is 3C row night at.. .8 3C a “Pennerell ,, “Williams'” Brilliantine— like dollar values, and .. reppereil for the hair, imparts nat- some will pay that price. Books — We needn't tell you the lira! lustre. Keeps the yours Sat- g value of this 10-4 un puffs. curls and switches urday niglit at. Two hundred new books bleached "Pepperell” looking natural ami life- a I J "W t S' Bo 0,1 88,0 Satur<la >’ niKht sheeting — it’s a quality- like. This indispensable IOOIU DTUSIieS — at less than a third of for- that's standard the world preparation sells regularly You can buy two good . // mer prices. 1 hey are re- over. The regular retail at 25c. Get a bottle Sat- tooth brushes Saturday / C ' nt * l ' s ® coPlTiKhts. full price is 30c. Save 5c the urday night at 4TP niglit at the former price library size, are elegantly yard |by buying Eg* onlv ... A/ C of one. In other words, » ' i printed and bound and in- Saturday night. W we offer a lot at half price. / /AL >34*l H dude among the titles the New Stocks— Fine white Japanese bri»- /\W " or,d ' B Potest literary Cotton Flannel— You Should have a few of tb'S. ivorie.l harnm-s, dan- A If you buy a dollar s worth these pretty, stock collars Xice of several’ « ■W 11 morrow night. 7 Q _ of this good cotton flannel -especially at the price ° - eP,al t „ 10 . to OOC Saturday night you will we ask Saturday night. styles at wf Ket four yards more than They arc newest styles. >- i - J IMB / J v usual. Either bleacher or lace ami embroidery trim- Ur Wff yX/ unbleached. Good, heavy med. ami are offered spe- ' — 11 fleece, regular price 8 1-Jc Bu Y This $15.00 Save $B.OO on 1.00 at Kjjl/ j t 4 “Pozzoni” I Coat Suit — 9.50 , ! This Coat Suit\ Infants’ Sacques— ■ ■ ■ j ■ — Handy little garments for S. at, T. You've seen suits at $l5 that If you want one of the biggest cool days—made of nice For years flee were not the equal of these gar- A • l-orgains of the season, buy one hne°orpTnk tn7blue ami complexion powder nients. They are absolutely new ° f theBe coat Bul,s tomorrow stripes. You could not has been tin- standard of — tb j H season's best style and night. They are in this season's make them at the price wo excellence' on two conti- make—of fancy diagonal serge /Wi I most charming style. Made of ask- A special bargain for nents. The price, as you 1 Hntnrflav niu-ht . know, has always been in Kray and black. Coats are TWMT4Z I excellent quality fine woven Batuida; nignt JJ Q 50c. Buy it tomorrow plain tailored. 32-ineh, single VlfiKMe' ] serge, in navy, brown and black night from 7to *2 x* breasted models, with Moire .< /Jr •,1 hair line stripes. Coats are 32- DreSSer Scarfs — tolO o'clock at. WWV trimmed collar and cuffed LJ T-W I . ‘ n, ’h do uble breasted ‘ models. There are 72 women some- New Jabots — sleeves. Skirts are now pleated ill AwT( W j|| J ''"‘'>P o ckets and stitched w here in San Antonio who sr.xvsx'*.:: Ki Uh x*« JTXJ n 7 h k 7“ 21 C \ NOMINAL CHARGE WILL BE MADE FOR ALTERATIONS / Saturday night. 21C 1 Ol lOC K, Hl . . ■■ 11.1-imi । ■ » n-ii .J- 50c Gloves— 50c Napkins— Shirt Waist Snap— Lisle Gloves— Women's Silk Hose— A new lot of waists, fresh a , Nowhere else have you Women s extra quality lisle Don't overlook this snap f rO m the boxes on sale oucn good qualities were ever seen such remarkable gloves, a special bargain at the linen counter— Saturday night. Made of never sold tinder 25c— value. There are just 10 for Saturday night. They ready hemmed dice check good white lawn, allover women's two-clasp lisle dozen in the lot, so come are two-clasp, well made napkins, size 15x15—and a embroidery fronts or yoke early. Women's black and finely finished, and better value was never of- effects, long sleeves and ' . ' gauze .silk hose. Full fash- sell regularly at 50c. Col- fired at 50c the dozen. exceptionally well made. neatly finished. All sizes ioned and beautifully fin- ors, modes, tans and gray. Buy them tomorrow night At 50c they would be spe- in modes and grays. Reg- Ished. On sale tomorrow Onsale from 7 from 7to 10 at, *3 Q rial values. To- O — ular 25c values 4Q g* night from 7to p, to 10 o'clock at the dozen morrow at .... on sale at A C 10 o'clock at... ■ Wff Ma/n Plaza SAUL WOLFSON MYGQQQSCO Main Plaza CURB BROKERS ARE DISCUSSED Real Estate Exchange Will Try to Organize Business and Oust Them, At a meeting of the Real Estate Exchange, held Iftst night, the ques tion of dealing with the "curbstone brokers" came up. A resolution was presented for consideration of tlie ex change which proposed to request the hotel proprietors to assist in the work of putting "curbstoners ' out of busi ness by discouraging their operations in hotel lobbies. The resolution was finally turned dow-n when it was de cided by the exchange to so organize each business so that “curbstoners" would not find operations in this city profitable and hency would quit the field. It was thought that in this man ! ner, listing w ith curbstone brokers would not be found necessary by any one. There were about thirty members 'of the exchange present when the j meeting was called to order in the । new rooms over 229 blast Houston I street. Many minor mat'ters were dis cussed. President B. F. Nicholson was authorized to obtain desirable exhibits from Southwest Texas after they had I been used at the International fair. The exchange decided to cut the fees I for associate membership from $25 to 410. The next national convention of real estate men will be held this year in Cleveland. 0., according to a letter from the national association, and the local exchange hopes to have its mem bers enlisted in the national associa tion befqre the succeeding convention during July, 1911, in the city of Den ver. J. E. Richey suggested that the local exchange should secure publications referring to the real estate business. An interesting talk by R. H. Wester was on the need of factories for this city. R. G. Callahan of the public service commission said that arrangements were needed whereby it will be easier to secure more water mains w hen they are needed. — Malaria Makes Pale 81000. The Gid Standard GROVE’S TASTE LESS CHILL TONIC, drives out ma ■aria and builds up the system. Fer grown people and children, 50c. PRESS CLUB ID MEET SUNOAI I Will Arrange Details of Press Day at Fair and Discuss Other Matters. An important meeting of the San Antonio Press club will be held at the club rooms Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at which several matters of; vital Importance w ill be taken up and ' discussed. It is proposed to enliven > the club by several "stunts” to be j pulled off during the winter and these | will be broached at the meeting Sun day. Details of Press day at the Inter national fair will also be arranged md committees appointed to take care of' the various branches of the enter tainment. A committee will also be named by President Sullivan to meet, Governor Campbell and act as his es- [ cort while he is the guest of the club 1 1 Secretary Schreiner of the club eon- | OCTOBER 28, 1910. t tinues to receive acceptances from the .newspaper men of the state to .no I club’s invitations and from the indi | cations the club will have more gue-ts [than it had bargained on. President i Brown of the Fair association, to gether with Secretary Vance, is lending every aid in the association's power , and the day will be one Ipng-to-be ; remembered among the "moulders c t । public opinion." Every member of the Press club is requested to attend the meeting Sun day. Refreshments will be served. 60.009 AT FUNERAL. Moscow. Oct. 20. —The funeral 't Professor Serge Andreievich Moutom tseff. who was president of the Duma in 1906. was the occasion of one of the greatest popular demonstration J i ever seen here. It was attended by i 60.000 persons. Tlic stores were Ciosd , and order was preserved by volume.T student police. L ! U - . - " f^^TO- NIGHT I 'S’V KMIS I tM-Xc ISC lllli Hill " J 3