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8 The Big Going Out of Business Sale Thousands of satisfied buyers are sending their friends to this big bonafide sale. No goods re served, all must go at a sacrifice. HAVE YOU BEEN HERE ? R.EAD THE PRICES BELOW. THEY SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES: CAPS KNEE PANTS KNEE PANT SPITS BOYS* SHOES g QQ 4.50 3.00 2.50 $1.50, $2 and $2.50 values $l, $1.50 and $2 values Up to $6 values $1.50 values All Wool Blankets,, 11 COMFORTS COMFORTS COMFORTS in this lot 17c 69c 1.69 98c 4.50 2.69 1.98 1.89 ““ 15c 35c 5.00 3.00 5.00 15.00 Underwear, 35c each, 3 for 3 for gox WOOL SOX Silk Petticoats, all colors. SKIRTS SKIRTS Ladies Coats 1.00 1.00 7c 16c 2.39 1.48 2.98 7.89 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 io.oo HEH MEN'S HATS HATS HATS HATS Capes, about 10 in all Silk Tinsel Shawls 1.98 1.69 1.59 1.39 4.98 78c 39c 48c 25.00 20.G0 18.00 15.00 beu> ‘ 15c 15c SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS Embroidery Silk, 2 skeins for HOSE Children's Hose <| ja 12.39 10.69 9.89 8.69 5c 7c 8c * ac o rn O Afi feathers to trim ladies'sheer cross ladies’belts ■Uv REMNANTS YOUR HATS AT ONE- BAR HANDKERCHIEFS Y allies from 50c to $2 MEN S SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES OF FOURTH THEIR 10c ' al ue s 4 O ~ 1,98 1.89 1.59 1.39 3 C WILSON BROS. WILSON BROS. O C/• 35c and 50c SHOES FOR THE A RA 2.00 wU C and UvC Silk Sox. 35c pair; 3 for 35c and 50c Sox, 3 pair V Lisle and Lace Hose 23c pair, it nW wtl r —■ —V Ladies’ Leather Comport ■ SUSPENDERS 4 Sox > 3 P alr per dozen iapjls st t At.-HALt Comfort Slippers, fur lined Slippers l9c i" 00 50c 40c 2.50 ™ CE 1,39 1,20 You cannot afford to stay away from this Big Sale. We say to you, it’s the first time in the history of San Antonio and Southwest Texans that goods have been offered at such rediculously low prices. THIT I RAUFR 409 and 411 MAIN PL AZ A A AAA-/ MAXMI xO A/Az/Al/A/lx store for r.ent :: fixtures for. sale MILLIONAIRE CORPORAL MUSI p GO 10 PRISON: 11 I I 1 Social Lion Who Entered Army to Work Way Up, Also Re- ! duced to Ranks. j — HE NEGLECTED AN ORDER : I For This Court Martial Fines l ' and Sentences Myer—Has Been Confined Long. i Special Dispatch. 11 Washington, D. C., Oct. 2$. —"To be reduced to the grade of private and to be confined at hard labor for three months, and to forfeit fifty dollars ( now due, or to become due.” This is the sentence imposed by the general court martial at Fort Banks. Society News Many Women Now Doing With out False Hair Rats and other false paraphernalia for the upbuilding of woman’s thin ned out hair may be necessary, but the sight is far from pleasing. With care nature can supply to most ; women all the hair necessary for at- ! tractive dressing. Many thousands of women, refined and educated, have learned that it is not hard to have, and to keep, an abundance of lustrious hair, if Paris ian Sage, the hair grower, is used ' daily. Since its introduction into' - * — -- . .. n falling hair, and remove every parti cle of dandruff. It causes the hair to grow because It is able to penetrate into the roots, where, besides nourishing the hair, it destroys the dandruff germs. Th< Bexar’Drug Co. and druggists every where guarantee Parisian Sage to do exactly as advertised, or money back. A large bottle only costs 50 cents, and it is a most invigorating and refresh ing hair dressing. FRIDAY, Mass., upon Corporal Albert J. Myer, millionaire club man and so ciety man, grandson of General Al bert Myer, a veteran of the civil war, for whom Fort Myer, Virginia, was named. The news received here today shocked social Washington. The charge for which Myer was tried and found guilty was “neglect of duty, to the prejudice of good order and mili tary discipline.” The reviewing authority in passing upon the sentence, commuted the im prisonment feature, “on account of the length of time in confinement awaiting trial and the result of trial; the expiration of his enlistment and dll health at the time of the commis sion of the offense.’* Washington, where Myer, during last winter, was a social lion and in veterate “pink tea-er,” was kept in to tal ignorance of the fact that its fa vorite was in confinement awaiting trial. In fact, only a brilliant mili tary future was ever predicted for the young man here by his friends in the upper realm. Myer enlisted in the army after fail ing to enter West Point, because he had passed the age limit. His reso lution to work up from the ranks in order to follow in th’ footsteps of his illustrious grandsire, won him loud applause. All last winter he was sta tioned at Fort Myer as an enlisted sol dier in the signal corps. Discipline at the fort was put in a bad state by the capers of “Uncle Sam's millionaire soldier.” Raw rook ies from the .middle west stood in si lent awe as young Myer emerged from his corporal's uniform, donned faultlessly in appointed evening clothes and rolled away in a limousine to the exclusive drawing rooms of wealthy Washington. On one occasion he is said to have sat at a fashionable dinner and he often mixed with the high officers and officials. The specific offense for which MyesJ was sentenced to imprisonment and demonition in rank was taking of "French leave.” Being ordered from Fort Bank to Fort Myer on August 17. last. Myer neglected to obey the order and remained in Boston until he was arrested by the military anthorf -1 ties on August 27. PROMISE EXHIBITS. Manufacturers Visited Today \n noiinced They Will Show Pro ducts at the International. A large number of the leading , manufacturers in all lines today told ; the committee from the Manufactur ers' association and Secretary Car rington of the Chamber of Commerce that they would place exhibits in rhe space allotted to them during the coming fair. Among those who. promised extrn sivo exhibits this morning were: The I Price Booker Manufacturing company : The San Antonio Macaroni company, American Overall company, Pioneer Flour Mills, Lange Soap compan:, 1 Dechman Coffee and Spice company. L. Frank Saddle company. A. Duerler j Manuiaciuring company. A B. Frank ■ company. Creamery Dairy company, ■ , S. A. Broom and company, Gebhardt . Chili Powder company. Guenther Mill t ing company, San Antonio Brew m ! company. Lone Star Brewing e vni . - i pany. Other manufacturers are ex >' pectcd to swell the list. I ! The British museum contains 4i' - i miles of book shelves and 2,000,00( 1 books. ixiruuucuun into • America, Par- 1 isian Sage has I become a prime favorite with women who desire luxuriant hair that will not fall out or turn Kray. Used daily it will keep the scalp i m m aculately clean, will stop itching and ILLINOIS WINS IN ■ ; BACK TAX CASES ' 1 ■State Draws First Blood in ; | Battle in Courts to Make ■' Railroad Pay Up. 11 H ' Spec al Dispatch. Springfield. 111.. Oct. 28.—1 n its . I great battle to recover millions of i money of back taxes from the Illi- I I nois Central Railroad company, the I I state today won first blood, when the i I supreme court reversed and remanded . I the decision of the Lasalle circuit i court. The court in finding this decision 1 ; virtually lays down the rule by which | i the division of the charter and non-: | charter lines shall be made and set- • 1 i THE FUTURE ■ f I LOOKS BRIGHT i Mrs. Gabriel Writes Frcm Lisbon Regarding Question of In terest to Women. i Lisbon, Ohio.—" The future looks | bright to me.” writes Mrs. Helena Ga- ■ briel, from this place, “now that I > , : have found this blessed medicine, Car i dui. the woman’s tonic. I have been । '■ cured of many female ailments, and I ’ I regained my good health, by using: . i Cardui. It is the only medicine I care I *to have in my house. 1 would not bo j 1 without it. Cardui is building me up, I j and helps me whenev. r I take it.” If a personal friend should speak J -;to you as highly as Mrs. Gabriel does [of Cardui, wouldn't you believe her, and try it? Consider Mrs. Gabriel a R friend, for sho writes to benefit you. di We have thousands of similar let-; ’ tcr«. received from grateful women j |all over the country, who have been I e relieved from serious troubles ano c । helped to health and happiness by : Card’ll, as was Mrs. Gabriel. e: They write, because they want other y i women—yon to know what Cardui has done for them. We publish what they write—with • . their permission. £! Will you believe what they say? . Will you try Cardui for your trou’-1 it j bles? '-i Will you do it todays ’ | At the nearest drug store. :■ ! N. B.—Write to: Ladies' Advisory ; 'Dept.. Chattanooga Medicine Co., j -Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special In- i', j strut tions. and tit-page book. “Home 1 >0 । Treatment for Women." sent in plain ' 1 wrapper, on request. | SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE tlement made with the state. j i The result is that the company will I 1 have to pay the state about three mil- |1 lions a year instead of one million as at present. The state wins its contention that , the earnings of the company on Its charter and non-charter lines shall I be pro-rated according to mileage. ’ This was the big contention and the i main point in the state’s case. I The state also won on the conten- . tion that the company must pay to I , the state seven per cent of its earn ings on each eating house and dining • 1 ,ar ' f t i! CHIEF’S CONDITION WORSE ’ Head of Police Department. 11l With - Indigestion. Reported in ~ Serious Condition. , The condition of Chief of Polict j Charles Van Riper, who is ill at his , home on East Dewey place, with an j 'attack of acute indigestion, was today . reported as having taken a turn for the worse. His condition Thursday , ; was reported more favorable. Chief Van Riper w»s taken sudden- ' Jy ill Wednesday night, after having gone home shortly after the night re lief of the department had gone on , (duty. Visitors wore not permitted to , ; visit the officer last evening or today. :7»aring the absence of the chief. First , l Assistant Marshal Frank Newnam is discharging his duties. [ Several entire streets In Valparai- . | so, Chile, arc being raised about for- ' : ty inches. ~ I Catarrh Doctor Cures Catarrh, Acute or Chronic, or Money Back ——Would you pay one! 1 VAXyuajiß dollar to rid yourself of <i |s K UM tlng catarrh? Then go to the Bex- Drug today ask them for a Hyomcl | ouifit and you not. only engage, but you . own outright a lit-1 mKTIu , a t arr ** doctor that : wr l' aß cured more cases! W~~w ei catarrh than all the. catarrh specialists on ' £1 <artll - ,n SLOO box ■■pgn the BaETja? otnel outfit you will find SKbJk a little hard rubber vest pocket inhaler. Into this inhaler you pour a few drops of' Zjß Hyomei. Then all you! have to do is breathe through the little in-1 haler, either through, nose or mouth, ac-1 cording to where the catarr h > R located. :%SbBB When you breathe HalliwUllUnWill HYOMEI you breathe a powerful yet sooth-' "•■nl Size, i n g. antiseptic air. ! i which as it passes over the inflamed I land germ ridden membrane penetrates! , every fold and crevice, and destroys! । germs completely. HYOMEI is guaranteed by the! Bexar Drug Co. and by druggists! everywhere to cure ctitarrh. coughs. I colds croup and sore throat, or money I back. * STEAMER HAS S RACE WITH WHALES' — Special Dispatch. New York. Oct. 28.—Details of al race at sea between a steamer and ! four large whales were told today by I passengers arriving on the steamship j Metapan of the United Fruit company ; service from Colon, Kingston, Jamaica ■ g and other ports. The whales were I first sighted early yesterday morning. ' p Whi n the passengers began appearing • h on deck the sea monsters were still S trailing along in the wake of the ves- j c: sei and seemingly hating an outing J long to be remembered. j w At times when the ship was not go- ‘ V ing fast enough to suit them, one or H all of the whales would shoot ahead b of the eraft, dive and spout and then 1 c resume their positions in the rear so i S as to take part in the chase—the race h between the sl/p and the. whales. Now and then one of the whales IP would take a spurt along the side of !a the vessel. And then just to show jtl that he could do almost anything he ri liked, he would make a bee line for ill the vessel, until presumably he dived. | si for if he struck the lower part of the tl ship the passengers never felt the jar. i" they said. a NEW EIRE STATIONS j; ARE ALMOST READY j? Chairman Wickeland and other b members of the city council fire com- 11 mittee with Chief Wright today In- = speeted the fire stations now under I construction on South Presa street and on Prospect Hill. The fire houses ■ will be ready for occupancy next : week. About twenty firemen will be required to man both stations and the I j majority of these have already been! {selected by the mayor. Aiderman Wickeland says that the । two combination hose and steamers. | ( motor driven, are scheduled to arrive | in San Antonio within two weeks. As soon as the new fire apparatus has I been tested and approved they will oe j put into immediate commission in the | city and present apparatus moved into the new stations. TABUTEAU MAKES RECORD ■ 1 renehinan Flics 283 Miles tn Six Hours and Ten Minutes at F.tanipcs. ■ Sp<. ial Dispatch. Etampes, France. Oct. 28. —Dura- tion and distance aeroplane records • were established here at the Aero dome by Maurice Tabitteau. who Is a Farman biplane flew six hours and ten minutes, covering 283 miles. Tabu- I j teau ate two meals during his flight. •■ • • KENNEY AS ALDERMAN. Mayor Callaghan has named John < i Kenney, a groceryman. to succeed the । late Eli Arnaud as aiderman of the [second ward. The appointment will be announced by the mayor at the • next meeting of’the city council. SECOND WIFE OF SPERRY ARRESTED Daughter Who Prosecuted Old Man Also Gets After Wo- j man He Lived With. . I' Special Dispatch. | Muskogee, Okla.. Oct. 28.—Not sat-I isfied with the disgrace she had heaped upon her aged father, William Sperry, alias Pound, a civil war vet fran whom she charges with adultery. Mrs. Margaret Hopkins Worrell, ivhose relentless pursuit ended here Wednesday, today caused Mrs. Wil liam Pound, Sperry's present wife to) be-arrested on a second, warrant; charging her with the same offense. Sperry is now out on bond and came I here from Tulsa today. For three years the present M -s. . Pound knew that she was living With | * bigamist. Warned in a vision that i the man to whom she irad been mir- I ried for thirty-two years, was conceal-[ Ing something of his past life, she started an investigation that led to f the discovery that her husband had a wife and family in Burlington. Ohio, I and that his name was Sperry. . ; “I forgave him three years ago this, December when he told me all about, it." said Mrs. Pound when questioned.! "Yes. I kept on living with him after I 1 found him out. Why shouldn't I? I, knew as well as I knew anything that [ our marriage was made in heaven, and < 1 am his wife in the sight of God. ’ Cape Colony bought 1.135,975 pairs: of shoes from foreign manufacturers last year. I | $3.00 and $3.50 Buys j the Best Shoes Made \ < I Other shoes costing $4.00 to $6.00 may sound to be 1 X E better, but they are not for Beacon Shoes at $3.00 J A and $3.50, were they sold in any other wav then J' they are, would cost up to S6.IK). As it is, they go /f direct to you from the working table, through our y own agencies, so that you are really ’ r paying half prices. froodyear Welt Process— • no maker can boast any greater Agsii' claim for patronage than that. They are nattilv made in stylish shapes—and they give a Good year's service. A big assortment has lust arrlved - ‘ •- " Whal •Im old you say jrou store f I Beacon Shoe Store, OCIOBEK 28, 1910. ASKS INJUNCTION VS. AEEEGED RESORT Temporary injunction restraining i Belle Cook from conducting an alleged immoral resort at No. 201 West Cin l cinnati avenue, was tiled in the Thirty i seventh district court this morning ! by Assistant District Attorney C. M. । Chambers. following information । which he said had been lodged with him by detectives. Judge Dwyer grant l ed the temporary writ and made it returnable at the next term of court. Mr. Chambers stated that com plaints had reached his department from several sources and that a detec tive was employed to collect the evi dence. As part of the plot, officers are l said to have entered the house and to have seen certain things which, Mr. I Chambers says, will make a complete | case. Deputy Sheriff Wm. I. Goforth i served the writ of injunction. NAME ANThVICE SQUAD. New Police Force Will Be Used to ‘ Stamp Out 3 Ice on linmorality t in New York. — | New York. Oct. 28.—Announcement ; was made at police headquarters to ’ day of the appointment of an anti • vice squad which will be utilized to : stamp out the prevailing condition >t ( gambling and immorality that are al | leged to exist in New York city. This ;is the first drastic move taken by ! Police Commissioner Cropsey, Mayor | Gaynor's new appointee. It was also announced that hero after all policemen must show civil ity to citizens. This is expected to do ■ away with thep resent system of po- I lice brutality.