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8 Go to HERTZBERG’S first —You wont have to go farther OU WILL NOT WANT TO GO FAR- THER when you see the grand display of Christmas Goods that will, delight you ZU— through mere inspection. There are no “carried-over” goods in this immense stock —every article in the house is absolutely new — this season’s designs and patterns. Positively the grandest display of Silverware, Cut Glass. Watches, Art China, Jewelry and Electroliers in the. South. Diamonds Hundreds of Beautiful Gems in rich settings in Rings. Brooches, Pins and other kinds of jewelry. You can buy Diamonds at Hertzberg’s with absolute freedom because not a Diamond ever enters our stock until it has passed the personal inspection of our principal. The slightest flaw will bar the largest, finest cut stone. We sell them to you with our ab solute guarantee that they are perfect .in cut and col or and without a flaw. HERTZBERG'S | “At the Sign of the Clock" HOUSTON STREET—CORNER ST. MARY’S Open Evenings Until 9 O’Clock YULETIDE FAIRY TALES FOR FATHER AND MOTHER AND GRANDPAP AND EVERYBODY FAIRY CUPID AND THE POET This poet, unlike most poets (in fw tion at least) had a home of his own in the Adirondack mountains. And cne fall night when rain was pouring in torrents and the wind blew in fitful gusts, as the good poet learned if he opened his d >or so much as one inch, the kind hearted man was much concerned lest some people, or even animals, might be without shelter. Tt is terrible, terrible,” he mur mured gently, but with much mean ing. ‘‘lf I could only rescue some wayfarer on this night I shou'4 feel that I was a much better man.” Presently there came a knock on the poet’s door. And then a childish voice came to his ears: "Please let me in, Mister Poet; 1 am perishing,” he heard in a trem ulous treble. And of course the poet rusned to the door and opened it—and found a.i almost naked child standing on his doorstep, armed with a bow aid ar rows. ' "Come in, my child, come right in,” urged the good poet. “Come in and share what I have. It is all yours.” The child was, indeed, chilled to the bone; so the poet made the child drink and eat something warm, and soon they were chatting amiably. “What do you do?” asked the waif. “I try to write verses to lift heavy loads off people’s minds and hearts” the poet said. “And what do you do?” he asked. “I go about the world making lone ly people happy,” said the waif He danced merrily in front of the ROW BAKING POWDER Greatest of modern time WK W helps to perfect cooking. W /I Makes Biscuit, Cake, Pastries, Crusts, |j B Light, Delicious, Wholesome, jk g Best families, world over, use it. B v jRSf fwlL MONDAY, poet’s fireplace, and the poet w much pleased. "Why. I believe you are Dun C pid,” laughed the poet. The dancer stopped stockst Then he went to the corner where ! bow and arrows lay. He turned *AN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE SOCIETY Miss Betty Matthews, society editor. Oftlcs join phones 1359. Home phone 2801 oil Miss Catherine Joseph, assistant, old phoue 862. Miss Eva Gutzeit was hostess last Saturday afternoon to a very pleasant high five party at her home, 607 Jackson street. The Christmas motif was artistically carried out in the house decorations and the pretty hand-painted tallies will be pleasant reminders of the delightful afternoon spent with the hostess. At the con clusion of the games, prizes were awarded as follows: First to Miss Amanda Guenther, second to Miss Net tie Battaglia, the consolation to Miss Hazel Comstock and the booby to Miss Retta Rische. A two course luncheon ended the afternoon's en joyment. Assisting the hostess was her mother, Mrs. J. A. Gutzeit, and her sister, Mrs. R. C. Wright. Among the guests were: Misses Annadell Hicks. Dorethea Guenther, Hilda WeyeJ. Julia Small. Adele Gut zeit. Frankie Johnson. Betta Rische, Madge Pryor, Nina Trimble, Harriet Grigg, Florence Weyel, Hazel Com stock, Ola and Elma Shrista, Annie and Callie Levytansky. Gerty Bitter, Sophie Evert, Edna Hooker. Norma Fretderich, Amanda Guenther, Edna Hoeke, Luiclle Miller. Muriel Koker not, Agatha Huppertz. Elfreida Krueger, Nettie and Savior Battaglia. Mr. and Mrs. William Stephen Seng and son, Clarence, will spend the holi days with Mrs. Seng’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Trube of Galveston. On December 31. Mr. and Mrs. Trube will celebrate their golden wedding anni versary, when a family reunion will be held. Mrs. T. M. Thomas will entertain at her home, 326 Cincinnati avenue, tomorrow afternoon, complimentary to the Eadies’ Aid society of the Bea con Hill Baptist church. Cherry A. Downing and Miss Allie Ellison were quietly married at 7 o’clock Saturday evening by Rev. Frederick Bowen, at the manse of the Madison Square Presbyterian church on Camden street. Both the bride and groom are residents of San Antonio and will make this city their home. Miss Frieda Bartholomae, whose marriage to Judge C. L. Gordon takes place January 3. was surprised with a linen shower at her home last Sun day evening by Mrs. Wm. Smith and Mrs. Ed Roberts, who were joined by a host of the young lady’s friends. The affair was so perfectly planned that the bride-to-be was unaware of it all. and her surprise can be Imagin ed when, upon entering her home she was showered with beautiful linen presents. Tempting refreshments were served and musical and vocal se- look at the picture of a very beautiful woman over the poet's writing table. And he replied: "I am.” He shot one arrow straight into the poet’s kind heart, and another ar row straight into the picture of the woman, but it didn’t hurt them a bit. Ten days later Dan Cupid was peep ing in at the church door when a simple wedding occurred. So the poet did not entertain his -it- j tie guest for nothing. A SURPRISE PARTY. \ A most delightful surprise was ten dered Miss Camille Dobard at her home, 2316 South Flores street, last' Friday night. Games, dancing, music I and refreshments were indulged In j until a late hour. The music was fur- I nished by the Cortez and Hernandez ■ orchestra. Those present were: ■ Misses Mamie O’Brien. Clara. Annie । and Lizzie Quinn. Annie Meyer, Stel- | la and Clara Glazier. Meda and Lena । Merritt. Elsie Neal. Lizzie Estrada, j Annie and Elsie Keller. Josie Knaupp. [ Josie and Edith Addicks, Lillie Bau- ’ her, Mary Lee and Lottie Nickelson. I Lottie Vanderstay, Lois Henderson. I Katie Warner. Della Maranetta. Mar- , tha Richter. Mrs. Boisnier and Mrs. ' McCabe, and H. W. Klien. Will Neal, J Frank Simmang. Manuel Cadena. A. ; M. Esparza. W H. Suden. Archibald ' Blair. P. C. Cortez, H. A. Preiss. Paul I Seidemann. Edward Werner. J. G. ! White. B. E. Schribner. Westerly Nickelson, M. H. Hearn. Frank War ner. Charles Tedford, Alex and A. Hernandez Will Cook, Gus J. Ram sleben. INVITATIONS ARE ISSUED One hundred invitations have been issued by the members of the Mystic Circle to a dance to he given at Moose hall on the evening of the 27th of December. The chaperones will be I Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoier. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Lutz. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Flaig. Mr. and Mrs. George Dennett. THE GLORIOUS GRENADIER POMPON The Grenadier pompon is a late achievement in exclusive millinery lux ury and beauty. It resembles a sunburst, formed of the pale golden feathers of Ilie famous bird of paradise, tipped with a rich dark brown, like the velvet chapeau which it decor ates. lections were rendered during the evening. An event which will add very much to the pleasure of the younger set is the pretty dance to be given on the second of January by Miss Terry Mar lev in honor of Miss Pauline Foster of Waco, who will arrive in a few days to be with Miss Marley during the hol days. Mrs. C. C. Schwab of 1818 West Poplar street, will entertain Wednes day afternoon at hearts in honor of Miss Stella Weinstein of New York, formerly of this city. Mrs. R. Y. Adams of Crofton ave nue, is entertaining this afternoon at cards in honor of her sister. Mrs. Ferdinand Kiisheimer of Cincinnati and Miss Grace Mahon of Columbus, Texas. The Christmas decorations of holly AFTER DECEMBER 22 % THE CONROY B UILDING I (FOURTH FLOOR) ; e I Z / ° LD Manicuring . ... 35c Hair Dressing . . 50c Shampoos 35c gk "r Face Massage, | Dry Shampoos . . 50c # » 10 Treatments,. $5.00 Egg shampoos .. 50c Beauty Parlor 10 Scalp Treatments Hair Singing .... 35c * and 2 Shampoos $5.00 \\/ FORMERLY AT JOSKE BROS. \\/ We Carry a Complete Line of Hair Goods and I Toilet Preparations | We have the Right Method of Doing Business We have XYhat You Wjmt when You It At The Right Prices and mistletoe are artistically arrang ed throughout the house. The invited guests are: Mrs. R. C. Lehmann, Miss I King, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. J. B. Blake, I Mrs. Radley, Mrs. LeLamater, Mrs. I Wagenfuehr, Mrs. Hewitt, Mrs. Me ! Kaslln. Mrs. Ililmar Guenther. Mrs. | T C. Curran. Mrs. Baird. Mrs. Van i Dyke of Louisville. Ky.. Mrs. York. ; Mrs. Harcourt. Mrs. Maher, Miss Mooney, Mises Ethel Mooney, Mrs. Orm. Mrs Gus Zalr.ianzig. Mrs. Zuber. Mrs. K. J. Taylor. Miss Rhodes, Mrs. Ferdinand Kiisheimer. Miss Grace Mahoti and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Cook. Miss Warren Cook. Al DeCuir and Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Cook came down from San Antonio in an auto Sunday to visit the family of A. W. Cook of Seguin. Miss Bessie Pryor will entertain at 1 o'clock on the afternoon of Decem ber 27, with a buffet luncheon in hon- “Every Day Till Xmas A Special Bargain Day” TUESDAY, 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. 18-Pisce Coffee Set QQp $2.00 Value ..... ONLY ONE TO A CUSTOMER NEWTON, WELLER & WAGNER CO. —129-31 West Commerce Street ODONT FORGET WHILE DOING YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING that the best selection of MANICURE and TOILET JU isETS are at our store .. . 50c to $20.00 NOA SPEARS CO., 135 Losoya Street. or of Misses Marjorie and Katherine McGown. Miss Mildred Hadra who is attend ing Bryn Mawr college, is spending the holidays with Mrs. J. W. Terry, 321 Augusta street. Miss Minnie Simpson who is a stu dent at a St. Louis school this term, wil Inrrive Wednesday to lie with Mrs. Harriet Simpson during the holidays. Invitations to the annual commence ment exercises of Baylor hospital have been issued. The exercises will take place Wednesday evening, De cember 21. at 8 o'clock at the hospital on Ninth street. The reception and opening of the new hospital will be held on the afternoon of the same day. -i pr -tty Christmas service, and one which will assist in making happy the hearts of the many little ones on Christmas day. was held last evening at St. Mary’s hall. The chapel was prettily decorated in red and green, and a number of musical selections appropriate to the season were sung by the girls. A collection amounting to $l5 was taken up and will be do nated to charity. Miss Lulu Little of Dublin, Tex. will arrive tonight to visit her sis ter, Mrs. J. D. Young, on Magnolia avenue, for several months. A very pretty home wedding took place yesterday at 826 West Macon street, uniting the destinies of Miss Anna Gunter and Elbert Thorn of In diana. The ceremony was performed In the presence of a few friends and relatives at 1 o’clock, by Rev. Fred erick Bowen, pastor of Madison Square Presbyterian church. Follow ing the ceremony a wedding dinner of several courses was served. Mrs. Thorn is a resident of San Antonio, and Mr. Thorn is spending the win- DECEMBER 19. 191 a ter here, his home being in Indiana. They will be with* his family through the winter at 826 West Macon street. The children's festival of the Laurel Heights Methodist church will be held on the evening of December 26 at the church. The Christinas services of the Mad ison Square Presbyterian church will be held Sunday morning at the church with a special sermon by Rev. Fred erick Bowen. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon a vesper service, "The Story of the Nativity." arranged in songs, will be produced under the di rection og Mrs. A. N. Fisher, choir director. The children’s fe. tival will be held Friday evening. A party of San Antonians sailed on Saturday from Galveston for Ger many to make the port of Berlin, and proceed at once to make it their residence for six months. They will then go to England to witness the coronation of George V. This party consists of Mrs. Cora Ogden Wilson, Miss Mary E. Wilson and Miss Lil lian Luke. They will be domiciled in the same apartment with Miss Marv Maverick in Berlin. Miss Wil son, who finished school before she left, will cultivate her voice and Miss Luke will give her'time to the study of the piano and organ. As tho voy age will be a long one, their many friends provided them with gifts, which will contribute to their com fort en route. HOLIDAY SHOPPERS ATTENTION! Discontinuing retail trade all our holidav goods must go—cost not con sidered. Holiday Stationery, Card Albums, Bibles, Xmas Souvenirs and Booklets. Fancy Sets and Boxes. Tree Ornaments, Gift Books, etc. Finest line Christmas Cards at cost prices. Come and see real bargains. Alling. 221 Losoya.