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2 San Antonio's BEST Clothing Values All $30.00 Suits now $22.50 All $25.00 Suits now $18.75 All $20.00 Suits now $15.00 All $15.00 Suits now $11.25 as H© ©M ©uses IHleir® 99 MEN’S DanQOM ALAMO OUTFITTERS [VyQILSBEE PLAZA PEARL IX SOIP PERFECT. Klamath Falls, Ore., Jan. 14. —F W. Ritche, a local barber, says that he will have oyster soup for lunch ev ery day for the rest of his life. Tht reason for his sudden liking for this dish was the finding of a pearl as large as a grain of the biggest Mis souri corn in a dish of oyster soup Xhich his wife had prepared. Announcement Alexander’s billiard and pool parlor, handsomest in the south, will be opened Sat urday evening, January 14 — 212 to 218 Losoya St. Up Stairs. Mr. G. N. Gorham, cham pion billiard and pool player of the south, who has ac cepted the management of this parlor, will give a free exhibition of billiards and pool commencing at 8 p. m. Reserved Seats for Ladies and Escorts MEN’S AND WOMEN’S CLOTHING—CASH OR CREDIT ——————— REDUCTIONS " L. ' ; ' -r ■ ■ ' ■■''' /■ ' § I The Best Chance To Save On Men’s, Women’s and Children’s CLOTHING MEN’S SUITS Nobby suits in mixed browns, grays and plaids, all this season’s styles: $24 Suits now $lB,OO $2O Suits now $13.35 $lB Suits now $12.0b $l5 Suits now $lO.OO Odd Coats One-Half Off. Children’s Suits 150 children's knlckerbocker suits, $3.50 to $7 values, 10 to 15 years only,' at $1.75 to $3.50. Can you use one or more of these sizes? LIBERAL CREDIT TO ALL M ENTER & o OM 112 W. Houston St. the Bridge I Open Saturday and Monday Evenings FRIDAY. CHATTANOOGA WANTS COMMISSION CHARTER I Associated Press. I Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 13.—A bill i was introduced in the house of the | legislature today providing for a com ; mission form of government for Chat ■ tanooga. A bill was introduced in the senate I to so amend the constitution as to al i low ministers of the gospel to become 1 members of the general assembly. The senate today amended the house resolution and fixed January 26 1 as the date for the inauguration of Governor-elect Hooper. WOULD>AY STRAPHANGERS Jefferson. Ind.. Jan. 1«. —Repre- sentative William E. Wagner intro duced in the General Assembly this week a bill for the relief of street car straphangers. It will provide that whenever a passenger on a steam road or electric line is compelled to stand he is required to pay fare, but musti be given a voucher entitling him to a rebate or additional transportation to the value of one-half his fare. CATTLE RAISERS INVITE SOLOXS TO STOCK SHOW Associated Press. Fort Worth, Tex., Jan. 13. —Texas Cattle Raisers association today for warded invitations to bott hoit-es of the state legislature asking members to visit the fat stock show here the week of Mark 13-18. It is expected the invitation will be accepted. Qfoneteird To One Half LADIES* AND MISSES* SUITS We handle only high-class tailored sifits, and all are goou values at original prices, but we have now cut these prices to clean up and while the suits last • $35 Suits go at .$20.00 $27 Sults go at $16.25 $25 Suits go at $15.00 $2O Suits go at $12.00 $lB Suits go at $10.75 $l5 Suits go at $ 9.00 One-piece Dresses. Opera Capes, Cloaks, Hats and Plumes, one-tird to one-half off. 10,000 MARK WILL EASILY BE PASSED New Voters Continue to Regis ter at Collector’s Office in Increasing Numbers, CALLAGHANITES SCAR E D As Result of Heavy’Registra tion They are Making Ef forts to Overcome Lead, Still, the new voters keep com ing into the tax office to qualify to vote, coming from every pre cinct and corner of the town. The Callaghan heelers who said the to tal qualification would not be as large as It was last year have quit talking. So have the other men who declared the total registra tion this year couldn’t possibly exceed 10.000. Apparently there is no end to It. Where all the voters have kept them selves in former years is what puz zles the wise ones. The time-honored adage that no one wants to vote in San Antonio but Mexicans will have to be sponged off the slate. In guessing on the final number of qualified voters by the end of January, when the registration closes, it is well to take into consideration that the rush always comes at the end of the month. It is the last dash to get in under the wire that counts. In the month of January last year, for ex ample. 8839 voters were qualified at the county collector’s office. Of these 7216 got their poll tax receipts or exemption certificates after the twelfth of January. So far in January this year the Qualification has exceeded that of last January by 82 per cent, as is shown by an accompanying table. If the same gain should continue through the month of January coalification this year would reach 15 910. To got the total, in that event, the 5958 Qualified thta year prior to the first rf Jan uary is to be added, making the final figure 21,898. The total last year in the 4 2 precincts of San Antonio was 10.619. Will Not Risk Prison. But no one thinks so large a figure, or one nearly as large as 21.898. will tr reached. For various reasons there will be a falling qff. A close canvas is to be made of the qualifications and this fact will deter illegal registra tions. The man who might be induc ed to qualify twice under different names will consider the excellent chance of getting into state’s prison and this will lead him to hesitate. Last year the Terrell election law was de fied and peripatetic deputies were sept out to walk around town and issue poll tax receipts on the street corners. These outside receipts counted in the total the last day. January 31. This year there will I>e no "ain from this source. Perhaps there may be smaller num ber of exemption certificates issued this January than January last year S.S.S. PURELY VEGETABLE THE ONE SAFE BLOOD REMEDY It is a generally recognized fact that medicines taken from the botan ical kingdom are better adapted to the dedicate human system, and safer in every way than those composed of j strong mineral mixtures. ' Among the very best and safest of vegetable preparations is S. S. S., a blood med cine made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, in such combination as to make it the greatest of all blood puri fiers and the finest of all tonics. S. S. S. does not contain the least particle of mineral in any form, and is an absolutely safe medicine for any one to use. While purifying the blood, this great vegetable remedy builds up every portion of the system. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Scrofula, Constitutional Blood Dis eases, and all impurities and morbid conditions of the circulation. It is perfectly reliable and safe for children; i and little ones who have been weak ened with scrofulous affections or I other inherited blood troubles, can | take this mild vegetable remedy with i good results and without the slightest ! danger. S. S. S. is unequalled as a | tonic; it invigorates every portion of the system, and the healthy blood it creates largely assists in overcoming ) any derangement of the stomach I and digestive system. If you need a blood medicine you could do no better than to take S. S. S. It has been in use for more than forty years and is still recognized as the best. Book on the blood free to all who write. the SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., AUaata, Ga. Candy Special Tomorrow, Saturday Only. Chocolate Cream Drops, 4 only, a pound ■Vv 40c Chocolate Nonparlel 4 Q Wafers, a pound for. .. . 4WV Chocolate Marshmallows. 4 fb a box for owV Hershey’s 5c Almond J? Milk Chocolate. 6 for...,fcwU HODGSON Candy Maker 108 East Houston St., Between St. Mary's St. and the Bridge. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT PROMOTERS IN TOILS OF UNI 9 • Men at the Head of Albemarle Development Co. Charged With Misuse of Mails. Associated Press. Jackson. Miss., Jan. 13.—Charged with having misused the malls In connection with promoting a summer resort at Albermarle, S. C., J. C. Mas ters and Thos. H. Sibley, alleged to be promoters ot the Albermarle Develop ment company, were taken In custody and detained in default of $lOOO bail last night, after a hearing before Lnited States Commissioner L. B Mosely. The arrests were made at the instance of postoffice inspectors sta tioned in North Carolina. It is said today that fourteen states have been worked in connection with the Albermarle Development company and the additional assertion is made that a similar development scheme was worked near Mineral Wells, Tex as. about six years ago. Other arrests in three or more states are expected to follow’. Sibley has been in this state for several months and is said to have sold several thousand dollars worth of stock in the Albemarle concern within the past few weeks. Masters, who is the secretary of the concern, had just arrived here for a confer ence with Sibley when the arrests were made. Both were remanded to jail in default of $lOOO bond each. The business of the Albemarle De velopment company extended through twelve or more states. The amount collected from each investor ranged from $l2 to $4B. The hundreds of persons Interested Include bankers, ministers and merchants in almost every shtall town in Georgia. Busi ness was done also in South Carolina, Alabama, North Carolina, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee, Louisiana, Vir ginia, Kentucky and West Virginia. The company was organized about two years ago with offices at Albe marle, N. C. The promoters secured control of a tract of land near Albe marle for the ostensible purpose ot developing a health and pleasure re sort. The plans were pretentious and contemplated the expenditure of large sums of money in the erection of buildings and in beautifying the grounds. Certificates which entitled the pur chaser to participation in a drawing of the company’s lots were sold for $l2 each. Nothing was contained In these certificates as to the date of the drawing. The name of Walter C. Ir vin. whose home is said to be at Sa lem. Ills., appears as president of the concern. He is said to'have had very little connection with it within the last year. Masters and Sibley, who are said to be the real promoters of the com pany, are alleged to have operated a similar scheme near Mineral Wells, Texas, about five years ago. In the prospectus of the Albemarle Devel opment company the same photo graphs that were employed in promot ing the Texas concern are used, ac cording to information furnished the government. These are issued free of charge and it would seem that every year the men entitled to vote without cost to them wouid at least take the trouble to walk around to the county tax of fice and get one of the papers. The total of these certificates Issued in the four months’ registration to ex empt voters In the 42 precincts of the city of San Antonio was 1984. This number ha“ been passed already this y?ar. with the best weeks of the reg istration still ahead. The total of ex emption certificates up to and includ ing yesterday is 2046. Maelunc Working Hani. With] these facts in mind the total qualification this vpar is a good thing to bet on—it will likely be somewhere between 15.000 and 18.000. However, your vote Is needed and don't over look this! The Callaghan supporters look upon the bigger figures as all the more reason why they should qualify every possible voter. In the table below is a statement of the poll taxes paid at the county collector’s office each day In January so far with a comparison with the ramc day last Per cent 1910 1911 Gain Jan. 3 149 201 33 Jan. 4 103 175 70 Jan. 5 131 233 80 Jan. 6 116 179 54 Jan. 7 109 264 142 Jan. 9 139 323 132 Jan. 10 176 318 80 Jan. 11 150 271 80 Jan. 12 164 287 70 Total 1237 2251 82 The above figures do not include the exemption certificates, but they do Include all poll taxes paid, from pre cints outside of San Antonio, as well as within it. Very few qualification* came from the country, though, whllt there are many exemption papers Is sued. For instance, the figure giver above for poll taxes paid is 287, this from all the erecincts in the county As a matter of fact. 281 of these poll taxes were paid by residents of ths forty-two precincts of San Antonio and besides 56 exemption certificates were issued ta them, making the tota oualifleation In San Antonio in the on< I day 337. I’l the list below Is given the num ! her is taken from the county collec -1 tor's books and the figures give, sub stantially. the total qualification t< I date in the city: Statement of Jan. 12. 1910. Precincts Polls Exemption: 1 155 70 2 155 51 3 105 28 A 178 66 5 464 135 6 169 65 7 129 54 8 196 . 59 9 213 69 10 . 125 45 11 . 156 53 12 182 68 13 105 36 14 118 51 15 130 24 16 134 48 17 126 51 18 194 46 19 ...... 159 46 20 ... .4 244 48 21 ....■ 149 61 22 178 45 23 97 33 24 >....146 49 25 115 29 26 84 30 27 ’ 142 39 28 98 46 29 168 53 30 138 37 31 130 ti 6 32 127 40 33 168 44 34 137 39 I M $50,000 SHOES THIS YEAR-WATCH US are determined to demonstrate to the Shoe buying PubHc that we give you BETTER VALUES than any shoe shop in the city. 4 * A NEW ARRIVAL Patent Button Boot, plain toe, cloth Patent Button Boot, dull top, short top, short vamp, high Cuban heel, a vamp, high arch and high Cuban beet $3.50 style, special tomorrow O "7 ft a $3.50 style, special tomor- O "7 ft at only £■ I U row at only — . -tea I U ANOTHER LOT Patent Button Boots, dull tops, made over the new high-toe models like below illustration, with high-arch and high Cuban heels. We show these on OOE straight wing or plain toe effects, a $4.00 style WaWV Same as above in gun metal calf. We recommend this as a very elegant shoe. Also a $4.00 style, special tomorrow Q OR at only We VW Sjped&ll Omi J@ds®y Bootis Pol C@ o 1201.3 West Commerce Street I. & G. N. and San Fernando Cars 35 199 70 36 123 25 37 107 43 38 145 59 39 122 50 40 157 40 • 41 101 17 42 87 24 Totals 6355 2046 Recapitulation. Poll taxes paid 6355 Exemption certificates 2046 Total qualifications 8401 HOW TO DESTROY THE DANDRUFF GERM BY A SPECIALIST. That the dandruff germ is responsible for nearly all the diseases to which the scalp is heir, as well as for baldness and premature gray hair, is a well known fact, but when we realize that it is also indirectly respon sible for many of the worst cases of catarrh and consumption, we appreciate the import ance of any agent that will destroy its power. We are, therefore, particularly pleased to give herewith the prescription which an emi nvr.t scientist states he has found, after re peated tests, to completely destroy the dan druff eerm in from one to three applications. It will also almost immediately stop falling hair and ’t has in numerous cases produced a new hair-growth after years of baldness. This prescription can be made up at home, or any druggist will put it up for you: 6 ounces Bay Rum, 2 ounces Lavona de Con posec, one-half drachm Menthol Crystals. Mix thoroughly, and after standing half an hour it is ready for use. Apply night and morning, rubbing into the scalp with the finger tips. If you wish it perfumed, add half a teaspoon ful of To-Kalon Perfume, which unites per fectly with the other ingredients. While this preparation is not a dye, it is unequalled for restoring gray hair to its original color. CAUTIOX: Do not apply where hair it not desired and be sure to avoid tonics contain ing poisonous wood alcohol. Before publication we presented this pre scription to H. L. Wagner of thia city, and ho states that he has filled it many times for his patrons who report most astonishing results from its use. That’s Right! SUTHERLAND SPRINGS stands out pre-eminently above any other health and rest resort in Texas. Nature has made it so. When man completes his work it will be the mecca of tens of thousands of people. People from every part of the globe will go there to win back their health. The future of Sutherland Springs is already assured. It is only 30 miles southeast of San Antonio on the Southern Pacific. Excursion rates every day —Sundays and Thursdays, 50c round trip. Fine hotel. Let us tell you about Sutherland Springs. Sutherland Springs Town and Land Co. Butulmc I —-use toe — 1 A ©ccw Ew ©ay WOMAN "TOO ILL TO GO Oli TRIAL” With Assistant District Attorney C. M. Chambers keen to go to trial, and with the defendant, as reported, too sick in bed to attend, the inluc tion case against Mrs. Maud V. Schu bert. charged with conducting a dis orderly house at 450 Main avenue, was called in the Firty-fifth district court this morning. It was stated that arguments for a continuanc® would be made this afternoon. When C. A. Davies, counsel ’for Mrs. Schubert, announced at the Out set that he would ask for a continu ance because of the illness of his client, Attorney Chambers asked Dr. -PLUMBING-i All calls promptly answered and work guaranteed. AII H jobs are given my personal supervision. No large store or office rents to pay. OUR WORK COSTS LESS. cut*rate DI a PLUMBER Old Phone 3982 New Phone 2770, Green OFFICE AND SHOP: 316 LEIGH STREET JANUARY 13, 1911. D. Berrey. the county physician, to vis it the woman and make a report. Dr. Berrey's written report will be filed this afternoon. A verbal one this morning was to the effect that it would not endanger her life to go to court. Attorney Davies, nevertheless, announced that the motion for a con tinuance would be presented this af ternoon. This morning he filed an answer to the Injunction petition. This answer questions the constitutionality of the law under which Mr. Chambers is pro ceeding. alleging that the law does not He with equality on all. that there is no constitutional authority for the v district attorney to proceed in the matter, and that any law attempt ing to create such a procedure was against the copstitution because It provides a manner of trying a de fendant before a judge and not a jury. The latter argument was knocked Inta a cocked hat by the decision of Judge Camp to allow a jury. *TIS GOOD —Nothing Better in Texas —No Better Place to Go