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Central Trust Co. J. O. TERRELL. President; ALEXANDER JOSKE, CHARLES SCHREINER. OTTO KOEHLER and R. R. RUSSELL. Vice Presidents; B. G. BARNES. Secretary-Treasurer. Capital $500,000. Stockholders' Liability. $500,000 More. Central Trust Building. Corner Commerce and Navarro Streets. "The heights which men have won and kept. Were not attained by sudden flight. But they, while their companions slept. Were toiling upward through the night." Acquire the habit of saving. Every dollar saved attracts another one to it. If you have a bank account it is always in your mind, and you constantly and to it instead of throwing your money away. You can count on the fingers of one hand the men of your acquaintance who have quickly acquired and held riches. The wealth of the world has been accumulated slowly and patiently.' WE PAY W ON DEPOSITS and will be pleased to have you talk with us about investments. Central Trust Co. The receiver of the San Antonio Furniture Company will sell, at its place of business. No. 117 Main avenue, beginning Wednesday morning, January 12th, the entire stock of furniture belonging to this company at retail. Parties really desiring to buy furniture can get anything in this stock at 75 per cent of its cost. On many articles the purchaser can practically fix his own price. — If you really want to buy furniture now is your chance to get it at practically your own price. NEGRO TO BE TRIED AGAIN Us Case, Reversed and Remanded, Is Set for January 16 in 37th District Court. Arthur Ross, colored, convicted for nabbing a street car conductor and liven eight years in the pen. whose case was reversed and remanded Wed nesday by the court of criminal ap peals, will be tried again on January 16, next Monday. The setting was made this morning in the Thirty-sev snth district court. Ross, as was shown by evidence ad duced at the trial, refused to take the seats set aside for negroes and when remonstrated with by the conductor pulled a knife and stabbed him in the back. There were many white per lons on thd car, but he jumped and ran, being captured later. In the trial of the case. Assistant District Attorney C. M. Chambers con ducted the prosecution and his vigor jus argument to the jury to conserve the rights of the whites is believed to lave exercised much influence. The higher court reversed on the ground that the court had not charged whether or not the knife used by the negro could be considered within the meaning of a deadly weapon. Only One “BROMO QUININE” That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUI NINE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the world over to cure a Cold in one day. 25c. The Best Syrup Hr Your Grocer Sells ■V Your grocer cannot buy a better syrup than Velva. He can- IE not sell you a better syrup than Velva. No matter how finicky ■ your taste or how much of a stickler you are for purity of man ■ ufacture, packing or selling condition*, k Velva Breakfast Syrup will meet every expectation. 'The flavor is »’* real cane avor ’ cause Velva is real cane juice. We crush it out of the stalks, clarify n an d P * n individual cans. It is WPSMl always the same. It cannot spoil. Always $ "WW ■ j/iiS ask f° r Velva A child can remember WW NT■ WMI name - I' means the best t Penick & Ford. LYd. He vV/ - 4 \ ’ FRIDAY, ALWAYS GLAD TO HAVE YOU CALL NOTICE WEST TEXAS GRADUATES PASS LAW EXAMINATIONS Russell Callan of Menardvllle, who ' graduated from the West Texas Mili tary academy with the class of ’O7 and who has been a law student and prom-; inent in athletics at the University of [ Texas, passed his Texas bar examina tion in Fort Worth last Saturday and Is in San Antonio today visiting friends and renewing acquaintances before' leaving for his home. It was learned from Mr. Callan that Frank Onion, also a West Texas graduate, class 'OB, and of the law department at the University of Texas, passed his ex amination admitting him to practice I law under a Texas license at the same time, and it is understood that Mr. Onion will open a law office in his, home city, San Antonio, at a near date. TWO DECLARE INTENTIONS. Two added declarations of foreign ers to become American citizens have been filed with Deputy Clerk A. I. Campbell. Nunziante Mazzeo, 20 years of age, a native of Palomonte, Italy, forswore allegiance to his for mer sovereign yesterday afternoon. He emigrated from Palomonte. arriving at New York December 12, 1900. Os kar Graner forsook Emperor William of Germany. He is a fresco painter, 23 years old. Emigrating from Ant werp, Belgium, he arrived at New, York August 24, 1909. F. C. DAVIS, Receiver. SAN ANTONIO AS METROPOLIS IS IN DANGER Unless Form of Government is Changed it May Lose Posi tion as First City. SO CLAIMS C. C. CRESSON Rousing Commission Govern ment Meeting Held Last Night at Muth’s Garden, Just the exact date on which Dal las and Houston will eclipse San An tonio in point of population can be figured out, unless San Antonio takes a decided spurt by adopting a form of government which brings it out of the manana class and allows it to in crease at the same percentage as those towns, said C. C. Cresson last night at the Commission Government meeting at Muth’s garden on Govern ment hill. "Callaghan and his crowd are seek ing to perpetuate the situation here," said the speaker. “Selfishness on his part, because citizens appear to want to think for themselves, has caused him to wage war on anything that may mean a curtailment of his power and an accounting to the people. This is why he has armed 1500 Mexicans with poll taxes, which, however, won’t be a figure compared with what the citizens can muster against them.” J. E. Webb also deplored the fact that the present mayor had taken umbrage at a movement for the up building of the city. The Issue, he said, is before the people in the shape of a change in form of government, not before the people in the form of a change of one man. although the former Involves the latter. Albin Seidel, In calling the assemb ly to order, spoke of what a commis sion government meant. There was a large crowd present to hear and ap plaud the remarks made by him and others during the evening. Following the talk of C. C. Cresson, Dr. L. L. Shropshire took the floor. He apologized, he said, if at any time he inadvertently put on the soft ped al, for such was not his intention. He was in for fight and not diplomacy. Diplomacy had failed, he said, as wit ness the street paving done within the last few years. San Antonio, he said, had a smaller percentage of pav ing than she possessed ten years ago. D. P. Smith and Clint Brown also spoke, their speeches adding materi ally to the success of the evening. There was applause during the whole evening and those who were present seemed to be ardent commissionlsts all the way through. * Commission government meetings were also held last night by the vot ers of Precinct Nos. and 42, they assembling at 2710 South Presa. Ne groes also held a meettlng at the com mission headquarters. WHY IS SUGAR SWEET! It sugar did not dissolve in the mouth । you could not taste the sweet GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL TON i IC is as strong as the strongest bitter tonic, but you do not taste the bitter because the ingredients do not dl» solve in the mouth, but do dissolve i readily in the acids of the stomach. Is just as good for Grown People as for Children. The First and Original Tasteless Chill Tonic. The Standard for 30 years. Price 60 centa. SAN ANTONIAN WINS Dan Root Returns From Dallas Where Ixx-al Poultry Was Awarded Prizes at Show. Dan E. Root returned last night from Dallas, where he attended the annual meeting of the Texas Branch of the American Poultry association, held In conjunction with the big Southwestern Poultry show. Mr. Root went as a delegate from the Lone Star Poultry association of San Antonio, which has just been admitted to membership. Four San Antonio poultrymen ex hibited at the Southwestern show. S. L. Peterson & Son succeeded in win ning four first and two second pre miums on an entry of six Langshans. Charles Welck exhibited two white Pekin ducks and carried off two pre miums. Gus Koch, with an entry of one White Rock cock, won with his bird. D. E. Root sent six White Ply mouth Rocks and with one bird so hurt en route that Judge Hewes re fused to consider him, won four pre miums. SAN ANTONIO L GATCHES HER DEBTOR AFTER SEVEN YEARS The beautiful Princess Zoltykoff, be fore her marriage, Ethel Clinton, the English actress, who after seven years pursuit recently found Captain Charles Glen Collins, former British army of ficer and won a suit against him In New York for some rare vases he pur chased from her and for which he nev er paid. When Prince Zoltykoff died In 1903 he left his town house and its con tents, his Newmarket mansion, his stable of thoroughbreds and practi cally all his personal property in Eng land to the princess. The Curzon street house contained paintings, stat uary and other art objects valued, it was said, at more than $1,000,000. The collection of snuff boxes and the vases were pronounced by experts to be the finest in England. About that time the princess gave a dinner in Curzon street, at which royalty was present. Other guests were members of the old Jockey club coterie. Captain Charles Glen Collins was one. After the dinner Collins expressed a wish to see the collection of vases. Princess Zoltykoff said she contem plated selling the smaller specimens. “I should be glad to have these ap praised,” said Collins, pointing to sev eral. “and if the figure Is within my limit I will be delighted to become their owner.” After the vases were appraised by meij sent by Collins he offered the princess $5OOO cash for them and she accepted the offer. Collins took the vases with him In his cab. telling the princess he would send a check the next day. The check never came, and Collins disappeared. Princess Zoltykoff lost track of Col lins after that and gave up hope of getting her money. Nearly seven years after the incident of the vases she arrived in New York, six week? ago. For reasons of her own she pre ferred to be known as Miss Clinton. Here she found Collins by accident in a hotel, brought suit against him and won her case. Kin HWI KN Ell MEXICAN SIIPPHI Following an all day round of good solid enjoyment, the visit of the Katy freight representatives came to a fit ting climax last night with a Mexican banquet, tendered the visitors by J. F. Dolard. commercial agent of the Mis souri, Kansas & Texas at San Anto nio. Short speeches were made in the course of the evening, all replete with praise for Texas in general and San Antonio In particular. At the con clusion of the feast the officials re paired to the Southern Pacific depot and boarded their special train for Galveston. Freight officials of the road attend ing the banquet were: Cldye P. Bosh er, Cincinnati; J. C.“ Walter. Chicago; J. C. Finch. Kansas City; Herbert Commins, New York; J. J. Rogers, Chicago; J. F. Garvin, St. Louis; O. L. Winslow, Detroit; T. P. Buchanan, New York; L. B. Chipley. Parsons. Kan.; J. F. Riley. St. Louis; J. M. Whitford, Chattanooga; S. Halline. Denver; J. J. Daggy, Joplin, Mo.; L. W. Mosher. Sedalia. Mo., and J. J Hartnett, Oklahoma City. Mere Wishing Never Brings Success. To make a success in the cure of Kidney, Bladder or Rheumatic trou ble take Hall’s Texas Wonder. It gives quick and permanent relief. Write for testimonials. Dr. E W Hall, 2926 Olive St., St. Louis,' Mo.‘ Sold by druggists. WORLD ALMANAC HAS IT ALL, In New Volume for 1911 Every New Fact Has Been Added. All the phenomenal growth and de velopment that have marked the pro gress of events throughout the world in 1910 are reflected and recorded in The World Almanac for 1911. To enumerate its new features would be to enumerate everything new and important that has taken place in the last year. Its great mass of statis tical Information on every subject in which any one would be likely to be interested has been revised and brought down to the last moment of the closing year, and so many new facts and figures have been added that apparently no information of value or importance has been omitted while for accuracy The World Al manac has never been excelled. The completeness with which the subjects are treated is shown by the fact that fifteen pages are devoted to detailed facts concerning the new “Science of Aviation." "The High Cost of Living” Is another subject treated at length tn detail. MAY PROVE ALIBI. Asking for a new trial for B. Villa real. convicted and given two years for burglary. Attorney A. B. Cowen, in a motion filed in the Thirty-seventh district court, alleges that new evi dence has been uncovered which will enable his client to prove a straight allbL GHT - Children Cry For I CASTORIA] ■mH f ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT? Hums AVegeiable Preparation (or As li SaS u similaflng itsFbotf and Rpuuia- , * n 6 t,ie S[wnadisanlßoH'eistf : ProrootesDigestion£he«W fisOr nessandltestjContalnsneittier ago i K QP' 1 ™-Morphine nor Mineral. Ram Not Narcotic, j DM 10 t Rn/ddi Snd~ . MM?111. jUxSam ♦ I IW j AMlrSdts- I ISM’ I VAft 1 I MW 1 iMffi s A perfect Remedy for Cbnsflp r tlon, Sour Stomach.Dtarrttoea WormsjCoiwulskrnsJewrish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. ] Tie Simile Signature of M > NFW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. SEIZE MDS OF SUSPENDED BANK Associated Press. Cordova, Alaska, Jan. 13. — One hundred and one thousand dollars consigned to a bank in Seattle by the Washington-Alaska Bank of Fair bank, which closed last week, was seized here yesterday by a deputy marshal acting under orders of the United States district court for the fourth district of Alaska. The ship ment, consisting of $76,000 In gold coin and bullion and $£5,000 in cur rency, had been shipped by the de funct Fairbanks banks to cover secur ities hypothetlcated with a bank In Seattle. The money will be sent back to Faribanks and turned over to the receiver of the bank. MURDER WITNESS SHOT AND KILLED Special Dispatch. Burnet, Tex., Jan. 13. —J. W. Wilkes was accidentally shot and kill ed here today by King Huff, when a weapon the latter was holding was discharged suddenly. One of Huttos fingers was torn off. Both were wit nesses in the case of Charles Heine, charged with murdering James Brad shaw, whose trial is set for today. AIR MESSAGE FROM W ACO TO AUSTIN Special Dispatch. Waco. Tex., Jan. 13. —The Young Men’s Business league today offered any aviator who will participate in the meet here, beginning January 20, a prize of $2OOO for a flight to Aus tin. alighting on the capitol grounds and delivering a message to the legis lature. The message asks approval of the consolidation of the Texas Cen tral and Katy railroads. SPECIALIST HERE FOR WINTER Dr. J. J- Kindred, wife and son of New York, who have formed part of San Antonio’s winter colony for the past two years, arrived Yesterday from the east and have taken apart ments at the St. Anthony. Dr. Kindred is one of America’s leading experts on diseases of the mind and conducts one of the leading private institutions in the United States for patients thus afflicted. He was recently returned a member of congress from the Fourteenth con gressional district of New York state, which takes in part of the borough of Queens of New York City. To cure scrofula, salt rheum, dyspepsia, catarrh and rheumatism, take Hood's Sarsa parilla. SEVERAL BEDS ENDOWED. An enthusiastic meeting of the members of the Free Dispensary and Hospital association was held yes terday at the International club. Much satisfaction was expressed over the endowment of several beds in the hospital. The annual meeting of the association will be held February 9. and at this time officers for the com ing year will be elected, and a report of all the collections and disburse ments will be mada Letters from Prominent Druggists addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. S. 3. Briggs & Co., of Providence, R. 1., say: “We have sold Fletcher's Oastorla in our three stores for the past twenty years and consider it one of the best preparations on the market" E. W. Stucky, of Indianapolis, Ind., says:' "To say that we have recom mended and sold your Castoria for years is the best endorsement we can possibly give any preparation. It is surely full of merit and worthy of recommendation." Henry R. Gray, of Montreal, Que., says: *T would say that your Cas torla for children Is in large demand and that it gives general satisfaction. Not being a secret nostrum many medical men order it when circum stances indicate the use of such a preparation." W. G. Marshall, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "We have found your Castoria to be not only one of the best sellers in the medicine market, but a preparation that gives almost universal satisfaction; In fact we cannot recall having had a single complaint from any of our customers who have used It." Owens & Minor Drug Co., of Richmond, Va., sayer "It Is with pleasure that we lend our endorsement to Castoria, a preparation of proven merit. During our long experience in the drug business we have had abundant occasion to note the popularity of the genuine Fletcher's Cas toria. which ws unhesitatingly recommend.” Brannen A Anthony of Atlanta, Ga., sayr "No doubt If we were called upon to state positively what medicine we had sold for the greatest length of time, the greatest number of bottles sold, and the most satisfactory preparation to us and also to the customer, we feel that we could safely j and conscientiously say Fletcher’s Castoria." GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE OKITMUW C&MPANT. 77 MURMAV BTWCCT. MtW VMM OtVW KANSAS CITY TO NEW ORLEANS Navigation Company Formed to Be gin Regular Freight-Carrying Service March 1. Associated Press. New Orlec-ns. Jan, 13. —According to an announcement today made by the Kansas City-Missouri Navigation company, recently formed, there will be established between Kansas City, Mo., and New Orleans, about March 1, regular steamboat freight service. Nathanial Dickey, the millionaire sewer pine manufacturer of Kansas City, and his brother, Joseph, are be hind the project. The president is Walter Dickey, of Kansas City, Mo., son of Nathanial Dickey. According to the plans, nothing but the new style tunnel boats will be used in the seryice. DIVORCE IS SOUGHT. Ellen Daniel vs. T. J. Daniel is the style of a divorce suit filed in the Thirty-seventh district court . Fifty Miles from Home X/TANY MEN talk to their homes every night when they are out of town. They find it a great satisfaction and it relieves any anxiety on the part of their families. The universal Bell Telephone Service makes this possible. Every Bell Telephone is a Long —Distance Station. n jjk m The Southwestern & Telephone Cc£ JANUARY 13, 191 L WILL STRAIGHTEN ROAD Property Owners Agree to Give Land and Kinks Will Be Taken Ont of Highway. Various property owners having agreed to give the necessary land to widen and straighten the St. Hedwig road from the ten-mile post to the town of St. Hedwig, the county com missioners this morning accepted the proposition and will begin the task at once. The road is to be graded and probably graveled for a distance of seven miles, being made 60 feet in width all the way through. Pursuant to a written request from County Engineer T. C. Nelson, sev eral of the owners of land through which the road will have to run in tne straightening process, held a confer ence with the engineer and the com missioners this morning. With but two or three exceptions, all agreed to donate the land required. In the oth er cases, condemnation proceedings will have to be sought. Those who gave the land were Paul Binz. Mar tin Mahula, Anton Stanus, Theodore Golla. Frank Dilla, Stanislaus Tudek and Alex Sova.