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20 AMUSEMENTS grand opera house THREE NIGHTS STARTING TONIGHT SPECIAL MATINEE SATURDAY Frederic Thompson Presents POLLY OF THE CIRCUS WITH IDA ST. LEON And the Same Big Cast and Production Seen Here Last Season. Prices SUNDAY. MONDAY. TUESDAY MATINEE TUESDAY. Annsuneement Extraordinary! THOMAS DIXON The Distinguished Author of The Clansman Will Positively Appear In the Leading Bole of His Latest and Greatest Play THE SINS OF THE FATHER Prinoe* Night 50e to $1.50 rrioes. • • 50c to »1.00 SEAT SALE OPENS TOMORROW. R GREATER ■ oyaL OLD PHONE 4648. HOYT AND STEIN. BANKS BRAZEALE DUO. BAND AND BYBON, HEDGE AND DOT HOLMES, ALBONA ZOELLEB TBIO. P BICBS: DAlLY—Matinee, 10c and 20c; night, 10c, 20c, 30c and 50c. THE STAR 3 Vaudeville Acta. 3 Motion Pictures. Any Seat Anywhere 10c. Matinees Dally 2:45. Continuous Night Shows From 7:48. automobiles Stored end cared for at reasonable rater —The Beat — TAXICABS AND AUTO LIVEBY. Phones 2-3-4 Pbonea TAXICAB COMPANY. Oarace Blnm St, opp. Monger Hotel. CITY NEWS I Garden Stables, hacks, cabs and high class livery. Phones 212. Hold Annual Meeting—The annual meeting of the Associated Charities will be held this evening at 8 o’clock in the Y, M. C. A. auditorium. John L. Green, manager of the United Char ities movement of Fort Worth, will deliver a lecture on the ——hlems that confront the organization in the state. Mr. and Mrs. Green are coming to San Antonio by invitation of Mrs. Sadie Haley and Mrs. F. W. McAllis ter. DR B. E. WITTE. Stomach Specialist. Hicks Bldg. Allen Not Coming—A. A. Allen, vice president and general manager of the Katy, who. with other officials, were expected to reach the city yesterday on an inspection trip, had to forego the visit on account of business calling them north. Wedding Invitations and calling cards, latest styles, engraved or print ed. Office stationery at lowest prices. Dullnlg Printing Co. Phonet 3338. 221 8. Alamo St Sap Offices Moved—The removal of the Sap offices from its old quarters to the fourth floor of the Bedell build- j Ing on Avenue C, will probably be I completed this afternoon. £ome of the old records may have to be taken over later, but the officials will all ba moved. Dr Cain, Dentist, Hicks building. Painless methods;-moderate prices. Banks Are I‘rosperoua—N. R. Beg ley, who has returned to San Antonio after several months in the east, re ports that the financial conditions of the banks there are excellent and ROYAL BUFFET. ‘POSSUM’ Visit the most beautiful bar in the aouth. 0. D. WORTHLEY, Mgr. The San Antonio Loan & Trust Go. i (Incorporated yithont Banking Privilefet) 215 WEST COMMERCE STREET ACTS AS TRUSTEE. EXECUTOR OR. GUARDIAN WE PAY A YOUR = - tiOO7C’ MONEY * * I DIRECTORS . „ - _ GEO w BBACKENBIDGE. President M "e President Edwin Chamberlain. Vice President Mrs. E. A Stribling. l WM L. HERFF. Sec’y and Treasurer. IN TOWN Si SOUTH PRESA STREET THURSDAY, ANOTHER DAY IS ADDED TO AGE EXEMPTION Ages of Voters Who Register Friday (Tomorrow) Will Not Be Published In the Light. NONE CAN TELL WHO DID Names In Future Will Be Mixed Up So That No Apprehension Whatever Need Be Felt. So many men who visited the tax office yesterday and today showed some apprehension about the publi cation of age that the bar has been [lifted for another day—Friday—this being tomorrow. If you get a poll tax receipt or certificate of exemption to day or tomorrow your age will not be published. From the beginning of the registra tion the Light has been printing the age of applicants for voting papers; this for the best of reasons. It was the only possible means of identify ing the voter, inasmuch as frequently the precise street number does not appear upon the receipt or the cetrifl cate. Often only the name of the street is used. Sometimes the housu or jacal where the voter lives has no number upon it, the city officials hav ing been as lax in numbering houses as In all other respects, doing the work strictly on the manana plan. Therefore it follows that in some pre cincts dozens of voters of the sftme name register from the same street, giving no house number. To place the particular voter about the only clue is the age given. The rule is being waived now prin cipally for the benefit of the corpora tion emoloye, who is afraid the age limit may be applied in his case if, his real age is printed in the news-I paper. This is a campaign when every voter in San Antonio should be qualified and the men of age and ex. I that they have plenty of money which, ■ however, they are holding to see what I is to be done at Washington. Duiinlg Printing Co. will save you money on letter heads, bill heads, en velopes. Phenes 3338. 221 S. Alamo St. Dance at Muth's every Saturday night Luther Hare Camp—lnstallation of officers was held last night' by Luther R. Hare camp Spanish War Veterans. Retiring Commander A. B. Hillan con ducted the installation, placing in of fice the following: Henry Geyer, com mander; Dr. George Wurzbach, senior vice commander; Frank Seidemann, junior vice commander; F. W. Reh berg. officer of the day; W. C. Far rington, chaplain; C. C. Furgerson, officer of the guard; Dr. Fred Hadra, camp physician; David Rodler and K. G. LeStourgeon, trustees. Elite Care serves the best 50c din ner in the south. Bring your family to Sunday dinner. You’ll find It cheaper than home. Sure Is Hard Luck—F. L. Kelly, 201 Wickes street, hurrying home yes terday to tell his wife that he had found a position, stumbled and fell, breaking his ankle. Mr. Kelly is but a recent addition to the city s resi dents and had been looking for work a month. He will now spend that length of time in bed. Dance at Muth’s Saturday. Ladles' free. Sult for Insurance —Mamie B. Hag elstein, widow of Chris F. Hagelstein, yesterday afternoon entered suit in the Fifty-seventh district court against the Royal Insurance company, the Germania Insurance company and the Milwaukee Mechanics Fire insurance company. She asks the collection of $20,000, policies held on the Hagel stein residence at the time it was | burned. Rohr's Dance Friday, Turner hall.. Try-out Successful—Lieut. H. E Honeywell and J. W. Tolan(J.'bullders of the diriplane, yesterday had a try out at the fair grounds, with the re sult that three sustained flights oc curred. If the weather conditions per mit, this afternoon an attempt will be made to fly over the city. This Is the machine which is to bj seen Sunday at San Pedro park, along with the spherical balloon used by Lieuten ant Honeywell. Rohr’s Dance Friday, Turner hall. Jewish Literary Club—A regular meeting of the Jewish Literary club will be held Thursday evening Jan uary 19. A very fine literary and mu sical program will be rendered and a large meeting is looked for. Rohr’s Prize Mask Ball, Wednesday February 1, Beethoven. Artillery band. DIAGNOSE DREAMS. DR. JOHN D. QUACRENBOB. This noted physician who practices mental or hypnotic suggestion, and is the author of "Hypnotic Therapeu tics," scouts the idea that analysis of dreams will serve as a basis for diag nosis in nervous diseases.. Diagnosis of a Welsh rarebit dream is futile he declares. "We can dream more in a minute than we can act in a year,” he says. Dream diagnosis or "psycho nalysls,” is to be experimented with in a new department at Johns Hop kins hospital. perience are the ones most needed, for as a rule they vote right. Three days have been left open fot these men, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. If you want an automobile ride to the tax office, this free of charge, ring 10,000, either phone, and you will be under no ob ligation whatever for the service. Pol itics will not once be referred to on the ride. Remember that the age will not be printed, and that more than this, the names will necessarily be mixed as to date in publishing them later, owing to the rush at the tax office. So no one can tell by scrutinizing the list that any particular man took advan tage of this -exemption. s s •. Remember that the fellows *• ■. who were on the fence are all S *■ sliding off on the right side. S *. But they cannot do much with- % % out poll tax receipts. Get after % ■■ them. S S Foley’s Rldney Remedy—An Appre ciation. L. McConnell, Catherine St., El mira, N. Y., writes: "I wish to ex press my appreciation of the great good I derived from Foley's Kidney Remedy, which I used for a bad cast of kidney trouble. Five bottles did the work most effectively and proved to me beyond doubt it is the most re liable kidney medicine I have ever taken.” Bexar Drug Co. MUI SO LONG SHE FOH6EIS THE ALAMO Mme Labadie Surprised In the Wonderful Changes In San Antonio Since First CVisit, ‘The new San Antonio is wonder ful said Mme. Harriet Labadie yes terday at the St. Anthony hotel. ”1 had not been here in a number of years, and when I went out this morn ing for a little walk I can’t tell you how I felt. I didn’t know where 1 was. The change has been wonderful and so much for the better. To ex plain better what I mean, one of the young ladles who is traveling with us asked me how she could see San An tonio in a little time. I told her that was easy. I took the Menger for the starting place, for we had stopped there before, and then explained ah about the Alamo. This morning I didn’t know where the Menger was nor the Alamo either. "Of course, of all places in Texas San Antonio is the place. Fort Worth and Dallas were splendid in their treatment of me, but after all San Antonio is the vital point in all Texas, because of its rare history and the old world flavor which it still retains. "I had never been In a country in the making until I went to Alaska and there I enjoyed every minute of the time. Think of the 2093 miles trip down the Yukon to Nome. 1 hadn’t been back in the States three months until I began to long for the awful greatness of the country ana the wonderful air.” Mme. Labadie, who is to read Thursday and Friday night in the as sembly room of the Y. W. C. A., has been before the public for the past twenty years and has made an envi able reputation as a public speaker. Her career began when she was nine I years old, at the instance of her fath er. who was imbued with the idea I that she had marked talent and ; placed her in charge of a private I tutor. She was afterwards sent to school, where expression was the fea ture of the work. Completing her course. Mme. Laba die taught a number of years and is now the head of a school In Phila- I delphia which bears her name, but j during the past twenty years the de mand for her reading has been so in- I sistent that she has never had an en ) gagement west of Pittsburg. Het method of reading is one that at the present time is all her own. At the opening of the scene she gives her audience a general idea of the seance, and by mental suggestion makes them see the characters which she lives and whose parts she speaks. Thursday evening she will read the play of “Gossip,” by Jose Echegaray, and Friday evening she will give "Hedda Gabbler" by Ibsen. If you want to sell your business or want a partner, try a want ad in the Light. You will surely get results. Call either phone 176, and dictate your ad. Light want ads cost little and pay big. Light want ads bring best results. Ads taken over the phone. FORMER POLICEMAN HERE • - Joseph Kohr, city marshal of Aran sas Pass, is In the city on a visit to his mother, who has been ill. From San Antonio Mr. Kohr leaves for El Paso on a visit. Mr. Kohr was for merly known as No. 13 on the San Antonio police force. Pearce».Roblnson Und. Co. Ambul ance service. 434 Main Ave. P. 2323. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT Direct Street Car Service FOR Highl&ndP&rk Regular 15-Minute Schedule between the Park and Houston and Navarro Streets The San Antonio Traction Co. will begin operating through cars from the cor ner of Houston and Navarro Streets to Highland Park within the next few days. A regular 15-minute schedule will be inaugurated and be effective from 5:30 o'clock every morning untill 12:30 every night. This new through service brings Highland Park 15 minutes closer to the busi ness center. Not a minute closer than it ought to be. But 15 minutes closer than it has been under the car service we have had heretofore. For Highland Park to date has developed faster than any other property in San Antonio, notwithstanding this 15-minute handicap. Everyone going to Highland Park during the past year has had to lose at least 15 minutes in unnecessary travel and in waiting at the transfer point. Has looked at the property as being at least 15 minutes farther from the center of town than it really is. In spite of this handicap Highland Park has grown as no other district in San Antonio ever grew before. Over 900 lots sold in a little over a year. Over 400 of these lots sold during the past three months. Forty homes either completed or now under construction. That’s the story of development with a 30-minute schedule and a stub branch line. Now, what will be the development when the people of San Antonio realize what quick transportation will do for this beautiful property. Go up to Highland Park and answer this question for yourself. See the development that has come in spite of the handicap. And you Will realize what the next 60 days means to Highland Park. With the handicap removed. With Highland Park at last put upon a basis where it can grow as it should grow. Where a district has made the growth this one has under a handicap, what will it do now? We can’t tell you, but we believe that the story of what has been done pretty nearly forecast what is about to be. We believe that more people will visit Highland Park in search of Homesites than ever visited it before. That we are getting within a few weeks of the end of our selling campaign in the new section of the Park, We believe that within 30 days there will not be a lot in this new section that will belong to this company. When you go up to Highland Park we want you to stay long enough to realize more than this. We want you to learn that Highland Park lots are selling at lower prices than any other good residence lots in this city. Don't just look at the total prices, but size up the improvements that go to make up the greater part of that price. The improvements that you expect to have some day around your home, no matter where you buy. The improvements that you will sooner or later have to count as a part of the cost of your lot. These improvements are ready for you in the beautiful new section of Highland Park. And they are paid for. Get down to the bare lot, and remember that all our lots are 50x150 feet, some larger, none smaller, and make the comparison. And you wil learn that you can buy lots in Highland Park for less money than you are re quired to pay for far-away staked lots and a bunch of promises. Isn’t that an unnatural condition? Aren’t Highland Park lots worth at least 200 or 300 per cent more? How long do you think such a condition will continue now that we have direct car service without transfer and a fifteen-minute schedule? The answer is easy —lots in Highland Park will more than double in value within the next six months. HIGHLAND IMPROVEMENT CO. . chas. M. Roberts OWNERS. L. P. Peek, President «• Lots Selling now at $450 and up. Kh M 8 JANUARY 26, 1911