Newspaper Page Text
FOR / Dwellings BY OWNER. For sale: Five blocks from Joske'* store,* on corner North and Matagorda streets. Two large lota 110x150 to alley. Three houses, outhouses and barn and these lots. Houses are separated by fences aud each a good rental proposition. .Will always rent well, paying at least 10 per cent interest on the investment. Wish to sell collectively. Call at 332 North street for particulars. PROSPECT HILL By owner. Two good 5 room houses, hall and bath, sewer connection, electric lights, screened, gas in front of house, close to car line. Large lots. South front. Good neighbor hood. One house brand new. For prices and terms see OTTO BROWN. 1813 Monterey St. FINE two-story modem residence, 8 large rooms, fine neighborhood, now rented for $4O per month. Greatest bargain in city. W. H. SARTAIN, Owner. 444 Moore Bldg., City. NEW three-room bungalow, just finished, block from car line. Price $950. $lOO cash, balance $lO a month and interest. Inquire 301 Belmont BY OWNER. For sale, house, 5 rooms, hall, back and front porch, all modern conveniences, cheap. 824 North Pine. $4500 —107 WOODWARD PLACE. For sale—Eight-room two-story house, three blocks from court house; all modern conveniences; the house is in first-class re pair; newly painted. Apply 107 Woodward place. FOR SALE—Three beautiful lots at corner Quincy and Wilmington streets, for only $3000; easy terms. This is a beautiful building site. AUSTIN & DUNN, 411 Gibbs Building. A BARGAIN Apartment house, cluse in, strictly modern building, new and in the best of condition. See * SAN ANTONIO LOAN & TRUST CO. DON’T wait till your house burns before you think of INSURANCE. Insure now with RAY MACKEY, old phone 4100. 118 East Houston street FOK SALE —Modern seven room cottage on car line. 134 Agarita. Apply 214 Leigh. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME I am offering my brand new five room cot tage at a sacrifice. One block off best car service, cement walks, every modern im provement. Beautifully decorated and many built-in conveniences. I know it will please you. R. A. RICHEY, Owner. Phones 2236. 610 Moore Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. $4750 equity in $lO,OOO Laurel Heights home; will take unincumbered farm, high class residence lots or well located town property in exchange. Address P. O. box 838. FOR SALE —Store building, corner of Main avenue and East San Pedro place. Apply J. H. Savage, agent, 615 Moore building. FOR SALE —By owner. Five rooms, bath and hall; part cash or vacant lots. A bargain if sold at once. Apply 339 Dunning avenue. FOR sale or rent, an elegant 8-room house on Knob Hill at a bargain, 2 acre lot. Cor ner Gladstone and Vivian streets. Old phone 705. NICE cottage near 8. P. depot, rented $l4 per month. Only $1435. Address 2574, Light. FOR SALE. Modern 5-room cottage just completed, fac ing south, on Rural avenue, Laurel Heights, two blocks from two car lines. $3500. Apply owner, Dr. E. O. Evans, both phones. FOR SALK—Four lots. Call at 218/East Josephine street. BARGAIN Madison Square residence, new and modern, 8 rooms, 2-storles, by owner. 564 old phone. FOR SALE —Big sacrifice. 6 room, hall and bath. Lot 100x150. Owner, 145 Hicks Ave. BARGAIN IDEAL HOME Two-story eight-room house, two bath- *ooos, newlv papered, white enamel fin ish, inlaid linoleum; fine sleeping porch, m splendid condition; large barn, wash house; excellent neighborhood; two lots; on Hot Wells car line. 1310 South Presa street. $lOOO down, balance to suit. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? Why not put your house on a good brick foundation with hard plastered walls, with pane! wainscoting, beam ceilings, buffets and all those things that go to make your home cozy, comfortable and home like. IT COSTS NO MORE. BROWN-LAMBERTH CO. 815 Gunter Bldg. 18 Years in Los Angeles. FOR SALE —Four-room cottage, bath. 11l Vance street. Inquire 1123 South Presa. FOR SALE —One house with four rooms, hall, two galleries, cow shed, on two lots 50x150. Harlandde addition, on San Anto nio avenue. Call 168 RUer avenue, route 2. FOR SALE—Home in Waring. Two lots, six acres, outbuildings, two wells, gasoline en gine, rock tank, fruit, two incubators. $2500 cash. John Stribling. STOP ANO LOOK at the two cottages I am building in High land Park on West Falls avenue, near Skin ner, when you go out to the sale tomorrow. One ready to move into. Can sell on easy ;erms. H. C. Thorman, 417 Mackay building. □ld phone, office 2935, residence 3597. FOB SALE—FARMS AAD RANCHES 1 acre Truck Farm. 2-acre Truck Farm. 5-acre Truck Farm. 6 acre Truck Farm. Rich garden land, all under cultivation ind irrigation. W. J. CHENEY, Room 410 Mackay Building, Navarro St. 420 ACRES on the Alice road, adjoining Brownsville will be sold at a bargain; easy terms. Near sugar mill. No better chance In Texas for big profits, either in raising crops, holding for big prices or immediate develop ment in small parcels. For particulars ad dress T. A. Kinder, exclusive agent, Browns ville, Texas. A BARGAIN 1 have for sale a sRoacre tract of the best farming land in this county. Weil improved and good water, 90 per cent can be put into cultivation. I also have smaller tracts im proved or unimproved to suit. For particulars address J. P. Newcomb, 130 Crofton avenue, city. Old phone No. 3916. FOR SALE—By owner. 441-acre ranch seven miles north city limits; well improved; bar gain. 607 Austin street. THERE Is no lands In Texas that pro duce corn, cotton, wheat and oats like the black land belt, healthy and weal thy is the condition of our citizens. Mid lothian Realty Co., Midlothian, Tex. FOR SALE —Well located farm, 480 acres, 100 acres in cultivatiou, balance good till able and grass land, 6-room house, windmill, plenty of water, barn, small orchard; best small stock farm in county. Price $35 per acres; $3300 down and balance to suit pur chaser. REYNOLDS DRUG CO., Weather ford, Tex. REAL ESTATE WANTED DON’T wait till your house burns before you think of INSURANCE. Insure now with strong old line companies. RAY’ MACKEY, all* phone 4100. 118 East Houston street. MONDAY, FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE Grafted Pecans KNOX NURSERIES. 201 St. Mary's Street. 0. P. 1374 MONEY to loan on first class real estate se curity. Terrell A Terrell. FOR RENT—From 1 to 80 acres irrigated land in Lakeview Gardens, 3H miles west of the court house. Southwestern Land* Cor poration, ground floor, New Frost building. JOHN IL BOLTON—MeaI Estate. Pension Claim Agent. Notary Public. St. -‘amei Houston street. \ MUSTANG Island lot s2o. only a few left; buy before the price is raised. Newport Townsite Co., room 2, St. James hotel. LESS THAN 1-4 VALUE For quick sale we can deliver three hun dred acres, more or less, on one of the best macadamized roads in the county, only thir ty minutes drive from the city; running creek clear across the property. For a little money a dam can be put across the creek that would make a lake covering several acres and would raise the water to such a height that a twenty-five horsepower gaso line engine would pump enough water to ir rigate the entire tract. All fine black land. Wo can sell this for less than one-fourth of what the adjoining property can be bought for, and we can give the easiest kind of terms. $lO,OOO in cash will handle it; no better proposition ever offered the investor. Title perfect. CANNON REALTY COMPANY Second Ifloor Maverick Bank Building. Both Phones 1250. WILL BUILD TO SUIT YOU On your lot. or on any lot you select or on any one we own and sell on small payment down, balance easy monthly payments. RICHEY & CASEY, Owners. Both Phones 2236. 610 Moore Bldg. LOTS NEAR FAIR GROUNDS Hi Vue addition. Hot Wells car. get off at Regina street. Every lot high and sightly. Citv water, graded streets, fine view and breeze $175 and up. See J. 0. Cox, owner, on grounds. To the country to buy a lot when yon can get a desirable building site with macadamized street, cement sidewalks and other modern improvements for $450 and up. no further out than To bin Hill. Only a few offered to home builders at thesp low prioes. Health iest part of city, where increased value is assured. Prices have doubled in this 'locality within past two years. Let us show you this choice property. J. HERBERT COMPTON CO. Exclusive Agents. Ground Floor Moore Building. Five-room cottage with 3-room basement, fronts Pleasanton road and Swearingen boul evard. More than an acre of fine garden lard. City water. Convenient to car line.slsoo eash gets it if taken at once. Best bargain we have ever offered. Act promptly. CANNON REALTY CO. Both Phones 1250. Maverick Bank Bldg. $25 CASH Balance easy monthly payments, secures a large lot on Nevada or Nebraska streets, be twpyn Pine and Monumental streets; prices $250 to $350 a lot. Water in front of everv lot. Only a few lots unsold. Your last op portunity to get a lot so close in at rea sonable prices. See WM F SCHUTZ. Riverside Bldg. BLACK WHO IN HAIM BELT 240 acres, 45 miles east of San Antonio, perfect black mesuite land fronting on the Gulf Shore railway. Loading switch for cord wood at the land. Valuable timber. Abundant good waler 30 to 40 feet. No improvements. Will seli all or half at $35 per acre, one fourth cash, balance long ter of years. NO TRADES. The C. E. Way Land Co., Frost building. A SNAP for some cne wanting bargain in lot on Beacon Hill. Owner will sell $l6O equity for $l2O, worth $l5O more than I ask. 2338 Light. \ Big Smash in Prices OF HIGHLAND PARK RESIDENCE LOTS, ON CAR LINE AND WITH 15 MINUTE DIRECT SERVICE TO HOUSTON STREET WE HAVE A NUMBER OF CHOICE LOTS IN THE VERY BEST PART OF THE PARK THAT WE WILL SELL UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE AT LESS THAN AUCTION PRICES. COME AND GET YOUR CHOICE AT PRIVATE SALE WHILE THEY LAST. STAATS & BROOKS, Owners. 229 East Houston Street. New Phone 72. Old Phone 2732. Close in Acreage 9 acres located south of town and only two miles from city hall It fronts two streets and lies beautifully for a subdivi sion. It is ripe for develop ment and price’ will appeal to you. M< HOLSON. FURNISH Jt SMITH. 221 E? Houston Street. FOR dressmaking and plain sewing call on Mrs. 0. V. Ledger 1020 West Poolar St. Furnished Home For Rent 8 rooms, modern, handsomely furnished, nefr U. S. ArsMlal and car line. Will rent from three to five months. $50.00 per month. Phone C. F. Ketter, either phone 3041. Care R. H. Wester Co., 233 E. Houston St. General WHY GO CHICKEN RANCH CHEAP. DRESSMAKING. “Eddie'' Green Manager of Great Properties Owned By Mother Col. Edward H. R. Green, who will take over the affairs of his mother. Hetty Green, said to be the richest woman in the world. An announcement was recently made that the famous "financieress” had released her hold on the family purse strings and turned her immense fortune over to her son. This rumor was confirmed by the colonel, who RECALL CHARTER BILL IS BEFORE COLQUITI Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., Feb. 13.—The Tex arkana charter with the recall, ini tiative and referendum was signed by Lieutenant Governor Davidson today and was sent to the governor. The bill was carried to the governor's office by the sergeant-at-arms of the sen ate. The governor will not send the bill back for several days, as he wants time to prepare his veto message, ex plaining his position on the recall, initiative and referendum. JUDGE FISHER DEAD Austin. Tex., Feb. 13.—Judge Sam R. Fisher, a Well known local attor ney died yesterday at his home here after a short illness PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY. SEB. S. WILCOX, expert stenographer. Le- gal work a specialty. Old phone 3743. 629 Moore building. • PIANOS—MUSICAL GOODS. FOR SALE—We have a lot of second hand square pianos and organs that wc want to sell out at any price to make room for new stock. These pianos can bo made into good ones or fancy tables. Bufard Bros. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY. ATTORNEYS. H. H. LEONARD, attorney and counsellor at Jaw. 228 Washer Bldg. New phone 2652, AUTO REPAIRS. NOTTINGHAM & FREDERICK, renairt of all descriptions; auto repair* of all kind*. 131 N. Flores; new phone 3123. ARCHITECTS. W. N. HAGY, architect and builder. Fifth floor Frost building. SEED AND POULTRY SUPPLIES FEUD BTAFFEL, 319 East Commerce. Hay and grain, garden and field seed, poultry supplies, incubator* and brooder* TAILORS PANCOAST & KOHLER. 104 East Commerce street. Handle the Shackamaxon woolen*. ABSTRACTERS. SAN ANTONIO ABSTRACT CO. Koom* 204 306 Washer Bldg. We furnish abstract*. UNDERTAKERS SLOAN & HAGY Undeitakera AMBULANCE SERVICE. BOTH PHONES 10*. KEY AND LOCKSMITHS MOTH PHUNEm HJcyvle* os PW ments; kev and lock work: lawn .now tin sharpened Emerson, the Bley-n Doctor MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS. WM. SCHMIDT, Manufacturing Optician, 207 H South Alamo; glasses fitted. leos»» ground, oculists' prescription* filled; ail work guaranteed. OSTEOPATHIC PHYsit I 'X DR. CHAB K MARKING. S) • ial atten tion to Rheumatism, Liver. No. 204 Gunter Bide. 0 P. J 43. • MANY READERS of the Light looking for opportunities to better themselves. Adver tisc in the Light and get your s''®™ cf . P"' pils. The cost is a trifle. Call 176, cither SAN ANTONIO LIGHT states that he will form a trust com pany which will be made a sort of clearing house for the vast western and southwestern interests of his mother. Colonel Green is a bachelor, forty four years of age. and hits spent the last eighteen years of his life in the state of Texas, where he has. pro rr oted numerous business enterprises. Fight Pictures Cause Police to Resign Jobs Associated Press. Westerly, R. 1.. Feb. 13.—Because moving pictures of a prize fight were exhibited in Westerly last week by permission of the common council, the town's two police commissioners have tendered their resignations on the ground that their efforts to protect the morals of the community have not met wftlj the support of the city fath ers. The council recently held a special session and In spite of the protests of clergymen and others voted four to two to allow the pictures to be shown. ESCAPE UNHURT WHEN AUTO TURNS OVER Associated Press. Savannah. Ga., Feb. 13.—A freak of fate saved Mrs. John Stevenson and two children from Injury when a tour ing car carrying six passengers leaped from the Ogdensburg road at a rail road crossing here last night and turned over twice while going down a thirty-foot embankment. The woman and the youngsters were tossed into the sand and were unhurt. Mr. Stev enson, the owner of the car. sustained a broken right leg and received prob able internal injuries. Fred P. Oliver os contributed a broken collar bone, a broken rib and suffered internal in juries, which may be fatal. A third man received minor bruises. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J. W. and B. L. Crawford to E. H. Tubbs, lot 2, block 4, new city block 3228; lot* 10 and 11, block 11, new city block 3225, Hill crest addition; $9430. J. L. and RubyeKhodes to Richard Ricks lot 7. block 13, city block 2911, EasL Engle wood; $llOO. J. O. and K. Adams to Mr*. Mary Rout ledge, lot 20, block 5. old city lot 217, new city block 1019, north side of Lombrauo street; $5. J. A. and Mary Clopton to August G. Sturtz, 15 V* acres of John K. Naylor origi nal survey 23%; $5200. lerrell Well Co., by J. D. Oppenheimer, to Ole C. Olsen, lot 5, block 134, town of San Jose; $3OO. IciitU Well Co., by J. D. Oppenheimr, to A L. Martin, lot 10, block 157, town of San Jose; $3OO. % lerrell Well Uo., by J. D. Oppenheimer, to S. J. Likina, lot 15, block 134, town of ban Jose; $3OO. lerrell Weil Co., by J. 1). Oppenheimer, to £ rs M a . r « aret K.Williams and Bertha P Smithhialer. lots 1 and 2, block 153, town of San Jose; $6OO. lerrell Well Co., by J. D. Oppenheimer, to H. haulier, lot 15, block 112, town of b.ri vosa; $3OO. ♦ by J. D. Oppenheimer, to W K. Savage, lot 14, block 134, town of ban Jose; $3OO. , J™ 1 Co- »y O Oppenheimer, to 1. A. Koon lots It! and 13, block 154, town of Man Jose; $6OO m « , C r 4 rre i ll S’"" ” OPPenhM ,'o A Ko >»‘. lots Ito 3, block 129, town of San Jose $9OO mJ**! J'? 4 !.?' !! 11 .9* ■by 3 n OppcLhei ‘3 ' b ock lo *’ ,uwu of 8 » n '’o se : a ouu. t W. Watt!, by sheriff. to San Antonio Brewing association, lots 5 to 8, block 4, town of Macdona; $775 .no'? ,n 8 1 Crump lot 8/block 102, town of San Jose; $l7OO o Seth S S '" r ’’y. IOD 1 to 9 'J.’ O k 4 » N »«issa Place: $2500. V. S. and M. L. Hill to E. L. and M. R. Stevens, Jos-50x120 feet of five acres out of G. Martinez snrvey 28; $157. O 'LI N 'l. A*? n * ■ ,O " • Hindman, lots 1 and 2. block 15, city block 2024. corner of Cala veras street and Cincinnati avenue; $l. I 1 ?**! t 0 Jnmcs J Sweenev. lot* 8 and 9, block 4, new city block 3228, Theo aveuue; $5OO. P. Rinenecker to L. L. Riesenecker. lots 11 to 12, block 30. new oity block 2289- $2OOO. Thomas J. Sadler to A. P. Stapp, lot 13. block 1, old city lot 66 on north side of Leal street; $lO. W. D. and Lillie May Hood to E. P. John son, lot 6, block K, new city block 1667, on Nolan street: $lO. No buttonless shirts leave the Mis sion City Laundry. Try them. Phones 70* BOWLING COMMERCIAL BOWLING LEAGUE. SCHEDULE OF FIRST SERIES. First Week. Monday. 1-et.iuary 10. Alamo Iron Works vs. Lone Star Brewery, Bee thoven alleys, A. B. F. Friday, February 17, A. B. FranK vs. City Brewery, Century, A. I. W. Second Week. Wednesday. February 22, Lone Star Brewery vs. A. B. Flunk, Muth alleys. City Brewery. Friday. Pebruary 24, Alamo Iron Works vs. City Brewery, Century al leys, Lone Star Brewery. Third Week. Monday, February 27. Alamo Iron Works vs. A. B. Frank, Beethoven al leys. City Brewery. Friday, March 3, Lone Star Brewery vs. City Brewery, Century alleys. A. I. W. Fourth Week. Wednesday, March », Lone Star Brewery vs. Alamo Iron Works. Muth alleys City Brewery. Thursday, March 9, City Brewery I vs. A. B. Frank, Century alleys. Lone I Star Brewery. Fifth Week. Monday, March 12, Alamo Iron Works vs. City Brewery, Beethoven alleys. A. B. F. Thursday, March 16, Lone Star Brewery vs. A. B. Frank, Century al leys. A. I. w. Sixth Week. Wednesday. March 22, Lone Star Brewery vs. Citv Brewery, Muth's al leys. A. B. F. Thursday, March 23, A. B. Frank vs. Alamo Iron Works, Century alleys. City Brewery. The league schedule will consist of two series, the winner of the first se- • ries to liowl the winner of the second I series for the championship of the ; league. The only restriction to the line of Ute teams is that each bowler must began the series of the firm they represent. Each taani will be as sessed every night that a game Is bowned to be turned into the treas- j urer. The sum will be used for a' banquet to be given to the league | members at the end of the schedule. I • CENTURY NINEPIN TOURNAMENT j Roach is again leading with a per centage of 790, Thomas being his nearest opponent with 781. While Roach is first in percentage, Thomas holds the best average per game rec ord 196, with Roach a close second with 190. Coy is still holding the high game score 266. The bowlers are showing better class in every game bowled now that the schedule is nearing the end of the second round. The standing of the contestants: Standing of the Contestants. Plyd. Won. Lost. P.C. Roach HO 87 23 .790 Thomas HO 86 24 .781 Biegler 80 48 32 .600 Co) 65 39 26 .600 Cahill 110 65 45 .590 Schwartz 100 59 41 .090 Matavich ....... 95 54 41 .568 Emerson 115 63 52 .547 Heleck ...105 55 50 .523 Richter 90 40 50 .444 Nagel ....100 44 56 .440 Whitley 85 36 49 .434 Summerfield .... 95 38 57 .400 Kehr 85 34 51 .400 Salter 100 39 61 .390 Hohorst .. ..... 80 26 54 .323 Staudt 100 39 71 .290 Foster 105 23 82 .220 Averages. Names — Pld. Ave. H.G. Thomas HO 196 259 Roach 110 190 249 Coy 65 181 266 Schwartz 100 178 234 Heleck 105 176 249 Cahill HO 176 235 Zelglrr 80 234 Emerson H 5 174 218 Nagd 100 174 244 Kohr S 5 170 242 Matavich 95 169 212 Richter 90 166 224 Whitley 95 165 286 Summerfield 95 163 227 Hohurst 80 159 200 Salter 100 158 208 Stoudt ’ 100 151 201 Foster 105 145 213 WEEK'S SCHEDULE. Monday. Stoudt vs. Ziegler. Emerson vs. Schfartz. Emerson alleys. Thomas vs. Hohurst. Roach vs. Summerfield, Century alleys. Tuesday. Thomas vs. Heleck, Coy vs. Foster, Emerson alleys. jAatavich v. Kolir, Cahill vs. Zloff” ler. Century alleys. . Wednesday. Cahill vs- Kohr. Roach vs. Richter. Emerson alleys. Foster vs. Whitley. Salter vs. Nagel. Century alleys. Thursday. Summerfield vs. Whitley, Hohurst vs. Salter. Emerson alleys. Schwartz vs. Stoudt. Century* al leys. _ . Friday. Matavich vs. Nagel. Coy vs. Rich tpr alleys- Emerson vs. Heleck, Century al leys. TVKNI’II BOWLING LEAGUE. Second Series. Stan<Mi*£ Ivanis. P.d, W. Is. PC. R’chey ” J " * Waters :. ' 4 S ‘ Glocckner 4 * « 4 « * 4 -« nvk'es". ■I 4 4 ’l '21 4 wora"e Per G n me ’’ecord. G P Av. PG. Wacenfehr « 1799 299 Conrinv 32 '’’l 47 296 Beckner 1? 8515 293 Richer I 4 4 "l0 286 Lowther 12 8996 285 Waters 10 2830 283 Fritze 1» 8364 280 Dllkpq 14 3835 274 Onlv two teams bowled the'r entire schedule of 14 games. Richey and Tick. s. the others all forfeited. To L. Gntzeit goes the honor of winning the Durham splash medal with a record of 13 which is just one short *f the alloy record. TURNER BOWLING LEAGUE. Splash Record. Louis Gutzelt 13 splashes. Heuhaum. 12. second. 11 splashes by P P. Hoefgen. Jessie Oppenheimer. 10 splashes by D. Jochimson, Ad. Washington Birthday =Celebration= BULL FIGHTS AND FIESTAS LAREDO February 21-22-23rd—Round Trip—S2-50 On Sale February 20-21-22nd Limit for Return February 25th See Gaona, the World Famous Matador MONTEREY AND RETURN $5.50 On Sale February 20-21*22nd Return Limit 10 Days City Office 401 E. Houston St. Phones 425 j I & G N I ; i ; i A C.H.&S.A.R’ » I I Hl' I MM .. .-SUNSET ROUTE= MAHDI GRAS-NEW ORLEANS CZ ROUND I S O TRIP Tickets on sale February 21 to 27. Limited to return March 11 CITY TICKET OFFICE 507 EAST HOUSTON STREET Dugosh, Ad. Lassner, E. Schmitt. 9 splashes by Charles B. Treuter, George Icke, E. Kuehn, W. Keller. F. C. Pfeiffer. 8 splashes by Gus Schneider. J. Raybould, A. Gloeckner, Max Baetz, O. Gerloff, A. Judinaier. 7 splashes by Charles Ling, Lips comb, Charles Baldus, M. Rossy, H. Wharton. E. Witte, H. E. Elsw.rth, J. H. Schaefer, George A. Lowther, J. Raymann, R. Menger. A. Weyel. W. Kendall, A. Haubold, J. M. Leigh. 6 splashes by Charles Klaus, E. Jungkind, T. Welker, G. Gerges, J. McAllister, Dr. Zuehl. H. R. Geyer. 5 splashes by Louis Elmendorf. William Schackelhof. 4 splashes by P. Hohon. Charles ■ Heberer, A. Wernette, E. Appnlann, 3 splashes by H. Tolle, George Con ' ring, F. Bergmann, H. Wolf, L. T. Waters. 2 splashes by William Zizelmann, L. I Fritze, F. Hummert, A. PhiJ'ips. D. I Dunham. M. Schfndel, T. Tengg. G. Reldner. F. Sehaetzler. Al Richey. 1 splash by E. Gutzelt. E. Keyllch, O Heye, E. Elmendorf. G. Fontrei. R. C. Feehner. C Runge. H. Lang bein, Nie Tengg Jr. CENTURY NINEPIN TOURN IMFST Three men are tied in the Century ninepin tournament. TarriUton. Wag enfehr and Kuhn for first place with a percentage of SOO. Standing of Contestants:. Pld. W. x.. pl. Tarrllllon 10 8 2 .sov Wagenfehr 15 11 • «« Kuhn * „ „ nn Lambert 15 » « AcMzehn 4 ' IIU Gerlach 10 6 J -bou Muehlendorf ....15 8 7 .33* Dullnlg 10 5 5 .ovu Hans 15 7 8 Leininger 10 «» •’ Armbrust 10 4 t> .4UU Lutz 10 4 b ’ 4UU Dimmitt 10 5 10 t) licos h 11 3 7 .300 pXr 30 3 7 ' 3UO Wyle?. 5 1 4 .200 Wurzbach 5 0 5 -Otio Averages. Pld. P. Ave. H.G. Tarrllllon 10 1061 106 144 Wagenfehr .. .-15 1521 101 119 Muehlendorf .-15 1433 95 121 Achtzehn 10 909 91 105 DullniK «*r 10 5 39® 89 3 »« L’likn 5 **4 ‘' 5 * * 1 ’ Gerlach’ ’ 10 872 87 102 Lutz 10 869 81 107 WAzbach 5 428 86 104 Hans 15 1379 85 116 Armburst 10 839 84 95 Dimmitt 15 1241 83 100 Perner 1° 8-3 82 93 Wvlcr 5 411 82 94 Dtigosh 10* 798 80 101 Lambert 15 1188 79 9o THIS WEEK'S SCHEDULE. Wednesday. Deininger vs. Dimmitt, Wurzbach vs. Lutz, Muehlendorf vs. Lambert. Thursday. Dullnlg vs. Clemens. Wagenfehr VS. Tarrllllon, Kuhn vs. Achtzen. Friday. Perner vs. Gerlach. Hans vs. Lam bert; Dugosh vs Wyler. BOW TO COLQUITT’S WILL Fl Paso- ImiU'illo Bill Held Up I util Snprcnie C ourt Measure Passes. Special Dispatch Austin. Tex., Feb. 13 — While Senator Hudspeth announced last Saturday be would sign the El Paso-Amarilld court bill today he made a motion that the bill be held up subject to the call of the chairman of the committee. This is understood to mean that Governor Colquitt has announced he will not sign the bill until the bill granting re lief to the supreme court has been passed. The bill will be held up until the supreme court relief bill has been passed. NEW KYLE BANK OPENED. Special Dispatch. Kyle, Tex.. Feb. 13.—Bank Exam iners Smith and Grigg of Austin were last Saturday and checked up and opened the Kyle State bank. This organization succeeds the Kyle bank, a private institution, which has been in operation here for seventeen years. FEBRUARY 13, 1911. a / t FULL NIGHTS SLEEP ON THE “BAVY CROCKETT” TO HOUSTON Lv. S. A. 4 A. P. Depot 10:00 p m HOUSTON 8:15 a. m. IN GOOD TIME FOK BREAKFAST and BUSINESS Returning Just as Good PHONE 571 For a Lower Berth Glfy Off'se—’exar Brag Ifsrs AUMG PLAZA RAILROAD TIME TABLE, L k o. a. Arnri — 11 No. 5— From the north 6:4$ an No. 3 —From the north 6:30 pm No. 7—from the north 9:55 am No. 9 —Local from Palestine.... 10:45 pm No. 4 —From Mexico 1:50 pm No. 12—Local from Laredo (mixed) 6:ooam Depart— No. 4 —For the north l:»spm No. 6 —For the north 8:00 pm No. B—Local8 —Local for Palestine 7:80 am No. 10 —Express special north .... 4:ooam No. s—For Mexico 7:00 am No. 11 —Local for Laredo (mixed). pm M., K. & T. (Union Arrive — N. 241 —From Houston & Galveaton 6 Sn No. 7 —From Dallas & Ft. Worth 7:30 am No. 235 —From the north 7 30 No. 15—From Waco 3:00 pm No. 9 —From the north 7:45 pm Depart— No. 16—For Austin and Waco c .. 6:89 am No. 10 —For the north 9:00 am No. B—For8 —For Dallas. Fort Worth and Waco 8:45 pm No. 236—For the north 9:15 pm No. 242—For Houston & Galveston 10:15 pm No. 244 —Mail aud Exnreaa 7:10 am No. B—Local8 —Local for Palestine 7:30 am No. 10 —Express special fur Hearna 4.00 am No. s—For Mexico 7:00 am No. 11 —Local toi Larod<* (mixed) 9:oopm SAN Th FE (I. U G. ft. Depot) Arrive— No. 7 —From tbs north 10:00am No. 9 —Fruip the north. IQpm Depart— No. B—To8 —To the north 7:30 am Nc. 6 —To th* north ....1 8:00 pm $ a A. P. Arriva— No. I—From1 —From Houston qud coast.. 7:oopm N’°. B—From Houston and coast.. 7.15 am No a —r r «Oi Xo. 44—From Ki'mille, es. Sua. '. 9:3$ •Vo Uuui Uri,..i ul> . . Xo.-nc—From KerrriUe, «s. Sun , 6;|opm INo 2—-Fox Houston end uoast.. o (nam.'*' No. 4-— For Houston and cmq. .10:UU I \o. o —sor cvaoi town* No. 43—-Fur berxtiHe. ex Sunday 4 so pcs \ No. 41—For Kerrville boa. only.. 8 su «u> No. 145—For Kerrville, ex. Sun.. 7.25 am n. a a. ▲. lauua Arrive — I No. 9 —From th* east 7:33 am No. b —Fruiu El Paso and west. . 10.15 am I No. 7—From th* east o.Jvpm —arum Li l*»u aud veas.. 4;av^m ( Depart— No. 9—For El Paso and weal.... 8.30 am No. 7—For El Paw and weat 7 00 pm No. 10 —For th* east 10.OU pm No. B—For the cast 10.45 am G., H. A A a. (Victoria Dimsiaa.) Depart— Ko. 80S—Oto. Uolorl*. etc No 306—Wro Viruria. .<• * :»0 »a Otto Groos is president of the new bank: O- G- l’a rke ot Sau Antonio, vice president, and Will Groos cashier. Elite RstliskcUrr i« the place for something good to cat and drink— good service—moderate price*. 13