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AMUSEMENTS GRAND OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT TOMORROW MATINEE AND NIGHT 7 DAYS GREATEST COMEDY HIT IN YEARS Prieaei Matinee 50c, 75c. SI riIGCSi Night 25c, 50c, 75c, SI. $1.50 WED., Ma.tinee and Night De Wolf Hopper In “A Matinee Idol'’ With LOUISE DRESSER AND THAT DANDY CHORUS. Prlooc Matinee . ,50c, 75c. $l, $1.50 •• IbCb. Night ..50c. 75c. SI. 51.50, S 2 Curtain Risee at 8 O’clock Sharp. THURS., Matinee and Night Paul M. Potter’s Great Comedy “The Girl From Rector’s” Prinac* Matinee 50c. 75c, SI rill/Üb. Night 25c, 50c, 75c, SI, SI 50 R GREATER S OY A L OLD PHONE 4648. DUDDY AND DUDDY FRED ELLIOTT VAN AND HOFFMAN JAMES AND JAMES DARWIN KARR COMPANY ROYAL ORCHESTRA PRICES: DAlLY—Matinee. 10c and 20c; night, 10c, 20c, 30c and 50c. THE STAR THIS WEEK DOG AND MONKEY HOTEL and Other Acts. A Big Featur ANY SEAT ANYWHERE 10c. REMOVAL GROOS & NEWTON Fire Insurance Rooms 328-330 Gunter Office Building. Both Phones 1988. AUTOMOBILES Stored and cared for at reasonable rates. —The Best— TAXICABS AND AUTO LIVERY. Phones 2-3-4 Phones TAXICAB COMPANY. Garage Blum St., opp. Monger Hotel. CITY NEWS To Discuss Horse Show —At the re quest of the president of the Horse Show association all the stockholders of the organization will meet this aft ernoon at 4 o’clock at the Chamber of Commerce to discuss the various plans proposed for holding the show in San Antonio this year. It was agreed several weeks ago that the show this year should not be held at the Fair grounds on account of the distance from the center of the city, but no action has been taken on the question of just where it shall be held. The proposition to buy a big tent and give the show in it has been suggested, and this will be again discussed at the meeting this afternoon. Dr. Chas. K. Garring. Osteopathic physician, 204 Gunter building, old phone 3439. Wedding invitations and calling cards, latest styles, engraved or print ed. Office stationery at lowest prices. Dullnig Printing Co. Phoner 3338. 221 B. Alamo St. Elite Cate serves the best 50c din ner in the south. Bring your family to Sunday dinner. You’ll find it cheaper than home. Committee Makes Report —Members of the aviation committee of the San Antonio Press club made their report yesterday afternoon at a regular meet ing of the club in “The Dungeon,” and showed that as a result of the visit of the birdmen the club had made several hundred dollars. The commit tee was thanked for its services and discharged. Applications for a num ber for membership were received and referred to the membership commit tee. Ganlen Stables, hacks, cabs and high class livery. Phones 212. Golden Prize Mask Ball. Feb. 25, Turned hall, Diaz Sisters’ music. Scientific Society to Meet —The San MJ Our Crown and Bridge Work —at—-- ttC P” toot h is the best that high grade gold (22k) and expert workman ship can produce. YALE DENTISTS Both Phones. Hicks Bldg. “HOLLAND’S BLEND 11 The King of Coffees is the best and cheap est you can buy. Our retail price is still 35c a Pound 229 W. Commerce St. Both Phones SU MONDAY. GOiNG TO CAPITAL TO SET ’EM RIGHT J. E. Grinstead, editor of the Kerr ville Mountain Sun and erstwhile statesman, was in San Antonio today en route to Austin on business with state departments. When approached on the subject of his mission Mr. Grinstead said he was just going over to f/ow the boys a few things that ougnt to be different, but stated that his errand had nothing to do with lawmakers other than shaking hanas, When asked what the business out look in his section was. he said: “There has not been such a won derfully fine outlook for a grain crop in our section for many years. The acreage is very large and the crop is in perfect condition at this time. • Live stock Interests,” continued Mr. Grinstead, "are In fine shape. The losses of live stock have been very slight this winter. If the weath er continues warm there will be, in our section, the lightest live stock loss that has occurred for many years. Light rains have fallen and the pros pect when I left was good for more rain. Grass is beginning to come, ana on the whole the Hill country’ is m tip-top shape.” When matters political were men tioned the former representative de clared he was not interested in any thing of the kind, that the state might be cut into districts any shape from a camel cookie to a hobble skirt, without ruffling his feelings, and that the figures on the political chess board are just figures, to him and no more. He wound up by say ing, “The Hill country is the best in Texas. The people are happy and 1 am busy all the time swinging roll ers and setting type." Antonio Scientific society will meet to night, when the program will consist of the reading of two papers and their discussion. The first of these will be "The Capture and Death of a Noted Indian Chief. Crazy Horse," by Major General Jesse M. Lee, U. S. A., re tired. The other will be. "The Scien tific Advancement of Modern Medi cine,” by Dr. Fred Hadra. Those in terested in the subjects are welcome to listen to the discussion and hear the papers. DANCERS, ATTENTION! W. O. W. (prize waltz) dance Tues day, February 14, Turner hall. Diaz sisters’ orchestra. Gents 50c ladies free. Carolus Orchestra, union music. New phone 3053 red. Dance at Muth's Saturday. Ladies free. Negress Fined S2s—Alice Thomp son, a negress, who almost chewed off the thumb on the left hand of Patrolman Clyde Blakely last week, after she had been placed under ar rest on a charge of vagrancy, was ar raigned before Judge Buckley in the police court today and fined $25. The testimony introduced indicated that a lively tussle occurred between the ne gress and the officer before she was escorted to the city hall. Dr Caln, Dentist, Hicks building. Painless methods; moderate prices. Prize mask ball given by the High land Gun club Feb. 12, 1911. Carolus music. Dance at Muth’s garden Tuesday, Feb. 14. Souter’s orchestra. Admission 25c. Ladies free. Grand Ball, given by Alamo Degree Staff No. 335, Turner hall. Thursday, Feb. 16. Music by Twenty-second in fantry band. Admission 26c. Dullnlg Printing Co. will save you money on letter heads, bill heads, en velopes. Phe-es 3338. 221 S. Alamo SL Series of Studies—Rev. Frederick Bowen of Madison Square Presby terian church has inaugurated a series of studies on the "Social Teach ing of Jesus,” which are held on Wednesday evening of each week. Much interest is manifested and the lectures are well attended. Dr. Frank Fanning, the founder of the ' -nning Drugless Method of Healing, who makes a specialty of rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis and nervous affections, is located in rooms 8 and 10, St. James hotel. Dr. F. Hadra, Gibbs Bldg. Skin, genito-urinary and rectal diseases. Don’t miss Olive Grove prize inask ball at Turner hall. Wednesday, Feb. 15. Artz music. Admission 25 cents. Austin Man Here —John Rawlins Jr., of Austin, spent Saturday and Sunday here. He was registered at the St. Anthony hotel. CANNON ON LINCOLN. Uncle Joe Declares President Had Deep Love for Humanity. Associated Press. Washington. D. C., Feb. 13.—Per sonal recollections of Abraham Lin coln were related by Speaker Cannon yesterday at a gathering in memory of the martyred president. He re futed the charge that Lincoln was not a Christian or a God fearing man. "The religion of Lincoln.” said Mr. Cannon, "was not affiliated with any church, but nevertheless, he was a religious man doing all that he did for his country in preserving the union in the trust and fear of God. I know of no love for humanity that equalled that of Lincoln save that of the Master. Had God failed to make such a man as Lincoln, the union would have perished and the country died of dry rot.” SCHOONER LOST WITH NINE MEN. Associated Press. Boston. Mass., Feb. 13.—The Glou cester fishing schooner Ella M. Good win is believed to have been lost and her crew of nine men drowned during last week's storm. MCKINLEY’S AUNT DEAD. Associated Press. Birmingham. Ala., Feb. 13.—Mrs. John C. Allison, aged 82 years, an aunt of President McKinley, died from old age here today. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTORIA Get your clothes cleaned right. New York Star Dye Works. Dr. C. F. Duniap. dentist Moore building. J O S K E’S Spring Suits, Dresses and Skirts: Full of Snap and Style Towels and Bed Spreads: Special Purchase Through a fortunate trade circumstance our Eastern buying organization was enabled to consummate two very special purchases—one of towels and the other of bed spreads. In each in stance the qualities were perfect and the prices substantially less than usual... Both lots are here and are now on sale... Here are brief pqce facts: Towels for Less Than Ever 5c Towels 3c—Barber towels of soft, absorbent quality, all hem med ready for use; usual 5c O kind;' in this sale O C 10c Towels 7c—Huck towels, 18x 34 inches, heavy quality, with soft finish; all hemmed ready for use; 10c towels for • L 12 l-2c Towels 9c—-Heavy huck towels that measure full 18x36 inches; splendid quality, never sold under 12 l-2c; sale Q price is Cr C 15c Towels 11c—Big huck towels, 24x42 inches, full of service; regu- larly 15c, but bought so J 1 we can sell them for. ... JI 1 18c Towels 13c —Linen huck tow els. 19x38 Inches, either in all white or with red border; hemmed ready for use; 18c kind 13c 20c Towels 10c —Linen huck tow els that measure 20x40 inches. either plain white or fin- J/J ished with red border. . . X V C 30c Towels 23c—All-linen towels. 22x42 inches, in white and some with blue borders and n O hemstitched ends; price. 8c Cotton Chailies 3 l-2c in Persian, floral and scroll patterns, tea gowns, for 3 l-2c a yard. Nc will we sell over 10 yards to one Tuesday, yard 12 Yards Cambric $1 —Nainsook finished domestic, 36 inches wide; very soft in finish, like a real longcloth finish; 12 ; fin yards for i Shirting Calico—Standard shirt ing—Pilgrim brand — warranted fast color; a variety of styles and patterns. The price is £ only O C 25c Sheeting 20c —Brown sheeting, in 9-4 width; good and strong; will render splendid service; nfX regular 25c quality, yard. Joske’s Economy Dining Room Outfit An opportunity for you to furnish your dining room at moderate cost with up-to-date furni ture, fresh and crisp in design, workmanship and finish. You may choose the "certain de sign” you like out of various assortments. The outfit consists of six dining chairs, round or square top table (6-foot extension), sideboard or buffet—total of eight pieces, actually worth $5O, but Joske’s Economy Outfit Off O C price is only UJ.OJ EXTRA! 14c ii Handy Hat and Coat Hanger 35c Matting tor 26c Inlaid matting, in grounds of nat ural color, intermingled with fig ures. Introductory price, £2 f* the yard V V SAN ANTONIO LIGHT THE BIG STORE 8c Bath Towels 5c — Unbleached bath towels. 18x36 inches; a qual ity always sold at Bc, in this sale, each V V 10c Bath Towels 7c—Bleached or unbleached bath towels that meas ure 19x38 inches, finished with fringed ends; at • V 12 l-2c Bath Towels 9e—Bleached or unbleached bath towels. 20x40 inches, in either hempied or Q fringed styles; sale price... Cr C 15c Bath Towels lie—Bleached or unbleached bath towels. 20x46 inches; extra heavy qual- J T Ity; hemmer or fringed.. 1 i C 20c Bath Towels 16c—Bleached or unbleached bath towels, in very heavy weight; measure T 26x38 inches; price A O C 25c Batli Towels 21c —Bleached bath towels of splendid quality, in 22x44-inch size, hemmed Q J ends; 25c kind £ I C 35c Bath Towels 25c —Fine. big. heavy bath towels, 24x46 inches, such as usually sell at n g 35c; in this sale suitable for kimonos, wrappers and • telephone orders taken; neither purchaser at this price. German Voiles, or, as many term them, "Splendor Voiles" —A beau tiful 28-inch mercerized corded fabric. These goods will « go at, the yard I VC Chiffon Ltsse — Princess chiffon lisse, 28 inches wide; in stripes, checks and figures; all y O ll fast colors; yard I 4 /“C Near-silk Foulards — 40 inches wide, in fancy figures, rings ana coin spots. Thia quality of fou lards usually sells for O/Y 25c; now. yard EXTRA! 24 c 9x12 American Crystal Mirror Joste Bros. Co. Easily a hundred styles for you to select from in suits alone; and in dresses there are over three frundred different models.. .1 he suits are of serges, broadcloths, basket weaves, Scotch weaves and tweeds and English tweeds. Ihe dresses are in silk, taffeta, messaline, foulard marquisette, linen, crash and lingerie materials— more styles than the Big Store has ever shown! Below is a brief resume of Fashion's Show: AT O Q pn Late styles —some of them only reached us yesterday. Chiefly, they are in plain tailored effects. Coats either square or round trots—some with fancy cuffs, but more in plainer finish. Coats are lined throughout with peau de cygne. The skirts are made in the Empire effects and with the regular waist line. ... Materials include serges, worsteds and tweeds in black and all colors. AT 0/0 ZJZ) A group of fetching styles—new spring '-'l/.1/lz suits that embody all the new style features I—square 1 —square or round front coats lined with peau de cygne; collars either notch or sailor; a few with long reveres. Skirts in some instances have the heightened waist line, but nearly all are in the plainer styles. The fabric range is wide and colors run riot—-although black is in great demand. AT Aft ft ft A dozen of new season’s smartest models zv • W are shown at this price—Suits in whose everv line the work of the master tailor asserts itself. The major portion arc plain, but elegant. Made of finest domestic and im ported fabrics in plain colors and in fancy checks, stripes and mixtures. Coats lined with finest of peau de cygne. Skirts narrow, but none in the "Hobble ” Pretty Foulard Dresses Dame Fashion has east a most favorable vote for the foulard dress —it is certain to be in high favor this spring. .. .And the Big Store is prepared. Already there are hundreds of soft foulard dresses. In polka dots, pin checks, block checks, conven tional designs and hairline stripes. In practically every color one would want for spring wear.... The styles are as pretty as can be—the price range as broad as one could a5k—822.5(1 to $55.00. You really enjoy your home and its entire surroundings when it’s furnished with Joske Furniture, because there is such a refined and attractive air about it that you cannot find in others. Try It and see. SPECIAL SALE OF DISCONTINUED PATTERNS IS CONTINUED Davenport Bed A nobby design in daytime and a most comfort able bed at night; box wardrobe under bed: opens or closes with one motion. /I Actually worth $27.50; now I / a*T*w Iwo-inch Iron Bed Joske’s special. The talk of the town. The b<d that puts them all to sleep Choice of Vernis Martin or .white, either size. Actually V AQ worth $l2; Joske’s price -■ ■ ■TO I O S K E’S We Never Offered Better Suits at Like Prices Bedspreads 81 Spreads 89c—Crocheted be.l spreads, in 11-4 size, hemmed and ready for use; heavy qq quality; sale price G&C $1.75 Spreads $1.39 —A lot of 11-4 and 12-4 bed spreads, in fringed and hemmed styles; some with corners cut for metal 1 9 Q beds; sale price A • Ju $2 Spreads $1.69 —Extra heavy spreads, in 12-4 size; hemmed, fringed all around, or with the corners cut for metal J £2 Q beds; sale price 1 • Uu $2.50 Spreads $l.B9 —French Mar seilles and satin bed spreads, in 11-4 and 12-4 sizes, either fringed or hemmed. In this sale, J QQ $3 Spreads $2.23 —French Mar seilles and English satin bed spreads. In 11-4 ad 12-4 sizes; handsome designs. In Q O O this sale, choice « • " 81.50 Spreads $3.19 —French Mar seilles and English satin bed spreads, in 12-4 and 13-4 sizes; hemmed, fringed and Q IQ scalloped styles; choice • 1 & Pretty Neckfixings Dainty bits of finery—inex pensive or costly, as one’s fancy dictates —-in a myriad of plead ing effects. There are Dutch collars, stocks, jabots, tabs. coat sets and collars of linen, of lawn, of combinations of lawns and laces or embroideries; also many in embroid<red styles. Eventhing one can bring to mind, from plain Dutch collars at 15c to elaborate creations of real Irish crochet laces at $25. Horocoline Couch Built from the bottom up. with guaranteed tom pered steel, non-saggable springs, full length and width; golden oak frame. Actual Q $2O value; special I wO Round Extension Table Polished quartered oak. heavy round top. station ary choice of plain or claw feet; table top extends six feet. Actual $25 I*7 value; special ■ • a kCi ... the big store AT Off* ft ft The Josße Store has always led in style and value in women's suits at $25, and 1911 will be no exception. Ever so many models to pick from—made of serges, English and Scotch tweeds in plain and fancy colors, checks, black and white stripes and gray mixtures. Coats with plain notch collars, satin collars set off with gold motif or with sailor collars. Skirts have a tendency to be narrow. AT 9/T/Y Clever models of tweeds and spring-weight OaJ.lzlz French serges in plain shades, fancy checks, hairline stripes and smart mixtures—so many styles that a word picture is impossible. Coats are in 24-inch and 26-inch lengths, rather plain, wfth front cut square or rounded. Many collars are finished with long reveres—others are In plain notch style. Square backs are a feature. AT Eft ft ft And “P *° $B5 00. the collection of fancy 01/slzl/ coat suits is by far the greatest the Big Store has ever brought out. Coats are elaborately braided, some have fancy collars, many In the sailor with braiding all around; backs of many coats are cut in fancy style—fronts are pointed. The skirts are. of course, trimmed or braided to correspond with the coat and in many Instances are quite elaborate. Both dresses and coat suits of linen are sure to be popular. ... Many new style thoughts in both have come to us during the past six days and we invite you to this authoritative showing of the new in linen. The coat suits here follow the same general tendencies as those of wool, but are in many instances trimmed with heavy laces. Dresses, too. are embellished with these heavy laces. Both suits and* dresses are in natural, white and colors, $15.00 to 8150.00. The Smallest Salespeople in the World Do you remember the tiny Lilliputian couple who were with us a year or more ago in the interests of Woodward’s Real Butterscotch and Pure, Sugar Stick Candy? Well, they’re with us again for a week. You'll find them on the Street Floor from 1 to 6 each afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bregant are the smallest salespeople in the world, he being 47 inches high and weighing 67 pounds, and she being 4 2 Inches high and weighing 4 2 pounds. These little folks are anxious to talk W O O D WA R D to you and to sell you Woodward's Real Butterscotch and Pure Sugar Stick Candy. Such wholesome Candy should find its way into every home. You do not know how good it is until you have tried it. On sale at. ISX • per package 1 V V Souvenir Photographs Free With each purchase of Woodward's Real Butterscotch and Pure Sugar Stick candy, a souvenir photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Bregant is included free. FEBRUARY 13, 1911. Linen Suits and Dresses Joske’s Economy Bedroom Outfit Extraordinary Offer! You can furnish your entire bedroom at such low prices that the savings will pay for the furnishing of another room. It's Joske’s way of doing things, and you must take advantage of such liberal offerings if you wish to save money. In this outfit you get 1 bed. 1 spring. 1 all-cotton mattress. 1 dresser. 1 washstand. 1 chair, 1 rocker. 1 cen ter table —total of 8 pieces. This outfit is actually worth $6O. You may have choice nf I various designs (without extra OQ QQ charge). Economy Outfit price.. I EXTRA! 98c For a Costumer. Chok-e of Finish 30c Matting for 23c Extra heavy reversible China mat ting. in plain white, with fast edge. Introductory price O 9 the yard JOSKE’S E x T R A ! Il 72c For a White Enamel n Bath Cabinet 5