Newspaper Page Text
14 WEDNESDAY, WANT ADS LIGHT AND GAZETTE RATES: * tnaertiou, per wm* _ . n «« 4 insertions, per word, j mserUons, per word 4c Bo ronsccnrive insertions, per WOOd -. ,yn-u-u- ~5« We take want ads over pbooe or ■end messenger. No ad accepted tor less than 15c. BOTH PHONES 176 CARD OF THANKS. wish to exprps« our heartfelt thank* to our many friends and relatives who so kindly assisted us during the illness and death of our beloved wife and mother. Mrs. Annie Thnmas;. also for the many beautiful floral offerings. THE FAMILY. FUNERAL NOTICE. Mrs. Emily M. Gordon. Died in San Antonio, Texas, at 10:30 o’clock Tuesday morning. March 7, 1911. Mrs. Emily M. Gordon, wife of W. Emmett Gordon. Deceased is survived by her mother, Mrs. Mary Myrick, and sisters. Mrs. Sam Locke. Mrs. J. 8. Conning. Miss Marvel My rick of this city; also two brothers, Joe N. Myrick and R. A. Myrick of Falfurrias, Tex. Funeral will take place from her mother’s residence, 208 Bowie street, at 10 o'clock Thursday morning. Friends and acquaint ances are invited. HELP WAA'TED —MA Liu MEN wanted to smoke Specials, the quality 5c cigars. Apply 514% and 400 East Houston. ABLE bodied men wanted for the U. 3. marine corps, between the ages of 19 and 85; must be native born or have first pa pers; monthly pay $l5 to $69; additional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quar ters and medical attention free. After 30 years service can retire with 75 per cent, of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office, Postoffice building, San Antonio. Texas. WANTED—At once, a good experienced col ored man to cook for small family; good wages to right party. Apply 701 San Pedro avenue. WANTED —Men to learn the barber trade. Commission paid for bringing students. Wages in finishing depart ment. Experience In shops Saturday. First work on free customers. All prac tical. Instructions with charts and dia grams saves years. Positions waiting. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 320 West Commerce street. WANTED —Bright and aggressive young men to present boxing and physical culture proposition; good income to hustlers. Address Physical Culture, care Light. WANTED—Combination clerk and stenogra pher. to be employed in railway material stores, this vicinity; salary sixty dollars. Address 4585, care Light. WANTED —Printer, also boy to operate press, steady work, good wages. Apply 107 Marshall street, after 6 p. m., before 10 a. m. WANTED—Young man experienced as adver Using solicitor; excellent opportunity for one who can make good. Write at once. 4664. care Light. WANTED—A yard man who stays on the place: references required. 1500 San Pe dro avenue. Agents. LGENTS WANTED—lmproved specialty for automobile owners; quick seller, big prof ts, illustrated booklets free. Write today. Brown Bros. Specialty Co., Annandale, Minn. FOMEN—Make $5 to $25 per day. selling specialty for women, sells at sight. Par ;icuiars free. P. O. box 1454, Denver, Colo •ado. HELP WANTED kN intelligent person may earn $lOO monthly corresponding for newspapers. No eanvass ng. Send for particulars. Press syndicate, So. 1589 Lockport. N. Y. 5000 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. Write for list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 172 D. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED SITUATION—MALE. PRINTER —With four years’ experi ence, desires position No objections to leaving city. Address 4367, care Light. SALESMAN would like position retail trade, can give bond and reference. Address 4514 care Light. YOUNG man wants position as chauffeur. Apply old phone 3766. WANTED—Work mornings, as office man, stenographer, grocery or dry goods clerk. Address 4597, care Light. EXPERIENCED man wants to raise from 100 to 500 acres of Jumbo peanuts on shares; more money than onions. No. 23, Grand Cen tral hotel. San Antonio, Texas. MACHINIST wants position on any kind ol machinery; prefer traction engines, twenty years experience all kinds B I. Head, 141 U West Commerce street, San Antonio, Texas. A YOUNG man wants a position, any kind fo work. Address 4669. care Light. WANTED SITUATION—FEMALE WANTED —a position ir. millinery store, on* season e experience. Addreae No. 120. can Light LOST. FOUND OR STKAYED. ETV horM abou 14% hands. Brand bar C un left shoulder Reward. New phone 2196. LOST—A 2-ywir-old colt. roan. Cwhlv feet and white nose, a barb wire cu ©n right leg. Reward. 562 Est«- avenue. Alamo Heights. Frank Zau meyer Jr. LOST —Some time ago, a ten month-old col lie dog; yellow with white nng woun neck; was sick when he left. Answers t Prince. Liberal reward for information a 4og. Shaw Bros. LOST AGAIN—“Jack,” fox terrier pupn’ from 118 School street; ace hearts n ~ j tar of back. Reward for information b adin to recovery. Phones 8541. G. P. wasted. W — LOST, strayed or stolen from 118 Scho street. “Jack.” fox terrier puppy R f Wa i for recovery. Phones 3541. G LOST or strayed, bay mare about 14 han high, white forehead, was hitched to hu about buggy on Avenu«> E at poatoffice Tin day nigtit. Brand “W” on left hip. K«>wa for return to Dromgoole Bros., 105 E. Hot ton. Old phone 158 Ir. LOST—SS reward Saturday afternoon Alamo plaza, Roman gold band bracel Return to Ransom A Silsbee, Alamo plaza. LOST—A fox terrier “Bingo” marked oollar. Liberal reward if returned to 2 P*wW atnwt HluLl U ANTED —FfeMADK. 1 ANY girl in need of a friend Ie invited k» call at the Salvation Army Rescue Home, 3019 River avenue, at any time. Old pboue MTS WANTED—Experienced cook, reference! re quired. Mrs. Eli Hertzberg, 521 West Ma con. WANTED—At once, a good experienced col ored woman to cook for small family; good wages to right woman. Apply 701 San Pedro aV nue INTELLIGENT and good appearing women to interview and present ph yi acai culthire proposition to club aud business women. Good income aud permanent position. Address Phy* | leal Culture, care Light. WANTED—White girl to 000 k and do gen* eral housework. 405 Kendall street. To ' bin Hill car. I WHITE girl to cook and do housework in small family; references; afternoons 441 South Presa. WANTED—At once. Experienced women pressers. New Y’ork Star Dye Works, 208 I North Presa street. WANTED—At once. A good, reliable cook, colured preferred, for family of four; ref r noes required. Call at 236 King William i street. WANTED—At once, a seamstress by the dsy, who thoroughly understands cutting, fitting and the use of all paper patterns. 117 , Lexington. WANTED—A good German cook for house work, family of two. 1500 San Pedro ave nue. Old phone 797. New phone 575. PERSONAL UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS Manufactured. Repairing aud covering. 310 E. Houston St., Maffi A Co. MRS. DR. NORTON, specialist diseases and irregularities uf women, oiu Laurel. LADIES I Mrs. Black's Compound Regulator never fails; price $2. 3UI Bowie, Ban Antonio, Tex. HOME for ladies before and during confine ment. Good doctors aud nurses. Infants sdopted. Confidential. P. O. box 274. LADIES' and men s suits altered, expert work; cleaning and pressing. True Fit Tailors, 109 South Alamo atreet. New phone 669. MERCHANTS A HUNTERS. ATTENTION I Wd are going out of business; $5OOO stock of loaded shotgun shells and metallic car tridges for sale at less than factory cost. Good, clean stock, standard loads. Buy your season's supply now. WESTERN GROCER COMPANY, San Antonio, Texas. MATERNITY HOME —Superior accommoda tions for private confinement cases; homes found for infants; graduate maternity trained nurse matron of home; terms reasonable. Bex 596, Houston, Texas. WANTED—To buy a pure diamond, not less than one carat in weight, flawless and good color. If you think you have a bargain, ad dross 8. L. H.. care Light. CONSULT Madame Windsor. “Queen of all Phrenologists,” and world famous author. 224 % East Houston street. MADAME WALTER —Health and beauty culture, 221 South Alamo. New phone 1778. THOUSANDS of PEOPLE in SAN ANTONIO are FEASTING DAILY on Hollands Blend —the king of all coffees. The CALI FORNIA CAFE uses this coffee EXCLU SIVELY. Prepared and sold only by Holland, the T man. Thirty-five cents per pound. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles destroyed forever with the electric needle at Snetrem Beauty Parlor; work guaranteed. Ring new phone 1558 for consultation. Army Post car. Mrs. Gal lagher, 918 Carson street. MRS. VECKER, experienced mid-wife. 636 Victoria St. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE cures whiskey, morphine and tobacco; sixteen years in Dallas. Write for particulars. 133 Hughes Circle, Dallas, Texas. HUBBARD hot water • performs eures equal to any mineral water in the world. High. breezy location. Special railroad fare. Write us for hotel, boarding houst and sanitarium rates, testimonials, etc. The water is free to visitors or shipped at reasonable prices. Address THE HOT WELL SANITARIUM. Hubbard, Tex. AN invalid lady would like to have the use for several months, for light driving, of a gentle horse and phaeton for their keep, or will pay a small rental, will give outfit best of care. Call old phone 3809. A WIDOW desires a soldier husband. Ad dress P. 0. box 63, Station A, San Anto nio, Texas. ALAMO SECRET SERVICE AGENCY—The only reliable secret Service agency in the city. Evidence secured in civil and criminal cases, heirs located, claims adjusted. Ring us and a competent man will call. New phone 1102. 517 Frost building. DESIRE to know the address of Geo. Hand and Caroline E. Scranton. L. Jones, 1332 San Fernando, San Antonio. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS WHITE A CO., tinner* Roof repairing, roof painting; all work guaranteed. N. P. 2723 blue. WANTED —Diamonds, old g« Id ami silver. William N. Capurro, Jeweler, 502% East Houston street (upstairs), room 1. WANTED —To figure on your painting and paperhanging; all work guaranteed. Old phone 927. WANTED—Hous s to raise, level and repair, all kinds of carpenter work done on abort notice. Old phone 927, WANTED —Your upholstering and drapery work at the Household Furniture Co., 214 j and 216 W. Commerce. (CASH paid for diamonds, old gold and sil ver. 507 East Commerce street. i WANTED—Plumbiag and repair work. W. E Teel, care P. J. Owens Lumber Co.. Mit j chell street. I WANT to do your painting on your home and outbuildings, also papering; will make your house look like new. All work done quick, neat and clean. New phone 2024. Ace Field. 306 East Commerce, night manage a t 703 Avenue C, old phone 2744 THE ONLY MAN in San Antonio giving his undivided attention to cleaning and block ing hatn DuPuy, the Hatter, 103 E. Hous ton street. WANTED—To buy a pure diamond, not less than one carat in weight, flawless and good color. If you think you have a bargain, ad dress 8. L. H., care Light. WHY be Jean or in poor health when Milam Water will restore you to health and make - you fat as a pig. $1 bnttlee, three weeks’ , , treatment increases weight 3 to 10 pounds or money hack. Sold by W. C. Bums A Co. * (druggists), and delivered if you telephone them | CARPENTER work of all kinds done on short i notice. Houses screened, ail wo-k guaran- . toed. John Frank, new phone 1963, o\l phone . I 4583. AVOTION HALES. V I AUCTION SALE—Saturday. March 11. 10 p. in.. 517 North Flores. Far particulars watlh _ tomorrow's paper. Scmmor, \ n —J V HOOM WANTED - WANTED—By refined young lady here foi »n her health, not very sick, board and ro<>n 12 with sleeping porch; state fully. Addresi <572, care Light. FOK bAL EI—MISU-KLULN EO US BEAR GRASS COAL Blue ribbon winner, & a. International fair IVlo. per wn delivered. FHANK MAREK CO., AOENTB. BOTH FULL CORKWOOD’YARD. Belli only the b<*l poel oak and mesquite wood. Delivered in full eord wagoua. Phonea 1107. Frank Basala. HEWING machines for sale, rent, repaired, by a practical machinist, 28 years with the Singer Alig Co. Both phones. H. T. Reuter mau, 11V Casino street. FOK BALE —3 complete fonts of 2-letter 8- point mats, 1 complete font of 2-letter 10- point mats tor Mcrgenthaler linotype; mats Jre in perfect condition; samples of printing rum same will be furnished prospective buy ers; were discarded by us only to make changt for 7-point mats, Antonio Light. BEST dry oak stove wood, also beat black bmith coal in town; must evil in order to pay u >bu. phone 9X9. Old phone 674-3 r. FOK SAibE—One 40 horsepower steam en gine aud udc No. 5 centrifugal pump, ful ler Machine shops, 510 South Alamo street. CHARCOAL, charcoal, by the sack 35 cents, % barrel 20 cents, paper bags 4 and 8 cents, delivered. J. J. Hedrick, 625 North Medina. Old phono 257 3r. - CALL on HENRY WOOD YARD CO. for best dry post oak stove wood at lowest price. Old panne 229. New 1103. TAKE NO CHANCES. Bujr a Studebaker. You’ll have no cause for regret. Jack W. Neal, 227-29 South Flores street. DuN I throw away yuur old casings, Ist ua put Protectors on and reduce your tire ex pense 5u per sent, 40U now in use in ban Antonio. Ask an) body using them. Phone 1560. Auto Tire Protector Co« 312 Gibbs building. TRY a pound of Meadow Gold Fancy Cream ery Butter, finest in the land- Handled by all grocers. J. F. Luckett A Co., wholesale distributors, AIU Sycamore street, new phone 2214 black. FOR SALE—Contractors’ patent dump wag ons, carriages and buggies, spring wagon, tables, chairs and office railing. Rubber tirea on to stay, names*, gold picture frames. Bar gums for cash. M. Pigott, North Laredo, 101 View avenue* MIXED PAINT —Closing oux fl.2s.per gal lon, worth $2.25. Cail *2*2B E. Commerce St. New phune 2108. MERCHANTS & HUNTERS, ATTENTION 1 We are going out ot business; $5OOO stock of loaded shotgun sheila and metallic car tr dges for sale at less than factory cost. Good, clean stock, standard loads. Buy your season's supply now. WESTERN GROCER COMPANY. San Antonio, Texaa. WHY not ouy your wood and coal from Henry, the man who has always fought the trust and kept the price down? Alamo Wooa Yards. New phone 919. Old phone 847-3 r. FOR HALE—A. U. S. cream separator, hand power, cheap. Call 113 Loeoya street. FOR SALE—A full set of blacksmith and wheelwright tools at a bargain. 119 Cam aron. FOR SALE— Eighteen inch carriage Reming ton typewriter, good as new; no further use for it; fifty dollars, or will trade for good standard carriage Remington. J. T. Briscoe, Devine, Texas. LADY’S solid gold watch, $l4, Elgin move ment, 15-jcwel; unredeemed loan. 8. B. May, 104 West Houston stroet. DRY WEATHER—FuII cord oak stove wood $5.50, mesquite $4.50. Gulf Shore Wood Co. Old phune 156. New phone 316. LIVE STOCK. 60 12 to 15 months old high grade to full blood Jersey heifers $27.50 Registered service bulls $50.00. H. J. Mitcheii, Route 5, Winsboro, Tex. POLAND China and Tamworth hogs from my 1910 state fair champions. W. H. Burks, Bulivar, Mo. FOR SALE—Black horse, gentle for lady, carriage phaeton and harness, cheap. 939 South Alamo. FOR SALE—I or 2 well broke, gentle, styl ish, fine bred mares; also fine horse colt. 115 Washington street. WANTED—One to a carload of fresh or heavy springing Jersey milk cows, not over six years old; must be high grades and sound; give lowest cash price and location quick. Address 4467 Light. WANTED—Two-year-old spring Jersey heifers and yearlings; must be good stock, will pay cash. Give the lowest price and where can be seen. Shipper, car*- Light. FOR SALE- One pair small mule* at a bar gain. Apply 532 South street. Both phones 2406. SOME good milch rows fresh in milk for sal« or exchange for fat stock. 1516 8. , Commerce. FOR SALE—Cheg.p one fresh cow with young calf. 1118 Buena Vista. FOR SALE—2 Jersey®, 1 heifer and 1 cow, both fresh in milk. 517 Meeracheidt St. ONE cow, one top buggy, farm tools, very rheap. Call mornings, corner Buena Vista and Hamilton avenue. FOR SALE —Forty head good mules two and three years old. Address box 42, Kennedy, Texas. ED ELDRIDGE, proprietor of the South Side Red Feather Farm, will tell anyone that has chlrkena hnw to protect them. No charges for telling. Down with chicken thieves. MUNKY TO LOAN AND WANTED MONEY loaned on all articles of value. Bar gains in unredeemed pledges. Emerson A Co., pawnbrokers. 321 West Commerce St. WAVERLY LOAN CO. JUST OPENED. If in need of a small loan be sure and call on WAVERLY LOAN CO., room No. 8, 502% E. Houston St. LARGE OR SMALL LOANS, LONG OR SHORT DISCOUNTS AND INVEST MINTS. H. R. IHRIK, LAWYER, 620 AND SSI GUNTER BLDG. MONEY to loan on chattels and real estate. Room 2, 229 East Huston street. LIBERAL loans on diamonds, private party Room 8. 502% East Houaton street. New phone 436. EASIEST and cheapest money in town. New phone 775. F. H. Kingsbury, 378 Gunter building. I • WANTED —To borrow $7500 from 1 to 5 years on 895 acres land near Uvalde, Tex as. Land worth $2O per acre. Address 4435, care Light. MbNEY LOANED AT H the rate usually charged by other loan companies. Loans from $lO and upward on pianos, furniture, live stork, city lots, salary, automobiles, ate. Repay in weekly or monthly payments. AH ' IneM strictly confident; \y e make a specialty in paying off loans with high rate loan companies. Cal!, write or phone for par ticulars. LIBERAL LOAN CO. 407 Washer Bldg. Now Phone 8. MONEY to loan on all articles of vslue. S. B. May. pawnbroker, 104 West Houston street. Responsible, privet*. FTNTC per cent money to buy or build homes. Return p&vment $5 per mouth. Call 409 Mackay building. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT FUKNISHKD KOOMb FOR RENT—At 122 Victoria street, a nice ly furnished room with Jewish family; close in, electric lights and bath room. HAVE two large front rooms, $7 per month. Nevada street. NICE newly furnished rooms, hot or cold water. Old phone 2744, 708 Avenue 0. On car line. FOR RENT—B or 4 connecting southeast rooms, all conveniences, facing park. 115 Washington street. NICELY furnished rooms in elegant resi dence section; one block from car line. 924 Main avenue. 211 8. ALAMO— Newly furnished front room with eastern exposure, suitable for gentle men. FURNISHED or partly furnished rooms close in; no sick. 609 BL Mary's street. For Housekeephig. FOR RENT—Rooms for light house keeping, newly furnished, private family; reasonable rates, 1210 South Presa, on car line; no sick need apply. FOR RENT—Two rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping, modern, 20 minutes walk from city. West End car stops at gate. 524 Ruiz street FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping; close In; three blocks from Joske's. 403 Water street FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, close in, running hot and cold water, bath. 315 E. Nueva. Uufurnlsbed Rooms TWO unfurnished rooms, 2204 West Houa ton street; thoroughly modern. FOUR nicely unfurnished upstairs rooms on Soledad street, three doors south of Houston street. Inquire B. M. Hall, 120 W. Houston. TWO unfurnished upstairs rooms, private bath, lights and gas, reasonable. 632 Sol edad atreet. FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms, rent moderate, for suitable tenant. 302 Mata gorda. ROOMS AND BOARD SOUTHEAST room, three windows, pink and white furnishings with bath, cluse in, fine meals. Old phone 3858. 614 West Macon. FIRST-CLASS room and board, ten minutea’ walk from postoffice. Everything new. 817 Nolan. Old phone 3828. SEVERAL more table boarders wanted, gen tlemen preferred; good home cooking. 408 San Pedro avenue. FIRST-CLASS rooms, excellent board, mod ern conveniences, private residence. 628 Avenue B. 3064 old phone. THE SCOTT—Beautiful, large front rooms, first and second floors. Large halls and galleries. Excellent table and service. 802 Avenue C. WANTED—Boarder in a private family, 432 Ninth St. ROOM and board in private family. 432 Ninth St. NICELY furnishM rooms with board, two blocks from Gunter hotel; hot and cold baths. Rates reasonable. 605 St. Mary's St. THE ALBERTA HOUSE. 422 Avenue D, near postoffice. Nice rooms with board; a homelike place; table board a specialty. Old phone 2134. BUSINESS CHANCKS. ANYONE, anywhere, can start a mail order business at huine. No canvassing, lie your own boss. Send for free booklet. Tells huw. Heacock. E. 1488, Lockport, N. Y. ”w. F. BROWN & SON Architects and Builders. Money to loan tor building purposes. Office 202 Bock Bldg. O. P. 1578. SOLON STEWART, lawyer, fifth floor Gun ter Bldg., San Antonio, Texas. FOR SALE—General mercantile business principally groceries, about 75 milea from San Antonio. Good town, good business, good profits. Stock and accounts S2O,OUU; can be quickly reduced; also nice reaidence, value $4000; will exchange for San Antonio prop erty. Address 1936, care Light. MERCHANTS & HUNTERS. ATTENTION I We are going out of business; $5OOO stock of loaded shotgun sheila and metallic car tridges for sale at less than factory cost. Good, clean stock, standard loads. Buy your season's supply now. WESTERN GROCER COMPANY, San Antonio, Texas. INVESTORS —If you have money lying idle, it will pay you to write us for particu lars. We are the Texas clearing house for gilt-odg« first mortgage real estate paper yielding 7 per cent interest, payable semi annually. The payment of both principal and interest is guaranteed. Bankers Trust Com pany, Houston, Tex. FOR SALE —Nice, up-to-date grocery store. Address corner Ruix and Comal streets, on West End car line, San Antonio. FOR SALE —Restaurant with good establish ed business; good location; long lease; low rent; will sell for cash or part in trade if trading stuff will suit. Address 4271, San Antonio Light. FOR SALE—Grocery store doing good rash business; fine location; reason for selling other business. Address 4419, care Light. EXCELLENT chance for hustling young doc tor in county seat town. Address 4586, Light. WOODWORKING mechanic with $lOOO would like to invest in any paying busi ness. Address No. 4437, Light. SALOON FOR SALE Saloon, in heart of city; doing excellent business; owner leaving city. Apply Gott lieb Liquor Co., corner Alamo and E. Com metre streeta. R. C. SHANE, rontractor and builder; plans and apcCificationa furnished. 739 Marshall street. Old phone 4402. CUT RATE MULTIGBAPHING BLUE PRINTS. Land lists, personal letters. Get our price. County maps $l.OO, ritv $3.50. TEXAS BLUE PRINT A SUPPLY’ CO. N. P. 2301. 17 Saur. Old 668. RESTAURANT at Sinton. Texas: must be sold by Marrh 16 at SACRIFICE, account of sickness, doing fine business, cement store 24x70, rwt $12.50 per month, opposite post- I office. Price $3OO. Write F. C. Boss for par ticulars. VKHICLKS AND HARNESS HEADQUARTERS for STUDEBAKER w»|f ons and vehicle,. Jack W. Neal, 227 29 8. Flores street. TWO light express wagons in first-class shape, one steel tire buggy cheap. Call at 531 North Center street. FOR SALE—A first class saddle, rood con dition; worth $25; bargain if sold at once. Address 416 Wilson street, Riverside Park addition. FOR SALE—Several good second hand aur reys, phaetons and buggies; also an al* most new gasoline engine, for sale cheap. Bros., south aide Military plaza. HOUSEHOLD GOODS NEW and second hand furniture bought, aold and exchanged. Eagle Furniture Co.. 117* 119 Soledad street. New phone 283. HOUSES FOR RENT. FOR RENT—FURNITURE. House furnishing goods, stoves, bedding, nigs, etc., to furnish vour vacant rooms or your home from kitchon to parlor. Max Karotkin. Old phone 449; new phone 614. New quarters 318 West Commerce street. FOR RENT—-511 Spofford avenue, Govern meut Hill. Six rooms, bath, one half block from car, $25 per month. Parrigin-Mont gomery Co., Gunter building. FOR RENT—Eight-room house and hall; modern conveniences; close in. 802 South Presa. FOR RENT—S-room cottage, bath and hall, with barn. 1321 South Presa street. fOR RENT—Four-room house with bath and _ Se^ erB ’ on R * ar 317 s - FOR RENT—Three room houses with bath, on car line, at 918 South Hackberry. FOR RENT-—Modern 5 room cottage, located at 115 West Magnolia avenue. Apply 103 West Magnolia, corner Main avenue. Old phone 2617. 1210 MASON ST.—Five rooms, bath, $l3; 1216, 3 rooms, $7; 1228, store, 4 rooms, $l3. Apply 803 East Commerce. FOR RENT—Five-room cottage, with hall, bath and pantry, at 528 North Cherry, second house from Nolan car line. Inquire at 317 Nolan. Both phonea 61. FOR RENT—Five room cottage, Laurel Heights; all modern convenience!. Apply to R. C. Wright, 107 Broad avenue, or 128 Avenue 0. FOR RENT—Large three room cottage, half block from car, $l3. 121 North Pine. FOR RENT—Foilr-room house, 235 Barrera street, two blocks from Mission drug store. Alamo street. FOR RENT—S room cottage, lights and bath. Apply next door 117 Washington St. FOR RENT. Five-room modern cottage, nicely furnish ed, on Laurel Heights, $35. Five room cottage at 119 Mulberry ave nue, $l7. Five-room modern cottage at 828 Lake view avenue, $lB. THOS. F. HART. Old Phone 706. 426 Gunter Bldg. A FIVE-ROOM cottage for rent. Prospect Hill, reasonable. 3697 old phone. FOR LEASE—A six room furniehed bunga low; all modern conveniences. Apply 115 School street, on Hot Wells car line. THREE ROOM cozy furnished flat with bath room, screened porch, rent reasonable. 314 West Carolina street, one block from Hot Wells car line. MODERN five-room cottage. 204 Forrke St., corner Wickes, $2O. Apply 403 Marshall street. FOR RENT. Good store, large yard and barn with five room modem cottage, at the comer of N. Pecos street and Lakeview avenue, reason able rent to permanent tenant. THOS. F. HART, RELIANCE CYCLE CO. has moved to 605 West Houston street. Have a complete line of new and second-hand wheels. Agent for Cleveland. Crawford and Westfield bicy cles. J. G. Pittman. FOR RENT—New sr-ven-room cottage. Elec tric lights, gas, bath, all conveniences, one block from rar, good walk, good neighbors. $25. New phone 648. Furnished. FOUR ROOM furnished cottage, bath, elec tric lights, on Tobin Hill car line. Phon*« 111. Rent $25.00 a month. FURNISHED rooming house, close in, nice neighborhood, near two car lines. $55. 701 West Macon. AUTOMOBILKS AND SUPPLIES FOR SALE —Forty horsepower Marion road ster, completely equipped; three oil lamps, two gas lamps, Presolite tank. Fisk demount able rima, tires in good condition, six extra tires. This is the famous Bob Cat that won the three-hour race at the fair grounds last fall. A fast, classy roadster at a bargain. Over land Automobile Co., 309 313 St. Mary's St. FOR SALE —One model L Maxwell, complete with brass bumpers, top, three oil lamps and two gas lamps; new Firestone dual tread tires all around. This is the biggest snap of the season. Overland Automobile Co.. 309 313 St. Mary’s street. FOR SALE—Three twelve passenger trucks at bargain. 733 East Houaton. AUTOMOBILE tires at low pricea. Fine quality casings, heavily constructed of best material, which gives greatest wearing quality. Made by large independent rubber company. Hundreds of autoiats use them continually and recommend them highly. Lower your tire expense by using our goods. Either Clincher, Q. D. Clincher or Dunlop; 28x3. $11.30; 30x3, $12.35; 30x3%. $l6; 32x3%, $17.20; 34x3%, $17.75; 30x4, $20.65; 31x4, $21.50; 82»4, $22.70; 33x4, $23.50; 34x4, $25.90; 36x4, $27.10; 34x 4%, $30.20; 36x4%. $31.60; 36x5. $35.10. Fine tubes 10 per cent less than standard list. Shipments C. O. D., allowing examina tion; 5 per cent discount if cash accompa nies order. Accessories at lowest prices. Cat alog upon request. The Geyer Sales Co., Day ton, Ohio. FOR SALE —Cheap. Overland 20 roadster. Torpedo and Packard 40, 7-passenger. Cash. Good condition. 205 Moore building. WANTED —An electric automobile. Address 4667, Light. bro KES AND OFFICES FOK KENT DESK ROOM FOR RENT—Ground floor. next Gunter hotel. John Richey A Ca GOOD location on Houston street for rent; very reasonable; will give lease. AddreM 329, Light. FOR RENT —Butcher shop. Mrv. Reegan, 1434 N. Hackberry St. FOR RENT —Desk room for merchandise broker, insurance agency or stenographer. 120 Mackay building. FOR rent or for sale, large ware house on Aransas Pass railroad, near I. & G. N. freight depot. John Stricker, the Grocer. NEW and modern busineaa rooms on Santa Rosa and Buena Vista. Old phone 4563. FOR RENT —Store house with dwelling, large barn and yard, South Heights line Call 310 Peach street. ileal estate to exchange. We can match any kind of trade or ex change proposition. Block., elty and country oroDerty, automobiles or anything of value We make exchange a apec’alty. J. N. GROESBBECK k CO. O. P- 72. 208 Moore Bldg. TRADES ANDIxmNGEf We lead in thia department; can get you whai you want. Call in person. W. 0. LOTT, SON & CO. Ground Floor Moore Bldg. LIST your property with the Co-opera tive Realty Co. Sell, trade or rent. 413 Navarro street. NURSERIES. Hardv Fan Palma. 2 years old, 2Sc. Satsuma Orange., 2 year. Old, 40e. cine Je.adminM. 2 year, old, 25c. 2 years old. 25t*. K d BEEVILLE NURSERY CO., Beeville, Tex. POULTRY A PET STOCK. REDS THAT ARK REDS—Cockerels galore. FIVE and TEN DOLLARS EACH. Won al! hands down 1910 FAIR. F. W. Eichlits, San Antonio, Tex. REDS THAT ARE RED—rEggs for hatch ing. Write for catalog of matings and win nings. F. W. Eichlits, San Antonio. Texas. EGGS for hatching, Rhode Island Reds. 15 for $l, Come and seo the flock. 1302 San Pedro avenue. Both phones 94. FOR SALE—Four-montbe-old French poodle. 405 Grayson street. FULL blood Brown Legnorns for sale. 15 <MTgs $l. Write G. R. MURPHEY, Tyler, Texaa. ‘ RINGLET” BARRED ROCKS and Felch Light Brahmas. Stock and eggs for sale. Fletcher Ogle, Star City, Ind. FOR SALE—lndian Runner duck eggs, $1.25 per setting. 510 Castro street. S. C. WHITE Leghorn eggs, $1 See the flock, 109 Krempkau street. Old phone 4390. GOLDEN WYANDOTTES from World a fair winners! Well mated and bred stock for sale; 200 pigeons cheap. Write me. M. M. Hood, Gilmer, Tex. EGGS for setting from select pens of pure bred single comb White Leghorns (bred to lay), $1.50 per 15, $2.75 per 30. 8. A. Morris, Box 63, Montague, Texaa. SINGLE COMB Rhode Island Red egga for sale, $1 and $2 per setting, also some fine cockerels and hena for sale. A. L. Winn, Mertens, Tex. WANTED—Any quantity of common pigeons at ten cents earh. Deliver to 702 South Flores, or new phone 773. WHITE WYANDOTTES, full blooded; eggs for setting first pen, $3 for 15; second pen, $2 for 15. W. J. Jennings. Midlothian, Texas. WALSH’S LINE BRED BUFF ORPING- TONS, produced from Cheviot, Byers, Martz, first prize winners Chicago 1908, 1909. 1910. Write for leaflet, 211 Rogers avenue. Phone 1550 blue. EGGS for hatching from line bred prize win ning Buff Orpingtons. Excellent layers. Price $2, $3 and $5 for 15; fertility guar anteed. Old phone 4557. E. H. Prescott, Alamo Heights. BUCKEYE 50 egg incubator, guaranteed to hatch every hatchable egg. Send for illus trated catalogue. S. L. Peterson A Sons, agents. 304 Eads avenue, San Antonio, Tex. Old phnne 4702. BLACK and White Langshans and Indian Runner ducks. Send for catalogue. S. L. Peterson k Son. 304 Eads avenue, San An tonio, Tex. Old phone 4702. FOR SALE—Two white Orpington cockerels. Old phone 1752 or 216 Upson street. GOLDEN BUFF LEGHORNS—Aboslutely the world’s best layers, dazzling beauties. Look like gold, good as gold, their eggs be ing goid. Illustrated booklet sent free. Gives prices setting eggs and how to make a liv ing and feel pleasant raising these golden beauties. B. H. Van Raub, member Ameri can Buff Leghorn club. 1716 Matamoras St. Old phone 747. BUFF AND WHITE ROCKS—Winners at McKeesport, Ohio State Fair, Cannonsberg and wherever shown. Grand shape, size and color. Eggs from prize winners. Kellerstrass 8 C. White Orpington blue ribbon winners. • Book orders now. Members White Plymouth . Rock elub. Member Am. White Orpington chim. Dr. J. W. Manon, Charle-roi, Pa. FULL blood Barred Plymouth Rock eggs at 502 River avenue, $1 per 18. Old phone 2339. FOR SALE—Settings from first prize win ning Mammoth white Pekin ducks and rose bud Rhode Island Reds at San An tonio fair, 1910. The ducks taking third prize at Dallas poultry show. 1911. Apply 8807 South Flores street. Old phone 1014. BLACK MTNORCAS—Eggs from prize win ning stock. $1 per 13. 106 Vltra. New phone 2796-green. LEEL'S White Leghorns. Cock winner two firsts. Hens purchased from noted New York breeder. Eggs $2.50. Pen number two $1.50. Prize-bred Rhode Island eggs $1.50. 724 Dallas street, San Antonio. WHITE Wyandotte settings. My hens are layihg more eggs thah we can use; 15 eggs $1 for short time. Jac. E. Gugenheim, 109 Washington street. FOR RALE—Settings of single comb full blood brown Leghorn hens, $1 per setting. 2107 Zavala street. DESIRE to mate my Boston toy bull (eight pounds) with black and tan or small fox trrriir or similar breed. Address 4494, care Light. WANTED—At the O. K poultry farm, a milch row to keep for its feed. Route 5, hox 34. BLACK MINORCA eggs, $1.50 for fifteen. Baby chickens, few cockerels, R. Batters by. Old phone 2436. WANTED—Guinea hen eggs. Address 609 South Walters. FOR SALE—Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching from O. K. Poultry Farm, $l.OO settings. Call at Milburn's Drug Store, Frost building. YOUNG’S strain S. C. White Leghorns. Blue ribbon winners at last fair. Eggs for hatch ing $1.50 and $2.50 per 15. W. A. Seidel, 315 Spofford avenue. New phone 2221. WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKS—If you are in need of anything in the line of eggs for hatching from highest quality White Rocks, write me. All birds trap nested for heavy egg production. Illustrated catalogue free. Prices reasonable. R. H. Naylor, Owatonna, Minn. HAVE YOU a Boston bull,or English bull pup for sale! State price and addresa P, rare Light. EGGS for hatching from White Plymouth Rock, baby chirks 25 rents each, 4 weeks old 50 cents each. 1008% East Commerce. EGGS for setting. Single comb Black Minor cas. the finest eggs in the world. We will pay $lO for the first doxen eggs from any other breed that outweighs ours; also a few setting hrns. Main Ave. Depot, 102110 Gar den street. SWAP. MOST ANYTHING—BIG OR LITTLE. WILL swap four-room ’house for largw lot or acre. Old phone 4736. Tonkin, 307 Mackay building. WANTED—To trade, modern $6OOO cot tage on San Pedro car, for unincum bered unimproved property near Alamo Heights. Apply 431 Moore bldg. TO SWAP—One diamond ring for cow, buggy or surrey. Address 1315% W. Commerce. TO SWAP—SBOO equity in SICOO home. 4 blocks from car line. What have you? New phone, 1978. TWENTY’ acres fine land one mile from Pal estine, a city of 15,000 people, all in cul tivation, 3room house, barn, good water and rent on 10 per rent basis this year; will ! trade this for mules or horses. Price $l2OO. Trice A Ludolph, 225 St. Mary's street. WANT typewriting done, 8000 words: will do sewing in exchange. M. E., care Light. FOR SALK OR EXCHANGE—The best orange and truck farm in Beeville, situated 1 % miles from town, 46 acres, two sets of i improvements, waterworks for irrigating, about 1200 orange and grape fruit trees, 200 figs, 2 acres in grapes, 5000 budded orange trees, 250 citrus trifoliata trees, 8 years oid and hundreds of other trees and shrub bery too numerous to mention. It could b* divided into two separate places. I will sell or exchange one or both places for either city property or a ranch. The price on appli cation. A. V. Schvab, Beeville. Tex. MARCH 8, 1911. SWAP. MOST ANYTHING—BIG OR LITTLE. SWAP—Y Swaps, my middle name— let’s get together on this. Something you like for something I Hhe. W. Ei- Teel, 3617 8. Florea, plumbing. WHAT have you to trade for plumbing and water pipe work. W. E. Teel, 3617 South Fiores. FOR TRADE—A nice, practically new well built, small, modern cottage on Beacon Hill. Price $2500, incumbered, for $lOOO, long time before due. YVant free Jots or land worth the money. Would consider diamonds. A. E. Marshall, Southwestern Land Corpor ation, Frost building. TO TRADE—IO acres, two town lota in Dim mit county artesian belt, also brood mare and colt (pacer). What have you! Trader, 1536 South Laredo street. WANTED—To swap or aell a Ford' 1910 model touring car, perfect condition; will trade for San Antonio property, and aasume or pay some difference. Wm« Dobhowolski, 219 St. Mary’s street. Here’s Your Chance If you have anything to trade for any one or more of the following; don’t hesitate to phone us. We have swapped several articles already to the mutual satisfaction of both partis. 1 desk adding machine, cost $15.00. 1 $6.00 desk chair. 1 good Remington typewriter. 1 nice surrey. 1 practically new buggy. 1 boy’s saddle. 2 lots near Beacon Hill. 1 especially nice 2-story house. Old phone 1765, and call for THE SWAPPER. , SPECIAL NOTICES PLENTY of dry eerd wood for sale at 811 South Salado street, or delivered iu wagon load iota. King up 3200 old or 1644 new phone. ROOFING, guttering and plumbing repairs. Roofs painted, price right. Blunt, old phone 4450. THE STATE OF TEXAS; County of Bexar. County Court in Mattera of Probate. To May term, A. D., 1911. The State of Texas to all persona inter ested in the administration of the estate of George W. Butcher, deceased. Robert 8. Michael, administrator of the estate of George W. Butcher, deceased, has filed his final account, together with an application to be discharged, in the County Oourt of Bexar County, which will be acted on at the May term, A. D. 1911, of said court, at the court house tliereof, in the City of San Antonio, after thia notice shall have been duly published for twenty days in a news paper printed in Bexar county, at which time all persons interested in said estate may appear and contest the same if they see proper. Witness: Frank R. Newton, clerk of the county court of Bexar county, and seal of aaid court, at my office in San An tonio, this 17th day of February, A. D. 1911. FRANK R. NEWTON, Clerk County Court, Bexar County. BACK AGAIN. Have your leaky roofs repaired and painted with Womack I. X. L. Paint. Will guarantee vour roof to stand good for 2 years. Capt. Jno. W. Womack. New phone 1386, black 939, Summit ave. MERCHANTS 4 HUNTERS, ATTENTION! Wo ire going out of business; $5OOO stock of loaded shotgun shells and metallic car tridges for sale at less than factory cost. Good, clean stock, standard loads. Buy your season’s supply now WESTERN GROCER COMPANY, Ban Antonio, Texas. M. W. FINK—AII kinds of umbrellas and parasols repaired and renovated; will call for and deliver your work. New phone 770. All work neatly done. 223 South Alamo. NOTICE—I am moving March 18 from my present place, 916 West Commerce, to 116 South Alamo. A. Jowdy, wholesale fish deal er, San Antonio. WALL PAPER furnished and rooms papered for $3.00. P. O. Box 248. LAWN mowers sharpened. Get them ready. Ring Rollins, the old reliable, both phones 310, Main ave. TEXAS RICE GO. Will move to 435 West Houston Street March 1. They will have a much larger home and will carry all kinds । of cereals—rice a specialty. FOK SALM—FAKMS AXO iuIXCIUCS TOR SALE—3SOO acre farm and ranch, IS miles from San Antonio; good improv.- menta; take part trade. Owner 211 North Flores street, San Antonio. FOR RENT—Choice irrigated land with house and barn. Edgewood addition; real reasonable. New phone 1568-black, MOVING. STORAGE. ETC. '' ~HARRISON~MOVING'ca ~ Storage, packing, shipping. New phon. 809. Resident. 107. STORAGE for furniture, pianos, buggiea. Separate stalls. $1.50 per month. Moving, packing, shipping. L. W. Culver, 120 Fan nin. Phones 2180. QTAPAQF 1 haTe ,he be,t * nd lare*»t O I unnUL warehouse in the city. Mov ing, packing, carpet cleaning. Henry 0. Rips. Both phones. SAN ANTONIO EXPRESSMEN and mov ng vena. Old pOone 382, New phone 1098. prompt delivery. ' C LASSI Fl ED DIRECTORY? 5 ATTORNEYS. H. B. LEONARD, attorney and counaellor-at law. 423 Hicks bldg. New phone 2053. ARCHITECTS? I W. N. HAGY, architect and builder. Fifth floor Frost building. AUTU REPAIRS, = ‘ NOTTINGHAM A FREDERICK, repairs of all descriptions; auto renairs of all kinds. 181 N. Flores; new phono 3133. “seed AND POULTRY SUPPLIES ' FERD STAFFEL, 319 East Commerce. Hay and grain, garden and field seed, poultry supplies, incubators and brooders TAILORS - 1 PANCOAST * KOHLER, J street. Handle the Shackamaxon woolene. ABSTRACTERS? SAN ANTONIO ABSTRACT CO. Rooms 20L 306 Washer Bldg. We furnish abstracts. KEY AND LOCKSMITHS J Uuih HiuNto- -Bicycles oa oaa> pay ments. key and loca work; lawn mow* ere sharpened. Emerson, the Bicycle Doctor IMANUFACTURING OPTICIANS. 4 WY SCHMIDT, 207 H Svuih Alsmo; glasses fitted; lensw ground; oculists' prescnptious filled- all work guaranteed. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. DR. CHAS. K. GARBING. Special attew tion to Rheumatism. Paralysis. Stomach and Liver. No. 204 Gunter Bldg. Q. p. gggg,