MADERO Dll W HERE Father and Brother of Francis co Coming to San Antonio from New York New York, March 25.—Francisco Madero Sr., and Gustavo, his son, left New York today for San Antonio, Texas, where they can be nearer Francisco I. Madero, provisional pres ident of the insurrecto party. Be fore they left they showed the fol lowing telegram from Alfonso Madero, whom they will join in San Antonio: "Chllihah, in the state of Guerrero, a town of 20,000, is in the hands of the insurrectos. Zahuaripa, in the state of Sonora. Culiacan. the capital of the state of Sinaloa, and Mazatlan. the main port on the Pacific of the state of Silaloa. are menaced by in surrectos. Ojinaga, opposite. Presidio, is besieged and short of provisions. We expect its surrender very soon. Good news from the rest of the re public.” Francisco Madero Sr. was visibly elated, but cautious over the resig nation of the Diaz cabinet. “It's a little early to tell just what it means,” he said. “I look on it as the beginning of the end, but if you ask me what the end will be I don't know Limantour is now in power, or soon will be.” The Maderos let It be inferred that events are so shaping themselves that their presence nearer the scene of actupal hostilities is needed. Cat and Rooster Are Heroes of the Texas Chicken Losca I>eg in Firing an Old Musket. While Cat Is Uninjured. Will Be Mascots. Washington. March 25.—The heroes of the San Marcos are a cat and a cock. Like those of the Merrimac, these of the old battleship that now rests on the bottom of the Chesapeake bay withstood a hall of shot and shell. Their conduct under fire will probably give them chief place among navy mascots so long as they live. With others of their kind, the cat yclept Henry V and the rooster, dub bed Robinson Crusoe, were placed up on the San Marcos to demonstrate whether the fire of the battleship New Hampshire would snuff out the lives of living creatures while reducing the old battleship to junk. When the shooting was over. Secretary of the Navy Meyer went aboard the hulk Emerging from a mass of wreckage and an experience that must have made back fence adventures of the past with bootjacks and beer bottles whizzing around him seem mild, in deed, Henry V purred his way along and rubbed against the secretary’s leg. Perched on the upper works was Robinson Crusoe. He and Henry V were the survivors. The discovery was made that a shell had taken off one of Robinson's legs. He was taken to the flagship, treated to a proper amputation and fitted out with a wooden leg. At last reports, he was In a fair way toward recovery. SAYS HRS. EDDY WAS DECEIVED’BY CHUCRH Concord, N. H., March 25.—That Mary Baker G. Eddy, founder of the Christian Science church was "sys tematically deceived and led to be queath practically the whole of her property to said church, in ignorance of the fact that so great a bequest was forbidden by the laws of both New Hampshire and Massachusetts,” was the charge made in an additional bill in equity filed today by George W. Glover of Lead, S. D., against the trustees of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Boston. Glover charges also that he “was deceived and entered into an agree ment not to contest the will of his mother, Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy, without suspecting that an illegal dis position of the property was in con templation." It is charged that the plaintiff was estranged from his mother through the “machinations of the directors of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, her mind having been poisoned against him by false statements.” CABINET RESIGNATION BEGINNING OF THE END Washington, March 25.—The spread of the revolution to Morales, in the state of Nueva Leon, heretofore unaf fected, was reported to the state de partment by Ambassador Wilson to day. The reported execution of four Americans, Adams. Young. Howard and Shanley at Agua Prieta, for par ticipation in the revolution is denied by the Mexican military authorities, according to a telegram from Ameri can Consul Dye. The. press reports of the wounding by revolutionists of M. E. O’Driscoll, an American, were confirmed in a dispatch from the United States con sul at Durango. Dr. Gomez, head of the insurrecto junta here, said: "The resignation of the cabinet Is not only the realization of an event long foreseen by the revolutionary party, but it represents the beginning of the end of the tragedy in the re public. It is certain that the cabinet which has resigned Is in a great meas ure responsible for the bad conditions political and otherwise which have prevailed in Mexico." PRISONER LASHED BY OTHERS FOR DRUNKENNESS Dalton. March 25.—The pris oners in the local jail here yesterday organized court and tried one of their fellow prisoners for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. He was convicted without right of appeal and fined 25 cents and given 26 lashes. Dr. Sarah F. Herdmann. osteopath, Gibbs building. Fbnnes. Rea Nw P., 2055 blue. OUADAI, —SAYS GOMEZ. Interesting Prices: New Spring Goods The supremacy of this store’s economies has won the popular favor of the prudent shoppers of San Antonio and Southwest Texas. At no time will we misplace this confidence —we always aim to give the best merchandise obtainable at lowest prices. The strongest argument we could possibly use to win your trade is the high standard of quality in our merchandise, coupled with low prices. Through our excellent buying or ganization in the North and East and the economical basis in which our business is conducted is the reason we can sellquality goods at low prices. The offerings for Monday and all week are exceptionally attractive—each and every item represents a distinct saving. Make it a point to visit our new store tomorrow —it surely will repay you—all that we ask is a call and a comparison of prices. You will surely not be disappointed. Special Offering on Correct Spring Apparel for Women Dress The Newest Spring Goods at Lowest Possible Prices 27-inch Marquisettes in stripes, checks and plain, all the wanted shades represented, a regular 29c value, QP — Monday, per yard * O V 28-inch mercerized lingerie in pink, blue, cream, lavender, green, navy, Copenhagen, brown, black and white, a reg ular 20c value, on sale Monday at the reduced 4 F — price of, per yard XW V 32-inch Solsette, plain colors are lavender, black, pink, cream, tan, vine, old rose, Nile, gray and cham- pagne, regular 30c value, Monday, per yard..,. Cleopatra silk, white ground with floral designs of laven der, light blue and pink, a regular 35c value, OQ f* Monday, per yard AwV 27-lnch messaline silk in plain shades of salmon, pink, light blue, tan, mulberry, white and black, a Q — regular $1.25 value, Monday, per yard X/O V 27-lnch China silks, plain, all the wanted shades, OQ m a regular 50c value, Monday, per yard wvv 30-lnch white Marquisette that sells regularly at 65c, on sale Monday, per yard v AmoskeJg bookfold ginghams, in solid colors, pink, blue, gray, tan and old rose, a regular 12 value, on ft sale Monday, per yard • w 1* Apron check ginghams, all shades, worth regularly F — 7He, Monday, per yard W V American prints, light and dark shades, the 7c qual- F — ity, on sale Monday, per yard W v Shirting madras, light shades, in stripes and 4 fl — dots, regular 12Hc value, Monday, per yard.... X W 48-inch French lawns that are worth 30c, will 4 Q — be placed on sale Monday, per yard X W v 27-inch Sarnia silk, in all the wanted shades, a regular 50c value, priced special for Monday at, the OO r yard Sailor Collars Monday we place on sale sailor collars, white and also black with white polka dots. A regular 35c value on sale at only.. Women’s black petticoats, with 18-inch heavily embroidered flounce, full width. A regular $2.50 skirt on sale | 69 Monday only at 1 • FOR MONDAY AND ALL WEEK Our second floor is resplendent with charming styles in correct outer-garments for women, misses and children. And the offerings for Monday and all week are particularly attractive. Our prices tell the story why we are doing such a tremedous business in this department. Pay it a visit tomorrow. Sale of Women's Dresses at $9.95 Special attention is directed tq this offering of women’s dresses in chiffon taffetas and foulards, in spring weights. Some have high waist line effect in the much wanted butterfly models and others braided in new effects, all shades; also black and white. These garments cannot be duplicated at 1e s s ■ ■ ■ ■ than $12.50 and $l5. They are priced for Mon day at only Women’s gingham dresses, neat little street frocks, in checks and stripes, plain and fancy trimmed in solid colored ginghams and embroidery and lace. They are wv ■ ■ regular $5.50 values on sale Monday and Tues day at (See Window Display) A Goodly Showing of Lingerie Dresses Exquisite and charming new spring styles $4.98 in lingerie dresses, trimmed in lace and em- 1 broidery. We have a complete and extensive showing at lowest prices from $30.00 Charming Spring Millinery Here The great activity in our millinery department emphasizes anew the popular ity of our showing with women who demand something stylish and becoming. Our showing this spring is large and reflects the correct and most becoming models in women’s headwear. The manner in which the women took advantage of our $4.95 offer last Monday has prompted us to offer another line of dressy hats of Milans, Neapolitans and fancy braids and chips, trimmed in pretty rosettes of water- X proof maline, ribbon, foliage, flowers and aigrettes, in stylish JI ■ B combinations. Come and take your choice Monday and Tues day at only J " Children’s Trimmed XVi Window fronts and long backs. And other stylish hats for the little folk. IDisplav Prettily trimmed in chiffon, ribbon and flowers. An ex- 1 Ofi 1 r J tra S p ec j a i Monday at 1.V3 Big Sale of Embroideries Monday The popularity of our embroidery sale was so pronounced last Monday that we have decided to place on sale another lot for tomorrow only. The values are extraordinary and we advise you to be on hand. Here's the way they’re priced for ouick selling: 27-inch embroidery flouncing, a regular 49 value, on sale Monday per * yard 27-inch Swiss embroidery flouncing, a regu lar 89c value on sale Monday per J A yard 4VC Sale of New White Goods Monday Persian lawns, a regular 15c value | on sale Monday per yard 14 “ Persian lawns that sell regularly at >7%c priced for Monday per 15c India linon that sells regularly at Q 10c on sale Monday per yard OC 28-inch pique, in figures and stripes, a regular 25c value, on Sale Monday 1 Q _ per pard : 1 VC Jabots and Dutch Collars V Jabots and Dutch collars that are reg ular 25c values go on sale fOr Monday . * W Bed Spreads at Reduced Prices Monday $1 white bed spreads, on "7Cp sale Monday at ■ Ww $1.35 white bed spreads, on QQ — sale Monday at w W Az Dalkowitz Bros. Co. CORNER NORTH FLORES AND WEST COMMERCE STREETS bA n axn lom 1 u li u n 1 (See Window Display) $5.50 Gingham Dresses at $3.80 Women’s Trimmed Hats at $4.95 Jabots and Dutch collars that are worth 45c will be on sale Mon- F day at ... XiwC Dotted Swiss and cross-bar lawns, regu lar 17%c values, on sale*Monday | F per yard 1 3C 40-inch mercerized batiste, a regular 25c value, on sale Monday per 1 A yard I VC 40-inch lingerie, a regular 25c val- -| fl ue, priced Monday per yard i VC India linon that sells regularly at 1 A 12%c °n s ale Monday per yard. . IvC Lace Dutch collars that are worth 69c on sale Q Monday . ■ ** $1.85 white bed spreads,