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now use my arm as well as ever."— Mrs. H. B. Springer, oar Flora St, Elizabeth, N. J, MORE PROOF. Mrs. Frederic Holden, of 220 Merriman Ave,, Syracuse, N.Y., writes: “We have found Sloan’s Liniment a wonderful remedy in our home for rheumatism, cramps, sore throat It has no equal. We know by experience.” SLOANS LINIMENT is a splendid remedy for rheumatism, lumbago, cough or cold and cramp. At all dealers. Price, 25c.. 50c., and |i.oo. PR. EARI. S. SLOAN, BOSTON. MASS. / S. P. TERMINAL COMPANY RE-ELECTS OLD OFFICERS Associated Prem. Houston. Tex., March 30.—The an. । nual meeting of the Southern Pacific ; Terminal company for the election of ; directors was held in Galveston yes-1 terday morning. All the present directors and offi- I sers were re-elected unanimously. Directors: R. S. Lovett, James A. i Baker, W. J. VanVleck. J. R. Cotting- । ham and Thornwell Fay. Officers: R. S. Lovett, president; .Thornwall Fay, vice president; G. L. Cottingham. secretary, and B. "C. Cushman, treasurer. Touring cars. Cut rate. New phone 449. ■ STORM KNOCKS OUT USHI PLWS. AMociated Press. New Haven, Conn., March 30.—As the result of a severe electrical storm which passed over the state last night, the electric lighting plants of Nor wich, Willimantic and Rockville are out of commission today. The steeples of two churches were struck and a barn belonging to Congressman E. Stevens Henry of Rockville was burned. THE CENTRAL TRUST CO. CavHral Trad Oerw Ceamtru ami Navarra Mt, MSB CAPITAL 88M.00B. BTOCKHD LUUS' M4kBH.TTT 4SM.0M WOMB. Dms to. inal buuasM W a tram (Mpeay. Ata a. n«euw, gusBUa, tranta PAYS 41/ PER CENT ■ 2 on Deposits -i .vies OTB» DIMPTOM AM Jota T. Wltam, . ta C hU. Alfred Durtta Jota W Worrea. » O»»«b.ta>os. Jota tart. M JtaMiH, M. * Srv.ll, Albwt Bttas Sr., Ed taad. Jota J. Btovoao. Wognoo. Dr. Adnlpk Horft g. W. Boom, Ata. B. Ayroo, ALWAYS GLAD TO BATS YOU CALL. MONEY to lend LARGE RANCH LOANS A SPECIALTY E. B. CHANDLER 102 Crockett Street M H 9 First is commencement H® mJ B of next quarter in our nA Ej Mg g M Savings Department. ETbI ■ MW ■ WKS We pay 4%, Compounding quarterly WEST TEXAS BANK & TRUST CO. Alamo National Bank Capital and San Antonio Surplus Texas Bath Fir. and Burglar Proof VaulU Sala ; Cvatervatlva In Fire Fr.o! Bolldint *cc»msdstlB| 0. LBUMELL, PnrtV. V. C9LUBB. »-N.n J. 6 IM LI. CmMw State Hank (Si Trvst Co. CAPITAL . . $100,000.00 ta- k «pmwtai b, a. Loont.dt HOUSTON STREET. Micks Building •AN ANTONIO — thubsdat, Immediate Relief for Sprains, Bruises, 1 Sore Throat, Colds, Croup Here’s What One Woman Says: “ I fell and sprained my arm and was in terrible pain. I could not use my'hand or arm without intense suf fering until a neighbor told me to use Sloan's Liniment The first applica tion gave me instant relief, and I can PREACHERS POORLY PAID. ' They Get Half as Much as the Skilled Laborer. New York. March 30.—A compari son of the wages paid In various । trades and occupations with the sal ' ary of the average preacher, prepared I for the New’ York Methodist Eplsco i pal conference now in session, shows that the preacher receives about half 1as much as the average skilled la ; borer. "Outside of a hundred of the larg est cities," the report says, "the-aver ■ age salary of the Methodist minister Iis $573. Beside this it might be cited i that 700,000 locomotive engineers re ; eeive an average of $1200 a year. The average policeman gets $1000 a year, •so that more is paid for those who watch over the transgressor than is paid to him who is working for trans formation of the human soul.” • Touring cars. Cut rate. New phons «« 1 COUNCIL REJECTS ALL BIDS. Special Dispatch. Seguin. Tex., March 30. —The ci tv, council has rejected all blds for ma cadamizing roads and other Improve ments of the $25,000 bond Issue. James Reiley & Son of San Antonio were the lowest blders and probably would have secured the contract for macadamizing the main streets, but wanted the contract for all the other street improvements. More bids will be called for In the near future. Homesick Princess Has P lower Garden on Roof of Palace CROWN PRINCESS OF SWEDEN elder daughter of the English Duke and Duchess of Connaught, whose homesickness for the green fields of KESSLER WILL LOOK DUER CITI Landscape Gardener and City Planner Coming at the Invi tation of the Exchange. George E. Kessler, one of the best known landscape architects in the United States, who has assisted in making Kansas City and other cities beautiful, will come to San Antonio ( during the next month at the invlta tion of the Real Estate exchange and look over this city's possibilities !n j the way of civic improvement. The | Real Estate exchange extended an in vitation to Mr. Kessler some time ago and in a letter received yesterday by President B. F. Nicholson of the ex change he writes that he will come if possible during the next month. Mr. Kessler, in addition to plan ning and supervising the beautifica* tion of Kansas City on Unes that have made it one of the most beautiful of American cities, has also assisted in the improvement of many other cities and has recently been retained by Dallas to plan and supervise the sys tematic beautification of that city. He writes that he expects to visit Dallas within the month and will then come to San Antonio. The Real Estate ex change will give him an opportunity to see San Antonio and to suggest (improvements. A public meeting at which Mr. Kessler wtU tell how San Antonio can be Improved and what has been done in other cities Is planned In connection with his visit. The exchange Is consistently advo cating the Light's city plan for beau tification of San Antonio, improve ment of tbe river, connected park and boulevard system, better roads "and streets, etc., and in addition to asking Mr. Kessler to come here has invited Arnold W. Brunner of New York and other experts on civic im provement CREEL BECOMES HEAD OF MEXICAN BANK. Associated Press. City of Mexico. March 30.—Enrique C. Creel, the retiring minister of for eign relations, has been made manag ing director of the Banco Central Mexlcano, succeeding Fernando Pi mentel y Fageaga. He will assume his work as a banker at once. In undertaking the direction of this Institution Mr. Creel is returning to work he and Joaquin Casasus end a few associates Inaugurated some years ago. The Banco Central as it is today wag planned largely by Creel. It is net a bank of issue but is ono of the largest banking concerns in the re public. The cenral house is that in the capital but its branches are lo cated in almost every state in Mexico. Its capital stock is $15,000,000 gold. ONLY ONE INDICTMENT Karnes County Makes Record In Ob servance of the Law. Special Dispatch. Karnes City, March 30.—The grand, jury adjourned here after being in ses sion two days. Only one bill of in dictment was brought in and that against a Mexican charging horse theft. Crime in this county seems to be decreasing. The criminal docket in the district court will be called Monday. April 3, SAN ANTONIO LIGHT England lias led her to construct a winter flower garden on the roof of the royal palace at Stockholm, Sweden. TOWER WALu COLLAPSES. ✓ . Workmen on Memorial Library Have Narrow Escape. Associated Press. Chicago, Ill., March 30.—The upper wall of the west tower of the William * RAILROAD TIME TABLE. t I. k G. N. Arrive— No. 5—From the north 6:45 am No. 8—From the north 6:30 pin No. 7 —From the north 9:55 sm No. 9 —Local from Palestine 10 45 pm i No. 4—From Mexico 1:50 pm No. 12—Local from Laredo (mixed) 6:00 am Depart— I 5®' f - E or ‘J e n0T ' n ’ 1:55 pm No. 6—For the north 8:00 pm : No. 8—Local for Palestine 7:80 am I No. 10 —Express Special north .... 4:00 am No. 6—For Mexico 7:00 am ! No. 11—Loda! for Laredo (mixed) 9:00 Dm M., K. A T. (Union Station). Arrive— No. 241—From Houston A Galveston 8:50 am No. 7—From Dallas & Ft. Worth 7:20 am No. 235—From the north 7:30 am | No. 15—From Waco . 3:00 pm I No. 9 —From the north 7:45nm Depart— I No. 16—For Auatln and Waco .... 6:30am i No. 10—For the north 9:00 am i No. 8—For Dallas, Fort Worth and e Waco 8:45 pm 1 No, T36—For the north 9:15 pm No. 242—For Houston A Galveston 10:15 pm No. 244—Mail and Express 7:10 am No. 8—Local for Palestine 7:30am 8. A. A A. P. Arrive— No. 1—From Houston and ooMt.. 7:00 pm No. 8 —From Houston and coast.. 7:15am No. 5—From coast towns 1:15 pm No. 44—From Kerrville ex. Sun.. 9:35am Np. 42 —From Kerrville. Sun. only 8:00 pm No. 146 —From Kerrville, ex. Sun.. 6:40pm Depart— No. 2—For Houston and coast.. 8:30 am No. 4—For Houston and coast. :00 pm No. 6 —For coast towns 2:10 pm No. 43—Far Kerrville ex. Sunday 4:45 pm No. 41—For Kerrville, Sun. only.. 8:40am No. 145—For Kerrville, ex. Sun.. 7:25am G., H. A S. A. (Main Line.) Arrive— No. 9—From the east ...a 7:35am No. 8 —From El Paao and west. . 10:15 am No. 7—From the east 6:30 pm No. 10—From El Paso and west.. 7:30pm Depart— Ne. 10—For the east 10:00 pm No. 8—For the east 10:45 am G., H. A 8. A. (Victoria Division.) Depart— No. 305—For CuerW. Victoria, etc.. 8:00 am No. 806—From Cuero, Victoria, etc. 7:50 pm Santa Fe (I. A G. N. Depot.) Arrive— No. 7—From the north 10:0° am No. 9 —From the north ....10.45pm Depart— No. 8 —For the north 7:30 am No. 6—For the north 8:00 pm SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. At Untie *taun.htp “Morgan Line” Three Sailings Weekly Between NEW YORK ANDGALVESTON Un.xe.lled service. nneqv.lta time. Uw surp*.»e4 f.oilltie. for handlinf all classes of Ireifht to and from New York, and poi.ta in Atlantic Seaboard Territory. B. 8. BTUBB8. timer al Freixht Agent, 316 Breadway. New York. A. B ATKINBOX, Dtv. Yrt Art. G., H. k 8. A. By. 8m Antonio, Tosm. Central}] New York Central, Limited Leavei St. Louii 8:45 a. m. Arrives Ne* York 9:45 a m. Arrives Boston 11:50 a. m. Na* York and Boston Expreee - - Leave* St Louie 8:50 a M. Knickerbocker Special Leaves St Louie IdMo. m. Ne* York and Ne* England Expreoa Leaves StiLouis 11:55 p, tn. All of these trains arrive at Grand Central Terminal the only railway station in New York City on X subway, surface and elevated lines. When you step off the train you are in the heart of the . business, hotel and theatre district of the metropolis and within easy access to / all parti of the city. For tickets, sleeping car secom tnodstions and full information cal) on your local agent or H. C .Carson, Gen, Agent Pass. Dept., 1101 Main Street Dalias, Texas. Rainey Harper memorial library, in course of construction at the Univer sity of Chicago, crashed Inward yes terday, completely demolishing the in terior cf the tower from top to bot tom. Several men at work on the second, third and fourth floors had narrow ’25 California (slightly hifher from some poiaU) ▼U EK3 ' "AU the Way” OneWay Colonist Tickets On Sale Dally. MolTcH 10 to April 10, INCLUSIVE Tourist Sleeper Thru to Los Angeles On Train • Every Tueeday. A,r for our California Bookleta. They Are Free. E H. DALLAS, D. P. A. 101 Weat Commerce Street. Old 144. Phone. 165 New THE* S. A. & A. P. Ry. now operate. Pullman Parlor Cars * with BROILER BUFFET service between SAN ANTO NIO and CORPUS CHRISTI on trains 5 and 6. leaving San Antonio 2:10 p. m.—close con nection at Gregory for Rock port and Aransas Pass —and leaving Corpus Christi 6:40 a. m. Tickets at WAGNER’S Corner Houston and Ave. O. Both Phones 358. JEFFEKSON American Plnn A family Hotel on the San Pedro and Tobin Hill car Unes within four minutes' walk of the business and shopping center. Modern in every detail. 442 Soledad St.. San Antonio, Texaa The Menger H. W. WILLS, Mgr. San Antonio, :< Texas p Hotel Savov Om hundred room., all tnod.rn equipment, entirely nd*. Baaaona bl. rat*. European plan. Afi Cir» Pau. 122 W. Houston New Y>rk is linked to the Southwest by a service of four trains from ’ St. Louis every day, led by the luxuriously equipped Big Four—New York Central "’Water-LevelRoute* 9 Can Sleep ©scapes from Instant death. The upper floor of the tower was loaded with heavy machinery and 1 hoisting cranes and it is thought that the floor may have been overloaded. The loss, which falls on the con- 15he Gunter ?J , M 1 I 0 " g SOUthWCSl | EVKOPEAN PLAN $L50 AND VP 350 ROOMS -i- 225 WITH BATH bergeet end most commodious rotunda tn the South, in addition to ala carte lecnce *e epectaliio LUNCHEON, 12 to S p. bl. M cento. TABLE D'HOTE DINNEB, BtoI p. n>00 K Orchestral Ooncerta THE GUNTER HOTEL COMPANY TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF Try a natural Sulphur Bath at Hot Welle. This wonderful water comes out of mother earth at a temperature of 104 degrees and has cured Rheumatism. Eczema Malaria, Catarrh. Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles HOT WELLS SULPHUR BATHS "Nature's Fountain of Touth.” FRANKS k KIHILBERG, Props. San Antonio, Texaa Tako Mot Welle car at Moneton and Navarro Street* Leave San Antonio 1:56 P. M. TODAY Arrive at St. Louis 8:28 P. M. TOMORROW | DINING CABS ALL THE WAY The Fastest Train out off Texas ffor SL Louis and the East I ■ ■ —4 Make Reservations at the City Office, 401 East Houston Street PHONES 425 & G N ® POPULAR RATES TO SAN ANTONIO On sale from all stations for trains reaching San Antonio evening April 1st and morning of the 2nd, limited for return April 3rd. Inquire at local ticket office. COME IN AND SEE THE BEST ARMY IN THE WORLD. Hmm*. MG Mh baHb. Rates SL50 and Vp nia-iuu«t and eoUG comfort. M ■. Swearingen A Son, Managing Dtrecfofu MARCH 30, 1911. r(f a : h \l 1 BL z/il tractors. Is estimated at $60,00(1. The library is a memorial to the Ibte president of the University of Chl-i * cago and is being erected at a cost) of $900,000, the greater part of which was donated by John D. HOTELS 10