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COTTON LIVE STOCK PRODUCE Hog Market at Ft. Worth Takes Sensational Drop and Sells at Lowest In Years COTTON PRICES LITTLE CHANGED Rally This Afternoon Gives a Firmer Tone to Market, But Nervousness Prevails, AT THE CLOSE: New York, 4 to 8 points up New Orleans, 1 to 7 points up. Liverpool, % to 1 point up. SHUTS: New Tork, uachanged. New Orbans, Liverpool, 3 points down. Houston, 1-16 point' down. Galveston, unchanged. Associated Press. NEW YORK. Mpch W.—TM c<4t» mar ket opuied steady at uucUausu! pneaa to an advance ui tour pmutj to sympathy with Iha lUady showing of Liverpool futures and the large English spot rates, bat santiment was vecy much uusviLtod awing to rauewed Idling of July by brokers sunpoaed to be working for one of the old bull leaders and while these offerings were largely by leading spot people, it looked as* though the purchaser* were against sales of May. were <uy«p and w** from Liverpool prices gradually aased off under the aggressive ppecings of Uto summer months and, the market during thi middle of the morning ruled about 1 to 2 point* net lower on oW crop positions. New crop months were again relatively steady to spite of favorable weather reports. Futures: January March 14.28 £29, May 14.38&39, Juno 14.13014, July August 1X4U($4»4, 12.97(0 99, October December *12.50051, Stop loss orders were reported later in the forenoon and old crop sold 12 to 13 points net- lower under continued liqui dation and hear pressure the bulk of which was directed against July cotton. Around 14.24 fur May aud 13.97 for July, cwtftot became more active and prices rallied, being about 6 to 7 points under the closing figures nf last night, at midday. The new crop eased off to a net loss of 4(a-6 points in sympathy with th* old crop weakness but recovered 3 or 4 points qI Uto loss up the r<|ly. Spot quiat, middling upland* 14.45 nomi nal. The market was lew; active during the af ternoon and steadied on covering by early sUJgrs, reports Qmi the recent cut in price of cotton goods had stimulated demand and claims of a better demand for spot cotton in the south. Prices rallied to wituut 2® 3 points of last night's closing figures in con sequence, but the tone of the market was rather nervous and unsettled. Futures closed steady. Open. "Migh. Low. Close. Jan 13.48 12.53 13.53 12.49®i0 Mar 14.28 14.33 14.13 14.33® 34 Apr .. .. 14.21 14.21 May .. .. 14.38 1L45 14.24 14.43®44 June .... 14.14 14.16®1J July .. .. 14.10 14.15 13.97 Aug. .. i i 13.62 13.65 13.52 15.66® 67 Sept 13.97 13*07 13.90 12.99 MOI Oct .. .. 12.59 12.63 12 58 12.68®64 Dec. . . .. 13 50 12.62 12.44 13.53®64 NEW ORLEANS COTTON. Assorlhted Press. NEW ORLEANS, March 30.—Cotton fu tures opened steady and unchanged to three points down. Cables were encouraging, as they reported a continued good spot demand in the Liverpool market but they were bal anced by pessimistic accounts sc f trade from cotton goods eenters. The weather map waft dry with temperature about Reasonable which caused support to be withdrawn from the new crop mqnths. Around th, call the ol" crops were one point up but »t the end of lbw first half hour were 3 points down com pared with yesterday's last quotations. Oc tober lost 2 points. ... . Futures: March 14.16 bid. April 14.17® 19, May 14.29 ©30, July lt.H®32. August 13 65®67, October li.55®58, December 12.47®49. v The market became soft around the mia die of the morning under a very steady but moderate selling. The old crop months de elined to 10®12 points under yesterday's elose while the new were put to a net de cline of 7 points. At noon prices were 5 to 6 points under yesterday’s last quotations. In the afternoon session the market strengthened on general baying. At 2 o'clock the list Was 1 to 4 points over yesterday’s close. Futures closed steady. March 14.21 bid. May 14.36® 14.87. • July 14.38@87. October 19.59 @19.60. December 13.51® 12.53. liverpooTcotton. Associafed Press. LIVERPOOL. March 30.—Closing rdtton Spot good business done. three points lower. American middling fair 7,14. goqd BU* dliug 7.82, middling 7.86, low middling 7-40, good ordinary 7.20, ordinal 695 Sales 12,000 balja. of which 1000 were for speculation and export and included 14,- fo . An.cricM. Receipts 1000 b&Us, iachrding 6Q0 Ameri can. Futures opened dull and closed steady. Marell 7.48%. March-April. April May. May- June 7.43, Junelqlg 7.39, July-August 7.34%, Aurost-September 7.13, September October 6.84%, October-November 6.71%, Novelnber December 6.6T. December-January 6.66%, Jqnuary-Fobniary 6 66. LEADING SPOT MARKETS. MEMPHIS SPOTS. Associated Press. MEMPHIS. Tenn*. March 80. —Spot rot- Ion steady and unchanged. Middling 1414 c. • HOUSTON SPOTS g- - "t>eM. HOUSTON, Tex.. March JO.— Spot eotton steady. % up, middling 14%e. NEW TORIS SPOTS Associated Press. * , NEW YORK. March 30.—Cott on spot ehi'scd quiet. Middling uplands 14.45, mid ttling gulf 14.70. Pales 900 bales. NEW ORLEANS SPOTS ■ vtagt® Press. NEW ORLEANS. March 30.—Spot cotton easy and um hanged: sales on the spot 311: to arrive 860. Low ordinary 11 1-16 nomi ne! ordinal-:. 11% nominal, good ordinary 13 5 16. sine, good ordinary 13 11*16, low middling 14c, strict low middling 14%. mid- Zinc 14%. strict middling 14%; good mid Hing 14 15*16, strici good middling 16%, middling fair 1T%. fair to fair 15%, fair 16% Reeelpls 2487. Stock 168,704. OALVESTON SPOTS Associated Press. GALVESTON. Tex March 3Q.—gjot qpt* W- uuicL middlin' 14%' nniRSDAY, UP-TO-THE-MINUTE MARKET NEWS Al) Varieties of Poultry Scarce In San Antonio Local Housewife Makes Heavy Call on Market, But per? Refuse to Ship. ~ PAY BEST PRICES FOR EGGS Prices per duaaa paid ship- *a per leas eommissions. Price to retailer: % lArge choice Dena 37.20 *a Mediuni hens . 5.60 % Large springs $.25 V Mediun? springs 5.75 % Small spring? .> 4*20 % Guineas 3.60 % Ducks , 7.20 “a Squabs 4.50 "a Geese, full feathered.... 12.00 "a Turkeys, per lb. 17c S Eggs, per doz., candled. 16c \ Butter, per lb '... 17c \ The demand for live poultry in the local market? has tor the past week been unusually large and commission houses have not been to supply their trade. Hens and springs are de cidedly scarce, which has put the market in such a condition that a good bunch of fat fowls put at its dis posal at present would bring the best 1 rices of the season. San Antonio merchants are quoting to the farmer the best prices foy live poultry of other market in Texas and still it stems to be about the lightest sup plied. Farmers iu -this section ' are holding up their shipments aud in creasing their numbers which has put the local hotels and-, restaurants in a position where all varieties of the feathered fowl are becoming rather a luxury. In their weekly letters to shippers a well-known produce com pany today said: "We are pleased to report our market of al! kinds of poultry scarce, receipts light and we advise liberal shipments. Can use any amount of butter, eggs and poultry jou can ship." There is too large a supply of bunch vegetables on the market at present and under a light demand local concerns a.-e quoting the mar ket weak. Cabbage, which has for several days been selling slowing, is picking up qc.® receipts today’ wore light. Texas sqtiash has dropped fully half a dollar from the week, begin ning quotations of J145 Per crate. At 75c the market is Arming up slightly afcd there Is » better demand Texas English peas are down a quar ter today, which ' puts the quotation at $1 Instead of f 1.25 per third bushel hamper. Npw potatoes have advanced a cent per pound over yesterday, which is owing to light receipts aud a better sale. The tomato market is firming up some and beginning to- get in shape to I andle a few carlot ship ments from the South Texas coun try. As a market for eggs. San Antonio | is winning fame fropi the rural ilis ! tricts for local coUiausaioii houses are paying the highest prices of the coun try. The tallowing is a comparison of prices paid the’ shipper yesterday for fresh Tquntiy on the lead ’ing murkets pf’Tvias and the north: 'Dallas, Tex., fresh, per doz. .'. 14c ; Houston. Tex., fresh, per doZ.'lS l-2e , Ft Worth. Tex., fresh, per dog. 14c | San Antonio, fresh, per do»...16 ■ New York, fresh, per doz ,...13c I Kansas City, fresh, per doz... 15c । St. Louis, fresh, per doz. ...12c The Pruitt Commission company received this morning a car of pota toes and a car of Pointer Brand | oranges. Also liberal shipments of 1 Texas X’egV tables. Including beans, peppers and potatoes. The Giigonheim-Goldsmith com pany received a car of dried fruit. The market on apples is very strong end only stocks which have been in cold storage- a couple of months are being offeted. These ate not o? any !-extra quality and the trade is now ' showing a very heavy demand for the Supply. Re>oral merchants on the row arc entirely out of apples and report great difficult;. 'in purchasing a supply. Strawberries arc coming in a little more liberal now and several dozen crates sold on the local row this, morning at 36. The stock- was good and peddlifs w'ere anxious ’ for 6up-1 plie#. CHICAGO PRODUCE AtFnriMed Prc««. CHICAGO. March 80.—Quotations wore as follows today. Butter steady. Creameriea 15@29e, Dair ies 14@ 19c. Eggs steady. Receipts" 13.6JT eases, at murkT cases Included, 12% @18e. Pirsla 14e. prime firsts 14 %i. Cheese steady. Daisies 13%@%c. Twins 12%W%e Vounit JUfHeii 13% ®14. Long Horns 13%@%C. Pqtjtpcs ftrsdy. Choice tp fapey 48@50e, fair to get-d 4C@4.7o. Poultry firm Turkeys, dressed 19e. Hens, live 16%o. Springs. live 16%c. Veal steady. Fifty to 60 pounds arelkhta 5®6e: 69 to 85 gonad yreirids 654 ®8%e; 85 to 110 pound weights g@Ioe. 6T. LOUIS PHODUOE. Antedated Pkass ST. LOUIS,’ March 30.—Quotations today were as follows: Lend firm, 94.30. Spelter weak. $5.40. Obifltons 14%«. springs 16e. tarkeys 16 17e. dneks Ige. geese 8e. Butter lower, ereemcry 17@24e. k xrs steady. 18c NEW YORK PRODUCE. Asaooiatad J'raaa NEW YORK, March 30.—Quotations today were aa followa: 'Eggs strMier, Rreeipta 31.570 rasas. Fresh gathered selected extras lT%@18c. storage peak'd fresh Ml%@4Te, weetern gathered whitai 17® 18s southern duck aggs 2S@33c. western 30® She COUNTRY PRODUCE. STOCK MINS VERY LIGHT Market Stiffens After Some Weakness In Earlier Trad ing—Erie Makes Gain, - Associated Press. f ' NEW YORK, March 30.—Canadian Paci fic lost 1% ot its recent gain at the open ing of the stock market today but allied properties. Minneapolis, St. Paul and S. S. M., Wisconsin Central and Dututb, South Shore and Atlantic, wore firm at higher priceg. Southern Railway preferred lost a point and National Ka u way a of Mexico sec ond preferred %. The general list was ir regular. After soma heiitalioa lh» market stiffened although the improvement hl the standard stocks was small outside ot Erie common and dirst preferred, which gained nearly a point. Buying orders were’distributed in the late afternoon and the market advanced to a slight fraction above yesterday’s closing.'Ilie feature of tile trading was the stpady accum ulation at materially high prices of various specialties. National Biscuit jmmpid 3% to 135. Ute preferred 3 % and International Har vesteF 1%. A further spell of weakness in Canadian Pacific sent it down to 223%, whit2i was about three points below yesterday * high. Reading and IT. fe. Steel, among others of the active group, went down a trifle further hut speculation generally was of a perfunctory character. IT. S. Rubber was in demand and improved-1 %. The trtnd of prices was downward during the morning and the market failed to re ipoi. I to tlu* bidding up of special stock*. At noon outside of a few manipulated issues the market was ruling a slight fraction be low yesterday's close. Bonds were steady. The market clpsed strong. Erie, first and second preferred were up about 1 % each and the bonds were also very strong. 1’hj following are the closing quotations on the New York Stock Exchange, ns fur nished by the Orthweiu Mati-lictte Co.. 1006 Baltimore avenue, Kansas City, Mo.: Amalgamated Copper 63% American Beet Sugar 44% American Car and Foundry 54 American Cotton Oil 59% American Locomotive 88 American Smelting and Refining .... 76% do pfd 105 American Sugar Refining bid ...118% Anaconda Mining Company 38’i Atehisnn 110% Atlantic Coast Lino 119% Baltimore and Ohio 104 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 78’1 Canadian Pacifig 22»% Chesapeake and Ohio 2 81% Chicago and Northwestern bid 144 Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul ...122 I Colorado Fuel and Iron 31% I Colorado and Southern bid 52 : Delaware and Hudson 167% I Denver and Rio Grande bid 31 % do pfd. t 71 Erie ......' .'. 31 % Great Northern preferred . .' 127 Gnat Northern Ore Certificates 62% Illinois Central 138% Interborough-Mc tropolitan 19 do pfd 53% Lehigh Valley 175% Louisville and Nirshville 145% Missouri Pacific 52% Missouri, Kansas and Texas 33% National Biscuit 184% National Lead ; 53 Xew York Central .. jot Norfolk pnd Western 106% Northern Pacific ....' 124%' Pacific Mall bid 21 Pcunsylvgnla 126% People’s Gas ids Pullman Palace Car bid ....109 Heading 157% Buck Island (Zmppny * 30 do pfj. bid 59% Southern Pacific 118 Smithcxu Bailway 27% Standard Oil 650 Union Pacific 178% , United States Steel 78% do pfd 119% Wabash .v 17 % do pfd 38% Western Unipn 73% 1 FINANCIAL. Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 30. —Close prime mer cantile paper 4@4%. Sterling exchange .-itegdy with actual bus iness in bankers’ bills at 34.?4!l0 for sixty day bills and at 54 85.95 fob demand. Commercial bills 34.83%. Bar silver 52%. Mexican dollars 45c. Government and railroad bonds steady. MONEY ON CALL. Associated Press. NEbV YOKK, March 30| —Money un call steady, 2%@%. ruling rate 2%, closing bid 2%. oU.j»d 2%. Time loans easy. Sixty days 2%@%c, 90 days 2%. six months 3%. TEXAS (■« CROP BEGINS 10 ME The movement of the great Texas onion crop, which promises to be one of the largest in many years, ac cording to J. F. Dolard, special freight agent of the J, & C«. N. railroad, will begin Monday. The I. &. G. N. man agcpientghas already announced the schedule fur its annual “Onion Spe cial." which is comparatively un changed frqm that of last year, oper ating out of Laredo and making fourth night delivery at St. Louis, where It will make connection for northern points and that trade. Last year the Laredo onion crop was 2800 carloads. wh|lo it is the opinion of Mr. Dolard that this year’s move ment will easily amount to 3500 car loads. COTTON SEED OIL. NEW YORK, Murch 80.—Cotton soed oil quotations Uday were na follow*: Open. Close. Api .. .?«.10@6.25 »6.34@6.a6 May 36.26@6.39 $6.58<u6*4o Julv 36.39@6.40 36.48Sd.oO Aug $6.40@6.41 ?6.48@6.50, THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT HUES DROP ST FORT WORTH Market Fluctuates and Sells at Lowest Figures In T h r e e Years—Catle Weak. Special Dispatch. Fort Worth. Tex.. March 30.—The lowest price since the last of Febru ary, 1909, was reached In the porker pens today when the market took 11 sensational drop of from 10 to 20 points and landed at 36.25 on best grades. The supply put at the dis posal of cunuuixxion men was noth ing over liberal, auiouuting u> 3200 head, but in of the unusual grind prices and liberal offerings uhich have been on this market for the last two weeks, buyers had ahqut all Qip pork they wantd and the market had practically no outlet. Ciinse*|iiently the trade dragged and salesmen were forced to resort to underselling in an attempt to get rid of their supplies. This proved disastrous and practically half at the supply went sculeward at the lowest prices in thjve years, 36.25. The cow pens Seemed to share the ill feeling and this department also was slow. Receipts totaled 2400 head and tni'liidvd some of the best conditioned livestock put at the dis posal of the market this season. The entire morning session was consumed In trying to set a price agreeable to both buyers and shippers and it was late into the afternoon before any kind of a trading basis was reached. Beef steers then sold slow and weak at 34.89 and $5.10. LOCAL PORKER W IN DESIRABLE SHAPE Union stock Yards, March 30.— With less than 100 head in the yards, the market in the cattle pens today did not make anything like a striking appearance at the opening nor did it develop anything of a satisfactory na , ture to the buyer as the market pro gressed. There was q. strong demand j for beet cattle, while common Stock ers and feeders would not have found I a bad trade buyers could have 1 easily bandied an amount double that which was put at its disposal. Early sales were made on a steady basis I with yesterday's prices, cows topping ] 34 and selling generally at $3.50 pnd . 84. Calves were steady and active at $6. The porker trade had at its dis 1 posal today only alight supply of new , recruits and 75 medium hogs from ' yesterday's over bountiful supply. The , market on porkers continues strong and the general figures of the morn ing are $7. ' KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK. Associated Press. KANSAS CTTY. Murfh 30.-Rewirt. .nd quotations today were as follows- Cattle: Receipts 3500, including 200 niMka rt»ady to shade lower. Na 50®6.50; squtiiuni at«er» 64.60 ® 6.00; .ouihern cows and lieifi re 83 40'0 s.eo; native cows and heifers $3.25®«.n5; Stockers and feeders $4.80®6.00; bulls SI VM * 4 00 ® 7 00 1 western'steers 8JOti(g0.25; western cows $3.25(<i5 2S t„± SS: n ,10,0119: market 10®16c Of sales $6.40i„ .1,66; l„ B w vS-A^.GoO; packers and butchers $G.430' 8.65: lights $6.60®6.70. Sheep: Receipts 10,000: market steady to $4.00®5.36; lamb, w “ ,h ®ra aud yMrlings *4 ~?®o.75; fed western ewes $4.00®6.00. ST LOUIS LIVE STOCK j Associated Pre... ST. LOUIS. March 80.—Receipts and quotations today were .* follnws- Cattle: -Receipt. 2700. including 800 Tex- I aus; market steady. Native beef steers $5 00 ®6.76: cows and hett rs $4.95®6.35; stoek efs .nd feeders $4.5O®5.75; Texas and Ok mboma stew:. $4.50®6.50; cows and beifers I “**• carload lot. $5.00© . Mo«»: Receipts 11,000: market' 5®1«o Jo*««’ ■nd Hghln $6.60®7.30; packers 7' 30 ’ u,c i le, ■ , an <l best heavy $6.50 Bheep: Receipts 800; market ste.dy. Na tive muttons $8.75@5.00; Ismbs $5.?5@ O.UU. p* I CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. I Associat'd Press. CHICAGO, March 30.—Receipts and quo- I fattens today were as follows: | Cattle: Receipts estimated at 2500; mar ™ *" ,fn cen^s lower. Beeves $5.20® 6 80; Texas steers $4 50@5.75; wosti rn $ l- 8s ® ? j o v : stnekers and feeder. $4 ,n ' 1 hc,,<,r « 32.70©5.90; oalv.s fa.oWM Q.7p. Hogs/ R-'c'ipts .estimated at 30.000; mar* 15* inwer. Light $6.60(<i 7.0O; mixed »6 4<>®6.85: he.vy $6.15@6.65; rough $6.16 1 5 choice heary $6,30(aG.(i.» ■ pigs 7.00; bulk Qi tf ies 6,7o’. Sheap: Receipts estimator at 15,000, roar- Na . , . ivc »3-0Q®5.30: wesurn $3.75 MooliZ7 r, ' De ’ SASOWO-Sd: native lamb. western $5.2oi?G.4O. ST. LOUIS GRAIN. Associated Press. ST. LOUIS. March 30. —Quotations today were a. follow.; Casli wheat dull. Ne. 2 track red 87%® I 91% e. , No. 2 hard 85®95c. Corn steady. No.- 2 track 45©. 46c. No 2 > white 46%®47%c. ( Close: Wheat tuturaa higher. May 86%e I July 85%® %c. ' ”' I Com higher. May 46%c, Julv 48%®%c Oats firm. May 30 We, duly ade. KANSAS CITY GRAIN. A»»oeiated Press. KANSAS CITY. March 30.—Quotations to day were aa fellows:. Cash wheat Unchnnced. No, 2 hard 83® 92c. No. 2 red 87©88c. • Com steady to %e higher. No. 2 mixed 451 @%c. No. 2 white 46® %e. Oats steady. No. 2 white 31®32c No. 2 1 mix'd 30®%c. Clow: May wlfeat 89%c July 82% @%c, September 89%<»%cbld. Com: May 46%e Hd.- July 47%®%c sellers, September 48%. sellers. COTTON SEED~PRODUCTS MEMPHIS. JTenn., Merck 80 Prime b.- sis oil 5.33®a4, im al $3« (5®«0. linters 3%®4%e ’ Here's the Illustrated Story of Today's Weather Conditions San Antonio. Tex.. March 30.— Forecast till 7 p. tn., Friday: For San Antonio and vicinity: To night and Friday unsettled; showers tonight or Friday, East Texas: Tonight and Friday unsettled; showers in south portion tonight or Frhlay. Distribution of pressure irregular; weather generally unsettled. Principal storm area central off the North A - iantio coast; cloudy, rain and snow continue In eastern districts —rain in New England, snow in lake region and the mountains of North Carolina. Freezing in lake region and north weet WHEftT MS Fffl TONE Recovery Follows Efforts at Covering 8y Shorts, Aided By Reduced Supply. Associated PrcB«. CHICAGO, March 30—Et/orta at cover ing b\ shorts of the larger kind l<d to a reeove’n today in the price* of wheat. The fact that cobles did not fully reflect yes terday's decline hero tended also to cause a firmer feelimi FurtUcnnore pointed towariKgvcatV reduced anipmanta from Rus sia andVthe Argentine. Some attention, too, was to a report- that green bugs were threatening crops in southern* Oklahoma and north Texas. Opening figwr » were % higher ’ to Ue off. May started at 80 to % (g %c, the i sRiiw* change from last night as the market taken altogether. A rise to 06tic follow*!. Absence of pressure let corn ascend । wheat. Demand, however, was not large. May | opened to %c up at 47’/i to 47 r ;» and climbed to 47 ‘ Commission, houses afforded support for oats. There was moderate buying in addition on the part of a prominent local dmder. May started a shade to !*c lower at 30’sc to (q/,*4c. and then rallied to 30%c. A big trade developed in provisions. There 1 wm much flop l«na aeiluur at the outset but parkefa bought later. First . transactions ■towed a drop of 5 to 17’4c With May de liveries 15.07to to 15.17to po™. 3.80 for lard and 8.62H to 8.85 fur ribs. , . Cash wheat: No. 2 red 80 87 toe. No. 2 hord No. 1 northern 96&$8. No. 2 northern 05»»7c. No. 2 spring 88© No. 2 47o. Ne. 2 white 47@U- No. 2 yellow 4?AM. „ ,, Oats: No. 2 30c. No. 2 white Htandsrd 31 @ to HAILY MOVEMENT OF GRAIN AT CHICAGC JOHJUAGO, March 36. —Receipts and ship mauls today wcru as follows: Articles Receipts. Sbimncnts Flour barrels 16,500 11,700 ! Wheat, bushels 14,400 17.900 Corn, bushels -4 22 72’ Outa, bu,hels I.-.80 > Rye. bushels 'Baxley, bushels 63,009 4>,.>o CHICAGO CAB LOT BECEirid CHICAGO. March 30.—Receipts were a» follows todny: , ,, Wheat 30 ears, with 8 of contract grade. Ooru 142 ears with U at cofitwe* grade. Outs 105 oars. . Total receipts of wheat at Chicago Min neapolis aud Duluth today were 111 cars, cosnparvd with 102 cars last we k and l«J cars the corresponding day a year ago. " CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat—• nntL Mav .. .. 86% 87% 86 86 % July .. .. 86% 87% »«% 8<% Hept. .. .. 87% 88 87% 87% C °Ma7 .... 47% 47% 47% 47% July .. .* 49% 49% 49% 49% Sept. .. .. 60% 60% 60% uv% °‘mu7 .. .. $0% «0% 80 % 30% July .. .. 30% 31 30% 30% Sept 30% 81% »0% $4% Provision!. Open. High. Low. Close. Mena Pork— Moy ...15.07% 15.45 15.07% 15.40 July ...14.90 15.26 14.90 15.23% 1 'llay ... 8.30 8.45 8.50 8.43% .Jnly ... 8.25 8 42% 8.25 8.40 Sept ... 8.25 8 37% 8.25 8.37% Up- r. Ribs— ' Mr.y .». 8 62% 8.77% 8.82% S.74 dirty .orlft 8.»»% 8.45 h.M% .Sept ... 8.05 8.SO 3.03 8.20 Too Late to Classify I WANT 'IK* HUY a food combination horae, orf that a lady can drive or rid#’, would buy bone, light buggy and Iwmesa; must be nice outfit. Light. No. 601/ U. S. Department of Agriculture. WEATHER BUREAU W1LUS.LM00HE. Chiet Clpwrrqloer tates nt F s w . ■seenlT-Otth meridian tins'* - / IWHM. or conllnuour hnee, pa** Ihroneh at# or Allied I moa, oa'.thrrmah pointe ot *V>*1 poral uro. tbei wilt oe Urswo only tor eero Jrwri og.91^0nd nV . OtMaoLS indicate elate ot weather: (3 W pertlr cloadi; A cloud;. @r«in. @enow. report mieelog. Arrowe «r with the wind. Firet Caere, tenifwratnre. "eeoaft •X h *ur raintan. if It equal* LU inch; third, wind reluell; ot M miles per hour or more. WHAT THE CONTENTS OF YOUR MARKET BASKET SHOULD COST Prepared for the Guidance ot San Autouio Housewives From the Prices Killing at City Market House Tills Morning—Quotations Are Retail. ECGS —Country, l»c; yard. 39c. BUTTER —Fresh country.. 20c; creamery, 30c. \ DRESSED POULTRY —Hens, 60c each; tryers, o5®66c; turkeys, 33c pound; broilers. 35c; equnbs, 20c straight. RABBITS—16c each. FISH—Fresh, ull kinds, 15c; pompano and mackerel, 30 0 35c. FRESH AND CURED MEATS—Loin and porterhouse steak, 15c; round steak, 12 %c; rib roast, 10c; veal stew, 10c; beet stew, 8c; break fast bacon, 30c; pork sausage, 15c; salt pork, 20c; smoked ham, 22%c; boneless boiled ham, 35c; sausage or weiners, 12%c; chipped beef. 20c; bologna, blood aud liver sausage, 12 %c; pork chops, lS*JOc; urossed kid, Ike, mutton, 15 to 20e lb. FRUITS —Oranges. 26®40c dozen; bananas, 15®20c; lemons. 20© ‘ 30c; mangos, 3 fur 10c; alligator pear, 5c; grape fruit, 10c each. VEGETABLES —Beets, green onions, carrots, radishes, turnips and soup bunch. 5c; cabbage, 3c lb.; onions, 4c lb.; tomatoes, 50c basket; new potatoes, 10c qt.; sweet, 40c peck; string beans, 15c qt; lettuce, 3 heads for 10 cents; celery, 10 cents per bunch; sweet peppers. 50 cents dozen; squash, 10c; red cabbage, 5c pound; crystal wax beans. 15c quart; artichokes, 15c each; okra, 15c quart; cucumbers. 20c each: egg plant, 15c each; chiH pepper, 5c cup; horseradish, 10c root; butter beans. 25c quart; watercress, 5c bunch; spinach, 10o bunch; strawbsr 1- <s. 30c. TODAY IU THE WHOLESALE MARKETS The following quotations are wBolesale to the tr»je are corrected daily by Ban Anteuio jobbers: . TEXAS PRODUCTS. Prices paid shipper. ST It A ll BERK IES—$«*50 ® 7.00. NEW POTATOES—18 cwt. SWEET POTATOES— Yellow yams, per ‘"cabba«e tJw 5) vt - PE\§ i fenglisToi.OO to $k.W bn. SQUASH— r«r <rato 75c. I’El’PEKS-13 <«*'• ‘ BP VnS— Texas 5 round peon and flat wax, per one third bushel hamper $!.»». i Bunch yegelablcs 40e doren. VEGETABLES. POTATOES —Colorado, per cyt. $1.75; Misn'sota, per cwt. $i ’°- . ONIONS— Fancy yellow per cwt. $4. KllAUT—Half b«veu, $8.2o; kegs BMANS—Round green, crate 3.50 OREEN PEPPERS—6-i»«kel crate $A45 Per cr« ,e $4 50; per asfie. EGG PLANT—Per 2 3 basket crate $3.75. GARLIC —Per pound 9c. TOMATOES —Florida. 6 basket eratea I $" 25®2.50. ’ PAITLIFLOWER—»A50 6 basket crate. CRANBERRIES— Per oairsl, $14. BEANS —Mexican flat green, $3.25 2-8 bushel boxes OKRA —0 basket crates, $4.50. NUTS. PEANUTS —Fancy Jumbo, per cwt. $Ai»0; roasted $12* . _ PECANS—8 end 9c IK FANCY ALMONDS—20c lb. BRAZIL NUTS—15c lb. ; tin . WALNlii*—80S lb. CHESTNUTS —MIC lb • . BRUITS. APPLES—Bxtra fituoy Ben Pavia $2 No. 1 Joiuitbsna $3.75; Gano $9; Mlssu/ri Pippins $2.du®2.85. OKANUES—California navels, ail sues, $2.75. • LEMONS —809'. 360s sad 4Wt $3.7$. BANAJiAS—$3*75 Per cwt. AG UAC ATES—Per bmiet toe. GRAPE FBUUT— 84s, dot, Vos $o 25; larger sixes $5. MniKAPPLES—$2 od be* “tnlc- DRIED EBGilB. Vri" to retailer: PRUNES—Caliiornia. 4U*50s 19%c lb. 50 e.nt IUC 60 70s »% c u BEACHES -In 2 - ib* iioxee, standard 8s;. ph. ici 6%o: fsuey 9c. PATHS— I 1 " 111 ”" 111 bulk t To *$: package BC A1KHXH s —Standard 14%e; choice lac; extra twice 16c; fsuoy 16%c. RAISINS -Loos® Muscatels, 3 crown 7%c, . -rown'dc 4 drown 8%e; London layers g crown gt "9: 3 crown $1.80; ’4 crowu $3; I ounce Saokagea 8c. 1 > APPLES- - California evaporate, 18o. PEARS Evaporate halves 11 %c. I IGS- Bulk -i lb. 6%c, paekagw 85c. < i RRANT»—1$ os. toe, to «. 9e FIGS —Beses. 19 pkgs. 18 os. -85r; 13 nigs. 13 e>- 80c; 13 Pkgs. 20 ox 95c. MARCH 30, 1911. STOCKS PROVISIONS GRAIN * j । t 1 t ■ I * 11 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Price to shipper, less commissions. BUTT*K —Creamery per lb. 29c; countri I butter 13k< 30c. T * EGGB—Country, per doaen 15e. CHEESE —Fancy cream 18 %c; fancy I brick 20c; American Swiss 24c; imported Swiss 31c; Limburger 2v®; Badger State 19 POULTRY—Broilers $3.2R®3.60; fryers $5.0U®5.50; hens $6 00@6.35. ’ GUINEAS—Dusen $3.M®8.6Q, DUCKS—Doaen $6.Ou® 7.00. SQUABS —Doaen $1.25® 1.50. GEESE—Doaen $10.60® 15.00, ' * TURKEYS—Pound 16®17c. RIOT. Fancy full head new crop «s; good full $4; fancy screenings 2%c* GRAIN. Price in San Anwoto to buyer in earload lots, per bushel: CORN—Not 3 mixed 64c; N». 2 white 65. OATS—Carload, per bushel 42%®38%«: oplivt'riBg it> MEAL Per 35-lb sack 65c; pure eosa <*«ps, per cwt. $1.54; unbolted meel, pea cwt. CANNED GOODS California atandarq canned goods, doaen cans: Apples $1.75, spricots $1.65. blackber ries $1.75, fherries $1.90. grapes L60, rtlnj stone peaches $2, tree stone peaches $2 is Martlet pears $1 90 * **** 0ANNED MRAT3 AND FISH. Price to retailer: CANTED MTATS—Is ro,<st beef $19Q| Is corned beef $190; 2s $2.75; American sardines, %s, per case $3.90; mustard sag. dinea. per case $?.25; fall salm*>n, ninkk per $1.25; fancy sockeyes $2. SALT FISH. Spiced, herring POoi Rolled Mops $1.10; Milcber herring $1; mixed herring 99e; Hua inu sardines 65-76& x SUGAR. Jobbers' price*: Fine granulated $5.35@~ 35 100 pounds; beat loaf $6.00® 6.23, powdered 6%c* choian yellow clarified 5%c pound. COFFEE. Price to retailer: Choice Pea berry 18c; ehmee Ria 17a; fair Rio 16c, Java Mocha. Porto Kieo 18 %e; Ariose brand $20 per ca*e f. e. b. San An tunio. . SZED«. ONION SETS—Red and yellow $2.25 bn. box White $860 bn. box CANE SEED—Orange, $2.85; amber g2Ao; millet seed $3 per bundredsveirh;; Red tops $X15®3.2$. TURNIP SEED—toe pound Squysb seed 65c pound. Tomato $2.50® 2.65 pound. Pumpkin 56® 6Oc. Muskmelon 75e«i $1.00 pound Watermelon 60®80c pound Lettuce t*®89c pound. Aicumbcr 90c pound. Car rot 85®90c pound. Mustard 50®85e pound. Radish-56®15c jxtuund. « SEED POTATOES — Maine Triumphs $3.85: Irish Cobblers $3. Green Mountain ».l 165 IK eart PEAS—Exira Early $5.30; Black Bye marraw fat 34 btuhel. GRASS SEED—B.rasda $1.80 lb. BEANS—Pole, a 1 ! ktnes $t.9O bn. Beans, bush, all kinds. $6.50 bu Sweet 'or*, all kinds, $3 eu Field corn, all kinds. $1 be FRESH ARRIVALS 1 C«r Case Seed. $ Cars deed IVtatoen and Oalona 1 Cw Naval Oraosex J 1 Car Lcrnona 8 Can Potatoes and Onloox Pruitt Commission Co. "Ibe People With th* 11