OCR Interpretation

Shiner gazette. [volume] (Shiner, Tex.) 1893-current, July 20, 1893, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090270/1893-07-20/ed-1/seq-6/

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aVhSFEPIGUS murder
Ale tel'n Ceunly Is Shocked Over tho Dcalh
ot Jaclt Turner.
H i 13 r Old le li Under Arrest and l pen
Hatt- Cten litittrl (or Her Former Uat
in Limar Count)
t a
IU Fhanklin lex tlulv II
JU tw. n 9 and 10 o elm k cdnesdn
nlht lack Jurno. u itleii who
1 l in the Lake creek nuiphboihool
it Hit Delta count u it killed while
in Ik (l Ihtio vim no one there ex
t pt Ijiim If and wife and no one
It invlhii . nf the mmdoi except
li and hit mind ha boon In
e li ondition that nothing tellable
' 'uthi n d itn what she siijb
I i I thatanjom Ue of tho as
t t lun mi" vh n die Hint about
, hi t i of n mlU to a nfijjhbot s
a I ir i matt) i of fat tun told tlum
tl ii - out' had killed J tek Mu
i no wu excitpd Of tn tibk d
t i iv b fun. the ioi on i - n
-I "luted that uhon lit. In hind
uuti -dint It it il not iiuukcn hoi and
'lit d d not awalu n until her h i
bam) lil 1 hi t oil the bo I in hi
ioinul n Jilt lu gnu u in iid(
oil ht n -it -tin t d to tin n 1 1-1 1 Uoi s
I atct -1 1 Id that a foi tt i Iovli
came in b i birk wm and six t hi
hu-b Hid and that h h td thiratened
two week tifoicshe mauled to kill
them both if tin man led I he man
she named lives in Lamar count and
papers have been issued for him I he
juiv's veidlct was that the wife did
tho muidt.r Jack Tinner came to
this country ftoin iiglnla about two
j eat " ago and ha since made fi it nds
of ail ho met lie was 8d jeaisof
npc and was mauled In lebruni) of
tliN joar His wife was 13 jt.au
and 2 months old w hen they
were man lad sinci then to all out
ward appt at ante tin h man led life
was as happj as ould b she told
that ho had not spoken cros to het
but twke She ha- been subject to
ppclls of hysttt ical convulsions sinto
her matriago and had fiequent nei
tous spells befoio hoi marriage
losteiduy she would at times cry and
sob and would then havo blight con
cisions and would tiien icmain foi it
longtime in a deep stupoi and would
be oblivious to all binioundlngs until
aroused, then at times Bhe would talk
rationally 'J ui net was shot through
the licait Iho ball went thiougli
tho bodj, lodging in tho skin on the
left fcido Iho ball exactly cones
jgonJIedto balls In tho illlo in tho
lair'asaiicsiuj tiioi nuu,
x JijnsliSS-nearJJio door
anT 1 to have been fuo onousetT
nd iSi lecn bon owed a few weeks
bcfoie to kill labblts with Mis Tin
nei - ditsh was wet with blood, at
pnt -pot on tin bo-om cleat tlnough
lo tin fkin as though if she did
kill ho hush ind aftot sho had done
ih1 deed hhe fondh tool; htm in In r
am s iguin ho is o onthful that
Bhe h cms to ha nc r i nall?ed what
her m in' t il! tin ant noi docs
eh ttcir to kn indnulio the e
tent of thl dui Ui let urn J lot bus
band has bee i erj dcvoi d and attec
tionate to her, and when &ho had
tin so spoils, which at times 6cemed
partly bi ought about and mndo worto
lor tloct, ho would tteat her as af
fectionately as If sho was a mere
child. Her famll is deeply gtlcvcd,
but she seems not to know the mag
nitude of the deed Her oxamlning
trial will bo held at once.
r i in - apt d lunatic Mmui
-lul ml ki Ind J ( utos a ii j
n ht t i'ioad Iheniin of thin t It v d
i an 1 k and made hie oc i n
1 1 i nit ii" wen, bimtjrht lieio ail
In 1 I itt Hill euncteij in dir
of tin Pa'cMlne mnsoi it,
f t i tv a i d tin Oi U of 1 o otto
tni Y ii i an I In i li a til leatt a
wife in UIimi chitdun I ht dime
a- i ii i itUil in I con comtv ji st
in i s- tli livu and a pomhl f uu
Iim ind fioin OaUwood ate m w
pit i In, the countty foi Pot pi s
ni ii'lc Watt- t tinned tlm
evtnit and i in ts the other
ollieeis n In-ti ul but have o far
failed to make a captuie and the
aie walking thioiiL.h the lilnitv bm
torn as- thov w ie mi iliU lo ticuiu
horses in tho h fiiitv of lut k i 1
elti incut tuns h gh luieandtheio
wa a ciowd of luu al th. depot jc--tei
!a nfternoon lo see If tin had
i apt mod tin n iy man It is ill
Hitird that hi hot at his biotht i,
li i- the i nl n ul , nt at Tuekot
mil anothei i i t n u Oakwood but
this minoi h o hi vented and It
is not ltlil to b- true It is
known lhat i e j It- i- u will lun tlic
and In tl ii i botl m will ui tied
lie u ill bo i apt u d (it ad oi ah o
Curronl Happenings ot General Interest to lim
Reading Public.
A Compreheriilvfl Epitome ot the Litteit Newt Culled
trrtm o Leading Dailies of the Country
1 tor Ihe Pait Week.
Ll nrles shoiman of t'frtlit Id,
Iasi , his Buod hU brother, ("laik M
Siennan, fot nIO iOO dimagos for in
juty to his business and imputation
Jho defendaut togiitoiol at hotel in
orcoter and llllmantlo with wo
men otlnr than his wife as Cha los
C Miotititn" Ilio spociflo chin go
inado is ' faTso and millt'loui impir
soiuitlon " riio tlgistiatlons have
boon tho causo nt miuh tiouble In tho
plaintiff's family.
At Jackson 'km, locontly, two
oung ladies daughtt n of J Knj,
a itrtpoited fainiei lit homo about 7
o loik to gathet boi i io- An hour
lutoi thoy wcie found along tho track
of tho Illinois Ctntral i till oa 1 with
theii tht outs ut fiom nr to eat.
Iloth bodies weto toitildj mnngled,
plainly showing! ho joiing girls weio
outiaged bofoto being muideiid
Tiom fiuio- compiled lccentl. It
is estimated that not loss than e20,
OJO.000 will bo dhibmscd In inteiOBt
and dividends ty fcouthitu lalluus,
b inks and othet lotpoiatlons dining
this mouth
An Indianapolis Ind,, dispatch pa a
that as a tesult of tho continued
stringency in tho monoj maikot neatly
fiOOJ men omploicd in tho atIous
manufacturing industries of tho city
ate out of work
At Kansas City, Mo , ctcdltors took
possession of tho stock of the Golden
J ujle clothing lompany on chattel
moitgancs aggtegutlng 50,000 IAu
billties tDO.OUO, with assets about tho
Itocontbj at St. Louis Mo , an ex
convict named Clark disemboweled
Policeman ltobcrt Phillips Phillips,
went to his procuicss to get soma
girls. Ho found thein but was killed
In Tennessee tho wheat hanost Is
anv idea of Ills condition and soon hi" about completed and tluoshing Is In
ieaeon pissed awn Ho was taken progress Tho yield is good Oats
lo M Joseph's Inllimaii, whero ho and hay excellent. Corn Is growing
died hhoitlj aTtei He soon began to nicoly. Cotton small, but doing well
turn bluo and bled fiom tho mouth At Meridian, Miss t Joe Smith, a
Jhcioionci is of tho opinion that It procer, was selling flour at ?3 nor
was a case of poisoning. Shortly barrel which cost him $5 and tho poo-
aftet liU death news t cached hero plo vvete not ?urpilsod when he left
wii,ma nuu n ui-im i. iiutuu iu t0Wn V0ry HUUdOn V ttOd ttt Bight
1WO mtlr.htMrT,n wIMt li- - . & v , ,ftti , U 4 ? i.' -
lo k 1 mi linnu
dainesvillc J ox Jtilj 15 Wed
n ght nu unkniwn man went to the
1 ii tiding house of M i "smith in the
IV ttv blot k and engaged a too in Ho
did not give his mimo, but said he
was ami lepaitct and that he talked
here fiom loit Noitti Ycstetdaj
nbout 11 o'tlock ho atti acted the
attention of Mr bmllh b heaj
bi tathing A physician was
summont ' but tho man died before
aid could given him 'J wo empty
lottles lai oled laudanum were found
bv his bid Ho was about 40 yeais
of age, weighed about 180 pounds,
woie a bladf shiit and light pants and
had a light mustat ho Hewasbutied
this afternoon A slip of paper on
which was wtitton with a lead pencil,
Viubel Austin 'lex ," was
found in his pocket
9 ninl from I'olnonl
Holston, July 17. Last night Mil
ton Johnson a faimci whoso homo
if seven miles east ftotn here, came
in and went to NoMthcimci's stable
He was unable to intelligently convey
Killed by a Tniln
Flano, Tex , July 15 Yesterday,
morning at C 15 o'tlock Mi Wilcj
Rlsikn was knocked oft tho tiack and
Instawth killed b tlio Cotton Holt
west I cund passenger train foilt miles
west of Piano as ho was walking along
the tiack ahead of the tialn. He has
alwaj s been hard of hearing and It Is
supposed he did not hear tho ap
proaching train which caused his un
timely death.
Drowned In a Dell.
Jacksroko, Tex., July 13 Tho
3-j ear-old boy of lien Hlnchoe, who
lives about eight miles fiom town, fell
Into a well and drowned Mpnday
Bomo ct tho other children who were
near the well ran and told the mother,
but when she reached tho well tho
little boy had sank and she was pow
erless to rescue him Tho well was
about twenty feet deep Iho body
was rccocicd by neighbors.
San Antonio Tex , July 15. Mrs.
H. M. Qulnlan, a milliner, became
alaimed at reading In tho nowspapers
accounts of the unsettled financial sit
uation Sho drew out of tho bank f COO
the had saved and hid It at home
le&tcrday morning she discovered
that somebody had btolcn It
Died of 111 Injurlei
Templk, Tex., July 15 Louis
Suissengut, tho Get man struck by a
Santu Fe car In tho yard hex e Thurs
day morning, died of his Injuries at
tho hospital
"Mncty-Miin lent
Gui-rNWiLl, lox , July 17 Jim
llllams was glconaOO-jcar sentence
fot the murdci of Alvln Humphreys
In piil last Huinphios had his
bead ntaily beaten oil at the hour oi
midnight nnd his wife was an eo wlt
no -a to tho ei hue Williams com.
p'etdj Inoke down ovei the erdtct
At ono time tin Joutots stood for
li tii,ln It is thought that his at
tu uijr will api eal the case
Dt ml Hml ruiiiul
Coi rus Ciinmi. lex, July 17.
On July t a Mexican named laustina
( tu mvstcilously dlsappcaied fiom
his homo neai Mice M ord reached
heto yostetdaj thtt his dead body
was dUcoveiod foui miles fiom that
place in a btdlv decomposed condi
tion and was only Identified by Iris
clothing 1 oul plaj is suspected and
Juan Pma lias boon anestcd on sus
picion rll nnd llrnko Ills Neck.
DrLllio, lex, July 17. Herman
liennett, a well known ottng man of
this place, fell fiom a biidgo at Lang
ti i and bi oko his neck Ho was
woiking with a biidgo gang on South
ern Paclhi laihoad His parents live
here. Ills fathei Is mounted Inspec
tor fot this i dhUiiet
A Wild t li nil tic
Palestine, 'J ex., July
12. Fi
r All About lift J.
Cleburne, Tox July 17. Tn a dis
pute over a settlement of somo hay,
G. W Buichfield and G. V, StlnBon
camo to blows, resulting in tho latter
being Btruck on the head with an
Iron rod, crushing his skull. Iho,
wound is a eiy bilious ono. I
Itenldeureii llurglurlzed.
Coksicana, Tox , July 15 Thurs-'
day night burglars entered tho resi
dence of S Daniels and lobbed him of
a, gold watch and chain and other
articles of value. 'J hey also entered
tho residence of Uoney Vinson and
stolo some small articles
Seriotiftly Injured
PiTTSiiuita, TcxM July 17, Bill
Speaiman, tho H-yoai-old son of J
II bpiarman, while hauling shingles
it few miles from town foil off the
wagon uud tho wheols ran over him,
bt caking his left at m and badly
biulslnghls body.
Died of HU Wutiuda.
San Antonio, Tex., July 17 O, II
dnmboM, tho brukeman who was in
jured in tho w t cck on tho Southern
Pacific neat Hut wood Satuidaj, dld
lioio jesKrday His body will be
shipped to his old home in Indian-
At Atcola, I Charles Hill wa- HOW CITIES EXPAND
struck on the head with a club hun- .
died by Ltl Hamilton, a brother-In- singular ActUlty in ni I Mate .nr St.
law, and will dio. r.oul,-A Qutrt Th.it h Not unrl
At Jackson, Mich , Mrs AbrainGU- St Lolis, Mo., July 14 Iho dim
mer placed a can of gasoline on a culty in obtaining loans fot Intgo
btovo which contained flro, and was amounts for speculative put posds has
burn d to death not hud any olTect on tho i oul estate
At IJueholot, Colo, IL C. Conn transactions of M Louis county As
climbed a tt co to avoid a boar but isconeiall known St Louis citj is a
tuo animal followed him up tho tree, county in itsetr, bounded on tho ninth
then killed him.
At Dos Moines, la , Fred Giant,
nged 8, and a C-year-old brother,
scufllcd foi possession of a shotgun
lied was killed.
At Hititshorno, I. T., John llom-
south and west bv St Louis countv
In this lattct territoij tho toal estate
transactions fot thollrst six months of
1893 weiojuut doublothoo of tho cor-
irosponmngporiouoi toy ami within a
1 million uonais or tho cntii
last j cur Ntaily
total for
tho whoh of the
ming, a mlnct, sustained a biokon leer netuiu lm lmon in hn .n-t.i.t ,.
from a falling shaft of a mine A mulo outside of the i itj limits, whoto the
was also killed i0tt COnnty taxes have attiact d city
At Piosobuig, Oto , George Richard- peoplo and induced thorn to oiect
son was sentenced to eight jears in tosldonces Ihe lingo number ofnill-
tho penitential v for attempting to ' tid cnterpt isos both steam and
wiLtkattilti (locttic thtough tho coilntti hn"
A decision of aHaltlmoto judge th tt ttWo ntoauL, this uitMtj and It
no kissing ' bo allowed in tho parks P nerally boliovod that at an torh
of that city, has boen sustained by a '" tho t,Uy 1 imils will bo i xt. nded
highoi coutt luul ll llistlltt containing ooi one
. . ., m hundiud thousand population unnoxed
AtUaiksv lie, Tenn, while riding to the, cltj Pi h i of loal ptnto in
ahoise, UlllIainDver foil off his foot this dliti let aio lapldly botoming as
caught In tho etinupand howasdtag- gimt as thoso within tho iltv limits
ged to death lho tailtotd tiavel between M
AtAkton, O, Tied Volkman sul- Louis and tho Uoi id s 1 ah continuo'.
elded, with a ioolvei, then willed tho 0i hoiv, and tho announcement
pistol to a man whom ho owed 1, that oxciusion tickets at ono faio for
At rinnlimnM O .TnU Vf.l,, f0 t OUI1U trip WOU1U bo lsHUOlI tlllS
been i occlv ed w ith a gi eat deal of sat
isfaction n iinme ,o numbei of
touilsts fiom tho oat, and also fiom
tho vvest and southwest, nio going to
ttie WoiUVs I all via St Louis put
chasing tickets heto and then securing
i mind ttip tiikotB to Chicago lhls
anangement husbecomo vcij popular
and.it ptesent iitos does not involve
r.natf,t. oiA,b-f th an nppieclable in icaso in tin o-t
i Xashv llle, Tenn , is situated, Df TX 'l!!, , .,
nn otnslvo lumbal dculot, asdtnod
His Ualiilltlos aio ncuilj t-iOO.OOO
At .Mom.hIs, 'lenn , Ilonry Hen-
nott, a ik'kio liiis boon sontonocd to
hung toi tho ram der of his ulfo
Keai Jiakeon Miss , John Sutton,
(Oloicd shot und lnstantlj killed hli
uiouier Jlonrj, oor a woman
In which
Although the 'st Louis IIhhmi-
eoeiu unable tn legnm the nit-ttiije
Is f5000 shoit in his accounts
1 tonomj pioinptcd tho dismissal of they iiossesied hcn thej ui Lhain-tnonty-tlucu
cloi ks In Canada's jmbllo plans of Uk ild tho team thh jeai
iiutikg uuiiu tni(.iib ul imuua
Tho elti of Montgomorj , Ala, has
puichasod a if20,000 tract of land to
bo mado Into a public pai k,
luaincu women oi unman lea men
Is putting up sulIi a heatt d soue
kind of basobiU game that tin at
tendnnco Is often cij huo No one
knows what an innings will bilug
lortn, tno m-ouns talljlng in lomatk
are not aUowcd'To teacl Tn" opub lo ' '"hto ' "- -, "i"1"
school at Poca.ollo, Jdaho lZh oJTlt
Manuel Gaicli was nrrostod at tho Tho most pot-ullar lliubtration of tlu
City of Mexico for attempting lo pass uncertainty of basoball Is found in
forged check for ? 1500. tho fact thut whllo tuo 111 owns seem
At Solma Ala, Oscar Pajno fell un iblo to hold theli own against u-
fiomastack of hay onto a pitchfork erago teams thej can can miko the
and wns instantly killed. leadois In the race hustle and oen
itIT.,nk,,. To lll..l I.II1..1 UOUHIIUIll riRIll UUl Ut 111111.1 UK
blcyclo foitui o of tho now bill paik
has Just uecn Inauguiatcd antl piom-
A cable cor became uninanaccala
on llroadway, Now York, a low dujs
since, and crushed and smnshed
things goneially boforo it could bo
stopped No ono killed
Llias Mallloux, a Canadian, chirgod
with forgoiy, and formetlj nccount
ant of tho public woiks department
foi tho Pi o inco of Quebec, was ar.
lostod In balom Mass
At San TianclscO, Cnl , John W.
Hood, conlctcd of embozllng $1G4,
000 fiom tho I)iin ihuo Kelly bink, has
boon grautod a new tilal and his bond
fixed at 60,000.
A gigantic roal ostato fraud has do
vclopoit at ChoOiio, Wyo , in which
tho Mutual Life Insuiauco Company
of Now York lias boed swindled out
of $,0J8
At Sholbyvlllo, Ind , to settle a dls
puto between her daughter and tho
latter', husband, Mis Tied Brownell
split Joo Hill's hoad open with an ax.
Two sisters, Mrs Gi lmes and Mrs.
Antoinette Choatwood, living near
Grantly, Cioburno county Ala , died
within forty minutes of each other.
Miss Gabrielle Grooloy, daughter of
Horace Grooloy, married Kev. Y M.
Clendlntn, the pastor of a fashlonablo
church at Westchoster, N. V
At Little Rock, Aik., the case of
Rev. S. IT. liuchaiiun, defaulting ox
treasuror of tho lnsuno asylum, has
been postponed until October.
In attempting to board a moving
train at Ottawa, Ont , Mis Paul Mar
tin fell beneath it with her 3-year-old
child, and both w ero killed.
At Mayfleld, Ky., Allio Barnott.aged
21, murdered her Illegitimate child
I and Implicated a 80-j oar-old married
1 proacher, who confessed.
At Waynesboro, Pa , George Crleso,
njed 15, stabbed John Kaufman, aged
15, In the back with a pen-knife, and
It is feared ho will die.
Georgo Clarke, aged 18, a Bhoe
maker of York, Pa , was drowned in
tho Chattanooga river near Atlanta,
Ga , a fow days slnco
At Bloomlngton, 111., James B. Cal-
lon boat his wife. Her son hearing of
it shot his step-father with a pistol,
roost probably latally.
Threo boys fell victims to Tetty's
Island's treacherous tido in tho Schuy.
skill liver nt Philadelphia, recently,
and wero drowned.
Xhe cornorstone of a union taber
nacle, to havo u seating capacity of
10,000 was laid a few days slnco at
HopklnsvIUo, Ky.
Iho fat women residents of Harpor
county, Kan., recently held a picnic
an unknow n man and his child
"" "" wuiutf. i-..,,, ...., ,,T.t l,. ..,
At Qulncy.Jll ,' a gasoline stove ox- i,.Mot nennlo nre of .nnlnhin-hji a l
ploded and Miss isophlo Uingttokhwaj 5S111 riTWi'o pinlJriit lho couitTuie "AN I
burned to death. to bo nBkod to decide that in tho fiuit
At Trinidad, Col, while absent trade a !uait Is ab.skct with . moie
from his bar-room, 'd Bowldon was or loss deceptive bottom wo whole-
..VU.U11M 11I0 fiuit dcalcn of undoubted lopu-
robbedof1200 tatlon nlo dULetC(, fccmn)j
At Chenoj , Knri , William Davis, a holding little inoic than a pint anu
section foioman, was sandbaggod and callln.' them quaits and th v nic do-
lobbod of S050 (ending themselves on tho pica that
Tho pioduction of flour in MInnoap- In tho fi ult business lho woid quart is
oils, Minn , in ono wook rocently was mudv n tochnkal tcim mi lining a
uo J 110 tube is uciuii u ouu
uo ll of Intel est and whatovi r tho d
clbloi mu be the majoiitv of puiUia
el-i vv 1 1 in f I a u to nave llicit
UoiiIls inca med in stamped measures
InsU.ul of taking the box nnd gucsIn,
100,000 ban els
Tho stato of New York leads every
state sivo California In tho produc
tion of grapes.
At Spokane, Wash , Johnny Con-
ners, agod 4, played with file crackors at tho mcnsuio of Its contents
and v. us klllod.
At Donaldsonvlllo, La , Arthui Pro
Jean was struck by lightning and in
stantly killed
Now Yoik olty's latest is "Jack,
v 1 uiiy .tipj
lho ocean contains sovcinl fish
which clolho 01 udoin thomselvcs, the
most conspicuous of them being the
nnAiii tun tt tinnll I1a.1i liiniiontlnrr
tho Hair-Cutter, who cuts off pretty tho ar-lg0bi, t 9c!li nhkh 'molaiiy
gills tresses. clothes Itself with soiwecd, fastening
Near Boulder, Col, at a depth oi ih ninma tmnthi.i ulthntlikt. .mla.
(lftj-flvofcot, a rich vein of gold has tlnous stilngs, and then holding tho
ooen lounu. gat monts on with its foio fins
At Kosciusko, Miss , Webster Le-
vcrn was killed by tho explosion of a n jt I scitiii.
toy cannon . A Hindoo b.ibj Is named whon it is
NoarMontgometv,Ala,J. D. Whet- 12 aa,3 old, and usually by the
stone, a 70-yeai-old faimor, suicided lnoi10i Somotlracs tho father wlshob
by hanging. for anothoi name than th it selected
William Mitchell, in the employ ol by tho mothoi In that case tvvjo
tho Btato at Springfield, 111 , Is miss- lamps aio placed ovei thotwonM-1
ing. and tho namo ovoi which the. -1
Kmanuol Williams, a noted despor- burns tho bilghtest is tho ono VCl
ado, has boen captured at Atlanta, 'no onim
At Lexington, Ky., a horso attacked
William Smith and bit his right arm
A Text Hook. 1 1
Ex-Prosldont Benjamin Hairlson Is
ahcadv at woik on his course of lee-
Tmn on Intel national law. which ho
At Omaha, Nob , II. B. Abbott sul- wm dcltvci at tho fatandford univor
elded because ho couldn't find work, j stty Callfoi nla noxt October When
At Somerset, Ky., Jerry Tuggle, , completed and delivered tho loctuios
accidentally shot himself and will die. 1 vvill bo pilntcd as a text book on the
At Oskaloosu, Iowa, Alexander Co-1 8ubJoct otjvhUMlieytieat
rey killed his wife Jind then himself. Kim Ke,,t Vv-
At Princeton, Ky., Lafo Dronnan n10 coionack, or mourning foi tho
was bitten by a snako and will die. j dead, is still henid In manypaitsof
The Louisville. Kv.. oltv council ' faiotland as well as In Iroland It is
visited tho World's fair in a body.
AtSyiacuse, N. Y., A. L. Jones &
Co , giocers, fallod for fSO.OOO.
Tho surface of Lake Supeilor is G02
foot above tho ocean's level.
Anothfi big gold strike has been
made noar l'ulford, Colo.
A 500,000 bushel state elevator will
be built at Duluth Minn.
Fivo women have qualified as nota
lies at Philadelphia, Pa
Chicago now 'luims a population of
Vim! I
a wlord chant, cilos of lamentation
being mingled with lo.nonsttances
addiosscd to tho dopaitod for leaving
his fi lends and 1 datives
Hut Ho Don't Crow.
A curious superstition prevails in
Not way When pcoplo aioinquost
of .1 diowncd body thoy row to and
fio with a looblor in tho boat fullj
oxpoctlng that tho blid will crow
when tho boat teaches the spot wher
tho corpse lies

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