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K WS3ta umisa mikaKdi VOL. 1. TfCF - r't JsaEdH rafflSw w?fifim IMfomitfli BiJOEBSassI HB&EI ittt rryt--rry-" rrjj SHINER, LAVAOA COUNTY, TEXAS, THURSDAY MORNING, AUG. 24, 1893. " ' ' " "" """""""-" """' ' - . . .... --,- ffllMMMl NO. 8. A, G. WAIGEMANN, DKA! 1 1.V ij Goods, CI tlie, Boots, Shoos, Hats and HARDWARE, WOOD AM) AVILLCvVWAKE, and ( AorM von NEW HOME SlUVIXC jixnmn machines it CULTIVATORS ami STA nkr PL Aluo Avery SUlk Cutters and Loui All kinds of Country Produc prices. Cash Pai L Willi laps, Groceries, IACHINE. WALTER A. WOOD KES, .1 OILS' DEERE PLOWS, K CUTTERS and BAN-XtERS. illo Cotton and Corn Pluiiter. bought at highest market tor Uotton weed. MOULTON. IT'S LOUAli N12AVS. LumberYan M,,J '. I Ul LI Iloiwlijimrtcrs For long- leaf pine, cypress well curb ing', shingles, sashes, doors and lvlJxi Acs Genuine Gliddcn and Waukeein Wire, Palling "ll-UUQ Wiro Fence, Illiek, Sawed bnrr oak and Mountain Cedir Posts. Aormotor, Dandy, j'eikiiiB and Enterprise Wind Mills, Pumps, Cylinder Piirina and all Pluinbei's coodn. The celebrated Mudeb.iker Wagons; also Buggies, Hucks. Surrey a and Vehicles of all "kinds, tfOT-TOWN LOTS IMPROVED and UNIMPROVED. I aui tho authorised agent of II. Ii. Shiner and tho San Antonio and Aranuis Pass Raiiroid Town Site Company for tho sale of all their lots in the town of Shiner. I propose to Bell everything that I carry in stock as cheap aa tho samo quality can lie bought elsewhere. I defy' all competition. My clerk, Mi. Albert Mocller, speaks German, English and Bohemian, I ask jou locall ana exanunoiuv' stock, before buvitigfUsewlicrc. Ifi. T,. "WTTJiTAMS. H. 'Sunday, August 20th, 1S03, EmroK ClAZLTru: Thcro is quite a concourse ut people in our little town and still tho vehicles me coming in to church. Mr. George Mayer, jr. led MisJ Lottie Potrash to tho liaieiicul alter last Tues day, Father Foriest ollleiating. They aie now quietly and cosily domiciled in ono of Mr. Queue denux' residences on Mooio avenue Mr. Mijer is an cinplojeo of Ilueschei Bios, They are working ft double liy of hands and running day iind night. Theirafgins and oil mill run daily and the' oil mill nightly. Messrs. Arnim & Sons too are running on full-time. The tuple ol cotton is goodT bamples fihe. Still no one desires to buy Occasionally a farmer isMound who desiies leally to sell, vnioso needs are compulsory and sliUTho is un able to acll at all. I havo nlwaj s argued that for the purpose of spec ul ition tho greatest margin for prof t was offered wlimj tho cost wSTmmmvBsm , CdltfowlCTfnlBMP Mllk.Sh:lkes, ' ' Soda Water, Cider. See our1 5, 10 find -" cent Itilrirnlii Counters. SlItSKU, - TK.V. FW s?(5ir!!55EEE?SEr5teT0rrfSrI.' V ' "S "?ylOtLrSS&f-!kL Wi (.T. H. IIUEBN'ER. riiopiiiLToii.) FINE WINES, LIQUORS, BEER and CIGARS. Which are politely scived at the bar. I lpspectfully ask tho old patl'ons of tile FAVORITE and tho public geueially to gho me a call. Snixnii, - - - - - - - Tr.xAs. IS-' SADDLE JSfD HARNESS MAKER. l 'uied tho sole right to sell the celebrated i k in Lavaca and DeWitt counties. He li is t ick of Saddles, Whips, Harness, etc., and Out hrst-class woik, Mr. Kucb. 1 1 patent hum i on, hand i lm turns out r i FR 1 $ JEME ID "VXZ-.KIS., JLataA Rmsf If 82-NEW GOODS AND LOW PRICES.j? He has a full stock of Clocks. Watches. Jewelry and Silver Plated Ware. Also a full stock of Spectacles and Eve-glasses Watches and Clocks repaired with care. Goods and work warranted and honest dealing with all. CITY B gjatiMjw mr vu a "" Messrs, Rudolph WelhaUBcn and L. B. Richter havo purchased tho meit mmket of 0. H. Flato and will supply tho people of Shiner with the best the country aflordB. They intend to satisfy everybody. . hm.NKii, --- - Texas, WBBMARK .SALOON.- . WAOENEB. in LIQUORS, WINES, BEER, AND CIGARS. price was low, let thg article bo what it may. However, I havo never yet seen capitalrgitody for cotton or cattle when they were cheap. It is always far easier to sell either when they are high priced. Is this a US' of tiade? I don't think I can givo an exception to the rule. With cattle it is not so as with tho cotton. A large put chase of cotton ntlmr prices uichttproveAdcadffffip"iISlforfe lnnOjjiiot soawiin sarno.yearliiTKfvyUlj reaso WTTlTS'HSvrjiyAW ratio ol increase onJthoTfimount is very apt to bo gieater at the small JBIOrttDQ easgjlnialzg WfcmiCHlip i'tS.andfrtlio l-. IX" er puce. A cow will yield just tne same incicase ieho costs ifG nr.fS2, Yet why is it that if cntllo are very high everybody ii, wanting to buj ? Now w heio is tho tionbio1? It iH in eoneeiiuence of tho icstricted cir dilating incdium; tho puichaing commodity? Eitlior tho qutnlity or the value of oui money. We here uk ngilns is-it really a tcaielty of money in tno United States (notwithstanding somo c pdrtation of money, months ago)? Is it a fact that it is a' sc.ucity of money in this government? We think not. Wo can not lie con vinced that such is a fact. Wo fiunly believe that there is an in tentional withdiawal nt money from eiiculation, a withdiiiwing of the samo through a motivo and for a purpobo and pill pose is made mora intensely and feelingly man ifest by depressing ceiy branch and form of laboi and hihoiing clatscs of people wiought by and thiough coutiacted and cOnpeia tio capital to enforce legislation in favor of monied monopolies and corporations. It is but one of tho earnest efforts and operations of thu law of "self preservation." What enacted our present taiiff 1 iws? ' What has through its in-tint-nee over our legislative bodies perpetuated thoso enactinmts. What has fostered and fattened the makers of tho"e laws and at the same time lobbed indirectly tho needy of our laud? Just tho same thing money. Money spout for and in the interests of the wealthy few to tlw detriment of many Now for a lemedy. Give Us a remedy. Is it to cOmo through tho freo and unlimited coinage of siher or is it to ooino thiough tho uneqnditional repeal of tho law of the Mth of T.'- 1'9,)? C.'.'. thu uncut V'im- 1 vn..nnl f !. CM I- I'. tvi iii;i ui mu Olieilll 111 JVViLLi liance tlie puce ot silver cither in bullion 'or as coined money ! If so, how ? Will it incieaso the tho amouvit ol money in circulation? Will IheKpcal of this law without any other legislation looking to the establishment of a basis of paiity between the two metals gold and si!cr, furnNh any more money !o ino8 tho prceent crop and last je.irs' two million suiplus. If fo we again ask how. We hold thit thu Bimetallivts have answered questions pertinent to this subject. The arguments of the gold sUnd aid men have failed to satisfy tiio longings i.f a financially hungry people, as viewed by a by-stander. We hold that tho reduction of taiiff will increase markets and demand for our raw materials. That it will deciease tho piice of tho consumer's and our pioducer's supplies. That it will not foster private minufactmers and co operative lings and trusts nor com pel our consuming millions to pay moiefor their manufactuied ne cessities than legitimate trade and barter will allow. It will down anything more than a legitimate .profit through the competition of tree trade. Open up a lull and freo intercom se with all countries which furnish our necessities. Luxuries don't bupport a government. They are not perquisites to our existence nor to tho maintainanee of our government. Givo us a tax on income-'. Against tho assertion that1 it is class legislation we hold tlfatithe arguments of Sir Robert iPcol'liave not been answered. Givo nelbetter manoy and if thero really TSmoi; enough for the demands of ufespeople give us more money, Legislato in favor of all of tho states of the United States as a whole. Do not by unjust legislv tion paruhio the business and in intctcstt of thu whole nortnwest, norstanu invltiiudes, nor confis cate millions of doll us woilh of piopcity. We can't nor won't stand it. Give lib hco trade; un tiaramelcd markets for our law and wo think wo can stiovu tlio old bolt akp'g. Legislate in tuviii ot the people and not in fivnrof money gold money, II needs be, to incieae theciiculiiting medium allow banks to issue to full amount of deposits. Don't see that that can do much haim. The greatest suspicion that attaclus to it is that gold btand.ud men and adiuini h.itionists advocate it. We don't hulievo th it ulief cm come thiough tho of the She i man luv. Nov will we vantuie to sry tint .tb-,olulo fiio and unlimited coinage nf silver w ill relieve the country. Wo can't say alone will inhume the value of silvci but wu do believe that any efijilivu pcimavent legis lative enactment which insuies ilver a money value, and pl'icis it at panty uitli gold at tonio ratio. Wo can not say fixed latin; for this vvi think imposslbl and piobably forovcr and cvciy decado or less time may demand a diireient iatio. Hetein let the em ergency meet tho demand. Will close by quoting from Hon. P.rjan of Nibr.i'ka: "Tho democratic party stands to-day between two conflicting forces. On ono -ido stands the oorpoiiito interests of the United States tho moneyed in terests aggregated wealth and capital, imperious, arrogant", corn passionless. They are able to sub scribe magnificently to campaign f -.i'd. They no able to ems' will their all-powerful influence any who may oppose, and to those whd fawn and Hatter they can bling ea-o and plenty. These demand that the democratic pally shall bo conie tho agent to execute their merciless decrees. On the other sicie stand an unnumbered throng) those who have given the demo caatio. putty a name and for whom it was summoned to speak. Work worn and duBt-bcgrimmcd they make their mute appeals; and tod often find their for help in vaiit against theuutoi wullswhileotheiB les deserving gain leady acccis to legislative halls. This arm), vntt and daily vater growing, plc.ul.t with the detnueraUc paity to be lid champion in this terrible conflict! It can not prcs its claims alnul sounds of ri'vehy; it can not maicll its phalanxes in grand parade. Ho gaudy banners float upon tho bieeie. Its battle hymn is "Homo Sweet Home,' Its war cry 'Equal ity Before the Law.' " Ho inrtlier says; "Will tlie party turn its face to the lisingor settingsun? It ii said Napoleon ordered U retient at the battle of Maiengo, but tho drummer boy replied he did not know any tetreat, and begged ho might bo allowed to beat a chaige. Tho charge was ordered and Maiengo added to the victories of tlie Man of Destiny. The Pres ident was elected upon the foun thrice pledged to tho gold and silver coinage ot the constitution. Nine-tenths of the people of tho United States aiu ready to sustain him in the fight; but in the fa o of the enemy ha has ordered n ntieat. Tlureistime vet to win tlie battle if he will but order n charge.- Will the party stand by tho ' piineiplcs ot Icfl'eison anil Jackson, or will it abandon ils lights to it" name? Will it cIioom! lite or death which i" Gloiioim winds thtse; may they reach tho eye, intellect and hi ait ot eveiy American bubject. HoitvoK. Toulton Institute. Tho rain vnl id but littlo grass and is almost EniToK (tam tk: hail a few dijs ago dii good. Stock i suffering for ivati'i. Gi.ilng land perfectly bare. Mi. Hugh Nolan, formerly it Yoakum, Is visiting his father. Ilu ii on his way to Austin where ho will wmk. Mi. John Ainlm of Moulton buistul his boiler j i-tcrday whiih will give Mr. Hischci all the glu ing lor n while. Thi'.e I viiy little ru'.tou selling now on ni count ut low prices and money innltiix, Mi.. I.F Murphy of Scguin is visiting his luihi r-in-l u, R. T .1. Thoiutoii and brothci .(, L. Miu phy. Mis Lottie Kindled of Waeldi f is visiting Mrs. Dull, Mi-sis Lula Duff and Jennio Coon have returned fioin Yoakum vvhi'iu they have been attending tho nnuii'il. Hey. Killough preached Rundav at the Mithodi'-t church at 11 n'cloik, puiver meeting at 4 ami eliuich eniileieiieo at night. .Mi, Kied Annul joined the church Now Nch was representeil by a good row d. Wo aro glad to sio Mi. Tunnenberger at his plaeo m the choir again. Ho is notsatisfml with tue medicine business, so will stiiko lor higher wages (plckinc: cotton). We hear that George Cooper hits' been asking Dr. Hicks' advtm about vnirr.viiig. 'I he Dr. toM him lio thought it a good idea In consult thu gill's patents first. Mr. W. Ci. I.eaar was strutting aiound to-day with ihe (iAZKirn in his pocket. M. S. .Holmes goes to Weimiu' Thursday on business and will have T. A. Lcazir in ohargi of thu pi st- flicu, n