Newspaper Page Text
(Cfnsst'Si ssssa csasw Eroxa ektv LfscdB8S; Edaa mMm naSaa bese. til'.JVia GlEBJEJffiZD!! VOL, 1. c aA2Bl TiJj, '-" '-'!' i. "",3"" ' "' -''' - SHINER, LAVACA .COUNTY, TEXAS? IUESDIy MORNING, AUG. 31, 1893. NO. 9. A, G. Wangemann 5 DEALKIl l.V fy Goods, Ciothina, Boots, toiaoss, Mats and Caps, Groceries, JlAltDWAP.E, WOOD and WILLOWWAUE.and T yfj mm i 9 na o hq.1 381 El y. Ilo, l 10' in-' hdl In! jVl':iT i'iUVliKVV II0JIE SKWINC MACIIIXE, WALTER A. WOOD MOtt'LVG MACHINES and ItAKKS.JOHX DEERE PLOWS CIJI.TIVATOUS ami STALK CUTTKUS and UAX- XER PLANTERS. Aim Avery Sialic Cutters und Louisville Cotton nml Corn Planter. All kinds of Country Produce bought at highest market prices. Cash Paid for Cotton Seed. us Ls If! ' UuJMUK H4K ELECTIO&RING. piUSAKPASTfoSpii'sfa! D Page prepuiWidteAi ;uvitu'ii9 dtehe'n fraud "'i : ', ... to-sei, teu'.ior liams' Lumber Yard) SlKV' K ffilltt , Il'inljiiarlci'H I'or--- long leaf pine, cypress well curbing-, shingles, sashes, doors and Wind's Geu" (Hidden and Wankogan Wire, Pailing """tW' ire Fence, Iiiiel;. Sawed burr oak and Mountain ( I outs. Aormotor. Dandy, Perkins and Enterprise Wind Mills. V!nJi'' Cylinder Piping and all Plumber's goods. The celebrated kill) usot"' al" 1!"S'ies' Hack?. Surreys and Vehicles of all . fiaTTOWN LOTS IMPRCv'ED and tlNTMinfOVRTI. J atnl,n ,mtl,ni.-..l ,.., f TT n CI.! 1 j t. . ,-, . . i . ncj ; .... .'" "'"" """-' "1,M ue n Antonio A run sua iis and au Tfii1i.n.wl HV..... C!t.. ' iv... il . .i ,.,,., . . . ill the tmvii vt o ' "" "ne vuuipuiy iur uio saio 01 an tncir lots'iK-'f l"yn overytliing that I carry in stock ns cheap .19 tho Fame oiMllti can 1)0 iMMcbt elsewhere, r defy .-ill rnmnotitmi, M !.!, 11- A .n..l r-.ll ' . . ' - ." ................ .... ,w n. ..u..ii, .UUeiier. Sne.akH (,t4i-mnn.feBl.irli,iKn,rlalftl.v.!..v."ttaTU'..?.' 1 .vim tn ...,11 ...i ..... i-iaiiiam.'ir-ciiH'wi.".-iiviiiiau..Minini ,.' uiwi ii.1111 MrTiviiiimi.ini..iiP.r..7iii.i ..!:rT7T:i 1 -rrr Hnr """"" vi.' ji.pwyMw'JrifjM.yuiK. ci sown ere IKLJSB- ! ''Cider, iTiioti f ltWl"? J See our 5, 10 nml 1K5 cent isl?!r)y?i Diu-gnln Counters. fe4SSBmN'afit'ikra ryiui shut! midt tOjtij iifjlh 'goTOIjB ' iintl 0 miimmtof; Tide ronml r o- (J. II. IIUEI3XER. pBoviUBToii.) FINE WINES, LIQUORS, BEER-and CIGARS, Which nro politely served at tho bar. I respectfully ask tho old patrons of the F.VVOltlTE and tho public generally to give me iv call. 8in.Ni:ii, , - - - - - - Texas. n MM "jn 1 '1 u'l, lot ilf 411110 Xkf tfr fitu SADDLE AND HABNESS MAKER. Jtr. Kuesel has secured tho solo riebt to sell tho celebrated jiutent hiimn hook in Lavaca and DeWitt cinntics. Ilo hart on hand a line stock of Saddles, Wl.tpi, Harness, otc, and turns out none but first-class work. D -W-tls I 51 a . H. 5k 9 gZJTNEW GOODS AND LOW PRICES..iDCS He has a full stock of Clocks. Watches. Jowclry and Silver Plated Ware. Also a tall stock ot Spectacles and Jyo-glasses, ana Cloclcs repaired wun care. Lioods anil worK lionest dealing with nil, " Watches warranted and A Kv fffw mrpr BWHOkcrfflv wm '- o&vi.s&cKySJ mm,(lmjj&. Jffia. Jlessrs, Itudolpb Welhausen and L. B. I?ichter lmvo purchased the .liieal market of C, II. Flato and will supply the people of Shiner with tho bebt the country affords. They intend to satisfy everybody. Sur.NEi:, --- - - Texas. w &BISMBK SALOONS M iintH at a, 1 , WAQKNEH. HEAIX1! IN LIQUORS, WINES, BEER, AND CIGARS. ft a i Texas. and at. Mrs, aill was so Krlfav$rii'iU to bo ablo to go into tl nroiiaro a linttm nni Mr. Page, wliiiiS'.ffiii'stedon bis taking alingVUlMpy, ", ' "Tho good .'LordttSS."' Bli said to hiin, 'lKrfl"'Tnallity to you. I could 1lpyjvu&urjiv'n myself if I hadiilJa'iWA'Bti to spend a night Uiid(nrSilf and me not doctor over have an pit m tne siomiicliVJriraiierln'Bnells ur iieliin' in tho IbowplViiy don't fail to como and.Bcf'' , Sparks tookMingjms..;ip.'iVe of tho girls in thflti'Kna'seemed nit rewcatKmaWtaKiiiB his departure ;t JlvSSjJgft i'n'od on acciimpaiiyiiiSSfflfff'Jiol'stlio uuggy ana iKiil'.trii'fpirlsinUt a couple ot hot brick 01 me miggy m'ral taken with a eifilU That young RoiitloT) from head to fopftlfri!! lcnce of the.' nigjiPgei with no siuivll dgreiB that bo saw thof with'niml afidre P&'uqt'tom j. vi.L.,rj 1... l.uuiiiu ue lOVay. rt'eorc aft; 1 ii ixper- , n nifu'it Was iUisfactioii .Te YPPPmn sit: I toinoy and a man that's as popn- lar us you are wouldn't liavo any , trouble to get that ollico and then 1 comes county jndju and after that ' district judge and then you will be I appointed to the court of civil ap peals and from thereto tho court of oriminal appeals and after you've served thero three or four years the President will appoint you associ ate justice of tho supreme court of the United States and then you're fixed for life." "How am I to know that all that is coming to pass?" asked Pago, somewhat dazed by this dazzling forecast. "Why," said Bparks. with a superior air, "I know it just as cer tain as I know that to-morrow's Wednesday. A man with your ability and popularity can't help going right up to tho top no more than a bubble can help rising to tho top of water. Talk about throwing up the canvas, you won't do any thing of tho kind. It would ruin the country." "I'm not going back to Gill's any more, ruin or no nun,' said Page. "I won't bo able to got the taste 01 that bono set tea out of my mouth for a whole year'" nnd picking up tho bottlo Sirs. Gill had thoughtfully placed buggy bo sent it whirling ho fenco into an adjoining lield. iWthcn, drive on," ho said, .-.MM.-, t; y ',,". . , iatejiiicKeaiup.itii0iirein8 ami mWHwhlnlthoyisel; off down dratrstuKrTJlrc) mojsttmi r hnnwi)aftijruocti)rt in a soakjng fajn, at In'iiljijght,' I'm .a oing to quit, t thought IM tell y so you wpu!diU 'bo surprised wliefir I withilrow,''-j1j, "Rasper. you'jojHoking," said bpart, in astbhissmnent. '"Mo, I ain't," HaMj'Pago, ' tp live as Hell as' .anybody don't propose to It'fe mybones oul horo. in-tho couhlrfew'Jiii; picked I like atid I at d over liv.tno buzzards, an'dS;(M'n liutthal's jusiloMiat, what would hoppJri(if thingitkRopVpn-likd they were liist.rilgllt." "WrlyVltasjier, Wou don't know'ro- talking about," said Spa'rks'in a beat, 1 "throw up the canvas? Pshaw, 'you're crazy." 'Well, that's just what I've mado up my mind,' o do," said Pago. "Xn you ai it," said Sparks, rcs-olntely.l-.'JtlWould bo spoiling an associawijnsUco of the supreme couroJfitlunited States right at the gcfbii'ittiid B don't proposo to i'varpX ypn going to help fruay I inquire?" asked imewh'at. nettled. iw 'He yoursi Page, r 'Wl1 low it. turmn. nor and la atartedjoiimo l)',.iustnatnrally won't al- hara how," said Spams, Imanor'se into a fence cor- nzdown the reins, "yoit make this canvas with mjjai?5niw you got to do it. Jl!St4(W?fuie sense of the thing, Raspiimii'dVpu will 6eo how right .LanftWOT, -KaeiieMhow'Jitril while his friend 1 -IMl':XA..tdii U . bimiTin high indignation. regardcj fi'JHci '(to tli inai iriiUYPU- .WriVTamfeina JJaYS8tM!ia'.Qau ii3Sifi! ,.big-lTiatarityia: i",v -w-xytn fuiHi !Vl it v rt am, 1 'i V9VV.M 1SE A . .., tlieh-W SUflfc," Sparks continued Kiiiw of popularity. look last night for ,'de you .1 hundred nd jon'ro going to or 111 1111s eieeiiuu. ted ot oourso by a u servo your term ing attorney and ing is district at- rodoSivl rrr,9Hwfir0tmxT'x iiiuS'KavffiineitreLS an exceed attractive.'!api)carance,- Ihojjiun. sbouo undinuned by any cloud and the whole 'landscape phono bright and fair in the mellow light. "We nuifet try to get to Fair banks by to-morrow eve," said Sparks, "there is to bo a big barbe cue there in honor of Colonel Styles, our candidate for congress and wo mustn't fail to bo thero. We'll take dinner to-day with old man Pick ens providing we can find him at and uences said hamc.'t "Ihopo Mrs. Pickens has forgot ten about that dbg," said Page, "for ifi slip hasn't' ( she's liable to make tfouble." "Leave it to me," sai'd Sparks, "to bring her around. I know all about such things.'' It was: about eleven o'clock w hen they arrived opposite tho Pickens' farm. 'The head rif tho houe was rut in the corn field cutting up fodder and as they drove up to the aid down hh. com knife out to'meet them. ly Sparks, howdy Paw;," fence lief and c.iui "How he said ing dial, glaltr run a ej aie. you (is soon as lie goi in spcan ,Sce of them, "I feel just 11s leo.yoa as though I had lintcr,in.finy foot. What ill doin' down hero 111 this patch ofldes-olation?" ! "O,1 b thought wo might bo lucky oniiufch to find you strung up toa jack! oak 'tree; that's what ought to Jiave been done with you'. ten ycarsjngo, Dill Pickens," sailf Sparks in the bight of good humor, "you know a bigger scoundrel than yon never walked, especially when it combs t j'a liorse trade or buying a piece of land,',' and Sparks slap ped Picke i,qn.tho shoulder, That lortliy-serfte4'to relish tho com pliment hlgh'lyj'j 'It takegja'gpjdono to git around Illlly PiokenLfi a boss trade an' no uiistakwfie said, "I started in frith h lUtjtJiid scrub pony that cost just tfrnWlWs an' I've kep' w- - right on traflin' till now I've got n flno span of horses an' a wagon an' harness." "Everybody knows you're migh ty slick when it romofl to trading, Mr. Pickens," said Sparks, "but tho wonder is that you hav'n't been hung long ago," and Sparks drew down his brows and leered at Mr. Pickens, who laughed immoderate ly and motioning for them to follow he led 'ihe way towards the house, "Who are you going to vote for, for President this fall, Mr, Pickens?" asked Page, "Cleveland or Harri son?" "I'm agoin' to voto fur Seymour an' lilair," said Pickens, "Why it's been moro than twen ty years since they ran for otllce," said Pago in astonishment. "Itdini't maku a bit of difference. " said Pickens, slinking his head, "I've tuck a notion to voto fur Seymour an' Blair an' I'm agoin' to do it, I don't care what the con sequences are." , "I always do things that way," Pickens euptinued, "when I built my house hero i iuck 11 notion to paint ono halt green and tho other , half red. I knowed most every fool that come along would obj'wt to my doin' it. just us though i$ was his property, an' sure enqiigh'orury body that comes here want&ib know what I painttd my bousonliat -wfiy fur as if it war. anybodjrV businesH but my own. Wlffrn' .1 takes a notion to do anythtog.1 does it I donjt keccvrhittihVconsequc: 1iYff nr'ttlial itcitJlc.'" T' - &5riiejtj;ist:'- "Tu- runito. mf(iKQiu'',to .do "just as I jjleasefvir dio.'in the attempt," and opening tho back gate he invited tho tivo young candidates to enter and make themselves at home, "I don't have much to cut but pork an' cabb.ige but sieh us 'Us you're welcome to. so go in an' set down," 'Pork and cabbage is a goi d deal more than wo get at home, Mr. Pickens," said Sparks, "and I told Has pur no would stop here to day and get a good old liis-hioned country dinner." An odor of boiled cabbage per vaded the premises and judging from the scolding and rattling 1 1 pans and dishes ill the kitchen preparations were being made lor dinner. Tho back yard Has tenant ed by innumerable ducki, chickens nnd turkcis. while a half a dozen dogs wcio scitteicd about, and hail ed tho arrival cf tho two candidates with every eviilenco of hostility. Picking up 11 bliek of stovo wood Pickens scattered them with two or three well directed whacks and led the way to tho fiont porch, where towels and tin basins ottered au opportunity for ablutions,- "Now then wash up 1111' git ready fur dinner, boys, an' I'll go in an' see bow tho old woman's gittin' along," and hodKappuaicdindoois. Alter having icfivshed themselves with a good application of soap and cold water they seated themselves on the porch und enjoyed tho cool breeze that was blowing from the Houtbwest. The storm of tho night bjloie had cleared tho air and from where they tat they could See down to tho river more than two miles away. It appeared like a narrow silver thread winding its way down among tho hills to tho eastward. To the west, forests of maple, beech and oak extended as far as the eye could reach, whilo tho cultivated lands lny back of them. Myriads of blackbirds were passing in d' m-o cloud.); they kepi coming and goiiij; in ono continual stream, a sight very common in Kentucky in tb autumn of tho vear, Thoy kept up a continual chattering and swep hy liko one endless, black band. Every now and then a ilock would detach itself from the body aud settlo down in a field. (.To be Continue:.) inai n corn KJ 1I M X "V